
Name:______________________________________Date:__________________________Period:_________Unit 9: 1920’s & 1930’s Guided Reading QuestionsRise of Communism and SocialismWho was Karl Marx?Who did Marx say the final revolution would be between?What did Marx’s theory become known as?What political party was created in 1901?What was the I.W.W.?Who were the Bolsheviks? What country did the Bolsheviks establish? Who was the Bolshevik’s leader? What was the Red Scare? What did the U.S. Department of Justice do in response to the bombings/attacks on Attorney General Palmer?How many people were deported as a result of the Palmer Raids?What caused the end of the Red Scare?Document Analysis 1What was the average number of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe and Asia from 1907-1914? Was the number of immigrants from Europe increasing or decreasing during the 1920’s? Were there more immigrants restricted from Northern/Western Europe or Southern/Eastern Europe during the 1920’s? Between which years was immigration from Southern/Eastern Europe and Asia most drastically impacted?What do you think contributed to the drastic restrictions in Southern/Eastern Europe and Asia immigration during this time period?Immigrant RestrictionWhat two ideas grew particularly strong during the post-WWI era of the 1920s?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What organization was revived during this time period?What was the National Origins Act? Eighteenth AmendmentIt became _______________ during the war to abstain from ________________, not only to preserve grain for the troops and our allies but also as a symbol of resistance to beer's __________________ connection.When was the 18th Amendment ratified?What did the 18th Amendment do? What were some of the negative effects of the 18th Amendment? What Amendment made alcohol legal again? Why did the government want to make alcohol legal again? Document Analysis 2List 4 causes of Prohibition:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________List 5 effects of Prohibition:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Nineteenth Amendment What did the 19th Amendment do?When was the 19th Amendment ratified?What fueled the ratification of the 19th Amendment? What were some of the tactics used by suffragettes? What did President Wilson expect in return for support of the 19th Amendment? What effects did the 19th Amendment have on American culture? Henry Ford and the Automobile, Mass Production, and AdvertisingWhat increased during the 1920’s?Advertising of _________ and new household ____________________was largely through nationwide campaigns on the ____________, in ______________________, and at the ______________.Who was Henry Ford? What enabled Henry Ford to quickly build automobiles?How did Ford speed up production and drive down costs of automobiles? How much did the first Model-Ts cost? ____________ How much did they cost 10 years later? ___________What are 4 ways society was changed by the automobile?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Document Analysis 3What was vaudeville?What invention killed off vaudeville?According to George Burns, how does he describe what was the world like before the radio? Impact of Radio and MoviesThe period after WWI marked the beginning of ________ __________, especially commercial radio and movies.What accelerated the development of commercial radio in the mid-1920’s?What election was featured in the first radio broadcasts? How many radio stations were there by 1925?How many Americans had radios by 1923?What are 4 things that were being broadcast by the radio?_______________, ___________________, ___________________________, ________________How did advertisers use the radio? What were the first movies called? In what ways were both radio and movies a unifying force on national culture? The Emergence of Modern Forms of Cultural ExpressionWhat are characteristics of modern American art as influenced by European modern artists beginning in 1913?What was the art deco movement? What themes were incorporated into literature during the modern era? What was the Harlem Renaissance? Who were 2 famous writers during the Harlem Renaissance?What is considered to be the first true American music?Born in the Deep ______________, Jazz was thought to have originated from the musical traditions brought by ______________from West Africa combined with western musical instruments and techniques.Who are 4 famous Jazz musicians/composers during the Harlem Renaissance? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Causes of the Great DepressionWhat is often pinpointed as the beginning of the Great Depression? Why did American businesses profit during WWI?What are 5 causes of the Great Depression?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What was problem created as a result of industrial overproduction? What exacerbated this problem? The United States had more ____________ than ______________________.What 2 things developed in the 1920’s that encouraged spending? ___________________________________ and _________________________________How did many investors maximize their wealth? Speculation in ________ __________________ and the _____________ ___________________.How little did speculators have to put down in order to borrow money to purchase stocks?What caused the Stock Market Crash of October 1929? ___________________ lost income throughout the 1920s because European markets stopped buying __________________ farm goods. ________ mining suffered as __________ began to replace coal as a fuel. The richest _________ of the American population owned approximately __________ of the country’s wealth.What were banks forced to call in, due