
CHAPTER 1—Texas Culture and Diversity


1. In a recent survey, a large number of Texans ideologically consider themselves to be

|a. |slightly to extremely liberal. |

|b. |in the middle. |

|c. |slightly to extremely conservative. |

|d. |socialist. |

|e. |undecided. |

ANS: C REF: 3 NOT: Factual

2. Most Texans favor all but which one of the following?

|a. |Low taxes |

|b. |Aggressive environmental enforcement |

|c. |Few business regulations |

|d. |Modest state services |

|e. |Texans favor all of the above |

ANS: B REF: 3 NOT: Applied

3. A Texan who accepts an active role for the government in promoting business by supporting government subsidies and tax breaks for businesses to encourage economic growth is a

|a. |business-oriented conservative. |

|b. |Texas liberal. |

|c. |social conservative. |

|d. |Christian fundamentalist. |

|e. |partisan. |

ANS: A REF: 3 NOT: Conceptual

4. A Texan who supports energetic government activity to enforce their view of moral behavior by advocating government restrictions on, for example, pornography and same-sex relationships is a

|a. |business-oriented conservative. |

|b. |Texas liberal. |

|c. |moderate. |

|d. |social conservative. |

|e. |partisan. |

ANS: D REF: 3 NOT: Conceptual

5. A Texan who believes that government can be used as a tool to benefit the population as a whole by supporting, for example, state policies to abate pollution, enforce worker and consumer rights, and protect against discrimination is a

|a. |business-oriented conservative. |

|b. |Texas liberal. |

|c. |social conservative. |

|d. |moderate. |

|e. |partisan. |

ANS: B REF: 4 NOT: Conceptual

6. With respect to political party affiliation, the largest percentage of the Texas population is

|a. |independent. |

|b. |Democrat or Democrat-leaning. |

|c. |unsure of their affiliation. |

|d. |liberal. |

|e. |Republican or Republican-leaning. |

ANS: E REF: 4 NOT: Conceptual

7. A paradox of public opinion is reflected in Texans’ views on state spending. Although most Texans profess support for spending cuts in general, when asked about specific cuts, most Texans are not supportive. Which of the following would be supported by a majority of Texans?

|a. |Increase in state sales tax rate |

|b. |Cut in funding for children’s health programs |

|c. |Cut in funding for new highways |

|d. |Legalization of marijuana |

|e. |None of the above is true. |

ANS: E REF: 4 | 5 NOT: Conceptual

8. While Texans typically are not supportive of state spending in general, they have supported strong action by the government in

|a. |building highways. |

|b. |supporting mental health programs. |

|c. |ensuring that a high percentage of students receive a high school diploma. |

|d. |enforcing traditional values. |

|e. |ensuring that the disadvantaged receive health care through Medicaid. |

ANS: D REF: 5 NOT: Conceptual

9. The moralistic political subculture chiefly values

|a. |“right and wrong” in politics. |

|b. |practicality in politics. |

|c. |maintenance of the predominant social and religious values. |

|d. |promotion of economic potential. |

|e. |preserving the political and social order. |

ANS: A REF: 7 NOT: Conceptual

10. The individualistic political subculture chiefly values

|a. |maintenance of the predominant social and religious values. |

|b. |practicality in politics. |

|c. |“right and wrong” in politics. |

|d. |secular attitudes. |

|e. |preserving the political and social order. |

ANS: B REF: 7 NOT: Conceptual

11. The traditionalistic political subculture chiefly values

|a. |promotion of private enterprise. |

|b. |practicality in politics. |

|c. |maintenance of the predominant social and religious values. |

|d. |the nonreligious nature of politics. |

|e. |“right and wrong” in politics. |

ANS: C REF: 7 NOT: Conceptual

12. The traditionalistic subculture believes politics is the special responsibility of

|a. |the lower classes. |

|b. |African-Americans. |

|c. |political moderates. |

|d. |the social and economic elite. |

|e. |all traditionally underrepresented populations. |

ANS: D REF: 7 NOT: Conceptual

13. The individualistic subculture predominates in which region of the United States?

|a. |The South |

|b. |The far West |

|c. |The Pacific Northwest |

|d. |New England |

|e. |The Middle Atlantic states |

ANS: E REF: 7 NOT: Factual

14. The traditionalistic subculture predominates in which region of the United States?

|a. |The South |

|b. |The Pacific Northwest |

|c. |The northern Midwest |

|d. |New England |

|e. |The Middle Atlantic states |

ANS: A REF: 7 NOT: Factual

15. With respect to the political subcultures discussed in the text, Texas is considered to have a(n)

|a. |individualistic subculture. |

|b. |mixture of traditionalistic and individualistic subculture. |

|c. |moralistic subculture. |

|d. |mixture of moralistic and traditionalistic subculture. |

|e. |traditionalistic subculture. |

ANS: B REF: 7 NOT: Factual

16. Geographer Donald W. Meinig and political scientist Daniel J. Elazar describe modern Texas regional political culture as being largely determined by

