
AP Psychology Calendar Quarter 3PersonalityDatePerformance StandardActivitiesTextbook section + HWBold items will be scoredFri.1/30Evaluate psychodynamic theoriesModule 55 PPGraphic organizer: the psychoanalytic approach (levels of unconscious, psychosexual stages, Freudian slips, development of psychoanalytic perspective)Module 55: Freud's Psychoanalytic perspective: exploring the unconsciousStudy Guide M.55Mon. 2/2Evaluate psychodynamic theories, Discuss biological and situational influences--Quiz 55-56Module 56 PPHandout: defining + applying defense mechanisms to scenariosModule 56: Psychodynamic theories and modern views of the unconsciousStudy Guide M. 56Tues. 2/3Evaluate humanistic theories, Analyze how individualistic and collectivistic cultural perspectives relate to personalityDiscuss self-concept--Quiz correctionsModule 57 PPGraphic organizer: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Rogers’ person-centered perspective, acculturationHandout: self-concept scenarios, interpreting graphs: a cultural view on body imageModule 57: Humanistic theoriesStudy Guide M.57Wed. 2/4Evaluate trait theories, Discuss self-conceptQuiz 57-58Module 58 PPHandout: trait approach 5 factor modelModule 58: Trait TheoriesStudy Guide M. 58Thurs.2/5Discuss biological and situational influencesEvaluate social–cognitive theories--Quiz correctionsModule 59 PPGraphic organizer: the social-cognitive approach (Bandura, Kelly’s personal construct theory, locus of control, learned helplessness)Module 59: Social-Cognitive theories and exploring the selfStudy Guide M. 59Fri. 2/6Practice FRQReviewUnit Review p. 603-605Mon. 2/9AssessmentTesting and Individual DifferenceDatePerformance StandardActivitiesBold Items will be scoredTextbook section + HWBold Items will be scoredTues. 2/10Discuss the history of intelligence testing, including historical use and misuse in the context of fairness, Personality Test ReviewGraphic Organizer: Gardner’s + Sternberg’s theories of intelligenceLecture: history of intelligence testing Wed. 2/11Discuss intelligence as a general factorModule 60 PPGraphic organizer: achievement + aptitude tests, modern intelligence tests, reliability + validitySample Mensa questionsModule 60: Introduction to IntelligenceStudy Guide M.60Thurs. 2/12Identify measures of and data on reliability and validity for intelligence test scores, Identify current methods of assessing human abilities--Quiz 60-61Module 61 PPEmotional Intelligence Scale Module 61: Assessing Intelligence Study Guide M. 61Fri. 2/13Describe the extremes of intelligence, Discuss alternative conceptualizations of intelligence--Quiz correctionsModule 62 PPDiscussion: Bias in intelligence; ethnicity, gender, cultureModule 62: The Dynamics of IntelligenceStudy Guide M. 62Mon. 2/16No schoolTues. 2/17Discuss the influences of biological, cultural, and environmental factors on intelligence, Discuss issues related to the consequences of intelligence testing--Quiz 62-64Module 63-64 PPModule 63: Studying Genetic + Environmental influences on IntelligenceModule 64: Group Difference + the question of biasWed. 2/18--Quiz correctionsReviewPractice FRQUnit review: p.646-648Thurs. 2/19AssessmentAbnormal PsychologyDatePerformance StandardActivitiesBold Items will be scoredTextbook section + HWBold items will be scoredFri. 2/20Define psychologically abnormal behavior, Describe historical and cross-cultural views of abnormalityTesting + Indiv. Dif. Test ReviewDiscussion: What is abnormal behavior?Case Study: Culture-bound syndromesMon. 