Quabbin Regional High School

|Grade One - Trimester Two (November 24, 2014 - March 13, 2015) |

|Readers' Workshop: Retelling – Fiction & Informational; Schema – Making Connections (Informational) |

|Writers’ Workshop: Informational Writing and Persuasive/Opinion Writing |

|Fundations: Units 6-10 |

|Level of Proficiency: Students will be able to read first grade texts at an instructional Level H. |

|Fountas and Pinnell Continuum: Pgs. 282-283 |

| |

|Standards RL.5, RL.8 are NOT ASSESSED during the Second Trimester |

|Reading Literature & Informational Texts |

| |Trimester 2 Focus: |Assessments |Resources (Mentor texts, websites, videos, books) |

|Report Card Indicator & MA CCSS |Students will be able to know and do... | | |

|1. Reads and comprehends grade level text with purpose and |I can read first grade appropriate stories and |Conferring Notes | |

|understanding |poems, based on a Fountas and Pinnell Level H, and |Running Records |Retelling Unit - Nonfiction: |

| |ask for help when needed. |Strategy Groups | |

|RL.1.10 With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of | |Ongoing Assessments |Schema Unit: |

|appropriate complexity for grade 1. |Students Consider: | | |

| |Recognize whether the text is fiction or nonfiction| | |

|RI.1.10 With prompting and support, students will read |Recognize and discuss how print layout or features | | |

|informational text appropriately complex for grade 1. |are used to reflect meaning (bold, italic, large | | |

| |print) | | |

| |Infer and discuss characters feelings, motives, and| | |

| |attributes. | | |

| |Make and discuss connections between texts and | | |

| |readers’ personal experience. | | |

|2. Students ask and answer questions about key details in a text. |Students ask and answer questions about key details in a text. |- District Mandated Assessments |Retelling Unit - Nonfiction: |

|RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details, words, and | |- Conferring Notes | |

|phrases in a text. |Students Consider: |- Running Records |Schema Unit: |

| |I can ask questions about important details in a text. |- Strategy Groups | |

| |I can answer questions about important details in a text. |- Ongoing Assessments | |

| |I can make reasonable predictions as I read. | | |

| |What words, pictures, and sentences help me know this. | | |

| | | | |

| |* I know a question is different from | | |

| |a statement and requires an answer. | | |

|RI.1.4 Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the |Students Consider: | | |

|meaning of words and phrases in a text (See Grade 1 Language |I can ask questions about words or parts of sentences that I don't | | |

|Standards 4-6 for additional expectations) |understand in a text. | | |

| |I can answer questions to determine or clarify the meaning of words or | | |

| |phrases. | | |

| |I can read and reread other sentences and look at the illustrations to | | |

| |identify context clues | | |

| | | | |

| |* I actively seek the meaning of unknown words/phrases to clarify | | |

| |understanding of informational texts. | | |

|3. Retells stories to demonstrate understanding |Students identify the central message or lesson of a story, then report|- District Mandated Assessments |Retelling Unit - Nonfiction: |

| |on the key ideas, details, and events, including just the important |- Interactive Read Alouds | |

|RL.1.2 Students retell stories, including key details, and |information, not every single detail. |- Turn and Talk Conversations |Schema Unit: |

|demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson. | |- Conferring | |

| |Students Consider: |- Writer’s Workshop | |

| |What problem/need is the main character experiencing? | | |

| |What gets in the characters way? | | |

| |How is the problem resolved? | | |

| |What events lead to the resolution of the character’s problem? | | |

| |How is the main character different at the end of the story than at the| | |

| |beginning? | | |

| | | | |

| |* I can create an effective recounting or retelling of literary text(s)| | |

| |that includes key ideas and details. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|RL.1.6 Identify who is telling the story at various points in a |Students Consider: | | |

|text. |I can identify the characters in a story. | | |

| |I can name the character who is telling the story. | | |

| |I can recognize when more than one character is telling the story. | | |

| |I can identify when a different character begins telling the story. | | |

| | | | |

| |* I know that the speaker in a story affects how the story is told. | | |

| |* I know that the narrator or speaker in a story sometimes changes. | | |

|4. Identifies main topic and retells key details | | | |

|5. Describes and compares characters, settings, and events |Students Consider: |- District Mandated Assessments |Retelling Unit - Nonfiction: |

| |I can use details to describe characters from a story. |- Interactive Read Alouds | |

|RL.1.3 Describes characters, settings, and major events in a |I can use details to describe the setting of a story. |- Turn and Talk Conversations |Schema Unit: |

