Building Toward a Secure Tomorrow

[Pages:48]Summary Plan DeScriPtion

Building Toward a Secure Tomorrow





AAbboouutt tthhee PPeennssiioonn PPllaann ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11

AbRRoeeuttitirretemhmeeenPntetOnOsppitotiiononnPssl .a.. .n.. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....111

HHRoeowtwirtetomoPPeanartrttiOiccipipptaiaottene .s.. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....11 1

CHCooosswttootfofttPhheaerPtPilclaainpn a..t. ..e. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....11 1

CCCooonsntttrrioibbfuutthtiioeonnPssl .a.. n... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....12 2

PCPllaoannntRrRiebecucotoirroddnsss ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....22 2

PPPlllaaannnRRReeepcpooorrrtdtiinsngg.. ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .......22 2

YYYoooMHTDEPHPMHTDEPTHMHTDEPTHtuuuehhsoioleehsrhsrraoiooionrrsteaaaeuuwwstnstnaeentwwwwsnaannPttssrPPTssbFairrbbiFFatatYiioetiilRrgbeeeeuootYtYllhggbbiuunuonhhiinneeseunnneeeeususnnsoousheessmtsspdhhBmmtttiidduuBBFrmii..iieoooFFmmooe..ooeIrrueePe..eenIInruuensnnn..nnnnsseestnPPenn..nnntie.. IonnBtt.ndnee..eeBBIIootnddfo ..fttnn.sooffnnig..effadeeIft ..iiiddaa.ffFIIssn...ssttonFnFne ...sstnnssiiee.u...ttehndpooPaueue ...hhppdd.PPaafn...enennffnnr ...ieeeeBP.nnririd...tonPPdddtt ...nnPooeBB .dd.PP...etdeeI ..... ddtteret..IIn.....eeeeenrreehittn ..... eennc..iiohhennnnn.....ccceoonnts ..... cc..fdeettsseeet.....oiiddttooee ..... Alii..oiffdtll.....myAAooddiicmm ..... iiyy..n cc.Iu.....ttnnA ....... esuu...Reet.......AAIIRRF ....... htt....FsFsuC.........ehhuuu ......... oee....duuv.........CCaoondd ......... vvr....inni.........lirraadtiie ......... iic....tddii.........etteellywtt ......... uee.....ccdww...........yydd ........... luu.....o ............. ............. ffe......ff.............ttd ............. ttee...................hh ............. ............. ...................... ............... ...................... ............... .....................................

2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 3


YYBYorooHSHSHSeuuueoaeeroorrrwrrkvwwvvSSSiiiiceSeeccnSSerrreeeeevvvSrCrrCCviiievvcccrirrriieeceeeeccv d.eddee.. i.i..ciiCt.. .CCtt..sess.. r.)..rr))e.. ...eeA...dAA.. .ii..rrte...ttsee.. .(..AA...((A.. .cl.....ccllsu.. .ss.....uuom.. .K.....KKu.. .uu.....nlnn.. .all.....oaaoot.. ...w...ettww.. .ee..d...n.. .dd..nn .... .. ....a.....aa .. .. ...........F .. ...FF........u .. ...uu........t .. ...ttu........uu .. ...r........rre .. .. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .......777

PIIiWPIISPIISnffeffffeeeerSYYYYYYhrrrriivivoeooaooooooriidtuudcdcuuuuvsIeessiHRsHRHRcE..EE..eaea..eeaaxt..v ..eee.m..eerrrr ..p.a..pptB ..ttt.BBok..ttoo ..WW.eerrno..aoo ..kkoo.r.. ..eirrk.a..iinkkr ..aann.A..vB ..SAA.BB..iSSf ..cre...tffeerre ..ere.ttee..rrav?ee ..r.vvaa..krri ...kka.iic...ccaa ...i.e...Biinee ... nn..BB...r .....S.......errSS .....raa..k.....rrv .....kk..vv.....i .......iic.....iicc ..... ........ ................. ................. ........................7788788

7 8


VVVeeessstttiiinnnggg ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... 999

SSuummmmaarryy ooff RReettiirreemmeenntt OOppttiioonnss .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 1010

