On it Edward W. Beatty, K. Ci, the new - Library of Congress



A Real Bargain.


Than In Any Other Country of' the World.

S! DR. W. S,

fTi 1

The greatness of France lies in her

Through an error in ordering we have ^ 4 on hand a beautiful Oak Sideboard. One

^ of the latest designs with Beveled Plate Mirrors finished in the white so it can

Clarence Chamberlin Writes His Folks sense of the beauly and importance

That Hei 'Flies 11,900 Feet in the of living. As life Is an art in France,

Air Before Breakfast

, so woman Is an artist. She does not


teach man, but she inspires him; And "as the French woman of the broad-win

One Hour and Twenty Minutes Going ning-class influences her husband, and

11,600 Feet, and Only Ten Min he regards her Judgment and her


r' be oiled or stained to match your furm-

ture ory..fa;Vte-r simple life for me.

en can doubt tliat their great influence on French Hf^, French thought, French Imagination, and French sensibility is

Ono Gent Per Word EaoK Inaortlon. Al 1 Ado Ch&rged on LodgerMinimum Ch^rgo of 25 Con o.


If You Want a Load of Good Coal Phone No. 7 if

Quito a come" down after a month In one of the strongest elements in the New York with nothing to do but en attitude France holds>- .before the



_ NOTION,!% W*?;BATE< . state'of;Iowa. Crawford County, ss.p^

joy myself. ' I stopped one day in world today.--;Ladies* Home journal. Washington and had a good visit with

WANTED: Good strong boy who is

LET US RECOVER YOUR OLD AUto tops,' Satisfaction guaranteed.

In Probates In the matter,of the,estate of Eliza- I

The Denison Review Aunt AIMe. Incidentally had dinner county and proposing to make people at the Hotel Washington. They had rich if they will but purchase stock a Marimba band for music, the same





not afraid of work, to work at the Re view Office after school hours and on Saturdays. Inquire of R. P. Conner

Denison Harpess Shop.



beth Stone, , late of Crawford" county, dcCCtiS^d* Notice of AppolnJ^meait of. AdminjB-

- Published Every Wednesday by

The Review Publishing Cb

(Incorporate*) .ft- coinrzB.??MM-

H*?ioi.?t Deotoon post office m meond

?4*ortlsli>cr*ta* furnished on'inquest. ot City of Denlflpn and

tirswfStt6- County. BM, 4) of section eight (8), township eighty-four (84) north, range thirty-eight (38) wesjs' of the 5th P. M., Crawford county, Iowa.



? >' '

To the Above Named Defendants:

You and. each of you arei hereby noti

fied that there is now on file in the office


! N*- It was 'but a few months ago that 'the newspapers of Denison called at

tention to the fact that the county was 'overrun with canvassers proposing to

IsS,I'?.-..sell stock in various concerns located pj^-in 'different cities of the country. A % J-catalogue house in Minnesota caught

its reorganization in 1798. The cup is a gift of his great-granddnughter, Mrs. Surah Wlmrton Howard of Maryland, and other members of the family..

Blighted Hopes.


"I understand that there was great

oxcitinent here not long ago over an

often seen and heard. The story ot his having a dummy nest to mislead marauders is due to a misunderstand ing ef tlie bird's habit of sometimes building a new nest instead of repair ing the old one. Bavens have a place in many old legends in Europe, and cannot be,spared any more than can

right bands as a pledge of sincerity or as a seal of a..promise Is. of very early origin. The apostle Paul, in his epistle to the Galatlans, says: "And when James, Cephas and John, who seemed to be pillars, ? perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and to Barnabas the right

the triumph| FOR SALE:

of the cleric 'of- the district court' of



CraWfOrd county, Iowa, a petition by the plaintiffs, Harvey Volkmann, Ru

male pigs, extra large bone and big dolph Volkmann, Emil Volkmann, Min


type. Cholera immune. W. W. Clark, Dow City.


29-S. 43-tf

nie Volkmann Klingblel. Amelia Vo>lkmann Broders, Alvina Volkmann N|colalsen and Mary Volkmann, claiming, of


you^that they are the absolute and/Un

FOR boars.

SALE: POLAND CHINA A. J. Siegneri Vail, Iowa.

qualified owners of the property describ

ed. in said petition, to-wit:


West half (W%) of the Southeast

Phone 89-H.

49-tf quarter (SEW) of the Southwest quar

a large number of farmers upon the alleged discovery of manganese?" said the stork of-Alsace and Lorraine.*;: hands of fellowship.^ that we should

^ representatio that those who owned. a guest.



go unto the heathen." In this case,

ter (SWVi) Of the: Northeast quarter


(NE%) of section eight eighty-four (84) north,

(8), township range thirty-

1^4/ ?stock in the concern -could purchase goods at u large discount and that gov-

,v eminent bonds would -be accepted in payment of the stock in the concern.

^.' Thousands of dollars were thus se-

"cured in this and other counties unJ^vitil tlie^ council of defense in Denison t ^-brought' before it some of the agents

engaged 'in selling stock and Inade it p ko uncomfortable for them that they fe^beat: a retreat from the county. Since I' ' then little has been heard from these ! ' concerns until lately there seems to

be another drive started and canvasers

t "Yes," grimly replied the landlord

of the Petunia tavern. "Mighty near

?is much as when 'twas reported that

a two-headed calf had been born out

on Zaeh Fugg's, place a spell before

that. But there wasn't any manganese,

after all, and the two-headed calf

rolled over and defunct. Looks like

no matter how bright our-prospects for

a boom nre something always comes

along an dexplodes 'em."--Kansas City



Quite Unprepared.

Conlln (visiting sick friend, solemn ly)--Don't think I'm lookin' f'r tto' Worst t' happen, Dinny, but it's f'r yei own gocd I'm asking It--nre ye pre

pared? Slavin (very deliberately) --'Tis

sorry I am t' sajr I'm not, Terence, but av ye'll bo good enough t' call ag'in tomorrah I'll guar-rantee t' have a brick handy, ye domb crape hanger !--

puffulo Express,

evidently, a friendly agreement was sealed by giving the right 'hands of fellowship. From this the custom of giving the right hand of fellowship upon suitable occasions spread throughout Christendom and joining right hnnds became a part of the Christian marriage . ceremony. ' The custom of liaiid shaking certainly ex isted before Shakespeare's duy, for he refers to it many times as a kind of pledge or Social greeting. It Is not {cpuiincd to English-speaking uatlons,

"are again circulating in parts dt the

els from scored stock. Mrs. P. J. Eg- eight (38) west of the 5th P. M. Cwiw-

gers, Denison. -Phone 215.


ford county, Iowa, and praying that title thereto be quieted in the plaintiff and





that you and each of you be barred ."and forever estopped from having)., or claim

sale. Having just purchased a nfew ing any right, title or interest thereto

herd boar, I am offering for sale my yearling boars West's Smooth Jumbo,

adverse to the plaintiffs.

For particulars see petition





?by Mouw'e Smooth Jumbo, and West's Big Bob by Long Bob. These are out standing younE boars and excellent

? Now unless you appear thereto find defend on or before noon of the second day of-the next term of said court, com mencing at Denison. Iowa, on the 27tlt

ibreeders. If interested call and see day of January, 1919, default will be en.

at once as they are priced to sell. Farm 2 miles north of Boyer. Harry

tered against you and a' decree rendered thereon a, ?rayed.R &

M', West',


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