Thompson Medical Group

Thompson Medical GroupNew Patient Registration FormPLEASE PRINTLast Name:First Name:MI:Sex: Male / FemaleDate of Birth:____________________________Age:____________________Race : White Black or African American Asian Other Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Marital Status:________________________Primary Language:__________________________________Address:City:Zip:____________(H) Phone:__________________ (C) Phone_____________________(W) Phone:___________________Preferred number to reach you? Home Cell Work OK to leave message at this number? Yes / NoIn Case Of Emergency Contact:Contact name: __________________ Relationship: _________________ Number: __________________Contact name: __________________ Relationship: _________________ Number: __________________E-mail:______________________________________Referred By:___________________________________________ *Local Pharmacy Name:________________________________Phone:_______________________Address or Cross-Streets:_______________________________ Zip:____________City:__________________________________Phone:_______________________*Mail Order Pharmacy Name:__________________________________________________________Primary Insurance Name:______________________________________________________________________Primary Holder Name:_______________________________Date of Birth:_____________________________Secondary Insurance Name:____________________________________________________________________Primary Holder Name: ______________________________Date of Birth:____________________________ASSIGNMENT OF BENEFITSI hereby authorize my benefits to be paid directly to Thompson Medical Group and I am financially responsible for non-covered services and/or balances not paid by the insurance carrier. I also authorize release of my information required to process these claims. I authorize you to give me my medical care, including diagnosis and/or treatment.__________________________________________________________________________Signature of the Patient or the Patient’s Legal RepresentativeDateRelationship to PatientPatient Name:DOB:Date:CHIEF COMPLAINT: Please provide the main reason for your visit today? (describe your problem in detail)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________MEDICATION ALLERGIES: NONELIST ALLERGIES TO MEDICATION AND REACTION: CURRENT MEDICATIONS AND VITAMINS: NONEName of DrugStrength of Drug (mg)How Often(# times per day)Name of DrugStrength of Drug (mg)How Often(# times per day)Patient Name:DOB:Date:Thompson Medical GroupConsents FormWould you like a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices?DeclinedAcceptedAcknowledgement of Notice of Privacy Practices:I have been offered a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices. I understand that Thompson Medical Group has the right to change its Notice of Privacy Practices from time to time and that I may contact Thompson Medical Group at any time to obtain a current copy.**Signature:____________________________________________________ Date:________________________Authorization of Release of Health Information:I authorize the following individual(s) to have access to my personal health information.Name:Relationship:Phone: ______________________Name:Relationship:Phone:_______________________Name:Relationship:Phone:_______________________**Signature:____________________________________________________Date:________________________Notice of Limited English Proficiency:I have been offered a copy of the Notice of Limited English Proficiency. I understand that if I have Limited English Proficiency, I must provide a reliable, competent and proficient translator. If I cannot provide this translator, I must notify Thompson Medical Group in writing.**Signature: ________________________________________________________Date: ______________________Consent to Obtain Electronic Medication History:To optimize the use of electronic prescribing of medications and coordinate care between my providers, I hereby authorize Thompson Medical Group to access my medication history without limitation or exclusion as is reasonably necessary to disclose, retrieve, and view medications issued by a provider.**Signature:____________________________________________________ Date:________________________Assignment of Benefits I hereby assign medical and or surgical benefits, private insurance, and any other health plan benefits to Thompson Medical Group. A copy of this assignment is considered as valid as the original. Authorization to TreatI, and/or the undersigned on behalf of the patient ,voluntarily consent to allow Thompson Medical Group physicians and staff to provide such evaluation and/or care and treatments as an outpatient on a continuing basis and as an inpatient as necessary, as Thompson Medical Group physicians and staff may decide is advisable and necessaryI understand that although care is reviewed and supervised by Thompson Medical Group physicians, actual care may be rendered by physician extenders, i.e.: physician assistants and nurse practitioners. I understand that such treatment may include