Bureau of Land Management

Organization of a Project File for an EIS Level NEPA AnalysisFor each subheading, include the following in the appropriate subject area: documents, references, emails, notes, reviews, GIS, data standards and methodology etc. For those items that pertain to more than one topic, either include in both or include in general heading.Draft Versions – Only include if they are circulated for comment and include significant and substantive comments pertaining to the decision process.Note: This organization and list of documents to include may not be directly related to any administrative record needed for the project. It may differ depending on the lawsuit topic and some documents included here will not be necessary.Project InitiationDocuments/Communications/References Pertaining to:Administrative files associated with processing external requests ApplicationsPlans of Development/OperationsAgreements with applicants/contractors (MOUs, Cost Recovery)Preparation PlanFinal DocumentDocuments/Communications/References Pertaining to:GeneralPreliminary Planning CriteriaPreliminary Issues and ConcernsParticipants/Roles and ResponsibilitiesFormat/Process/SchedulesOtherExternal Scoping/Public Notice and InvolvementNotice of Intent Public Involvement Plans (i.e. Communication Plan)Public Information Documents, Letter, Notices, County FairsMailing ListsNews Reports and Clippings/Website/Media ListsGeneral Correspondence Meetings/WorkshopsScoping Letters/Issue IdentificationPublic Comments Prior to Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)Comments ReceivedBLM ResponsesScoping ReportInternal Scoping/OrganizationInterdisciplinary Team (ID Team) Meeting Agendas and Notes/PresentationsOther ID Team CorrespondencesLegal Review and Advice/Laws and PolicyOrganization and StaffingOther-Employee Meeting, Training, Implementation Team, All Employee BulletinsStatus Reports Contract InformationDraft EISFinal DocumentDraft VersionsNotice of AvailabilityBriefing MaterialsComments/ReviewsID Team Reviews SO CommentsWO CommentsOther Internal ReviewsExternal Reviews (i.e. Cooperating Agencies)Documents/Communications/References Pertaining To:Background/Introduction/Purpose and Need, Dear Reader LetterAlternativesAlternatives Considered but EliminatedAlternatives Considered in Detail Comments on Draft AlternativesAffected EnvironmentGeneral/IntroductoryMethodologyAir Quality Climate and Carbon Soils and GeologyWater Quality HydrologyVegetationSpecial Status SpeciesBiological Assessments or OpinionsWildlife & Fisheries Biological Assessments or OpinionsWild Horse and BurrosCultural Resources Section 106 ConsultationPaleontologyVisual Resources Fire and Fuels Wilderness & Wilderness CharacteristicsWilderness InventoryCave and Karst ResourcesForestryRange resources/Livestock GrazingRecreation and Visitor ServicesTravel & Transportation Lands and RealityEnergy and MineralsRFD reportRenewable EnergyWild & Scenic RiversW&SR Eligibility ReportEconomic and SocialEcologyAreas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs)ACEC ReportOtherEnvironmental ConsequencesGeneral/IntroductoryMethodologyAir Quality Climate and Carbon Soils and GeologyWater Quality HydrologyVegetationSpecial Status SpeciesWildlife & Fisheries Wild Horse and BurrosCultural Resources PaleontologyVisual Resources Fire and Fuels Wilderness & Wilderness CharacteristicsCave and Karst ResourcesForestryRange resources/Livestock GrazingRecreation and Visitor ServicesTravel & Transportation Lands and RealityEnergy and MineralsRenewable EnergyWild & Scenic RiversEconomic and SocialEcologyAreas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs)OtherConsultation and CoordinationCooperatorsOther Federal AgenciesState AgenciesLocal AgenciesTribesOrganizations Threatened & Endangered Species ConsultationIndividualsFreedom of Information Act (FOIA)Final EISFinal VersionDraft VersionsNotice of AvailabilityBriefing MaterialsComment Letters on DEISContent AnalysisAgency ResponsesComments after the Draft Public Comment PeriodAdditional ReferencesComments/ReviewsID Team Reviews SO CommentsWO CommentsOther Internal ReviewsExternal Reviews (i.e. Cooperating Agencies)CorrespondenceRecord of DecisionFinal DocumentsNotice of AvailabilityBriefing MaterialsComments/Reviews/DraftsCorrespondenceSupporting Policy & Guidance (added if suit is filed)IMs&IBsHandbooksManuals ................

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