Josiah V. Thompson

Uniontown Pa

Family Record Book


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U.S. Grant Hotel Room 616 San Diego Calif Dec 19, 1922 11:53 PM

I arrived here on the "Santa Fe" RR about 7:10 tonight, got shaved & got my dinner & drove around to Cousin Oliver J. Stough's at 8:10 PM & was admitted by Mrs Churchill & found Oliver looking well & strong & they had been playing cards. We talked until 9:30 PM when he went to bed & I got my mail & this book. She gave me a newspaper clipping giving an account of the 72d wedding anniversary Oct 6th of Andrew J. Finley & his wife, he 94 & she 90, living near them who we have arranged to go to see tomorrow. Mrs C. says her father Van Osdale's mother was Sarah Finley from Ashland O where the newspaper article says Andrew J. Finley was born in 1828. Her daughter & her husband Casebeer came in about 10:15 o'c & he brought me to the hotel in his auto at 10:30. They are going to the mountains in the morning.

I will now write up from the 211 sheets 422 note size paper pages which I have penciled down since Book 8 got filled up. Parts of pages 2 to 5 inclusive abt the James Rodarmel family I am laying aside to work in on pages 580-581 book 8 when I come to the interviews with different members of the family I saw & got accurate specific information Pages 6 to 33 inclusive have been worked in & recorded so I commence with page 34 at Hutchinson Kan & will put down in regular order going to dates when taken.

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Chalmers Hotel, Hutchinson Kansas Nov 29, 1922 7:05 AM

Telephone Book shows:

Jack, B.E. 413 First East Tel 3152

Markle, W.H. 509 A.E. Tel 3365

Rodarmel, C.B. 922 Second East Tel 3413 W.

W.H. Markle is with the Hutchinson Tent & Awning Co 220 East B. No 821 N. Monroe, John R. Redburn

At residence of Jasper M. Caruthers No 304 E. Lyon St Lyons Kan Nov 29, 1922 10:44 AM

From their records & Mrs C's statements I am informed that:

Jasper M. Caruthers & Flora I. Belle's both of Edgerton, Kan were married on Nov 30, 1882 by Rev Chas M. Hawkins of Kansas City MO & I am making the information into a genealogical table commencing on next page.

Jasper says he left father's & went in town to George A. McCormick's butcher shop in 1877 & then went to Uncle Theodore Van Kirk's in Apr 1878 & in Apr 1879 came with Nobel McCormick to Wellsville, Franklin Co Kan & from there in May 1879 to Edgerton, Johnson Co Kansas. From there in Feby 1884, he moved to Yates Centre, Woodson Co Kan where he bought 160 A & 10 A of timber & remained two yrs & in 1886 went to Scott Co Kan & homesteaded 160 A. He then moved to Page 4

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[Descendant Chart]

Jasper M. Carruthers was born June 21, 1857 in Fairchance Pa, son of James Potter Crothers & his wife, Mary M. Thompson. Flora I. Belles was born Mch 16, 1863 in East Liverpool O. She is daughter of William Belles who was a Civil War veteran who died Mch 15, 1864 8 days after he rtd from the army & his wife Mary Ann Neiland of East Liverpool O who was born at Syracuse NY June 16, 1841. They were married Nov 30, 1882 by Rev Chas M. Hawkins of Kansas City Mo. July 6/24 He died at Lyons Kan yesterday, July 5, 1924.


Mary Eliza Carothers, Born Jany 20, 1884 in Johnson Co Kan M. Mch 6, 1907 David Franklin Callis (youngest child of D.F. Callis of Illinois) who was born Apr 2, 1879. He is a farmer & lives in Farmer Tp, Rice Co Ks 6 3/4 2 & 2 ms north of Lyons.

Walter Jasper Callis, Born Dec 23, 1907, died Jany 28, 1909

Florence Thelma, Born Apr 15, 1910

Zelma Anola, Born Jany 24, 1916

James Roy Carothers, Born Aug 7, 1887 in Scott Co Kansas M. Apr 16, 1913 Ruth Warner who was born Jany 10, 1893, daughter of Wilbur Warner of Ohio. He is a farmer & lives 7 ms north in Victoria Tp, Rice Co Kansas. No issue.

William Charles Carothers, Born Aug 13, 1892 in Chase Co Kansas m. Dec 23d 1916 to Gertrude Cleora Norris who was born Jany 25, 1903 daughter of William Sylvester Norris aged 38 born say 1885 of La Junta, Colorado. They are living at No 2623 Jackson Blvd where he is a machinist. Wm Sylvester Norris's wife is Jessie Bettie aged 37 born say in 1886. She is Irish & Indian, 7 children in the family & home is at Kindrick, Lincoln Co Colorado.

Markle Sylvester Caruthers, B May 11, 1918. He had Infantile paralysis which left him crippled.

Fannie Pearl Carothers, Born Sept 30, 1903 in Rice Co Kansas M. Aug 19, 1922 to Hugh Clarke Keesling who was born Sept 10, 1901 in Rice Co Ks son of James Hay Keesling & his wife Elizabeth Clarke & they are living at No 349 N. Emporia Wichita Kansas where he is studying for a chiropractor doctor. he is 6 ft 1 inch & weighs 175 lbs.

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in 1891 to Chase Co Kan for one year & then on Sept 10, 1892, he landed in this town, Lyons Kan & has been here continuously since. Jasper is 5 ft 10 in tall & weighs 185 lbs. He is a member of the 1st Pres Church here & has been for over 17 yrs. D.f. Callis, his son-in-law is 6 ft 2 in high. After Mr Belles' death, Flora's mother married Samuel Cristler, who was also a Civil War veteran & whose first wife was Caroline Carothers from Shippenport Penna who had died the 2nd year of the war while he was in the service at Shippenport Pa & is buried there & who had but one child, a daughter who died in infancy. Mr Cristler died in Apr 1911. Mrs Cristler had but one child, Flora I. by her first husband & had three sons by her second marriage, one being killed in the mines, one died when a baby & the other, Charles M. Cristler lives here in Lyons Kan but is now doctoring & working in Kansas City MO. Mrs Cristler gets a pension & lives with Jasper & Flora. 11:46 AM

The Lyons Kansas Tel Book shows:

Markle, H.C. rural res Route 2 Tel 35 F 12

I had lunch or dinner with the family, Fannie Pearl & her husband being home on a visit & in the afternoon they & Jasper drove me out in the country in their Auto.

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At residence of Hiram Cooper Markle, Center Tp, Rice Co Kan Nov 29, 1922 1:16 PM

Mr M. says his grandfather, John Markle founded the town of Markleville, Ind, where his father & himself were born. He don't remember his grandfather & thinks he died in the 50's at Markleville Ind. Don't remember seeing his wife, nor does he know of his having had any brothers & sisters. His grandfather's children were:

1. Burke, thinks he never married

2. John, married Sarah _____ & had 14 children.

3. Samuel married Ann _____ & 2 or 3 of his boys live in Markleville Ind

4. Susan, only one left, married John: Justice, Lucy?

5. Narcissa married he thinks to a Markle

6. Agnes married Obadiah Seward & lived in Elm Wood Kan & a married daughter Mrs Phebe McNeill lives at NO 236 I. St San Bernardino Calif

7. George Washington Markle 6 ft 1 in tall & weighed once 311 lbs. He showed a picture of him standing showing a fine big man. He was born in Henry (or Madison) Co Indiana in 1840 & died in 1915 at Silvia, Reno Co Kan? aged 72? He thinks his sister, Ida, now Mrs Edward Whitt, living at Silvia Kansas got there [sic] father's bible.

He says to see his first cousin, son of John & who is older than he is viz: Samuel E. Markle, living at No 410 Burlington Ave York, Neb.

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Geo W. Markle had the following children: 1. Florella

2. Milton

3. Hiram C. my informant born Dec 27, 1866

4. William H. at Hutchinson Kan

5. Ida mar Edward Whitt & lives at Silvia Reno Co Kan who he thinks got her father's bible, write her for record.

6. Peter, lives San Bernardino Calif

7. Joseph lives Silvia Kansas

Leaving 1:36 PM

Says his aunt Susan has a son Jasper & he has heard of Jasper Markles in the family.

At residence of David Franklin Callis Lincoln Tp, Rice Co Kan Nov 29, 1922 2:15 PM

Mr Callis says his father came from about Jacksonville, Ills. His grandfather was Wm Henry Harrison Callis & his great grandfather was David Callis, A Virginia slave owner. He says:

Robert Buckthorpe Jacksonville Ills Dentist aged abt 50 would be a good party to see or write to.

