AVC InvestmentsYour detailsSurname (please print)NIForenamesLocationHome addressTelephone NumbersHomeWorkMobileDate of BirthSite/DepartmentMarital StatusEmail AddressPlease complete the relevant sections below:Please note that for contributions to Mobius Life Funds, AVCs and existing investments must be either ALL Mobius Life Lifestyle Strategy or ALL Self Select Funds. If you are already a Self Select member, you may make your options below to specify different Self Select options for your AVCs if you wish. If you are a default (lifestyling) member you may only pay AVCs into the Mobius Life Lifestyle Strategy. New AVC Member I wish to make a voluntary contribution of ?__________ per month commencing on 01/____/20____ to be invested as follows:Lifestyle Options – Mobius Life%Income Drawdown Lifestyle Strategy%Encashment Lifestyle Strategy%Annuity Lifestyle Strategy100%TotalOrSelf Select Options – Mobius Life%BlackRock Aquila (50:50) Global Equity Index Fund%BlackRock Aquila Emerging Markets Index Fund%Invesco Perpetual Global Targeted Returns Fund%Newton Real Return Fund%BlackRock DC Diversified Growth Fund%LGIM Active Corporate Bond – All Stocks – Fund%LGIM Over 5 Year Index-Linked Gilts Index%LGIM Over 15 Year Index-Linked Gilts Index%LGIM Cash Fund%Rhodia Internal Fund (this is NOT an Mobius Life Fund)100%TotalExisting MemberPlease note, when choosing your existing investments funds or which funds you want to pay your future contributions into, your funds must be invested either ALL in the Mobius Life Lifestyle Strategy or ALL in the Self Select Funds. If you are a Self Select member, you may complete Sections A or B below to specify different Self Select options for your existing funds and your future contributions if you wish.If you complete either section to specify a switch to lifestyling, the other section must be updated on the same basis. If you are a default (lifestyling) member you complete either section to specify a switch to Self Select, the other section must also be updated on a Self Select basis. However, you may complete each section to specify different Self Select options for your existing funds and your future contributions if you wish.Changing your future contributionsI wish to change my future voluntary contributions of ?__________ per month to ?__________ per month commencing on 01/____/20____ to be invested as follows:Lifestyle Options – Mobius Life%Income Drawdown Lifestyle Strategy%Encashment Lifestyle Strategy%Annuity Lifestyle Strategy100%TotalOrSelf Select Options – Mobius Life%BlackRock Aquila (50:50) Global Equity Index Fund%BlackRock Aquila Emerging Markets Index Fund%Invesco Perpetual Global Targeted Returns Fund%Newton Real Return Fund%BlackRock DC Diversified Growth Fund%LGIM Active Corporate Bond – All Stocks – Fund%LGIM Over 5 Year Index-Linked Gilts Index%LGIM Over 15 Year Index-Linked Gilts Index%LGIM Cash Fund%Rhodia Internal Fund (this is NOT an Mobius Life Fund)100%TotalI wish to stop my voluntary contributions of ?__________ per month from _________ (month) Switching your existing investments I wish to change the way my existing AVCs are invested to the following proportions, commencing on 01____/20____Lifestyle Options – Mobius Life%Income Drawdown Lifestyle Strategy%Encashment Lifestyle Strategy%Annuity Lifestyle Strategy100%TotalOrSelf Select Options – Mobius Life%BlackRock Aquila (50:50) Global Equity Index Fund%BlackRock Aquila Emerging Markets Index Fund%Invesco Perpetual Global Targeted Returns Fund%Newton Real Return Fund%BlackRock DC Diversified Growth Fund%LGIM Active Corporate Bond – All Stocks - Fund%LGIM Over 5 Year Index-Linked Gilts Index%LGIM Over 15 Year Index-Linked Gilts Index%LGIM Cash Fund%Rhodia Internal Fund Option (this is NOT an Mobius Life Fund)100%TotalPlease note there are no charges for switching your investment funds. The deadline for submitting any changes to your HR Contact is the 10th of each month.Lump sum payments Any one-off lump sum payments must be invested in the same manner as currently invested, either ALL Mobius Life Lifestyle Strategy or ALL Self Select Funds. If you are a Self Select member – you may specify a different Self Select option from that in which your existing funds and regular contributions are invested. However, you cannot invest your one-off contribution in the Mobius Life Lifestyle Strategy unless you also switch your existing funds and future contributions on the same basis. If you are a lifestyling member you cannot invest your one-off contribution on a Self Select basis unless you also switch your existing funds and future contributions on the same basis.To get the best value from your AVCs investments, you can make a lump sum payment at any time, providing you do not exceed the maximum level allowed by HMRC.Please note that if you are currently invested in the Mobius Life Lifestyle Strategy your lump sum contribution will be invested on the same basis.I wish to make a lump sum payment from my _________ [enter month] salary of ?_________ to be invested as follows:Lifestyle Options – Mobius Life%Income Drawdown Lifestyle Strategy%Encashment Lifestyle Strategy%Annuity Lifestyle Strategy100%TotalOrSelf Select Options – Mobius Life%BlackRock Aquila (50:50) Global Equity Index Fund%BlackRock Aquila Emerging Markets Index Fund%Invesco Perpetual Global Targeted Returns Fund%Newton Real Return Fund%BlackRock DC Diversified Growth Fund%LGIM Active Corporate Bond – All Stocks – Fund%LGIM Over 5 Year Index-Linked Gilts Index%LGIM Over 15 Year Index-Linked Gilts Index%LGIM Cash Fund%Rhodia Internal Fund (this is NOT an Mobius Life Fund)100%TotalThis makes a total lump sum contribution of ?_______ in addition to my usual monthly amount.Declaration: Please sign and date this form below and return it to your HR Contact.I confirm that the details shown overleaf/above indicate my choice of investment funds, and that I have read and understood the literature provided.Signed________________________ Dated _________________________ ................

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