|a. |Texas’s unified social culture. |

|b. |the economy. |

|c. |migration patterns. |

|d. |the mass media. |

|e. |a clear understanding of the “Typical Texan.” |

ANS: C REF: 8 NOT: Factual

17. The region of Texas that is largely a social and cultural extension of the Old South, basically rural and biracial, is

|a. |North Texas. |

|b. |West Texas. |

|c. |The Gulf Coast. |

|d. |East Texas. |

|e. |Central Texas. |

ANS: D REF: 8 NOT: Factual

18. The economy of the Gulf Coast has long been dominated by

|a. |beef cattle. |

|b. |cotton farming. |

|c. |technology-based industry. |

|d. |finance, insurance and real estate. |

|e. |the petrochemical industry. |

ANS: E REF: 8 NOT: Factual

19. “Spindletop” initiated Texas’s

|a. |boom in technology industry. |

|b. |decline in “King Cotton.” |

|c. |age of the oil industry. |

|d. |growth of defense contracting. |

|e. |national influence in Protestant Evangelical Fundamentalism. |

ANS: C REF: 8 NOT: Conceptual

20. Someone moving to Texas looking for the region most dominated religiously by Baptist Fundamentalism would be most likely to find it in

|a. |North Texas. |

|b. |East Texas. |

|c. |The Gulf Coast. |

|d. |West Texas. |

|e. |Central Texas. |

ANS: D REF: 10 NOT: Applied

21. Southern West Texas, below the Caprock Escarpment in the vicinity of the cities of Snyder, Midland and Odessa, is the major __________ area of Texas

|a. |timber-producing |

|b. |oil-producing |

|c. |high tech industry |

|d. |water “exporting” |

|e. |banking |

ANS: B REF: 10 NOT: Conceptual

22. Because of its critical importance in supporting the farming and ranching industries in Northern West Texas and the Panhandle, conservation of __________ is vital to the economic future of the region.

|a. |the Ogallala Aquifer |

|b. |grassland prairie |

|c. |the feedlot system |

|d. |cultural connections with the Midwest |

|e. |the banking system |

ANS: A REF: 10 NOT: Conceptual

23. The La Réunion Colony was an important precursor to the economic vitality of

|a. |East Texas. |

|b. |North Texas. |

|c. |West Texas. |

|d. |The Gulf Coast. |

|e. |Central Texas. |

ANS: B REF: 10 NOT: Conceptual

24. The economy of the North Texas region relies most heavily on the

|a. |banking industry. |

|b. |insurance industry. |

|c. |defense industry. |

|d. |aerospace industry. |

|e. |All of the above are true. |

ANS: E REF: 10 NOT: Factual

25. The “Silicon Valley” of Texas is the

|a. |Metroplex. |

|b. |Valley. |

|c. |Hill Country. |

|d. |Plains. |

|e. |Austin Metro area. |

ANS: E REF: 11 NOT: Factual

26. The German Hill Country is economically dominated by

|a. |farming and ranching. |

|b. |the high tech industry. |

|c. |defense contractors. |

|d. |banking, finance and real estate. |

|e. |timber production. |

ANS: A REF: 11 NOT: Factual

27. A quasi-feudal system whereby a property’s owner, or patrón, gives workers protection and employment in return for their loyalty and service is called