We had to rush in Lyons Kan where I got the 3 o'c train into Hutchinson Kan where I got a taxi & drove out in the falling darkness to the:

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Home of Thelma Ardis Cunday, Grant Tp, Reno Co Kan Nov 29, 1922 5:44 PM

Willis S. Redburn, father of Mrs Cunday says his father, Joseph Benton Hart Redburn was born in Fayette Co Pa. He died in Stuart Iowa & is buried there, along with his wife, & has a tombstone. He died in May 1913? He says he was born in 1834 (see book 8 page 244. Mrs Quinche was not sure of the year). Willis says his own sister, Carrie now the wife of Richard Mckee, a clothing merchant of Stuart Iowa got the most of her father's papers & most probably the old bible record. If she don't have it, her brother, J.B. Jr living on a farm 4 miles south of Stuart would have it. He had 4 boys & 4 girls viz: Willis S., Jane (Robertson) Jemima (now Myers) Charlie, Fredericka (married Boelecker & died 20 yrs ago), Rutherford Hayes, Joseph B. Jr & Carrie (Mrs McKee).

Willis S. Redburn was born in Mahaska Co Iowa Dec 3, 1861 & married Jany 21, 1887 in Mahaska Co Iowa to Flora E. Higgason, daughter of Thomas Higgason, a native of Jimtown near Indianapolis Ind where she was born July 19, 1867 & have had children as follows:

1. Thomas Earl Redburn born Mch 23, 1888

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2. Joseph William Redburn born Jany 11, 1890

3. Albert Ray Redburn born Aug 10, 1891

4. Mabel Fay Redburn born July 2, 1894

5. Murry Edward Redburn born June 15, 1897

6. Thelma Ardis Redburn born Aug 24, 1899

7. Everett Wayne Redburn born May 4, 1904

8. Mary Opal Redburn born Feby 16, 1910

1. Thomas Earl mar 1st Beulah ______ & mar 2d _______. Living in Hoisington Kansas where he works in the shops. No issue

2. Joseph William died may 18, 1890

3. Albert Ray, married Grace King both living at Birmingham Ala where he repaints Autos. Have one child.

1. Albert Ray Jr aged 6 yrs

4. Mabel Fay married Feby 2, 1913 William Henry Kollhoff & live 1 1/2 miles north & 3/4 of a mile west from here in Grant Tp, Reno Co Kan & have 4 children viz:

1. Ruth Augusta born Nov 1914

2. Esther Louise born Jany 1916

3. Wilbur born May 1917

4. Chester born Labor day

5. Murry Edward married Violet Hoffman & live here in Grant Tp & have one child:

1. William Richard born July 1922

6. Thelma Aldis married Oct 18, 1917 to Clive James Cunday son of Frank Luther Cunday & his wife Marietta Shafer who was born at Nickerson Ks June 28, 1891 & have one child living & 2 dead:

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1. Clyde born & died July 14, 1918

2. Kenneth born & died Aug 3, 1919

3. Mildred Evelyn born June 13, 1921

7 & 8. Everett Wayne & Mary Opal are at home in Nickerson Kan.

Mr R. says his Uncle Martin Van Buren Redburn served through the Civil War from beginning to end & got back from the war to Missouri when they got word through someone else that he was living in Mo but don't know where. He was married before he went to war but knows nothing about his family. If there is a record, Mrs Mckee would have it. Says his father told him that his father, James T. Redburn had two sisters who lived to be 100 yrs old or more. He thought his grandfather died in Nebraska when they were crossing the country in a covered wagon, that his grandmother Redburn told him. She lived with W.S's father, Joseph B. for several years when he, W.S. was 14 yrs old, or less. Says there is a Mr Redburn in Hutchinson Kan whose name he thinks is John whom he met a year & a half ago aged around 80 years whom he met at Union religious meeting a year ago last October. He said he was a son of Rev John Redburn, who was a Baptist preacher. He lived on B. East 2d or 3d block off

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of Main & his wife was living & a son lived with them.

W.S. Redburn lives now in Nickerson, Kansas which I went through today going & returning from Lyons where he moved from the farm one month ago & his telephone is NO 87.

See Bk 5 P 342 Leaving 6:33 PM

I got in Hutchinson got my supper & phoned Mrs W.S.R. NO 87 Nickerson Ks & got John R. Redburn's NO as 220 East B. went there & Mrs Yost, an aged neighbor said they had moved to N. Monroe St in the 800 block. Went to P.O. & got No as 806 N. Monroe & went there & was told they had moved across the street to 821 N Monroe & going there, found his son:

A. Willis S. Redburn is a medium sized spare man with every indication of living to a great age. His daughter Thelma is a refined looking intelligent girl & seems out of place with her big tall uncouth looking husband. (It is now 4:30 AM Dec 20 & I will go to bed for a little sleep).

It is now 9:11 PM 20th & I am at Cousin Oliver J. Stough's residence 2170 4th ST, San Diego Calif & I will continue my transcribing.

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At residence of Charles Lindsey Redburn 821 N. Monroe St Hutchinson Kan Nov 29, 1922 9 PM

I phoned C.B. Rodarmel to wait up for me. Had phoned from the hotel to wait up until I came.

Mr Redburn says his father, John Riley Redburn is now at Ridgeway MO RFD 1 (which is in Northern MO) c/o A.B. Brumfield who married J.R.R.'s daughter Adelia & live on a farm. Chas L. says he has his father's bible with record but it has been left for safe keeping with his wife's mother, Mrs John Harvey Cupp who is living at Erick Okla, Beckham Co & say they will write for record & send it to me. He had six children viz:

1. Drury Nathan Redburn, Canyon City, Texas

2. Adelia Redburn, married A.B. Brumfield

3. Adam Franklin Redburn, Cheyenne Okla

4. Walter Bert Redburn, Blockton, MO

5. Mary Hester Redburn, married Westfall Clarkston, Wash.

6. Charles Lindsey Redburn born Mch 1, 1882 at Moulton Iowa, married Nov 26, 1905 at Mayfield Okla to Rilda Ann Cupp born in Chariton Co Mo Oct 11, 1879 the daughter of John Harvey Cupp & his wife Martha Ann Wassham & have three children:

1. Ralph Raymond Redburn born Apr 28, 1908

2. Dorothy Fay Redburn born May 16, 1914

3. Mabel Lucile Redburn born Feby 20, 1921

See Page 505

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Mr R. has charge of the egg dept of Grovier Star Produce Co here. Says will want a book. Then went to:

Residence of Bemis Elijah Jack No 413 First East Ave, Hutchinson Kan Nov 29, 1922 9:54 PM

Mr Jack says his father was James Porter Jack & that his father died when he was 13 or 14 (he, J.Porter Jack was born in 1831 on Xmas day & B.E. knows that he had lived at Bardstown Ky & Greenbush Ills). He was a Baptist minister & an M.D. from whence he came to a homestead south of Fort Scott Kan & from there to Arcadia Kan & from there to Eureka Springs Ark & from there to Lawrence Co Mo & from there to a farm near Drywood Kan where he died Nov 1901. He was married:

1st to Ann Willard, back east

2d to Huldah Sanders

3d to Anne Walker & had children by 1st wife:

1. William Jack in Arcadia Kan who can give line up away back

2. Wesley Jack, died young

3. Lucy Jack died young

4. Dora Jack, married Ed J. Richmond & lives at 1548 Detroit ST Denver Col & B.E. thinks she can give valuable information.

5. Perry James Jack lives Mulberry Kansas

6. George P. Jack lives Clayton New Mexico.

By 2d wife:

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7. Orpha Jack died young

8. Bemis Elijah Jack born in Lawrence Co MO Dec 3, 1885 & is in the electrical business here & was married Oct 18, 1916 to Maud Marie Sanders, daughter of Leonard T. Sanders & his wife Clara Brodrick who was born Dec 19, 1890 & have two children:

Thinks his father's bible was burned up when their house burned down in Kan.

