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Treasure Type A

Lich, Locathah, Men Bandit, Squid Giant, Troglodyte

Treasure Type B

Bugbear, Carrion Crawler, Couatl, Demon Type I, Dragonne, Dragon Turtle, Ghast. Ghoul, Halfling, Hydra, Lizard Fire, Lycanthrope Wereboar, Lycanthrope Werewolf, Men Berserkers, Mind Flayer, Naga Spirit, Ogre, Peryton, Purple Worm (x5), Sea Lion, Shambling Mound, Stirge, Wight

Treasure Type C

Anhkheg, Ape Carnivorous, Boring Beetle, Blink Dog, Catoblepas, Demon Type II, Demon Prince Yeenoghu, Eagle Giant, Ettin, Gargoyles, Gnome, Goblin, Griffon, Harpy, Hell Hound, Jackalwere, Lizard Minotaur, Lurker Above, Lycanthrope Wererat, Merman, Minotaur, Nixie, Orc, Owlbear, Rat Giant, Roc, Sea Hag, Slithering Tracker, Spider Giant, Sprite, Strangle Weed, Su-Monster, Ice Toad, Triton, Wind Walker

Treasure Type D

Centaur, Cockatrice, Demon Type III, Displacer Beast, Giant Hill, Giant Stone, Gnoll, Groaning Spirit, Hobgoblin, Intellect Devourer, Lamia, Leucrotta, Lizard Man, Lycanthrope Weretiger, Mummy, Naga Water, Satyr, Troll, Yeti

Treasure Type E

Demon Type IV, ArchDevil Baalzebul, Doppelganger, Dragon White. Ghost. Giant Cloud, Giant Fire, Giant Frost, Giant Storm, Gorgon, Manticore, Hieracosphinx, Titan, Wyvern

Treasure Type F

Basilisk, Chimera, Demon Type VI, Leprechaun, Rakshasa, Remorhaz, Salamander, Shadow, Criosphinx, Vampire

Treasure Type G

Demon Type V, Demon Prince Yeenoghu, Dwarves, Elves, Morkoth, Ogre Magi (magic), Shedu, Trapper, Umber Hulk

Treasure Type H

Archdevil Geryon, Dragons (all, except white), Naga Guardian

Treasure Type I

Beholders, Centaur, Couatl, Demon Succusbus, Demon Prince Yeenoghu, Archdevil Asmodeus, Devil Horned, Dragon Platinum, Ki-rin, Sahuagin, Satyr, Water Weird, Wolf Winter, Wraith

Treasure Type J

Bugbears (Individual), Devil Pit Fiend, Gelatinous Cube (special) , Hobgoblin (Individual) , Kobolds (Individuals), Lizard Minotaur, Men Dervish (Individual), Men Merchants, Men Pilgrims, Men Monks, Men Thieves, Ray Manta (x10) , Spider Huge, Spider Large, Spider Giant Water, Strangle Weed

Treasure Type K

Bugbears (Individual) , Gelatinous Cube (special), Goblin (Individual), Halfling (Individual), Lizard Minotaur, Men Berserker (Individual) , Men Buccaners (Individual), Men Merchants, Men Merchant Mercenary (Individual), Ray Manta (x10) , Spider Huge, Spider Large, Spider Giant Water, Strangle Weed

Treasure Type L

Bugbear, Gelatinous Cube (special), Gnoll (Individual), Lizard Minotaur, Men Nomad (Individual), Men Merchants, Men Fighters, Men Magic-user, Orc (Individual), Ray Manta (x10) , Spider Huge, Spider Large, Spider Giant Water, Strangle Weed

Treasure Type M

Bugbear, Centaur (Individual), Dryad (x100), Dwarves (Individual) (x5), Gargoyles (Individual) (x10) , Gelatinous Cube (special), Gnoll (Individual), Gnome (Individual), Hobgoblin (Individual), Lizard Minotaur, Men Bandits (Individual), Men Merchants, Men Merchant Mercenary Leader (Individual), Men Fighter, Ogre (x10), Ray Manta (x10) , Spider Huge, Spider Large, Spider Giant Water, Strangle Weed