|story, using key details |I can use details to describe the major events in a story. |- Conferring | |

| | |- Writer’s Workshop | |

| |* I can identify characters, settings and major events in a story in | | |

| |order to understand literary text(s). | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its |Students Consider: | | |

|characters, setting, or events. |I can use illustrations to describe the story’s characters. | | |

| |I can use illustrations to describe a story’s setting. | | |

| |I can use illustrations to describe a story’s main events. | | |

| | | | |

| |* I can use illustrations/pictures to | | |

| |enhance my understanding of a story. | | |

|RL.1.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of |Students Consider: | | |

|characters in stories. |I can compare and contrast the adventures of familiar characters in | | |

| |different stories. | | |

| |* I can understand stories by learning about characters’ adventures | | |

| |and experiences. | | |

| | | | |

|6. Describes connections within a text and between two texts | | | |

|7. Identifies word or phrases in stories and poems that suggest |Students identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest |- District Mandated Assessments |Retelling Unit - Nonfiction: |

|feelings or appeal to the senses |feelings or appeal to the senses. |- Conferring Notes | |

| | |- Running Records |Schema Unit: |

|RL.1.4 Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that |Students Consider: |- Strategy Groups | |

|suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. |Which words or phrases help me experience the text with my senses | | |

| |(sight, smell, taste, touch) | | |

| |Which words or phrases seem surprising or funny and may have fancy | | |

| |(figurative) rather than normal (literal) meaning. | | |

| |Are there words or phrases that help me picture what’s happening? | | |

| | | | |

| |* I can actively seek the meaning of unknown words/phrases to clarify | | |

| |understanding of stories, poems, and songs. | | |

|8. Identifies and explains characteristics of various types of | | | |

|texts | | | |

|9. Distinguished between and uses information provided by | | | |

|pictures and text to describe key ideas | | | |

|10. Identifies similarities and differences between two texts on | | | |

|the same topic | | | |

|Grade One - Trimester Two (November 24, 2014 - March 13, 2015) |

|Foundational Skills |

| |Trimester 2 Focus: |Assessments |Resources (Mentor texts, websites, |

|Report Card Indicator & MA CCSS |Students will be able to know and do... | |videos, books) |

|1. Reads grade level text with sufficient accuracy and |Students will read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support |Fundations Assessments |Retelling Unit - Nonfiction: |

|fluency to support comprehension |comprehension. |F & P Assessment | |

|RF.1.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to | |Conferring |Schema Unit: |

|support comprehension. |Students Consider: |Running Records | |

|a. Read grade level text with purpose and understanding |All letter sounds | |Fundations Units 6-10 |

|b. Read grade level text orally with accuracy, |The beginning, middle, and ending placement of sounds in CVC words. | | |

|appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. |The digraph sounds (wh, sh, th, ch, and final –ck) | | |

| |Glued/welded sounds | | |

| |Bonus letters | | |

| |Is this a good appropriate text for me? | | |

| |Are there any words that I don’t know? | | |

| |How can I figure out any words that I don’t know? | | |

| |Do I understand what I'm reading? | | |

| |Am I reading with good expression? | | |

| |Do I need to re-read any parts of the text? | | |

| | | | |

|2. Recognizes the distinguishing features of a sentence |Students demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. |Fundations | |

| | |F & P Assessment |Fundations Units 6-10 |

|RF.1.1 Demonstrate understanding of the organization and |Students Consider: |Conferring Notes | |

|basic features of print. |Can I point to the first/last word in a sentence? |Running Records | |

| |Do I know that the first word in a sentence begins with a capital letter? |Small Moments Stories | |

|a. Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence |Do I know that sentences end with some type of punctuation? | | |

|(e.g. first word, capitalization ,ending punctuation). |Do I know what a period, question mark, and exclamation point mean as a reader? | | |

|3. Demonstrates understanding of spoken words, syllables,|Students will demonstrate the understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds |Fundations | |

|and sounds |(phonemes). |F & P Assessment |Fundations Units 6-10 |

| | |Conferring Notes | |

|RF.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, |Students Consider: |Running Records | |

|syllables and sounds. |Recognize the short and long vowel sounds spoken in single syllable words. |Spelling Assessments | |

| |Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sound (phonemes), including consonant | | |

|a. Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in |blends. | | |

|single-syllable words. |I can tell the difference between long and short vowel sounds in spoken words. | | |

|b. Orally produce single–syllable words by blending |Decode regularly spelling one syllable words. | | |

|sounds, including consonant blends. |Know the spelling sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs. | | |

|c. Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and |I can blend sounds to say one syllable words. | | |

