01152525November 2018 Volume 11 Issue 60November 2018 Volume 11 Issue 615525750CLEAR CREEKBAPTIST CHURCH 00CLEAR CREEKBAPTIST CHURCH Pastor’s Ponderings“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11These are truly exciting times at Clear Creek. We certainly are not the biggest church around, but we are for sure one of the busiest. It blesses my heart to see so many people involved in so many activities associated with the church.First a huge thank you to everyone that helped with the annual Fall Festival. Can’t say thank you enough. Too many people, too much done – Just Thanks. Hundreds of people had fun, got fed, heard great Gospel music, and learned more how much CCBC loves and cares for our community. Some more things that I am grateful for:The mission trip to West Virginia to help Dr. McClain that helped our own Tyler.The “Count Your Blessings” offering for flood victims this month.All those that helped with roofing Ray and Nancy’s house.Our new rest home ministry.Our participation in Love Life Charlotte. Soon those baby Killing houses will be shut down.Then one of my favorites, the annual Thanksgiving service and meal on the 18th.But you know what is more exciting? The things that we don’t even yet know about that God has in store for us. WOW! What a great ride it is serving Jesus! Pastor Homer4867275356235Immediately following the Morning Worship on November 18th, we will have a Thanksgivig Meal. Meat will be provided. Please bring vegetables and desserts.Everyone is invited! 00Immediately following the Morning Worship on November 18th, we will have a Thanksgivig Meal. Meat will be provided. Please bring vegetables and desserts.Everyone is invited! Then…….20955021653500Sunday Evening Nov. 18th @ 6:00 pm VICTORIA BOWLIN Concert A Love Offering will be taken. -635952500MUSIC MINISRY Though the fig tree does not bud and there is no fruit on the vines, though the olive crop fails, and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will triumph in Yahweh; I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. Habakkuk 3:17-18Do you have hopes and dreams for the future, but no visible signs that they will ever come to realization? Do you ever feel like saying, “God, please just give me a little sign, some type of hope that things are going to change, something to hold on to?” Then you know how Habakkuk felt. Habakkuk saw all vital things around him being destroyed. Yet he was able to distinguish between what was important to him and what was not. When he was being crushed on every side, he would still worship the Lord.Does everything around you seem to be deteriorating? God’s Word says, “In all circumstances, give Him praise.” Pain will not last forever; there will be one day a new heaven and earth (Rev. 21). The life of joy is not one in which we simply believe in?God; it is one in which we?believe God will one day right all?wrongs. REJOICE!Your praise and honor for Him has nothing to do with your accomplishments, but on God’s faithfulness and His unconditional love for you. Ask God to help you understand that He is in control and knows what’s best for you.Serving Our Savior, Joe FryeNovember 2018We are so thankful to God for letting us be a part of our church and ALL of HIS blessings for this past year. This month is our month to give HIM praise and always say thank you each day during November.Thank everyone who did a shoe box. We reached our goal of 100! Pray for the children who will receive them.We will not be having our Ladies Night out this month. We are planning on our Christmas Celebration on December 2nd. Ladies you don’t want to miss this night. Bring your gift for your Secret Sisters or a gift to exchange. We will be having soups and salads. Our guest speaker will be Sandy Cooper from Todd, NC. More details later.We will be going to Woodridge Rest Home on December 11th to have our Christmas party with them. We will be giving them their gifts and singing Christmas Carols. Please make plans to be a part of this special night. I want to say a BIG THANK YOU for all the ladies who have worked so hard making this happen for them. If you need a Clear Creek Cookbook they are only $5.00. Makes a nice gift! See Barbara.On November 18th will be our Thanksgiving Meal after our worship service. Ladies bring you favorite food and desserts.Our next meeting will be November 20th at 6:30 pm in Mrs. Norma's Classroom. Will be giving out our forms for Secret Sisters for next year. Please come and help our ministry.I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for.Love you all,BarbaraNovember is upon us. As the year is almost over we have so much to give thanks for this season.October was a very busy month for us. On October 13th we put a new roof on the Hough’s home. I would like to thank the men that came to help, Greg Carpenter, Larry Price, Ed Black, Joe Frye, Chandler Hubbard, and Homer Murdock. It took us about 7 hours, but all done and looks great. Would also like to thank Gail Price and Barbara Murdock for preparing us lunch.The next week we began to prepare for our annual Fall fest. This is one of our?biggest outreach projects by far. I want to thank everyone who helped. A special thanks to Patrick Ferguson who handled the parking set up and the hay rides. Also, David Faulk, Brian Benton, Joe Frye, Chandler Hubbard, Danny Mullis, as well the ladies who were there to get games out and set up. On the day of the event way too many to thank but thank you all.? From donations of your time, money, candy and cakes, thank you so much.? So proud of