Dear Parents, - Little Angels Learning Academy

Dear Little Angels Learning Academy Families:

Welcome to Little Angels Learning Academy! We are honored that you have chosen our “prestigious program of excellence with storybook beginnings” for your child to learn, grow, and develop. You will not find a more positive, capable, caring, nurturing, and very well educated early childhood educator team for your child in a finer state-of-the-art facility. Little Angels Learning Academy offers the latest in educational supplies, equipment, and technology that enhances and supports the Academy's hands-on curriculum learning activities and program.

My family started Little Angels Learning Academy and its parenting company, The Education Institute, Inc., to provide the highest quality educational programs and services for our own children, with others in mind who wanted the same for their own children. The program was developed using my own education and experience in academics as a teacher, administrator, and special educator, from the standpoint of a mother of two very special “angels.”

We, at Little Angels Learning Academy, believe that every child is a miracle of life. Because the early years of a child are the most critical period of growth and learning, we provide loving guidance in a positive home-like learning environment where all children feel comfortable to discover, learn, explore, communicate, and be creative as they meet their individual goals. The Academy team members help to develop the whole child: physical, emotional, social, and intellectual through the natural means of play. Our creative hands-on play opportunities are based upon the latest research of the young child that provides for variations of the environment with a wide variety of high quality equipment/materials and activities that appeal to the child’s imagination. We utilize the Project Construct and High Scope curricular from the constructivist theory process of learning and retaining knowledge, where as educators we are facilitators of a supportive learning environment. Project Construct and High Scope are aligned with the Show-Me Standards as set forth by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for all children to attain. They are also used in many primary school programs, therefore easing the transition from our private Academy to the public school setting. Our curriculum philosophy and Little Angels Learning Academy beliefs and goals help to build a solid foundation for future academic growth and life-long learning endeavors for every child in our care.

One of our primary goals is to create a learning community that involves a relationship between your family and the Academy Team members for the benefit of your child. Research has shown over and over again that involved families help children be more successful. Various family programs are offered by the Academy throughout the year. We are hopeful that you will take advantage of these.

I encourage you to carefully review our policies and procedures contained within this handbook. The Parent Handbook may not cover every circumstance that may arise. At times, certain polices, procedures, and/or activities may be updated, revised, or changed as necessitated when working with young children. Any permanent changes in policies, activities, and/or procedures will be communicated to parents/guardians in writing, with available copies at the center and posted on LALA’s Website. Certain outlined activities, reports, etc., may change slightly at times due to the time and attention of caring and teaching young children on a daily basis – for instance, taking advantage of teachable moments negates the posted daily lesson plan, care of a child, or a major accident occurs and Daily Activity Reports are not completed a particular day. These types of temporary changes do not constitute, null or void, the existing financial contract or our desired prestigious early childhood program.

We hope that you will find that as your child and family participate in Academy programs, we exceed your expectations for quality and excellence. I look forward to getting to know your child and family. Thank you for choosing Little Angels Learning Academy and being a part of our LALA family as we “make special memories in our children’s lives!”

Educationally yours,

Dr. Ruth Ann Wood-Humiston

Founder/CEO/Lead Educator

“Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old,

he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Little Angels Learning Academy is a locally owned corporation and is not supported by a religious entity, however, Christian values and principles are expressed and followed. Respect is made to other religious denominations and beliefs.

Little Angels Learning Academy does not discriminate as applicable by law and including: religion, national origin, family situation, special needs (by law, and others if able to effectively and safely accommodate for need in the LALA program), sexual preference, gender, race, age (varies depending upon program license).

Philosophy and Goals

We believe:

• The young years of a child's life are the most important developmentally.

• That quality, early childhood care and education boosts learning and social skills when children enter school.

• Child's play is his/her work and that it is through play that a child learns.

• Learning takes place at different times of the day and in different settings.

• Each child is special and unique. We celebrate differences and each child's strengths.

• Children are our future.

Our primary goals and objectives for each child include:

• To feel safe, accepted, and loved at the Academy.

• To enjoy the Academy's learning programs and activities.

• To learn how to share and play/work with others.

• To gain self-confidence.

• To have opportunities to develop independence.

• To build and maintain positive self-worth.

• To have opportunities to learn and practice making wise choices.

• To help develop a sense of values and respect for self, others, and things.

• To regularly acquire new information and use curiosity productively to extend interests.

• To express himself or herself positively through different means.

• To provide an enriching environment and education programs that help to develop the whole child in all areas of growth, development, and learning.

• To have successful learning experiences that will build a solid foundation for future academic experiences and life-long pursuits.

Table of Contents


Beliefs . . . . . . . iii

Primary Goals and Objectives for Each Child . . . iii

COMMUNICATION PLAN . . . . . . . 1

Materials Accessible to Families . . . . . 2

Negotiating Difficulties and Differences . . . . 2


HEALTH and WELLNESS . . . . . . . 5

General Health Policy and Procedures . . . . 5

Appropriate Clothing Policy . . . . . . 5

Injury/Accident Step-by-Step Procedures . . . 6

Immunizations and Health Records . . . . 6

Medication Authorization and Administration . . . 7

Safe Sleep Practices for Infants . . . . . 8

Sick and Communicable Disease Policy . . . . 9

ITEMS FROM HOME . . . . . . . 11

Infants . . . . . . . . . 11

Toddlers . . . . . . . . . 11

Preschoolers . . . . . . . . 12

School-age . . . . . . . . 12

OUR DAY . . . . . . . . . 13

Hours of Operation . . . . . . . 13

Regular Operating Hours . . . . . 13

Special Arranged Operating Hours . . . 14

Holiday Closures . . . . . 14

Inclement Weather Closure Policy. . . . 15

Alternative Care . . . . . 15

Attendance, Daily Check-in/Out Procedures . . . 16

Pick-up/Release Policy . . . . . 13

Calendar . . . . . . . . 17

Curriculum . . . . . . . . 18

Activity Schedule Example . . . . . 21

Assessment . . . . . . . 25

Community Outreach . . . . . 25

Extra-curricular Activities . . . . . 25

Field Trips . . . . . . . 26

Identifying Children with Special Needs . . . 27 Oral and Written Communication . . . . 28

Transition Plan . . . . . . 29

Discipline . . . . . . . . 30

Meals and Snacks . . . . . . . 31

Parties & Celebrations. . . . . . . 33

Potty Training . . . . . . . 34

Rest Time . . . . . . . . 34

Separation Routine . . . . . . . 35

Working with Therapists and Others . . . . 30



Initial Interest in LALA Program . . . . . 37

Application/Enrollment Packet and Application Fee . . 38

Admission into LALA and Family Enrollment Fee . . . 39

Orientation Steps . . . . . . . 39

Transition into Classroom . . . . . . 40

De-enrollment of Child or Change in Program . . . 41

Waiting List and Fee Policies . . . . . 42

Alumni Activities . . . . . . . 43


Parent Advisory Committee . . . . . . 44



SAFETY AND SECURITY . . . . . . . 47

LALA Abuse and Neglect Policies – Mandated Reporter . . 48

Animals Policy . . . . . . . . 52

Classroom General Safety Rules . . . . . 52

Playground General Safety Rules . . . . . 52

Plant Policy . . . . . . . . 53

Recall Notification . . . . . . . 53

Outside Playtime Weather Chart Guidelines . . . 53


Late Payment and Insufficient Funds Charge . . . 56

Late Pick-up Charge w/ Regular Attendance Schedule . . 57

Other Fees and Charges . . . . . . 57

Vacation Policy . . . . . . . 58





Communication is very important between your family and Little Angels Learning Academy (LALA) for a positive transition from your home to the LALA’s facility. It is also very important to maintain open and available communication with you. Please feel free to speak with your child’s teacher to request more information about your child’s day, etc. Any changes in contact information MUST be shared with LALA teachers and administrators IMMEDIATELY. A Change of Information” form is available by the front security door lockbox. It is also necessary to respond to notes and requests immediately to keep required information updated. These may be found in your child’s Sign In and Out folder located in the classroom.

Our Academy communication plan includes the following:

• Parent/Guardian Bulletin Board with Pertinent Information (located by secure door in the foyer of the building)

• Daily Activity Reports for All Children

• Incident Reports

• Monthly Classroom Newsletters and Calendars that Include Special Events and Activities

• Center Newsletters

• Weekly Keepsake Journal Entries

• Parent/Teacher Conferences

• Progress Reports of Your Child's Development

• Partnering with Academy Team in working to make toileting, feeding, dressing, hand washing, and the development of other independent skills a positive experience for children.

• Opportunities for Curriculum Planning and Individual Child’s Goals/Objectives Input on a Daily Basis, and at least 2 X a year on a more formal basis during Parent-Teacher Conferences

• Open Door Policy for you to enjoy a meal or learning event with your child

• Open Houses and Special Events

• Secure Internet Viewing Cam

• Meal Calendars

• Direct phone contact with teachers during the day (Please only do this sparingly and on an at-need basis so teachers may focus their time and energies on caring and educating your child). Please do not ask to speak to child during the day unless absolutely necessary; many times this will upset the child.

• Parent Handbook with LALA Policies and Procedures *

*The Parent Handbook policies and procedures may be revised as necessary. A new parental agreement form will not be necessary as the parent/guardian agrees to the policies and procedures of the business of care of children at LALA as applicable and within good cause.

Please be respectful of team member family time away from the Academy program. Unless there is an emergency, parents/guardians are requested to please contact a particular team member only during normal business hours Monday – Friday at the Academy.

Materials Accessible to LALA Parents/Guardians

Little Angels Learning Academy families have access to several materials. Each child’s enrollment and developmental information is confidential except to those teachers who work directly with a child and LALA administration, and of course, to the child’s parents/guardians. The accessible materials for parents/guardians include:

Staff Background Checks (available from the LALA director)

Department of Health Child Care Licensing Regulations

(Located in the Parent Resource Library)

Child’s Enrollment File (This file will be destroyed a year after the child has

been de-enrolled from the LALA program.)

Children’s Behavioral Plans and Behavior Reports

Child’s Accident/Incident Reports

Child’s Developmental History

Lesson Plans (Found on the classroom Parent Board)

Menus (Found on the center classroom parent board and on the LALA Website)

Curriculum and Related Activities

Completed Accreditation Materials as Submitted and Applicable

Recent Inspection Reports (Found on the front foyer parent board)

State Licensing Compliance and Inspection Reports (May be reviewed by contacting

the Dept. of Health licensing supervisor named on LALA’s license by the front foyer Parent Information Board or by requesting these from the LALA director)

Illness Information (Found on the front foyer parent board)

Sick Policy (Found in this Parent Handbook)

Information from above that is the property of LALA may be provided upon written request from the center director if not easily accessible already in the designated place as noted. The LALA administration will meet with the requested family member to review the requested information as soon as possible, or at least within 2 business day/48 hours from the time of the request.

Negotiating Differences and Difficulties

It is the policy of Little Angels Learning Academy to work with families to provide excellent and quality care of your child everyday. At times, however, there may be a difference in philosophy or difficulties that arise that need to be negotiated and resolved in a professional manner. The procedure to resolve differences and difficulties is as follows:

1. Schedule an appointment with the teacher to discuss the difference or difficulty during normal working hours, and at a time the teacher is not directly responsible with caring for children.

2. At the meeting, communication should be positive and non-threatening and focus on the child and his/her care and resolving the issue.

3. Parents/guardian and teacher should make available any documentation to support the problem or concern.

4. Parents/guardians and teacher should make available any suggestions to resolve the difference or difficulty.

5. Both sides should be willing to listen to both sides of the difference or difficulty, and develop a suitable plan-of-action.

6. If steps 1-5 do not produce a suitable resolution, either side should contact the director for mediation of the difficulty or difference.

7. If steps 1-6 do not produce a suitable resolution, either party may contact the CEO for mediation and to resolve the difficulty or difference.

8. All meeting proceedings are to be documented and placed in the child’s file for future reference.

At times, the director or CEO may intervene at any step to resolve the difficulty or difference, however, the first step should be solving the difference or difficulty directly with your child’s teacher unless the difficulty or difference is with the director or CEO.

As a parent, it is very important that if you do not feel that you are getting what you feel you were promised, expected, etc., that you notify your child’s teacher immediately first, if applicable, and/or the director, if applicable, to resolve the issue(s). It could be a very simple miscommunication problem. Please also be aware that during the day, many issues arise with caring for and teaching of young children. Some reports, activities, lesson plans, etc., may not be completed as per our high quality standards and expectations because of our first responsibility of taking care of the needs of all of our children. These situations and occurrences do not constitute a breech of contract.

In case of an emergency, contact the teacher, director, or CEO immediately and at any time for information to assist with the care of your child.


The safety and security of our little angels and Academy team are a top priority for Little Angels Learning Academy. LALA team members have been trained in what to do in case of an emergency, including practicing tornado and fire drills with children monthly, and all staff required to be certified in First Aid and CPR.

To plan ahead for times of emergency and natural disasters, we have worked cooperatively with the Greene County Health Department to prepare Classroom Emergency Kits.

We need your cooperation in providing the following items for your child for this kit:

• Extra change of clothes, including socks and underwear (and shoes if you have an old pair – or want to purchase a new, cheaper pair)

• 1 Small Bottle (if infant)

• 4 Diapers (if infant)

• Small pkg. of wipes

• 1 Pacifier/Binkie (if applicable)

• 1 Small Receiving Blanket – or really thin blanket to fit into bag (include for ALL children)

• 1 Comfort Item

• Small Game or Book or Activity (paper, crayons, etc.) or Activity Book (small coloring book)

• Extra Medicine (if required)

• Other Item as Deemed Necessary

Please provide these items in a Ziplock gallon-sized plastic bag. Please mark ALL items with your child’s name. Turn the bag into your child’s classroom teacher.

We will provide other items in the Classroom Emergency Kit such as a First Aid kit, snack food, water, a tent for a shelter if we cannot be in our building, for all children to use during the time until emergency personnel can reach us.

If necessary, our population will evacuate to the Battlefield First Baptist Church in the case that our facility is destroyed, and/or we cannot stay in our building. You will find our little angels population either at our facility or at the church in a case of disaster.

We live in a relatively small area where key agencies in the area know and have toured our facility and made a plan in case there is an emergency.

In case there is a need, we will list the location of persons in our care on the American Red Cross Greater Ozarks Chapter – “Safe and Well” listing. Concerned family and friends can search the list to determine if a person is safe and well.


