IDEAS FOR WOMEN’S MINISTRY EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES There are as many ideas for activities as there are different churches. Some of these ideas are suggested to help to bring in younger women at your church. Some are service projects, some are general fellowship events. It is my hope that you will read these and adapt any of them to your situation. Have a spa day!Have a Mexican party (instructions are “Bring anything Mexican”. This could be themed for any country—France, Italy, Ireland, etc.Jubilee Birthday Party—This can be used to raise money for the Jubilee Birthday ladies. At my church, we had a “Ladies Night Out” with decorations using a birthday party theme. Ladies were asked to sit at the table with others who shared their birthday month (a good way to break the ice)! Several circles were assigned to bring a cake decorated with a particular month theme which were used as door prizes. In addition, ladies brought as many pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, or dollars for each year of their age to collect money. Lots of fun!Ladies Night Tea Party—all tables were decorated for a tea party and the finger food and desserts were on the tables. Name tags had tea pot symbols (another way to mix things up) with symbols hung over each table. You sat at the table which had your symbol.In house retreat—we do this with a speaker who speaks Friday night and Saturday morning. A light meal is served for dinner and breakfast.Bonclarken is a great place to have a retreat, whether it is a meeting with a special speaker or leadership training, or sharing and praying in WM..Support a walk to raise money for cancer research.Have a “baby shower” to benefit Crisis Pregnancy Center.Prayer meetings at a lake or outdoor area.Our circles provide candy for Easter Egg Hunts and Trunk or Treat events.Collect shoes for the homeless—there is a special need if there has been a lot of ice or snow, since they walk everywhere and shoes wear out faster when wet!Our local shelter provides lunch, donated clothes, a place to shower and wash clothes, and a warm place to stay during the day. They are always in need of coffee, sugar, laundry detergent, etc.Many circles have Pastor Appreciation Month where gift cards, homemade goodies, etc. are given to the pastor. We also do Pastor’s Wife Appreciation Month.We have partnered with a local Boys and Girls Club where we do a Bible School in the summer, feed a supper meal every fifth Monday and have a Trunk or Treat event for the kids there in October.One year, we had a fashion show using a boy and girl who modeled clothes reminiscent of various decades. For example, poodle skirt, saddle oxfords, ponytail with scarf for a 50’s girl, t-shirt and jeans for the 50’s boy.Valentines banquets or spaghetti suppers for fund raisers (one of these had the youth as waiters to raise money for their mission trip. Other events have included casseroles and desserts sold around Thanksgiving.We have tried to be creative with our presentations for Life Membership awards. We have done a “This is Your Life”, skits, and a game show format to give facts about the recipient.Christmas time is a great time for Women’s Ministries. We now have a Community Christmas Store for area families and their children. They apply and provide us with the children’s sizes. We shop and have a variety of clothes for the parent to shop for the items for their child. Many of our women help with the shopping, set up, and running the store as well as financially supporting it. Each family also gets a food box as they leave. While the parents are shopping, the children are downstairs at a Birthday Party for Jesus.Ideas from Vicki Marsh, Tracy Smith, and Margie Persons ................

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