
Evolution – Mechanisms and Evidence Notes

Mutations are random changes in DNA and may lead to a new phenotype. Mutations provide the raw material for evolution – variation. For example, a mutation causing white fur in Arctic foxes may lead to better camouflage in winter.

• ALL evolution is driven by RANDOM MUTATIONS!!

• If that mutation causes you to be better fit to your environment, you will survive and pass that mutation to your offspring…which will let them survive better

• That is evolution!

Individuals don’t evolve; populations do.

__________________________is the development of a _________________________________

• A _____________________________ is defined as a group of organisms that can produce ___________________________________________________

• Speciation occurs when a population is _________________________, usually due to a ___________________________________________, and natural selection _____________ the population so much the two groups could no longer ________________________________.

• Therefore, geographic isolation leads to __________________________________ isolation

Evolution Evidence

Fossil Evidence

• Fossil evidence provides an incomplete record of early life.

• Fossils can include any evidence of life, such as imprints and __________________of organisms.

• This evidence must be interpreted to form an overall picture of how species have changed over time (_________________________).

• Fossils must be ________ to help establish a time frame for the existence of a ____________

• There are two methods of determining the age of fossils.

Relative Dating

• In relative dating the ________________________ of the fossil cannot

be determined, only the ______________ of appearance as compared to

other fossils found in nearby rocks.

• Fossils occur in __________________of sedimentary rock.

• The fossils near the _________ will be ______________________than

fossils in lower layers of rock.

Radioactive Dating

• Radioactive dating gives a more _____________________ age using the

______________________________ of radioactive isotopes in organisms.

Biochemical Evidence

• Biochemical similarities include comparisons of _______ and the resulting _________________ sequences for certain, shared proteins.

• This is considered one of the ___________________________________________ and objective types of evidence used to determine evolutionary relationships.

• In general, the _________________________________________ found between two species, the _____________________ the evolutionary _____________________________.

Anatomical Evidence

• Shared anatomical structures supports some type of

evolutionary relationship.

• Structures with a similar _______________________ are

called _____________________ structures. A similar bone

arrangement, even if the functions are different

supports evolution from a __________________________.

Pesticide Resistance

• Farmers use _____________________________ to eliminate insects.

• In a population of insects, some individuals will possess genetic _________________________ to certain chemicals.

• When the chemicals are applied, the individuals with genetic immunity will _________________ and _____________________, passing this _______________________ to the __________ ___________________________ of offspring.

• Over time, _________ individuals are __________________ this _____________________, rendering the pesticide ________________________

Antibiotic Resistance

• Antibiotics are drugs that fight _________________________________infections.

• Within any population there is genetic _________________________________.

• In the case of antibiotic resistance, some _____________________________ are genetically _______________________________________ to the antibiotic than other bacteria.

• If the amount of antibiotic delivered is too low or the full course not completed, only those ______________________________________________ will ________________.

• The __________________________, resistant bacteria will _________________________.

• With future applications of antibiotics the population is selected to become more and more resistant.

• The ________________________ of ________________________ has led to many ____________________________________ of __________________________________.

Evolution – Practice EOC Questions

1. The similar structure of the forelimbs of humans, whales, and bats is an example of homologous structures. How could such diverse species have been related?

A. They all descended from chimpanzees.

B. They all descended from air-breathing reptiles.

C. The bony structure of these species is coincidental

D. All mammals descended from a common ancestor.

2. Which will scientists most likely use to classify a newly-discovered organism?

A. knowledge of diet B. location where found C. biochemical makeup D. physical characteristics

3. A paleontologist is comparing the fossilized remains of two primates. Both animals had a prehensile tail. What can be concluded from this evidence?

A. They were not related B. they lived on the ground C. they evolved from a common ancestor D. they had bipedal locomotion

4. What is the best evidence of an evolutionary relationship between two organisms?

A. Similarity in behavior B. similarity in DNA C. similarity in habitat D. similarity in niche

5. Species A and B share similarities in DNA sequences. What would this suggest about their evolutionary relationship?

A. Species A developed before species B. B. Species A and B share a recent common ancestor.

C. Species A and B are unrelated. D. Species B developed before Species A.

6. A researcher sprays a new pesticide on thousands of insects of the same species that live in a large field. A few of the insects survive. What can be concluded by the researcher?

A. The species of insects will likely become resistant to the pesticide.

B. The ideal interval between the first and second applications of the pesticide should be increased.

C. The pesticide has no effect on the species

D. The concentration of the pesticide was too weak.

7. During the Industrial Revolution, there were two variations of English Peppered Moths, those with light color and those with dark color. The soot from the factories covered the trees. Data was collected to measure the percentage of each type of moth in the area. It was noted that the percentage of dark-colored moths increased over time, while the percentage of light-colored moths decreased. What is the likely explanation for this change?

A. The presence of a mutation changed the color of the English Peppered Moths.

B. The presence of the dark-colored variation increased the likelihood for survival of the English Peppered Moths.

C. The presence of the light-colored variation increased the likelihood for survival of the English Peppered Moths.

D. The presence of an acquired trait changed the color of the English Peppered Moths.

8. A large population of cockroaches was sprayed with an insecticide. A few of the cockroaches survived and produced a population of cockroaches that was resistant to this spray. What can best be inferred from this example?

A. A species will adapt no matter what the environment.

B. The environment has no effect on the survival of an organism.

C. Insecticides cause mutations that are passed on to the next generation.

D. Individuals with favorable variations survive and reproduce.

9. Which best describes how resistance to antibiotics will aid in the evolution and survival of bacteria?

A. Bacteria resistant to antibiotics will survive, reproduce, and pass on their resistance to the next generation.

B. The presence of the antibiotics reduces competition between the bacteria present, which will allow some bacteria to survive.

C. Resistance to antibiotics allows bacteria to cause a stronger disease-like reaction in an organism.

D. The mutation that causes bacteria to become resistant also causes quicker reproduction with increased survival rates.

10. The use of pesticides on crops has been a common farming practice for decades. What has been the greatest effect of natural selection through the use of pesticides on certain insect populations?

A. Natural selection has been altered because the insects and their predators are killed.

B. The rate of selection is increased because the pesticides do not kill the insects that are naturally resistant to it.

C. The rate of selection has decreased because the pesticides kill only young insects.

D. The pesticides have altered natural selection by causing the insect DNA to spontaneously mutate.





~This fish make his eye grow bigger!

~He was either born with a big eye or a small eye

~It will allow him to find food easier and to see his predators faster – ________________ ________________________

~A ____________________ caused this fish to be born with a bigger eye


~Because he can survive longer than the original fish – he will ___________________________________________ and ________ that big eye ______________________ and ________ that big eye _______________ down to his offspring… over time the fish ___________________ will evolve to have bigger eyes.



● Structures that perform the same function (ex. flying) but are very different anatomically (ex. bird wing vs. butterfly wing) are called ________________ structures. This supports evolution in ____________________ though not from a recent common ancestor. ●_________________________ structures (ex. appendix oror tail bone in human) are no longer _________________ in in that organism, but may represent a link to a previous ancestor.



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