physical examination, x-ray examination, laboratory procedures, other office procedures, as well as inpatient procedures as required. I understand that should I execute a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care or other Advance Directive, I will provide and execute a copy to my physician. I understand that I will notify my physician of any changes in the Directive. I understand that I will be informed about the course of my treatment. I understand that I am free to terminate my treatment with my Thompson Medical Group physician at any time Patient Name:DOB:Date: Authorization to Release Information: I hereby authorize Thompson Medical to release any medical information necessary to my insurance company or it’s agents in order to secure payments. Financial Responsibly:Please be advised that ultimately, YOU, the PATIENT, are responsible for your bill. Thompson Medical Group will bill your insurance on your behalf as a courtesy. Should your insurance not pay the charges within 60 days, the balance due will be transferred to YOU, the PATIENT. It will be your responsibility to follow up on your claim and remit payment to Thompson Medical Group. Please be advised that billing statements are sent one time at no charge to you, however, if payment is not received within 30 days, a $20.00 service charge will be applied for the second, and each additional, statement.I certify that I have read the foregoing and as the patient, the patient’s guardian, conservator, or general agent, I agree to accept the above terms. I acknowledge receipt of a copy of Thompson Medical Group’s Notice of Privacy Practices which outlines the use, disclosure, certain restrictions, and rights I may have regarding my protected health information under the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). I understand that THOMPSON MEDICAL GROUP has the right to change its Notice of Privacy Practices at any time and that I may contact you at any time to obtain a current copy. **Signature:_________________________________________ Date:___________________________Guardian/Conservator/General Agent Signature: ___________________________________Date:___________Witness Signature: ____________________________________________Date:_____________________Financial Agreement Completion of Forms:Due to the extensive nature of some forms that require completion by your physician and his/her staff, it has become necessary for our office to implement a fee for their completion. Forms that are 3 pages or longer such as FMLA or Short Term Disability will require a payment of $35.00 to be paid at time of pick-up or prior to send-off. Forms will NOT be released until payment is made. Please allow 7-14 days for completion of all forms. EXPEDITED FEE is $50 will take up to 3 days to be completed.Please Initial and Sign _______I understand that there will be a charge for the completion of forms above in the amount of $35.00 due at the time of pick-up by patient. In the event my forms need to be faxed or mailed I will pay the fee at drop-off or over the phone prior to send-off. Missed Appointment Policy: It has become necessary for us to enforce the following missed appointment policy. Notifying our office if you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment will allow other patients to be seen as needed.______I understand that I am responsible for keeping ALL scheduled appointments. If I fail to follow the previous statement I will be responsible for a $30.00 charge. I understand that this charge is not billable to my insurance company. ______I understand that I am responsible for notifying the office 24 hours in advance if the appointment needs to be canceled or re-scheduled. (Messages can also be left with our answering service if calling after 4 p.m.) **Signature:__________________________________________________Date:____________________Authorization to Obtain Healthcare InformationPatient’s Name_________________________________________________________________Date of Birth____________________________ Social Security # _________________________Previous Name/ Nickname _______________________________________________________I request and authorize to Release: All Healthcare InformationHealthcare Information Relating to __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________Other __________________________________________________________________YES NO STD results/ HIV/AIDS testing, whether negative or positiveSTD Definition: Sexually Transmitted disease (STD) as defined by law, RCW 70.24 et seq, includes herpes, herpes simplex, human papilloma virus, wart, genital wart, condyloma, Chlamydia, non-specific urethritis, syphilis, VDRL, chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereuem, HIV, AIDS, and ghonorhea YESNO Records regarding Drug, Alcohol, or Mental Health TreatmentFROM: (list medical office below)Name_________________________________________________________________________Address_______________________________________________________________________Phone #___________________________Fax #________________________________________TO: THOMPSON MEDICAL GROUP @ fax # (623) 583-7410, phone # (623) 583-7400 THIS AUTHORIZATION EXPIRES 90 DAYS AFTER IT IS SIGNED**Signature:____________________________________________Date:________________Refusal of Advanced DirectivesThis form is to acknowledge that I have been offered a Durable Health Care Power of Attorney and a Living Will. My signature on this form will serve as my refusal to fill these forms out at this time. I understand that I can still turn in these forms whenever I want after signing this form.Print Name___________________________________Date of Birth____________________________________Signature:____________________________________________Date:_________________________This form serves as proof that the above patient has been offered a Living Will and Durable Healthcare Power Of Attorney. Patient Name:DOB:Date:MEDICAL HISTORY: Have you experienced any of the following?AlcoholismGoutOsteoporosisAllergiesHead injuryPneumoniaAnemia/Blood ClotsHearing troublePolioAppendectomyHeart Attack/StrokeProstate ProblemsArthritisHeart murmur/diseasePsoriasisAsthma/EmphysemaHemorrhoidsRheumatoid ArthritisCancer:_________________Hernia/UlcerSTDs/MonoChicken Pox/ShinglesHigh Blood PressureStomach ProblemsDeep Venous ThrombosisHigh CholesterolThyroid ProblemsDepression/Anxiety Kidney StonesTonsillectomyDiabetesLiver ProblemsTuberculosisDrug addictionMemory troubleValley FeverEpilepsy/Seizures Mental illnessVasectomyGallstonesMigrainesVision trouble GlaucomaMitral Valve ProlapseOther:ALLERGIES:Do you have allergies?□Yes□NoIf yes, please indicate what type:□Food□Sinus/Eyes□Insect□Animal□Plant□Other:_______________Medications taken (over-the-counter or prescription): ____________________________________________# sinus infections during year:__________Have you been tested for allergies? □Yes□NoSURGICAL HISTORY: NONE( if necessary, please use the back of this sheet)Procedure Month/Year_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY:FAMILYDETAILSAGEDISEASE(S)IF DECEASED,MEMBERCAUSEFatherMotherSibling□ M □ FSibling□ M □ FSibling□ M □ FSibling□ M □ FOTHER DISEASES IN FAMILY:_________________________________________________________ Patient Name:DOB:Date:SOCIAL HISTORY:Occupation: ____________________________________________________________________ Marital Status (please circle): Single Married Divorced Widowed Do you have children/step-children?□Yes□No If yes, how many? ________ Age(s): _______________Do you exercise? Yes NoIf yes, what type? How often? ____________________________________________TOBACCO/ ALCOHOL/ ETC:Do you now or have you ever smoked?□ Yes□ NoYear quit?_____________If yes, what type?______________________How often?_______________How many?____________Do you consume alcohol?□ Yes□ No If yes, what kind?______________________How often?_______________How much?____________Do you consume caffeine?□ Yes□ No If yes, what kind?_______________________How often?_______________How much?____________Do you use illegal drugs?□ Yes□ No If yes, what kind?______________________How often?_______________How much?____________Do you wear seatbelts?□ Yes□ No Do you wear sunscreen?□ Yes□ NoMEDICAL HEALTH HISTORY: When was your last:Blood test:HIV test:Heart Attack:Chest x-ray:TB test:Stroke:Chicken Pox vaccine:Tetanus shot:Pneumovax:Colonoscopy:Flu shot: Sigmoidoscopy:EKG:Rectal exam:Other:Female Only:Last pap smear:Hysterectomy:Experienced menopause:Total # of pregnancies/children:Last mammogram:Last menstrual period: Patient Name:DOB:Date:Review of Symptoms. Do you have any of the following? (Please mark an (X) in the spaces provided) Constitutional SymptomsXGenitourinaryXCardiovascularXWeight ChangeChange in StreamChest pain ChillsNocturia (getting up at night)Tightness/heaviness in chestFeverUrinary frequency > 8times/dayIrregular heartbeatItchingBurning with urinationSwelling in anklesNight SweatsBlood in urineHigh blood pressureOther:Urinary leakageShortness of breathTrouble starting urine flowHeart enlargedDribbling at end of urine flowFeel skipped beatsOther:Heart pounds fastLow blood pressureDo you have a murmur?Do you feel palpitations?Other: MusculoskeletalXEYESXNeurologicalXMuscle weaknessGlaucomaTremorsJoint pain (swelling)CataractsDizzy spellsSciaticaWear glassesNumbness/tinglingMuscle painsBlurred vision/Pain in your eyesStrokeMuscle cramps stiffnessOther:SeizuresOther:InsomniaOther:ENTXGastrointestinalXRespiratoryXPain in earsAbdominal painWheezingDischarge from earsNausea/vomitingFrequent coughMotion sicknessIndigestion/heartburnShortness of breathDifficulty hearingConstipationAre you on oxygen?Trouble with teethDiarrheaOther:Trouble with gumsOther:Nose bleedsOther:EndocrineXHematological/LymphaticXPsychologicalXExcessive thirstSwollen glandsDo you feel depression?Too hot/coldBlood clotting problemsDo you feel anxious?Other:BruisingSeeing a psychiatristOther:Any psychiatric diagnosis?Other:Sexual HistoryX(WOMEN ONLY)X(MEN ONLY)XChange in sex drive?Pelvic PainPain or swelling of testiclesSexual performance Satisfactory?Breast ProblemsDischarge from penisOther:Infertility Blood in SemenOther:Other: ................

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