Costumes for My StoryMy title and opening sequence for ‘’ My Story’’ includes 4 characters and these are Malaya as a young infant at the age of 5, I will have my Niece Tiamii acting this role as she is 4. I have chosen my niece for the 5 yr old version of Malaya because she’s small and petite and looks fragile, she has blonde curly hair and having a girl will blonde hair will show how the older version of Malaya has changed in appearance. I will then have 2 older versions of Malaya and this will include a girl called Megan Smith acting Malaya as a young teenager as the age of 13. I have chosen Megan Smith for this role because she also loose fragile and small in height compared to Liam, I also want an individual who knows Liam so they feel comfortable with him when acting with him, and because she is his younger sister she will feel a whole lot more comfortable with him rather than a stager pretending to hit her. Moreover I will then include myself to act as the final grown up version of Malaya who is at the age of 19. I am participating in my opening sequence because I want to be involved in my own project as well, also I have written and created the plot of this 2 minute sequence so I will understand how to play this role and I’ve created the characters so I will make this character believable. Another character that will also be included in this will be the Dad who will be called David Hemming’s he is portrayed as an abusive farther who emotionally and sexually abuses his eldest child. David has two children the eldest is Malaya and he has a young boy called Harley who is 3 years younger than Malaya. I have chosen Liam Hemming’s for this particular role because he has the build for the fatherly character I want. He’s also big and tall so he looks as though he’s strong and dominant, moreover choosing him for this role will be good because I will do low camera angles to show the audience his big muscular build compared to a fragile small girl. I will also film over the shoulder shots as this will show the height compared to both of the young versions of Malaya, some of the camera angles will make him look intimidating as well to show his controlling personality aspect of his character. Young Malaya ItemDescription 619760-99822000This is Tiamii she’s 5 years of age and she will be playing the role of the 5 year old Malaya. I have chosen my niece for the 5 yr old version of Malaya because she’s small and petite and looks fragile, she has blonde curly hair and having a girl will blonde hair will show how the older version of Malaya has changed in appearance and personality because she becomes more confident.6216659334500These are some shoes similar to what the young version of Malaya (Tiamii) will wear. The reason I chose these shoes for her is because it will represent a young school girl.973455-127000This is the school dress I have chosen Malaya to wear, the reason why I chose the young version of Malaya to wear this as it represents her young still being at school at a young age, also with the white t-shirt under the dress it’s a connotation of innocence and vulnerability.53530513144500The reason I chose Malaya to wear this coat is because the weather will be cold and this coat will keep her warm, it’s a long jacket that also looks like something a young school girl would wear.Location Description -254007366000I have chosen Illingworth cemetery to represent Malaya’s mums grave and where she’s buried. I show this destination when young Malaya and her dad visit her mums grave.755654889500I have chosen this destination for when I film young Malaya playing in her room and her dad (David) comes in the room shutting the door behind him. This shows the first stages of abuse as a child.2076457620000I have chosen a park for a setting for the young version of Malaya, I will do the 2 minute opening scene of something like a home video of young Malaya enjoying herself before her abuse started.I will do over the shoulder shot from behind the mum showing that she had happy memories with her mum and that she wasn’t afraid of her mum and she was always happy before her mum died. This will be Beachwood park and I will use this park because it’s the closest and it will be easy to film.3359159398000I have chosen a living room for the beginning scene for when the older version of Malaya kills her dad, her dad will be lying on the living room floor whilst Malaya is looking shocked and distraught over him. There will be blood on the floor and the room will seem like a mess to make it look like there’s been a struggle. I will do this by misplacing the rug and having it scuffled up I will have broken glass on the floor to show that the glass vase smashed on her dads head before he died.Also in this scene I will show Malaya having happy memories of opening her birthday presents with her mum, this will show the last birthday she had before her mum passed away. I will also do a home Christmas video of the young version of Malaya opening her Christmas presents with her mum before she died, I might do this one instead of the birthday one as it will be easier to do since Christmas is nearly coming up.Props Description -55880-635000-127000-11430000I have chosen a pug ornament or a flower vase as a weapons to kill the dad with because they seem like heavy objects and there not an obvious weapon for a killer to use, also because its it just ordinary ornament decoration of a house it’s the closest heavy object that she could hit her dad over the head with. I will have these props either on a windowsill or on a fireplace.635635-1454150011296651461770001922145145161000-65405151955500This is Megan Smith she is 14 years old and she will be the 13 year old version of Malaya. She will wear a Trinity Academy Halifax uniform in the morning when she’s covering her bruises with makeup, wearing a uniform will represent she’s only a young teenager. Then I will do some shots wear she’s wearing different tops and jeans or some dresses that she may have. i havechosen this costume because this is what a typical teenager would wear and a teenage audience could relare to it. She is also suitable for this role because shes the right height and shes got a confident personality.225425190500014109701920875001750060115189000956310781050002095578105000This Is the grown up version of Malaya (me) I will wear my grey coat with some blue jeans and a black vest top. Whilst wearing white converse. I will wear this because it shows that my character is old and mature. I have chosen myself for this role because I made up the characters and I know how to portray their personality. 22542545720001407160143383000-26035240474500104775121793000This is Dave (Liam Hemmings) he is Malaya’s dad he will wear a normal ralph Lauren grey shirt with some black skinning jeans on and black adidas gazelles. I will do some shots of him showing his abusive side by showing a shot of him closing a door behind him when young Malaya is sitting in her room. I will also film him straggling young Malaya against a wall to show his power over his child and this will be held in the living room.7931159652000I will use red, blue and purle eye shadow makeup to create a realistic bruise on the young version of malayas ( Megan Smith) eye, I will apply vaselline to make the brusie look shinny and like its a freshly done bruise. I will do this bruise for when im filming malalaya in the bathroom covering the bruise up with foundation or concealer.I will also use fake blood for Dave ( Liam Hemmings) for when I smash his head with a glass varse or orniment this will show how deep the injury is and how much blood hes lost from his head. ................

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