10:30 a

Board meeting Minutes

Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association

Board of Directors Meeting

September 15, 2009

Held at Cragun’s Conference Center, Baxter, MN

Board Members Present:

Chief John Bolduc

Chief Tim Brennan

Chief Mona Dohman

Director Cari Gerlicher

Chief Peter Jansky

Chief Jeff McCormick

Chief Gordon Ramsay

Chief Ron Sager

Chief Dave Thomalla

Chief Dana Waldron

Board Members Absent: Chief Jim Crace, Chief Bob Jacobson, Chief Hugo McPhee, Chief Richard Wyffels, Chief Rob Yant

Staff Members Present: Harlan Johnson, Executive Director

Chaplain Dan Carlson

Mary Henning, Communications/Training Coordinator

1. Call to Order:

President Mona Dohman called the board meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.

2. Opening Invocation:

Chaplain Dan Carlson offered the opening invocation.

3. Approval of the Agenda:

Added two items: approval of association audit and appointing a new liaison to the Association of Emergency Managers of Minnesota (AMEM).

Approval motions: 1st –P. Jansky, 2nd– J. McCormick

4. President’s Report No report.

5. Consent Agenda -- approved as listed below

Approval motions: 1st – J. Bolduc, 2nd– J. McCormick

• Secretary’s Report: Chief Dave Thomalla

a. Minutes of Board Mtg August, 2009

• Treasurer’s Report: Director Cari Gerlicher

a. New members

b. Approve Financial report and bills for payment

• Board Reports: Committee Chairs

a. POST Board Chief Mona Dohman, Chief John Bolduc

b. Drug & Gang Task /Force Forensic Lab Adv Chief Bob Jacobson

c. CriMNet/Driver & Vehicle Services Chief Ron Sager

d. d. Human Trafficking / Alarm Committee Chief Matt Peters

e. CJIS Chief Rick Wyffels

• Committee Reports:

a. Executive President Mona Dohman

b. Rules Chief Bob Jacobson

c. Member Services Chief Ron Sager

d. Promotion, Recognition & Foundation Chief Ron Sager

e. e. Education and Training Committee Chief John Bolduc

f. f. Regional Reps Chief Hugo McPhee

g. .Magazine Committee Chief Jeff McCormick

h. Legal-legislative Chief Ramsay/Kolb

i. Interoperable Radio Dir. Gerlicher/Chief Wyffels

j. SACOP-IACP Update Chief Scott Knight

k. Executive Training Institute Chief Jeff McCormick

l. Chaplain Report Chaplain Dan Carlson

m. Foundation Update and Events Director Cari Gerlicher

6. Executive Director’s Report:

Comprehensive Incident-Based Reporting System (CIBRS). DPS/BCA is concerned about CIBRS not reaching potential operation and audiences. DPS would like to explore a partnership publicity campaign with MN Chiefs. Can offer agenda item at MN Chiefs regional meetings; also can offer a magazine article in the Winter 2010 issue.

Policy on disproportionate number of minority contacts (racial profiling): the Office of Justice Programs would like to determine and will report to the Minnesota Legislature at what point tracking should begin, i.e. at the time of court level or any diversion level, beyond verbal direction.

Mental Health checks for Permits to Acquire. The Minnesota Department of Human Services, State Operated Services Division, aims to provide and online inquiry tool for LE departments to use for handgun background checks

Damage to building. A beam in front of the building has decayed and fell to the ground. The association building requires maintenance – construction of a replacement canvas awning at $1,800.

MN Chiefs of Police Foundation. As of August 28, 2009 the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Foundation is registered with the state of Minnesota and an application is being filed with the IRS to obtain 501.c.3 status.

Dept of Corrections Policy Board Rep. – Need to identify two representatives from MN Chiefs for the purpose of a Statewide Supervision System (S3). DOC receives requests from non-law enforcement entities to have supervision. The policy board is to review who fits criteria for getting access. The board also will recommend additional helpful website information people would like added to that website. Possibly meet quarterly. Need two representatives. President Mona Dohman and Ron Sager if a one-time work session, but not for ongoing.

7. Old business.

Retiring Chief Carol Sletner, Roseville PD: Sept. 30 retirement party.

Chief William Stock, Dawson Police Department retired.

MN Chiefs staff to send timely retirement notices to the board.

8. New business.

MN Chiefs audit -- approved.

Approval motions: 1st –P. Jansky, 2nd– T. Brennan

Replacement liaison to AMEM: Tim Brennan to replace Bob Jacobson, who has other commitments.

Approval motions: 1st –P. Jansky, 2nd– J. Bolduc

9. Items from the floor.

Discussion about dissemination of officer or other law enforcement-related funeral arrangements, protocol, channels of information between chiefs, sheriffs, state patrol, LEMA. Table to October.

Motion to adjourn.

Meeting ended at 12:39 p.m.