SuNNmoomrrmmaaralylRRoefettiRirreeemtmireeennmtt ...e ..n. ...t ...O ... .p.. ..t. .i..o ...n ...s .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...110010

ENEaaorrlrlymyRaRleetRtiirereetmimreeemnntet .n. ..t. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...110111 .. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...111111

LRLaaettdeeuRRceeetdtiirrEeemamreleynntRt .. .e..t ...i .r..e ...m ... .e.. .n.. .t.. .B.. ..e. ..n. ..e. .f..i ..t. .s.. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...111414

DLDiaisstaeabbRiillieitttyiyrReRmeetetiirnretem.m..e.e.n.n.t.t .. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...114414

Disability Retirement ...................................14

HHowowYoYuoruBreBneenfietfWit iWll iBlleBPeaPida . i .d . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....1155 HAouAwtoumtYoaomtuiacrtiMBc eMentheeotfhidtooWdfoiPlflaPyBameyemPnaetin .dt . ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ........111555 OpOAtipuottniooamnl aaMltiMcetMheothedtoshdosdfoPofafPyPamayyemnmet e.nn .tt ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... 11656 ChCOohpootsioionsngianlagMMa eMetthheootdhdsoodoffoPPfaaPyyammyemennett .n ...t .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... 11867 RReeCttuuhrornnoisinningggttoao 18 RRReeectcueeirivvneeinPPgeentnossiiWoonnoBBrkeennAeefftiittessr ...Y ... .o.. .u.. ...B ... .e..g ...i ...n ... .t..o ... ... ... .....1189 19 ReWNtuoortnrikfyt.o.t.hW..e..o.F.r.ku.. .n. ..d. ...O ... ..f. .f..i ..c. .e.. ...W ... ..h. ..e. ..n. ...Y ... ..o. ..u. ...R ... .e.. .t..u ...r .n.. ...t.o1198 .e.. ...W ... ..h. ..e. ..n. ...Y ... ..o. ..u. ...T ... .e..r ...m ... .i..n ...a.t1e98 Employment ................................................ 19

SuSruvrivviovrorBBeneenfeitfsit . s . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....1290 ..n ...t .... ..... ..... ..... ........212090 DeDSsuiegrsvnigiavntoeartYeBoYuenroeBufreitBnseeBfniecefifoaicrryeia .Rr y.e ..t .i..r ..e. .m.. ...e ...n ...t .... ..... ..... ..... ....... 22100

IfIYf oYDuoesSuihgSonhuaotleudlYBdoeBucerocmBoemenDeefiDiscaiisbaarleybdl.e. ..d ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ........22101 IEflYEigloibguilbSitihyliotfyuolrfdoDrBiDseacibsoaimlbitieyliDtByiesBnaeebnflieetsfdi . t ..s. .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ........22101 WWEhelihngeiDnbiiDlsiatiybsaiflboitiryliDtByiesBnaebenfiiletisftyitBsBeBegneinge .fi .nit .s. .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... 22110 BeBWneehnfeietnfAiDtmAisomauboniutli n.ty t. ..B. ...e ...n ...e ..f. .i..t .s.. ...B ...e ...g ...i ..n. .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... 22211 PAaHCSIoDBmnnrooepoiDBPAEHCSIoPAEHCSIoDBBodsmpnnmmwpDnnoaroroaaeooeeipopoiaetEloobessfrrmminppnniynncfpwpwDDLnllaooasaiieaaeeoityyttDllltabbeeuffrnoiiiiyyisfccfffoLLnnlbsstiieiiiigRRnooyttiiDDyllaa tttfsDuuinn.oo .iigssfflooaebeb fttAeeWRiigg..innR..iyyobtftfssDDtii ..Ds..igigyll....emaarieffrroaWWii ....RRii..ltobobi....eetttbsDsDiBrRi ....soyyi..tmmririee....rkaariooaill ....ueoeii..ttlebbe....eiiBBRRbrrssiiiee ....mntttt..mrsrrtkkii....aaiiiihnnooee y ....llsteeeer..leebb....Aiietti'ettettmm .....ssttD...rriitiihh.....nyynmCBBrry .....rssll...AA.....teeiieeeit''DD .......ttosee...ennRmm.......ByyarrCC .......aNnnmn...tiitee.......neebss .......eeeeRRt...ooaao.......tdpaanNNinn .......ffi...Bmmnnlt.......eebbiierett .......iStt...ooddtte.......CteniifssppiBiB .......ylli...pttmn.......rrsiiteeSSo nn...ut.f.........oossneiieoo .........saff....ettin.........nneeeeiiBliirss S .........iie ee...............mnnBBllrr ...........BBeernmm...................nnuuvfn .............e......eei.............eeererit .............ftnn......vvv.............isffnn .............tee......oiiii.............stttt .............vvff......rss.............aaii

