Biology Classification Project

6 Kingdoms Mural

The 6 Kingdoms of Living Things

Date Due: Friday 10/10

Assignment: You will create a 6 square foldable/mural (I will show you how to make the squares fairly even) and draw and explain the characteristics of each kingdom.


1. Take the long sheet of white paper and divide into 6 even sections (fold hotdog style first).

2. Label each square like so:

|Archaebacteria |Eubacteria |Protista |

|Fungi |Plantae |Animalia |

3. Below each label draw 3 examples of each kingdom. Make sure your COLOR THEM TOO.

4. On the BACK of your squares, write down the general characteristics of that kingdom. Include the following: domain, cell type, cell structures, # of cells, mode of nutrition. See PAGE 459. For example:

|-domain: archaea |-prokaryote |eukaryote |

|-prokaryote |-etc. |-etc. |

|-cell walls w/o petidoglycan |-etc. |-etc. |

|-unicellular |-etc. |-etc. |

|-etc. | | |

|eukaryote |eukaryote |eukaryote |

|-etc. |-etc. |-etc. |

|-etc. |-etc. |-etc. |

|-etc. |-etc. |-etc. |

| | | |

5. Turn this in. As long as it looks good and is completed accurately, this WILL boost your grade.

*** I will let you use this on your test; it is to your benefit to do a good job on it! ***


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