
Name: Date:

Lab 8. Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist-to-Hip Ratio (W:H), and % Fat

Directions: Follow the instructions below for determining and calculating BMI and waist and hip circumference and Waist-to-Hip Ratio. Respond to the questions at the end of this lab.

Determine Your BMI: The BMI is a ratio of your height to your weight. It is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.

BMI= weight in kg / (height in meters)2

Body Weight in pounds: _______ Body Weight in kilogram (pounds/2.2):_________

Height in inches: _________ Height in meters (inches X 0.0254): _________

BMI: ___________ BMI Classification (See Table 1): ____________________

Determine Your W:H Ratio: The waist circumference is the smallest circumference between the top of your hips and your ribs. The hip circumference is the largest circumference around you buttock area. You should measure multiple times to get the smallest and/or largest circumferences. The W:H ratio is calculated by dividing your waist circumference by your hip circumference.

Waist Circumference in inches: _______

Hip Circumference in inches: _______

Waist-to-Hip Ratio:_________ Waist-to-Hip Ratio Classification(see Table 2):______________________

Determine Your % Fat: This will be done in class

%Fat from Bioelectric Impedance (in class) ___________

Table 1. BMI and % Fat Standards in Adult Males and Females

| |

|Adult Males |

|AGE |Increased Risk |Healthy |Increased Risk |High Risk |

| | | | | |

| |(BMI ................

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