Bangerang / Pangerang Language - GANEAA

Bangerang/Pangerang Language

The vast Traditional land area occupied by the Bangerang/Pangerang People stretched from Echuca in the East then along both sides of the Murray River to Mt Pilot in the West … then from the Great Dividing Range in the South and Northwards to Waddi in the Riverina.

Naturally, within such a vast area there were some slight variations in

“Dialects” however each clan could understand each other quite easily

An example of this in a present-day situation is below ….

Let’s say that five people are standing in front of a supermarket and another person who doesn’t understand English is recording their Language.

The recorder asks them all the same question …”What is this place”?

Bob answers..”The Supermarket “

Jack answers.. Where I do my shopping”

Betty answers..”Safeway “

Jimmy answers..”For groceries and stuff”

Suzy answers.. “The one stop shop”

Then the recorder asks them …”What time is it”

Bob answers..”Mid-day”

Jack answers..”Twelve O’clock”

Betty answers..”Noon”

Jimmy answers..”Lunch Time”

Suzy answers.. “Both hands are on Twelve”

The Recorder writes down five different answers to the questions and

(let’s not forget that he hasn’t heard the English Language before) so therefore he assumes that Bob, Jack, Betty, Jimmy, and Suzy all speak different Languages.

However, the five involved could all understand each other even though they all said different things and this is how a lot of confusion began when

Europeans began recording Aboriginal Language.

Also, the people whose custodianship country bordered onto another Tribe could speak the other’s language in order for communication.

For example, the people in the North could also speak Wiradjuri and the People in the South could also speak the Gunnai/Kurnai language,

(To save extra writing etc, we will just use Bpangerang from now on which is how it should have been spelt in the first place … like Dja Dja Wurrung, Ngati, Tchulka, and many other double letter names)

Edward Curr an original settler in the western area of the Bpangerang People lived and worked with the Bpangerang and wrote down their language in 1866.

Also Annie Lewis (Milawa) from the Eastern area of the Bpangerang people also wrote down her people’s language in 1900 and like it was mentioned above, words may be different but could still be understood by both.



Bpangerang English


Ratta Cormorant

Bahratta Pied cormorant

Wangaratta Long Neck Cormorant

Jukkaluk Wattle Bird

Boobalah Black Faced Cuckoo Shrike

Boobook Owl

Bralgan Brolga

Deedreeepah Mudlark

Carellah Cockatoo

Gang Gang Gang Gang Cockatoo

Carrarch Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

Gallah Galah

Gunjaroo Blue Heron

Wangamong White Necked Heron

Gunyuk Black Swan

Jerryjerry Plover

Millylung Waterhen

Mulyan Wedge Tailed Eagle

Mulwala White Breasted Sea Eagle

Dinawan Emu

Wunyoo Baby Emu

Guritcha Willy Wagtail

Terrick Rainbow Bee Eater

Puthembung Black Duck

Wargan Crow

Wonga Top Knot Pigeon

Yarrawonga Bronze Wing Pigeon

Wabba Dove

Yarrabin Swallow

Yo-Yang Black Cockatoo

Yirradwor Magpie

Bungeet Mountain Duck

Gnaroo Wood Duck

Keeakeea Falcon

Cubborn –mitta Large Bird (Ibis)

Carragar – mitta Extra large bird (emu)

Mitta Mitta Blue Wren

Meenya Curlew

Noomwah Frog Mouth Owl

Bobbinaworra Pelican

Bidjil Ibis

Bidjilbah White Ibis (Peechelbah)

Yarraboorabin King Parrot

Wooragee Crimson Rosella

Laragee Eastern Rosella

Menyoora Lyre Bird

Wooratu Butcher Bird

Yarranjerry Plains Wanderer

Goolgumbla Plains Turkey (Bustard)

Wingidgeon Teal (Duck)

Weapons Tools Instruments

Boomerang Boomerang

Jarreel Thin Fishing Spear

Currawon Heavier Fishing Spear

Murka Shield

Nulla Club

Boondithurra Heavy War Spear

Boondi Pointed Throwing Stick

Woddy/Nulla Fighting Stick

Woomera Implement to propel Spear

Thurrowa Tommahawk

Murrin Bark Canoe

Coolamon Cradle

Dillee Grass Woven Bag

Yadaki Didj made from Yaddy

Gathered Food

Tamyak Roots of Combungi

Merneeyong Yam

Currajong Roasted Tree Roots

Janjamba Edible part of Tree Fern

Bogonga Munga Bogong Moth

Cobbagar Egg

Quandong A Type of Fruit

Bukaar Mussel

Lilly Pilly Small Purple Fruit

Luana Waterlily Tuber

Manna Edible Tree Sap

Norrong Wood Grub

Nooramunga Anything Edible

Munga Food in General


Binjoribine Echidna

Boogahree Ringtail Possum

Willee Brush Tail Possum

Womboyn Grey Kangaroo

Yarraboyn Red Kangaroo

Yanberriboyn Scrub Kangaroo

Bahboyn White Kangaroo

Cooyong Bandicoot

Juna Snake

Colleenjuna Black Snake

Jerrandjuna Tiger Snake (Danger)

Rumbalara Juna Rainbow Snake (Python)

Yakaduna Sand Goanna

Bullamundowie Lace Monitor

Barrunduda Bearded Dragon

Bruggan Water Rat

Mullinmur Platypus

Worragul Dingo

Wollabee Wallaby

Moodamoot Long Neck Turtle

Wangarang Murray Long Neck Turtle

Murramoot Short Neck Turtle

Doogalook Bullfrog

Thugamung Crayfish

Yabbee Yabby

Mundgee Murray Cod

Mittagee Tiny Fish

Goanna Large Lizard (General)

