
Publisher National newspaper titles Total national market share (based on circulation)[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note43" 43] Other relevant UK media assets include Other international assets include News International (a wholly owned subsidiary of News Corporation plc) The TimesSunThe Sunday TimesNews of the World 35.5%NewsCorp owns 39% of BSkyB[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note44" 44]BSkyB has a 17.9% share in ITV1 (although it has been ordered to reduce its stake to no more than 7.5%).News International owns thelondonpaper (an evening freesheet) NewsCorp has numerous international media assets. Some of the biggest are: Fox News (USA), Star Television (Asia), The New York Post (USA), Dow Jones (USA), The Wall Street Journal (USA), 20th Century Fox Film, Harper Collins Publishers, News Limited (publishers of national and regional newspapers in Australia)[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note45" 45] Daily Mail and General TrustDaily MailThe Mail on Sunday 19.3%Evening StandardMetro (a morning freesheet)London Lite (an evening freesheet)Northcliffe Media (large UK regional newspaper publisher with over 100 UK publications—see table two)15.6% stake in the Press Association[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note46" 46]14.3% of GCap Media plc[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note47" 47] (see table four) DMG Information (an international provider of business information)Euromoney Institutional Investor (a business to business media group which publishes over 100 magazines, newsletters and journals)DMG World Media (an international exhibition and trade publishing company)DMG Radio Australia (holder of 10 radio licences in Australia)[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note48" 48] Trinity MirrorDaily MirrorSunday MirrorThe PeopleDaily RecordSunday Mail 20.3%21.5% stake in the Press Association[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note49" 49]Trinity Mirror's Regional Division is the largest UK regional newspaper publisher (see table two)[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note50" 50]Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd publisher the Daily Record and Sunday Mail, as well as seven other Scottish publications[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note51" 51] —Northern and ShellDaily ExpressDaily StarSunday ExpressDaily Star Sunday 11.9%Northern and Shell publishes the celebrity gossip magazines: OK!, New and StarCable television channels Television X and Express Shopping Channel[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note52" 52] —Telegraph Media GroupThe Daily TelegraphThe Sunday Telegraph 6.1%the SpectatorSpectator Business —Guardian Media GroupThe GuardianThe Observer 3.4%GMG Regional Media (publishers of the Manchester Evening News and a number of other regional newspapers in the North West and South of England)GMG Radio (operator of 13 analogue and 24 digital radio stations)Trader Media Group—jointly owned with Apax Partners (publisher of Auto Trader)EMap Communications—jointly owned with Apax Partners (publisher of various business magazines including Broadcast, Nursing Times, Construction News)[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note53" 53] —Independent News & Media The IndependentThe Independent on Sunday 1.8%The Belfast TelegraphSunday Life (an Irish title)[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note54" 54] Numerous, including: New Zealand Herald, 12 Australian network radio stations, INM South Africa (publisher of various SA newspapers) and Danik Jagran (the most read Hindi language paper in India)[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note55" 55] PearsonFinancial Times 1.8%—an audited business websiteFT business—publisher of UK finance magazines FT Group also runs a pan-European network of national business newspapers and two companies which provide business data and analysis.Pearson Group owns 50% of Economist Newspaper Ltd[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note56" 56]; the Penguin Group publishing business; and Pearson Education, a leading education company.[ HYPERLINK "" \l "note57" 57] Source ................

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