2/23Describe major models of abnormality, Discuss how stigma relates to abnormal behaviorModule 65 PPDiscussion: defining a psychological disorder, the effects of labelingHandout: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Module 65: Intro to psychological disordersStudy Guide M.65Tues. 2/24Describe symptoms and causes of major categories of psychological disorders (including schizophrenic, mood, anxiety, and personality disorders), Evaluate how different factors influence an individual’s experience of psychological disorders--Quiz 65-66Module 66 PPGraphic organizer: anxiety disorders; causes + symptoms (post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder)Module 66: Anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorderStudy Guide M. 66Wed. 2/25Describe symptoms and causes of major categories of psychological disorders (including schizophrenic, mood, anxiety, and personality disorders), Evaluate how different factors influence an individual’s experience of psychological disorders--Quiz correctionsModule 67 PPGraphic organizer: Mood disorders; causes + symptoms (major depression, dysthymia)Module 67: Mood disordersStudy Guide M. 67Thurs. 2/26Describe symptoms and causes of major categories of psychological disorders (including schizophrenic, mood, anxiety, and personality disorders)--Quiz 67-68Module 68 PPGraphic organizer: schizophrenia; causes + symptoms Module 68: SchizophreniaStudy Guide M. 68Fri. 2/27Describe symptoms and causes of major categories of psychological disorders (including schizophrenic, mood, anxiety, and personality disorders), Evaluate how different factors influence an individual’s experience of psychological disordersEvaluate how different factors influence an individual’s experience of psychological disorders, Discuss the challenges associated with diagnosis--Quiz correctionsModule 69 PPGraphic organizer: dissociative disorders; causes + symptoms (dissociative identity disorder, amnesia, fugue)Graphic organizer: personality disorders; causes + symptoms ( antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder)Module 69: Other disordersStudy Guide M. 69Mon. 3/2Describe symptoms and causes of major categories of psychological disorders (including schizophrenic, mood, anxiety, and personality disorders), Evaluate how different factors influence an individual’s experience of psychological disordersCase Study: A beautiful mindActivity: using case studies teach psychological disordersTues. 3/3ACT Juniors ONLYTreatment of Abnormal BehaviorDatePerformance StandardActivitiesBold Items will be scoredTextbook section + HWBold Items will be scoredWed. 3/4Discuss how stigma relates to abnormal behavior, Discuss the impact of psychological disorders on the individual, family, and societyCase Study: A beautiful mindModule 70: Introduction to therapy, and psychodynamic and humanistic therapiesStudy Guide M. 70Thurs. 3/5Explain how psychological treatments have changed over time and among cultures, Identify treatment providers for psychological disorders and the training required for eachModule 70 PPHandout: attitudes towards seeking professional psychological helpGraphic organizer: The psychoanalytic approach characteristics, methods, free association, Freud, transferenceHandout: evaluating psychoanalysisFri. 3/6Identify psychological treatments, Evaluate the efficacy of treatments for particular disorders--Quiz 70-71Module 71 PPGraphic organizer: Cognitive therapy characteristics, methods, cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, group therapyGraphic organizer: Behavioral therapy characteristics, methods, aversion therapy, token economies, systematic desensitization, exposure therapyModule 71: Behavior, Cognitive, and group therapiesStudy guide M. 71Mon. 3/9Identify psychological treatments, Evaluate the efficacy of treatments for particular disordersQuiz correctionsModule 72 PPGraphic organizer: The humanistic approach characteristics, methods, client-centered therapyActivity: Understanding empathyModule 72: Evaluating psychotherapies + prevention strategiesStudy Guide M. 72Tues. 3/10Identify biomedical treatments, Evaluate the efficacy of treatments for particular disorders--Quiz 72-73Module 73 PPGraphic organizer: Biological therapies characteristics, drug therapies, brain surgery, electroconvulsive therapy, brain stimulation, light therapyModule 73: The biomedical therapiesStudy Guide M. 73Wed. 3/11Identify psychological treatments. Evaluate the efficacy of treatments for particular disorders--Quiz correctionsActivity: strategies to correct one’s thinkingHandout: Evaluating the efficacy of different therapiesThurs. 