
Name: ____________Computer Number Systems Practice TestProblem #1Fill in the conversion chart below (25 pts):DecimalHexadecimalBinaryOctalBase 6Base 300000011111122102223311331044100441155101551266110610207711171121881000101222991001111310010A1010121410111B1011131510212C1100142011013D1101152111114E1110162211215F1111172312016101000020241211711100012125122181210010223020019131001123312012014101002432202Problem #2 - Compute the following addition problems (24 pts): 11002 101121011021111000111002+ 1012+ 1112+11002+1111010100121000110010 100010 1011011000101Problem #2 (continued) - Compute the following addition problems: 75416 A4B16 FDE16 1478+56316+2D116+DB716+4618 CB7 D1C1D95 630 7518 2103 4215 2346+5338+1213+4335+52461504110114041202Problem #3 - Convert the following binary numbers to their decimal equivalents (24 pts):12 =11102 = 6110012 = 25100110110102 = 1242Problem #4 - Convert the following base b number to its decimal equivalent:2916 = 413CA16 = 97032578 = 1711234.15 = 69.2Problem #5 – Convert the following binary number to its hexadecimal equivalent (12 pts):10011011001111101101110 = 4D9F6EProblem #6 – Convert the following hexadecimal number to its binary equivalent (8 pts):3B5F = 11101101011111Problem #7 - Convert the following decimal numbers to their base X equivalents (24 pts):9110 =__101101128810 =__13083947110 = _9A2F168410 =_100103Bonus:Convert 999,999,999,99910 to Base 9 ................

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