
Media Lesson Plan – Black History Biographies

|Media Specialist: Katy Fay |School: Horizon Elementary |

|Lesson Title: Black History Biography |Grade Level(s): 5th grade |

|Standard: Research |Lesson Length: 3-4 30 minute lessons |

|Materials: |

|computers with Internet access |

|writing supplies |

|biographies of African Americans |

|encyclopedias |

|Bio Cube Creator – link (student interactive from ReadWriteThink) |

|Bio Cube planning sheet |

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|Website links: |

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|Kiddle |

|Kids Info Bits |

|Bright Moments – Black History |

|Distinguished Women |

|Standards: |

|LAFS.5.RI.1.2. Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. |

|LAFS.5.RI.3.7. Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem|

|efficiently. |

|LAFS.5.RI.3.9. Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably. |

|LAFS.5.W.3.7. Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. |

|AASL 2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information. |

|Objectives: |

|Students will improve comprehension by researching a contemporary or historical figure and reporting the most significant information about that person. |

|Activities & Strategies: |

|Explain to students that they will be writing very short biographical sketches and that they will need to concentrate on providing the most interesting and |

|significant information about their subject. |

|Conduct a brief review about what constitutes a reliable source, emphasizing encyclopedias, printed biographies, and safe websites/databases. |

|Review with students: Where are biographies found in the media center? How are they organized? Emphasize that the students will be responsible for locating their |

|biographies on the shelf during future sessions, and they will need to be returned to the proper place. |

|Display all available biographies on famous African Americans, as well as anthologies. Direct students’ attention to encyclopedias, and remind them of the websites|

|available. Have students choose a biography. |

|Introduce students to the Bio Cube and walk them through the steps of filling it out. Prompts within the tool ask students to name a subject and then describe the |

|person's significance, obstacle faced, background, and personality. There is also a prompt to add any famous quotations attributed to the subject. Show students the|

|completed Bio Cube created in preparation of the lesson. Distribute Bio Cube Planning Sheet. Explain the information they will need for each “side.” Explain what |

|is meant by personality traits, significance and obstacles. |

|Students will use their biographies, encyclopedias and websites to fill out their Bio Cube planning sheet. Remind them that they need to cite each source used. |

|They will be expected to write the information in complete sentences. The information will need to be accurate and appropriate. |

|Have the students show you their completed planning sheet for review. Once all 6 areas of the planning sheet are completed, including citations, the student can |

|complete the Bio Cube and print it. The finished Bio Cube printout should be cut out and folded into a cube shape to be used as a quick reference tool during |

|writing exercises. |

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|Extension |

|Students may take the info from their Bio Cube and write a one-page biographical sketch. |

|Assessment: |

|Teacher observation |

|Completed Bio Cube |

|Notes & Reflection: |

|Students should cite their sources on the planning sheet. |

|Students may want to type their information into a word document so that it can be easily copied and pasted into the Bio Cube. |


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