RRReEBceeleEBEBiiccnpgiilleeeirppiibnnggforriieeiictloobbffiaAcicitiittlyllaamiiAA Ptt.llyy o.ePPmm ..oon.s..nn ..iuut...oss ..nn..ii..noo .......... . . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . .............. . ......................222222222555544455 SoSScooiccaiilaaSll eSSceeuccruuirrtiiytt .yy ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .........222566 LLososssororSuSsupsepnesnisoinonofoBf Beneenfeitfsit . s . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .....256

Loss or Suspension of Benefits ...................... 26

This document can be accessed on our website at


This document can be accessed on our website at


Applying for Your Pension Benefits ............. 26 Applying for Your Pension Benefits . . . . . . . . 25 Important Information .................................. 27 ImCFGCFGNpuluualotuoaauitranrmuirtarm-eraaAnienninotnsoegtftsegefitIBeghtBnohenoeffeenmofPnBerPBeelfemailfnentanisntatne .seotf ...iif..f .Bn... .s.. ...... e. ... ....n...... ....e...... .f.........i .......t...s ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ........2222788922226677

NUonnc-lAaismsiegdnmBeenntefoiftsB..e..n..e..f.i.t.s.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..2928 UNnoctliafiimcaetdioBn eonfeCfihtsa .n .g .e .o .f . A . .d .d .re . s .s . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ..2928 NDoitrieficctaDtioepnoosfitC..h..a..n..g..e...o..f..A...d..d..r.e..s.s.. . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..2929

GDenireercatlDPelpaonsIitn .f o. r. m . .a .t .io . n . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 3209 General Plan Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Names and Addresses of Trustees ................ 31 NaEEEEmmmmmeppppslloollaooyynyyeedeeererTATTTrrduurrdusustsrtseeteteeeesseses s .es. s...... ....o.. ....f.. ....T.. ....r.. ....u.. ....s.. ....t.. e......e ......s ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .....3312333112 CCoolllleeccttiivvee BBaarrggaaiinniinnggAAggrreeeemmeennttss . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 3333

ERISA Information ........................................ 34 ERYIoSuAr RInigfohrtsmUantidoenr .E.R.I.S.A. ........................................3434

YRoeucreiRviegIhntsfoUrmndaetiroEnRAIbSoAu .t .Y . o. u. r. .P .la . n . .a n. d. . . 34 RBecneeifvietsI..n..f.o..r.m...a..t.i.o..n...A...b..o..u..t..Y..o..u..r..P...l.a..n........... 34 aPnrdudBeennt eAfictsti .o .n .s .b .y . P. l. a .n . F. .id . u . c . i .a r. i .e .s ... ... ... ... ... .. .3434 PErnufdoerncet AYcotuiornRsibgyhtPsl.a..n...F..i..d..u..c.i.a..r..i.e.s... ... ... ... ... ... .. .3534 EAnsfsoisrtcaenYcoeuWr RithigYhtos u. r. .Q . u . e .s .t i.o .n .s ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .3535 ASpsseicsitaalnNceoWte.i.t.h...Y..o..u..r...Q..u..e..s..t.i.o..n..s... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .3635

ApSppeencdiailxNAo.t.e.. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 3736

ApJopienntdainxdAS u. r. v . i .v .o .r .N . o . r .m . a. l. P. e. n. s. i .o .n . F . a. c . t .o .r s. .3737

