Set A: 2 letter words

|1 |he |Peter is in year one, he is 7. |

|2 |up |The cat climbed up the tree. |

|3 |it |I have a football. It is red. |

|4 |am |I am 8 years old. |

|5 |on |I put my hat on at playtime. |

|6 |do |I like to do my best work. |

|7 |my |I have a freckle on my nose. |

|8 |if |I like pizza if it has cheese on top. |

|9 |we |We like quiet when we do our work. |

|10 |so |We keep pencils in buckets so we don’t lose them. |

|11 |as |The tree grew as big as the house. |

|12 |no |“No you can’t watch the movie,” said Dad. |

|13 |at |We are at school. |

|14 |is |This is a happy class. |

|15 |by |The story was written by Pamela Allen. |

|16 |in |We live in Geelong. |

|17 |of |This is the story of the Three Bears. |

|18 |be |I will be having a birthday party soon. |

|19 |or |We use textas or pencils to draw. |

|20 |an |I ate an apple for playlunch. |

|21 |go |I like to go roller blading. |

|22 |me |Mum told me to put my jumper on. |

|23 |to |I went to my friend’s house. |

|24 |us |Miss Marg told us to finish our work. |

|25 | | |

Group B: 3 letter words

|1 |has |The classroom has three doors. |

|2 |say |What did Susan say when you told her the story? |

|3 |two |We have two fans in our room. |

|4 |was |It was a windy day yesterday. |

|5 |day |What day will we have our party? |

|6 |all |The children were all good for their teacher. |

|7 |saw |I saw the bird fly through the window. |

|8 |new |Our new car is blue. |

|9 |did |I did my work neatly today. |

|10 |him |I told him to look after his toys. |

|11 |are |We are working hard at school. |

|12 |way |Nathan knows the way to school. |

|13 |dog |The dog is learning new tricks. |

|14 |and |Smarties and M&Ms are yummy. |

|15 |Mum |My Mum takes care of me. |

|16 |see |Did you see the lightning last night? |

|17 |too |We ate too many lollies at the party. |

|18 |how |This is how we bake a cake. |

|19 |any |We don’t have any polar bears in Australia. |

|20 |Dad |My Dad picked me up from school. |

|21 |she |Mrs. Kelly wore her hat when she did yard duty. |

|22 |ask |I ask Miss Marg when I don’t know what to do. |

|23 |eat |I eat my lunch before I go and play. |

|24 |not |We are not going to have Maths today. |

|25 |his |Mr. Paul looks after the kids in his room. |

Group C: 3 letter words

|1 |who |I saw who finished their lunch first. |

|2 |out |I fell out of bed last night. |

|3 |now |Let’s see if the jelly is ready to eat now. |

|4 |her |Kate remembered to write her name on her work. |

|5 |off |The cat jumped off the chair. |

|6 |bed |I went to bed very early last night. |

|7 |fun |We had good fun at school today. |

|8 |one |We only had one excursion last year. |

|9 |but |I like toast with honey, but not with peanut butter. |

|10 |old |How old is my grandma? |

|11 |why |We asked the teacher why thunder was so loud. |

|12 |the |I read the book. |

|13 |for |I had Weetbix for breakfast. |

|14 |get |I can get my books out of my bucket. |

|15 |yes |I said “Yes” when Jess asked me to visit. |

|16 |boy |The boy played with his friends. |

|17 |our |This is our classroom. |

|18 |man |The man took the bus to work. |

|19 |you |One for me and one for you. |

|20 |car |The car had room for all the family. |

|21 |put |I put my library book in my bag. |

|22 |zoo |We went to the zoo to see the animals. |

|23 |can |I can tie my shoelaces. |

|24 |got |The mouse got out of its cage. |

|25 |had |I had biscuits for play lunch. |

Group D: 4 letter words

|1 |room |Our room has lots of tables. |

|2 |told |I told my friend a special secret. |

|3 |have |Ben will have his birthday soon. |

|4 |moon |The moon was very bright last night. |

|5 |door |The door was open so we went inside. |

|6 |took |I took my favourite toy to school. |

|7 |said |Mum said we could have pizza for tea. |

|8 |most |There are chairs at most of the tables. |

|9 |help |I will help my friend build the tower. |

|10 |also |My friend also has a footy like me. |

|11 |here |We are here at school all day. |

|12 |very |It was very windy yesterday. |

|13 |much |How much does the video cost? |

|14 |sent |I sent my friend an email. |

|15 |home |Bill went home after school. |

|16 |don't |I don’t have any cards left. |

|17 |well |Jenny felt well after her long sleep. |

|18 |side |The ball fell on our side of the fence. |

|19 |nice |It was nice of Nana to visit us. |

|20 |went |Bernie went to his sister’s house. |

|21 |more |We have more boys than girls in our room. |

|22 |some |We gave our aunty some flowers. |

|23 |down |Jessie flew down the slide. |

|24 |name |Her name was Emma. |

|25 |stay |I like to stay at my friend’s place. |

Group E: 4 letter words

|1 |ever |They all lived happily ever after. |

|2 |into |The bats flew into their cave. |

|3 |were |We were playing Aussie this morning |

|4 |just |Dad will be ready to go in just a minute. |

