
Fallacies of Argument


• Activation: Reflect on an argument

• Understanding Fallacies of Argument

• Examining Fallacious Examples

• Identifying Fallacies

Looking Ahead:

• Rhetorical Analysis Part I Draft due on Friday 3/6. Please side-shadow in advance for the peer response session.

Fallacies of Argument:

• Error in reasoning (not the same as an error in fact)

• Premises for argument are faulty

• Use of which can destroy trust/connection between writer and audience – why?

• Some sources list up to 50 different fallacies, but we’ll focus on some of the more common ones you’ll encounter and the ones your peers tend to use in their writing.

• The fallacies listed on your handout are divided into 3 categories; emotional, ethical and logical. Pair up with a partner and think of an example for each of the fallacies listed, based on your understanding of the provided definition. We’ll play “Power Chalk” to create a class list of examples.

Examining Fallacious Examples:

1. I figured that you couldn't possibly get it right, so I ignored your comment.

2. The majority of people like soda.  Therefore, soda is good.

3. Oh come on, I've been sick.  That's why I missed the deadline.

4. All welfare recipients are lazy and selfish.

The statements above are examples of fallacious arguments. Which one(s) are emotional fallacies? Ethical? Logical?

Identifying Fallacies:

• The following slogans are from political campaigns. Some are examples of fallacies and some are not. In your groups, identify which slogans are fallacies and then note which type of fallacy.

1. “It’s the economy, stupid.” (sign on the wall at Bill Clinton’s campaign headquarters)

2. “Nixon’s the one.”

3. “Make love, not war.” (anti-war slogan)

4. “No taxation without representation.”

5. “Loose lips sink ships.”

6. “Guns don’t kill, people do.”

7. “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”


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