Treasure Type N

Elves (Individual) , Gelatinous Cube (special), Lizard Minotaur, Men Merchants, Men Magic-user, Men Thieves, Ray Manta (x10), Sahuagin (Individual) , Spider Huge, Spider Large, Spider Giant Water, Strangle Weed

Treasure Type O

Brownie, Dragon White, Eel Weed, Ettin, Imp, Kobolds (Individuals), Lizard Subterranean, Orc, Sahuagin, Water Weird, Xorn

Treasure Type P

Brownie, Demon Prince Jubliex (x2), Demon Prince Orcus, Eel Weed, Ixitxachitl, Lizard Subterranean, Medusa, Sahuagin, Water Wierd, Xorn

Treasure Type Q

Ant (x3), Brownie, Centaur (Individual), Demon Prince Jubliex (x2), Demon Succubus, Archdevil Dispater (x10), Devil Ice, Dryad (x100), Dwarves (x20), Eagle Giant, Gelatinous Cube (special) , Ghast, Giant Cloud (x5), Giant Storm (x10), Gnoll (x5), Gnomes (x20), Hippogriff (x5), Hobgoblin (x5), Kobolds (x5) , Lizard Fire (x10), Lizard Minotaur, Lizard Subterranean, Lycanthrope Weretiger (x5) , Medusa (x10), Men Merchants, Men Magic-user, Men Thieves, Nixie, Nymph (x10), Ogre, Orc (x10), Owl Giant (x5), Pseudo-Dragon (x10), Purple Worm (x5), Quasit (x3), Ray Manta (x5), Rust Monster (x10), Sahuagin (x10), Spectre (x3), Spider Huge, Spider Giant Water, Strangle Weed, Sylph (x10), Titan (x10), Treant (x5), Wasp (x20), Xorn (x5)

Treasure Type R

Boring Beetle, Demon Prince Demogorgon, Archdevil Asmodeus, Archdevil Baalzebul, Devil Erinyes, Archdevil Geryon, Devil Ice, Devil Pit Fiend, Dragon Gold , Dragon Platinum, Dragon Turtle, Dwarves, Eel Weed, Eye of the Deep, Ghast, Ixitxachitl, Lammasu, Lycanthrope Werebear, Merman, Octopus Giant, Ogre Magi, Pixie, Gynosphinx, Titan, Triton, Wind Walker

Treasure Type S

Ant, Boring Beetle, Beholder, Demon Prince Demogorgon, Demon Prince Orcus, Archdevil Dispater, Dragons (Blue, Bronze, Chromatic, Copper, Gold, Platinum, Red, Silver, White), Dragonne, Dragon Turtle, Elves, Ghast, Ghost, Giant Storm, Gnoll, Griffon, Ixitxachitl, Ki-rin, Lammasu, Lycanthrope Wereboar, Mind Flayer, Ogre, Ogre Magi, Orc, Pixie, Satyr, Treant, Triton

Treasure Type T

Boring Beetle, Beholder, Centaur, Demon Prince Demogorgon, Demon Prince Orcus, Dragon (Bronze, Chormatic, Gold, Red, Silver) , Dragonne, Dragon Turtle, Elves, Ghast, Ghoul, Ki-rin, Lammasu, Lycanthrope Werebear, Mind Flayer, Naga Sprit, Pixie, Shambling Mound, Triton

Treasure Type U

Demon Prince Orcus, Archdevil Asmodeus, Dragon Chromatic, Ixitxachitl (guards), Androsphinx

Treasure Type V

Demon Prince Demongrogon, Archdevil Asmodeus, Archdevil Baalzebul, Dragon Turtle, Lurker Above

Treasure Type W

Men Buccaneers

Treasure Type X

Lycanthrope Werebear, Medusa, Mind Flayer, Naga Spirit, Nymph, Owl Giant, Pixie, Purple Worm (x5), Ray Manta, Sahuagin, Satyr, Shambling Mound, Spectre, Gynosphinx, Sylph, Triton, Unicorn, Xorn

Treasure Type Y

Medusa, Sahuagin, Sea Hag, Spectre, Su-Monster, Water Wierd, Xorn

Treasure Type Z

Men Dervishes, Men Nomads, Will-o-the-Wisp


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