
Barry David Thibault MEDT 7466 Dr. Vanderbilt





Subject: Henry Ross

Title of the photo: P1 - Portrait "Kidney Stones"

Descriptive Tags:

Henry, Kidney Stones, Surgery, First Photos

Blog Links:

Original Flickr Photo Link

Final Flickr Photo Link

Digital Photo Rubric:


|Objective/Criteria |Exemparary |Competent |Emerging |

|Concept |5 | | |

|Composition | |4.4 | |

|Color, Contrast Tonal Range | | |3.8 |

|Focus |5 | | |

|Technical Aspects |5 | | |

|Depth Of Field |5 | | |

|Title/Tags |5 | | |

|Self Critique |5 | | |

|Reflections |5 | | |

|Peer Comments |5 | | |

48.2 total/50


Photographer Photo Reflections:

My portrait photo of Henry titled, " Kidney Stones" tells the story of my 3 days in the hospital for emergency surgery. I tried to capture the kindness and sweetness in his eyes of how I was feeling about him with the help he gave me during the surgery. After such a long 3 days I came home to my new camera the NIKON D40x and I was so eager to take it out and start taking pictures.

I felt as though I had already read enough about digital photography to get started. I was wrong! I did learn enough about the requirements and vocabulary of the digital camera so I had an idea of what the ISO, APERTURE and SHUTTER SPEED were and of its use but I had not yet figured out how to achieve them on this specific camera. With some tweaking in photo editing software, I was able to adjust the picture to satisfy the requirements of this photo project #1.

I did use the camera in Auto mode to allow for aid in my first pictures. This assignment allowed me the opportunity to really get into the settings mode and read the manual for future support. There are many things I could have done to improve the shot but I was able to do them with the software. I have learned about the importance of straight lines and color to be able to tweak Henry and get his portrait to have a stronger presence. I like the effect of depth of field (DOF) and was able to blur the background image so that he was brought into focus with the first look. Of course, I would have liked to play around with having a better background with a rich contrasting color and saturation but I was in no shape to be walking around looking for that perfect spot. I guess I would be able to make the picture better by layering a better background and tweaking the two together. I am pleased with what I have learned and look forward to creating some more interesting projects.

Peer Photo Comments:


original- You were the first to have their photo up and ready for review and that says a lot about your character and professionalism. I like how your picture focuses on both eyes and the angle is awesome. It is washed out a bit in the background but it looks like you took this during the snowstorm and it takes some tweaking to fix the over exposed elements of this shot. I think you may have been trying to show DOF as well? Overall, I understand your choice of portraits to represent this project. The title is awesome!

final- I love the choice of black and white especially with animals. It really brings out the clarity and focus of the details and your cropping fills out the photo very nicel


I can definitely see his "stir craziness" in your shot. He looks like he is willing to have fun and help you with any assignment you throw at him. It is important to have this in a model. I like your distance and the room for cropping. The angle you shot at could also add a lot of additional fun modes and settings in your tweaks,


The title is awesome and would really look nice in a scrapbook or card for your family. I can see the mix up with the 2 photos as the first photo is missing color and I love to use heavy saturation with all my pics. I have this set up on my camera so that it really pops.

Good Job!


Nice picture, considering how difficult it is to get moving objects to be still. I really like the final shot and see the effort you put into your editing. What software are you using? The background is really in focus great job! Way to go with that d50!

Awesome! I still have yet to try Photoshop, I am now trying Lightroom 3 as they have a month trial. I think I will purchase a student /teacher version when it expires.

Nice landscape view of nature and ducks! This looks like a pretty wide angle lens. focus is nice for such bright colors.


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