|a. |binationality. |

|b. |maquiladora. |

|c. |nicultural. |

|d. |ranchero culture. |

|e. |La Réunion. |

ANS: D REF: 12 NOT: Factual

28. After the settling of South Texas, a ranchero culture developed in which most of the ranch work was performed by

|a. |Creoles. |

|b. |African-Americans. |

|c. |Mexicans. |

|d. |Germans. |

|e. |Mestizos. |

ANS: E REF: 12 NOT: Factual

29. Labor-intensive vegetable and citrus agriculture starting in the 1920s in South Texas resulted in

|a. |the institution of ranchero culture. |

|b. |an increased re-migration from Mexico. |

|c. |immigration from European countries, such as Germany and Poland. |

|d. |domination of Creoles in South Texas. |

|e. |repression of Mestizo culture. |

ANS: B REF: 12 NOT: Applied

30. Which of the following has not been one of the impacts of maquiladoras?

|a. |Increased pollution |

|b. |Increased employment of comparatively inexpensive Mexican labor |

|c. |Economic benefit to the U.S./Mexico border region |

|d. |Cleanup of the Rio Grande River |

|e. |Opportunities for U.S. corporations to save money on unskilled labor |

ANS: D REF: 12 NOT: Applied

31. NAFTA has reduced trade barriers among all of the following except

|a. |Mexico. |

|b. |United States. |

|c. |Guatemala. |

|d. |Canada. |

|e. |NAFTA has reduced trade barriers among all of the above nations. |

ANS: C REF: 12 NOT: Applied

32. Which of the following would be likely to increase immigration, both legal and illegal, across the U.S./Mexico border?

|a. |Reduction in political disorder in northern Mexico |

|b. |Improved economy in the United States relative to Mexico |

|c. |Reduction in poverty in Mexico |

|d. |Greater recognition of civil liberties in Central America |

|e. |Greater success reducing human trafficking across the border |

ANS: B REF: 12 NOT: Applied

33. One of the side effects of cross-border trafficking between the United States and Mexico, of drugs, weapons and humans, is

|a. |increased employment. |

|b. |reduction of international conflict as a result of greater understanding. |

|c. |reduced crime on the United States side of the border. |

|d. |reduced reliance on military activity. |

|e. |improved living conditions on the Mexican side of the border. |

ANS: A REF: 14 NOT: Applied

34. Status, wealth, and rights were traditionally monopolized in Texas by

|a. |African-American men. |

|b. |Latino women. |

|c. |Anglo men. |

|d. |Latino men. |

|e. |Anglo women. |

ANS: C REF: 14 NOT: Factual

35. In the Republic of Texas, women could do all the following except

|a. |own inherited property. |

|b. |gain a divorce from her husband. |

|c. |make a legal will. |

|d. |share ownership of community property with her husband. |

|e. |get a job without her husband’s consent. |

ANS: E REF: 14 NOT: Conceptual

36. An important tactic women used in gaining the right to vote in the 1918 Texas primary was

|a. |working for passage of the Nineteenth Amendment. |

|b. |supporting the election of Governor William P. Hobby. |

|c. |ignoring the Texas legislature. |

|d. |ensuring that Governor James Ferguson retained his office. |

|e. |waiting until after World War I to begin their effort to win the right to vote. |

ANS: B REF: 14 NOT: Applied

37. Women gained equal rights in insurance, banking, divorce, child custody and other areas as a result of

|a. |the Texas Suffrage Act. |

|b. |Roe v. Wade. |

|c. |the Equal Rights Amendment to the Texas Constitution. |

|d. |the Marital Property Act of 1967. |

|e. |the Nineteenth Amendment. |

ANS: D REF: 15 NOT: Factual

38. Texas slaves learned of their freedom

|a. |on Juneteenth. |

|b. |as a result of the White Primary. |

|c. |after the Nineteenth Amendment. |

|d. |during Reconstruction. |

|e. |after passage of the Equal Rights Amendment to the Texas Constitution. |

ANS: A REF: 16 NOT: Factual

39. In the 1920s, many Texans joined __________ in an effort to impose its version of Christian morality on society using intimidation, violence, and torture.

|a. |the NAACP |

|b. |the Suffragettes |

|c. |the Texas Rangers |

|d. |LULAC |

|e. |the Ku Klux Klan |

ANS: E REF: 16 NOT: Factual

40. The Supreme Court decision that first held the Texas White Primary to be unconstitutional was

|a. |Grovey v. Townsend. |

|b. |Nixon v. Herndon. |

|c. |Roe v. Wade. |

|d. |Smith v. Allwright. |

|e. |United States v. Texas. |

ANS: B REF: 16 NOT: Factual

41. The Supreme Court decision that held all methods used to create white primaries across the United States were unconstitutional was

|a. |Plessy v. Ferguson. |

|b. |Nixon v. Herndon. |

|c. |Sweatt v. Painter. |

|d. |Smith v. Allwright. |

|e. |Brown v. Board of Education. |

ANS: D REF: 16 NOT: Factual

42. The “separate but equal” doctrine was established by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in

|a. |Roe v. Wade. |

|b. |Grovey v. Townsend. |

|c. |Plessy v. Ferguson. |

|d. |Sweatt v. Painter. |

|e. |Nixon v. Herndon. |

ANS: C REF: 17 NOT: Factual

43. The Texas case that was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court holding that an African-American must be admitted to the University of Texas Law School in spite of the separate but equal doctrine (because the facilities Texas provided were in fact unequal) was

