Black History Month: Writing Contest Rubric

[Pages:2]Black History Month: Writing Contest Rubric

Use the rubric to check your writing to see if it fits these requirements. Judges will use this rubric to score all entries and determine the winners.





Provides many specific details about a person, place, or event that is significant in African American History.


Provides some detail about a person, place, or event that is significant in African American History.


Provides minimal details about a person, place, or event that is significant in African American History.


Does not provide enough detail about a person, place, or event that is significant in African American History.

Personal Narrative

How does the information above affect you or society


Word count for the narrative

Writing Mechanics

Overall Effect

Provides many specific examples in how your personal experiences, opinions, or how society is affected today.

Provides some specific examples in how your personal experiences, opinions, or how society is affected today.

The message is clear. 300-1000 words for personal narrative section only

Skillful use of mechanics ? spelling, punctuation, and grammar. The writing or font is 12 pt and in a standard style, legible like arial. The overall work makes a strong impression and/or evokes an emotional response to the reader.


Very few errors in mechanics.

The overall work makes a good impression or evokes emotion.

Provides minimal examples in how your personal experiences, opinions, or how society is affected today.


Some errors in mechanics.

The overall work leaves a little impression or emotional response.

Does not provide a personal narrative or a connection to modern society. Or the message is unclear.

Insufficient amount of words or too much

Many significant errors in mechanics. The font in inappropriate.

The work does not reach out to the reader or evoke an emotional response.

Warning: If the judges find your work to be copied, offensive, gang related,

Score = ______ /20, or ______ %

or inappropriate for any reason, your entry will be disqualified.

Appropriate/original work? Yes ___ No ____

Black History Month: Flyer

Essay topic is black history. Write about an event, person, or thing that made a significant impact on African American History.

All entries must be submitted by February 11th! Winners will be announced Feb. 19th. Party on Feb. 20th. Submit entries to Mrs. Evans. There will be several winners chosen. Winners will

receive a certificate and be present at a lunch party. Essays and art will be displayed in the school. Lunch parties include music, a special lunch, and dessert. The art and the essay are separate contests. Enter either or both. Follow the rubric and edit, edit, edit! Use the school website for more resources.

Warning: If the judges find your writing to be copied, offensive, gang related, or inappropriate

for any reason, your entry will be disqualified!

EXAMPLES you can use

The man known as Cudjo Lewis (ca. 1841-1935) was the last survivor of the Clotilda, the last recorded slave ship to the United States.

Amistad, a slave ship

Nelson Mandela


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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