Web Colors

Web Colors


At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

• Use Hex codes to create various web colors.


1. Create a new folder called "Web Colors".

2. Create a new XHTML document and save it as "index.html" in the "Web Colors" folder.

3. Set the title to be "Web Colors" and create a main heading that reads the same.

4. Create a table with three columns and 17 rows. With an internal style sheet, set the table width to 300 pixels and add a 1 pixel solid black border.

5. Set each individual cell to be 100 pixels wide, with centered text, and a text color of white.

6. Create a class for the first table row and set its background color property to be black, using the appropriate hex code.

7. In order to save time, we will make an exception and use regular XHTML table styling instead of CSS styling for the remainder of the table cells. For the second row of the table, set the background color to be "#110000", "#001100", and "#000011" respectively. The syntax is ................

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