ApJpoienntdainxdBS.u..r..v..i.v..o..r..N...o..r.m...a..l..P..e..n..s..i.o..n................ 38 FJoacintot rasn .d . S . u. r. v . i .v .o .r .N . o . r .m . a. l. P. e. n. s. i .o .n . P . o. p. -.u .p . . 37

ApFpaecntodrisx..B.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .3838 ApJPpooiepnn-tudapinxFdCaSc.ut..or..rv.s.i. v... o... r... N... ..o. ..r. .m.. ..a. ..l. ..P. ..e. ..n. ..s. ..i. o... n... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 3938 ApJJFoopaiiecnnntttodaarinsnxdd..C.SS..u. u..r. r..vv. ..ii. v.v.. o.o.. r.r.. D.D.. ..ii. s.s.. aa..b. b..i. i.l.l. y.y.. ..R. ... e... t..i. r..e. ..m. ... .e.. n... t... ... .. .3939

Retirement Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


AAbboouutt tthhee PPeennssiioonn PPllaann The Laborers' District Council of Western Pennsylvania Pension Fund Benefit Plan (the "Plan" or "Pension TPlhaen"L)aibsoirnetresn'dDeidsttroichteClpouynocuileonfjoWy efisntearnnciPael nsnecsyulrvitaynwiahPeennysoiounrFetuinred. BItepnreofvitidPelsanel(itghiebl"ePrleatnir"eeosr "wPiethnsliifoentime iPnlcaonm")ei,siinnatednddietidontotohethlpe yaomuoeunnjtoyyofuinwanilcliraelcseeicvuerfirtyomwhSeonciyaoluSerectuirreit.yItopr raonvyidpeesrseolingailbsleavreintigrseeysowu iatchcluifmetuimlatee. TinhceomPlea,ninalasdodpiteiromnittos ythoeuatmo opuronvtiydoeuinwciolml reecfeoirvyeofurormsurSvoicvioarlsSaefcteurriytyouorrdaenaythp.eTrshoinsaSlusmavminagrys yPolaunaDcceusmcruiplatitoen. pTrhoevPidleasn gaelsnoerpaelrimnfiotsrmyoautiotonparnodvikdeeyifnaccotms aebfoourtyyoouurrsPuernvsivioonrsPalfatne.r your death. This Summary Plan Description

provides general information and key facts about your Pension Plan.

RReettiirreemmeenntt OOppttiioonnss The Pension Plan has several types of retirement. You may receive a pension benefit at:

The Pension Plan has several types of retirement. You may receive a pension benefit at: ? Normal Retirement ? NEaorrlmy aRleRtierteimreemnetnt ? ELaatrelyRReetitrieremmeennt t ? LDaisteabRileittiyreRmeetinrtement

Disability Retirement Except as may be specifically provided for in the Plan, an eligible participant may receive only one of these types Eofxbceepntefaistsm. ay be specifically provided for in the Plan, an eligible participant may receive only one of these types of benefits.

HHooww ttoo PPaarrttiicciippaattee To participate, you must work for an Employer that makes contributions to the Pension Fund on your behalf. You Tbeocpoamrteicaippaatret,icyiopuanmt iunstthweoPrkenfsoiroannPElamnpalfoteyreryothuatarmeackreesdicteodntwribituhtiaotnlseatostt3h0e0PheonusirosnofFuconvdeorendyeomurpbloeyhmalef.ntYinou abescinogmlee caapleanrtdicairpyaenatri.n the Pension Plan after you are credited with at least 300 hours of covered employment in

a single calendar year. To register with the Plan, ask the Fund Office for an Employee Identification Card. On this card, list your dTeopreengdiesntetrs,wdiethsigthneatPelayno,uarsbketnheefiFcuianrdy,Oafnfdicperfoovridane oEtmheprloinyfeoermIdaetniotinficaantdiodnoCcuamrde.ntOatniotnhiasscraerqdu, ilrisetdyboyurthe FdeupnednOdefnfitcse, .designate your beneficiary, and provide other information and documentation as required by the Fund Office.

