Do you know of a colleague and/or student who would be interested in receiving these Bulletin Boards? Please forward to them. A quick email to Geosciences-BBoard@ with the word “subscribe” in the subject line and the email address will be added to the listing.Geoscience Bulletin Board – 2 November 2020 – compiled by Elaine J. HanfordM7.0 hits Turkey & Greece Gales Creek Fault west of Portland capable of producing M7.1 to M7.4 EQ – also smaller active faults What triggered the Little Ice Age? : Simultaneous eruptions on Kamchatka Peninsula of Klyuchevsky & Bezymyan – pics & videos“whaleback” forms at Shiveluch volcano on Kamchatka Peninsula the next supercontinent – Pangea Ultima – Novopangea – Aurica – Amasia New seismic provisions for National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Provisions parts 1 & 2: Provisions part 3: A better bridge design to resist seismic shaking cyclones may influence risk of windstorms across Europe: understanding of marine residence times of iron in upper ocean : Dense seismic network is threatened by wildfires on West Coast Simulations may help distinguish large-scale atmospheric circulation changes from increased temperature induced changes: Paper: Large tidal ranges 400 myo may have initiated evolution of bony fish & land vertebrates of giant birds in Antarctica had 21-foot wingspans Paper: Glacial & interglacial climates reveal irregular frequency over past 2.6 million years Paper: Amount of plastic dumped into Mediterranean Sea could double over next 20 years: Understanding when & how slope failures occur on post-wildfire landscapes NASA projects to make geosciences data more accessible website provides access to 5 decades satellite data related to climate Climate from Space website: Presence of Lake Cahuilla overlying southern San Andreas fault may have affected rupture timing Major explosions & paroxysms of Stromboli – an historical catalog & temporal models: Forensic geology: tracing the origins of illegal sand by fingerprinting method Bathurst Mining Camp – one of the oldest base metal mining districts 11,000 years of the geologic history of Jersey Island does the Earth exhibit a seismic pulse every 26 seconds? to the future of climate – polar ice caps had essentially disappeared during the Paleocene Using terrain-hugging drones for aerial prospecting is successful can explode : NOAA Oral History: Dr Eddie Bernard the “accidental tsunami guy” challenges of deep-sea mining – increasing human demand, technology, environmental damage Bill provides legal framework for training, registration & licensing of geologists in Kenya could affect shared water resources in southern Africa – trans-boundary management simulate soil conditions on Mars in anticipation of mission and growing plants understanding relationship of AMOC and climate Paper: : Open Access articles on remote sensing of hazards (2019-2020): geophysical hazards, floods & glacial processes, ground instability, meteorological & climatological processes Open Access articles: Earth Sciences Whales – plummeting population leading to the verge of extinction vertical migration (DVM) accounts for about 16% of carbon captured by the ocean Ropeless (or buoyless) fishing systems use transducer to acoustically trigger lift bag – safer for whales************************************************ Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 2 November 2020 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford Legacy of dumping of half a million or more barrels of DDT off the coast of California FEIR for 800-acre storage reservoir near Patterson, California, approved – concern for seismic risks & impacts on wildlife in Del Puerto Canyon Background: Documents: immigrants cross the border again and again and again releases 5,000 alien leaf fleas to fight invasive Japanese knotweed crane flies are not giant mosquitoes warming alarmists now want to capitalize on using asbestos for carbon capture New ANWR seismic proposal submitted by Native village corporation InFocus: Legal framework of NEPA How clean is that captured rainwater in your rain barrel? giant hornets captured near Blaine, Washington, using vacuum equipment – searching for more of River Trent through Stoke rerouted to provide habitat for otters & trout, Nevada, residents oppose proposed 2 geothermal plants – environmental concerns: Decoupling urban water use & growth in response to water scarcity – demand exceeds supply – population explosion creates greater demand Damaged lithium-ion batteries causing fires & explosions in waste stream stops use of two flu vaccines after 48 deaths reported in South Korea season begins in India & Pakistan – vehicle emissions, industrial pollution, brick kilns, burning stubble fields create hazardous levels of air pollution (UOGD) may significantly increase airborne radioactive particles – 40% above background – toxicity of other fracking chemicals is still unknown Primer: Paper: App: Reports: Rabies reported in white-tailed deer in 4 counties in west-central New York power shutoffs continue as windy weather sparks concerns over wildfires – 360,000 customers pollution from urbanization, agriculture & mining threaten rivers in Brazil the economics of coffee & South Korea pledge to be “carbon neutral” by 2050 – but at what other environmental costs? 