(General Health Policy and Procedures, Appropriate Clothing, Sick and Communicable Disease Policy, Injury/Accident Step-by-Step Procedures, Immunizations and Health Records, Medication Administration,

Safe Sleep Practices for Infants)

General Health Policy and Procedures

Little Angels Learning Academy strives to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment. At LALA, we also foster a balanced program of nutrition, stimulating environment, rest, and gross motor activity that facilitates good health. We encourage the same balance in your home. Team members and all children beginning in infancy, are trained in proper hand washing techniques and sanitation, including coughing and sneezing into arm instead of covering mouth with hand. LALA team members are also trained in sanitation methods, sanitizing supplies, table tops, chairs, and other equipment are disinfected to help eliminate transmitting disease. Team members and children are required to wear appropriately laundered clothes.

It is suggested that all family members wash hands regularly, especially upon arriving at home or LALA from a work environment or large group gathering to help eliminate the spread of viruses, etc.

Little Angels Learning Academy is a NO SMOKING facility and campus. We are models to our children and want to provide them with a tobacco-free environment. Please avoid smoking or using tobacco anytime while on our LALA campus. Please properly dispose of your cigarette butts and tobacco products in your own vehicle and not on the LALA parking lot or entrance.

Appropriate Clothing

Children are encouraged to dress appropriately for the weather and Academy activities. Children are encouraged to go outside in both warm and cold weather. It is important that parents/guardians provide appropriate clothing for rainy days, and winter coat, hat, and mittens for cold, snowy days.

Children may get dirty or wet as they play, explore, observe, and participate in their environment, so an extra change of clothing to be left at school is necessary. Please avoid sending your child to school in his/her Sunday-best clothes.

Once children begin walking, they should either wear shoes or bring a pair with them everyday. If shoes are found to be inappropriate for play on the LALA equipment, your child will not be allowed to play on that particular equipment, i.e., Barbie dress-up costume sandals, flip-flop sandals. Tennis shoes are the recommended play shoes for LALA.

When it is sunny outside, it is encouraged that parents/guardians provide sunscreen and hats for their children to protect from the harmful rays of the sun. We ask that you complete a Medication Authorization form for the application of sunscreen.

Immunizations and Health Records

On the first day of attendance, a child’s current immunization record must be on file at Little Angels Learning Academy. Within 30 days of your child's enrollment and first day of attendance, we must have on file a copy of your child's complete medical form completed by your child's physician. All immunizations must be kept up-to-date to continue enrollment; when immunizations are given to your child, please provide a revised immunization record to LALA’s director. Academy children must also have the Chicken Pox vaccination to attend.

The Dept of Health requires LALA to have on file the lead testing results for each child. You may acquire this from your child’s pediatrician and forward to LALA.

At the end of this handbook, parents/guardians will find an immunization guideline table. Any questions about immunizations must be directed to your child’s physician and communicated to the LALA director. Immunizations will be tracked using our ProCare child care softer, and it will notify parents/guardians when an immunization is due. At other times, the LALA administration will also notify parents/guardians when immunizations are past due; the parent/guardian is responsible for notifying the LALA administration when these are taken care of and/or plan-of-action.

Injury/Accident Step-by-Step Procedures

Little Angels Learning Academy takes pride in providing a safe and secure learning environment. This includes closely supervising children at all times; instructing children on safety; all team members trained in first aid and CPR; daily inspections of the indoor facility and outdoor play garden; approved early childhood learning equipment and supplies; as well as random state child care licensing, sanitation, and fire marshal inspections. It is also the responsibility of each and every parent/guardian to notify LALA officials immediately if there is a hazard present, as well as not leave your child in an unsafe environment/situation.

It is general knowledge that children will get accidental bruising, scratches, etc., as they play throughout the day – not all of these minor cases may be reported to the parent through an incident report and phone call and/or observed by a LALA teacher before the child leaves for the day. At times, however, a major injury or accident occurs. In care of an injury or accident, the following step-by-step procedures will be followed:

1. The child’s injury/accident will be assessed immediately by a CPR/First Aid trained Little Angels Learning Academy team member.

2. The appropriate first aid action will take place.

3. 9-1-1 will be called and emergency personnel contacted if a child needs immediate medical attention. (In case of transportation by a medical unit, a team member from Little Angels Learning Academy will accompany the child if allowed by medical personnel – if not, a team member will follow the ambulance. The child will ONLY be transported for a medical emergency by ambulance or his/her own parent/guardian/emergency contact automobile).

4. Upon taking care of the child’s injury or accident, the parent/guardian will be contacted, no matter how minor the injury or accident, per Dept. of Health and Senior Services and Little Angels Learning Academy policy and procedure. This step cannot and will not be waived per parental request.

5. Written documentation will detail the injury/accident and placed in the child’s file upon the parent/guardian’s signature. A copy of the written documentation is provided to the parent/guardian once all signatures have been received.

6. A photograph of the injury may be taken and placed with the written documentation in the child’s file.

7. Depending upon the extent of the injury or accident, the parent/guardian may need to provide physician’s instructions upon returning the child to the care of Little Angels Learning Academy.

For emergency reasons, you must provide LALA with updated contact and job information changes on your child’s enrollment forms so that you can be reached in case of an accident. Change forms can be found at the security lock box inside the security door.

Parents/guardians knowingly acknowledge through signing of the required LALA contract and liability addendum that children will have accidents and incidents from time-to-time, with some that may require medical attention. It is the responsibility of the child’s family to have adequate medical insurance to cover any injuries that may happen to his/her child that may occur at LALA or a sponsored activity. LALA will not be held financially responsible for these incidents or accidents.

Medication Administration and Authorization

If your child requires medication during regular childcare hours, please keep medicine in its original container with the child’s name and proper dosage prescribed by the doctor, and complete a Medication Authorization form. A Medication Authorization form MUST be signed and completed in full WHEN any new/refilled medication is brought to the Academy to be administered, specifically noting the date and amount of medication brought to the Academy. NO MEDICATIONS WILL BE ADMINISTERED UNLESS PROPER AUTHORIZATION IS GIVEN BY THE PARENT/GUARDIAN AND/OR DOCTOR IN WRITING, AND THE MEDICATION IS IN THE PROPER CONTAINER WITH CHILD’S NAME, AS APPLICABLE. Parents/guardians MUST place in writing the EXACT dosage and time allotments for child for the Academy team to administer. LALA will NOT administer any different dosage than what is defined on the bottle per manufacturer or a physician AND with written instructions.

During the day if over the counter medication needs to be given and prior directions for the day were not received, the Academy team will contact the parent/guardian prior to the administration, to gain approval in writing that may either be sent by fax (417-886-3350) or by e-mail (rawoodhumiston@ and rawoodhumiston@), or the parent/guardian may be required to come to the Academy and administer the medication in person. Again, we CANNOT give more dosage of medication to a child other than when authorized from a medical physician.

Any medication given at home prior to bringing child to the Academy MUST be communicated to the Academy team when child is dropped off for the day. Children taking antibiotics must be on them for at least 24 hours before they can return to the Academy, unless a doctor's note is submitted indicating that the child is no longer contagious.

All medications should be administered to the child at home if at all possible. If medication is only to be administered once a day, or a couple of times a day, we request that you administer this medication at home.

It is necessary that we know about any allergies or special needs of your child.

LALA refuses the right to administer any medication when we feel uncomfortable with administration directions, etc. The parent/guardian then will be responsible for administering the medication in person.

Safe Sleep Policy for Infants

LALA is committed to safe sleeping practices for infants in our care. Key points of LALA’s policy and practice include:

✓ We use firm mattresses in our cribs.

✓ We follow the “Back to Sleep” method for infants to sleep. If an infant needs to sleep on his/her tummy, we must have a physician’s note.

✓ Instead of blankets, we ask that parents/guardians of infants provide a sleep bag instead. We are a blanket-free crib facility. Bumpers are not allowed in our cribs.

✓ At LALA, we do not practice “swaddling” for infants.

✓ Smoking on campus and bed sharing by other infants are not practiced at LALA.

✓ Infants should be kept cool throughout the day, especially during sleeping, so please do not dress your infant in lots of heavy clothing for the day, but dress him/her in layers if it is cold outside.

✓ Infants are monitored closely and checked on while sleeping.

✓ LALA Team Members receive training in safe sleep practices.

Sick and Communicable Disease Policy

Little Angels Learning Academy has a responsibility to ensure the health and safety of all children enrolled. Teachers will conduct an informal Health Check when children arrive for the day. It is necessary that parents/guardians share with the teacher any sickness, medications administered that day, and/or concerns at that time.

We ask that parents/guardians please be considerate and keep your child at home if he/she exhibits any of the symptoms described as follows:

1. Fever. Any temperature 100 degrees and over (99 + degrees under arm; 101 + degrees rectally; 100 + degrees by mouth) Child must be fever free, without any fever reducing medications, for a minimum of 24 hours.

2. Diarrhea. One or more abnormally loose stools.

3. Severe Coughing. Coughing is considered severe if a child gets red or blue in the face and makes a croup or whooping sound when coughing.

4. Vomiting.

5. Sore throat or trouble swallowing.

6. Earache and/or ear discharge.

7. Severe itching of body or scalp, or signs of lice or scabies. Our center has a "no nit" policy. Nits are the nest eggs of lice. We require that your child have no nits in his/her hair or scalp.

8. Pinkeye. Pink eye's accompanied by thick yellow discharge. May affect one or both eyes. This includes a discharge that may be thick.

9. An infected skin patch. May appear oozing, crusty, bright yellow, or "gummy." May indicate impetigo or other skin disease.

10. Unusual spots or rashes.

11. A severe headache.

If any of these symptoms or illness should occur while your child is at the Academy, we will contact you immediately. If you cannot be reached, we will call your emergency contact person on your child's enrollment form. We require a sick child to be picked up no later than 30 minutes from the time of contact. It is very important that you provide LALA with your most recent contact information (even if it will change for only a day).

Your sick child will be separated from the other children in a safe and quiet place where he/she may rest until you arrive if needed, and this may include the front office area with the director or person-in-charge – especially if your child is suspected of having a contagious illness, fever, and/or vomiting.

Your child may return to the Academy program after he/she is symptom-free for at least 24 hours – without the administering of fever-reducing medication.

Keeping your child home not only protects the other children and Little Angels Learning Academy Team members, but gives your child another day to get well in his/her comfortable home environment.

The Academy administration reserves the right to not allow a child to attend the Academy program for a period of time due to sickness, even with a doctor’s note indicating that it is fine to allow continued attendance.

Please provide a written doctor’s note ASAP regarding any communicable and contagious disease, especially if the child was sent home from LALA due to this sickness. We will post the information for others on our foyer parent board so that other parents may monitor their own children, keeping the name of the child confidential. This is required as per the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services child care guidelines.

From time-to-time, children will get ill even with all of the sanitation and health conscious efforts we provide at LALA in combination with what you do at home – it is a fact of life! Just because a child gets ill while at LALA does not mean he/she actually gets this illness while in attendance at LALA.

It is very important that your family has an emergency back up plan to implement when your child is ill and may not come to LALA. This can be a very stressful time for your family if a plan is not already in place.


Please place clothing items and medication(s) in a Ziplock bag and mark with child’s name. All items MUST have child’s name written on them.

At times, if the teacher does not feel that At times, if the teacher does not feel that our child needs a certain item, it will be returned to you, i.e., sippy cups.

For documentation purposes, please note on your child’s Sign-in and Sign-out sheet when you brought diapers, wipes, and medications and the quantity. Your child’s name should also be on EVERYTHING including the bag of diapers and wipes container and refills.


1. At least 2 bottles to be kept at the Academy – children are encouraged to drink from a cup by age one.

2. Formula powder, if applicable *

3. Diapers (full bag)

4. Wipes (large container)

5. Sleeping Bag (until old enough to turn over)

6. Diaper Ointment

7. A minimum of one change of clothing including socks

8. Two Light Blankets

9. A Comb or Brush

10. Bulb Syringe

11. Pacifier (if applicable)

12. Infant Tylenol, Motrin, and Gas Medicine, or Other Medications with Specific Administration Instructions

13. Security Item

14. Sunscreen

* Infant formula (Parents’ Choice with Iron) and baby food will be provided as long as the Academy is part of the USDA program. Please check with the director or your child’s lead teacher for more information.


1. 2 Sippy Cups to remain at L(if your child uses these) – young child will be encouraged to drink from an open cup beginning at age 1 year.

2. Diapers (large bag)

3. Wipes (large container)

4. Diaper Ointment

5. Rest Blanket, Crib Sheet, and Small Pillow with Cover

6. A Change of Clothing - Including Socks

7. A Comb or Brush

8. Pacifier (if applicable)

9. Tylenol, Motrin, and/or Other Medications with Specific Administration Instructions

10. Security Item

11. Sunscreen


1. Diapers/Pull-up and Wipes (if applicable)

2. A Change of Clothing - Including Socks and Underwear

3. Small Rest Blanket, Crib Sheet for Cot, and Small Pillow with Cover

4. Tylenol, Motrin, and/or Other Medications with Administration Instructions

5. Security Item (if applicable)

6. Sunscreen

School Age

1. A Full Change of Clothing

2. A Comb or Brush

3. Tylenol and Other Medications with Administration Instructions

4. Sunscreen

Please leave toys or special items at home unless you have prior permission from the classroom educator. If child has difficulty with separation and/or sleeping away from home, please bring a clothing item recently worn by you or some other item with the home environment scent - especially for infants and toddler age.

Children will have their personal items stored in their cubbies with the exception of any medicines. Medicines will be stored in a secured separate location. Please make sure all items have been marked with child's name. Little Angels Learning Academy will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. Parents/guardians are asked to take rest blankets, sheets, and pillow covers home on Friday of each week.


Hours of Operation

We offer several options for professional child care and preschool programs. It is very important that children maintain a consistent schedule to help facilitate learning and expectations. We suggest that children arrive no later than 9:00 AM each day for breakfast, morning instructional activities, and outdoor playtime. If your child does not attend LALA full-time and on a consistent schedule, he/she may miss special learning activities and events such as foreign language and music instruction. This is also true for parents/guardians who only enroll children for the PT preschool program. Every effort will be made to schedule special events and activities on days where the majority of children can participate, but this cannot be promised.

