Metro Credit Union Ltd

Metro Credit Union Ltd.

Bursary Requirements

Applicants, Parent(s), or Legal Guardian must be a current member of Metro Credit Union Ltd. and have had their account prior to December 31st in the year preceding graduation.

The recipients must be a full time grade twelve student attending Bluefield High School, Charlottetown Rural High School, Colonel Gray High School or any recognized High School in the Charlottetown area during the 2009-2010 academic year.

The following documentation must be received to complete your application for review:

1. Proof of acceptance to a Canadian University degree program or any Holland College diploma program.

2. Two letters of reference. One of which should come from the school you are presently attending, the second can be from a previous employer or community group/organization of which the student is a member.

3. Transcript of marks from the high school the student is presently attending.

These bursaries will be paid to the educational institution where the recipient has been accepted. Should the recipient not register for post secondary education in the year the bursary is received, they will be granted the privilege to defer the bursary for up to a maximum one-year.

Only one application per student will be accepted. Recipients are not permitted to submit future request for bursaries.

The bursaries are in the amount of $1,500.00 each and are not renewable.

Completed applications must be received by Friday May 14, 2010. They may be dropped off at any of our two locations or mailed to:

Metro Credit Union Ltd.

Scholarship Application

281 University Ave.

Charlottetown, PE C1A 4M3

Metro Credit Union Ltd.

Bursary Application Form



(Last Name) (Given Names)


(Street) (City, Province, and Postal Code)

MAILING ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________

(If different from above)

PHONE NUMBER:_______________ DATE OF BIRTH:______________________

(Day /Month /Year) (Age)

PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN’S NAME:____________________________________


________________________ ______________________

________________________ ______________________

(Member’s Name) (Account Number)



2007-2008____________________ ___________________________

2008-2009____________________ ___________________________

2009-2010____________________ ___________________________

Scholastic Record for the past (3) three years:

Please contact your school and arrange for a transcript of your marks to be forwarded to our office. (Your application will not be considered unless we receive the transcript by the application deadline.)

Please list any academic honors and/or awards you have received or will receive:



Educational plans, including the University or College you plan to attend:


Have you or will you be applying for any other bursaries or scholarships (please list):


Extra Curricular Involvement

List all extra curricular activities you have been involved in for the past three years and positions held. (Clubs, Athletics, Work, Volunteer experiences, etc.)







(If you need additional space please use back of sheet)

Additional information: Please list any information that you feel should be mentioned regarding your application for this bursary:







(If you need additional space please use back of sheet)

Will you be applying for a Student Loan to help finance your education: YES NO

(Please circle)

Declaration of applicant

I, _____________________________________, do solemnly declare that:

Student name

A) to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information supplied is correct and complete in every respect; and

B) any monies issued on the basis of this application will be used only for valid educational expenses associated with my post-secondary studies; and

C) if for any reason, I do not complete my first year of post-secondary studies, I will return any unused portion of my scholarship to Metro Credit Union Ltd.; and

D) if for any reason, I do not attend university or college in the year the scholarship is awarded, I will return the full amount of my scholarship to Metro Credit Union Ltd.

Signature: X _________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________


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