JOHN E - New York

Monthly Board Meeting - Minutes

December 18, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm, by Chairperson Theresa Scavo. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Chairperson Scavo introduced Mr. Ronnie Tawil, Co-Chair of the Zoning Committee who would run this part of the meeting:

Mr. Tawil explained the procedure for the Public Hearing and proceeded to call the representative for the first item on the Agenda:

BSA Cal. No. 208-03-BZ / 2555 Shell Road

East side of Shell Road between Avenue X and Bouck Court

This is an application filed pursuant to Section 72-01 and 72-21 of the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, as amended (ZR.) This is an application for an extension of term of the variance and amendment for the continued use of a catering hall (Use Group 9), which expires on October 19, 2019.

Questions from the floor were raised regarding: changes to the Certificate of Occupancy- there will be no changes. Have there been any noise complaints? The Community Board has not received any noise complaints regarding this location.

A motion was made to approve by Allen Popper and seconded by Robert Gevertzman.

A Committee Vote was taken. 11 yes, 0 no.

BSA Cal. No. 1059-84-BZ / 943/61 Kings Highway (a/k/a 2032 Coney Island Avenue) NW Corner of the intersection formed by Kings Highway and Coney Island Avenue

This statement is submitted in support of an application to re-open and amend the Resolution of the Board of Standards and Appeals in respect of BSA Calendar No. 1059-84-BZ to reflect minor changes in the interior layout of the site, as well as minor interior partition reconfiguration.

Questions from the floor were raised regarding: where the locker room would be located- it would remain in the cellar. Is the facility in ADA compliance- currently it is. If the elevator violations were resolved-it is currently being worked on; and how many exits does the cellar have? 3 exits with 13 illuminated signs that lead to each exit.

A motion was made to approve by Robert Gevertzman and seconded by Al Smaldone.

A Committee Vote was taken. 12 yes, 0 no.

BSA Cal. No. 2018-177-BZ / 2061 Ocean Parkway

East side of Ocean Parkway between Avenue T and Avenue U

This application is filed pursuant to Section 73-622 of the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, as amended, to request a special permit to allow the conversion and enlargement of an existing two family residence to a single family residence located in a residential (R5) zoning district in the Special Ocean Parkway District.

Questions from the floor were raised regarding: How far back the rear would be- the rear yard originally was 27.10 feet but would go back 20 feet. It was also recommended that the construction crew keep the sidewalks clear for pedestrians.

A motion was made to approve by Allen Popper and seconded by Robert Gevertzman.

A Committee Vote was taken. 12 yes, 0 no.



Topics Discussed:

Christopher Greif discussed the Brooklyn Family Support Service Advisory Council will meet with the Adult Committee on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 from 9:30 am to 11:30am to discuss supportive housing.

He also alerted the floor of the Access- A- Ride app. It is out; it keeps track of the Access-A-Ride transportation and sends alerts to riders.

Debra Greif requested community members be notified when the bus stops are being moved. She stated she discovered the MTA eliminated a B36 bus stop without notification. MTA should be contacted and informed that alerting the community is important.

Martin Gangursky stated that MTA is planning to raise the fair.

Department of Youth and Community Development agency representative Anita Antonetty, Strategic Outreach Manager, spoke of the Neighborhood Advisory Board (NAB), seeking members who would participate in deciding where funding should go in the district, members who read and rate proposals for services.

A representative, Gregory Vayngurt, from Assemblywoman Weinstein’s office sent Happy Holiday greetings.

Lenny Markh, representing Assemblyman Cymbrowitz’s office, wished everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Lew Fidler, of the Brooklyn Borough President’s office expressed personal gratitude to the Board for supporting Toys for Tots, thanked the Be Proud Foundation for 10 years of service in partnership with the Toys For Tots Drive. Mr. Fidler extended belated Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, and a happy, healthy New Year from the Borough President’s office.

Sam Chupnik, representing Congressman Jefferies office, wished everyone a Happy New Year.

Senator Roxanne Persaud’s representative, Mike Benjamin, personally emphasized the important of Toys for Tots, stating that there are 4,000 children living on the street. He went on to discuss all of the available services available through the Senators office and offered up flyers in the back.

State Senator Elect Andrew Gounardes spoke briefly, informing the public that he will be sworn in on January 9, 2019. He wished everyone a Happy Holiday stating further, he was looking into acquiring office space, but with nothing concrete at the moment he can still be reached through his email at Andrew@. The State Senator Elect was asked about State tax deduction itemizing. It was stated that under the new tax law, you may not itemize on your State form if you do not itemize on your Federal tax form. Senator Elect Gounardes stated that he was not aware of this and stated that he would find out and report back to the Board. Senator Elect Gounardes was also informed that it is important that his staff be aware of social security laws. He was then asked about how he plans on improving the MTA services; Senator Elect gave his word that he is planning to make MTA more accountable and give the people a say on ridership.