By 3d wife, no issue. Leaving 10:17 PM

I then drove to the:

Residence of Curtis Benjamin Rodarmel 922 East Second St, Hutchinson Kan Nov 29, 1922 10:25 PM

He said he was born June 25, 1886, but the bible record gives it as July, see book 8 page 581 where I am entering his record as given me. At Curtis Benjamin's was also on a visit, George Washington Whitaker who lives at Pratt, Pratt Co Kan who says he was born Feby 5, 1873 & on July 22, 1899 married Carrie Cunningham Peterson widow of Wm Albert Peterson & daughter of Andrew Cunningham & his wife Maria Elizabeth Lawyer who afterwards became the 2d wife of James Rodarmel & who was born in Lawrence Co Ind Apr 11, 1878 & who had by her 1st husband:

1. Raymond Alden Peterson, born Jany 8, 1898

2. Harry Austin Peterson, born Sept 1, 1899 & died Oct 14, 1907 & by her 2d husband had:

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3. Walter William Whitaker born March 2, 1902

4. Ida Belle Whitaker born Sept 23, 1903

5. Arthur Jimmy Whitaker born Apr 23, 1908

6. Ernest Clifford Whitaker born may 25, 1914

7. Georgia Elma Whitaker born July 31, 1919

Curtis B. wants book. Leaving 10:55 PM

I then drove to 118 N. Elm & a lady there told me the Markles had moved. She allowed me to enter & phone & got their new number below:

At residence of Wm H. Markle 509 A. East St, Hutchinson Ks Nov 29, 1922 11:17 PM

Mr Markle says his sister Ida Whitt is at the depot now is on her way to her way to visit S. Edward Markle, her cousin at York, Neb, who lives in the town, a fruit tile? mgr who is a son of John & who is the man to see for getting record & his name is Samuel Edward Markle. He says Jasper Markle sounds familiar to him. He says Samuel Edward at York Neb lived at or near Marklesville Ind until he was 40 yrs old & being raised among them would know. Wm H. Markle was born in Madison Co Indiana Jany 11, 1868. He wants a book. Left 11:37 PM

Nov 30, 1922 12:27 AM at Hutchinson Kansas. Am going to bed as I wasn't in bed at all last night.

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At residence of Mrs Lucinda Ross & her son Samuel, Coldwater, Kansas Dec 1, 1922 12:30 AM

Mrs Ross said tonight that the sisters of Robert Fulton 1765-1815, inventor of the steam boat were Mrs Scott & Mrs Cook. Sarah E. Logan, she said met a Dr Grimes living near the line of Harrison & Jefferson Cos O who was a grandson of Mrs Scott & he called on of his girls Cook. She says Samuel Thompson, the elder (grandfather of Holmes) was 85 & his wife was about the same age.

Albert Pike Liberty Cafe, Coldwater Kan Dec 1, 1922 6:22 AM

I got to bed last night at 1:11 AM & a fine bed it was & got up at 6 AM & am here waiting for breakfast to be prepared. I recall that they told me last night that the court house had been burned down Halloween night last year having been set on fire they thought & while not able to prove it, Robert Calloway thinks it was chargeable to the Protection people who want the county seat moved to their town of Protection. Sam Ross was a deacon in Pres Ch & was elected Elder but wouldn't serve. The principal amt of my Lucinda Ross conference is on pages 597 to 602 book 8.

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At C.C. Isely Lumber Co Dodge City, Kansas Dec 1, 1922 2:11 PM

Marion A. Behee says he was born at Leavenworth Ks, the son of George Washington Behee & his wife Mary L. Clawson (Penna Dutch). The additional information he gave me is recorded in the table book 8 page 581. leaving 2:16 PM & went back to his:

Residence of Marion Albert Behee No 207 Juneau St Dodge City Kan Dec 1, 1922 2:22 PM

Mrs B. gave me the date of her birth which was not in the old bible & I entered it in place in book 8 page 581 & am also entering there the record of her children. She said "she was her mother's youngest child". She says her brother Charles moved from Colorado to McCracken Kan near here in Aug 1921. She says her brother George Rodarmel lives in Elkhart Kansas (which is in the southwest corner of the state) having taken a claim when it was opened up in Sept 1916. Had 5 or 6 children the last she heard. His P.O. is Elkhart Kans write him. Leaving 2:33 Pm

I then drove to Fort Dodge Kan & was soon at:

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Residence of Joseph W. Askley Cottage 101, Ft Dodge, Kansas Dec 1, 1922 3:22 PM

Mrs Askley knows her great grandfather's name was Moses Carrithers & he lived at Londonderry Ireland. Her grandfather John Carrithers came from Londonderry Ireland to America & to the Cumberland Valley & went from there to NY where they stayed 2 or 3 yrs & came then to Ohio near Toledo O where he carried corn to mill on horseback. They didn't like it there & in a short time, moved to Southern Michigan about 20 miles west of Hillsdale & 20 miles north of Coldwater Mich where he lived until 1870 & the family then came to Winchester Kan where Mary Jane & Elizabeth both unmarried had come about 5 yrs before because of the Covenanter Church there. She says Elizabeth wasn't born in NY that she was born on ship as her sister Mary Jane would often torment her about not being born in any country. Her grandfather John Carrithers died in Winchester Kan about 1884 (when her son Sam was 1 1/2 yrs old) not sure abt this & he just lacked a few week's of being 100 yrs old. He went out in cold weather & slipped & broke his hip from which he died. He married a scotch lady Lydia Speer. She died

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at 75 in Mich when Mrs A. was abt 10 yrs old. He, John Carrithers had brothers William & James who were younger than he was. They lived in Mich also in Branch Co (in which John lived) at Hall's Corners & died there. William had children William, Alexander, & Sarah Jane, Wm & Alex died in Mich. Sarah Jane went to Cincinnati O & got married & is still living there. Mrs A. will get her address & send it to me. Her great Uncle James had a son James who is living, an old old man, at Henpeck Mich. He married the widow Stewart (nee Lewis) who was a sister of Mrs A's mother.

Samuel Carrithers died Oct 19, 1897 aged 79 yrs. He was born in Londonderry Ireland & was 9 yrs old when he came to America. His brothers were Moses & John & his sisters Lydia, Sarah, Mary Jane & Elizabeth.

Samuel married Martha Lewis & had the following children in order of their ages. She says as given viz:

1. Mary, born 1852, Aug 21 & married R.J.C. Dodds & are living now in Pgh Pa.

2. Sarah, born Aug 9, 1854 at Ray, Steuben Co Ind, my informant

3. Amelia, born Aug 3, 1857 in Branch Co Mich & married Ramsey Thornberg. He is dead & she lives in Pgh Pa with her unmarried daughter Bernice.

4. Asa Lewis Carrithers born Sept 30

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1859 in Branch Co Mich & died Oct 19, 1920 unmarried at Winchester Kan. He was Postmaster for abt 17 yrs.

5. Lillian born Dec 11, 1861 in Branch Co Mich & married Wilkinson

6. Altha, a girl born June 5, 1868 the youngest.

"2.", Sarah Carrithers above, my informant of the afternoon on Mch 23, 1882 at Winchester Kan married Joseph W. Ackley who was born Mch 17, 1849 in Peoria, Ills, the son of Joshua Ackley & his wife Asenath Cummins. He enlisted when 14 yrs old at Fort Leavenworth in 17th Kansas Co A in 1863 & served until close of the war & got his discharge. He was on the frontier after the Indians in Kansas. He has been here at Fort Dodge Kan since Apr 1918 having then been seriously ill. He gets $50 a month pension & everything found. Their children are:

1. Samuel Carrithers Ackley born Dec 4, 1882

2. Lillian Charlotta Ackley born July 31, 1884

3. Lucretia May Ackley born June 5, 1887

4. Mary Marthena Ackley born Oct 24, 1891

5. Henry William Ackley born Apr 8, 1896

6. Joseph Wilson Ackley born Apr 8, 1896

7. Charles Addison Ackley born July 10, 1898, the youngest.

Mr Ackley was married before & had five children by his first wife making 12 in all ten of whom are living, married & doing well.

1. Samuel C. mar 1. Clara Montgomery & lives in Calif & has one child.

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He mar 2d Clara ______ at Pullman Washington. No issue:

1. Josephine, born June 28, 1905

2. Lillian C. died Aug 15, 1885

3. Lucretia May married Oct 24, 1902 to Frank Demo of El Dorado Kan where they live & he teams & have 6 children:

1. Franklin born Aug 14, 1903

2. Samuel

3. Frederick

4. James

5. Marceill, a girl

6. Emmett

4. Mary Marthena married Aug 1908 to Samuel Hurd & live in El Dorado Ks where he is a butcher. Have one child:

1. Lucile, born Feby 4, 1909

5. Henry William was overseas in the Rainbow Div 42d Div 117th casing? [cassion?] Co & was gassed twice & wounded once & was in the Argonne fight being 9 months upon the line & was then on the Rhine in Army of occupation being gone 22 mos. He married Dec 24, 1920 Helen Whitney & live in this county north of Spearville Ks where he is a farmer. No issue.

6. Joseph W. mar Mch 24, 1918 to Lillie Belle ________ & have one child:

1. Warren Joseph born Mch 10? 1922

7. Charles M. 1st Ruth Smith in Nov 1915 & are divorced he getting the child.

1. Frances Iona born July 31, 1917 & she has been legally adopted on Feby 16, 1921 by Mr & Mrs Ackley.

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He mar 2d Dec 24, 1920 Daisy Miller & both are living at Pittsburgh Kan where he is a "Santa Fe" painter No further issue.

