Read 180 Final Projects

Term 3 grade 10 Project

Task 1: Letter to the Author

Write a letter to the author to share your ideas or ask questions about the book. You will need to follow the guidelines below. It should not contain slang or improper language. You need to present yourself as a pleasant, educated, informed and caring reader.


1. You will need to follow the guidelines below

❑ Reasons why you liked or disliked the book.

❑ Questions you may have about the book.

❑ Questions you have about the author’s life or career.

❑ Ask where the author got the ideas for the book.

❑ Research he/she needed to do to write the book.

❑ Use Correct your spelling and punctuation. Make grammar corrections.

❑ Be sure that you are using the correct letter format

❑ Your final copy must be in blue or black ink or typed.

← Typed letters must be double-spaced & you’ll need to type it on your own time before or after school, or during lunch.

❑ Neatness counts!

❑ This must represent your best effort.

Guidelines and Example of typed Letter to the Author

Friendly or Personal Letters

Personal letters, also known as friendly letters, and social notes normally have five parts.

1. The Heading. This includes the address, line by line, with the last line being the date. Skip a line after the heading. The heading is indented to the middle of the page. If using preaddressed stationery, just add the date.

2. The Greeting. The greeting always ends with a comma. The greeting may be formal, beginning with the word "dear" and using the person's given name or relationship, or it may be informal if appropriate.

More Formal: Dear Uncle Jim, Dear Mr. Wilkins, (Use this when you write to someone you have not met, like an author.)

Informal: Hi Joe, Greetings, (Use this one for family and friends.)

(Occasionally very personal greetings may end with an exclamation point for emphasis.)

2. The body. Also known as the main text. This includes the message you want to write. Normally in a friendly letter, the beginning of paragraphs is indented. If not indented, be sure to skip a space between paragraphs. Skip a line after the greeting and before the close.

3. The complimentary close. This short expression is always a few words on a single line. It ends in a comma. It should be indented to the same column as the heading. Skip one to three spaces (two is usual) for the signature line.

4. The signature line. Type or print your name. The handwritten signature goes above this line and below the close. The signature line and the handwritten signature are indented to the same column as the close. The signature should be written in blue or black ink. If the letter is quite informal, you may omit the signature line as long as you sign the letter.

Term 3 grade 10 Project

Task 2:Create A Book Cover

Create an original book cover that tells important information about the book and the author.


1. Plan your book cover. Make a sketch first. You must include the following:

❑ The title of the book

❑ The author’s name

❑ An illustration that shows important characters, places and/or events.

❑ A brief summary of the story for the back cover.

❑ Reviewer’s quotes for the back cover.

❑ Information about the author on the inside flyleaf.

❑ Include a quotation from the book. (Optional)

❑ Give a summary that makes readers wonder what will happen in the book. (Don’t give away the ending!)

❑ Use correct spelling and punctuation & grammar

❑ All writing on your final copy must be in ink or typed. (typing is preferable)

← Any typing must be double-spaced. You will need to type it on your own time before or after school, or during lunch.

❑ Neatness counts!

❑ This must represent your best effort.

❑ Your book cover should be on large art paper or poster board.

Please do not copy the illustration and information from the book you have read. You need to come up with original thoughts and information.

Look at the parts of a generic book cover on the next page.

Parts of a Book Cover

Term 3 grade 10 Project

Task Three: Write A Book Review

Would you recommend this book to a friend or family member? Write a review of the book.


You must include the following:

❑ The book’s title and the author’s name.

❑ A summary of the events in the book.

❑ Your opinion of the book with the reasons for your opinion.

❑ Illustration (optional)

❑ Draw the main character

❑ Draw an exciting moment in the book.

❑ Rate the book – with an explanation of the rating. (optional)

❑ Use Correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.

❑ Be sure that you are using the correct paragraph format.

❑ Work on having a strong ending that restates your opinion or offers a final comment.

❑ Any typing must be double-spaced. You will need to type it on your own time before or after school, or during lunch.

❑ Neatness counts!

❑ This must represent your best effort.

Read 180 Final Projects

Task 4: Create a Poster

Design and make an original poster that shows important ideas and information about the book.


1. Plan your poster.

❑ Make a sketch first.

❑ You must include the following:

❑ The book title

❑ The author’s name

❑ Illustration(s) that show important characters, places, or events

❑ A message from you (this will be your opinion of the book with reasons for your opinion.)

❑ A summary of the book.

❑ You may include a quotation from the book (optional)

❑ You can give the book a rating and tell why. (optional)

2. Revise and edit any writing on the poster.

❑ Correct your spelling and punctuation.

❑ Final copy (the writing on your poster) must be in ink or typed.

❑ You should use creative use of color.

❑ Neatness counts!

❑ Creative use of color.

❑ This must represent your best effort.

❑ Your audience needs to be able to learn about the book just from looking at your poster.

❑ You will need to use large art paper or poster board.


Your signature (It needs to be neat, not scrawled and messy.)

A complimentary closing like: Sincerely,

The Body of the letter. Notice, it is more than one paragraph long.

The Greeting

The Heading


Inside front cover (flyleaf). Information about the book. This is a summary of the book.

Inside back cover (flyleaf). Information about the author of the book. Maybe even a picture of the author.


Front cover of the book. Include the title and the author’s name. Make an original illustration. Use color.


Back cover: Quotations from reviewers and news releases. Also comments made by other authors.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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