The Roanoke Village Board meeting was called to order; Mayor Michael Smith presiding.Mayor Smith informed the public of the need to attend the board meeting via Zoom since in-person attendance is currently prohibited and the capability of participating in public input by sending an email to the Village Clerk at villageclerk@ and inserting in the subject line, “ Public Comment for Meeting on October 5, 2020.”MOMENT OF SILENCE AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEThere was a moment of silence. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Smith. ROLL CALLOn roll call were Trustee Bob Knepp, Trustee Jerry Hasler, Trustee Bob Gillson, Trustee Wayne Blunier, Trustee Curt Leman and Trustee Jeremy Hilton. Also present was Mayor Smith.CONSENT AGENDA ITEMSBoard Meeting Minutes of Tuesday, September 8, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes of Monday, September 21, 2020Ambulance Committee Meeting Minutes of Tuesday, September 15,2020Executive Session Meeting Minutes of Tuesday, September 8, 2020Filing of the Treasurer’s Report for the Month of JuneFiling of the Pumpage ReportMayor Smith asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda items. Trustee Hasler motioned to approve the consent agenda items as presented; Trustee Blunier seconded.Motion carried by voice vote.PUBLIC INPUTThere was no public input.FLOOD COMMITTEETrustee Gillson heard back from Wolf Creek Excavating about a quote to clean the creek all the way through town. An estimate of $41,000 was provided. Josh Dorr of Wolf Creek Excavating would like to meet with Trustee Gillson to submit ideas he has to make improvements with regard to the creek and flooding.PRESIDENT’S REPORTSTCRPC UPDATE – Mayor Smith received a call from the president along with a couple other members of the Tri County Regional Planning Commission who informed him that the organization is changing and they may be planning to eliminate the seat that Roanoke has on this commission. Mayor Smith replied by letting them know he would have no problem with the decision and that it would probably eliminate Roanoke’s contribution to the commission. TRICK-OR-TREATING – New guidance has been sent out by IDPH regarding safety measures recommended for trick-or-treating during the COVID-19 pandemic which have been posted to the village website. Mayor Smith pointed out that the cases are going up but not in our zip code currently. Mayor Smith feels it should be up to the parents whether they allow their children to participate. LIQUOR COMMISSIONORDINANCE 2020-09 – Mayor Smith motioned to adopt Ordinance 2020-09 Updating the Village Liquor Code; Trustee Gillson seconded. This is simply to increase the Class A type license to allow a new restaurant to sell beer and wine for consumption on the premises. Motion carried by roll call vote. Ayes: Smith, Gillson, Hasler, Blunier, Knepp, Leman, HiltonNayes: NoneNEW LIQUOR LICENSE – Mayor Smith motioned to approve a liquor license in the name of Juarez Pico de Gallo for the sale of beer and wine for consumption on the premises; Trustee Hilton seconded. Motion carried by roll call vote.Ayes: Smith, Hilton, Hasler, Blunier, Gillson, Knepp, LemanNayes: NoneWATERWORKS AND SEWERSHIGH WATER USAGE – A water customer received a bill this month for 18,481 gallons of water due to complications as a result of the flood. Trustee Blunier commented that this is not the normal high usage matter and suggested to bill the customer for his normal monthly usage. Some other suggestions were made including to forgive 1200 gallons which would be a result of the 2 hours it took the public works employees to arrive to turn the water off. Trustee Gillson felt the resident didn’t even know the situation was going on given the fact that he had water in the basement up to the main level. Mayor Smith’s opinion was the resident was a victim of the flood, the $320 for the excess usage would be more impactful to this individual than it would be to the village and the moral thing to do would be charge him for the average of water usage he would usually pay monthly. Most of the other board members agreed with this suggestion. Mayor Smith is willing to make the same adjustment for other customers who may have had the same experience. Trustee Blunier reported there were only 2 customers whose water was disconnected this month due to nonpayment. STREETS, ALLEYS AND ORDINANCESSANITARY SEWER LINE AT SERENE WAY – Zoning Officer Tony Crumrine reported on a building that was built on the north end of town after applying for a variance. The owner called to request the allowance of an LP tank on his property because he is having an issue with Ameren providing electricity anytime soon. Crumrine looked in the ordinances and could not find any prohibitions on having an LP tank on property in town. The village board has recently passed a motion to install a sewer line to allow for connection to the sewer by this owner since the property is in village limits. Crumrine proposed possibly permitting the property to be deannexed from village limits to allow the owner to have the LP tank and to install a septic tank rather than the village installing the sewer line which would save the village money. Trustees Blunier and Hasler were not in favor of deannexing property. Mayor Smith felt the board should look at everything involved before a permit like this is approved. Tony Crumrine asked if the board would have any problems allowing the LP tank. Some of the board members expressed that they would not have a problem with a temporary LP tank until Ameren can supply electricity or natural gas. Fire Chief Jeff Smith, attending via Zoom, was asked to investigate regulations regarding LP tanks in town. Mayor Smith wanted to make sure the property owner knows what his responsibility is if the village continues with installing the sewer line which would be paying for the connection of the sewer from the village’s line to his property. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES – Trustee Hasler motioned to purchase 3 bolted gasket solid lids for sanitary sewer manholes for a cost of $3,120; Trustee Gillson seconded. This purchase is taking place after discussions with the Flood Committee to possibly offer help when flooding occurs. Mayor Smith felt it was important to try something that might help. Motion carried by roll call vote.Ayes: Hasler, Gillson, Hilton, Blunier, Knepp, Leman, SmithNayes: None FINANCE AND APPROPRIATIONSCLAIMS – Trustee Knepp motioned to approve the claims as presented; Trustee Hasler secondedMotion carried by roll call vote. Ayes: Knepp, Hasler, Hilton, Blunier, Gillson, Leman, SmithNayes: NoneGeneral Fund - $ 44,870.86Ambulance Fund - $ 4,115.57Water Fund - $ 25,565.84Total Fund - $ 74,552.27AMBULANCEMONTHLY REPORT – Chief Renee Arnold reported there were 23 calls for service for the month of September, 4 calls were ALS type of calls which were handled by our own staff and 2 intercepts.Trustee Hasler communicated that the village is in the process of moving village offices out of the flood plain and if the ambulance personnel would be taking over the old village hall building in its entirety, the Fire Department should be paying more money towards the rent. Trustee Hasler also broached the subject of allowing the ambulances to be moved to the building where the Driver’s License Facility is located currently to get out of the flood zone and to move ambulance personnel into the fire house. Mayor Smith also thought the village board should look at some other place to house the ambulances to get them out of a flood prone area. There was discussion as to who would pay for the cost of repairs to the building if another flood were to happen. Mayor Smith read from the contract which states the village is required to maintain and operate an ambulance service department as part of a department of the village government, but thought the village and Fire District could come to some sort of agreement about usage of a building. Trustee Gillson pointed out that the Fire Department is running out of room themselves. Trustee Gillson also spoke about grant opportunities if the Fire Department and Ambulance Department were to become one entity. Trustee Blunier suggested having a meeting with the Fire Board to discuss this matter. It was agreed to have a meeting with the full board. Mayor Smith will make the call to arrange a meeting. PUBLIC SAFETY AND INSURANCEMONTHLY POLICE REPORT – The police report will have to be revised to be interpreted and given as a report. VILLAGE PROPERTYNEW GUTTERS AT VILLAGE HALL – Trustee Gillson motioned to install new gutters on village hall at an approximate cost of $2,175; Trustee Leman seconded. The existing gutters are rusted and leaking. Some of the gutters also have weeds growing in them. Motion carried by roll call vote.Ayes: Gillson, Leman, Hilton, Hasler, Blunier, Knepp, SmithNayes: NoneBIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION – Trustee Hilton motioned to seek bids for possible construction at 102 N. Sixth Street (old Commerce Bank); Trustee Gillson seconded. Trustee Hilton discovered the contractors involved in any construction must be union contractors as stipulated by the Secretary of State’s Office. Trustee Hilton would like to negotiate on some of the costs. There was some discussion as to what part of the construction would be the village’s and what part would be the Secretary of State’s Office’s. Mayor Smith would like to get a figure of what they are going to pay and asked the board members if they would give the Village Property Committee members permission to proceed with the steps needed to continue the process by proceeding with the bid process to which the board members agreed. Motion carried by roll call vote.Ayes: Hilton, Gillson, Hasler, Blunier, Leman, KneppNayes: None OLD BUSINESS Trustee Gillson is waiting on a call from Maloof Realty for advertising the Husseman and Main Street property. NEW BUSINESSThe public works department is currently in the process of replacing a hydrant on the southwest side of the park. UPCOMING MEETINGSThere will be a regular meeting of the Roanoke Village Board on Monday, October 19, 2020 at 7:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Woodford County Emergency Management building at 303 S. Main Street in Roanoke. EXECUTIVE SESSIONMayor Smith motioned to enter into Executive Session at 8:57pm regarding Section 2 (c ) 5 of the Open Meetings Act – Land Acquisition; Trustee Knepp seconded.Motion carried by roll call vote.Ayes: Smith, Knepp, Hilton, Hasler, Blunier, Leman, GillsonNayes: NoneThe board returned to open session at 9:10pm.ADJOURNMENTTrustee Gillson motioned to adjourn the meeting; Trustee Hasler seconded.Motion carried by voice vote.ATTEST: Jennifer CrumrineVillage Clerk ................

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