3/12Identify psychological treatments, Evaluate the efficacy of treatments for particular disordersReview Treatment methodsPractice FRQFri. 3/13Evaluate the efficacy of treatments for particular disorders, Describe appropriate treatments for different age groupsReview Abnormal PsychPractice FRQUnit Review: p. 704-706Mon.3/16AssessmentSocial PsychologyDatePerformance StandardActivitiesTextbook sectionTues.3/17Abnormal Psych + Treatment Assessment ReviewObedience + conformity demoWed. 3/18Describe the relationship between attitudes (implicit and explicit) and behaviorIdentify persuasive methods used to change attitudesModule 74 PPExercise: Social InfluenceModule 74: Attributions, Attitudes, + ActionsStudy Guide M. 74Thurs.3/19Describe effects of others’ presence on individuals’ behavior, Discuss how an individual influences group behaviorModule 75 PP Asch’s Conformity StudyMilgram’s Social norms studyModule 75: Conformity + ObedienceStudy Guide M. 75Fri.3/20Describe how group dynamics influence behaviorModule 76 PP Handout: group behaviorModule 76: Group BehaviorStudy Guide M. 76Mon. 3/23Describe effects of others’ presence on individuals’ behavior, Discuss how an individual influences group behavior--Quiz 74-76Social Psych activity: Cognitive DissonanceLecture: Deviance in the Dark, violating a social normTues. 3/24Discuss the nature and effects of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination--Quiz correctionsModule 77 PPExercise: DeindividuationModule 77: Prejudice + DiscriminationStudy Guide M. 77Wed.3/25Discuss influences upon aggression and conflictModule 78 PPExercise: AggressionModule 78: AggressionStudy Guide M. 78Thurs.3/26Discuss factors influencing attraction and relationshipsModule 79 PPModule 79: AttractionStudy Guide M. 79Fri.3/27Describe determinants of prosocial behavior--Quiz 77-80Module 80 PPThe bystander effectModule 80: Altruism, Conflict, + PeacemakingStudy Guide M. 79Mon.3/30--Quiz correctionsUnit ReviewPractice FRQUnit Review: p. 817-820Tues.3/31AssessmentMotivation, Emotion, and StressDatePerformance StandardActivitiesTextbook sectionWed.4/1Discuss achievement motivationModule 37 PPDiscussion: What motivates you; to come to school? Go to work? Get out of bed in the morning?Module 37: Motivational ConceptsStudy Guide M. 37Thurs.4/2Discuss eating behavior, Explain biologically based theories of motivationModule 38 PPSpring break assignment (see below)Lecture: basic needs; hunger, biologyModule 38: Hunger MotivationStudy Guide M. 38Fri.4/3No school- End of Quarter 3Explain cognitively based theories of motivationSpring break 4/6-10Handout: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Discussion: fear of intimacy, belonging and lifespanCase study: intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivationHandout: leadership styles + motivationGraphic organizer: emotion theories (James Lang, Cannon Bard, Schachter)Mon.4/13Discuss sexual behavior and orientationQuiz M. 37-41Module 39-41 PPModule 39: Sexual MotivationModule 40: Social Motivation, Affiliation NeedsModule 41: Theories and Physiology of EmotionStudy Guide M.39-41Tues. 4/14Explain humanistic theories of motivation, Explain the role of culture in human motivation, Explain how culture and gender influence emotional interpretation and expression--Quiz correctionsActivity: “Can you spot a fake smile?”Module 42: Expressed EmotionStudy Guide M. 42Wed.4/15No schoolReport card pick-upThurs.4/16Module 43-44 PPActivity: Practice stress relieving techniques + assess the best for individual needsActivity: Stress symptoms, stress appraisal measureModule 43: Stress + HealthModule 44: Stress + IllnessStudy Guide M. 43-44Fri.4/17Explain the biological and cognitive components of emotion ReviewPractice FRQUnit Review p. 456-459Mon.4/20AssessmentAP exam review: 4/21-5/1 ................

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