CCoosstt ooff tthhee PPllaann This benefit is fully paid for by Contributing Employers pursuant to collective bargaining agreements with TthheisLbaebnoerefirts'isInfutellrynaptaioidnafol rUbnyioCnoonftrNibourttihngAEmmerpicloay, eArFs Lpu-CrsIuOa,ntthteo Lcoablloercetirvs'e Dbaisrtgraicint iCnoguangcrieleomf eWntesswteirtnh PtheenLnsayblovraenrisa',Ionrteornneatoiofniatsl LUoncioalnUonf iNonosr,thorApmuersruicaan,tAtoFLan-CaIpOpr,othveedLOabfofirceersa'nDdiSsturpicetrvCiosournyciAl ogfreWemesetnetrnor aPeRnencsiyplrvoacnitiya,AorgroeneemoefnittsapLporcoavleUdnbiyonths,eoFrupnudr'ssuBanotatrod aonf aTprpursoteveesd. Office and Supervisory Agreement or a

Reciprocity Agreement approved by the Fund's Board of Trustees.

TThhiiss ddooccuummeenntt ccaann bbee aacccceesssseedd oonn oouurr wweebbssiittee aatt www.llccffoowwppaa..ccoomm

1 1

Contributions AA CCoonnttrriibbuuttiinngg EEmmppllooyyeerr iiss aann eemmppllooyyeerr tthhaatt hhaass ssiiggnneedd aann aaggrreeeemmeenntt iinn eeffffeecctt wwiitthh tthhee LLaabboorreerrss'' IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall UUnniioonn ooff NNoorrtthh AAmmeerriiccaa,, AAFFLL--CCIIOO,, oorr tthhee LLaabboorreerrss'' DDiissttrriicctt CCoouunncciill ooff WWeesstteerrnn PPeennnnssyyllvvaanniiaa oorr aannyy ooff iittss aaffffiilliiaatteedd LLooccaall UUnniioonnss,, wwhhiicchh rreeqquuiirreess tthhaatt ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnss bbee rreeppoorrtteedd aanndd ppaaiidd oonn aallll hhoouurrss wwoorrkkeedd oorr ggrroossss wwaaggeess eeaarrnneedd bbyy ccoovveerreedd eemmppllooyyeeeess iinn aa 3333--ccoouunnttyy aarreeaa ooff WWeesstteerrnn PPeennnnssyyllvvaanniiaa.. CCoonnttrriibbuuttiinngg EEmmppllooyyeerrss mmaakkee ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnss oonn yyoouurr bbeehhaallff ffoorr eeaacchh hhoouurr yyoouu wwoorrkk oorr aarree ppaaiidd,, oorr aass aa ppeerrcceennttaaggee ooff yyoouurr ggrroossss wwaaggeess.. TThheesseeccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnssaarreeiinnaaddddiittiioonnttooyyoouurrrreegguullaarrwwaaggeess..EEacahchCCoonntrtirbibuutitninggEEmmpploloyyererisis rreeqquuiirreedd ttoo ffiillee aa mmoonntthhllyy ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonn rreeppoorrtt lliissttiinngg eeaacchh eemmppllooyyeeee''ss nnaammee,, SSoocciiaall SSeeccuurriittyy nnuummbbeerr,, ttoottaall hhoouurrss wwoorrkkeedd,, ggrroossss wwaaggeess ppaaiidd aanndd ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnss mmaaddee ttoo ccoovveerr tthhee hhoouurrss aanndd wwaaggeess bbeeiinngg rreeppoorrtteedd.. IInn ssoommee ssiittuuaattiioonnss wwhheerree rreecciipprrooccaall aaggrreeeemmeennttss aappppllyy,, yyoouu mmaayy rreecceeiivvee ccrreeddiitt ffoorr ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnss ffoorr wwoorrkk yyoouu ppeerrffoorrmm oouuttssiiddee ooff tthhee 3333--ccoouunnttyy jjuurriissddiiccttiioonn ooff tthhee LLaabboorreerrss'' DDiissttrriicctt CCoouunncciill ooff WWeesstteerrnn PPeennnnssyyllvvaanniiaa.. Plan Records AAllll EEmmppllooyyeerr CCoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnss aarree hheelldd iinn ttrruusstt aanndd mmaannaaggeedd bbyy tthhee FFuunndd''ss BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess.. WWhheenn tthhee FFuunndd OOffffiiccee rreecceeiivveess mmoonntthhllyy ccoonnttrriibbuuttiioonn rreeppoorrttss,, tthhee hhoouurrss,, ggrroossss wwaaggeess,, aanndd aammoouunnttss ppaaiidd aarree ccrreeddiitteedd ttoo eeaacchh ppaarrttiicciippaanntt''ss ppeennssiioonn rreeccoorrdd bbaasseedd oonn tthhee SSoocciiaall SSeeccuurriittyy nnuummbbeerr aanndd nnaammee ooff tthhee ppaarrttiicciippaanntt.. TThhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn kkeepptt iinn tthhee rreeccoorrddss iiss tthhee bbaassiiss ffoorr ddeetteerrmmiinniinngg bbeenneeffiittss.. FFoorrtthhiissrreeaassoonn,,iittiissiimmppoorrttaanntttthhaatt iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn eenntteerreedd iinn tthheessee rreeccoorrddss bbee ccoorrrreecctt aanndd ccoommpplleettee.. SSoocciiaallSSeeccuurriittyynnuummbbeerrssaarreevveerryyiimmppoorrttaanntt.. WWhheenn rreeppoorrttiinngg ttoo aa nneeww eemmppllooyyeerr,, sshhooww yyoouurr SSoocciiaall SSeeccuurriittyy ccaarrdd rraatthheerr tthhaann qquuoottee yyoouurr nnuummbbeerr ffrroomm mmeemmoorryy.. Plan Reporting YYoouu wwiillll rreecceeiivvee aa ppeerriiooddiicc ssttaatteemmeenntt ooff EEmmppllooyyeerr CCoonnttrriibbuuttiioonnss mmaaddee oonn yyoouurr bbeehhaallff.. IIffyyoouubbeelliieevveetthheerreeis iasnayniyncinocrroercrtecint fionrfmoramtiaotnioonnoynoyuorusrtastteamteemnet,nbt,ebseurseurteo tnoontiofytiftyhethFeuFnudnOdfOfifcfeicperopmropmtlpyt.lyA.nAy ncyorcroecrrteiocntion ddooccuummeennttaattiioonn,, ssuucchh aass ppaayy ssttuubbss,, mmuusstt bbee rreecceeiivveedd bbyy tthhee FFuunndd OOffffiiccee wwiitthhiinn 1122 mmoonntthhss ooff rreecceeiivviinngg yyoouurr ssttaatteemmeenntt.. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, tthhee FFuunndd ppuubblliisshheess aann aannnnuuaall ffuunnddiinngg nnoottiiccee tthhaatt wwiillll bbee mmaaiilleedd ttoo aallll ppaarrttiicciippaannttss bbyy tthhee FFuunndd OOffffiiccee aafftteerr tthhee cclloossee ooff eeaacchh yyeeaarr.. TThheeeennddoofftthheeffiissccaallyyeeaarriissDDeecceemmbbeerr3311..