Approval motions: 1st–P. Jansky, 2nd– J. McCormick

Respectfully submitted to Chief David Thomalla, Secretary


To: MN Sheriff’s Association Board of Directors

MN Chief’s Association Board of Directors

From: Sheriff Rich Stanek

Sheriff Bruce Andersohn

Chief Bob Jacobson

Date: August 31, 2009

Re: Forensic Laboratory Advisory Board update

As the designated representatives and alternate to the Legislative Forensic Laboratory Advisory Board (FLAB), we wanted to provide you with a post-legislative session update of the group’s work.


2006 Legislature created FLAB

The FLAB was created in the 2006 Legislature to provide oversight and accountability to forensic labs and to recommend forensic analysis processing period guidelines applicable to the BCA and other laboratories that conduct forensic analyses. The FLAB was to report back to the legislature by July 1, 2007.

July 1, 2007 FLAB report

The FLAB provided recommendations for ongoing oversight and a processing guideline of 30 days- and that it was a …”recommended goal and not a strict standard. Failure to meet this goal is not intended to form a basis for relief not otherwise provided by law.” It went on to list the factors or reasons out of control of the lab that may delay processing beyond the 30 day timeline.

2007 Legislature asked FLAB for report on appropriateness of regional labs. Session Laws 2007- Chapter 54, Article 1 required the commissioner of public safety to convene a working group to study and prepare a report on the appropriateness of additional regional forensic crime laboratories. The FLAB must provide advice and assistance to the commissioner and the working group as requested by the commissioner. The FLAB was selected by the Commissioner of Public Safety, with the concurrence of the chairs of the legislative committees with responsibility for public safety finance, to serve as the core group reporting on the appropriateness of additional regional forensic crime laboratories.

February 2008 FLAB report

The group issued their report to the legislature in February of 2008 recommending three main things:

o Overall increase in forensic laboratory services should be made to meet current and projected demand. Continued investment in the BCA Laboratory and concluded that regional expansion should not be accomplished at the detriment of the BCA.

o Systematic expansion of regional forensic crime laboratories in the State of Minnesota

o If state funds are used to support regional forensic services, it is recommended that specific factors be considered

The Legislature accepted the report and feedback from committee members was that it was helpful to know that the BCA does not see regional labs as a threat. It was good to see all the varying partners (defense, prosecution, law enforcement) on the same page saying that there is a great need for additional capacity.

However, the legislature was looking for more direction in exactly WHERE these regional labs should go. There were two units of local government (Anoka County and Minneapolis) that came to the legislature for bonding for crime labs in 2008. Anoka County was granted funding for their project, Minneapolis was not. Feedback from the members of the public safety committee in the House (and somewhat in the Senate) was that they would like a bit more direction from Dept of Public Safety as to where (regionally) these new labs should go.

In the final bonding bill that passed out of the legislature in 2008, the Commissioner of Public Safety was tasked with coming back to the legislature in February 2009 with specific recommendations as to which regional crime labs should be developed based on specific factors (demographics, crime rates, etc) and ranked in order of urgency.

2009 Legislative Session

Commissioner Campion released his report on a long-term strategic plan regarding crime labs which included a recommendation that the state NOT provide any financial support to a regional crime lab unless and until the state fully funds the BCA at capacity. The report goes on to question whether a crime lab is appropriate at the local level in any case. The Commissioner’s report was drafted independently and without any input from the FLAB or from the Sheriffs and Chiefs Associations. This report is contrary to the work and recommendation of the Forensic Laboratory Advisory Board and contrary to the interests of the Minnesota Sheriff’s Association as we have offered support for regional crime labs in our past legislative agendas.

The FLAB sent a letter to the committee of record repeating their support for funding of regional labs and that they do not see the two (funding BCA fully and funding regional labs) as mutually exclusive. No hearings were held on the issue and as it was not a bonding year, the issue of regional lab funding requests were not raised.

There was also legislation supported by the FLAB, SF 963, authored by Senator Julianne Ortman, which would have put more teeth into the oversight role of the FLAB. Among other things, this legislation would have REQUIRED accreditation of forensic labs (rather than encourage as is currently stated), developed a reporting system for professional negligence or misconduct of lab employees and provided some funding for the FLAB to operate independently of the BCA (it is currently unfunded and run out of the BCA). This legislation ultimately did not pass due to the fiscal note but received unanimous committee support on the policy issues.

At the June 4, 2009 meeting of the FLAB, many of the members expressed frustration with the current mandates that are put on the FLAB without funding to go along with it. There was a great deal of conversation about whether the FLAB should even continue to meet. The consensus was that they keep a narrow scope and meet infrequently unless and until the legislature provides funding for the group to operate and fulfill the goals outlined by the legislature.


We recommend the MSA Board & MPC Board continue its representation on the FLAB in order to closely monitor the activity and legislative agenda. As your representatives on that board, we continue to advocate for funding and support of regional crime labs. As the interest of Sheriff’s Offices and Police Departments to maintain independent forensic crime labs continues to grow, it is important to balance the needs of the criminal justice system, the public and the interests of all law enforcement on this Board.

Please let us know if you have questions or concerns about the Forensic Laboratory Advisory Board.


Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association

dedicated to the Ideals of Professional Policing


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