WEbQuest template

Calling all Advertising GURUS…

A WebQuest for Year 10 English

Designed by

Ms Rose Krauksts



Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


Today’s Advertising world is all about competition. It is a cut throat industry that survives on defeating other advertising companies to win advertising contracts such as Coca- Cola and Sony Play Station. The right combination of layout, language and graphics will see you successfully promote a product.

Think you have the credentials to be a successful advertising company?

Well …. Put your thinking caps on and PROVE it!




The Task

You are an advertising company that is trying to win the right to promote a North Korean Product here in Australia. The product is ‘lychee flavoured potato chips’.

The original packaging is in Korean so it up to you to design the Australian version of the packaging, and create a promotion advertisement aimed at a youth target audience.


Here is the original Korean Packaging.


The best ad design and packaging will win the multi-million dollar contract! So think creatively and be ready to sell your ideas to the Korean representative when they visit Australia in two weeks.



You will need to show both the product packaging (it will be placed over the existing product) and the magazine advert PLUS you will need to present how you came up with the design and explain your design and advertising choices.


The Process

There are many steps to follow for a successful completion of this project.  Read and complete the steps carefully, and then browse the RESOURCES for guidance.



|Step One |Organise yourselves into groups of 4 (four) |

| |Create a name for your advertising company |

|Step Two |Read over the notes made in class on the A.I.D.A principle. |

|Step Three |Re- visit key terms discussed in class such as |

| |Target audience |

| |Salience |

| |Vectors |

| |Second person narrative |

| |Imperatives |

| |Superlatives |

| |Persuasive or emotive words |

| |[pic] Advertising Vocabulary.doc  |

|Step Four |Practice de-constructing ads aimed at youth market. |

| |[pic]Example of an advertisement aimed at youth.doc |

|Step Five |Examine original Korean Packaging of product. (above in Task section) |

| |Measurements – length 22.7 |

| |                       - circumference 20.4 |

|Step Six |Brainstorm ideas for the Australian packaging under the key headings of: |

| |  |

| |Graphics |

| |Layout |

| |Language |

| |  |

|Step Seven |Allocate roles within the group. 2 (two) students should work on the packaging of the product and 2 (two) should |

| |work on the magazine advertisement. |

|Step Eight |Research: |

| |Packaging – |

| |Browse examples of product packaging targeted for teens/youths. |

| | |

| | |

| |Make a list of mandatory requirements needed on Australian packaging |

| |Survey class mates or friends about their ‘desires’ re: snack foods  |

| |Magazine Advert |

| |Browse magazine ads targeted at teens/youths |

| |Survey class mates or friends re favourite ad designs or campaigns. |

| |Determine – what works and what doesn’t work? |

|Step Nine |Search the internet for resources such as graphics or alternatively create your own digital images |

|Step Ten |Draft designs: |

| |Working collaboratively, design your product packaging and ad. |

| |Test your draft designs on intended target audience. |

| |Make adjustments to original designs |

|Step Eleven |Finish packaging design and magazine ad. |

| |Review with teacher. |

|Step Twelve |Write up notes for presentation day. Include information on: |

| |Choices for layout |

| |Choices for graphics |

| |Choices for language |

| |  |

|Step Thirteen |Bring your packaging and magazine advert to class. You will display magazine ad through data projector. |

|Evaluation |Post magazine advertisement on CEnet. |

| |Write a one page reflection describing your process in creating the product packaging OR ad, and what you learned |

| |throughout the process. |

| |Comment also on what you thought of the other students work. |


Resource Links


- definitions of how to advertise

- How to Analyze an Advertisement

- popular advertising techniques

frontline report on effects of advertising

- product packaging information

- common advertising strategies

- food advertising strategies




| Area |Beginning |Developing 2 |Accomplished 3 |Exemplary 4 |Score 16 |

| |1 | | | | |

|  |Black & white (pencil) |Attempts to use colour|Well thought out use of |Sophisticated use of|  |