|a. |Sweatt v. Painter. |

|b. |Smith v. Allwright. |

|c. |Plessy v. Ferguson. |

|d. |Nixon v. Herndon. |

|e. |Grovey v. Townsend. |

ANS: A REF: 17 NOT: Factual

44. The court decision that ordered complete desegregation of all Texas public schools was

|a. |Sweatt v. Painter. |

|b. |Smith v. Allwright. |

|c. |Plessy v. Ferguson. |

|d. |United States. v. Texas. |

|e. |Grovey v. Townsend. |

ANS: D REF: 17 NOT: Factual

45. The standard term used by the federal government to describe persons whose heritage is from Puerto Rico, Cuba, Mexico, and other Spanish-speaking countries is

|a. |Latino (or Latina). |

|b. |Hispanic. |

|c. |Chicano (or Chicana). |

|d. |Mexican-American. |

|e. |None of the above is true. |

ANS: B REF: 17 NOT: Factual

46. The Raymondville Peonage Cases resulted in decisions holding that public officials and farmers in Willacy County, Texas had violated

|a. |the Separate but Equal Doctrine. |

|b. |desegregation laws. |

|c. |the Nineteenth Amendment. |

|d. |the prohibition against white primaries. |

|e. |federal antislavery statutes. |

ANS: E REF: 17 NOT: Conceptual

47. The federal court ruling that segregation of Texas children into Latino-only schools was unconstitutional was

|a. |United States v. Texas. |

|b. |Brown v. Board of Education. |

|c. |Delgado v. Bastrop ISD. |

|d. |Hernández v. State of Texas. |

|e. |Plessy v. Ferguson. |

ANS: C REF: 18 NOT: Conceptual

48. What was the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case in which the court held that excluding Latinos from “all-white” juries on the basis that courts had considered them to be white was unconstitutional?

|a. |Hernández v. State of Texas |

|b. |United States v. Texas |

|c. |Nixon v. Herndon |

|d. |Lawrence v. Texas |

|e. |Smith v. Allwright |

ANS: A REF: 18 NOT: Conceptual

49. In its decision in Lawrence v. Texas, the U.S. Supreme court invalidated laws in Texas and other states that criminalized

|a. |school desegregation efforts. |

|b. |public protests in favor of equal pay for Hispanic farm workers. |

|c. |African-American voting. |

|d. |mistreatment of Latino veterans. |

|e. |same-sex sexual conduct between consenting adults. |

ANS: E REF: 19 NOT: Conceptual

50. In 2005, Texas voters amended the state constitution to deny equal rights to gay and lesbian couples in numerous areas, including

|a. |community property rights. |

|b. |hospital visitation rights. |

|c. |survivors’ benefits. |

|d. |marriage or civil unions. |

|e. |All of the above are true. |

ANS: E REF: 19 NOT: Conceptual

51. By at least 2020, the largest demographic group in Texas is projected to be

|a. |non-Hispanic white. |

|b. |non-Hispanic black. |

|c. |Hispanic. |

|d. |non-Hispanic other. |

|e. |Unspecified. |

ANS: C REF: 20 NOT: Conceptual


1. Identify the primary issues advocated by business-oriented conservatives and social conservatives in Texas and explain the contexts in which they support or oppose government intervention.


Answers may vary.

2. Texans tend to espouse definite views on the subject of government spending. Explain what those views are, where those views may present apparent conflicts to policymakers, and how Texas government has responded.


Answers may vary.

3. Thinking about how Texas ranks compared to other states in various areas of government policy and in spending patterns, explain how conservatives and liberals in Texas use that information to advocate for their positions.


Answers may vary.

4. Identify the primary ideological focus of the moralistic, individualistic and traditionalistic subcultures in Texas and discuss ways these subcultures have an impact on political culture and political participation.


Answers may vary.

5. Identify the different Texas regions and their primary characteristics.


Answers may vary.

6. Explain the historical political and social role of women in Texas and the path through which they have gained political rights.


Answers may vary.

7. African Americans in Texas today have full voting rights. Explain the political and legal steps taken by African Americans to achieve this right.


Answers may vary.

8. Describe the process of desegregation in Texas.


Answers may vary.

9. The road to equal rights for Latinos in Texas has mirrored that for African Americans. Identify the important players and events on this road and describe their significance.


Answers may vary.

10. Identify and explain the obstacles faced by gay and lesbian citizens at both a national and state level.


Answers may vary.


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