Physiological Psychology

Motivation and Emotion

Psychology 356-001


Schedule: MWF; 11:00 -11:50pm TL 1055

Instructor: Dr. Robert Hakan/ TL 3086

Office Hours: Mon and Wed 9:00-10:00am or by appointment

Course Text; “Biopsychology” John Pinel

Class objectives: The course emphasizes the neurobiological perspective in psychology. The first half of the semester will present the basic structural, functional and communicative attributes of the nervous system. Our attention will then turn to the role of the nervous system in basic motivations. We will conclude with a consideration of how the brain is involved in mediating the experience of reward.


ATTEND CLASS; don’t be late, respectfully engage in class discussions. I will take roll on a semi-regular basis. If you have more than two unexcused absences, points will be deducted from your attendance grade.

READ materials before class and answer study guide questions. Text readings are intended to prepare you for lectures that will often go beyond the text. Lectures are posted for your convenience but are not prepared as stand alone notes or to substitute for class attendance and notes!

GRADING: There will be a one midterm exam worth 30% of your grade. and a final comprehensive exam will be worth 30% of your grade. In addition there will be 4 quizzes. The average of your top 3 quiz scores will be worth 30% of your final grade. Attendance (and tardiness) will count 10%.

Lecture topics: readings:


Neural transmission from A-Z Chpt. 4

Gross structure and function of the nervous system chpt. 3

Suggested background reading Chpts 16&18

Brain Damage Chpt. 10

Suggested background reading Chpt 5


Exam 1


Sensory input Chpt. 6

Suggested additional reading Chpt 7

Motor systems Chpt. 8

Emotion and Behavior Chpt 17

Suggested additional readings Chpts 12 &13

Motivation,reward, addiction Chpt.15

Suggested background reading Chpt 17 &18


Final Exam


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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