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Management of the Pension Fund MThae nTraugsteeems, wehnotsoerfvetwhiethoPuet pnasy,ioarne rFesuponndsible for the management of all business affairs of the Fund, TinhceluTdriunsgtethese,rwecheoipstearvnedwdisthbouurstepmayen, taroef raelslpmoonnsiebyl.e for the management of all business affairs of the Fund,

including the receipt and disbursement of all money. The Trustees are appointed in equal number by the Union and by the Employers. These Trustees, in turn, delegate tThheedTaryu-tsote-edsayarreesappopnosiinbtieldityintoeqthuealFnuunmdbOerffbicyetthoepUroncioenssatnhdisbwyothrke.Employers. These Trustees, in turn, delegate the day-to-day responsibility to the Fund Office to process this work. The contributions are received by a bank designated by the Trustees. The contributions and income in excess oTfhbeecnoenftirtipbauytimonesntasreanredcFeuivneddebxypeanbsaenskardeesinigvneasted by tihneveTsrtmusetenetsm. TanhaegceorsntsreibleucttieodnsbayntdheinTcroumsteeeins.excess of benefit payments and Fund expenses are invested by investment managers selected by the Trustees. The Board of Trustees meets periodically to review the Fund operations and transact the necessary business oTfhtehBe oFaurnddo. f Trustees meets periodically to review the Fund operations and transact the necessary business of the Fund.

