
Birmingham City Council?<UKBCC@>?Coronavirus weekly update from Birmingham City CouncilWelcome to the coronavirus weekly update from Birmingham City Council.The update lets you know about Birmingham City Council’s services, public health information, general advice on Covid-19, and other relevant news from the council and our partners so that we can keep you informed. If you have friends and family who are not online, please share the information in this bulletin with them.You can find a full suite of information about Covid-19 on the council’s?website.Local newsHave you heard our new podcast? Listen to the first episode of Let’s Be Together. The council’s leader Cllr Ian Ward and our Director of Public Health Dr Justin Varney discuss coronavirus lockdown in Birmingham. The podcast is available on?Apple?and?Spotify.We know it has been a difficult time for everyone, but please help Birmingham City Council by sharing?how you've been impacted by Covid-19. Complete the survey to help refine Birmingham’s recovery response, proposals, and priorities.Have you been inspired by the everyday heroes of this difficult period to take up a career in social care? You can?find out how to register for the West Midlands Employers Social Care Talent Bank?to be considered for roles in the city and across the region. People with a range of different skills are needed for now and the future.The value and importance of our parks and open spaces has been heightened during the coronavirus pandemic. Birmingham is part of a national?Future Parks Accelerator programme?which is looking to promote and share the value of green spaces across local communities.?A virtual community conversation has been launched, and you are invited to take part.Thousands of households across the city will benefit from further support with Council Tax payments through the?Council Tax Hardship Fund. If you are eligible, you do not need to do anything as it is automatically applied.The council is making significant progress?processing grants for struggling businesses. Thousands of businesses who risk missing out on cash grants are being tracked down by the council as the total number of payments made to date increases to almost ?161.5 million.Grant funding?is available to support businesses who cannot operate as normal in the current circumstances. You don't need to apply, but you do need to make sure we have your most up to date business details.From Monday 1 June,?temporary footway widening?will be introduced along Ladypool Road in Sparkbrook, Birmingham to help with social distancing.As more people in the West Midlands start to return to work, in line with government guidance, here’s some?advice from National Express West Midlands?on staying safe when travelling.Join Birmingham Wildlife Conservation Park for another?'virtual' tour of the park?with the Meerkats and Porcupines, seeing what the other animals are up to and answering any questions!Visiting one of Birmingham's parks or open spaces this weekend? Please continue to observe guidelines on social distancing and remember barbecues and fires are not permitted in our outdoor spaces. You should also follow these?water safety rules.National newsFrom 1 June,?up to six people from different households will be allowed to meet outside, including in gardens and other private outdoor spaces. Those from different households MUST continue to stay two-metres apart.The government has launched?NHS Test and Trace?to reduce the spread of coronavirus. This service is set to help: identify, contain and control the virus; limit the spread of the infection; and save ernment?guidance on coronavirus symptoms has been updated.?You should self-isolate if you develop any of the following symptoms: a new continuous cough; fever; loss/change in your normal sense of smell or taste.The government has updated its?Covid-19 secure guidance?to help certain shops across England reopen safely from June.Do you work outdoors or in construction??Read this guidance?for working safely during coronavirus, including advice on social distancing and cleaning the workplace.The NHS Test and Trace service will be emailing, phoning and texting people who have been in close contact with confirmed coronavirus cases. The team will call from: 0300 013 5000 OR send a text from “NHS”.?Find out more from the NHS.For Coronavirus advice for customers from ABTA (Association of British Travel Agents) on holiday bookings, Refund Credit Notes and more?visit?here.For latest updates and advice on coronavirus, please visit the?government website. ?All the important official advice to help restrict the spread coronavirus and how to deal with any infection can be found on the?NHS website.QUESTIONS? ??Contact UsEngage with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or sign up to email alerts ................

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