Mrs Ackley said she knew her great grandfather Carrithers name was Moses because her Uncle Moses was named for him, ie for his, Moses' grandfather.

Leaving 4:55 PM on our way back to town we stopped again & this time found them at home at:

Residence of William Owens Rodarmel Dodge Tp, Ford Co Sughrue addition to Dodge City Ks Dec 1, 1922 5:22 PM

Wm O. R. says he was born in Chautauqua Co Kansas. See book 8 page 581 for record. His wife is daughter of George Alonzo Chase & his wife Kate Schwertzberger. Will says his brother Hugh's P.O. is Boxelder, Colorado, a country P.O. just a house, nearest RR stop is Granite Canyon, Wyoming which is 14 or 15 miles from his house.

His brother Charley is over on the Smoky River farming abt 12 or 14 miles north of McCracken Rush Co Kansas

Will says his sister Cordelia knows more of the family than all of them put together. Says if I would stop

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at Larned Ks & phone to Carl Christianson on the Ash Valley line, they would run in for me. Says he & his father are wealthy.

He says his brother George living at Elkhart Kans is 12 miles out ie 8 miles north & 4 miles west & is within 2 miles of the Colorado line. Leaving 5:46 PM

The time changes at Dodge City Ks to "Mountain" time. Mrs Osman said Dodge City used to be the wickedest & most lawless of all their cities as all the cowboys gathered in here. Coldwater Kan is 2000 feet above sea level & dodge City Ks is much higher. They have a 5 to 7 feet vein of coal at Bucklin Ks where we drove through midway between Coldwater & here that they are working.

Jasper M. Caruthers told me Wednesday that the two Santa Fe trails crossed near Lyons Ks & that all the 49ers passed over that route.

Mrs Osman said there was a two mile race track at Dodge City Ks & they had the finest of races there, bringing racing horses from all over the Union from NY, KY, California etc.

I took the train in the evening & getting off at Kinsley Kan I went by taxi to:

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Residence of Mrs Myrtle Belle Davis F 4th St Kinsley, Kansas Dec 1, 1922 7:48 PM

I was admitted by a sweet beautiful young girl which proved to be Martha Elizabeth Evelyne who was getting her lessons & notwithstanding it was before 8 o'c, she said her mother had gone to bed so I had to wait for her to get up & dress. I have supplied the additional names & have entered in the table in book 8 page 494 such dates & data as I had room for. Mr Davis was son of Arthur Davis & his wife Malinda Rose. He was born in Plattsburg Mo Dec 1, 1872 & died at Kinsley Kan Sept 17, 1916. Leaving 8:03 PM

Larkin Hotel, Larned Kans Dec 1, 1922 10:47 PM

I got to the Sta at Kinsley Ks just as the train was moving out & hired Lee Smith to drive me to Larned Ks 31 miles counting detours where we arrived at 9:54 PM

I recall that when leaving Cousin Lucinda Ross about 1 AM last night, I asked her if she was tired & she sd she had never gotten tired yet. I told her she was one of my kind, the first one I had met. Mr & Mrs Ackley wanted me to stay all night & both of them & Mrs Davis at Kinsley sd they would want a

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book. Rev. John W. Thompson is a short homely man with a bad breath & stood on a regulation carpet foot rest during his entire hour's talk. He has deep set eyes. Jasper M. Caruthers has heavy black eyebrows & is bent over very much like his father Uncle Potter was. Mrs Ackley who gave all the dates from memory noting the wen on my temple said I was a true Carrithers as one of her ancestors had a like one.

I arranged when I got in Larned for an auto to come for me before daylight so we took an early morning ride in the cook crisp air & arrived before the family generally was up:

At residence of Louis Christianson, Garfield Tp, Rush Co Kansas Dec 2, 1922 7:50 AM

Mr Louis Christianson was up & starting the fires. He says he owns this farm & expects to give it to his son Carl. He said he came from the Island of Bohn, Denmark to the U.S. in 1856 when aged 17 yrs being born in 1848. His wife was Emily Weber & his son Carl Benjamin Christianson was born on this farm May 23, 1883.

Mrs Jaco, nee Cordelia Eliza Rodarmel appeared at 8 Am & I am entering in the table in book 8 page 580 the record I got from

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her, her daughters & her brother Will O. Estella May, Mrs Folkerts is living with her mother & Mrs Christianson & was the one who admitted me with a wealth of hair flowing down over her shoulders, a dark haired, dark eyed vision of beauty, but Nettie appeared, she was still more beautiful but so much alike that they would pass for twin sisters. Their mother is tall, large & bulky. She said Will F. Rodimel's first wife had him change the name to Rodimel. She also said that Holzapfel who runs a confectionery in Larned Ks are related. Mrs Jaco thinks they are descended from Friend Rodarmel, thinks Mrs Holzapfel's mother, Mrs Yoder, was a daughter of Friend Rodarmel or his brother Will. Mrs Holzapfel has a sister, Mrs Wedje living in Larned Ks & another sister Mazie, married & living in Wichita Ks & a brother Will Yoder who died in Kansas City MO leaving one child. She don't recall name of their mother but their father Yoder is living in Kansas City MO & married to 2d wife. I was sorry to rush off so, as Mrs Jaco was well informed but I had to get back to make train so, left at 8:46 AM

Their P.O. address is Larned Kansas RD 1 Box 71. Mr Louis Christianson & Estella May were all that were up when I arrived after a 14? mile drive.

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At residence of Mrs Nellie Jane Halzapfel No 615 Main St Larned Kan Dec 2, 1922 9:22 AM

Mrs H's husband who I met when going out is Wm Holzapfel. She is a beautiful, intelligent, well dressed woman with every evidence of wealth & comfort. She said her father, William Yoder lived at No 3232 E. 32nd ST Kansas City MO & I have written to him. She said that his mother when her first husband Yoder died married a Rodarmel for her 2d husband & had three children by him or four 3 sons & 1 daughter & said Amos was the name of one of the sons. She thinks they spelled it Rothermel. Mrs H. has black eyes & beautiful features. Left 9:30 Am

At Sta 9:35 Am find train for Wichita Ks to be 1p minutes late but it should be here any time now as it is 9:44 AM JVT

At office of hall McCarty Black No 624 in 4th NBK Bldg Wichita Kan Dec 2, 1922 4:30 PM

Mr Black, a bright active young lawyer says his mother who was here last month & whose name & address are:

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Mrs Eliza Ann Fulton Black Freeport, Harrison Co Ohio & who was born in 1853 can give good record of her immediate family with dates etc & her brother Albert Fulton see book 7 p 122 Heyworth, Ills is a banker & they are the only children of their father by his first wife, Mary Boyd. He, James Fulton, married a 2d wife & had a several children, two daughters & a son, he spoke of all living near Heyworth Ills. Thinks his mother would have her father's bible record. She, Eliza Ann Fulton married Bourienne (he pro Boreen) Hutchinson Black son of Dr Henry Clay Black & his wife Rebecca? McCarty who was born in 1852 & died Mch 4, 1917 & had 4 children viz:

1. Ella Black mar James Clendenning a director in 4th NBK Cadiz O succeeding his father John & live at Freeport O. They both the Thos J. Green old homestead 2 or 3 acres in the village a big stone house.

2. Lena Rebecca Black married Paul H. Lawrence & live at Berkeley Calif

3. Chas Fulton Black married Bessie Willis & live in Freeport O, they having recently bought the old Jacob's estate 52 acres adjoining Greenmont Cem where Mr B's father, grandfather, & grandmother are all buried. His mother lives with Charles

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4. Hal M. Black, my informant. Born Feby 19, 1886 married Helen Jackson Sim & live at 4001 E. Douglas Ave Wichita Kan having come here Nov 1911 & is a partner in the law firm of Noble, Ayres, Black & McCorkle. He graduated from Franklin College New Athens O 1908 & from Cornell University 1911.

He has Martindales American Law Directory Annual 1922 Pub by Martindales Am Law Dir Inc Woolworth Bldy NY. Left 5:15 PM

Mrs Jaco is a rather large woman reminding me of Miss ELiza Ann Newcomer. Delma D. her granddaughter is a bright alert little girl & has very pretty black eyes.

The Antlers Hotel, Wellington Kansas Dec 2, 1922 8:48 PM

Will O. Rodarmel & his wife sd yesterday that his sister Eliza or Elizabeth had married a Beatty & lived down in Okla near Mrs Revellet's.

