
MONDAY 4th MAY 2020 Literacy Where was the Titanic sailing to????How many years did it take to build???What was the purpose of fitting heavy metal doors, which closed slowly, in the watertight compartment areas of the ship??Where were the lifeboats kept???Why do you think third class passengers were not allowed to go up the first or second class areas of the ship??Can you explain why a second class passenger would have been impressed with their facilities???What was the problem with lifeboats? Give a detailed response.??Which ticket class would you have preferred and why??What or who do think was to blame for the disaster? Explain your reasoning.??Maths World War II – Battle of Britain Watch the clip below about the Battle of Britain.?? you use the following websites for research??? Response???(What have I found interesting about this topic?)?Emotional Response???(What would I LOVE & HATE about the Battle of Britain?)?Negative Response???(The bad points about the Battle of Britain).?Positive Response???(The good points about the Battle of Britain).?Creative Response???(Draw pictures!)?Overview Response???(How important do you think the Battle of Britain was overall?)?????????????????????????????????????????TUESDAY 5th MAY LiteracyRead the poem again which is opposite. Today you are going to write your own poem.???Create new teacher names which use an animal. Then think of a powerful verb (doing word) to match the name.???Use this website to help find words.? the End of School Assembly?by Simon Pitt??Miss Sparrow’s lot flew out,?Mrs?Steeds’s?lot galloped out,?Mr?Bull’s lot got herded out,?Mrs?Bumble’s lot buzzed off.???Miss Rose’s class… rose,?Mr?Beetles’s?class… beetled off,?Miss Storm’s class thundered out,?Mrs?Frisby’s class whirled across the hall.???Mr?Train’s lot made tracks,?Miss Ferry’s lot sailed off,?Mr?Roller’s lot got their skates on,?Mrs?Street’s lot got stuck halfway across.???Mrs?Idle’s?class just couldn’t be bothered,?Mrs?Barrow’s class were wheeled out,?Miss Stretcher’s class were carried out?And?Mrs?Brook’s class?Simply?Tri?????ckl??????? ed a???????????? way??MathsExpressive ArtsCreate your own piece of artwork in the style of Andy Warhol. Can you use an everyday object in your artwork???Wednesday 6th MayWelsh Beth?wyt?ti'n?gwisgo????????????????? Dw?I'n?gwisgo...??What are you wearing??????????????? I am wearing...???This week we are looking at the clothes?youhave?been wearing. Can you draw a picture/take a photograph of what you have worn this week???I would then like you to write a sentence underneath starting with Dw?I'n?gwisgo.... and then list the items of clothes.???Bwts?– boots??Cardigan – cardigan??Cot law – raincoat??Cot – coat?Crys?– shirt??Crys-T – T-shirt??Esgidiau?– shoes??Ffrog?– dress?Gwisg?nofio?– swimsuit??Het haul – sun hat??Het?wlan?–?wolly?hat??Hwdi?– hoodie??Jins?– jeans??Menig?– gloves??Sanau?– socks??Sandalau?– sandals??Sbectol?haul – sunglasses??Sgarff?– scarf??Sgert?– skirt??Siaced?– jacket??Siorts?– shorts?Siwper?– jumper??Tei – tie??Teits?-? tights??Treinyrs?– trainers??Trowsus?–?trowsers??Welis?- wellingtons??Maths Grid Method??Partition the number (pull it apart) so 34 becomes 30 and 4. The two digit number goes along the top of the grid.??Place the one-digit number underneath the x??Times 30 by 3. An easy way of doing this 3x3=9 and then 9x10=90?Times 3 by 4?Add the two answers together??x?30?4??3????x?60?4??4????x?10?9??6????x?20?2??8????x????????x?????????Science Zinnia on Dock 5 was really happy with the research you completed last week. Last week we looked at what plants needed to be strong and healthy. We came up with the following:??Water (Do not water, a small measured amount of water per week, water regularly so that soil stays moist)?Light (dark place, back of the cupboard with the door open, bright sun)?Warmth (fridge, outside in the shade, sunny windowsill)?Soil (no soil, a little soil, all soil)?Space (several seeds in the same pot, 2 or three seeds in a pot, one seed in a pot)??Today we are going to plan an investigation. Choose one of the 5 things from above to investigate. For example, I'm going to find out how important water is to make a plant grow. I will need to plant three different pots and water one regularly, water another small measured amount?and not water the other. I will keep everything else the same. Same amount of soil, same place, same amount of seeds, same seeds etc.???Scientific Question??What do you want to find out????Variables (remember to only change one thing)?Things we will keep the same??One thing we will change??????????????Equipment??What will you need to carry out your investigation????Method??What will you do???What will you measure???What units of measure will you use????Write the steps out of what you have to do.???Prediction??Say what you think will happen and why.???TEST (measure using a ruler and comment on looks)?You could add photographs?We will be taking??measurments?for the next few weeks?Date??Measurement Plant 1?Notes on Plant 1?Measurement Plant 2?Notes on Plant 2?Measurement of Plant 3?Notes on Plant 3???????????????????????????????????????????THURSDAY 7th MAYLiteracyRead the poem.???How would you feel if your teacher turned into a mermaid????Adverbials – a word or phrase, acting as an adverb, which add detail to a verb; saying HOW something is done or WHERE it happened. Here are a few examples:??He?spoke?as fast as possible.?He?spoke?very slowly indeed.?He?spoke?in a loud voice.??He?spoke?with a pen in his mouth.???Highlight the verbs in one?colour?and the adverbials in another.???Change the meaning of the poem by changing the adverbials. Make sure it still makes sense. Here is an example:???We've been?at the seaside all day?sand park today??Collecting shells, drawing the view??Doing science?in the rock pools??? in the grassy areas??We Lost our Teacher to the Sea?by David Harmer??We’ve been at the seaside all day???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? We sent out the coastguard?collecting shells, drawing the view?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? the lifeboat and the orange helicopter?doing science in the rock pools.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? he told them to go away.???Our teacher went to find the sea’s edge???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? We’re getting on the bus with our sticks of rock?and stayed there, he’s sitting on a rock?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? our presents for Mum?he won’t come back.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? and our jotters and pencils.???His glasses are frosted over with salt?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? He’s still out there as we leave?his beard has knotted into seaweed???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? arms outstretched to the pale blue sky?his black suit is covered in limpets.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? the tide racing towards him.???He’s staring into the wild water???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? His slippery fishtail flaps?singing to the waves???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? with a flick and a shimmer he’s gone?sharing a joke with the herring gulls.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? back to the sea forever.??Maths Computing on create a story and follow the instructions.??FRIDAY 8th MAY Literacy Read the poem below.??Can you highlight the verbs (doing words) in yellow and rhyming words in red? ?I want you to think of another school trip you could go on where the teacher is eaten. It can be anywhere, use your imagination.???Create a mind map of the new trip. Put the trip in the middle of the paper and then words, pictures and sentences to go with it.??Then use your mind map to create a plan for your poem. The plan below is an example from 'A Sea Creature Ate our Teacher'. Fill in the blank plan below.??A Sea Creature Ate our Teacher???Brian Moses???Our teacher?said?that it’s always good?to have an inquisitive?mind,?then he?told?us, ‘Go?check the rock pools,?let’s see what the tide’s left?behind.’???The muscles on his arm were bulging?as he pushed rocks out of the way?‘Identify what you see,’ he called?‘Note it down in your book straight away.’???It was just as he spoke when we smelt it,?A stench, like something rotten,?A wobbling mass of wet black skin?Like something time had forgotten.???In front of us, snaking up from the pool,?was a hideous slime-soaked creature?with a huge black hole of a mouth?that vacuumed up our teacher.?????I didn’t actually see him go,?I was looking away at the time,?but I saw two legs sticking out?and trainers covered in slime.?????But our teacher must have given this creature?such chronic indigestion.?It found out soon that to try and digest him?was simply out of the question.???It gave an almighty lunge of its neck?and spat our teacher out.?He was spread with the most revolting goo?and staggering about.???None of us moved to help him?as he wiped the gunge from his head.?We looked at each other and smirked.?‘That’ll teach?him?a lesson,’ we said!???Verse 1?Teacher tells children to check rock pool???????Verse 5?Teacher's legs disappear into monster?Verse 2?Teacher checks rock pool???????Verse 6?Monster couldn’t digest Teacher?Verse 3?Smell monster???????Verse 7?Monster spat out Teacher who was covered in goo?Verse 4?Monster appears and eats Teacher???????Verse 8?No-one helps, children smirk??Verse 1???????Verse 5?Verse 2???????Verse 6?Verse 3?????Verse 7?Verse 4???????Verse 8???Maths Green – T?Blue – T&S??Red and Black – All?? ................

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