Directions: This packet includes 10 tasks and a menu of four projects. Please complete it as directed:

For scholars at beginning English level, please complete 3 tasks out of 1-7. For scholars at intermediate English level, please complete 6 tasks out of 1-10 and 1 project. For scholars at advanced English level, please complete all the tasks and 2 projects.

Teachers: Please help circle the tasks your newcomers will be able to complete.

Students: Please put an X next to the tasks/projects you will complete.

Tasks ______ 1. Body Parts ______ 2. Family ______ 3. About Myself ______ 4. -ell Sound ______ 5. My Heart

______ 6. Health ______ 7. Time Change ______ 8. Dream Vacation ______ 9. Runner ______ 10. City Mayor

Projects ______ 1. Advertisements ______ 2. Autobiographies ______ 3. Bar Graphs ______ 4. Biographies ______ 5. Recipes

For families who have access to digital devices, below are some websites EL scholars can access:

1. 3. 5. 7.

2. 4. 6. 8.

Task 1: Body Parts

Look at the picture below and then use your dictionary or ask your family to help you label the parts of the body in your own language.

English 1. neck 2. shoulder 3. chest 4. wrist 5. stomach 6. navel 7. elbow 8. hip 9. thigh 10. knee 11. calf 12. ankle 13. toes

My language

Task 2: Family

Look at the pictures on the left and complete the sentences below to describe two family members and yourself. 1. _________ is my ______. She has______________. She is _________________.

2. _________ is my ______. He has______________. He is _________________.

3. I have __________. I am _________.

Task 3: About Myself

A. Answer these questions about yourself. Use the picture dictionary above. 1. Are you tall or short? I am _________________________. 2. Are you young or old? ____________________________________. 3. Do you have dark hair or fair hair? I have___________________ .. 4. Do you have curly hair or straight hair? ______________________________________________ 5. Do you have long or short hair? __________________________________ 6. Do you have a round face or a long face?_________________________________________________________ 7. Do you have a long or short nose? _________________________________

B. Now use your answers to write a paragraph about yourself.

Task 4: -ell sound

Read the following sentences, saying the word "smell" when you come to a blank space. Use words from the ?ell family to fill in the blanks and make sense. Reread your sentences to double check your choices!

1. Didn't you hear the recess_______ ring?

7. Would you please answer the _________?

2. We go to the nurse at school if we don't feel

8. I love the_____ of baking pizza. Don't you?

very_________. 3. Shout means the same thing as ___________ .

9. How many ice cream flavors do you ______at

this store?

4. The skate slipped on the ice and _________ .

10. If you sprain your ankle, it will probably____.

5. I always ask my grandpa to _______me a story. 11. Do you know how to _________ Mississippi?

6. Look at the pretty ________I found at the beach!

12. Our teacher wants us to learn how to

______a story.

Word Bank Bell, fell, sell, shell, yell, tell, spell, smell, well, retell, swell, doorbell

A. Look at the drawing and use your dictionary to label the parts of the body.

Task 5: My Heart

B. Use words from the box to fill in the blanks.

blood vessels blood oxygen body


heart veins


The heart pumps _______ around the ____. The blood carries food and ______. There are two kinds of _______. The blood vessels that carry blood away from the _______ are ________. Those that _____ the blood towards the heart are _______.

English 1. heart 2. blood 3. artery 4. vein 5. body

My language

C. Write the letters missing from the words in the paragraph below.

The h_______t pumps blood around the b____y. The blood carries food and o_________n. There are two kinds of blood v________s. The blood vessels that c________y blood away from the heart are a________s. Those that carry the blood towards the heart are v_______s

A. Write the words in your own language that match the English words below. Use your dictionary to help you.


1. cut 2. cold 3. rash 4. sprain/strain 5. stomachache 6. headache

My language

B. Use the English words above to finish the sentences on the right.

Task 6: Health

Task 7: Read Aloud ? Time Change

Please read this article at least 5 times to improve fluency. Fill in the date each time you read.






Twice a year, people in the United States change the time on their clocks and watches. In spring they turn their clocks forward one hour. In fall they turn them back one hour. The time change means that in spring people lose an hour and in fall they gain an hour. There is a saying to help us remember which way to turn our clocks: "Spring forward and fall back." Most people change their clocks on Saturday evening before they go to bed. Then when they wake up on Sunday, their clocks are correct. Remember to change your clocks.

Task 8: Dream Vacation

Read the text below. It's 3:00 in the morning and Irma is sound sleep. She is dreaming about a vacation. In her dreams she is on a beach in Acapulco, Mexico. She is staying at a resort overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The water is blue and warm, and the sand is white. A gentle breeze cools the heat of the sun. Irma can hear mariachis in a nearby restaurant. They are playing traditional music. Tropical plants are everywhere. The blooms of their flowers are yellow, pink, red, and blue. Everything there is

slower and more relaxed. Irma is happy. She stretches and smiles. She continues to sleep and dream.

A. True or False 1. __________ Acapulco is in Mexico. 2. ___________ Irma is on vacation. 3. ___________ Mariachis are performing in a play. 4. ___________ Irma is awake.

B. Yes or No ? Share Your Opinion 1. __________ Mexico is a great place for vacation. 2. __________ Most people feel happier when the weather is warm.

C. Writing ? Where do you want to go on vacation? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Task 9: Runner

Read the text below.

Liem is training for a marathon. A marathon is a race. It is a little more than twenty-six miles long. Liem has been practicing for five months. Every morning he wakes up at 4:45 to take a practice run. He owns four pairs of running shoes, and he rotates them. This allows them to dry out between runs. It also extends the life of the shoes. This morning Liem's right foot is sore. He has a blister on the sole of his foot. He is going to limp home and soak his foot in warm water. He may take a day off from running tomorrow and allow his foot to heal.

A. True or False 1. ___________Marathons are about 26 miles long. 2. ___________Liem's foot has blisters. 3. ___________ A sole is the top of the foot. 4. ___________The words heel and heal means the same thing.

B. Yes or No ? Share Your Opinion 1. __________ Running long distance is bad for your feet. 2. __________ Five months is not long enough to prepare for a marathon.

C. Writing ? How do you feel after your exercise?

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________


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