
The Land of NeversensibleChapter 1When I landed in the land of Neversensible I landed in mushroom land. The wind had blown me up past the piers and then eastwards. Before I landed, my boat hit something which was floating in the sea. I flew forwards and I shot down a slippery stalk like thing.When I sat up I realised my ship had crashed into a mushroom! I looked about myself, all I could see was mushrooms. All I could smell was mushrooms. But I could hear something different… There was a loud rumbling sound coming from the south- easterly direction. In the distance I also saw a shape of a man bouncing from one mushroom to another.I suddenly saw a flash of light showing a bow and a quiver full of arrows on his back. On his waist shone a sword I had only heard of in legends. I dived under a fallen mushroom as I was afraid.Chapter 2I saw the man peeping over the mushroom to see who was there. I realised he wasn’t a foe, so I wriggled out from under the mushroom. “There you are.” He said. “Who are you?” I asked.“My name’s Lloyd.” He answered. “I saw your boat crash, so I came to see if you were ok. Besides I thought you wouldn’t be, so I came anyway.” “My names Harry Whittington and that’s very kind of you but I’m fine. What’s that rumbling noise?” I asked.“That’s the active volcano, it never becomes extinct.” He replied.“Sounds dangerous.” I said.“It is. VERY!” He exclaimed. “Anyway, up to the north there’s a chamber of treasure, it’s guarded by a dragon that’s very famous in these lands. His name is Redtooth, no-one has ever reached the chamber, so no-one knows how much treasure there is in there. Here I’ve got a map of the whole island.” He handed me a map with many landmarks on it. I took out my pencil and sketched out my boat where I last remembered being, to try and work out where I was in mushroom land.“I’m not sure that’s where I actually was.” I said‘It will be.” He answered. “You see this is The Land of Neversensible, so nothing’s ever sensible, it’s also magic. You started drawing your boat near the beak but that disappeared, and you started drawing in the bottom left corner. You can now see your route that you took” he explained.“Yes, I can also see the chamber of treasure but I’m a Botanist not an explorer.” I said“There’ll be loads of interesting plants you haven’t seen before on the way there.” Lloyd replied.“I’m tired, I think we should spend the night here.” I said.“Here, I’ve got blankets we can use.” Lloyd answered.They tucked themselves up and soon fell asleep.Chapter 3The next day they set off, Lloyd was already up and packing when I got up. “What’s for breakfast?” I asked.“Guess what?” “It’s mushrooms!” Lloyd answered. “Fine.” I said.I bent down and picked a few mushrooms and ate them. We set off at about 9:00am and trod through what felt like endless mushrooms. Occasionally Lloyd would leap on top of a mushroom to see where we were. “Mushroom land is only about 1 mile in width.” He said to me at one point.“WHAT!” I said, “It feels like we’ve walked 5!” “Like I said, nothing’s ever sensible here,” answered Lloyd. Eventually we got to the end of mushroom land and joined the path to Neversensible town. Just as we joined it the rumbling noise faded slightly. “That’s the end of one of the eruptions.” Said Lloyd “Stay here and you’ll get to see the beginning of one.” “I just need to pop into my house to get some equipment.” The words were hardly out of his mouth when the ground shook. Lloyd shot off into a house which looked like a cave with a door on the front. Around it were stands, one of them had a target and the others had swords and a shield hanging from it. I took my attention back to the volcano it was shaking madly. Suddenly lava exploded out of the top. Lloyd came running back. “That’s the 1,001,110th volcanic eruption.” He said. “We’ve got to get moving it’s already 11:00am” said Lloyd. We walked for about 5 miles more on the path, before leaving it. “Are you wondering why we did that?” Lloyd asked.“Yes.” I said“The villagers love visitors so much they make them stay for a year and I’m not wasting my time.” He said. “We’ll have to cross the mountains instead.” we rested for a bit before continuing on our journey.Chapter 4 It was about midday when we reached the first mountain. We rested for a while before having lunch which was a few beans and ham. “If you’re tired, we could just climb to the top of this mountain and spend the night there,” said Lloyd looking at my face. He was actually right amazingly, I was tired. I agreed with him, so we started climbing over rocks and through natural made tunnels where boulders had created two walls and more stones had fallen between them to make a roof. “Is there a path here?” I asked Lloyd at one point.“No,” answered Lloyd “There was once, but a landslide tumbled down the mountain edge and completely covered it.” “Sounds tragic,” I said.“It is,” said Lloyd. Suddenly he gave a cry, “we’ve walked over the mountain and just look at that view!” I stared where he was looking and instantly, I could not look away. Mountains stretched far and wide and in the middle of it a bridge stretched across from one side to another. At the foot of the mountains and under the bridge swirled a lake, it was black, and it went right out into the sea. “What is that?” I asked pointing to the bridge.“That is the Wonky Bridge.” Replied Lloyd. We made our camp under a towering tree near to the next mountain. We woke early as we still had a long way to go. We managed to trek many miles that day and finally got to the last mountain. It was 9:00pm when we finally got to the last mountain, where we made our camp in a cave. We set a watch that night as we had bumped into some wolves on the way here. In the morning we borrowed a sledge from a hut nearby. Chapter 5We climbed in the sledge and packed all our luggage in the back. We shot down the mountain side, a shape loomed up in front of us… CRASH! We had hit a rock (a real one this time.) I flew forwards (again) and landed in a field by a farm. When I sat up, I realised I wasn’t with Lloyd anymore. “LLOYD!” I called but no answer came. I decided I may as well just see if there were any un-discovered plants here. I waded through the grass and came across a bush. It had a branch creeping through the plants with white roses on. Around it Lords and Ladies grew. But it was no ordinary rose bush, keys were growing on it. I asked the farmer what the name of the plant was. He said it was called ‘Lost and Found’, the reason for that is because all the keys that people lose grow on this plant and and then they come and get them back. I suddenly saw a very familiar key. “That’s the key I lost a year ago!” I cried.“Well like I said everyone’s lost key’s come here. “Here.” He handed me the key. I took it and put in my pocket. I then sat down and wrote everything that had happened on the island. Afterwards I left the fields and worked my way up the mountain. On my way up I came across two legs sticking out of the snow. “Why Lloyd is that you?” I asked.“Yes” came a muffled voice. I went up to the wreck of the sledge and got the shovel. I started digging madly, eventually the body of Lloyd showed and he climbed out. “Urrggh” He said. “The sledge is blocking the path.” I went forward and hoisted the sledge out of the way. “You’ve put on strength.” Said Lloyd“I know.” I replied “You deserve this while you’re on the island.” He said. Lloyd handed me the sword he yielded. I strapped it to my belt. We went up north with our plan to discover more plants and slay Redtooth. ................

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