
Chapter 6Communication involves someone who sends a message and someone who receives a message, as well as – communication medium and a common protocol Communication protocols – keep track of address information A medium in communications is some kind of network – True A cellular tower relays – radio waves IRDA stands for – infrared data association IRDA is quickly being replaced by this technology – Bluetooth IRDA’s chief drawback in the PC world is that it requires – line of sight Forms of electromagnetic radiation differ in the – length of their radio waves POP stands for – Post Office Protocol Which retrieval protocol allows you to synchronize mail folders between your email client and the email server – IMAPThe protocol used to deliver messages to the server is – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol An example of a webmail service is – gmail Bluetooth uses this medium to connect two devices – radio signals Perform this action with a new Bluetooth headset so that the headset can communicate with your smartphone – pair the headset with the smartphone Bluetooth devices use this technique to ensure data is not hindered by interference from other similar devices within proximity – frequency hopping Paired Bluetooth devices that are communicating with each other are operating within a personal-area network (PAN), or ____ - piconetWhat is the purpose of the hub and switch – the connect the nodesThis element receives packets of data and sends that data out to all of the connected ports, not just the port that should receive the data – hubThis element determines which address the packet of data should be delivered to and sends it only to that destination – switch SSID is – the name of your network Setting up network security involves a – security type, password When you share files on a network you can set access rights to read/write or – read-onlySetting up a network allows users to share files, a printer, and – an internet connection The purpose of a firewall is to – block unwanted information from reaching your computer or computer network The two kinds of firewall are hardware and application layer – False Software firewalls – may include privacy controls, can be configured to recognize trusted sources, only protect the computer they are installed on The best type of firewall protection for a network is – hardware and software Another term for cloud computing is – utility computing Cloud computing providers offer – online storage, online applications, online computing capacityOne type of savings from cloud computing is reduced IT staffing costs Under the cloud computing model, when an application comes out in a new version – the cloud computing provider upgrades the application once online According to silverman, fewer people are suing their smartphones to –make voice callsWhich of the following is NOT an example of voice being carried over the internet – TwitterSilverman claims that many young people find calls and talking over electronic networks to be – awkward, intrusive, inefficientSilverman points out that text communication sometimes leaves itself open to – misinterpretationThe speed with which a signal can change from high to low is called – frequency A communication medium that carries a large amount of Data at a fast speed is called – broadband Which of the following is NOT a transmission medium – smartphone This wireless medium is the next generation of wireless broadband that provides faster access and can be used across a longer range – wimax RFID is an acronym that stands for – radio frequency identification This hardware enables the computer without built-in networking capability to connect to the network – network interface card this device in a home network allows you to connect multiple computers to one high-speed connection – router this organization is one that is involved with developing and approving network standards – institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)the rules that define how two devices communicate are called – a protocol this type of network is defined within a small area such as room or a building – LANthis is the term use to refer to a network’s design – network architecture this term is used to describe hosted services on the internet – cloud computing DefinitionsFiber optic cable – a transmission medium that uses a protected string of glass which transmits beams of light. A very fast type of transmission, sending billions of bits per secondSwitch – hardware device that joins several computers together to coordinate message traffic in one LAN network. It can check the data in a packet it receives and help to send it to the correct destination Digital signal - discrete signal that is either high or low Analog signal – formed by continuous radio waves that fluctuate from high to low MAN – a type of network that connects networks within a city, university, or other populous area to a larger high-speed network Microwave – a high-frequency radio signal that is sent from one tower to another. Because the signal cannot bend around obstacles, the towers have to positioned in line of sight of each other Bluetooth – a network protocol that offers direct short-range connectivity (3 to 300 feet depending on a device’s power class) via radio waves between devices such as your cell phone and carBandwidth – the number of bits (pieces of data) per second that can be transmitted over a communications medium WAP – specifies how mobile devices such as cell phones display online information such as maps and emailPeer-to-peer – a network architecture in which each computer in the network can act as both server and clientEthernet – a standard that specifies that there is no central device controlling the timing of data transmission. With this standard, each device tries to send data when it senses that the network is available Hub – used on older LAN networks to coordinate the message traffic on computers connected to the network Node – a device connected to a network Communications system – computer hardware and software is used to facilitate the exchange of data between a sender and a receiver Coaxial cable – the cable that is used to transmit cable television signals over an insulated wire at a fast speedTwisted pair – used for wired telephone connections Client – a computer or other device capable of sending data to and receiving data from any combination of hardware and software on a network Server – any combination of hardware and software that provides a service, such as storing data, to a device, such as your computer ................

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