Who are you? What is your personality like? Take this self assessment to find out if you are Blue? Green? Gold? Orange? Or a combination. Personality Assessments are valuable to ways to learn about communication styles and preferences.Assessing Your ColorsPersonality Styles and Traits Self AssessmentDIRECTIONS: Think of yourself as you most naturally are. Set aside what others think you "should" be like, the demands of your family, your job, your role in life. Just focus on yourself as you feel today, right now. Fill in the blanks in each set below. In each set: 4= best, most like you 1= least like youPut a four (4) by the words that describe you the best. Put a three (3) by the words that describe you second best. Put a two (2) by the words that describe you third best. Put a one (1) by the words that seem the least like you. 1. ___a. solid, steady, careful ___b. feeling, sympathetic, kind ___c. cool, clever, independent ___d. lively, witty, energetic 6. ___ a. sane, faithful, supportive ___ b. poetic, musical, artistic ___ c. theoretical, studious, principled ___ d. performing, playing, creating2. ___a. reasonable, moral, hard-working ___ b. sensitive, sincere, caring ___c. logical, abstract, rational ___d. skillful, playful, fun-loving 7. ____a. commit, follow-through, persist ____b. communicate, encourage nurture _ __c. inform, discuss, question ____d. energize, compete, engage 3. ___a. dependable, faithful, devoted ___b. close, personal, involved ___c. curious, scientific, thoughtful ___ d. daring, energetic, brave 8. ____a. conserve, maintain, protect ____b. inspire, understand, appreciate ____c. design, invent, construct ____ d. promote, excite activate 4. ___a. reliable, organized, serious ___ b. peaceful, harmonious, warm ___c. impatient, perfectionist, heady ___ d. here-and-now, impulsive, active 9. ____ a. value, honor, provide ____b. share, connect, express ____c. respect, stimulate, dialogue ____d. touch, pleasure, surprise 5. ___a, consistent, structured, planned ___b. meaningful, spiritual, inspired ___ c. analyzing, testing, model-making ___ d. high-impact, persuasive, generous 10. ____a. traditional, loyal, conservative ____b. belonging, involved, cooperative ____ c. skeptical, nonconforming, fair ____ d. free, independent, rebellious SCORING: Add the total points for all of the "a"s. Enter total next to "Gold" below. Add the total points for all of the "b"s. Enter total next to "Blue" below. Add the total points for all of the "c"s. Enter total next to "Green" below. Add the total points for all of the "d"s. Enter total next to "Orange" below. ____GOLD ____ BLUE ____GREEN ____ ORANGE What was your score? ____GOLD ____ BLUE ____GREEN ____ ORANGE These four numbers give an idea about the relative strength of the different colors in your personal rainbow of temperament. You may find two or more colors to be roughly equal in importance to you. Or you may find that you are very strong in one color. The table below gives a summary of the characteristics of the four colors. Adjust your assessment as you learn. You are the best judge of your own personal style. Others may point out certain things about you that you haven't noticed, but you will still know best.GOLD::.:.?:.:...:::.....:.: BLUEGREENORANGE :1Basic Need:OrderAuthenticityRationalityFreedomStrongestValue:Service &ResponsibilityHonest &EmpathyObjectivitySensationKeyExperience:JudgmentEmotionLogicSensationLearning Style:Concrete,OrganizedPracticalEnthusiastic,Cooperative,ParticipatoryIndependent,Data-based,AnalyticalHands-on,Skill-based,Physically activeGreatest Joy:Job well done,Elegant process,Real serviceSpiritual insight,Deep Intimacy,LoveWisdom,Discovery,Innovation Skill in ActionExcitement,VictoryTroubled By:Disorder,Instability,Lack of ResponsibilityDisharmony,Dishonesty,Lack of FeelingIllogic,Injustice,Too muchSentimentAuthority,Regulations, PomposityEncouraged by: Recognition ofcontributionAppreciation ofsupportAffirmation ofintelligenceFreedom &RespectIn Groups:Organization,Commitment, &Follow-throughProcess,Inspiration,CooperationAnalysis,Ingenuity,IndependencePhysical skill,Creative EnergyPlayfulnessOn The Job:Stability & OrganizationSupport &EnthusiasmIngenuity &PragmatismEnergy &InnovationSeeks InRelationshipsSeriousness &ResponsibilityMeaning & IntimacyAutonomy &RespectSensuality &Excitement ................

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