Sample Job Description for Nonprofit Board Member

Sample Position Description: Nonprofit Board Member *Position Title: Member of the Board of DirectorsLength of Term: Two-year term with a limit of three terms.Reports To: Board of Directors, which is legally and ethically responsible for all activities of the organization. To that end, this entity:determines how the organization will carry out its mission through strategic planning;establishes policies for the effective management of the organization;adopts an annual budget and provides fiscal oversight;recruits, orients, and develops board members; andevaluates the board’s and organization’s performance in furthering the mission.Position Responsibilities:understand and promote the organization’s mission;be familiar with the organization’s policies, programs, and operations;attend board meetings;actively serve on at least one committee;review agenda and supporting documents prior to meetings;adhere to the conflict of interest policy and other relevant policies;make an annual contribution to the organization commensurate with ability;participate in fundraising activities and other events;take on additional responsibilities, as needed. Time Demands (approximate):attend the new board member orientation (about 1 hour, one time);attend and actively participate in at least 75% of board meetings (10 monthly board meetings, approximately 1.5 hours in length, first Tuesday of the month);actively participate in committee meetings and related work (1-3 hours per month);attend the major fundraising event (2-3 hours per year) and other events, as possible; andmeet with current or prospective funders and/or donors, as needed, to help make the organization’s case for support, answer questions, etc. Resource Development Expectations:make an annual gift to the organization commensurate with ability (in order to achieve 100% board giving);promote the organization’s events and, if possible, help identify sponsors; andidentify and cultivate potential donors.Benefits:Collaborate with positive, dedicated leaders working toward improving our community.Gain experience in board governance and organizational leadership. Meet and network with other community leaders and members. * This document can be used as a sample or template for board member positions. ................

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