our church to host an event this huge and show the love and support to our community. May God bless each and every one of you.In November we are available to anyone who needs our help to get ready for winter. The Baptist Men will again this year provide Turkeys to families in need. If you know of a family that you would like to help, please let us know. Thank you all for your continued support.LET'S BE ABOUT OUR FATHER'S BUSINESS.GOD BLESSTOMMY CARLUCCI-101602857500 I realize many have taken advantage of the opportunity to vote early. For those who haven’t yet voted, we have voter guides in the foyer. The Family Research Council has sent out a survey to all candidates asking them where they stand on the issues. Also, in the foyer is a voter guide with a list of voting districts. This makes it easier to know which district you will vote.GOOD NEWS/ANSWERED PRAYERPraise the Lord for the appointment of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.Thank Him for the deliverance of American Pastor Andrew Brunson.? He is now safely home with his family.PRAYER REQUESTSAs always please continue to pray for President Trump and the many issues he faces as he tries his best to save America from so many enemies within. Pray for real revival and Spiritual awakening in America.Thank God for being able to live in a free country.Pray that the radicals at the UN summit will not be successful in promoting their agenda.Pray for Love Life CharlotteACTIONS WE CAN TAKEVote on November 6 if you have not already done so.The best thing any of us can do to impact our culture is for each of us to give all of ourselves to God and continue to pray for America.As always, we close with 2 Chronicles 7:14.? This verse is the key verse in call2fall.If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. David & JodyHey kids!!!!!It’s that time of year again. Yes, the holidays are upon us. We have two holidays this month. November 11 is Veterans Day. Be sure to thank a veteran on that day. The big holiday this month is on November 22!!!!! Yes, one of my favorite days of the year!!! THANKSGIVING!!! Yes, it is a day set aside to thank God for all the Blessings He has given us. ?Boy oh boy and girls too!!! We have an exciting book in our library donated by Gary, Lynette and Shelby Williams!!! The name of this book is Pilgrim Boy. The main character is Edward. He is fictional, but he represents real people. Yes, there were boys and girls just like you on the Mayflower. This book shows him interacting with real people like Elder William Brewster and William Bradford and his son John. This book begins with the Pilgrims in Holland and ends with the first Thanksgiving celebration here in the New World. There is a whole lot of excitement in between those two events. These things really happened. Treat yourself to the real story of the Pilgrims who sailed here on the Mayflower looking for freedom to worship God in their own way.Jody11/November3-Onita Mullis5- Shelby Williams6-Carol Foster7-Catherine Mullis8-Norma McCormick10-David Robinson 12-Lyndsey McManus NormanMarie Mongan14-Michelle Robinson15-Jeanette BergemanJoshua Black16-Ray Fagan17-Lillian Lisk19-Gail PriceCaleb Black 20-Jody Wyatt, Samuel Black 24-Rose Moore26-Greg Carpenter-1047751473200Little Flower Assisted Living8700 Lawyers Rd, Charlotte (Past Post Office on left)2nd Sunday of every month@ 2:30. Join us as we sing, have testimonies and hear God’s Word with the residents there. You will receive a blessing.The NOVEMBER 2018 SAM’s meeting will be Tuesday, November 13th, at 10:30 a.m. in the Family Life Center.Invite your friends and family. You need not be a senior citizen to attend. A meal will be provided at 11:30 a.m. The cost is $5.00 at the door01905000 Count Your Blessings SundayWe have exciting news!!! We have a special day planned for Nov 4. We are calling it “Count Your Blessings Sunday!” ?The Lord spared us in not only one but two hurricanes recently. The people in some of the eastern counties of North Carolina did not fare as well as we did. Some folks lost every material thing they had. Some places are going to have to completely rebuild. We are in a position to help those who suffered great loss.? On November 4, we have the opportunity to bring Visa gift cards of varying amounts to church and place them in the horn of plenty which will be on the altar. Pastor Homer will take those cards to Dr. Lowman our director of missions. He will in turn share them with directors of missions in associations affected by the Hurricane Florence. Those directors of missions will pass the cards along to pastors in their associations. Those pastors will distribute them to those in their congregations who need them. God will bless you for participating in this exciting project. The Missions Development Council.Food drive for Flood Victims:Canned foodHygiene itemsBaby products (diapers, formula)Cleaning suppliesBuilding materialsGift cardsWe are NOT accepting CLOTHING!All donations will be delivered to Arlington Church304800163830From 5-7 AWANA4TH Store Night11th Crazy Sock Night18th NO AWANA25th AWANA4667259525Those who wish to order a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one, please sign the list in the foyer. Each poinsettia is $10.00SECURITY 0352425 TRAININGNovember 15th@ 6:00pmThere are some openings on the Security Team. If you are interested, please contact Bobby Briggs. 704-309-0200CHRISTMIAS PARTY @ WOODRIDGE ASSISTED LIVINGTUESDAY, DECEMBER 11TH FROM 6-8 PM ................

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