How the Fund Is Protected HAlol cwonttrhibeutiFonusnredceIivsedParroe tdeepcotseitedd in a bank in the name of the Pension Fund. No withdrawals or AdilslbcuornsetrmibeunttisoncsanrebceeimveaddeareexdceptosbiyteaduitnhoaribzaantikoninotfhtehneaBmoearodf othfeTPruenstseieosn. Fund. No withdrawals or

disbursements can be made except by authorization of the Board of Trustees. The Trustees and the Fund Office employees are covered by fidelity bond insurance and fiduciary rTehsepoTnrsuisbtieleitsyainndsutrhaenFceu.nd Office employees are covered by fidelity bond insurance and fiduciary responsibility insurance. In addition, your pension benefits under this Plan are insured by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (IPnBadGdCit)i,oan,Fyeoduerapleinnssiuornanbceeneafgietsncuyn,dienr athcicsoPrdlancaerewiinthsuFredebryalthliemPitesn. sion Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), a Federal insurance agency, in accordance with Federal limits.

The Fund Is Independently Audited TThheeboFokusnadndIrsecIonrdds eofptehenFduendnatrleyauAduitedditanendually by a firm of independent certified public accountants who Tthheenbporoepkasraenadrreepcoorrtdfsoor fththeeBFouanrd oarfeTarudstieteeds.aAnnllutahlelyrebcyoardfsiramreoafvianidlaebpleenfdoernetxcaemrtifniaetdiopnubylicthe Internal RacecvoeunnuteanStesrwvihcoe,ththeen Dpreeppaarrtme aenrtepoofrLt afobrort,haenBdoaanrdy oauf tThroursizteedsa. gAenllctyheofrethceorsdtsataereoraFvaeidlearballegfovr eerxnammeintast.ion by

the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Labor, and any authorized agency

DofitshetrsitabteuotrioFnedeorafl FgouvnerdnmIennctso. me

DAlilsFturnidbaustseiotsnareoafvaFiluabnlde toInbce doimstriebuted as follows: 1. To pay retirement and death benefits to or on behalf of Plan participants.

All Fund assets are available to be distributed as follows: 2. To pay charges of the investment managers, actuary, certified public accountant, legal counsel, or other expert 1. aTdovpisaoyrsrewtihreompernotviadnedpdreoaftehssbieoneaflistsertvoicoersotnobtheheaFlfunodf .Plan participants.

32. To pay cehxapregnessesofnethceesisnavreystmo eonptermataenathgeerPsl,aanctaunadryth, eceFrutinfidedOpffuibceli,cwahciccohunintacnlut,dleetghael cuosutnosmela,royreoxtphenrseexspoefrt oadpverisaotirnsgwahnoopfrfiocvei:dreenptroofresmsioorntgaalgse,rvstiacteisontoertyh,epFousntadg.e, equipment, furniture, etc., plus the salaries of the Fund Office employees.

3. To pay expenses necessary to operate the Plan and the Fund Office, which include the customary expenses of Theobpaelarantciengisainnvoeffsitceed: breyntthoerimnvoersttgmageen,t smtaatnioangeerrys,tpooessttaagbel,isehquairpemseernvte, ffuorrnfiututurere, ertect.i,repmluesntthbeesnaelfairtise.s of the

Fund Office employees.

NThoesbaalalaryncoer icsoimnvmeisstseidonbyofthaenyinkviensdtmisenptaimdatnoaagneyrsUtonieosntaobrliEshmaplroeyseerrvTerfuosrtefeu,tuErme prelotiyreemr reenptrebseennetfaittisv. e, or Union official or agent.

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NEostsaalabryliosrhcmomemnistsiaonnodf aPney rkiionddiiscpaRidetoviaenywUnoifonPoer nEmsipolonyeBr Ternusetefei,tEsmaplnodyertrheepreAseunttahtiover,iotry of UthneionTorfuficsiatleoer sagent.