I got in Wellington Ks at 6:50 PM, got my supper but couldn't raise Victor C. Anderson on his phone 548 so I walked around to his residence, a one story frame at NO 115 North 9 & found it in darkness. It is 3 blocks from here. I then went across the

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street to the hardware & grocery store & a man there sd he saw in the papers that he had gone the day before Thanksgiving to Riverside farm near Arkansas City Ks so I will go down there on the train at 7:15 in the morning.

It is now just 9 AM 21st & Mrs Churchill is waiting for me & I have written all night & morning, notwithstanding I only laid down one hour Tuesday night.

At Cousin O.J. Stough's Friday morning Dec 22, 1922 8:30 AM No 2170 4th St San Diego Calif.

I went to bed last night at 10 PM & slept until 7 o'c this morning & have had a good breakfast & the sun is brightly shining. Oliver told me Tuesday night when I asked him if he had ever visited his grandfather James T. Redburn, near Cambridge O he said that he had, in company with his mother & his Aunt Mary Redburn. He told me too on Wednesday when out driving that on his return from the Mexican War after about a year's service, say in 1847, he had walked the streets of Cincinnati, O for three days seeking work & finally a well disposed business man eyed him carefully & said "I think you are telling the truth & are worthy of a trial" so he put him at work making coal buckets out of shot iron & gave him a poor room over the shop & his meals at table with the hired girl. In one week, he said he was eating with the

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family & had the best room in the house. He was making & turning out twelve buckets a day which was more than any of the old men in the shop. He said years ago that when he went to the Mexican War, he walked with U.S. Grant from the coast inland to Matamoras (or Monterey or Mexico). It is a matter of historical note in the family that returning from the Mexican War at age of 19 yrs he first found work in the same city, Cincinnati Ohio where about 35 yrs before, his grandfather, James Thomas Redburn when 40 yrs of age enlisted & went in to the War of 1812. Oliver seems well & strong for his 95 years & last night sang very sweetly & sonorously at the parlors of the New Palace Hotel where Miss Sounders, a beautiful young girl was playing the piano.

Val H. Schaeffer my cousin, came to the hotel for dinner with us. Mrs Churchill having telephoned in the morning to the Pacific Fleet Air Force for him & his wife Grace to come. She for the best reason in the world did not come with him. She was in St Joseph's Hospital here where on Sunday Dec 17, 1922 she had given birth to a 8 1/2 pound baby girl which they have called Mary lee Schaeffer partly for her sister. Val drove me to the hospital where we arrived at 8:30 PM & going to the third floor in room 303 graciously reclining on bed, I met her for the first time & a wise match

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Val has certainly made. She is beautiful, but what is far more, she is sensible & very genteel, sweet & gracious. Her home was in Birmingham Ala where she says Rex Woodward, whom I know married her cousin or second cousin. We talked for an hour & she reached for me to kiss her goodbye as we left about 9:22 PM

Back at 11:55 AM Dec 22, 1922

I went out with Mrs Churchill at 9:30 AM & went to Andrew J. Finley's at 3630 3d St. His hair is not gray yet, but his whiskers are & he has most all of his own teeth even at 94 yrs,but is hard of hearing. His wife who is 90 has gray hair but is well, strong, quick & active, is abt 5 ft 6 in heighth & is matronly. Their two daughters were very good & kind but both are hard of hearing, a Gaffrey inheritance. The notes I took down there as well as those taken on 20th I will note later in my record book as well as others taken yesterday & today. While I was at Mr Finley's, Mrs Churchill went & got another cousin, her sister, Mrs Craig, childless, to whom she introduced me there. Riding later with them here, Mrs Craig said she lived in the family when a girl of what they called their Uncle Jonas Stough in Geneseo Ills & his wife "Aunt Mary", his second wife, who she sd died a few years before Jonas did. She lived with

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them & went to school at Geneseo Ills & said Uncle Jonas was deeply religious when I told her I was married to Mary Anderson in Geneseo Ill Dec 11, 1879, she said she remembered very pleasantly, her father John Anderson & Mrs Churchill said she was married in Geneseo Ill 3 yrs later in 1882 & just as we came in here & she was repairing to her "First Nat Bank" for her key to get in, she spoke of being almost sixty coming up. Mrs Craig said their mother was the youngest of 11 children & they also spoke of Dr Samuel Stough, older half brother of Uncle Jonas who lived to be 97 having had 14 children & his having called one "J" & the next one "K" & of his wanting to call the next one "L" when his wife rebelled & said "you needn't think I am going to fill out the alphabet". From Mr Finley's, Mrs C. drove me to 644 14th St where I met Mrs Myrtle Markle aged 29 wife of Norman John Markle & she gave me the address in Los Angeles Calif of her father-in-law Eli Markle who lives with them but is there on a visit to his granddaughter. She said he spoke of his ancestors coming from Holland & says he is a native of Penna & came here in 1911 from Scranton Pa.

I will now copy what I can get done from the Finley Family Record Book being kept by their daughter Mrs Sweckhamer who loaned it to me.

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"Ella Finley Swackhamer,

Events & items I wish to remember:

Names Born Died

John Gaffney Sept 19, 1784, Sept 26, 1846

Priscilla Morgan Gaffney July 1, 1784, Oct 28, 1840

Hannah Wierman July 27, 1744 May 1828

Mary Craig Finley Apr 1767, Apr 1847

Robert Finley July 5, 1825


A.J. Finley thinks that Hannah Wierman was the German girl who came to America on the ship with Edward Gaffney about 1780 & who afterwards married him.


John Finley Nov 25, 1802, Feby 28, 1883

Rebecca Gaffney Finley Oct 6, 1807 Feby 26, 1856

Their Children:

Andrew Jackson Finley, Nov 14, 1828 living, my informant

William Patterson Finley, Nov 30, 1830, Nov 18, 1863

Priscilla Jane Finley, Oct 17, 1832, Feby 19, 1898

John Louis Finley, Apr 24, 1834, June 22, 1916

Robert Milton Finley, Apr 14, 1836

Mary Elizabeth Finley, Mch 27, 1838, Feby 2, 1909

Albert Porter Finley, Feby 16, 1840, Oct 10, 1918

James Edward Finley, Sept 17, 1842

Sarah Catherine Finley, Mar 31, 1845, Apr 1, 1846

Caroline Rebecca Finley, Feby 14, 1847, Dec 18, 1917

Willis Oscar Finley, Sept 5, 1849, June 3, 1909

Carter William Carter

Margaret Casebier Carter, June 1801

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(Name) Finley (Born) (Died)

Andrew Jackson Finley Nov 14, 1828

Margaret Jane Carter Nov 9, 1832, July 27, 1925

Their children

Demarius Arabella Finley, July 17, 1852, Jany 22, 1919

John Louis Finley Dec 6, 1853

William Jefferson Finley Dec 5, 1855

Mary Adella Finley Sept 23, 1857

Ella Bishop Finley Nov 6, 1862

Walter Baxter Finley July 26, 1866

Oscar Emery Finley Nov 2, 1868

Lena Osburn Finley Nov 2, 1868, Nov 18, 1868

Margaret Caroline Finley Jany 9, 1871

Daisy Nancy Finley Nov 30, 1873

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[This page is a neat chart written horizontally across the page which I cannot duplicate, so I will give the information is as clear a form as I can manage. CW]

Andrew Jackson Finley, born Nov 14, 1828, Ashland Co, Ohio, Married Oct 6, 1850, Stark Co, Illinois [to:]

Margaret Jane Finley, born Nov 9, 1832, Ashland Co, Ohio

Mathias Krypts Bryte, born Oct 23, 1847 married Mch 10, 1870 Stark Co Illinois [to:]

Demarias Arabella Bryte, born July 17, 1852, Stark Co Ills, died Jany 22, 1919 Shenandoah Iowa.

Ralph Elmer Hart, married Apr 25, 1906 in Shenandoah Iowa [to:] Lorena Maud Hart, born Jany 7, 1871, stark Co Ill.

George Leslie Hart born Nov 5, 1907

Paul Bryte Hart born Dec 27, 1909

Joseph Orr [Orn?] Kier, born Vinton, Iowa, died Lincoln Neb, married Oct 25, 1905, Shenandoah Iowa to:

Florence Belle Kier born Jany 22, 1875.

Josephine Maud Kier born Sept 5, 1906

Kathryn Belle Kier born March 8, 1909

Warren Everet Craft, married Sept 1, 1904, Shenandoah Iowa [to:]

Jennie Margaret Craft born Oct 9, 1878

Margaret Bryte Craft born March 15, 1906

Warren Estella Craft born March 31, 1908

Alta Finley Bryte born Sept 30, 1882

Bessie Bonnie Bryte born Oct 18, 1887, Shenandoah Iowa

Raby Bryte born May 1, 1891, Shenandoah, Iowa, died May 1, 1891 Shenandoah, Iowa

Conway Eugene Bryte born Dec 28, 1896, Shenandoah, Iowa

John Lewis Finley born Dec 6, 1853 Stark Co Ills, married Hastings Neb. [to:] Nelly Finley born 1864

Floyd Finley born 1888, Saint Francis, Kan

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written Jany 1919

Family Tree

II. Sir Martain Gaffney inherited the Gaffney Castle & estates in Ireland, Had no children. At his death, the property went to the government as no heirs could be found.