to many lacking enough reserves to give depositors cash? Why did banks begin to fail? How many banks failed during the 1930’s?What did many people lose during this time period? The DustbowlWhat was unknown to farmers in the Great Plains region who moved there at the end of the 19th century?Were the Great Plains in a wet or dry period when farmers first arrived? Were the Great Plains in a wet or dry period in the 1930’s?The ________________ was the worst in United States history, covering more than ____________ of the country and severely affecting ________ states.What caused the development of dust storms? How many years did the dust storms and drought last? Where did many farmers go in order to escape these conditions? What was the nickname given to these migrants?What novel uses the Dust Bowl migrants as its subject? When did the Dust Bowl end?What led to the end of the Dust Bowl? Document Analysis 4 What 5 states were in the heart of the Dust Bowl? _______________________, _____________________, _____________________, _______________________, _____________________Which direction did migrant farmers go to escape the dust storms? Document Analysis 5What foods did the people in Harlan County live on?What disease bloated the stomach of starving babies?What happened to the vegetables miners tried to plant?What happened to the little boy’s pet rabbit? What did some of the Mountain people have to do to keep warm?Consequences of the Great DepressionHow much of the labor force was unemployed in the U.S. by 1933?How many people belonged to families with no regular, full-time wage earner in 1932?How many people were homeless around the country in 1932?Why were women and minorities especially hard hit during the Great Depression? What were some teenagers asked to do during the Great Depression?What were Hoovervilles?What are the 2 ways President Hoover attempted to diminish the impact of Great Depression?Construction of the _________________________________ & ___________________________Who won the election of 1932?What was the name of FDR’s series of government-funded programs to end the Depression?Document Analysis 6What are the 3R’s of FDR’s New Deal Plan?_____________, ___________________, & ______________________The New DealWhen Franklin Roosevelt took his oath of office in _________ _____________, the nation was in grave crisis. __________________ banks had closed. Unemployment hovered at ________________. Corporate profits had fallen to ______________ and farm commodity prices had fallen ______________. __________________________ Americans were homeless.What did Roosevelt sign into Executive Order immediately upon taking office? Briefly name and describe each of the New Deal Programs listed:FERA:_______________________________________________________________________________PWA:________________________________________________________________________________CCC:________________________________________________________________________________TVA:________________________________________________________________________________FDIC:_______________________________________________________________________________AAA:_______________________________________________________________________________SEC:________________________________________________________________________________Why did women and the elderly not benefit from programs like the CCC, PWA, and TVA?When was the long term implications of these programs fully realized? Second New DealWhy did FDR believe a Second New Deal was needed? When was the Social Security Act signed into law?What did the Social Security Act do? Is the program still used today? Document Analysis 7According to Huey Long, what was the main cause for all of the nation’s trouble and woe? According to Huey Long, what is the solution to restoring people to a reasonable life and comfort?What is the name of this speech? When was it given? New Deal Challenges: Huey LongHow many years was FDR President?Why did Conservatives criticize FDR? Why did Liberals criticize FDR?Who was FDR’s biggest critic? What did the “Share Our Wealth” program guarantee? Leadership Challenges: Court-Packing BillWhich 2 New Deal programs were declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court? Why did the Supreme Court strike down these 2 programs? Roosevelt grew increasingly ______________________ with the Supreme Court, which was composed of __________ men, all over ______ years old and __________________________.Why did FDR want to add a judge to the Supreme Court for every justice who refused to retire?Why was FDR criticized for wanting to “pack the court”?Document Analysis 8Why do the 6 men in the back row all look like FDR in the cartoon? Who is FDR giving the bill to? Leadership Challenges: U.S. NeutralityWhat was happening over in Europe during America’s Great Depression?What was happening over in the Pacific during America’s Great Depression?Why was the U.S. practicing isolationism during this time?What was the Neutrality Act? When was the Neutrality Act passed?How did Roosevelt feel about U.S. neutrality? Role of Eleanor RooseveltEleanor Roosevelt was the 1st First Lady to:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What groups did Eleanor Roosevelt want the President to make reforms for? What was the nickname given to Eleanor by her husband? As a supporter of women's ______________________, she was also instrumental in convincing President Roosevelt to appoint more ____________________ to __________________________ positions.What was the name given to Eleanor dur to her service with the United Nations?In what way did Eleanor change the role of First Lady? ................

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