ReviewThe 50s: Happy DaysPart I: Match the term with its definition or characteristic.Marilyn Monroe: the first centerfold for Playboy magazine; actress of the 50sWinston Churchill: Prime Minister of England; famous phrase “Iron Curtain”Harry S. Truman: made decision to drop atomic bombs; president during first part of the Cold WarSputnik: first man-made satellite in space; Soviet UnionElvis Presley: first r-n-r star in the 50s.Rosa Parks: helped start the Montgomery Bus Boycott; beginning of the Civil Rights Movement in AmericaDwight D. Eisenhower: President during the 50s who wanted to improve the country; WWIIgeneral; first Republican president since 1928Jim Crow: laws that segregated society; mostly in the SouthJoseph Stalin: dictator of Soviet UnionMartin Luther King, Jr.: leader of the civil rights movement in the U.S.Part II: Review questions1. How many American soldiers died in the Korean War?Between 50,000 & 53,000 American soldiers died in the Korean War2. Which three countries signed a truce that stopped the fighting in the Korean War?U.S., China, North Korea3. Which military hero was elected president of the U.S. in 1954?Dwight D. Eisenhower (AKA “Ike”) 4. What was the main priority of the Eisenhower administration?domestic policy; improving the country5. Who was in control of the country during the 50s?White males6. How did economic recovery affect the U.S.?Wages went up; consumer society7. What 3 jobs were the hottest in the 50s?Advertising, marketing, public relations8. What was the standard business dress for men the 50s?Suit & tie; black, blue or gray; white shirt9. Which of the following provides an example of sexism in the workplace?All the secretaries had to be pretty10. What was the dominant thought about women in the 50s?Married, pregnant, housewife11. What words would describe life in the 50s?couples society; divorce was unheard of; traditional family values; traditional gender roles12. What is meant by “keeping up with the Jones’s”?Keeping up with the neighbors; having the newest products when they come out13. What was the new technology that everyone had to have?TV14. What effect did it have on the entertainment industry?Demand for new shows; new celebrities; 15. What happened to radio in the 50s?Little demand for the radio; radio is pushed aside16. What new magazine was first published in the 50s?Playboy17. Who was the first centerfold?Marilyn Monroe18. What music worried the parents of the 50s?Rock-n-roll19. Why did parents worry about their children & this music?Devil’s Music; parents thought their children were going to start liking black people20. In 1956, who became the first R-n-R star? Elvis Presley21. How did Ed Sullivan describe Elvis Presley’s act?Vulgar & suggestive22. In 1957, what program went national and who was the host?American Bandstand/Dick Clark23. What type of literature the beat movement use to make a point?Poetry24. What laws were still around in the South in the 50s?Jim Crow Laws--segregation25. In 1955, what happened in Montgomery, Alabama?Montgomery Bus Boycott/Rosa Parks 26. How would this affect the city of Montgomery? lasted 381 days; desegregated the buses; non-violent protest (1st time)27. Who became the leader of the civil rights movement in the U.S.?Martin Luther King, Jr.28. What tactic did the civil rights marchers use against the forces of segregation?Non-violent protests29. How long did the bus boycott last? 381 days30. How did the Supreme Court change things in the Montgomery Bus Boycott?SCOTUS ordered buses to be desegregated31. What was the next scene of the civil right movement? Little Rock, Arkansas32. What SC decision ordered desegregation in the country?Brown v. Board of Education (1954)33. How many black students went to the high school in Little Rock to begin integration?9 black students tried to integrate the high school34. What was Eisenhower’s reaction to event in Arkansas?Eisenhower sent in the Army to help desegregate the high school35. How did the Little Rock 9 feel once they got in?They felt good & part of America36. How did the car affect Americans?Main source of transportation; beginning of the car society37. What federal program began in ’56 to help drivers?Interstate Highway System38. What was the secret reason for the highway system?Move military equipment from one place to another as fast as possible39. What war was intensifying during the 50s?Cold War40. Who did the U.S. use when testing an H-bomb?soldiers41. What military weapon would be used to send nuclear bombs to other countries?Missiles42. What country sent the 1st satellite into space?Soviet Union 43. How did Americans react?Worried; afraid; 44. What effect did the intensifying war have on the American people?People started building bomb shelters; they became more aware of world events;45. While Soviet kids were studying in school, what were American kids doing?Dancing to r-n-r & having a good timePart III: False to true1. The 1950s would be the best time for women in the workplace.Change best to worst2. The dominant symbol of many American’s live in the 50s would be their homes.Change homes to cars3. One of the secret reasons for building the Interstate Highway System was for emergency landings of 747 jets.One of the secret reasons for building the IHS was to transport military supplies & troops.4. While Soviet kids were dancing to rock-n-roll, American kids were studying hard to become scientists & engineers.Change Soviet to American & American to Soviet5. In the 1950s, divorce was very common & the word family had many different meanings.Divorce was NOT common & family had one traditional meaningPart IV Discussion:Explain the positive & negative aspects of life in the U.S. during the 1950s (10 points.)Positive things:People were having fun (r-n-r; TV; cars)Consumer society/economyMobile societyLevittownBaby boomHighway systemWorld War II was overGI Bill/increase in professional occupationsCivil Rights MovementNegative things:SexismTraditional gender rolesCivil Rights Movement (Segregation/integration/boycotts/violence, ect.)Increase in membership in the KKK (just in South)The “couples” mentalityCold War (tensions between the U.S. & the Soviet Union)Korean War ................

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