We offer full-time and hourly care for infants and children ages six weeks – 2 years of age; before and after school care and summer school care for children up to 12 years of age; and a full-time and part-time preschool program – A part-time 0preschool program is ½ a day during the school year only for children 3 years and older. Full-time attendance is defined as at least four full days of attendance with at least 4 hours a day.

Even though Little Angels Learning Academy has specified days and times of operation, we will be as flexible as possible to accommodate special schedule requests for days and times, while keeping within acceptable teacher: child ratios and licensing requirements.

Upon enrollment into LALA and during the month of August, children are placed in a specific classroom/program depending upon their ages and developmentally levels. The tuition rate will remain the same for the assigned classroom even though a child may be a year older, i.e., in the 2-year old room, but turns 3 years of age during the years. This is due to the required ratios in each classroom and ages of children.

Promotions to the next classroom are made primarily during the month of August when there is a shift in children due to children graduating from LALA and going into kindergarten. We want children to stay with friends and peers they know throughout the their time at LALA, so we work to move children together if at all possible. At times, the LALA administration, along with the parent/guardian, may decide to transition a child to the next age group at other times during the year if the child is developmentally ready and the placement is age-appropriate, and there is space in the next level. Differences in tuition rates are due to the specific age ratios required in specific classrooms. Specific tuition rates can be found by visiting the LALA Website at: or by asking a member of the LALA administration.

Regular Operating Hours:

Professional Child Care and Preschool

6:00 AM – 6:00 PM* – Monday – Friday

*All children and families MUST transition OUT of the LALA facility by 6:00 PM, or late charges may be assessed.

Special Arranged Operating Hours:

6:00 AM – 10:00 PM – Arranged Hourly – Drop-in Care (Monday – Saturday)

• Hourly and drop-in care are at-need programs for parents/guardians who need care just for a day, etc. Children MUST be enrolled in LALA prior to attendance. When children come consistently on a FT or PT basis, the enrollment categorization will be changed from hourly care accordingly. Only 50 hours total attendance per month is permitted with hourly care per state regulations.

• If there is an emergency on a specific day, please allow 1 hour before arrival to confirm a slot in hourly care on a particular day, or you may contact the Academy to verify a space before dropping off your child. Any time reserved MUST be paid even if there is a cancellation unless this space is filled by another child.

Part-time Preschool Program

6:00 AM – 6:00 PM – M, W, F or T TH – Full-day

Ages 3-5 years (a few spaces may be available for children ages 2 years)

AM Part-time Preschool Program (based on Springfield Public School

Schedule) for children ages older 3 – 5:

AM Program: 8:30 AM – 12:00 noon

MWF or T TH or M-F

School-age Care (Before and After School, Holiday/Vacation Care, Summer Academy): (Monday-Friday)

• School-age Care is available Monday - Friday, school holidays, and inclement weather school closings on a first-come, first serve basis. Special rates apply. Children may take the school bus to and from the Learning Center facility if they qualify. Other transportation may be provided by LALA. A separate contract and full or partial non-refundable payment upfront for certain vacations and summer will be required to hold a space (holidays and breaks – full payment; summer 4 weeks of tuition due).

Parents’ Night Out: One Saturday of each month unless otherwise re-scheduled because of extenuating circumstances, e.g., holiday weekends, etc.

• Only pre-enrolled children may attend hourly care and Parents' Night Out. Hourly care and Parents' Night out slots are scheduled on an at-need basis, and space availability on a first come, first serve basis. A slot cannot be guaranteed unless you have pre-scheduled at least one day in advance.

• Parents/guardians' Night Out has a set tuition for the entire evening.

Holiday Closures: We will be closed for the following holidays: New Year's Day, New Year’s Eve at 1:00 PM, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day (if Christmas is on a weekend, we will close either Friday and/or Monday closest to the holiday, and/or other days as determined by LALA). If a major holiday that LALA recognizes falls on a weekend, LALA will close either Friday or Monday depending upon the general consensus among bank and state government closures. Reminders will be posted. Tuition will remain consistent through these times as part of LALA’s continuous payment policy.

Inclement Weather: During severe weather, Little Angels Learning Academy will always try to remain open. However, in the event road conditions become hazardous with a road warning, or deemed dangerous to travel by LALA administration, we will close the Academy. This is to protect the safety of the children and Academy team members. You can listen for closing on the local TV and radio stations, or contact the Academy. An inclement weather closing notification will also be left on the LALA Website: . Tuition will not be reduced during these times of closure as part of LALA’s continuous payment policy.

Alternative Care: There are several LALA teachers who may be available to watch your children during times of closure, including weekends and evenings. This is an arrangement between that teacher and you, and will be your responsibility to pay this person directly for weekends or evening times. You may ask a teacher specifically if he/she is available for alternative care of your child(ren), or inquire about interested teachers from the LALA director.

During times that LALA is closed for inclement weather, there may be teachers available to watch children in their home and LALA will pay the teachers directly for this time. The child must be enrolled at LALA with regular attendance on the day of closure. This arrangement is between the family and the teacher – and LALA will not be liable for this arrangement, including accidents, etc. Available teachers and phone numbers will be made available to LALA families, or you may ask the LALA administration or LALA teacher directly for information and availability.

Please note: Teachers understand that they may not be recruited for regular employment by already enrolled and attending families of LALA that would involve leaving LALA’s employment to be a family’s nanny, babysitter, etc., thus de-enrolling a child from LALA specifically for this arrangement and purpose. This is considered interfering with a legal contractual agreement already signed by all LALA families. Legal action may be taken to protect the interests of LALA.

Attendance, Daily Check-in/-out Procedures

It is very important to keep accurate records of your child's attendance at the Academy. Please contact us in the morning by 8:30 AM when your child will not attend for the day; if your child arrives after 9:00 AM and you did not call regarding late arrival, your child may not be allowed to stay due to staffing schedules, meal preparations, and special arrangements.

Please follow the following procedure for checking in and checking out:

• All parents and guardians, at least 18 years of age, must sign own child in and out each day at the centralized attendance check-in and check-out vertical file where your child’s folder is located, in child’s classroom.


• To enter the secured classroom/nursery area: Use the check in clock at the front of the foyer – allow it to read your fingerprint, thus push in your code to enter the secured part of the building to drop off your child. Make sure you check in or out your child on the key pad of the secured door will not open. Repeat the steps to check out your child at the end of the day/time with us at LALA.

• AT THE END OF THE DAY, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT WHEN PICKING UP YOUR CHILD THAT YOU NOTIFY THE TEACHER. You will also need to sign your child out at the Sign-in and Sign-out Folder in the child’s classroom.

• To gain access to the facility throughout the day, you may use the key pad, or ring the bell to notify someone to come to the front desk if someone is not available and we will happily open the security door for you.



Pick-up/Release Policy

1. Parents/guardians are to escort their children to and from their designated classrooms, and sign them in and out DIRECTLY WITH THE CLASSROOM TEACHER AND CHECK-IN/OUT PAPER IN CHILD’S FILE. DO NOT DROP OFF CHILD IN THE FRONT FOYER OR PARKING LOT TO WALK IN BY HIM-/HERSELF. Transition out of the center at the end of the day must be done by 6:00 pm to avoid any late charges.

2. In the case that a family has an infant and a preschooler, the older child MUST BE dropped off first and picked up last according to Dept. of Health policies and procedures, to avoid the older child being in the infant unit.

3. When a child enrolls at LALA, specifically approved persons are listed as the primary pick-up designees on the enrollment form. If there is ever a change in pick-up, the parent/guardian must notify the Academy Team members in writing or by communicating with us by phone or computer using your predetermined code or password.

4. All those persons who pick up a child must be at least 18 years of age with an approved driver's license and appropriate, safe transportation for the child, including an approved car seat as applicable.

5. The alternate pick-up person MUST be listed on the enrollment form. The person's driver's license/picture ID will be checked before the release of the child. If there are extenuating circumstances, the established password may be used when contacting the Academy of a specific arrangement.

6. It is the policy of Little Angels Learning Academy NOT to release a child to anyone who is not on the enrollment/emergency list.

7. Divorced or legally separated parents/guardians MUST provide a copy of a current court ordered custodial agreement and arrangements. LALA cannot do anything to stop a biological parent from picking up his/her children if appropriate court papers are not provided to us. Please do not get LALA in the middle of custody battles with shared custody, or specific pick up arrangements that are not written and placed in the child’s permanent enrollment folder. Daily pick-up changes are very difficult to track unless provided in written form each time.

8. It is the policy of Little Angels Learning Academy NOT to release any child to a person who is considered to be a risk to the child's safety. Any person regarded as being under the influence of drugs or alcohol may require the police or other persons listed on the child's enrollment form to be contacted for assistance.

9. All pick-up persons must have suitable and appropriate child safety restraint seats in his/her vehicle.


Parents/guardians will receive a monthly calendar of special activities, dates, and events. Please see Holiday Closures for days the Academy is closed.

We will follow the Springfield School District calendar for our part-time AM/PM preschool program and school year. When the AM/PM preschool program is not in session according to the public school calendar, the school-age children will be in attendance, including during the summer months. Only full-time and specially arranged part-time enrolled children will attend all year and are to pay full-time enrollment.

School-age children who attend before and after school, as well as during the summer, will be accepted on first-come, first-serve basis until we are full during other school holidays and vacations. A separate contract and non-refundable full tuition payment for holiday and vacation attendance is required in order to hold a space for your child. A 4 week non-refundable payment and separate contract are due to reserve a spot for the school-age Summer Academy.


The Little Angels Learning Academy program is designed to provide for the development of the total child: physical developoment, social development, emotional development, and cognitive development. Our program is not only age-appropriate, but is also individually developmentally appropriate that allows children to work at their own pace. The needs and differences of each and every child are taken into consideration when designing and facilitating the activities of our program, including individual lessons and opportunities with goals and objectives. Academy team members keep abreast of current research of the young child through ongoing and job-embedded professional development.

The Academy offers a child-centered and play-based program based on the specially-designed LALA curriculum. We believe that children develop knowledge through play, discovery, communication with others, and exploration through the careful facilitation of the teacher.

The LALA curriculum is designed from the principles from the Project Construct and High Scope curricular philosophies based upon the constructivist theory that maintains children create their own knowledge through their experiences in the learning process when they are ready and have interest. Teachers facilitate the learning environment based upon observations and input of the children at LALA, as well as goals from their parents/guardians. This enables the child to build their knowledge base at the time that is most critical and their interest is peaked.

Children are given multiple choice of activities throughout the day. These include a schedule of activities that are: balanced (active/quiet; small group/individual; indoor/outdoor; challenging or new/familiar; spontaneous/planned); developmentally appropriate; and designed for all children to experience success no matter their developmental level or cognitive abilities. From this specialized attention, appropriately facilitated enriching and stimulating learning environment, children build problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Our classroom design consists of individual and group activities, including carefully designed learning centers that are arranged throughout the room in themes established and planned by the children with the help of the teacher/instructor. Small and large group time may include discussions about the calendar, days, months, holidays, respect to the pledge, weather patterns, current events and news, music and movement, show-n-tell, special teacher-directed art activities, foreign language instruction, and literacy activities. Children are encouraged to participate in all learning centers, group time, and individual lessons. Children may bring things from home for show-n-tell; certain items may need prior permission from the classroom educator to bring and share with the class.

Learning centers within the classroom may include:

• Building (blocks, Legos)

• Constructive Play

• Cooking

• Transportation Play

• Career Awareness

• Literacy Center Including a Library and Writing Center

• Learning Games

• Dramatic and Housekeeping Play Areas

• Science, Discovery, and Exploration

• Sensory Integration

• Creative Art

• Environmental Math and Math Manipulatives

• Puzzles

• Woodworking

• Large Muscle

• Technology (Computers, Games, Activity Centers)

• Fine Motor Development Activities (puzzles, peg boards, lacing cards)

• Light Table

• Opportunities for Manipulation of Various Compounds (PlayDoh, Clay, Dirt, Dough)

• Multi-cultural Including Foreign Language Instruction

• Quiet Area for Reflection and Relaxation

• Play Houses for Dramatic Play

• Play Stages in the Preschool and School-age Classrooms

• Gross Motor Development

• Lofts or Climbing Structures

• Technology

• Quiet spaces for children to have solitary time to rest, look at a book, cuddle with a soft toy, etc.

Outdoor play is essential to a well child physically and mentally. Little Angels Learning Academy has the philosophy that all children MUST experience nature in the outdoor world as much as possible. Children in the Academy program have the opportunity to explore the natural world and enjoy the sky, sunshine, earth, trees, plants, worms, birds, dirt, mud, grass, vegetable and flower gardens, etc., in our specially designed play garden. Experiences in the preschool and school-age play garden may include:

• Climbing Structure

• Swings

• Drama Playhouses (clubhouse, one-room schoolhouse, market, barn)

• Trike Trail and Trikes

• Garden

• Flowering Vines, Trees, Shrubs, and Tall Grasses

• Sensory Table

• Sand Box

• Outdoor Musical Instruments

• Art

• Balls

• Jump Ropes

• Basketball

• Picnic Area

• Green Space for Running and Playing Games

• Push Toys

• Construction Toys

• Digging Tools and Buckets

• Gardens

• Various Textures (mulch, grass, dirt, sand)

The infant/toddler partially shaded play garden features:

• Climbing Tot Tree

• Playhouse

• Sand Box

• Sensory Table

• Trikes

• Gardens

• Slide and Climbing Structure

• Balls

• Digging Tools

• Push Toys

• Construction Toys

The infant/toddler playground is placed upon pads and grass that allows for little ones to crawl, walk, and run in comfort.

Children will get dirty as they explore nature in the outdoor play garden. It is recommended that children do not wear their Sunday best to the Academy program since they will be exploring, discovering, and enjoying the great out-of-doors.

All children at LALA, including infants, have the opportunity to experience instruction in music and foreign language. Special teachers visit LALA, at no additional cost to the LALA families, for this special instruction.

We are very fortunate to have a child-size kitchen to enhance our curriculum. Children learn so many things through the cooking process including: measuring, observation, literacy, math, following directions. Your child will have a great time creating snacks and meals that relate to the curriculum activity plan!

