Enas Youssef

English – Arabic translator

Email: arabictranslator25@

Mob: (965) 97458457

|I am an English - Arabic translator. I have more than 10 years of experience, 4 thereof as a full-time translator at an accredited and reputable |

|translation office in Cairo, Egypt (Mitsco Translation Office) and more than 5 years as a freelance translator for several clients, followed by my |

|current position as a Senior Legal Translator at Alghanim Industries, Legal Department, Kuwait. My experience covers multiple fields, including |

|legal, financial, investment and other fields. |

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|Education |

|B.A in English, 2003, Women's College, Ain Shams University, Grade: "Good". Egypt. |

|Pre-Masters postgraduate degree in Linguistics, 2004, Women's College, Grade: "Very Good", Egypt. |

|Work Experience: |

|Current Job: |(From August 2014 until present time) Senior Legal Translator at Alghanim Industries in Kuwait. |

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| |My job duties include translating, reviewing and proofreading court papers (initiatory pleadings, official|

| |summons, reply pleas, defence memoranda, court judgments), arbitration papers (statements of claim, |

| |statement of defence, witness statements), all kinds of contracts and agreements (consignment, lease, |

| |sale, distribution, supply ...etc), articles of association, memoranda of association, police reports, |

| |correspondences, estate distribution agreements, laws and regulations, official authorities' notices and |

| |communications, legal opinions, job descriptions, CVs, land appraisal reports, expert reports related to |

| |lawsuits, audit reports, balance sheets and financial statements, bank statements, company polices and |

| |procedures, powers of attorneys, BoD meeting minutes, general assembly meeting minutes, entries in |

| |commercial registries, violation reports, action plans, trademark oppositions ...etc. |

| |I also undertake consecutive interpretation at meetings between English speaking and Arabic speaking legal|

| |advisors. |

|Previous Jobs: |(From June 2014 until August 2014), I have been working as a freelance translator for Future Translation |

| |in Kuwait. (future-) |

| |(From February 2014 until August 2014), I have been working as a freelance translator for Aalaa |

| |Translation in Kuwait. (aalaa-). |

| |(From January 2009 until August 2014), I have been a freelance translator for several offices including |

| |Transcentury Associates (from 2009) (), Perfect translators (from |

| |2009) (perfect-), All Locatrans (from 2011) , and Translation |

| |Partner (from 2011) ( ) in Egypt & and Sama Qatar Translation Services in Qatar|

| |(from 2013). |

| |My job duties included translation from English to Arabic and vice versa of official and non official |

| |documents using specialized dictionaries and the internet to produce the most accurate and professional |

| |translation. |

| |Freelance English-Arabic translator for Venice Translation Office (October, 2004 – November, 2005). |

| |My job duties included translation from English to Arabic and vice versa of official and non official |

| |documents using specialized dictionaries and the internet to produce the most accurate and professional |

| |translation. |

| |Full-time English-Arabic translator at Mitsco translation office (December, 2005 until January, 2010) |

| |My job duties included translation from English to Arabic and vice versa in addition to coordination |

| |between translators for large projects as well as proofreading and editing translations carried out by |

| |other translators, consistently using specialized dictionaries in different fields and internet search to |

| |check, inter alia, names of corporations, governmental and non-governmental organizations and to learn the|

| |background of some texts if necessary. I have translated several documents for Siemens, Orascom, |

| |Transocean, Suez Cement, Tourah Portland Cement, , Petroleum Air Services, JW Marriott, Movenpick, Sofitel|

| |El-Gezirah Hotel, Haidylina, Jaica, Talat Moustafa Construction, Saad Hospital in Saudi Arabia, Barwa |

| |Group in Qatar, Amoun Pharmaceuticals, BMW and Grand Hayatt. |

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|Fields of experience |

|Fields of my experience in translation include Legal (contracts such as employment, sale and lease contracts, public work contracts, ...etc, |

|articles of association, memorandum of association, company records, tax laws, court verdicts, Presidential decrees, Ministerial resolutions, |

|lawsuit declarations, lawsuit memoranda, bill of indictment, response packs, particulars of claims in addition to tenders, instructions to bidders,|

|bids), Code of business conduct, code of ethics, Boards' and committees' terms of reference both from English into Arabic and from Arabic into |

|English. |

|Investment agreements, |

|Intangible heritage materials; |

|Feasibility studies, |

|Environment impact studies of oil exploration projects. |

|Website translation; Insurance & Freight, Insurance (insurance policies), |

|Fair visitor brochures, fire prevention requirements manual, |

|Hotel personnel materials (operational standards, management standards, guest engagement, safe food handling, general menu policies…etc), commerce,|

|advertising, economy, |

|Articles on uptrends and downtrends in financial markets, Accountancy (Balance sheets, tax returns, tax cards, commercial registers, financial |

|reports), |

|Certificates (birth, death, university graduation, high school, passports), |

|Human resource researches, company regulations (budgeting procedures, filing procedures) employee questionnaires, |

|Cosmetics (brochures), |

|Thesis on Power Transition Theory and China - US Conflict (Ar-En) |

|Parts of an e-commerce book, |

|Medicine (hospital materials, microbiology, hydrotherapy), Dentistry, |

|Education (school programs, flyers for parents), |

|Religion (articles on marriage and divorce in Islam, further to chapters of the book From My Sisters Lips by Na'ima Roberts. |

|Articles on social history. |

|Skills & Qualities |

|Internet search |

|Fast typing |

|I am teamwork enthusiast, hardworking, eager to learn and develop myself and have the ability to streamline and coordinate work in addition to |

|being able to undertake responsibility and take initiative. |

|Personal Information: |

|Name: |Enas Senousey Youssef | | |

|Tel (Mobile): |(965) 97458457 |Tel (Home): |25721617 |

|Marital status: |: Married | | |

|Address |: Kuwait |

|Nationality |: Egyptian |

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