V.I FERT ADOPTIONTHE ADOPTION PROCESSTo ensure that our ferrets get the very best furever home possible, all potential adopters must go through an adoption process, detailed below:1. The process begins with the completion of an adoption application. Our directors review completed application forms and any initial questions are prepared for step two.2. Step two is an over the phone interview in which concerns are raised and questions about ferret ownership, what you expect from a pet ferret and how much research has been done are asked.3. This is followed by a meeting between the potential adopters and foster family to ensure that the family and ferret are a suitable match.4. The final step in the adoption process is a home visit to ensure that the family is prepared for their new furry arrival. The whole process takes approximately two weeks, and we appreciate your patience. The adoption process may be terminated at any time if the directors feel that they have been misled by the party wishing to adopt or if the directors feel that the ferret's needs will not be adequately met. Filling out an adoption application does not guarantee an adoption. It is possible for homes to be approved only to have the ferret not be suitable for the home; in these situations, the adopter has the right to request to be notified if future ferrets come in that might be a better match. This process is not meant to insult or discriminate, but rather to ensure that the animals in our care find homes that match their needs as perfectly as possible.HEALTH CHECKAll adoptable ferrets have been deemed healthy (and so 'adoptable') by our vet*. We do have some ferrets from time to time that have known health problems but are still looking for a permanent home; these health conditions are disclosed in their bios.*A clean bill of health from the vet simply means that the animal did not display any sign of illness at the time of the visit, and no health concerns were raised by the foster family. It is not meant to guarantee that health conditions such as lymphoma, insulinoma or adrenal disease will not develop in the future. Ferrets with known debilitating, terminal or chronic health conditions are considered not adoptable and placed in permanent foster situations where their long term health requirements can be met.V.I.FERT Adoption Application FormWe strongly encourage all applicants to research ferretownership prior to filling out an application. ***V.I.FERT adopts out to residents of Vancouver Island only. ***Applicant's Name *____________________________________________Home Address *_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________E-mail *______________________________________________________Home phone *_________________________________________________Work or cell phone _____________________________________________Are you over the age of 19? *Yes NoAre you employed? Yes No If Yes, where and for how long?If No, how would you intend to pay for veterinary care? Keep in mind, vet costs add up quickly and to pay $1000 in vet fees is common. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please provide 2 references we may contact by phone who can speak to your ability to care for any ferrets that you adopt.Name________________________________ Phone___________________Name________________________________ Phone___________________Do you rent or own your residence? *Rent Own OtherIf you answered "other", please explain.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Only fill out this section if you do not own your residence.Does your landloard allow pets?Yes NoLandlord's name________________________________________________Landlord's phone number_________________________________________Landlord's email _______________________________________________Please add any additional comments you would like to provide:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Children & HouseholdWho else lives with you (children, significant other, roommates, etc) * _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Is everyone else in your household aware of your plans to have a pet ferret? YesNoN/A(if you live alone, please write N/A) *Do you have children? *Yes NoIf yes, what are their ages? (if none, write N/A) *________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Does anyone in your household suffer from pet related allergies? (pleaseexplain) *__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please add any additional comments you would like to provide:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Other PetsDo you have any other pets? *Yes NoIf yes, please describe them (species, age, temperament, spayed/neutered). Ifnone, fill in N/A. *_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How well do your pets get along with other animals? (if none, fill in N/A) *_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you have pets, please provide the name and contact information of your veterinary clinic. Otherwise, write N/A. *_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Have you ever rehomed or surrendered an animal? If so, please describe thecircumstances: *__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Have you ever had to euthanize an animal? If so, please describe thecircumstances: *_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please add any additional comments you would like to provide:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ferret KnowledgeHave you read Ferrets for Dummies by Kim Shilling?Yes NoHow did you find out about V.I. FERT? *_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why are you interested in adopting a ferret? *_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Have you had this type of animal before? If so, what happened to them? *_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Are you or are you planning on breeding animals? *Yes NoIf yes, please explain._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please describe your "perfect" ferret (e.g. age, color, character etc.) so that we can help you find a good match. *_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Where will you keep the ferret? Be specific. *_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please provide photos or a video of the areas that the ferrets will live in.How many hours per day will the animals be left alone? *_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Who will be responsible for the care and cost of maintaining the ferret(s)? *_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please add any additional comments about the home you would provide for a rescued animal:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Will you agree to a scheduled home visit from a V.I. FERT representative after the adoption is completed?Yes NoIf no, why?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please read before submitting formBy submitting this form, you are asserting that all information on this application is true and accurate and that you understand all the questions being asked. You further understand that any falsified information will lead to the termination of the adoption process. By submitting this form, you are authorizing the disclosure of any records relating to the above information. V.I. FERT reserves the right to refuse any application they deem unsatisfactory. The completion of this application form does not guarantee the right to adopt a ferret from V.I. FERT.Signature __________________________Date ______________I, (print name) _____________________________ agree to return ferrets that I can no longer care for, no matter the reason to V.I. FERT or to the designate that V.I. FERT chooses in the case where there is no V.I. FERT representative near me. Signature __________________________Date ______________ ................

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