LALA team members encourage independence for all children by allowing involvement in routine activities including:

Picking Up Toys and Putting Them Where They Belong

Clean-up (after activities and meal times)

Serving Self Through Family Style Meal Activity

Personal Grooming (toileting, washing hands, washing face,

combing hair)

Choosing Learning Materials and Activities

Other Self-help Skills (putting on own coat, putting on shoes)

Activity Schedule Example



| | | |

|6:00 AM - 8:30 AM |Arrival |Various Table Activities |

| | |Cooking |

| |Individual Learning Activities (Table Activities, 1-on-1 |Distributing Things |

| |Learning, Opportunities, Folder Activities, Work Jobs, etc.) |Following Directions |

| | |Academic Skills Reinforced |

| | |Name Recognition |

| | |Item Recognition |

| | |Free Play Choice |

| | |Quiet Time |

|8:30 AM – 9:00 AM |Wash Hands |Cooking |

| | |Distributing Things |

| |Breakfast |Environmental Math |

| | |Communication Skills |

| | |Self-help |

| | |Hygiene |

| | |Manners |

| | |Nutrition |

|As needed |Restroom/Diapering, Wash Hands, Drinks | |

|9:00 AM – 9:30 AM |Class Meeting (Circle Time) |Attendance |

| | |Pledge of the Allegiance |

| | |Meeting/Discussion |

| | |Stories from Students – Show and Tell |

| | |Weather |

| | |Calendar |

| | |Group Games |

| | |Guest Speakers |

| | |Foreign Language Instruction and Activities |

| | |Plan and Schedule for the Day |

| | |Music & Movement |

| | |Planning for the Day |

|9:30 AM - 9:45 AM |Literacy (Language Arts) |Listening to Stories |

| |Some tasks may be group and some tasks may be individual |Personal Reading |

| | |Personal Writing |

| | |Creative Writing |

| | |Group Writing |

| | |Listening Skills |

| | |Comprehension |

| | |Phonics |

| | |Sequencing |

| | |Letter Recognition |

| | |Spelling |

| | |Word Recognition |

|As needed |Restroom/Diapering, Wash Hands, Drinks | |

|9:45 AM – 10:45 AM |Learning Centers |Creative Art |

| | |Math |

| |Choice Time |Games |

| | |Dramatic Play |

| |Individual and Small Group Activities |Blocks |

| | |Construction |

| |Reflection of what is being learned and what the child can |Music and Movement |

| |discuss with the parent/guardian at a later time. |Transportation |

| | |Science/Discovery |

| | |Library - Reading |

| | |Writing |

| | |Listening Activities |

| | |Careers |

| | |Foreign Language |

| | |Cooking |

| | |Gardening |

| | |Puzzles |

| | |Communication Skills |

| | |Measuring |

| | |Eye-Hand Coordination |

| | |Fine Motor Activities (sewing, zipping, buttoning, |

| | |writing, tying) |

| | |Sensory Integration |

| | |Computer |

| | |Multi-cultural |

| | |Quiet Time |

|10:45 AM – 11:00 AM |Clean Up |Matching |

| | |Organizing |

| |Restroom and Wash Hands |Self-help |

| | |Hygiene |

| |Preparation for Outdoor Play |Self-help Skills |

|11:00 AM – 12:00 noon |Outdoor Play in Play Garden |Observing, Experiencing, Discovering Nature |

| | | |

| |*See schedule at end for classroom outside playtimes. |Gross Motor Play and Development |

| | | |

| | |Getting Along |

| | |Sharing |

| | |Exercise |

| | |Dramatic Play |

| | |Gardening |

| | |Communication Skills |

| | |Sensory Integration |

| | |Creative Art |

| | |Building |

| | |Measuring |

| | | |

| | |Running, Balancing, Jumping, Walking, |

| | |Skipping |

| | | |

| | |Outdoor Music |

| | |Games |

|(11:45 AM – NOON) |Closure for AM Preschool |Meeting/Discussion |

| | |Review the Morning |

| | |Notes About the Day |

|12:00 PM– 1:00 PM |Lunch Preparation, Eating, and Clean Up |Getting Along |

| | |Following Directions |

| |Restroom Break |Reading and Math Skills Reinforced |

| |Wash Hands and Faces |Distributing Things |

| | |Cooking |

| | |Self-help |

| | |Manners |

| | |Environment Math |

| | |Communication Skills |

| | |Nutrition |

| | |Self-help Skills |

| | |Hygiene |

|1:00 PM – 1:15 PM |Quiet Reading Time |Calming Bodies for Rest |

| | |Basic Book Handling Skills |

| | |Letter and Word Recognition |

|1:15 PM – 3:00 PM |Night-Night Book and/or Song |Listening to Story |

| | |Comprehension |

|School-age: Field Trips in |(everyone on cots) |Phonics |

|the Afternoon | |Sequencing |

| |Resting/Napping (all full-day infants, toddlers, and preschool|Letter Recognition |

| |children must rest quietly for a minimum of 30 minutes and |Visualize Story |

| |will not be forced to remain on the cot longer than 1 hour if | |

| |not asleep –at that point, the child may get up and play |Taking Care of Self |

| |quietly until others are awake) | |

| | | |

| |School-Age: Quiet Time for at least 15 minutes | |

| | | |

|3:00 PM – 3:45 PM |Put Away Rest Items, Restroom and Drink Break |Following Directions |

| | |Self-help |

| |Snack | |

| | |Cooking |

| | |Distributing Things |

| | |Environmental Math |

| | |Self-help |

| | |Manners |

| | |Communication |

| | |Nutrition |

| | | |

|4:00 PM – End of Day |Outdoor Play in Play Garden |Gross Motor Play and Development |

| | |Getting Along |

| | |Sharing |

| |Group or Individual Activities, Learning Centers, Tables |Exercise |

| |Activities, and Choices |Communication |

| | |Dramatic Play |

| |End of the Day Review and Closure Activities |Sensory Integration |

| | | |

| | |Meeting/Discussion |

| | |Review the Afternoon |

| | |Notes About the Day |

| | | |

| | |Reinforcement of Academics |

| | |and Skills |

|As needed during afternoon |Restroom and Water Break |Taking Care of Self |

| | |Manners |

| | |Hygiene |

Extra-curricular and Outside Playtime Schedule (may be subject to change without notice):

Spanish – Monday Mornings

Room 1: 8:45 – 9:00

Room 2: 9:00 – 9:15

Room 3: 9:15-9:30

Room 4: 9:30 – 10:00

Room 5: 10:00 – 10:30

Room 6: 10:30 – 11:00

Room 8: 11:00 – 11:30

School-agers for Summer: 11:30 – 12:00

Music (Tuesday)

9:00- 9:30 – Room 5

9:30 – 10:00 – Room 4

10:00 – 10:30 – Room 6

Music (Wednesday)

9:30 – 10:00 – Room 8

Music (Thursday)

9:00 – 9:15 – Room 1

9:15 – 9:30 – Room 2

9:30 – 10:00 – Room 3

Stretch-n-Grow (Wednesday)

8:45 – 9:30 – Room 4

9:30 – 10:15 – Room 5

10:15-11:00 Room 6

11:00 – 11:45 – Room 8

Stretch-n-Grow (Tuesday)

9:30 – 10:00 – Room 3

10:00-10:30 – Room 2

Gold Medal Gymnastics:

Friday Mornings – Rotate Preschool and School-age Classrooms – See Master Activity Calendar

Outside Playtime:

Rooms 3, 4, and 7: 7:30 – 8:00

10:00 – 11:00

3:30 – 4:30

Rooms 5, 6 and 8: 8:00 – 8:30

11:00 – 12:00

4:30 – 5:30

The schedule may change depending upon the specific activities of each classroom.

Infants and toddlers will follow a similar schedule, however, outdoor play, naps, snacks, and meals may depend upon the individual child and classroom. All classrooms will have learning centers, and individual and group lessons.


Ongoing assessment is done for each child according to the goals of the LALA curriculum and appropriately researched-based developmental milestones. Parents/guardians are informed of their child(ren)’s progress through Daily Activity Reports, the comprehensive LALA Keepsake Portfolio System and twice yearly scheduled, and as needed, parent/teacher conferences. Each day, and during specially designed parent/guardian meetingsparents/guardians have the opportunity to give input into the curriculum and individual goals of their own children through Daily Activity Report correspondence and daily interactions between the teacher and parent/guardian. Portfolios of sample work are maintained to support goal performance.

Community Outreach

At Little Angels Learning Academy, we believe that children should develop a sense of community and appreciate diversity among our population through community outreach projects. As part of our curriculum and program activities, we adopt different agencies through various activities such as: Donation of mittens and hats during the winter time for children, collection of winter coats, adopting families during Christmas, food drives, as well as visits, music, cards, and art work for individuals who are receiving medical care during the holidays.

Extra-curricular Activities

Children at LALA have the opportunity for extra-curricular activities. As part of regular tuition, children receive foreign language and specialized music instruction from special teachers on a weekly basis. (Children who attend only part-time may or may not receive this special instruction depending upon the days of attendance and/or enrollment.) Throughout the year, other special events and/or visitors come to LALA for an additional cost, i.e., puppet shows, Mad Science (in-class field trips). Other times, we have the opportunity to participate in grant-funded programs, i.e., library story-time, Fit-for-the Future at no additional cost to parents. LALA also participates in community service projects throughout the year.

Children ages 3 and older have the opportunity to participate in a structured gymnastics program at least every other week in an off-site facility for an additional activity cost. Transportation is provided by LALA to and from Gold Medal Gymnastics in Republic, MO. The cost for this activity is in addition to LALA’s regular tuition. Cost for this activity is outlined in your contract.

Stretch-n-Grow is a fitness and nutritional program for children from age 1 and walking, preschool, and LALA’s summer school-age program. This activity cost is in addition to regular tuition. All children may participate in this on-site program, facilitated by the Stretch-n-Grow company. Cost for this activity is outlined in your contract.

Permission and liability forms MUST be completed before a child may participate in certain activities.

Since we do not want children left out of participating in extra-curricular activity programs, LALA administration researches the cost, benefits, and desire to participate in programs before they are implemented at LALA. Extra-curricular activity programs and charges are a consensus among the LALA families, and/or approved by the Parent Advisory Committee, and families are given written notice with a permission form/enrollment form for the activity with extra costs outlined with activities. These costs for extra-curricular activities may be withdrawn from your Tuition Express account at the designated time. Financial concerns may be discussed with LALA administration. Stretch-n-Grow and gymnastic fees are continuous pay, even for absences, as part of the agreement with these programs to maintain lower fees for our program. Activity fees are in addition to regular tuition and are payable by children in foster care if they choose to participate in these programs, i.e., this does not include transportation costs per contractual agreement with the state of MO.

If you elect for your child to not participate in a particular extra-curricular program while at LALA, we will make other arrangements for care during this time, i.e., placement in another classroom.

Preschool Graduation - In the spring, those children who are planning to attend kindergarten in the fall (must be age 5 years by or on July 31st to attend public schools) will have the opportunity to participate in a preschool graduation ceremony. This fun event is held in a large facility, usually a local church in the community, with family and friends invited. A small program with children in caps and gowns, ceremony with the awarding of preschool graduation diplomas, and a reception afterwards are planned.

Field Trips

Classroom activities are enhanced with field trips that support a particular theme. Children enrolled in the preschool and school-age programs have the opportunity to add to their knowledge base by visiting special places in the community. Field trips may include: Trips to the pumpkin patch, apple farm, dairy farm, indoor pool for winter swimming like the penguins and polar bears, Ted E. Bear factory to make our very own teddy bears, fire station, zoo, apple orchard, pumpkin patch, airport, Jump Mania or Wacky World, a local park for lunch and to play, and library. Some classes, especially children under the age of 3 years (if 2 years old, almost 3 years old and child is enrolled in the upper preschool program, he/she may participate in off-site field trips), may take walking field trips around the LALA facility, or do in-class field trips with Mad Science, Dickerson Park Zoo animal program, and other guest speakers.

Children are transported to field trips in our high-safety rated shuttle bus by a qualified and appropriately licensed driver. As applicable by law, children are placed in child restraint harness systems that are already installed in the LALA shuttle bus.

Field trip fees are in addition to regular tuition for all children, including children in foster care. Fees are applied for transportation costs, but not for children in foster care due to our state contractual agreement. Every child on the field trip MUST have a permission form completed by the parent/guardian with fees paid, or he/she may not be allowed to participate in the activity and will stay at LALA. Children may also not be allowed to participate in a field trip activity if he/she is deemed to be a danger to him-/herself, including not listening to teachers and/or causing disruptions and discipline problem before or during the field trip. If child causes discipline problem or it a threat to him-/herself during the field trip, the parent/guardian may be required to pick up child at the field trip site.

Children younger than 2-3 years of age may participate in in-class field trips. These activities may also require additional fees not part of the regular tuition rate.

Payment policies for field trips: Generally, field trips are paid for by parents/guardians the next Friday in the next TE batch request, after the field trip is held – all others who pay directly for field trips MUST pay for field trips before or at the time of the trip. The amount due for every field trip is found on the top of the field trip permission form and is to be retained by parents/guardians for payment due.

For certain field trips, non-refundable tickets are purchased in advanced from a written list of children whose parent/guardian have signed up and agreed to attend the field trip. These tickets are non-refundable, and unless a substitute is found for the child to take the ticket (which may be another child, parent/guardian, grandparent, etc.), the original child’s family is responsible for the cost of the ticket.

Unfortunately, for those families with past due tuition, children will not be allowed to participate in extra-curricular field trips until the full balance is paid to LALA. If you have questions or need a Financial Agreement Payment Plan, please contact Dr. Ruth Ann directly for approval.

Identifying Children with Special Needs

LALA team members work cooperatively to observe and assess a child throughout the child’s LALA enrollment to determine of the child is meeting developmental milestones, and/or if the family may need additional services to support the child. This may be done through observations in different environments, and documentation using the LALA comprehensive Keepsake Portfolio System with the developmental milestone checklist.

If a child is suspected of having an undiagnosed, potential special need, the LALA director and CEO are contacted by the LALA teacher for further observation and informal assessment. The child’s parent/guardian is also involved with the process as part of the team, including discussions about what the team has been observing and sharing of documentation throughout the informal observation and assessment period. The LALA director and/or CEO may help by making a recommendation(s) and/or referral to the appropriate agency such as First Steps, social service such as WIC, public school system for an Early Childhood Special Education screening, and other agencies/therapists that may assist the child and family, to determine if indeed the child and/or family does have a special need that needs evaluated further, with an appropriate follow-up plan-of-action. The plan-of-action may include special accommodations, therapy, and/or placement in a special program such as a public school early childhood special education program part of the week, or on-site therapy services for speech.