II. Edward Gaffney - possibly a brother or nephew of Sir Martain Gaffney - (not definite) born 1725 died 1827 (A.J. Finley thinks he was not 102) years old, came from Ireland when 25 yrs old, married on board of the ship on the ocean to a German girl, name not definite, either Miss Catherine Alstorts, or Miss Oldheart or Hannah Wierman. Edward died in his armchair after breakfast. Had 6 children: 1.2 Martain Gaffney, 2.2 John Gaffney (A.J.F's grandfather) 3.2 Francis Palmer, 4.2 Catherine Porter, 5.2 Elizabeth Ams [Ann?], 6.2 William.

1.3 John Gaffney (deaf mute)

Room 206 3d & top floor St Ann's Inn, Santa Ana, Orange Co, Calif, Dec 22, 1922 11:44 PM

I had to stop at the above point in going over Mrs Swackhamer's written book, in order to have a little time again with Cousin Oliver & I have penciled on the train coming down, several things to be recorded later. When I got in Santa Ana, there was no taxi at the station when I arrived at 5:33 PM but a man there with a truck for hauling trunks said he could bring me in his truck to St Ann's Inn, which was the best hotel in town & I thank him for bringing me here as it is an ideal location with a 200 feet yard in front & the meals, service & appointments are perfect. I asked his name & he said Harry Sebowsky who 8 yrs ago came here from Russia. After dinner, I went around to F.W. Whitesell's & walked back reaching here at 11 PM after traversing 9 blocks.

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At residence of Fletcher Otis Whitesell No 711 Lacy St, Santa Ana, Orange Co, Calif Dec 22, 1922 8:25 PM

I arrived here a little before 8 o'c & have been talking to Mrs Whitesell & Ruth. She has given me this good fountain pen to write with & has gotten out their family bible record from which I am copying:

F.O. Whitesell born Apr 27, 1867

Martha Visla Whisman born June 26, 1870

Their children:

1. Maud Evelyn Whitesell born Feby 28, 1893

2. Esther Elizabeth Whitesell born Aug 1, 1899

3. Ruth Gwendolyn Whitesell born Jany 22, 1906

4. Edmund Wilson Whitesell born June 19, 1911

Fletcher O. Whitesell and Martha V. Whisman were united in marriage Mch 28, 1891 by Rev Joseph Kinder, at Windfall, Indiana.

Esther E. Whitesell and George G. Brown were united in marriage Apr 21, 1918 in Santa Ana Calif

Maude E. Whitesell and Arthur C. Dean were united in marriage June 12, 1918 at Camp Cody, New Mex.

Lucile Marie born to Mrs & Mr Geo G. Brown March 31, 1920.

Martha Viola Whisman was born near Windfall, Tipton Co Ind the daughter of Edmund Perry Whisman & his wife Cynthia Ann Thatcher both of whom are living in Cicero, Hamilton Co, Ind.

George Garret Brown was born Nov? 1899, the son of George Brown & his wife Mattie F.

George G. & Esther E. live at 888 D. Street, San

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Bernardino, Calif where he is a moving picture operator. The record above is of their only child.

Arthur Charles Dean was born May 10? 1896 in Auburn NY the son of Charles A. Dean & his wife Elizabeth. No issue. They live at 1128 East 4th St Long Beach Calif. He runs the Kolagen Restaurant at NO 14 Elm St there & he weighs 260 lbs.

Charles L. Whitesell, son of Jacob of Philip of Jacob lives now at 659 Romuls St Los Angeles, Calif.

His sister, Lillian, now Mrs Edgar E. Watts lives at San Francisco Calif & their sister Mary Frances Whitesell lives with them. The address of 329 - A Frederic St was given to me by Mrs Nellie Harris of Noblesville, Ind who died from a stroke of apoplexy they tell me here at her sister Edith's in Texas.

In the obituary notice posted in his mother's bible from which the above record is taken is the obituary of her mother, F.O.'s grandmother in which it states:

"Ruhamah Wright, wife of Rev James T. Wright was born Nov 28, 1788 in Stokes Co, North Carolina. She was converted Oct 8, 1808 at Mount Zion Campground, Guilford Circuit, Virginia Conference & in the first Methodist altar said to have been erected in the county. Her maiden name was Cubbage & she was married to James T. Wright Apr 5, 1810. She died Jany 5, 1858." Mr Whitesell's mother died when he was

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about nine months old at Castleton, Ind & he was taken by his mother's sister, Elizabeth Hair, who had no children of her own & raised by her at Noblesville Ind where he learned the carpenter trade. In 1901, he moved to Battle Creek, Mich & came from there to San Francisco Calif where he arrived Apr 16, 1906, the morning after the earthquake & went to Mountain View Calif. From there went to St Helena Calif where they remained abt 3 yrs & came from there here in April 1912

Maud was born in Noblesville, Ind

Esther was born in Elwood Ind

Ruth was born in Battle Creek Mich

Edmund was born in St Helena Calif in the mountains.

Arthur C. Dean by reason of his size, 260 lbs, was prohibited from acceptance in the army service proper but they said we will take you anyway & make a cook out of you & his wife was a nurse. He was kept in the service at Camp Cody Texas & Mr Whitesell succeeded in getting him released about Feby 1919 & went into the restaurant at Long Beach which he later bought out & now owns.

Mr Whitesell is a Seventh Day Adventist. Leaving 10:35 PM

11:55 PM, I wish I could get as good a fountain pen point as the one they let me use around at Whitesell's in writing these three pages preceding. Mr Whitesell looks like he was good for 25 yrs more. He is medium height & build & is a carpenter. Mrs W. is short & a little dumpy & is a good woman. Ruth is a nice modest pretty girl. Don't know where Edmund was.

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Santa Ana Calif, St Ann's Inn Room 206 Dec 23, 1922 2:22 AM

In the Orange Co Bell Tel Directory for Aug 10, 1922 is: for Santa Ana:

Carothers, Mrs J.M. r 731 S. Main Tel 1412-R

Carothers, Charles, r 521 Wellington Tel 1970-W

Finley, Lulu B., r 634 N. French Tel 699-R

Finley, S.H. r 1633 E. 4th Tel 566-W

Finley, Steele, contractor 204 1/2 E 4th Tel 328-W

Finley, Steele, Asphalt Plant, Logan Tel 468-W

Finley, Steele, r 2112 N. Main Tel 289-R

No Jack, Kilgore, Markle, Redburn, or Rothermel


Markle, Abraham, r 205 S. Citron Tel 130-J

Markle, J.N., r 315 N. Olive Tel 283-R

No Caruthers, Finley, Jack, Kilgore, Redburn or Rothermel


Gunnett, W.E., r 709 W. Commonwealth Tel 374-R

Rothermel, A.H., meat market 114 N. Spadra Tel 86

Rothermel, A.H., r 128 E. Amerigo Tel 197

No Caruthers, Finley, Jack, Markle, or Redburn

Nothing in Garden Grove, Huntingdon Beach, Newport Beach


Finley, L.F. r 521 N. Glassell Tel 556-J

Nothing else


Finley, Geo H. Tel 544

Nothing else

Tustin, nothing.

It is now 3:27 AM 23d & I will go to bed.

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At residence of Wm Edgar Gunnett No 709 West Commonwealth Ave Fullerton Calif Dec 23, 1922 2:22 Pm

Mrs Dora E. Gunnett recd me most graciously & her husband & his brother are now in the room. Mrs Gunnett (accent on the last syllable as they are French from Alsace) has given me six pages to keep, giving records of her branch of the Jacks & will copy off some more & send me along with other data she hopes to get from the Bible record of her grandfather, William Jack for which she has written to her brother, John James Jack who lives at 4041 Troost Ave, Kansas Ave, Kansas City MO who has the old bible but he had had it & other records stored at Kirksville MO. She is also giving me letter from Mrs G.E. Peace, Glencoe Ky, granddaughter of Jane Jack Hampton which I am to copy & return with a carbon. Wm E. Gunnett was born in Beaver Co Pa thinks at or near Murdocksville, the son of Joseph Gunnett (whose father was Joseph) & his wife Caroline Hartford (the dau of John Hartford & his wife Margaret Elder)

Mr Abram Hartford Gunnett, brother of Wm E. says that James? Hartford, Thomas? Armour & Anderson, all brothers-in-law came from the north of Ireland & settled in what is now Beaver Co Pa being he thinks three original settlers. This James was father or grandfather of John above.