|5 |knew |Alice knew all her spelling words. |

|6 |tell |Miss Marg will tell us a story. |

|7 |what |Jo asked Louise what the time was. |

|8 |take |Michelle will take her hat to the beach. |

|9 |find |I can’t find my pencil. |

|10 |when |Leigh knows when Santa comes. |

|11 |back |The bear sat down and scratched his back. |

|12 |left |I left my reader folder at school. |

|13 |that |I would like a bike that colour too. |

|14 |last |This is my last sandwich to eat. |

|15 |with |David goes to the football with Susan. |

|16 |call |Simon will call out when he wants us to come. |

|17 |away |My brother is going away for two weeks. |

|18 |like |Mark will like all his birthday presents. |

|19 |will |Megan will do her homework tonight. |

|20 |made |Beth made her grandad a birthday card. |

|21 |know |I know how to count to 100. |

|22 |long |Lunch is a long time away. |

|23 |them |It took them ages to clean the bedroom. |

|24 |work |I have finished all my work. |

|25 |make |Ty can make paper planes. |

Group F: 4+ letter words

|1 |then |We went fishing then had our tea. |

|2 |year |This year our team will win the footy. |

|3 |look |Will you help me look for my glasses? |

|4 |from |I got a letter from my uncle. |

|5 |these |I like these chips best. |

|6 |came |Michael came to Nicky’s place to play. |

|7 |best |I got the best score on the playstation game. |

|8 |many |We have many children in our room. |

|9 |girl |The girl had long brown hair. |

|10 |they |Leah said they were friendly kids at her new school. |

|11 |give |Beth will give James a loan or her textas. |

|12 |lots |Claire has lots of friends. |

|13 |play |Kim will play snakes and ladders with Melissa. |

|14 |good |We all had a good day at school. |

|15 |this |Please take this note to Mr. Gates. |

|16 |only |Kim’s little brother is only two. |

|17 |can’t |Leslie-Anne can’t close her lunchbox. |

|18 |over |Brydie climbed over the fence to get the ball. |

|19 |time |It was time for bed, said Dad. |

|20 |your |I like your new watch. |

|21 |could |Declan could tie his shoelaces when he was six |

|22 |never |We never talk to strangers. |

|23 |money |I spent all my money. |

|24 |about |This is a story about a koala. |

|25 |night |Last night I dreamed of monsters. |

Group G: 5+ letter words

|1 |start |Kate wants to start the game now. |

|2 |heard |Phillip heard his Dad calling. |

|3 |where |Steven knew where to hide his toys. |

|4 |again |Carol would like to play that game again. |

|5 |think |I think we were supposed to take our diaries home. |

|6 |water |My water bottle needs filling. |

|7 |house |Tim’s new house has a big backyard. |

|8 |right |I like to get my answers right. |

|9 |after |We have newstime after lunch. |

|10 |story |The story was about a little mouse. |

|11 |first |Tom lost his first tooth yesterday. |

|12 |while |We danced while the music played. |

|13 |every |Shaun uses every colour to draw the rainbow. |

|14 |there |Put the lunch orders down there. |

|15 |found |I found my shoes under the bed. |

|16 |you’re |You’re late for school, said my brother. |

|17 |three |I ate three carrot sticks at playtime. |

|18 |didn't |Jeff didn’t want to go to bed. |

|19 |world |Our world has many countries. |

|20 |thing |Jacinta found a strange blue thing in her pencil case. |

|21 |other |Dad said I could have one or the other. |

|22 |would |Matthew would like to share his toy cars. |

|23 |friend |My friend likes to play with me. |

|24 |really |Glenn’s Dad is really tall. |

|25 |colour |Anne chose the colour of her new bedroom. |

Group H: 6+ letter words

|1 |mother |Sara’s mother works in a bank. |

|2 |always |Jay always brushes his teeth. |

|3 |school |Miss Marg drives to school in her car. |

|4 |wanted |Emily wanted cheese on her sandwich. |

|5 |should |We should keep our hats in our buckets. |

|6 |around |Mr Lawson drew a ring around the word. |

|7 |family |Blake’s family has 7 people in it. |

|8 |little |My little sister has curly hair. |

|9 |people |The people in the theatre were all laughing. |

|10 |father |Martin’s father plays tennis on Saturdays. |

|11 |before |We ate our lunch before we went to play. |

|12 |children |The children giggled when their teacher danced. |

|13 |thought |Luke thought he’d forgotten his lunch. |

|14 |morning |This morning we said a prayer together. |

|15 |couldn't |Esther couldn’t find any clean socks. |

|16 |another |Jeremy found another good site on the internet. |

|17 |Australia |Australia is the country we live in. |

|18 |because |It rains because the clouds get heavy. |

|19 |finally |Nana finally finished the jigsaw. |

|20 |talking |Laura likes talking on the telephone. |

|21 |brother |Kelly has a big brother and a little brother. |

|22 |Christmas |Joel can’t wait for Christmas to come. |

|23 | | |

|24 | | |

|25 | | |


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