Oral and Written Communication

Communication is very essential to the development of the child. Throughout the day, Academy team educators will converse with children frequently by: Asking children open-ended questions, having conversations, naming objects, inform children of upcoming activities and events, the child planning his/her day, the child reflecting on what he/she has learned that day and what he/she will discuss with his/her own parent/guardian, and helping a child describe his/her feelings. Children who have very little expressive language are encouraged to communicate with sounds, gestures, sign language, or other forms of communication. When a child is being discussed and they are present, we will involve them in the discussion.

Written communication begins at a very early age. Throughout LALA’s daily experiences and lessons, children have the opportunity to build fine motor skills that develops later into more writing achievement.

It is very important that communication continue in the home environment to maximize your child’s development. Examples of ways that you can help your child develop communication skills is by reading every day, having conversations about your child’s day (see Daily Activity Report for conversation starters), singing, naming objects, helping your child describe feelings and needs, and providing interactions where communication is used.

The Academy team works with the family to continue language activities at home through special parent/guardian programs that we offer throughout the year. Center newsletters and classroom activities that involve the parents/guardians are examples of ways that LALA will help build literacy between the child and his/her home environment.

Special Seminars for Children

Throughout the year, LALA children will have the opportunity to listen to guest speakers, teacher presentations, and receive yearly training in such things as:

1. Proper Hand Washing (teachers will also cover this concept at least quarterly)

2. Tooth Brushing (to be done by the county health nurse)

3. Safety – Including Emergency Drills (bike, sun, water, fire, tornado)

4. Poison Prevention (to be done by the county health nurse)

5. Health, Nutrition and Physical Fitness

Transition Plan

Little Angels Learning Academy believes that it is very beneficial to have a consistent team of educators working with your child. We strive to retain quality and experienced staff during this very important developmental period for your child. Therefore, as your child grows and develops, we plan to have a consistency of care plan through the infant years and then through the preschool years. LALA’s classrooms and program are consistent throughout the infant to school-age classroom with similar expectations, lessons, schedule, and curricular activities. Children are transitioned to the next classroom upon reaching the birthday as of August 1st designated for that particular classroom. As your child transitions to the next level, special events and activities will be planned to help your child and family with this transition.

Children who will be entering kindergarten the next school year may have the opportunity to participate in kindergarten day at their new school the spring prior to the fall enrollment. LALA may arrange this time, and/or LALA will provide information to parents about this special day hosted by the child’s own kindergarten. One of your child’s educators may escort your child on this special day as he/she tours the school, plays on the playground, meets the principal and teachers, and enjoys a meal.

LALA educators will work with therapists, various agencies, and the transition into the public school setting for all children with special needs. We will work with the IEP teams to provide for the appropriate assessment of skills and levels, with parental permission, to help ease this transition for your child.

Parents are encouraged to contact your child’s school for the school calendar, kindergarten screening dates, and to gather other important information applicable to kindergarten.


Little Angels Learning Academy was established as a safe, positive, and secure learning environment for all children, their families, and LALA Academy team members. Our goals for each child in this area include:

1) Develop self-control and self-discipline;

2) Develop a positive self-concept;

3) Learn how to be independent and take care of oneself;

4) Learn pro-social behavior including proper manners and social skills.

We have structured the program for children that minimizes behavioral problems by having optimal nurturing and positive attention from adults, as well as creative, varied, hands-on, and interesting learning activities. Academy team members model appropriate behavior and interactions for children on a daily basis. Children will develop and discuss daily appropriate behavior expectations and safety rules for their learning environment and community, under the guidance of the Academy team, so that our environment continues to be safe and secure for everyone. Children will also be expected to develop independent skills, at age-appropriate levels, that include the child being an integral part of the community and completing certain tasks such as if there is a spill of milk made by the child, the child will be encouraged to clean up his/her own mess. Children are expected to take care of the learning environment, including putting away learning materials in designated areas.

Children learn by example. Little Angels Learning Academy team members, as well as parents/guardians should encourage, plan for, and guide development of positive social acts and feelings by accepting diversity, cooperation, turn taking, sharing, compromising, friendship, affection, and humor. Academy educators promote social interaction between all children regardless of differences/abilities.

Team members are trained in positive behavior interventions, including examples of different types of behavior programs. Examples of techniques used to handle a discipline situation whenever appropriate includes redirection, distraction, positive choices, praise, positive feedback, examples, and modeling. "Time-out" will be used as the last resort until the child is ready to come back to the group in an appropriate manner. Time-out is defined as having time away in a safe place from the group to regain control no more than 1 minute per age. Time-out will not be used as a form of punishment. Children will not be shamed or criticized, or have food withheld. Neither physical or corporal punishment will ever be applied. Children will not be allowed to hurt others or himself/herself and steps for protection will be made as needed at the time.

Children will be held accountable for their behavior. If the property of LALA is intentionally and/or maliciously destroyed by your child, your family may be responsible for replacing or repairing it. Children may also be dismissed, or suspended until released by a medical professional to safely attend a child care program, if behavior is deemed unsafe and causes continual disturbance of the LALA learning environment. Dismissal or brief suspensions do not constitute voidance of continual tuition payment and/or the required two-week notice and tuition payment even if dismissed immediately due to inappropriate and/or dangerous behavior.

Little Angels Learning Academy promotes a positive learning environment for all children. The Academy is fortunate to have a behavior specialist on the team to work with parents/guardians, children, and Academy team members to develop this positive environment. Every attempt is made within reason to help a child who has behavioral concerns minimize disruptions to the learning environment.

Meals and Snacks

Little Angels Learning Academy only serves balanced and nutritious meals and snacks. We take pride in that most all of our meals and snacks are homemade from fresh products specially designed to appeal to young children. Our menu items provide the opportunity for children to explore and taste different foods. It is a rotational seasonal menu, with 5 full weeks of varied meals and snacks to children to eat nutritionally, as well as learn about good nutrition. Examples of menu items may include: Rigatoni casserole, spaghetti and meatballs, homemade meatloaf, turkey and dressing, tuna casserole, cheese quesadillas, cheese ravioli, homemade vegetable soup, fish sticks and macaroni and cheese, soft tacos, baked ham and scalloped potatoes, chili, hot ham and cheese sandwiches with tomato soup, fresh fruits and vegetables, homemade pizza, yogurt and homemade muffins. Milk is served with every meal; infants under the age of one drink formula or breast milk with their meals. Children 2 years and older drink 1% milk, while those under the age of 2 years drink whole milk.

We have rotating menus, however, food served may change depending upon the current classroom theme, i.e., green (colored) eggs and ham for Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Menus are revised periodically with input from parents/guardians, LALA staff, and children to reflect the season and availability of fresh foods. Menus are available for parents/guardians on our Parent Board, Web site, and/or upon request.

Meals and snacks are served family style to allow children to learn various skills including: Environmental math, sharing, eye-hand coordination, manners, sanitation, and self-help skills. Children are also encouraged to say prayers before mealtimes.

Children learn about proper nutrition through conversations with their teachers while eating together, and through the Stretch-n-Grow program.

Children are encouraged to learn to feed themselves. Appropriate sized eating utensils provided by LALA helps to facilitate this process. Academy educators will work with infants to teach them how to drink from a cup, with a goal of being off the bottle by one year of age. Food served to infants and toddlers is cut into small pieces to avoid a choking hazard.

We take special precautions when preparing food to ensure the health and safety of your child. All LALA team members have been trained in safe food handling. Children and the Academy team wash hands before and after eating, as well as sanitize tables before and after snacks and meals. Foods brought from home for all children to consume MUST be store packaged and unopened to ensure safety of the food, as well as nutritious for the consumption of our young children.

If your child has a specific food allergy or dietary restrictions, it is very important that you provide the Academy with detailed information regarding the condition upon enrollment or as applicable from medical personnel and/or nutritionist, AND KEEP LALA UPDATED IF THERE ARE ANY CHANGES. LALA team members will substitute foods as deemed necessary to address a child’s particular allergy, however, in some cases, special milk or other special foods or extensive menu changes and requirements may be the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide the proper meal and/or snack while child is in attendance at LALA if LALA does not have a contract for USDA reimbursement, and/or LALA may reimburse the family for these items if they are difficult to find food items that are not easily accessible. To be reimbursed, a receipt must be submitted to the LALA director. Food provided especially for a child with dietary restrictions must have the child’s name on the food and the date when it was received. LALA will provide the parent/guardian of the child, with special dietary restrictions, a menu of meals and snacks, and it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to mark the menu of what the child may or may not be served accordingly, with applicable substitutions that may be made.

Unless a child has a medically documented need to have a special diet, food sent from home will not be specially prepared except to warm it as applicable for infants; it will not be prepared and cooked. Any foods sent from home that are not considered age-appropriate and/or a choking hazard will not be served by Academy team members and will be substituted with something similar or suitable. If a child is a picky eater and you feel that his/her diet needs to be supplemented with additional food from home, a doctor’s note is required to be on file stating this and the reason.

Unless medically documented as a food allergy, etc., all children ages 1-12 years are served milk for breakfast, lunch, and supper; if your child does not like milk, he/she will still be served milk and encouraged to drink it, however, the child may pour it out and drink water instead.

Infants will be served meals and snacks according to the plan and schedule developed between the parents/guardians and LALA, based on the requirements and suggestions of the USDA food program. Infants will be served appropriate baby food items until which time they are ready for table food. Breast milk may be brought from home to give to your infant by bottle; mothers are invited to breast feed their infants at LALA in a quiet, private area. PARENTS/GUARDIANS ARE TO UPDATE THE LALA LEAD INFANT TEACHER IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING WHEN DIET PLANS ARE CHANGED.

Please do not send snacks or special meals with children age from 1 year to school-age children unless for a special occasion and/or given as an option by LALA. We follow the rule that if you do not have enough to share with everyone, please leave it at home or in the car. We have a separate area available if you would like to share a private, special meal with your child during the day.

Breakfast will begin serving in classrooms at 8:30AM in the classrooms starting with the infants. Lunch is served beginning at 11:30 AM – noon beginning with the infants and toddlers, with preschoolers at 12:00 noon. An afternoon snack for full-time children is served at approximately 3:15 – 3:30 PM. The PT preschool program will receive an afternoon snack, but will have breakfast served in the morning PT preschool program. Children arriving after our scheduled breakfast, lunch, or supper time must eat before arriving at Little Angels Learning Academy. Please let our Academy team know ahead of time when your child will not be in attendance for a certain meal. Because of our designated meal times, if your child arrives early in the morning, please make sure he/she has a small breakfast snack before arriving. It is recommended that children leaving LALA late in the afternoon have a small snack such as cereal or crackers available to them in their cars to help bridge the afternoon snack and their suppertime.

Periodically, LALA will host various opportunities for families to share a meal together, i.e., Sweetheart Luncheons at Valentine’s Day, Grandparents’ Day.

LALA may participate in the USDA federal food program as applicable based upon the required student population. All children in the LALA program are to be enrolled in the USDA food program with the approved form found in the enrollment packet. Those who qualify are also asked to complete the free and reduced food application, also found in the enrollment packet, so that LALA may meet the USDA eligibility guidelines. Any changes in income must be reported in writing to the LALA director immediately.

LALA operates by the policy that food will not be used for rewards or for punishment.

Parties and Celebrations

LALA will host several parties per year to celebrate different events and holidays. These may include a Grandparent’s Day, Fall Festival/Halloween, Thanksgiving (Pumpkin Pie Palooza), Christmas, Valentine's Day Lunch with Your Sweetheart, and 4th of July Celebration. Other parties and festivities are held throughout the year per theme-related activities. Parents/guardians are invited to help provide healthy treats, volunteer, and join in the festivities for each of these special occasions.

Children's birthdays are always a special occasion. If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday, you may provide his/her class with a healthy treat as outlined. It is also highly encouraged that non-food items and physical activities/games be provided for the party instead of food. Please make appropriate arrangements with your child's Academy instructor/care provider.

If your family does not celebrate a particular event, holiday, or celebrate something different at a particular time of year than LALA, please feel free to discuss with your child’s teacher how to share your family’s culture and beliefs with the rest of the class. We want to embrace and celebrate differences to help continue to build diversity and multi-cultural awareness.

If you would like to contribute and bring treats for the children, we can only serve items that have been store purchased and are sealed when brought to school per health and sanitation regulations, and/or at LALA. We ask that these treats be nutritionally balanced and healthy and appropriate for the age group. Approved treats include: Frozen yogurt pops, popcorn (for preschoolers and older), fruit pops, 100% juice pop and juice, pretzels, muffins, cheese sticks, yogurt drinks, yogurt and granola, fresh fruit, vegetables and dip, grapes and cheese cubes, chocolate covered bananas, fruit cups, granola bars, small party sandwiches, trail mix, Chex mix, or crackers and cheese. Please refrain from bringing in peanuts or peanut butter due to allergy concerns of children in our facility. Certain treats are unacceptable and will be respectfully sent back home with you including soda, hard candy, dangerous toys, excessively sweet items, chips, sugary drinks, as an example.

Potty Training

Little Angels Learning Academy has a simple and successful step-by-step procedure to help children successfully potty train. Academy Team members will work cooperatively with parents/guardians to help children potty train once certain potty training signs are exhibited, e.g., staying dry for longer periods of time, expressing discomfort when wet or dirty, verbally letting you know when he/she has messed in his/her diaper, and able to pull up and down own pants. It is important that there is consistency between home and the Academy setting for this process to be successful. Please keep in mind that it sometimes takes several weeks or months before a child may become completely trained. The important thing to remember is that children will do it when THEY are ready. When your child is ready for potty training, arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher to start this journey and develop a plan-of-action including the highly successfully training in the step-by-step potty training method. The Successful 101 Potty Training Technique card is available at the front desk or in the Parent Resource Library.

Rest Time

Daily rest time is required for all infants, toddlers, and preschoolers at the Academy who attend full-time. Rest time is scheduled for the same time everyday to maintain consistency, however, infants will determine their own schedule as needed. During rest time, children will lay quietly on their assigned cots, or in cribs for children under the age of 1 year, for a minimum of 30 minutes. After 1 hour, those children not sleeping may participate in quiet activities until the rest period is over. Children are allowed to sleep until they awaken, or when there is a pre-determined time set by the parent/guardian or teacher.