|final sounds in spoken single-syllable words. |I can pronounce the beginning sound in one syllable words. | | |

|d. Segment spoken single-syllable words into their |I can pronounce the middle sound in one syllable words. | | |

|complete sequence of individual sounds. |I can pronounce the ending sound in one syllable words. | | |

| |I can segment one syllable words into their individual sounds. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|4. Knows and applies grade level phonics and word |Students Consider: |Fundations | |

|analysis skills in decoding words |I can match a sound to the correct consonant digraph. |F & P Assessment |Fundations Units 6-10 |

| |I can decode one-syllable words. |Conferring Notes | |

|RF.1.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word | |Running Records | |

|analysis skills in decoding words both in isolation and | | | |

|text. | | | |

| | | | |

|a Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common | | | |

|consonant digraphs. | | | |

|b. Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. | | | |

|5. Reads grade appropriate irregularly spelled/high |I can read _____ first grade irregularly-spelled words. |F&P High Frequency Word List (50/100)| |

|frequency words | | |Fundations Units 6-10 |

|RF.1.3g Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly| | | |

|spelled words. | | | |

|6. Independently monitors reading for meaning using |Students read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. |F & P Assessment |Retelling Unit - Nonfiction: |

|self-correcting and rereading when comprehension breaks | |Conferring Notes | |

|down |Students Consider: |Running Records |Schema Unit: |

| |I can recognize when a word I have read does not make sense. | | |

|RF.1.4c Use context to confirm or self-correct word |I can self-correct mistakes in my reading when it doesn't make sense or look right. | |Fundations Units 6-10 |

|recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. |I can use strategies to understand unknown words. | | |

| |Can I understand what I am reading? | | |

| |Do I need to re-read any parts of the text? | | |

|Grade One - Trimester Two (November 24, 2014 - March 13, 2015) |

|Speaking & Listening |

| |Trimester 2 Focus: |Assessments |Resources (Mentor texts, websites, |

|Report Card Indicator & MA CCSS |Students will be able to know and do... | |videos, books) |

|1. Engages effectively in a range of collaborative discussions |Students have conversations with classmates and adults in large and small |Observations | |

|building on others’ ideas and clearly expressing his/her own |groups, follow class norms for discussions, build on one another’s talk, and |Turn and Talk | |

| |ask questions to clear up confusion. |Sharing Circle | |

|SL.1.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse |Students Consider: |Shared Reading | |

|partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small|Do I listen carefully to my classmates when they speak? |Interactive Writing | |

|and larger groups. |Do I wait for my classmates to finish speaking before I share my ideas? |Conferring | |

| |Do I keep my hand down while a classmate is speaking? |Partner Reading | |

|a. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to |Does what I have to say relate to the text or topic my class is discussing? |Small Groups | |

|others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts |Do I respond to a question or comment made by a classmate? | | |

|under discussion). |Do I ask questions when I am confused? | | |

|b. Build on others’ talk in conversations by responding to the | | | |

|comments of others through multiple exchanges. | | | |

|c. Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and | | | |

|texts under discussion. | | | |

|2. Asks and answers questions to deepen understanding |Students ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or | | |

| |information presented orally or through other media. | | |

|SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read | | | |

|aloud or information presented orally or through other media. |Students Consider: | | |

| |I can show I understand what I read, hear, and/or see by asking and answering | | |

| |questions. | | |

| |I understand the most important details in the text. | | |

|SL.1.3 Ask and answers questions about what a speaker says in order |Students ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to gather| | |

|to gather additional information or clarify something that is not |additional information to clarify something that is not understood. | | |

|understood. | | | |

| |Students Consider: | | |

| |I can ask and/or answer a question to seek help or clarify my understanding. | | |

| |I am aware when I don’t understand. | | |

| |I can hold my questions in my head during a read aloud or a re-read. | | |

|3. Expresses ideas about people, places and events with relevant | | | |

|details, including visual displays when appropriate | | | |

|Grade One - Trimester Two (November 24, 2014 - March 13, 2015) |

|Language & Vocabulary |

| |Trimester 2 Focus: |Assessments |Resources (Mentor texts, websites, |

|Report Card Indicator & MA CCSS |Students will be able to know and do... | |videos, books) |

|1. Demonstrates command of conventions of standard |Students demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar | | |

|English grammar and usage when writing, reading, and |and usage when writing or speaking. | | |

|speaking. | | | |

| |Students Consider: | | |

|L.1.1 |I can print all uppercase and lowercase letters. | | |

|a. Print all upper-and lower case letters. |I can apply this knowledge when I write. | | |

