Literature—“I Have a Dream” and “Nobody Turn Me Around” Q: Martin Luther King, Jr. uses the image of “the valley” to representA. justiceB. bad timesC. the futureD. peaceQ: The main focus of Dr. King’s speech isA. getting more money for America’s black populationB. convincing everyone to live in peace and tranquilityC. celebrating the anniversary of the Emancipation ProclamationD. ending segregation and racial injustice in AmericaQ: In paragraphs four and five, Dr. King uses an analogy to illustrate America’s broken promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to “her citizens of color.” What is this analogy?A. A promissory note--a check that has come back marked “insufficient funds”B. A dark empty well with a bottomless bucket tied to a frayed ropeC. A crossroads in a dark forestD. A vast stretch of sand occasionally interrupted by lakes--which prove to be illusionsE. A recurrent nightmareQ: Martin Luther King, Jr. appeals mainly to his listeners’A. common senseB. desire for a better futureC. sense of guiltD. concerns about America’s status among the world’s nationsQ: In “I Have a Dream”, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., urges his followers toA. work toward gradual changeB. demand equality and justice nowC. use any means necessaryD. distrust white peopleQ: Which repeated phrase in Dr. King’s speech has additional power because it is from a familiar patriotic song?A. “I have a dream”B. “Now is the time to”C. “One hundred years later”D. “Let freedom ring”Q: Dr. King’s speech does not incorporateA. repeated phrasesB. quotations from songsC. thanks to distinguished guestsD. references to the BibleQ: Dr. King is convinced thatA. dreams rarely become realityB. the struggle must continueC. equality has been achievedD. justice is a privilege Q: How did Dr. King appeal to his audience?A. He compared them to childrenB. He appealed to their sense of justice, fair play, and patriotismC. He reminded them of the homeland from which they have comeD. He made them angry about their history by repeatedly referring to slavery Q: Which phrase is NOT repeated for effect during the speech?A. Let it/freedom ringB. …the content of their characterC. I have a dreamD. Go back to…E. We cannot be satisfiedF. One hundred years laterQ: In paragraph nine of the speech (beginning "The marvelous new militancy . . ."), Dr. King says that "many of our white brothers . . . have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom." Define the adverb inextricably.(a) unable to be excused or pardoned(b) unable to be separated or untied(c) unable to be solved or explained(d) carefully or thoughtfully(e) painfully or harshlyQ: Toward the end of the speech, in the paragraphs beginning with the now-famous phrase "I have a dream," Dr. King mentions certain members of his own family. Why does he do this?A. To connect with his audience as a fellow parent and have them think of their own childrenB. To show everyone how well he has raised his childrenC. To get the white members of the audience to feel guilty for how they treated his childrenD. To have a reason to bring his children to the speechQ: Why did Dr. King quote “My country, ‘tis of thee”?A. To make a patriotic appeal to his audienceB. To introduce his quote from the Pledge of AllegianceC. To get everyone in the mood to hear his thoughts on politicsD. To provide a smooth transition to the next performer, who was a singerE. To balance out the Bible verses he previously used with some non-religious referencesI Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.“In a sense we have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check which has come back marked “insufficient funds.” But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. ...So we have come to cash this check – a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.”1. Why do you think MLK decided to reference the Constitution and Declaration of Independence in this speech? 2. What do you think Dr. King means when he says that African Americans have been given a check marked “insufficient funds”? What does this metaphor reveal about inequality in 1963? 3. Dr. King references a “sacred obligation” in this paragraph. What do you think this obligation is, in his view? How do you think that obligation could be achieved? 4. Why do you think Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is remembered as one of the most significant speeches in U.S. history? What other quotes or references do you remember from this speech, or another speech by Dr. King?Short Answer:Who is?the "Great American" in Martin Luther King's speech??According to Dr. King in his "I Have a Dream" speech, what is tragic about the Emancipation Proclamation?What other important US documents does Dr. King cite in his speech? ? ?Which different parts of the United States does King mention in his speech?What are THREE issues mentioned in Martin Luther King's speech?GrammarBe able to identify:-Subjects-Verbs-Nouns-AdjectivesVocabulary:Be familiar with all the words from Lists 1 and 2 (twenty words total). ................

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