Infant rest time is based on individual needs and schedule.

Sheets, blankets, and pillows (for children on cots) for the cots and cribs are provided by the children’s families. Sheets and blankets are required for every child. These items are sent home for laundering on Fridays. If a child does not have a sheet or blanket available, LALA will provide one for a day. If a blanket and sheet are not provided in an appropriate timeframe, LALA may purchase these items, and $15 will be charged for a sheet and $15 will be charged for blanket to the family’s TE account.

School-age children will have a quiet period for a minimum of 15 minutes a day when attending the LALA program full-time. They will not be required to nap on a cot.

If your child does not actually sleep during naptime, you may work with your child’s classroom teacher to develop and provide a quiet activity kit for a child to do while others are sleeping. Kits may be in the form of a backpack with several activities enclosed. Your child may use his/her activity kit after a 30 minute rest period only.

Separation Routine

At times, children may have difficulty separating from his/her parents/guardians. Children may exhibit separation anxiety during different stages throughout his/her young life as he/she grows and develops. We encourage you to establish a separation routine that is followed everyday. This may involve the following step-by-step procedure:

1. Entering the classroom and greeting the teacher(s)

2. Signing in your child and having your child sign in himself/herself on the appropriate sheet (as applicable)

3. Helping your child take his/her things to his/her locker/cubby

4. Giving your child a hug and kiss and saying good-bye

5. Directing your child to an activity in the classroom

6. Leaving the classroom immediately

If your child wants to cling to you and not involve himself/herself in an activity and tell you good-bye, it is important that you take your child to one of the teachers and have the teacher help your child with the separation.

CONSISTENCY IN SCHEDULE is very important for a child to help adapt to his/her at LALA, especially if LALA is a fairly new place for the child and/or if there have been changes with the family structure/home. Children thrive on structure and consistency, and need a consistent routine and traditions to feel comfortable and have this basic need met.

We encourage you to either call during the day or observe your child on our secure Internet cam to check on his/her activity. Usually, within minutes – sometimes seconds, your child will be actively involved in the day’s fun activities once you leave the classroom.

Working with Therapists and Other Service Personnel

The Academy is a multi-service professional child care and early childhood program with an individualized program for all children based upon their level of growth and development. We will work with school districts, therapists, and other agencies in providing an integrated educational program as determined through an early childhood individualized education plan, e.g., IEP, IFP, etc. Therapists are always welcomed and encouraged to provide therapy in the child’s LALA classroom. LALA does not have the personnel to transport children to outside therapy sessions.

If your child’s therapist will be providing therapy at LALA, you will be required to complete a permission and release of information form. This will also allow the therapist and teacher to discuss your child’s therapy, goals, and implementation of program throughout the week by the classroom teacher.

The classroom teacher will communicate with you about your child’s therapy session by indicating that the therapist was present on a particular day. This information will be noted on the child’s Daily Angel Report. You may also request to speak to the lead teacher about your child’s therapy and conversations with the therapist.

LALA teachers and administration will work with your child’s special needs team to help develop goals, provide input, and overall support your child’s individualized plan while your child is enrolled at LALA.



From initial interest, admission and enrollment, through to graduation and becoming an alumni member of Little Angels Learning Academy, LALA is a prestigious professional early childhood program for all children regardless of ability, developmental level, achievement, special needs, race, religious background, or income. We consider all enrolled children and their families a part of the LALA family.

Initially, it is very important to orientate a child and his/her family to Little Angels Learning Academy to make the transition into our program a positive and successful experience. In order for a child to officially be accepted and enroll in the Academy program, the family MUST complete an Initial Interest Interview, fully complete an Application/Enrollment Packet, then be formally accepted into the LALA program, pay all applicable fees, and complete an orientation that includes a transition period into the classroom for the child. We do not allow free days for children to “try-out” our facility free of charge and without meeting certain enrollment requirements. We do allow you to visit the facility and specific classroom with your child before officially enrolling your child – this is done on a very limited basis so to not upset the regular dynamics of the classroom for other children who are already enrolled at LALA.

Initial Interest in LALA Program

1. Interview with the parent(s)/guardian(s) and child (may be over phone or in person – reference to written materials may be found on LALA’s Web site)

2. Provide copy of Little Angels Learning Academy brochure and review

3. Review LALA’s curriculum goals, objectives, and activities

4. Review of application process, family enrollment fees, and tuition payment policies, as well as LALA Contract

5. Provide an in-house copy of the LALA Parent Handbook (also available on Web site) and basic review

6. Tour of facility

7. Question/answer period regarding our program.

8. Letter of Agreement review and signature for understanding of application and enrollment fees, and tuition policies (copy for parent/guardian)

9. Signature of Intent to Enroll Child Letter of Agreement when interested in completing enrollment and orientation process without full family enrollment fee at the time, but wants space held for child (this agreement may also be faxed) and wants child to start immediately

10. If interested in enrolling, go to next step of enrollment and orientation.

Through the Initial Interest process when a family inquires about the LALA program and shows interest in applying for an available space, pre-screening is conducted to determine if there may or may not be any concerns that would prohibit a child being enrolled before any enrollment fee is paid, however, this may not be true in all cases.

Little Angels Learning Academy was established on a safe, secure, and positive Christian principled early childhood learning program. LALA may refuse to enroll a child in our program based upon the application information either before or after completion of the full Application/Enrollment Packet, and/or admission into the LALA program. As part of this standard, LALA has the right to refuse admission or continued enrollment in the LALA program, with the parent/guardian forfeiting all fees, for things such as:

• Undisclosed history of aggression, violent behavior, including biting and property destruction

• Undisclosed information regarding dismissal from another early childhood program

• Continuous disruption of the learning environment

• Verbal and/or physical abuse/aggressiveness on the part of the parent/guardian with the child and/or toward a LALA team member

• Unrealistic expectations and requirements

• Making false allegations against a team member or another child

• Other upon discretion of the LALA CEO

Application/Enrollment Packet and Application Fee

Upon payment of a non-refundable application fee of $25, the family will be provided a full enrollment packet to complete. If your child is admitted into the Academy program, the $25 will be applied to the total of the one-time non-refundable family enrollment fee.

All items in the Application/Enrollment Packet must be completed fully before an orientation may take place. This packet includes:

✓ Parent/Guardian Policies and Procedures Handbook

✓ Application with all applicable complete addresses and phone numbers (no PO Boxes – all emergency information completed)

✓ Child’s Background and Family Survey (including any problem behaviors, past history in other early childhood programs, etc.)

✓ Copy of Immunization Records

✓ Medical Form from Physician (not applicable for school-age children)

✓ Emergency Contact Information and Pick-up Authorization

✓ Field Trip Authorization

✓ Sunscreen Application Authorization

✓ How did you hear about us? Form

✓ Signed Parent Policy and Procedure Handbook Statement

✓ Little Angels Learning Academy Enrollment Contract

✓ Little Angels Learning Academy Release of Liability

✓ Parent's Special Instructions for Infant and Toddlers

✓ Permission to Sleep on Cot (for Children Age 1 and Older)

✓ Custody Order Documentation as Applicable

✓ USDA Food Enrollment and Free/Reduced Qualification Form

✓ State Subsidy Form as Applicable

✓ Credit Application

✓ Special Needs Plan (including any allergies, medical needs, disabilities, etc.)

✓ Other Forms as Deemed Necessary

The entire packet MUST BE completed including a copy of the immunizations, before a child may attend Little Angels Learning Academy. A medical report MUST be completed within 30 days of the date of enrollment except in the case of a school-age child. If the medical report is not completed in 30 days, your child may be suspended from attending the Academy program until it is turned in fully completed based upon Dept. of Health and Senior Services regulations; tuition does not cease during this period with a signed contract.

Admission into LALA and Family Enrollment Fee

Upon completion of the Application/Enrollment Packet and admission into the Academy program, and orientation, payment of the non-refundable enrollment fee and the first two-week's tuition (non-refundable) are to be submitted before orientation (or the Tuition Express application for payment of the two-week tuition completed).

Orientation Steps

1. Welcome Packet

2. Review of the Little Angels Learning Academy Parent Handbook and have parent/guardian sign parent page for child’s file

3. Review of enrollment fee non-refundable policy

4. Review of ill, and injury/accident procedures.

5. Communication Plan established between designated LALA educator and LALA program itself (daily notes, incident reports, phone contact, medication administration policy, monthly newsletters, Web site, etc.

6. Discuss Difference and Difficulties Resolution Plan

7. Review of snack and meal plans (note any allergies on Special Needs Plan form)

8. Review of tuition policy. and continuous fees and late pick up fee policies, set tuition for year beginning with age placement as of August 1st – complete paperwork for Tuition Express

9. Discuss the need for consistent attendance schedule and staying in one program for child’s well-being and adjustment – as well as the impact on child and others when a child leaves program prematurely

10. Review of termination of enrollment (required written two-week notice - 10 business days to begin the day after the date of acceptance of written notice and payment of two weeks of tuition BEFORE the two weeks may begin - this tuition policy also includes non-attendance when it is agreed upon and communicated that the child would begin the Academy program on a certain date

11. Review behavior expectations and policies

12. Review field trip activities, field trip notices and permission slips, and type of bus harness already provided

13. Discuss items and supplies to be brought from home (place clothes and medications in Ziplock bag with name on it, Emergency Preparedness Kits)

14. Discuss toilet training, as applicable

15. Discuss materials that are accessible to families (staff background checks, Licensing Regulations Book, child’s developmental history, curriculum and related activities that may be checked out, etc.)

16. Discuss child’s hours of attendance and late pick-up fee policy including calling by 8:00 AM if child will be absent or late; if child arrives after 9:00 AM, or regularly scheduled time, without a phone call to notify LALA that child will be late, he/she may not be able to stay due to staffing schedules, meal preparations, and/or arrangements – notify us of any schedule changes ahead of time, especially for meal count preparation

17. Communication Plan Established Between Early Childhood Instructor and Parent/Guardian, Monthly Newsletter, Web site, Daily Notes, Messages on Sign-in Clock, Field Trip Notices; Difference and Difficulties Resolution Plan

18. Discussion of plan for care on scheduled school closing days (for school-age children and AM/PM preschoolers)

19. Discussion of plan for back up care on inclement weather and holiday closure days

20. Parental access to child care facility during hours of child care

21. Review policy for resolving difficulties and differences

22. Parent/guardian and LALA’s communication plan

23. Discuss field trips (notice given to parents/guardians about field trip) – field trips enhance curriculum and only for children ages 3 and older (unless 2 years old and placed in the upper preschool classroom with 3s, 4, and/or 5s)

24. Discuss ways that parent/guardian may support child’s Academy program through attendance at special events and parent/teacher conferences, as well as the development of communication and language skills at home with reading, songs, conversations, etc.

25. Explain signing in and out procedures

26. Set up parent(s)/guardian(s) in computer including fingerprinting and codes for check in and out children - review process with parent

27. Explain Web site secured viewing cam

28. Discuss any special needs that the child may have (complete appropriate Special Needs form)

29. Discuss special curriculum activities, i.e., foreign language, Stretch-n-Grow, gymnastics and applicable participation fees, and structured music instruction

30. Introduce family and child to classroom, children, teachers, director, and owner

31. Questions of the parent/guardian and child

Transition into Classroom

Upon enrolling a child and completing the orientation steps, the child must visit his/her classroom at least once with his/her parent/guardian for a short period of time. During this time, the child should become involved with the activities of the classroom and shown his/her locker/cubby. The parent/guardian may assist with this interaction. This time should be during a time that the teacher can spend a little time with the child and not be distracted by the needs of the other children, or during a time to upset the dynamics of the classroom. A good time to do this is during: Time outside on the playground, free-time, learning center time, or a meal or snack.

The child’s teacher or Academy administration may visit the child’s home during the orientation process to assist with transition into the LALA program as needed and applicable.

De-enrollment of a Child or Change in Program

A two-week written notice (10 business days with the count beginning the day after receiving the notice) with the acceptance by the LALA director or CEO (not the teacher) is required for all changes in any LALA program with including: De-enrollment of child; moving from FT to PT; moving from FT to hourly; moving from PT to hourly. The same contract fee structure for the two-week period MUST be followed. A contract change is made accordingly for the requested type of attendance/program.

Every effort is made to meet the needs of each child enrolled at Little Angels Learning Academy. A child may be de-enrolled for the following reasons:

• A child's behavior that is detrimental to himself/herself or to others in the group. Termination may be immediate depending upon the severity and nature of a behavior problem including disruption to the care and learning environment and/or harm shown to self or others. Every effort will be made to resolve any situation and terminating care will be the last resort. If possible, a grace period of one week may be given to find other care; however, this may not be possible under certain circumstances.

• Failure to satisfy immunization and medical requirements set forth by the Department of Health or other entities.

• Failure to pay tuition fees.

• Parent/guardian withdrawal of child.

• Unrealistic expectations on the part of the parent/guardian/social worker, therapist, etc.

• False allegations against a team member by a parent/guardian/social worker

• Verbal and/or physical abuse/aggressiveness of the child or parent/guardian to another child or a LALA team member.

Please be aware that these reasons are not all inclusive and parents/guardians are still responsible for paying for the total two-week notice period even if dismissed for behavior reasons, etc. There may be other reasons to terminate a contract with Little Angels Learning Academy to the discretion of the administration.

A parent may choose to withdraw a child from the Academy with a two-week written notice and FULL TWO-WEEK TUITION (10 business days) payment. The two weeks (10 business days) WILL NOT start until the written notice (10 days begin the next business day after the written notice is received and acknowledged by the LALA CEO or director and tuition received). If there are specialized tuition arrangements for the late tuition payment, a processing fee of $5 each day tuition is late will be applied, and/or the regular weekly late rate. Again, the two weeks (10 business days) will begin the next day after receiving the notification.

If the child is withdrawn before the end of the two weeks, a parent/guardian may not be exempt from obligation to pay the two-week's tuition, unless there are special circumstances approved by the LALA administration. If LALA fills your child’s space before the end of the two-week time period, LALA will reimburse you any tuition overpayment.

