
|. |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

| |(D, 50-59%) |(C, 60-69%) |(B, 70-79%) |(A, 80-100%) |

|criteria |. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Knowledge & Understanding | | | | |

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|Thinking | | | | |

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|Communication | | | | |

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|Application | | | | |

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Not all four categories need be evaluated for each assessment task

More than one subject area may be assessed at a time; note subject areas under “criteria”

Wherever possible, students should be made aware of the criteria prior to beginning the task

For more information read the Achievement Chart section of any revised Ontario curriculum document (for Language, it is found on pp17-21)

Assessment, Evaluation & Reporting

| | |D – Level 1 |C - Level 2 |B - Level 3 |A - Level 4 |

|Level/Grade |R (below 50%) |(50-59%) |(60-69%) |(70-79%) |(80-100%) |

|Additional Info. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Report Card Description|insufficient achievement of |limited level of achievement |moderate level of achievement |high level of achievement |Very high level of achievement |

| |curriculum expectations |achievement falls below the |achievement is below, but is |achievement is at the provincial |achievement [of the |

| |additional learning is required |provincial standard |approaching the provincial standard|standard |grade-level expectations] exceeds |

| |before the student will begin to | | | |the provincial standard |

| |achieve success with this grade's|. |. |. | |

| |expectations | | | |. |

| | | | | | |

| |. | | | | |

|Achievement Chart | |limited effectiveness |some effectiveness |considerable effectiveness |high degree of effectiveness |

| | | | | | |

| | |. |. |. |. |

| | | | | | |

|What Might it Look Like|major errors or omissions |minimal, weak |adequate |very good |thorough, excellent |

|in Your Classroom? |structured situations for simple |independence in very structured |independently in a few situations |independently in a number of |independently and confidently in a |

| |purposes |situations |some errors or major omissions |situations |wide variety of situations |

| | |many errors or omissions |simple purposes and limited |a few errors |almost no errors |

| |. |a few simple purposes |contexts |a variety of purposes and |a wide variety of purposes and |

| | |very few contexts |progressing, emerging |contexts |contexts |

| | |beginning | | | |

| | | |. |. |. |

| | |. | | | |

Help for Report Card Comments….

|Achievement in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 1-8 |

|Sample Verbs & Verb Phrases |Expectations |Qualifiers |Descriptors (sample words to identify |

| | | |'effectiveness') |

| | | | | |

|analyses |identifies and describes |"All curriculum expectations must be accounted for in |Level 1 - limited |accuracy |

|applies |identifies and uses |instruction, but evaluation focuses on students' |Level 2 - some |appropriateness |

|automatically reads |infers |achievement of the overall expectations." |Level 3 - considerable |breadth |

|begins to |interprets | |Level 4 - thorough or |clarity |

|can explain |makes |"A student's achievement of the overall expectations |high degree |depth |

|communicates |makes connections |is evaluated on the basis of his or her achievement of| |effectiveness |

|demonstrates |predicts |related specific expectations." |Other qualifiers may be used so|flexibility |

|draws conclusions |reads | |long as they describe depth |fluency |

|explains |recognizes |(p.16 of the Language Curriculum.) |rather than frequency. |logic |

|expresses |shows | | |precision |

|expresses & organizes |transfers | | |relevance |

|extends |uses | | |significance |

|identifies | | | | |

Descriptors: The What and When of Their Use

Many of the descriptors below more specifically define effectiveness. Teachers are encouraged to use the more specific clarifying words in task-specific rubrics.

|Effectiveness |Having a definite or desired effect; having the intended outcome |useful |relevant |Have you produced the desired or intended result? |

| | |explicit |pertinent | |

|Descriptor |Definition |Clarifying Words or Terms |Questions to Consider |

|Appropriate-ness |That which is suitable to the outcome; is to the point |relevant |apt |Have you produced a result that is applicable to the situation? Is |

| | |proper |applicable |there a result that could be more suitable? |

| | |suitable | | |

|Clarity |That which is without ambiguity (unambiguous) |clear |lucidity |Could you elaborate further? |

| | |elaborate |define |Could you express that in another way? |

| | |detail |concise |Could you illustrate what you mean? |

| | |illustrate |explicit |Could you give me an example? |

|Accuracy |Conforming exactly with the truth or with a given standard; lacking errors |accurate |true |How could we check that? |

| | |verify |valid |How could we find out if that is true? |

| | |correct |exact |How could we verify or test that? |

|Precision |That which leaves no room for indecision. That which is clearly defined and |detail |specific |Could you be more specific? |

| |corresponds to an identifiable notion. That which is performed or which |degree |exactness |Could you give more details? |

| |operates in the safest possible manner, with the minimum likelihood of error |explicit | |Could you be more exact? |

|Relevance |Fits a purpose, conforms to reason and common sense, having a bearing on the |pertinent |impact |How does this relate to the problem? |

| |matter in hand |relatedness |fit |How is that connected to the question? |

| | |connected | |How does that bear on the issue? |

|Depth |That which explores the very foundations of a thing or idea; goes beyond |complexity |thorough |What factors make this a difficult problem? |

| |appearances |sophisticated |intensity |What are some of the complexities of this question? |

| | |layers |profound comprehensive|What are some of the difficulties we need to deal with? |

| | |levels (of |insight |Is that dealing with the most significant factors? |

| | |understanding) | | |

|Breadth |Freedom from limitations (opinion, interests); extent, range |exhaustive |range |Do we need to consider another point of view? |

| | |comprehensive |qualities |Do we need to look at this from another perspective? |

| | |elaborate (ideas, |insight |Is there another way to look at this question? |

| | |perspectives) |liberality of views |What would this look like from the point of view of …? |

|Logic |Describes events or data that are heavily interdependent; conclusion depends on|make sense |reasonable |Does all this really make sense together? |

| |the premises. A coherent progression of ideas, an appropriate reasoning |mutually supporting |tied together |Does that follow from what you said? |

| |process, a sequence in a group of ideas |internal consistency |order… |How does that follow? |

| | | |sequence…flow |But before you implied this and now you are saying that; how can both|

| | | |organization |be true? |

|Significance |Of great importance or consequence |so what? |consequences of |Is this the most important problem to consider? |

| | |impact |importance |Is this the central idea to focus on? |

| | |implications | |Which of these facts are most important? |

|Fluency |Generate a quantity of ideas; offer many alternatives |ease of use |effortless |Have many ideas been considered? |

| | |ease of generating |ready…grace |Are there other alternatives? |

| | |ideas |unconstrained | |

|Flexibility |Change direction of thought; vary ideas |adaptable |not rigid |Do other factors need to be considered? |

| | |versatile | | |



Source: Ontario, Ministry of Education. Sustaining Quality Curriculum District Training Support Material


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