97% of wildfires that threaten homes in the US are started by humans additive as antimicrobial in consumer products is not good for wildlife Impacts of wildfire emissions on global air quality – pyrogenic HONO underestimated are not beneficial to wildlife and the ecosystem: Snowfall has helped in battle against East Troublesome fire in Rocky Mountain National Park feuding continues over Ethiopian dam on the Nile River Background: There are limits to intensity of human use of forests and grasslands of biodiversity losses deep in the Amazon rainforest Boaters urged to take extra caution on Kentucky Lake during tagging of silver carp are what you eat: high-flavanol diet associated with lower blood pressure – inverse to blood lipids Paper: Early human behavior likely changed due to fluctuations in vegetation & water supplies Paper: plans in sub-Saharan Africa may be unsuccessful exposure numbers for tropical cyclones & human health : Genomic basis of adaptations, distinguishing species, mechanisms of speciation: 10-year retrospective on Haiti cholera epidemic caused by peacekeeping mission eco-tourism potential in Ethiopia impacts of USFS decides to open Tongass National Forest to logging & development sensors & machine learning to locate & quantify gas leaks in O&G fields Paper: Electronic vehicles require vast volumes of rare earth elements & other metals – production requires mining, processing & refining of billions of tons of raw materials plus energy production leading to significant environmental & human health impacts REE Overview: Open Access articles on wildlife disease (2017-2019): viral, fungal, bacterial & other CRS Report: Federal Wildfire Management FY2011-FY2020 York & New Jersey still in the recovery phase from Hurricane Sandy after 8 years $7B rebuild of I-45 in Houston, Texas – EIS released – comment period extended: Criticism: Project website: Man fell through collapsed sidewalk in New York City and landed in rat-filled hole CORONAVIRUSCoronavirus COVID-19 statistics by country (click on USA to get State statistics) interactive maps: well-reasoned, scientific and sensible strategy have consequences – Oregon takes $27M hit in gas tax revenue & implications of the virus and shutdown Shutdown causes social isolation which can be deadly – isolation causing new crisis On the timeline for a possible vaccine virus is not surging – the media hyperbole is and is causing people to panic unnecessarily since did not learn the lesson months ago Opposition to development of herd immunity Antibody drug has low chance of aiding hospitalized patients serious illness, fewer hospitalizations, fewer intubated, fewer deaths – second wave? – some earlier treatments “might have caused harm”*********************************************** Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 2 November 2020 – compiled by Elaine J. HanfordUS Coast Guard to deploy to counter “illegal” and “unregulated” fishing in South China Sea“Fungie” the bottle-nosed dolphin has disappeared from Dingle Harbour for 37 years more important than scheduling hearing on condemnation of easements for beach re-nourishment season caused little damage to coastal restoration projects in Louisiana marine debris removal program a success – nearly 74 tons in North Carolina wild chickens rule the beaches surround oil tanker of Isle of Wight – stowaways may have attempted to hijack vessel Cement “smart reef” being placed off the coast of North Myrtle Beach sea level rise & European colonization created wetlands along US East Coast: Geomagnetic storms probably do not cause mass strandings of whales & dolphins coastal change forecast along Gulf Coast due to Hurricane Zeta a better understanding of how marsh birds survive hurricanes of Greenland Ice Sheet continues to reshape coastal Greenland – coastal infrastructures inhibit natural adjustment can “survive” sea level changes if there is room for them to migrate US Army COE revises “Ike Dike” plan for Texas Gulf Coast – estimated cost $26.2B 2020 Chesapeake Bay dead zone is smaller than in recent years Card: Robotic vessel launched to map coastal erosion at Salmon Whole Bay in Australia More “global warming” hype regarding methane deposits in the Arctic Ocean California to increase efforts to protect & restore eelgrass ................

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