|Packaging Design |design; |to engage target |colour, layout, |colour, layout, | |

|  |  |audience; Has basic |graphics to engage target |graphics and digital| |

| | |graphics and design |audience; |media to engage | |

| | |layout  |  |target audience; | |

| | |  | |  | |

| | | | |Implements correct | |

| | |Attempts to implement |Implements several |packaging | |

| | |some of the packaging |packaging requirements |requirements  | |

| |Doesn’t fit product |requirements; | | | |

| |measurements;   |simplistic | | | |

|Magazine Advert |There is no clear | The purpose of the ad|The Purpose of the Ad is |The Purpose of the |  |

| |purpose in the ad; |is limited or |clear. |Ad is clear and | |

| |  |elementary; |  |clever | |

| | |  | |  | |

| | |  | | | |

| |The name of the product |The name of the | |The name of the | |

| |is included but not |product is included; |The name of the product is |product is | |

| |clearly evident to |  |obvious. |prominent. | |

| |consumers; | |  |  | |

| |  | | | | |

| |Slogan is basic or not |Slogan uses | | | |

| |apparent; |adjectives; |Slogan is catchy. |Slogan is clever and| |

| |  |  |  |memorable. | |

| | | | |  | |

| |Pencil design; |Uses simple pastel | |Colors and Symbols | |

| |  |colours; |Colors and Symbols are used|are used | |

| | |  |consistently; |effectively. | |

| | | |  |  | |

| | | |Ad remains mostly simple |Ad remains simple | |

| |Elementary layout or |Cluttered use of |and uncluttered. |and uncluttered. | |

| |disproportionate layout;|symbols or graphics |  |  | |

| | There are spelling and |(layout) |Spelling and Grammar is |Spelling and grammar| |

| |grammatical errors; |There are some |mostly correct throughout. |correct throughout; | |

| | |spelling and |  |  | |

| |Target audience not |grammatical errors; | |Target audience | |

| |directly addressed | |Target audience directly |directly addressed | |

| | |Target audience not |addressed |  | |

| | |clearly identifiable | | | |

| | |  | | | |

|Collaboration skills | The group's decisions |The group's decision |The group decision is based|This group decisions|  |

|  |are disjointed; |seems more a mixing |on clear understanding of |are soundly reasoned| |

| |Ideas are not connected |than a blending. Ideas|key issues and works to |and addresses key | |

| |or connected in a very |are thrown together, |balance them. Some weak |issues thoroughly;. | |

| |elementary manner. |not necessarily |spots may still exist. | | |

| | |thought through. | | | |

|Presentation Skills |Describes product |Explains basic reasons|Displays satisfactory |Displays thorough |  |

| |visually with no |for choices with |ability  in explaining |confidence and | |

| |explanation of choices |packaging and magazine|choices for packaging and |knowledge in | |

| |for packaging and |ad designs |magazine ad designs; refers|explaining choices | |

| |magazine ad designs | |to A.I.D.A principle. |for packaging and | |

| | | | |magazine ad designs;| |

| | | | |makes clear | |

| | | | |connections to | |

| | | | |A.I.D.A principle | |





Wow, you've done it! You've created an advertisement that will really sell ‘lychee flavoured potato chips’! Teenagers will flock to buy plenty of packets of chips based on your ad and product packaging.


Be sure as a final step, to post your ad to CEnet as an attachment. In your post please tell what you learned about advertising from these activities. Look at your classmates efforts and comment on their ads as well.


Now you know you can get people to buy what you want them to! You've just learned how powerful persuasion can be in this world!


Credits & References

1. Coca-Cola () images

2. - rubric suggestions

3. Web quest direct () images

4. Flipads – advertisements examples




8. ITI501 Technology Partners in Learning 1 – notes and readings

9. NSW Board of Studies web site

Based on a template idea from The WebQuest Page



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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