
SUC OFFICER UPDATESName: Farrah BlackOfficer role: RSU PresidentDate:06/11/20UpdatesBeen working with the University to try and secure more paid-for Zoom accounts to be used by societies, PTO’s and program/department reps.Attended the student meetings to open a discussion around the arts and humanities cuts, and will use the responses from these meetings to navigate how the RSU responds.The period poverty campaign is the 9th- 15th (this week!) although the free sanitary pads will be there all year, with the hopes of becoming a permanent fixture with university supportReleased Jimmy the fish into the pond outside Grove House. Farewell my sweet prince.Have been a part of the election committee for the by-elections, and now welcome our new PTO’s and college reps!Name:Nicolo SodaroOfficer role: VP Community and WelfareDate:12/11/20Updates#AlrightMate Campaign has launched and is going well, working with Danielle and Oli on 12 days of Movember events and awareness posts and competitions. Video launching 19th November.Continued support for my pto group with their event ideas with monthly check-ins and support networkingEmailed Jamie from Elior regarding meals for Pub Grub. He is revising the menu. (awaiting further updates)The climate emergency meeting is happening with Jordan Kenny, potential for an email discussion between himself and Jai.Working on International WeekCreated an Accommodation Survey through the RSU to be released on a termly basis (Still out, Complete if you haven’t and share)Worked with Esports for a second and third Warzone Tournament Name:Lauryn FlemingOfficer role: VP EducationDate:6/11/2020Updates- Delivered programme rep training with Helena across all departments.-Co-chaired the first Student Engagement Working Group (SEWG) meeting of the 2020/21 academic year.-Worked with the Careers Team to help promote CareersFest 2020 which ran from 2nd-6th November and was a priority from my manifesto.-In the final stages of planning online drop-ins/ appointments with students where we I can talk with them on a 1-1 basis about any education related concerns they might have.-I’ve been attending the Student Education Workshops with academic departments and University Staff.-Collecting student feedback on a range of areas but focussing on blended learning and how Uni can adapt teaching to ensure the students are finding their experience with online learning positive.-Working with University and College teams and talking about ideas of how to keep the sense of community going around campus even if it’s not physically on campus.Name: Jai PatelOfficer role: Environmental & OfficerDate:06/11/2020UpdatesIn talks with Jamie regarding more vegan and gluten free optionsMeeting scheduled in with Jordan for climate emergency Name:OrlaOfficer role: Digby DeputyDate:06/011/20UpdatesI am currently working on a survey for Digby students focused on college experience, engagements and to get feedback on events they would like to see.Roey s Got Talent planning is ongoing, I hope to hold a meeting with the college officers next week to discuss moving forward; then I can begin creating the promotional material for the event.Many students have approached me regarding the news cuts proposed for Arts and Humanities; since, the Humanities department is based exclusively at Digby College. There is currently a post on the ideas page which will reach 80 votes before this meeting. Although the petition is running until 17th November it is pivotal we vote on this matter today ahead of the 16th November volunteer severance ending.?Name:Jemimah KarungiOfficer role: BAME Students’ OfficerDate:06/11/2020UpdatesFinished off Black History MonthCollaborated and co-hosted a discussion panel with SportsRoe and Black Girls Can Run UK on breaking barriers into sports for black women.Collaborated with Oli, Mental Health Students’ Officer and SportsRoe on a Mental Health Walk and Talk Interview.Currently in the process of planning another IG live for the University’s page.Name:Lynne WahomeOfficer role: Mature Students OfficerDate:5/11/2020UpdatesI am hosting another ‘meet & greet’ via zoom on 6th November 2020.Currently thinking of ways to improve student engagement during the second lockdown. Waiting to collect feedback from fellow mature students during upcoming meet & greet event.Name:Mars NicoliOfficer role: Trans Students’ OfficerDate:6/11/2020UpdatesThe Roehampton Guide for Trans Students is now public!Spread around a list with all gender neutral toilets on campusProvided Farrah with a template which is now available on the Student Portal for any student who needs help emailing their teachers about having a different name and/or pronouns from the ones assumed on their forms. This can also be found in the Guide.Shared LGBTQ+ and trans specific training material for staff with all Department Reps, to share with Programme Reps, and anyone else who can reach lecturers. Goal is to have as many staff members view this as possible.Planning sorted for Transgender Day Of Remembrance on the 20th of November. Events will include a panel on mental health, a commemorative service, and a wellbeing chat.Joined the Inclusive Practice Working Group as well as a working group specific to the School of Arts to work on diversifying the curriculumName:Oli OttawayOfficer role: Mental health officerDate:30/10/2020UpdatesI have recently been working on the “Alrightmate?” campaign with Nic, as we are putting together a short video to raise awareness for men’s mental health. I have also been creating the stress and anxiety workshop that will be held in November. In addition to this, I have been planning a mental health creative writing competition for the students to express their thoughts and feelings in an imaginative way. Finally, I have worked with our BAME officer on a walk and talk podcast for black history month.Name:Raymond HadnettOfficer role: Southlands College Deputy PresidentDate:November 6, 2020UpdatesPlanned and executed a COVID-friendly Halloween party/event with Matt, that went quite wellJoined the Student Engagement Working Group, and had a very productive first meeting, regarding student experience with COVID, online learning, and eventsPlanned and helped run a Halloween costume contests over Zoom through my role as a CCLMet with Helena to discuss some event ideas, my most exciting being a student film festival at the end of the term, for film students (and other creatives) to show off their semester’s work/projects Have met with Dante and other CCL’s to plan events during international week Am in the process of planning a Thanksgiving event with the CCL’s Name:Sana SiddiqueOfficer role: Muslim Students’ OfficerDate:5th November 2020Updates- I’ve not had much of a chance to do anything due to assignments, exams, assessed quizzes etc.- Currently, am planning to do a meet & greet on Zoom. I am planning a bit of the time where people get to know each other and then the other half have people give feedback to me. The feedback would be about any changes they’d like to see as a Muslim student studying at Roehampton and anything they’d want to stay the same. If they want to see any events happening I will also take that into account. Name:Harrison CohenOfficer role: Froebel Deputy PresidentDate:8/11/2020UpdatesQuite a quiet month this month due to tier 2 restrictions and the national lockdown. Have spoken briefly to RSU about starting in-person lunch time drop-ins, however, will need to now wait until post lockdown. (Online drop-ins have previously had a low student engagement in terms of participation from new students). I would like to restart the Froebel Connect Programme in some way – this may have to be post-lockdown or in the new year. Froebel roast off and Froebel Pumpkin Carving contest were successful this month and managed to get a lot of freshers involved! We have thought of the idea of creating Christmas videos as a college cup challenge, which I’m hoping goes ahead. Lots of flats this month have been in and out of isolation, so working as a college team, we have been offering support through special hampers.Name:Fabian JasonsonOfficer role: Froebel PresidentDate:9/11/20UpdatesThis month’s tasks have centred around supporting students through the beginning of the second wave of Covid-19. This included:Enacting on the agenda item from last month to get hand sanitiser points put in every accommodation entrance (complete).Creating the ‘Froebel Care Package’ for Froebel flats that get locked down as a result of Covid-19.Creating maintenance tickets for flats with faulty systems in their kitchens/rooms.Encouraging those students struggling with mental health to take part in Movember, #Alrightmate and #OkMateChallenge in order to raise awareness about mental health issues. ................

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