EOnsetoafbthliesphrimnciepanltreaspnodnsiPbielitriieos dofictheRBeovarideowf TorufstPeees nisstoiopnrovBideenapepfriotpsriaatenpdentshioen bAenuetfihtsowrhitilye of maintaining the overall security and financial stability of the Fund. When the Fund was started, the Trustees teshtaeblTishreudstthee erusles and regulations governing the eligibility for pension benefits, and, upon advice and counsel Oofnteheofatchtueaprrieinsc, iapascl hreesdpuolensoifbibleitnieesfiotsf wthaesBesotaarbdliosfheTdr.uSstienecseitshtaot ptirmove,idtheeapTprurosptereiastehapveenspieorniobdeicnaelfliytsrwevhiielwe ed mwiatihnttahieniancgtutahreieosvseurcahll isteecmusriatys tahnedafcintuaanlciinaclosmtabe,iltiutyrnoofvtehre, mFuonrtda.liWtyhreantetsh,eaFndunpdenwsaiosnstbaertneedf,ittshpeaTidru. sAteseas eresstaubltliosfhethdetsheesrtuuldeisesa,nadnrdegagualaintiounpsognoavdevrinciengantdhecoeluignsibeilliotfytfhoer apcetnusairoiensb, ethneefbitesn,eafnitds,aunpdonelaigdivbiiclietyanrudlecsouhnasveel, a schedule of benefits was established. Since that time, the Trustees have periodically reviewed

with the actuaries such items as the actual income, turnover, mortality rates, and pension benefits paid. As a rBeesnueltfiotsf tuhnedseerstthuediPelsa,nanwdilalgbaeinpauipdoonnalydvificteheanTdrucsotuenessedleocfidthe,eianctthueairriedsi,stchreetbioenn,etfhitastathned aeplipgliibcialnittyisruelnestithleadve btoeethnermev. iTsehde.Trustees shall have the duty and discretionary authority to construe and/or interpret the terms and conditions of the Plan, make and enforce rules and procedures regarding the collection of contributions and BdeetneermfitisneunedliegribthileitPyloann waniyll cbleaipmaifdoor nbleynieffitthse, aTnrdusatneeysfdacetcuidale,anind/tohreilregdaislccroetnisotnru, cthtiaotnt,hienateprpplriectaantitoins,entitled tcoonthcelums.ioTnhoer Tdreutesrtmeeisnsahtiaolnl haadvoepttehde bdyuttyheanTdrudsitsecersetiinongaoroydafuatihthorsithyaltlobceobnisntrduienganodn/othreinEtemrpprleotytehees,terms and cPoanrtdicitiipoannstso,fEthliegiPbllaenD, mepaeknedaenndtse, nBfeonrceeficruialreisesa,nSdpporuosceesdaunredsarneygaortdhienrgptehresocnololercptieornsoonfscwonhtorimbuatyiobnes oarnd dcleatiemrmtoinbeeeliingtiebreilsitteydohnearneiyn.claim for benefits, and any factual and/or legal construction, interpretation, conclusion or determination adopted by the Trustees in good faith shall be binding on the Employees,

Participants, Eligible Dependents, BeneficYiaoriuesr, SPpeounssesioannd aBney notehefritperson or persons who may be or

claim to be interested herein.

The amount of your pension benefit depends upon a number of factors, including:

? the benefit formula in effect when youYroetuirre; Pension Benefit

T? heyaomuoruangteo; f your pension benefit depends upon a number of factors, including:

? your years of Credited Service;


the benefit formula in effect when you retire; the Employer Contributions made on your behalf;


your age; whether you retire at Early, Normal, or Late Retirement; and


your years of Credited Service; the form in which you elect to have your benefits paid (payment method).

the Employer Contributions made on your behalf;

Thewbehneethfietrfyoormu urelatirueseast Eyoaurlrys, eNrvoircmeaaln, dorcLonattreibRuettiiornemamenotu; nant dto determine your benefit.

the form in which you elect to have your benefits paid (payment method).

The benefit formula uses your service and contribution amount to determine your benefit.

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