Leaving 3:14 Pm

Mrs Gunnett very kindly suggested that her husband would drive me over to Anaheim so he drove me first to A.H. Rothermel's at Fullerton & then to Rev Dr Abraham Markle's & then to Dr Jasper N. Markle's at Anaheim.

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At residence of Dr Jasper N. Markle NO 315 N. Olive St Anaheim Calif Dec 23, 1922 5:33 Pm

I arrived here about 20 minutes ago & Dr Markle has looked through the two bookcases & has found his father's old bible which is a large dilapidated one with black leather back & was printed at Hartford by Reed & Barber but no date is given. I am copying the record from the bible in this book:

"John Markle & Jane Black Johnston was married May 5, 1836 by Rev John C. Tidball.

Abe Markle and Cynthia Spence was married June 28, 1865 by Rev L. Taft.

J.N. Markle and Sue Phillips were married Dec 21, 1865 by Rev T.R. Crawford.

Rachel J. Markle & Geo Johnson M.D. were married Apr 13, 1870 by Rev J.S. Reed at Eddyville Iowa

D. Lafal Markle and Julia Linn were married Dec 20, 1900.

Holly A. Markle and Bessie Gay were married


John Markle was born Dec 25, 1806

Jane Black Johnston was born Jany 17, 1816

Their children:

1. David Johnston Markle, born March 31, 1837

2. Gasper Markle born Oct 4, 1838

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3. Abraham Markle was born March 13, 1841

4. Rachel Jane Markle was born Feby 26, 1843

5. Samuel Johnston Markle was born Mch 28, 1845

6. Mariah Margaret Markle was born Sept 24, 1847

7. Caroline Elizabeth Markle was born Feby 22, 1849

Dr Jasper N. Markle's children are:

1. DeLafal Markle was born Aug 25, 1867

2. George Shane Markle was born Feby 22, 1872

3. Holly Amphion Markle was born Dec 30, 1881.


David Johnston Markle died Aug 15, 1842

George S. Markle died Aug 20, 1874

John Markle M.D. died Sept 12, 1861

Jane Black Markle died Nov 10, 1866

Births continued

being children of DeLafal Markle:

1. Sue Julia Genevieve Markle born July 10, 1902

2. DeLafal Markle Jr born Aug 29, 1904

3. Robert Mark Markle born Feby 23, 1906

Dr Markle says he put the "Newton" in his name & changed it from Gasper to Jasper. He further says he was laying in a hospital in Cincinnati O when his father died.

He says his father & mother died at Tappan P.O. Harrison Co O where he had been practicing medicine & were both buried at the Pres Ch Island Creek g.y. He says he is 5 ft 8 1/2 in tall & weighs now 133 lbs had weighed 150 to 155 & that his father was his heighth but heavier build & weighed 185 lbs.

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He says he has no record of the births or deaths of his Markle Uncles & Aunts, nor does he know anything of the Abraham Markle Family bible. He knows nothing about Maxwells. Says he doesn't exactly know the order of ages of his grandfather's children. Thinks his Uncle Joe Markle was oldest, then Eliza Williams, then thinks Abraham, then Susan Shane, Deborah McCullough (who he thinks was older than Susan) & his father, John came after Susan, then Mrs Rosanna Lyons, then Sarah Jane Burgett, then Uncle "Jake", then "Bennie", he forgot Gasper who he says was one of the first, was in the War of 1812 & was near 30 yrs old when he died unmarried, thinks Mariah was just before or just after Susan & then Martha Ellen, Mrs House was the youngest. He produces a letter which I copy: viz

(Says there was a pair of twins among the early births, possibly the very first, one of which died quite young & the other lived to be 5 yrs old, making as his father told him, a family of 16 children & all grew to maturity except the twins, Jasper dying youngest of any that grew up. Says Wm Huscroft has been at Orange Calif several years, but he ha never seen him. Says he bought a big 10 acre ranch here at Anaheim, a fine Valencia Orange grove which sells fr $2500 to $4000 an acre & traded his orange property in & is going to move to it.

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Dr J.N.M. served in the Civil War 3 yrs 14 mos in 30th Ohio Vol Inf from June 17, 1861 until last of Sept 1864 when he was mustered out at Columbus O was in battles at Carnifex Ferry WVA, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, in the East was then transferred to the 15th Army Corps & was through the siege of Vicksburg, Mission Ridge (Chattanooga), Resaca & Jonesboro Ala when Atlanta was taken. He was a private throughout his service. He gets $50 a month pension but a bill just passing makes it $72. Was never wounded. His brother Johnson, got his wounded [sic] at Kenesaw Mountain & at Vicksburgh where he was shot through the left arm & right shoulder. The wound at Kenesaw Mt was a shell which struck him on the shoulder near the spine destroying the bone & necrosis set in later & killed him. Dr J.N. says he moved here Nov 1919 "coming from Carthage, Hancock Co Ill" where he had been located 30 yrs practicing medicine.

The letter above referred to is:

Waupun, Wis Dec 8, 1904

Mr J.N. Markle:

I had dinner Thanksgiving with Mr H.M. Taggart at Waupun. He spoke of you & your name, so I will send you something of an erly [sic] history of the Markle family. I was born at Terre Haute Ind. George Markle was my father.

Joseph Markle died Terre Haute, my Uncle

Nelson Markle died Bowling Green (Ind), My Uncle

Frederick Indiana Markle died Terre Haute Ind, my Uncle

Abraham Markle died Bloomington, Ind my Uncle

Henry Markle died Racine Wis, my Uncle

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My Grandfather was Abraham Markle from upper Canada, Frederick Markle of Terre Haute, Indiana built a large Planing mill at Allorf on the Kankakee River 8 miles below Kankakee City in 1856. My cousin, Theodore Markle of Terre haute Ind and myself have been trying to get a history Markle family and get same in book form, if this matter was carried out, it would be interesting to all.

Thaddeus W. Markle, Waupun Wis

Mr Markle says he answered him but got no reply back.

He says he has two copies of the History his brother Rev Abraham gave me & he will give him one of his. He says Abraham wasn't in any prominent engagement & was on Gen O.O. Howard's staff & a clerk in the office & was never wounded. Dr Jasper N. has snow white hair but there is plenty of it not at all bald, has a heavy white moustache, black eyebrows &has healthy red cheeks & would not be taken for over 65. Mrs Markle was Susannah Phillips daughter of Matthew Phillips of Belmont Co O & his wife Susannah Dickerson, who was born in Harrison Co O near New Athens. On Mch 8, 1843. Mrs Markle says her grandfather was Joshua Dickerson who came

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to Harrison Co O from Washington Co Pa among the very earliest settlers & hewed a home out of the forest. She says they came when her mother who was born in 1811 was abt 6 yrs old say in 1817. Mrs Markle is the youngest looking woman for 79 I have ever seen.

"Funeral notice. A.M. Shane deceased. The funeral will take place from his late residence of Broadway Thursday Jany 2, 1873 at 9:30 AM. The friends of the Family are invited to attend".

This is the older brother of Dr G.A. Shane & on the back of the card, he has written to J.N. Markle stating that he died Dec 31, 1872 at 10 AM. Dr Markle says he died at Canton, Stark Co O

Leaving 8 PM

Oct 7, 1924 10:50 PM, a letter dated Oct 1, 1924 from Dora E. Gunnett of Fullerton Calif & recd this morning states that Dr Jasper N. Markle died very suddenly at his home in Anaheim Calif Sept 18, 1924 aged almost 86 yrs & was buried Saturday Sept 20, in "Loma Vista Cemetery", Fullerton Calif. The clipping from paper of 19th says he was sitting on his porch & expired as his family came in from a drive. The clipping says he had conducted a drugstore in Carthage Ills & had lived in Anaheim about 5 yrs. Says his son H.A. & wife came from St Joe MO to make their home with them. Says he was a member of the Pres Ch & the G.A.R.