Senator Elect Gounardes, when asked would he continue to support the music programs his predecessor sponsored in the parks annually, he stated that he is aware that the concerts in the park are a tradition and intends to keep them going. There will be an element of change but he is committed to having cultural events.

A question about the fairness of the Department of Education (DOE) overseeing the hours and curriculum of successful Private School was addressed; Senator Elect Gounardes stated that he has been in contact with the Chairperson of (DOE) to discuss it further.


A Roll Call Attendance was taken by Allen Popper, Secretary; with a Quorum present, Chair Scavo asked for a motion to adopt the Minutes of the General Board Meeting on November 27, 2018.

A motion to adopt the minutes was made by Jay Lieberman and seconded by Lenny Markh.


At the next Borough Board a vote will be taken on a Waterfront Alliance Movement called WEDG which advocates for more resilient, equitable and accessible waterfront development.

A motion was made by Debra Greif and seconded by Shari Kaplan to have Chairperson Theresa Scavo represent the full board at the Borough Board’s next meeting in January 2019 when the Waterfront Alliance’s WEDG comes up for a vote.

By a show of hands, the Board voted in favor of Theresa voting “yes” on the proposed waterfront development initiative with one Abstention.

Chairperson Scavo thanked all those that contributed to the Toys For Tots Drive, it was stated that we did not beat last year’s total but we always have next year to try!


Month of December 2018


Dolma Restaurant Inc.

311 Avenue X


Brooklyn Burger Boys LLC.

DBA: Siena Ristorante

533 Kings Highway

LN: 1246149

EDA: 02/28/2019

Chairperson Scavo encouraged everyone to reach out to the office with any complaints on problematic locations.

The Police and Community Board 15 are opposed to 24 hour liquor licenses on New Year’s Eve.

Chairperson Scavo thanked the Board for supporting the Street Co-Naming for Rabbi Greenwald.


Consumer Affairs Committee:

Edmond Dweck, Chairperson of the Consumer Affairs Committee presented the Sidewalk Café license application for 2255 Emmons Café Lounge Inc. doing business as Pera Café. He stated that the Committee voted in favor of the Café and requested a show of hands for a full Board vote. It was almost unanimous with one no.

Public Safety Committee:

Mark Taub, a Member of the Public Safety Committee stated that the Committee meeting was held at the 61st Police Precinct on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 6:30pm; representing the 61st Precinct was its Commanding Officer, Captain James King.

As of 2018 crime is down in this District by 8.3 percent over all; having the least amount of burglaries. The crime category of robbery is up 3.6 percent.

Zoning Committee:

Mr. Ronnie Tawil, Co-Chair of the Zoning Committee proceeded with the BSA items heard earlier for the Full Board vote:

BSA Cal. No. 208-03-BZ / 2555 Shell Road

East side of Shell Road between Avenue X and Bouck Court

This is an application filed pursuant to Section 72-01 and 72-21 of the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, as amended (ZR.) This is an application for an extension of term of the variance and amendment for the continued use of a catering hall (Use Group 9), which expires on October 19, 2019.

A motion was made to approve by Debra Greif and seconded by Al Smaldone.

The Vote was taken. 29 yes, 0 no and 1 abstention for cause. The motion was approved.

BSA Cal. No. 1059-84-BZ / 943/61 Kings Highway (a/k/a 2032 Coney Island Avenue) NW Corner of the intersection formed by Kings Highway and Coney Island Avenue

This statement is submitted in support of an application to re-open and amend the Resolution of the Board of Standards and Appeals in respect of BSA Calendar No. 1059-84-BZ to reflect minor changes in the interior layout of the site, as well as minor interior partition reconfiguration.

A motion was made to approve by Rabbi Burg and seconded by Victor Shine.

The vote was taken. 30 yes, 0 no.

The motion was approved.

BSA Cal. No. 2018-177-BZ / 2061 Ocean Parkway

East side of Ocean Parkway between Avenue T and Avenue U

This application is filed pursuant to Section 73-622 of the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, as amended, to request a special permit to allow the conversion and enlargement of an existing two family residence to a single family residence located in a residential (R5) zoning district in the Special Ocean Parkway District.

A motion was made to approve by Shari Kaplan and seconded by Lenny Markh

The vote was taken. 30 yes, 0 no.

The motion was approved.


A motion to adjourn was made by Allen Popper and seconded by Al Smaldone at 8:03P.M.



Bill De Blasio


Laura Singer

District Manager

Eric Adams


Theresa Scavo



Ronald Tawil

First Vice –Chairperson


Second Vice-Chairperson

Jack Erdos, ESQ


Allen Popper, esq



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