Bunyip Water Monster

Nargoon Koala

Boggi Blue Tongue Lizard

Bugdja Baby Animal

Budja Nargoon Young Koala

Tatong Small Loud Frog

Mundoora Yellowbelly Perch

People and Body Parts

Boori Young Child

Maldiga Young Boy

Meegay Young Girl

Panoopka Young Man

Kogomoolga Children in General

Lubra Young Woman

Thowmunga Old Man (Respect)

Jinjin Old Woman (Respect)

Marmungan People From Same Area

Mookee Female Cousin

Mooki Male Cousin

Jarmbie Close Friend (Buddy)

Nurmung Newly Initated

Oodthu Me

Inoo You

Minkan Sister

Corgon Brother

Bardi Mother

Gunneye Gippslander

Malleegaggin Chubby Child

Yanberri Tall and Rangy

Moom Backside

Baark Breasts

Boorabin Stomach

Bollong Head

Marootha The Nose

Cobberamarootha Broken Nose

Gouri Fat

Jingyjingy Blood

Mundowie Leg/Foot

Murra The Hand

Cobberamurra Broken arm/Wrist

Bunna Deaf (Cant Hear)

Woodtha Dumb (Cant Speak)

Bunnawoodtha Deaf and Dumb

Yeerong Smile (Show Teeth)

Doodt Penis

Mootcha Vagina

Milla Eyes

Mooktah Name of Person

Geeul Pass Urine

Koonie Pass Body Waste

Moona Head Lice

Cobbera Crooked (Bent)

Boralma Broad Chested

Carragah Very Big (Enormous)

Munbun Bandy Legged

Koorie Aboriginal Person

Gub-bah Non Aboriginal Person

Murrarch Spirit Person

Dooligah Bad Spirit


Yarra Red

Wom Grey

Bah White

Nungara Yellow (Sun)

Other Bpangerang Words

Byamee The Creator

Bogong Mountain

Jerrand Danger

Thurgoon The Earth

Gibba A Stone (Rock)

Wongey A Campfire

Goonama Snow

Thuggera Cold

Thuggeragoonama Cold as Snow

Bahgoonama White as Snow

Colleen Water (Drink)

Bogie A swim

Munja Swim Underwater

Goonie The Moon

Nungara The Sun

Tumbarumba Thunder

Mikkee Lightning

Nyahmil Stars (Eyes of Night)

Rumbalara A Rainbow

Yallock A Creek

Billabong Lagoon off River

Oonbi One

Bulla Two

Bulla-Bulla Many

Toombullup Between Two Hills (Valley)

Tongarla Murray River

Balaba Broken Creek

Poodumbia King River

Torryong Ovens River

Bundalong Meeting of Ovens and Murray Rivers

Byungoodja Broken River

Kyalla Goulburn River

Bindagaree Look (You See)

Jandra Home Base (Camp)

Mulyanjandra Eagle’s Nest

Milmulyan Mt Pilot

Benalla Reedy River

Corroboree Cultural Event Wallan Rain

Mooroopna Deep Hole in River

Dhul Stop

Dhulguridja Stop Doing That

Yan Go

Tandarra Come on Let’s go

Yammer Yes

Yorta No

Mullagah Come Here

Jillamatong Waterfall

Wah Water Mass (Lake)

Churinga Lucky Charm (To Owner)

Dirrawarra Together (United)

Yarrara Redgum Tree

Yarrunga Giant Redgum Tree

Toolamba River Wattle

Murrin Stringy Bark Tree

Dindee Small Creek (Brook)

Murrindindee Stringybark Creek

Wilga Shady Acacia Tree

Cummeroo Happy

Demben Silly

Yahm With/Also/Plus

Minyahmbuta Hills and Gullies

Mia-Mia Quickly Built Shelter

Gunyah Well Built Shelter

Wahgunyah Home Overlooking Water

Cummeroogunyah Happy Home

Gillguy Small Lagoon

Tungamah Stony Hill

Maloga Sandhill

Pukawidgee Sit in the Shade

Pukanungara Sit in the Sun

Carboor Which or What

Mirrabar Look

Gammun Pretend

Peeum Hit it, or Strike

Bibbit Quick (Hurry)

Murrum Run

Cangaroo What did you say.?

Thargooryang What Are You Up To

Kalinya Beautiful

Mywee Little Girl

Woomargama Family Country

Bpangerang Place Names Not Already Listed Under other Categories

Willawah Possum Creek

Bullawah Two Waters

Jerilderie Reedy Place

Urana Emu Nest

Tarrawingee Clear Water

Wunghnu Baby Emu

Tallygaroopna Shady Waterhole in River

Warragoon Hairy Nosed Wombat

Barooga Sandy Beach

Cobram Bent Elbow In River

Widgiewah Shady Water (Creek)

Morundah Winding Creek

Nalinga Nice Place to Camp

Goomalibee Shady River Camp

Numurkah Parrying Shield

Berrigan Place of Huge Boulders

Murrumbidgee Runs Deep

Bidgeemia Deep Valley

Oolong (Brolga Sound) Howlong

Jareelyallock Reedy Creek

Moira Water Plants

Barmah River Crossing

Cobbagarmunga Winton Wetlands Area

Killawarra (Family Name)

Bontherambo High Side Of River

Boorahman Many Swamps

Murrawah The Black Swamp


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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