PART 1 |חלק 1 | |


|A.1. Read the News Report. |

|א 1. קראו את הקטע. أ 1. إقرؤوا النص |



Etta Richardson is 74 years old. But she still works hard. Mrs. Richardson bakes cakes for “Grandma’s Bakery”. It is her son's shop in Wales. She uses her mother's recipes to make cream cake, vanilla pie and fruitcake.

In 2004, Prince Charles, the son of the Queen of England, was on holiday in Wales. There he ate some of Etta’s fruitcake and he liked it very much.

In April 2005, Prince Charles got married to Camilla Parker Bowles. His mother gave a party after the wedding. Charles wanted Mrs. Richardson’s fruitcake at the party. So Queen Elizabeth ordered 20 special fruitcakes for the party.

|A.2. Answer the questions in English. (20 points) |

|א.2. ענו על השאלות באנגלית. (20 נקודות) |

|أ 2. أجيبوا عن الأسئلة باللغة الإنجليزية ( ۲۰ درجة) |

1. How old is Etta Richardson? (1 point)


2. What does she do? (2 points)


3. List the kinds of cakes you can buy at “Grandma’s Bakery” (6 pts)

a) ________________________________

b) ________________________________

c) ________________________________

4. Whose recipes does Etta use? (3 pts)


5. What special food did Prince Charles eat in Wales in 2004? (2 pts)


6. Who did Prince Charles marry in April 2005? (2 pts)


7. a) What did Queen Elizabeth order for the wedding party? (2 pts)


b) How many did she order? (2 pts)


|B .1. Read the advertisements. |

|ב.1. קראו את המודעות. . ب 1. إقرؤوا الإعلانات |


|Are your cupboards full? | |Help people who lost everything in the earthquake in Turkey. |

| | | |

| | |NEEDED: |

| | |Blankets and Food |

| | |Warm Clothes |

| | | |

| | |Bring them to the |

| | |Hadar Community Center |

| | |on Monday the 15th. |

| | |For more information |

| | |Call 04-894568. |

| | | |

|Do you have clothes, books, dishes or pots you don’t need?| | |

|You can give them to us! We will sell anything in good | | |

|condition. | | |

| | | |

|MAY 5th | | |

|BAZAAR | | |


|Plaza Park | | |

|10:00 – 20:00 | | |

|Each item for only NIS 3.- | | |

|The money will help hungry people. | | |

|For more information call | | |

|04 – 830220. | |Hadar Community Center |

|Tiberias Community Center | |14 President Avenue |

|44 Balfour Road | |Haifa |

|Tiberias | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|B.2. Fill in a suitable word according to the ads. (15 points) |

|ב.2. השלימו בעזרת המילים המתאימות לפי המודעות שלמעלה.( 15 נקודות) |

|ب.2 .أكملوا بواسطة الكلمات الملائمة حسب الإعلانات (١٥ درجة) |

1. Look in your cupboards. Do you have clothes, dishes or pots that you don’t need and are also are in ____________ condition?

2. Bring the things to the community center in Tiberias and we will __________ them at the bazaar. You can also ______________ things that you need! Help hungry people!

3. Each item will cost just NIS ______________ .

4. For information about the Bazaar in Plaza Park call _______________.

5. Bring spare blankets for the people of ____________________ to the Hadar Community Center in Haifa. People in that country lost everything in the ____________ .

6. Bring food and warm clothes to the Hadar center on _____________.

7. The Hadar Center is on _________________________Avenue.

8. Both in Tiberias and in Haifa, people are trying to ____________ others.

|C.1. Read the following dialog and circle the correct answer. |

|ג.1. קראו את הדו-שיח הבא והקיפו בעגול את התשובות הנכונות. |

|ج.1. إقرؤوا الحوار التالي وضعوا دائرة حول الجواب الصحيح. |

|Big Tom |Good evening. How can I help you? |

|Olga |Hi, do you entertain at birthday parties? |

|Big Tom |Yes. Who is the party for? |

|Olga |My son Maxim. He’ll be 10 on April 12th. I want to make the party on Friday, April 15th at 4:00. |

|Big Tom |OK. Where will the party be? |

|Olga |In the park near our house in Ramat Gan. |

|Big Tom |Good. How many guests are you going to invite? |

|Olga |About 25 kids. It’s Maxim’s whole class. |

|Big Tom |OK. I’ll bring two funny clowns who will do tricks and give prizes to all the kids. We can decorate the |

| |park with colorful balloons. You must bring a birthday cake, food and drinks. |

|Olga |How much does a party like that cost? |

|Big Tom |It will cost you NIS 350. |

|Olga |OK. Let’s do it ! |

|C.2. Circle the correct answer. (15 points) |

|ג.2. הקיפו בעגול את התשובה הנכונה. (15 נקודות) |

| |

|ج.2. ضعوا دائرة حول الجواب الصحيح (١٥ درجة) |

1. Who is going to be 10 years old?

➢ Big Tom

➢ Maxim

➢ Olga

2. Where does Olga want to make the party?

➢ at home

➢ at school

➢ in a park

3. When is Olga going to make the party? On_______

➢ April 12th at 4:00

➢ April 15th at 4:00

➢ April 4th at 10:00

4. Who will come to the party?

➢ 25 clowns

➢ 25 classes

➢ 25 children

5. What will Olga bring to the party?

➢ drinks, food and a cake

➢ cold drinks and balloons

➢ balloons and nice prizes

|D. |Read the conversation between Asmara and the Bank Clerk and then fill out the form for Asmara. (10 points) |