Failure to give the required notice and failure to pay are contract violations and may result in unnecessary costs and fees to the parent/guardian. Other contractual tuition agreements must also be honored. If tuition is late, any fees incurred for collection are the responsibility of the parent/guardian including any attorney, court costs, collection agency, interest, mailing, etc. There will also be a $100 monthly processing fee each month tuition is past due in addition to any other penalties and interest per LALA policy.

If your child is de-enrolled for non-payment of tuition and you wish to reinstate him/her into the program, you may only do so if space is still available and after the balance is paid in full. You may also be required to pay a re-enrollment fee.

If a child moves from full-time to part-time enrollment or hourly care, the supply fee per child is added to tuition at the original one-year enrollment anniversary.

Upon de-enrolling a child from LALA’s program, we ask that on your written notification of de-enrollment, that you relate the reason why the child’s enrollment is being terminated. This information will help us evaluate our program.

Waiting List and Fee Policies

Little Angels Learning Academy compiles several types of waiting lists for families for different reasons. LALA will contact those on the waiting list according to availability of enrollment space, as well as completion of admission requirements and payment of applicable fees (those who complete the entire application, pay the enrollment fee, and orientation process are placed higher on the list to the next available spot that is available).

LALA will refund the enrollment fee to those families who have applied and placed children on the waiting list, but a spot does not come available for a period of six months after being placed on the waiting list, or when needed (as agreed upon with LALA), and the child has to be enrolled in another program. Enrollment fees are not reimbursed if a space comes available when agreed upon and the family does not accept the space when available.

LALA will not refund the enrollment fee or application fee to parents/guardians who initially applied and/or enrolled their children in the LALA program and set a start attendance date, but decided to enroll them in another program.

Under certain special situations, the LALA administration will decide to refund the full application and/or enrollment fees to a family. Application must be submitted in writing to LALA’s administration, with supporting reasons that may include: medical reasons supported by physician, etc.

It is important that those not wishing to remain on the waiting list contact LALA and have their names removed.

If a sibling enrolls later at LALA, the previous family enrollment fee is applied, however, the family will be required to pay upfront, a nonrefundable two weeks of tuition to hold the space with signing of a start date on the contract. Tuition will not be refunded if the child does not start LALA on the start date.

Alumni Events

LALA hosts alumni events to come together with old and new friends from the LALA family. A major alumni reunion is planned during the summer each year. Please call for a schedule, or check our Website or center newsletters. Please keep LALA updated of new addresses so you can receive an invitation to these special events and news.

Current enrollees and LALA alumni are invited to be a Little Angels Learning Academy Facebook “friend” to keep in contact with friends from LALA, special announcements, and other information. You may “like” Little Angels by going to our Website: and pressing the Facebook button located on the homepage.


At LALA, we feel that communication is essential and very important. LALA teachers and administrators communicate with parents/guardians in a variety of means:

First, at the initial meeting and orientation, parents are given a tour of the facility, program information and safety and security are explained, and there are ample opportunities for questions to be answered. Please see the orientation section of the handbook for further orientation information.

LALA communicates with parents/guardians in additional ways on a daily and monthly and ongoing basis that include:

➢ Daily Angel Reports for each child

➢ LALA Website ()

➢ Monthly Newsletters (Center and Classroom)

➢ Parent Information Boards

o Located in each classroom and the front foyer

o Lesson Plans posted

o Weekly Meal and Snack Menus

o Classroom Activity Calendars

➢ Important notices placed in child’s check-in and out folder in classroom

➢ Notices and reminders posted on classroom door

➢ Active E-mail to the CEO and Director

➢ Parent-Teacher Conferences (scheduled at least 2X per year, and upon request)

At LALA, we feel that parents/guardians are a very valuable member of the team of their children with LALA. Parents/guardians have an opportunity to provide input into the LALA program in several ways and means. These include:

➢ Monthly Communication Forms (provide input on policies, child development and goals)

➢ Parent-Teacher Conferences (2 X a year, plus as needed)

➢ E-mail System

➢ Locked Security Mailbox – to place suggestions – Located just inside the front security door

➢ Yearly Program Evaluation

Parent Advisory Committee

LALA has a Parent Advisory Committee. This committee allows interested parents/guardians of currently enrolled LALA children to meet with the LALA director to discuss things such as: LALA policy, fundraiser ideas, community service, menus, as well as to volunteer for different enrichment opportunities at LALA.


Little Angels Learning Academy believes that parents/guardians and family are key in the development of a young child. There are many opportunities for a child’s family, specifically parents/guardians, to be involved in their children's day. These opportunities include:

❖ Room Parent

❖ Parent Advisory Committee (An opportunity to give input and assist LALA teachers and administrators with various policy development, evaluation, improvements, fundraising, learning activities, etc.).

❖ Volunteering Time (reading stories, career day)

❖ Volunteering to Make Items for Academy Programs

❖ Special Luncheons

❖ Donating Items for Academy Programs (old clothes, business items for dramatic play centers, art items such as fabric pieces, pine cones, shells, paper towel holds;

❖ Attending Special Events (school carnival, Make-It/Take-It Days, open houses, Grandparents’ Day, tea parties, Sweetheart Luncheons)

❖ Attending Parent-Teacher Conferences

❖ Giving Input on Child’s Goals

❖ Sharing Meals at the Academy ($3.00 per meal – Please give us a day’s notice) (We have a conference room or a picnic area outside available if you would like to share a special meal that you have brought for your child from outside the Academy. Please call to make sure the conference room is available.)

❖ Field Trip Chaperone

❖ Continuation of Communication Skill Development at Home (reading, singing, labeling objects, having conversations with child, etc.)

Parents/guardians are always welcome to visit the classroom at any time your child is present. We ask that visits are kept to a minimum so that disruptions are minimized in the classroom itself for other children. However, parents/guardians are always welcome to watch their children in the classroom from the hallways, through the large classroom windows, or by the Internet cams available with connections from off-site or from the main LALA screen. Parents/guardians are always welcome to share a meal with their children; if a special meal is brought into the center, we ask that you sit with your child at the hallway table and not bring this food into the classroom in front of the other children. If parents/guardians would like to share a meal with your children during the day in the classroom, we ask that you give us a 24-hour notice of your visit so that we have enough food on hand. A minimal charge of $3.00 is necessary to charge for this meal and will be assessed on your next TE bill.


LALA maintains a Parent Resource Library with varied resources for parents/guardians to utilize. Resources include: Child- and family-related books, articles, magazines, community resources, videos, and copy of the MO Dept. of Health Child Care Licensing Standards, LALA Parent Handbook, emergency preparedness documents/booklet, and child health and safety materials. There is also information regarding private schools and activities in the area. Items may be checked out with the LALA administration and/or copies made of important information for your use.


Your child's safety is a top priority at Little Angels Learning Academy. We strive to maintain a very safe and secure learning environment for all children. We offer the following programs to protect all children and to reassure you as a parent that your child is in a safe, secure, and in a positive learning environment:

• Secure entrance with a multi-level a secured procedure/code to allow entrance into the childcare facility to pick up or drop off children. (Please do not allow others through the secured door without them pushing in their code into the security pad. If they do not have a security code, someone will help him/her at the front desk.)

• Parental escort of child to check in and check out directly with teacher each day

• Internet secured camera to view your child at a secured Internet location while you are away at work or home

• Background security check for all Academy team members and volunteers

• Drug screenings for all Academy team members

• Constant supervision of all children within the facility – following pre-approved teacher:child ratios

• Teachers interacting with children constantly and taking attendance periodically throughout the day

• Policy and procedure development, as well as ongoing training and evaluation of our facility and program on safety and security – for children and the LALA team

• Sharing safety expectations with children, i.e., Playground and Classroom Rules/Expectations for Good and Positive Behavior

• Providing well-kept supplies and equipment for children

• Monthly fire drills

• Tornado drills every month

• Emergency Preparedness Plan with Emergency Kits

• Licensure by the Department of Health in the areas of sanitation, child care standards, and fire safety

• All Academy team members are mandated child abuse and neglect reporters

• LALA educators are trained in Child, Infant, and Adult CPR and First Aid Procedures and Crisis Management

• Cleaning schedules for sanitation

• Constant job-embedded professional development for all LALA team members

• On-site LALA director and CEO

• Name Badges Worn by All Team members, Visitors, and Volunteers

• Checking of IDs of unknown individuals in the facility

Please keep us abreast of any custody orders with the proper paperwork.

Security codes may be changed for safety of your child in this circumstance.

LALA Abuse and Neglect Policies and Mandated Reporter



The Education Institute, Inc. and Little Angels Learning Academy policies and procedures regarding abuse and neglect are designed to PROTECT the children in care, PROVIDE for their safety, and PREVENT inappropriate behavior with a child.


1. Individuals who have committed either sexual or physical abuse, whether or not convicted, are not to volunteer or become employed by Little Angels Learning Academy.

2. Employees and volunteers are to complete an application indicating whether or not they have committed any abuse or neglect.

3. Background checks of all employees and volunteers are done during the interview and pre-employment process. This background check includes checking criminal records. Criminal records checks will be done periodically throughout a person’s employment or volunteer period. Any evidence of abuse or a criminal record such as a felony conviction, abuse or neglect conviction, or others as deemed applicable will disqualify a person from employment or being a volunteer in the Little Angels Learning Academy program.

4. Pre-employment drug testing and period drug testing during employment or a volunteer period will be conducted. Positive and confirmed possession of illegal drugs will constitute immediate dismissal from Little Angels Learning Academy.

5. If a LALA team member or parent/guardian, or others who care for and/or around children, are accused of abuse or neglect, an investigation will ensue by the LALA administration that will include interviews and review of the facts of the situation. As needed, support and guidance will be sought from LALA’s corporate attorney, the licensing supervisor with the Dept. of Health, as others as deemed necessary. A report of the accusation may be made to the appropriate agencies as necessary and applicable by law. The team member may or may not be placed on administrative leave until the investigation may conclude. The team member may or may not be terminated, depending upon the degree of the situation, from his/her employment with LALA.

6. All employees and volunteers should always observe the “two person” rule if at all possible. This means that when working with children at Little Angels Learning Academy, all employees and volunteers, including parent volunteers, should avoid one-on-one situations whenever possible.

7. During the enrollment process, parents/guardians are interviewed regarding their child’s past behavior regarding abuse and neglect. As needed, a plan will be established to manage and forestall behaviors designed and implemented by Little Angels Learning Academy. If a child exhibits sexually inappropriate behaviors or abuses another child, the child may be dismissed from the program. An incident report completed and conference will be held with the parent/guardian regarding the inappropriate behavior.


8. Under state law, as child care providers and educators, we are mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. LALA’s policies and procedures support us in this role. As a mandated reporter, you are responsible for reporting to the proper authorities through the DFS hotline, any possible abuse or neglect, and must give your name and role since you are an educator/child care provider. We are not necessarily responsible for investigating these concerns, but need to make sure there is sufficient reason to report the claim. All employees, volunteers, parents/guardians, and children involved in programs at Little Angels Learning Academy should immediately report to the director or CEO any behaviors or other incidents that seem abusive or inappropriate done by a child to another child, an adult to child, or child to an adult, adult to an adult, etc., especially true in cases of immediate danger. All employees are mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect and are to make the appropriate contacts, and inform the director and/or CEO of contacts made. The child abuse and neglect hotline # is: 1-800-392-3738. ALL REPORTS OF ABUSE ARE TO REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL. ONLY THOSE INVOLVED WITH THE INCIDENT AND SUPERVISORS ARE TO DISCUSS THE SITUATION. In cases of immediate danger, call 9-1-1 to contact authorities.

A completed written report of the contact MUST be completed and turned in to the LALA administration.

9. Employees and volunteers have the opportunity to be trained in various areas including: the prevention and recognition of sexual or physical abuse of children, mandated reporting, how to implement appropriate discipline for children, and sexual harassment, etc.

10. The discipline of children should follow basic steps. The guidelines for effective discipline that Little Angels Learning Academy encourages are:

a. Prevention (always have a goal in mind in all we do – including age-appropriate activities and lessons)

b. Guidance (stay involved with the child)

c. Redirection (alter inappropriate behavior)

d. Time out (for dealing with infractions of acceptable behavior and for the child to regain control of his/her behavior)

e. Visit with the director or CEO (for dealing with continued unacceptable behavior)

f. If needed, design an Individual Behavior Intervention Plan. The Little Angels Learning Academy team and parent/guardian may design and implement goals and objectives to help the child develop appropriate behaviors.

Definitions of Child Abuse/Neglect

Missouri Laws Relating to Child Abuse and Neglect – Chapter 210

PHYSICAL ABUSE: Any physical abuse, sexual abuse or emotional abuse inflicted on a person other than by accidental means by those responsible for his/her care, custody, and control except that discipline, including spanking administered in a reasonable manner, shall not be construed to be abuse. THE EDUCATION INSTITUTE, INC. EMPLOYEES NOR VOLUNTEERS ARE TO SPANK ANY CHILD WHILE IN OUR CARE.

Signs of physical abuse include, but is not limited to, bruises, lacerations, abrasions, bite marks, burns, head injuries, internal injuries, poisoning, etc.

SEXUAL MALTREATMENT: The sexual use of a child under the age of 18 by those responsible for his/her care, custody, and control for the purpose of the individual’s personal satisfaction and/or gain. This includes, but is not limited to, pornography and prostitution. Caring for a young child’s basic needs by a caregiver is not to be construed as sexual maltreatment; an employee and volunteer must try to maintain the “two person” rule at all times.

NELGECT: Failure to provide, by those responsible for the care, custody, and control of the child, the proper or necessary support, supervision, nutrition, or any other care necessary for his/her well being.

Neglect can include the physical condition of the child or the physical condition of the home. This would include areas such as lack of food, appropriate clothing, heat, and/or shelter. Also included in neglect are the issues of abandonment of a child, locking children in or out and expelling from the home.

LACK OF SUPERVISION: To establish the lack of supervision there must be evidence that those responsible for the care, custody, and control of the child were negligent in their decision making or supervision of the child. Negligence is present if the parent/caretaker ignored or disregarded pertinent information about either the child’s behavior history and self management abilities, or that of the person actually harming the child.

MEDICAL NEGLECT: The denial or deprivation, by those responsible for the care, custody, and control of the minor, of medical or surgical treatment or intervention which is necessary to remedy or ameliorate (make better) a life threatening medical condition.