|b. Use common, proper, and possessive nouns. |I can use singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in basic sentences? | | |

|c. Use singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in | | | |

|basic sentences. | | | |

|(e.g., He hops; We hop.) | | | |

| | | | |

|2. Demonstrates conventions of standard English |Students demonstrate command of conventions of standard English | | |

|capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. |capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. | | |

| |Students Consider: | | |

|L.1.2 |Do I capitalize dates and names of people? | | |

|a Capitalize dates and names of people. |Do I use end punctuation for sentences? | | |

|b. Use end punctuation for sentences. | | | |

| | | | |

|3. Uses strategies to determine the meaning of unknown or| | | |

|multiple-meaning words and phrases | | | |

|L.1.4 | | | |

|L.1.5 | | | |

|4. Acquires and accurately uses academic and content | | | |

|specific vocabulary | | | |

| | | | |

|L.1.6 | | | |

|Grade One - Trimester Two (November 24, 2014 - March 13, 2015) |

|Writing |

| |Trimester 2 Focus: |Assessments |Resources (Mentor texts, websites, videos, |

|Report Card Indicator & MA CCSS |Students will be able to know and do... | |books) |

|1. Produces clear and coherent writing in which the | | |Informational Writing |

|development and organization are appropriate to task, | | | |

|purpose, and audience. | | |Persuasive/Opinion Writing |

| | | | |

|W.1.1 Writes opinion pieces in which they introduce the | | | |

|topic or name the book they are writing about, state an | | | |

|opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some | | | |

|sense of closure. | | | |

| | | | |

|W.1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name| | | |

|a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some | | | |

|sense of closure. | | | |

| | | | |

|MA.1.3.A Not Assessed | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|W.1.1 Not Assessed | | | |

|2. Develops and strengthens writing by planning, staying |With guidance and support from adults, students focus on a topic, | |Informational Writing |

|focused on a topic, and adding details. |respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to | | |

| |strengthen writing as needed. | |Persuasive/Opinion Writing |

|W.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, focus on a | | | |

|topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and |Students Consider: | | |

|add details to strengthen writing as needed. |What is the topic I’m writing about? | | |

| |Which question or suggestion do I think is a great idea that will make | | |

| |my piece better? | | |

| |What words and details can I add? | | |

| |When I reread my piece, is there something else I want to fix? | | |

| |How will I do that? | | |

|W.1.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall |With guidance and support, students use information from print, digital| |Informational Writing |

|information from experiences or gather information from |sources, or experiences they’ve had to answer a question. | | |

|provided sources to answer a question. | | |Persuasive/Opinion Writing |

| |Students Consider: | | |

| |What question am I trying to answer? | | |

| |Do I have experience with the topic that I can list to get me started? | | |

| |What books has the teacher read aloud or put in the class library that | | |

| |might be useful? What have I read? | | |

| |Were there facts, pictures, or videos we saw online that I can see gain| | |

| |to help me answer the questions? | | |

|3. Participates in shared research and writing projects | | |Informational Writing |

| | | | |

|W.1.7 | | |Persuasive/Opinion Writing |

|4. With guidance and support, explores technology to produce| | |Informational Writing |

|and publish writing | | | |

| | | |Persuasive/Opinion Writing |

|W.1.6 | | | |

|5. Develops and strengthens writing by planning, staying |With guidance and support from adults, students focus on a topic, | |Informational Writing Unit: |

|focused on a topic, and adding details. |respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to | | |

| |strengthen writing as needed. | |Persuasive/Opinion Writing Unit: |

|W.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, focus on a | | | |

|topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and |Students Consider: | | |

|add details to strengthen writing as needed. |What is the topic I’m writing about? | | |

| |Which question or suggestion do I think is a great idea that will make | | |

| |my piece better? | | |

| |What words and details can I add? | | |

| |When I reread my piece, is there something else I want to fix? | | |

| |How will I do that? | | |

|W.1.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall |With guidance and support, students use information from print, digital| |Informational Writing Unit: |

|information from experiences or gather information from |sources, or experiences they’ve had to answer a question. | | |

|provided sources to answer a question. | | |Persuasive/Opinion Writing Unit: |

| |Students Consider: | | |

| |What question am I trying to answer? | | |

| |Do I have experience with the topic that I can list to get me started? | | |

| |What books has the teacher read aloud or put in the class library that | | |

| |might be useful? What have I read? | | |

| |Were there facts, pictures, or videos we saw online that I can see gain| | |

| |to help me answer the questions? | | |


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