Bioaccumulation and biomagnification worksheet

Bioaccumulation and biomagnification worksheet


Bioaccumulation and biomagnification worksheet

Bioaccumulation and biomagnification are two different processes that often occur in tandem with one another. Bioaccumulation is the process by which toxins enter the food web by building up in individual organisms, while biomagnification is the process by which toxins are passed from one trophic level to the next (and thereby increase in concentration) within a food web.Photo credit: (man-made) chemicals called Persistent Organic Pollutants, or POPs, are of primary concern when looking at bioaccumulation and biomagnification. These chemicals do not easily break down in the environment and can build up in the fatty tissues of living organisms. Some examples of POPs you may have heard of include DDT (an insecticide that was used extensively post-WWII) and PCBs (flame retardants). Although the production of these chemicals was banned during the 1970s and 1980s, they can still be found in the oceans as well as the tissues of many marine animals because of their ability to (1.) persist in the environment for long periods of time, (2.) move within water, and (3.) dissolve into the fatty tissues of living organisms. For all of these reasons, POPs like DDT and PCBs are especially good at bioaccumulating and biomagnifying.Bioaccumulation occurs at the base of a food web, usually within primary producers like phytoplankton. These microscopic photosynthetic organisms absorb POPs directly from the seawater and accumulate them in their bodies over time. The toxins build up in their tissues because they are absorbed from the water at a rate faster than they can be metabolized.Biomagnification occurs when slightly larger organisms called zooplankton feed upon the contaminated phytoplankton and in turn absorb POPs into their own tissues at a higher concentration. The more contaminated phytoplankton a zooplankton eats, the more pollutants it will have in its body. In other words, the POPs can be passed from producer to consumer (to consumer, to consumer, and so on...) Biomagnification can continue all the way up the food web or chain. Because the amounts of POPs become more and more concentrated at each trophic level, some of the ocean's apex predators are at risk of gaining potentially fatal levels of POPs within their bodies.One large apex predator that is heavily impacted by the bioaccumulation and biomagnification of POPs is the orca. Researchers have found extremely high levels of PCBs within the blubber of Arctic orcas, making them "the most toxic animal in the Arctic." Additionally, scientists in Japan have found that mother orcas are passing these contaminants to their young through their milk, which has high fat content. PCBs are known to cause problems with reproduction, and studies are currently being conducted to see if and how POPs are impacting orcas in other ernments are slowly starting to realize the importance of countering the negative impacts of these pollutants. The production of DDT was banned in the United States in 1972, and more chemicals are being banned each year. In 2004, the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants came into effect and internationally bans the production of PCBs and other harmful chemicals. These bans have proven to be mostly effective, and the environmental levels of many of these toxins have already started to noticeably decrease.Sources: //internationalcooperation/persistent-organic-pollutants-global-issue-global-response // // Tags: Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, Orcas, Phytoplankton Biomagnification The process of a buildup of certain chemical substances or toxins at the higher trophic levels of a food chain is termed as Biomagnification. This is also referred to as biological magnification. The chemical substances include certain toxins, heavy metals, mercury and other harmful products at a higher concentration. As these substances increase and accumulate, it moves up in a food chain. When these contaminated substances are consumed by different levels of organisms in a food chain, it results in severe health hazards.Explore more: BiomagnificationBioaccumulationThe process of accumulating toxic chemicals such as pollutants, pesticides and other toxins directly into the human body either through air, water, food intake, or directly through the skin is termed as Bioaccumulation. As this toxic compound accumulates within the human body, it increases the risk of chronic poisoning and other severe health disorders.Lets us have a look at the differences between Biomagnification and BioaccumulationBiomagnification and Bioaccumulation ? DifferencesBiomagnificationBioaccumulationDefinitionAn increased concentration of a toxic chemical, the higher an animal is on the food chain.Accumulation of a toxic chemical in the tissue of a particular organism.CausesAn increase in the level as one moves higher in the food chain.An increase in the concentration of a substance inside an organismLevel of concentration of pollutantAn increase in the concentration of a pollutant in an organism.An increase in the concentration of pollutants as they move from one trophic level to the next.Food ChainBiomagnification takes place between two given trophic levels.Bioaccumulation takes place or occurs within a given trophic levelExampleThe transfer of pollutants and other absorbed toxins from the microscopic aquatic organisms into the small fish, which are later consumed by the larger fish and other aquatic animals.Buildup or accumulation of mercury in fishes and other aquatic animals.This concludes some basic differences between Biomagnification and Bioaccumulation. Stay tuned with CoolGyan'S Biology for more differences and other Biology related topics.

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