Animals Policy

Animals at LALA are those only approved that are safe for children. These include fish in fish tanks. Parents/guardians are requested to refrain from bringing animals such as dogs and turtles, and other reptiles to LALA’s campus to keep our children safe at all times. Only approved special speakers/guests may bring animals to LALA to share with children.

Classroom Rules/Expectations – General Safety Rules

The classroom teachers will set specific classroom rules/expectations in your child’s classroom, with the children involved, and reviewed periodically with children in the classroom. However, general rules for safe behaviors are the same for everyone whether young or old. Please review the following classroom rules/expectations with your child:

1. Obey and follow directions of the teachers, director, cook, and bus driver.

2. Enjoy playing nicely with your friends. Use please and thank you. Use nice words.

3. Share toys and supplies with your friends.

4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

5. Put away your toys and supplies when finished.

6. Wash your hands upon arrival at LALA for the day, before and after eating, after using the bathroom, after wiping your nose, after playing outside, and when arriving home for the day.

7. Use your inside voice so not to disturb others.

8. Use walking feet in the classroom, in the hallway, and on field trips.

9. Tell your teacher when you get hurt and need help.

Playground Rules – General Safety Rules

The classroom teachers will set specific playground rules/expectations in your child’s class, with the children involved, and reviewed periodically in the classroom. However, general rules for safe behaviors are the same for everyone whether young or old. Please review the following playground rules/expectations with your child:

1. Go down slide feet first.

2. Stop the swing before getting out of the seat – no jumping.

3. No standing in swings.

4. Jump ropes may be played with in the main play area between the building and large play structure that is by the main back door, in full view of the teachers at all times. Ropes are not to used for jumping and not wrapped around the body at any time.

5. Pick up and put away toys when finished playing.

6. Enjoy playing nicely with your friends. Use please and thank you. Use nice words.

7. Share your toys and time with your friends.

8. Wear a helmet when riding a trike – on playground and during bike days.

9. Tell your teacher when you get hurt, and need help.

10. Run, laugh, climb, swing, explore, observe, dig in the dirt and mulch, enjoy the sun’s warmth, and birds singing, and have fun!

Plant Policy

Only approved, non-poisonous plants may be accessible to children, attending LALA, indoors or outdoors. Certain vegetables may be grown in the classroom such as tomato plants, but these will be placed out of reach of children so that they may not consume the leaf of the plant.

The sanitation representative may be contacted to discuss and approve certain plants to be used in the classroom, outdoors, and for gardening purposes.

Recall Notification

The LALA website () has a direct link to the Consumer Product Safety Commission product recall website. Parents/guardians may also subscribe to the Consumer Product Safety Commission website to be notified by e-mail of any recalls.

Outside Playtime Weather Chart

A weather chart, provided to LALA by the Dept. of Health, outlines safe times for children to play outside during questionable cold and hot days. The chart information is used in conjunction with information provided to LALA on the Weather Channel website for the area. It outlines safe outside playtimes, calculating wind chills, and other components. A chart is available to parents/guardians for review in each classroom, Parent Resource Library, and the LALA administration.


In order for LALA to continue with a program of excellence and quality, and meet financial obligations, we have set forth several payment policies. We have varied rates depending upon your child's needs and family activities. Please visit our Web site or consult with our administration for the rate schedule per available programs. Continuous tuition payment is required and is not reduced for LALA closer due to: Vacations, sickness, inclement weather, or LALA’s regular holiday closing schedule that is noted in this Handbook or special dates announced by LALA in other forms.

AM/PM ½ Day Preschool (for children 3 years of age and older) Tuition – continuous tuition throughout the school year, but not during the summer. Attendance at the LALA’s program is during the Springfield School (may be Republic School Schedule as deemed appropriate with current population being served) schedule only. If there is availability, child may attend LALA’s full-time program classroom during school vacations at no additional cost; this arrangement is unavailable during the summer unless parent/guardian enrolls child on a PT full-day or FT basis and pays the tuition accordingly.

Hourly and Drop-in Care: In some cases, children may attend LALA on an hourly or drop-in basis. Families will be charged for hourly care until the hourly care amount meets the daily rate. At that time, the daily rate may only be charged. If the amount of days in a week meet the weekly rate (4 days in a row – considered full-time), then only the weekly rate will be charged (this is primarily the policy for school-age children).

We accept tuition payments in several forms. We use Tuition Express as a method to reduce processing costs, add efficiency for both LALA and parents so that we can concentrate more on the development and learning of your child, and add safety and security to our fiscal management process. We accept the following payments:

1. Tuition Express: Payments directly withdrawn from bank account

2. Check or Money Order w/ an additional processing fee added each time paid with this method.

3. Credit Card or Debit Card (Visa and Mastercard) w/ additional ProCare Tuition Express processing fees

All families are encouraged to use LALA’s Tuition Express program. If not, there are additional processing fees to accept checks and Money Orders. Families must also maintain at least one full week of tuition balance in child’s account if Tuition Express is not used.

LALA will not accept cash as payment. We also will not accept payment by two different methods.

There is a $10.00 charge for each time of request to hold or stop Tuition Express for a certain amount of days. These requests must be made in writing to the LALA director. $10.00 additional charges are applied when Tuition Express bank account information is changed.

All those responsible for paying tuition, including grandparents, MUST sign the LALA contract along with the parent and give applicable contact information and social security numbers and driver’s license number.

Tuition MUST be for the exact amount due; parents/guardians may pay for a maximum of 1 or 2 weeks of time unless there are other special arrangements.

When paying by check or money order, it is necessary that you retain your receipt for the money order or keep your check copy as proof of payment. Any discrepancies in payment schedule and amount default to the LALA’s records in cases of difference when written proof cannot be produced by the parent/guardian.

When paying tuition in person, please use an envelope with the child's full name, week of attendance, and total amount enclosed. Envelopes may be dropped off at the lock box by the director’s office, just inside the secure hall door. TUITION IS DUE THE FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Pre-payment is necessary to accommodate the expenses incurred for your child throughout the week.

Little Angels Learning Academy will work with social services and military for any tuition reimbursements. Because of continual delays in payment from DSS, it is the policy of LALA that any children in foster care and on state subsidy MUST provide LALA with written approval from the caseworker that tuition payment arrangements have taken place and child is placed into system with LALA as the provider BEFORE a child may start attending LALA -- and/or the parent/guardian MUST pay for full tuition rate as per policy until notification is received from DSS. It is necessary that we have the caseworker’s exact name, address, and phone number for contact information. LALA’s provider number may be obtained from the Academy director or CEO.

Children in foster care MUST follow all LALA policies and procedures, including giving a two-week de-enrollment notice and usage of Tuition Express for extra-curricular activities, i.e., gymnastics, in-class field trips, Stretch-n-Grow, field trips, shirts, etc., not financially covered by DSS. A deposit may be required from foster parents/guardians to ensure that payment (especially for extra-curricular activities) and notification policies are followed, or the deposit may be forfeited at the end of enrollment at LALA to pay for expenses, etc. Please see specifics outlined in your enrollment contract.

A 5% discount for the second + child in tuition is available for immediate family members only who are enrolled full-time; part-time or hourly care will not receive this discount. The tuition discount is applied to the least expensive tuition rate.

There is no reduced rate for absences or when closed for holidays or inclement weather. We will be closed for the following holidays: New Year's Day, close on New Year’s Eve by 1:00 PM, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day (if Christmas falls on a weekend, we will close either Friday or Monday). LALA reserves the right to close on Friday or Monday if a holiday falls on a weekend, i.e., Independence Day. We follow what most banks and state agencies do as far as closer for a major holiday. There may be other holidays that we may be closed at the discretion of LALA. You will receive notification of these dates ahead of time, through other LALA communications. Reminders will be posted.

Tuition rates may change with a 4-week notice. This information will be posted on the Parent Board and given to parents through a memo, as well as on the LALA Web site.

An annual renewal (supply) fee is due at the beginning of your child's yearly anniversary date for each child in the family who attends LALA. This rate is now $50. This fee helps to replenish classroom educational supplies such as glue, pencils, crayons, paper, paint, and other items on the playground including sand and mulch.

If a family is delinquent in paying tuition, the child may not participate in any extra-curricular activities until which time the full balance of tuition is paid.

Late Payment and Insufficient Funds Charges

Returned checks or other fees for insufficient funds will have an additional $35.00 fee added. LALA reserves the right to electronically deduct the total tuition due for any returned check, returned Tuition Express, and/or other fees. Returned checks may be turned in to the prosecuting attorney’s office for legal charges and/or collection, and/or collection procedures may be made with the court system and collection agency to protect the financial interests of LALA. As agreed upon when enrolling, parents are still responsible for payment of past due tuition and fees even if filing bankruptcy, as applicable by law.

Two returned checks will require that only money orders or direct bank withdrawal be accepted for payment for a period of six months. Any tuition that is late, past Monday afternoon or the first day of meeting for the week, will result in additional penalties, with increase of penalties with multiple late payments ($10 first 2 times late, $35 3rd time late, $50 4th and consecutive times late).

If there is a tuition agreement between LALA and you to have your tuition payment later than the policy states, then there may be a $5.00 daily late charge applied, and additional late weekly fees charged as outlined above.

If a family should fall behind more than one week in your tuition payment, you may be asked to remove your child from the Academy program until tuition is paid in full (in addition to a two-week written notice of de-enrollment and required tuition as well). If tuition is delayed for two weeks without any communication with you, your child will automatically be de-enrollment with payment of past due tuition and a two-week notice and tuition also due. All late fees and interest, as well as processing fees may be added until payment is made in full.

Please speak with the Academy administration if you are experiencing financial hardships. Only the CEO may approve a Financial Plan Agreement.

Late Pick-up Charge with Regular Attendance Schedule

The Academy believes that family time is extremely important in the lives of children. It is also VERY IMPORTANT that you pick up your child and transition OUT of the LALA facility by 6:00 PM, our normal closing time, to allow our Academy team to also be with their families.

Our attendance policy is for your child to only stay in our care for approximately 50-55 total hours a week - 9 1/2 to 10 hours a day. Regular tuition rates are based upon this schedule.

For pick up past 6:00 PM, our normal closing time, there will be a $10.00 late pick-up charge for the first 15 minutes and a $2.00 charge every 0-15 minutes thereafter the FIRST late time. With continual abuse of the late pickup time, and on the third late pick up time, there will be an automatic $10.00 for 0-5 minutes late, then $2.00 per minute for every minute late after the first five minutes. The fee will increase to $15 for 0-5 minutes, then $5.00 per minute afterward 5 minutes for each minute late after the fourth and continual late times. Foster parents will be held responsible for picking up a child late by dismissal from the program if this is a continual program as assessed by the LALA administration.

If there is an emergency or problem and your child cannot be picked up in a timely manner, please contact Little Angels immediately and notify us of the problem so schedules may be adjusted.

Children who are only enrolled in the hourly care program may ONLY attend a maximum of 50 hours a month per Dept. of Health and Senior Services and LALA policy.

Other Fees and Charges

At yearly enrollment anniversaries, each child in attendance is charged a supply fee.

When child care supplies such as diapers, wipes, formula, etc., are not provided by the parent/guardian as requested and LALA must provide these to properly care for your child, there will be an additional cost added to your tuition for the cost of supplies, as well as the time cost for acquiring these supplies at the rate of at least $25.00 per trip if applicable; some extra supplies will be on hand at times. The LALA team will notify you of the need for supplies when supplies are getting low. Your child’s teachers will provide you with this information on your Daily Activity Reports – please read them daily.

Little Angels Learning Academy reserves the right to seek legal action to redeem lost tuition. Any costs incurred for past due tuition and fees from attorneys, accountants, collection agencies, and monthly interest allowable by law is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. A $100 monthly processing fee is added for each month tuition is past due.

Vacation Policy

When taking a vacation, Academy administration requests that you notify us at least two weeks in advance. Prior to your departure you will be responsible for paying in advance for the tuition you will be away unless other arrangements have been made with the administration. Failure to pre-pay may result in losing your child's slot.

A child must be in continuous enrollment with proper payment of fees so his/her place in our Academy is maintained.


Little Angels Learning Academy: #417-883-3100

Emergency (Fire, Medical, Police, etc.): #9-1-1

Non-emergency Fire: #417-881-9018

Non-emergency Police: #417-890-9876

Non-emergency Ambulance: #417-269-3773

Poison Control: #1-800-366-8888

Child Abuse Hotline: #1-800-392-3738

Child Care Resource and Referral: #417-887-3545

Child Care Licensing: #417-895-6904

Address: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

–Child Care Licensing - Southwest District Health Office

PO Box 777

Springfield, MO 65801-0777

(Leah White, Licensing Supervisor)

Corporate Parenting Company:

The Education Institute, Inc. – Dr. Ruth Ann Wood-Humiston, CEO

(For After Hours Emergencies ONLY please)

Dr. Ruth Ann's Cell Phone: #417-860-7681

Dr. Ruth Ann’s Home Phone: #417-732-4323

Facility and Mailing Address

4222 W. Sandy

Battlefield, MO 65619


Parent Policy and Procedure Handbook

I ________________________________ have read and understand all policies and procedures outlined in the handbook. I understand that failure to abide by the aforementioned policies and procedures may result in termination of services or applicable fees.


Child's Name (please print)

____________________________ _________________

Parent/Guardian Signature/Print Date

____________________________ _________________

Parent/Guardian Signature/Print Date

____________________________ _________________

Little Angels Learning Academy Administrator Date

Your Own Angels

Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"

God replied, "Among the many angels, I have chosen very special ones for you. They will be waiting for you and will take care of you."

"But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything but sing and smile; that's enough for me to be happy."

God said, "Your angels will sing for you and will also smile for you everyday. And you will feel your angels' love and be happy."

"And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don't know the language that men talk?"

"Your angels will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angels will teach you how to speak."

"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"

God said, "Your angels will place your hands together and will teach you how to bow your head and pray."

"But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."

"I will always be next to you. Your angels will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way for you to come back to me."

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard, and the child, in a hurry, asked softly, "Oh, God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angels' names."

God silenced all fear when He said, "Your angels' names are of no importance. You will know who they are as they love and watch over you every day.”

--Author Unknown





"A Prestigious Program of Excellence with

Storybook Beginnings."

Parent Policy and Procedure Handbook

Reviewed and Revised - 2011

#(417) 883-3100

A Division of The Education Institute, Inc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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