|קראו את השיחה בין אסמארה ופקיד הבנק. השלימו את הפרטים של אסמארה בטופס. (10 נקודות) |ד. |

|د إقرؤوا الحوار بين "أسمارة" وموظف البنك. أكملوا تفاصيل "أسمارة" في النموذج. (١۰ درجات) |


|Clerk: |Hello, young man. How can I help you? |

|Asmara: |Good afternoon, I’d like to open a bank account. |

|Clerk: |OK. How old are you? |

|Asmara: |I’m 16. |

|Clerk: |Good, you can have your own bank account. Are you a student? |

|Asmara: |Yes, I go to Alon High School. |

|Clerk: |We need to fill out this form. Tell me your full name, your I.D. number and your address. |

|Asmara: |Asmara Mekonen, 3 Tamar Street, Hadera. My I.D. is 198076054. |

|Clerk: |I need your zip code and phone number too. |

|Asmara |My zip code is 55878 and my phone number is 09-5582233. |

|Clerk: |Do you have a mobile phone? |

|Asmara |Yes, it’s 054-273918. |

|Clerk |OK. Just sign here and here, please. You now have an account! |

|TRUST BANK Student Bank Account |

|Family Name: ______________ (1 pt.) |

|First Name: ______________ (1 pt.) |

|Age: ________ (1 pt.) |

|Address: _____ _____________ _____________ (1 pt) |

|___________________ Zip Code: ___________ (2 pts.) |

|ID Number: _________________________________(1 pt.) |

|Phone Number: ___ ______________ (1 pt.) |

|Mobile Phone Number: ___ ______________ (1 pt.) |

|Name of School: ______________________________________(1 pts) |

|PART 2 : LANGUAGE AND VOCABULARY |ألفصل الثاني: |חלק 2: |

| |تمارين في أللغة والكلمات |תרגילים בלשון |

| | |ואוצר מילים |

|E. Circle the correct answer. (10 points) |

|ה. הקיפו בעגול את התשובה הנכונה. (10 נקודות) |

|هـ. ضعوا دائرة حول الجواب الصحيح (١۰درجات) |

Mr. Elias ( live / lives / living ) in Ramleh with his family. Mr. Elias ( is / has / have ) a wife, two sons, and ( a / an / two ) daughter.

They live in a 3-room apartment with a living room and two bedrooms. This apartment is too small for (they / them / your). So, Mr. and Mrs. Cohen are looking for a new house ( in / on / from ) Ramleh. They really like Ramleh very much!

|F. Circle the correct answer. (15 points) |

|ו. הקיפו בעגול את התשובה הנכונה. ( 15 נקודות) |

|و. ضعوا دائرة حول الجواب الصحيح (١٥ درجة) |

|We get up in the morning and go to bed at _____________. |In Israel, most rain falls in _____. |

|lunch |summer |

|forty |winter |

|night |spring |

|It’s not far from here. You don’t need to take a bus, you can |People like to watch __________ in the evening. |

|go on __________. |the radio |

|foot |television |

|taxi |balloons |

|train |We buy things in _________. |

|Many people keep dogs, cats, or other ___________ at home. |school |

|beds |stores |

|pots |chairs |

|pets |Mr. Smith’s children are pupils. They go to _____________. |

|There are a lot of big trees and nice ____________ in the park.|school |

|dresses |farms |

|planes |office |

|flowers |We read books, magazines, and ________. |

|She is going to wear a white blouse and black ____________ for |chess games |

|the party. |TV movies |

|pans |newspapers |

|pants | |

|pizza | |

|G. |Choose a suitable answer from the box. Then write it next to the question. There are more answers than you need. (15 |

| |points) |

|בחרו בתשובה המתאימה מתוך התשובות שלמטה והעתיקו אותה ליד השאלה. ישנן תשובות מיותרות. (15 נקודות) |ז. |

|ز . إختاروا الجواب الملائم من بين الأجوبة الواردة أدناه وانسخوها بجانب السؤال. (١٥ درجة) توجد إجابات زائدة. |


| |Did you like the movie?_________________________________ |

| |Where do you go shopping? _____________________________ |

| |What’s your favorite color? ______________________________ |

| |What day is the party for Pam?___________________________ |

| |Do you know her name? ________________________________ |

| |How much is that black shirt?____________________________ |

| |What time are you coming home? ________________________ |

| |Can I come with you, Dad?_______________________________ |

| |Why didn’t he come yesterday?___________________________ |

| |How can I get to Central Park?____________________________ |

| أجوبة ANSWERS תשובות |

|Take the number 7 bus. |Next Monday. |

|At six o’clock. |His name is Maxim. |

|I bought the green pants. |Yes, you can come. |

|Yes, it’s a good film. |The big mall in Haifa. |

|I like green best. |It’s NIS 35. |

|Her name is Miriam. |He was sick. |

Good Luck!




Etta Richardson


her fruitcake

Prince Charles and his bride, Camilla Parker Bowles.









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