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At residence of John Chauncey Huscroft No 229 N. Glassell St, Orange Calif Dec 24, 1922 9:27 AM

I arrived here at 9 o'clock & have met Mr H & his wife. The old deeds Dr Abraham Markle spoke of his having had been lodged in the Court House at Steubenville O & about 9 yrs ago, when his attention was called to them & the name of Markle appearing on some of them, he spoke to his father about them & the told him to get them so they were turned over to him by the Court House officials. Three of them are here as follows:

No 1. Parchment Patent from the U.S. Cft in upper left hand corner No 1198 to Hans Wilson of Steubenville for the East half of SW 1/4 of Sec 5 Tp 11 Range 3 in the Dist offered for sale at Steubenville O ctg 80 A. He is named later in the patent as Henry Wilson. Dated June 23, 1825 & signed:. J.T. [best guess on initials] Adams

By the Pres, Geo Graham, Com of the land off recorded July 6, 1905 deed record 91 page 1 Eli Fetrow recorder

No. 2. was issued to Alexander Lowry of Jefferson Co O for SE 1/4 of sec 5 Tp 11 Range 3 & is dated Aug 25, 1825 signed same as above was no 620 recorded Vol 53 page 18 recorded same book & page as above at Steubenville O.

No. 3. This was issued to James Lowry of Jeff Co O for SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec 5 Tp 11 Range 3 ctg 40 25/100

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A & is No 3636 Recorded Vol 8 P 140 is dated Apr 1, 1837 & is signed. by the President Martin Van Buren by a Van Buren secy Saml D. King, acting recorder of the General Land Office ad interim Recorded July 6, 1905 in Deed Record No 91 page 2 (at Steubenville O) Eli Fetrow Recorder.

Other of these old patents or deeds in the name of "Markle" are up at the school where Mr H's daughter took them to show the Prof or teacher a wk ago & being Sunday, they cannot get them but Mr H. says he will send them to me by registered mail & after I have made note of same I am to return by registered mail. Mr H. shows me pictures on wall of his front room of his father & mother which are striking likenesses, that I should have for my book. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Dec 16, 1908. Wm Huscroft & Martha Edginton. Mr John C. Huscroft is a virile strong active middle aged man of medium build with a strong smooth face & his wife is of average height & rather heavy build but is a handsome pleasant smiling woman & I would say an admirable wife, mother & housekeeper. She is busy this morning cooking the Christmas turkey.

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John C. Huscroft, son of Wm & Martha Huscroft was born in East Springfield Jeff Co O Feby 16, 1866 & was married in Steubenville O by Rev Geo Miller Pres Pastor on Dec 26, 1912 to Lulu Esther Robinson, daughter of Wm Henry Robinson & his wife Margaret Woods, who was born in Steubenville O Jany 1, 1881. Mrs H. had been married to Charles Horne & was his widow when married & had one child:

Elizabeth E. Horne born Oct 31, 1902 & who lives here with them.

Mr & Mrs Huscroft have had no children. See Book 5 P 574.

I am entering now (midnight 24th at Room 610 Hotel Van Nuys, Los Angeles Calif) the notes taken in pencil yesterday, in order seen:

At residence of Joseph Martin Carothers No 731 S. Main St Santa Ana Calif Dec 23, 1922 9:42 AM

Mrs C. says her husband has gone to work & will not be back until 5:30 PM as he is now working in a sugar factory. He was born in Lebanon, Warren Co Ohio June 22, 1853, the son of Armstrong Carothers, who was a native of Penna & who died at Tontogany, Wood Co O where also Mrs C. says she was born & they came in 1910 from there & settled here where they own this, their own home. Armstrong Carothers died in Wood Co O & he had

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See book 17 p 339 See book 9 P 138

brothers George & Josiah. George lived in Lucas Co O close to White house & died there. He & his wife separated & she don't know about whether there were any children.

The last she heard of Josiah, he was in Warren Co O & she supposes he died there. Her husband has two brothers & a sister living viz:

See book 19 P 534-41

1st William J. Carothers living at Bellflower Calif, thinks in Los Angeles Co on Pacific Electric line from Santa Ana to Los Angeles. He is considerable older than Joseph M & has a family.

2d Josiah, named for his Uncle & living now in Greenville, Darke Co O. He is a farmer & lives a mile out. He has had two children, both married, wife dead & he is living alone.

3d Jennie, married to Lewis Gundy a first cousin of Mrs C. & they are both living at Ann Arbor Mich where he is on a large ranch about a mile out. Have 3 children. Mrs C's maiden name was Laura Isabella Gundy, born Jany 6, 1858, the daughter of Jacob Gundy & his wife Isabella Jeffers & she & Joseph M. Carothers were married Aug 9, 1877 by Squire White at Bowling Green, Wood Co O & had had children:

1. Bertie, a boy born Dec 29, 1878 died unmarried Aug 9, 1905

2. Otto Lawrence born May 18, 1881 He died unmarried in Ohio Jany 29, 1910 & by reason of losing their two sons there, they left in March 1910. Both were born in wood Co O & died there in same house.

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3. Oscar Allen born Oct 1, 1891. He married Aug 4, 1920 at Santa Ana, Calif, Mildred Swarthout who was born in Feby 1896. She thinks at San Juan Capistrano, Calif, daughter of Albert Swarthout & his wife Maud Hoffman. They live here at No 1122 West Chestnut St where he is a meter man for the Gas co. No issue.

4. Eva May, born in Ohio Jany 4, 1897 & married Oct 13, 1918 here. Sidney Willard Allender who was born Feby 4, 1893 & they live here with her parents. he is also a meter man for the gas Co. The family belong to the South Methodist Church. The place where William J. Carothers lives is just this side, south of Watts near to Los Angeles where they own property 1/4 miles from the electric line.

Leaving 10:11 AM

Mrs C. said Charles Carothers had lived just across the street from them but her husband had never talked about the relationship, if any, but she & Charles' wife had once talked about it. I then drove to:

Residence of Charles Carothers No 521 Wellington St, Santa Ana, Calif Dec 23, 1922 10:22 AM

A pretty little girl with white hair admitted me & has gone to call Mr C. She has returned & says she is his daughter Margaret. He has come in & says his father was Robert & his grandfather also

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was Robert & that his great grandfather whose name he doesn't know came to Penna and settled & he thinks two or three of his brothers went to Kentucky & he has gone to hunt up a copy of a letter that was written from KY giving family data to his grandfather. The original letter is in possession of Mr C's Uncle Joseph C. Carothers who lives on the old home farm taken up by his grandfather Col Robert Carothers near Turtle Creek Pa & who is aged abt 78 yrs. Charles copied it when he was back there some ten yrs ago. He says his mother aged almost 90 is living in Dakota, but says she would not know as much about the early Carothers History as his Uncle Joe would. He says he knew Capt Thos McMasters & his daughter Katie & says he was a fine man. He also knew John M. Larimer & A.O. Tintsman. he says his father, Robert Carothers graduated from Washington College Pa about 1856 or earlier & later from Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny Pa & his first charge was as pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Tipton, Cedar Co Iowa, where Mr C. was born Aug 22, 1863. His father left Tipton Iowa in 1866 when he was 3 yrs old & went back to Turtle Creek Pa to take the Pastorate of Cross Road Pres Church near there from which he had received a call, it being the Church in which he was reared & in which his own brother, James Carothers was a Ruling Elder & which

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office was probably held by his father Col Robert Carothers who was a Colonel in the State militia. he shows me a pistol, well preserved, a 15 inch holster being one of two his grandfather had owned & which he rescued & saved after repeated calls for it from the attic of a McClelland family at Turtle Creek who had borrowed it. Robert Jr was pastor there 11 yrs until July 1877 when he gave up his charge to take charge of the Iowa College for the blind, a State Institution at Vinton, Iowa & continued there 5 yrs until he died there Mch 18, 1882 aged 50 or 51 yrs. He was married at Swissvale Pa to Emeline Emma Milligan daughter of Robert Milligan & his wife Irvine? His widow is still living at 521 S 4th Sts Grand Forks North Dakota, aged his wife said 86 yrs. Mr C's cousin Frank Hawkins Milligan lives at Kloss Inn Apartments on Broadway near Elm St, Long Beach Calif. Col Robert Carothers died on the home farm in Patton Tp one mile NE of Turtle Creek & his son Joseph Criswell Carothers aged abt 77 owns & lives on the farm & could give most information about the early family, as he has lots of old letters & papers & no doubt has Col Robert Carothers Family Bible. Col Robert Carothers wife was a Shaw.

When Charles Carothers was back at Turtle Creek Pa Feby 16, 1910, he copied a letter written Aug 3, 1836 to his grandfather from his Uncle Adam in KY which is as follows:

Apr 12/26 This Joseph C. Carothers aged 87 yrs a director of Turtle Creek Trust Co died on his farm Feby 23, 1926 JVT

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"Point Comfort Aug 3, 1836

Dear Nephew:

It was with great satisfaction I recd yr letter of the 2d of June 1835. I answered it immediately, but I have not recd another line from you. I am anxious to know what is the matter. Is the P.M in fault or do you wish to drop the correspondence? I should extremely regret to find that the latter is the fact for I do assure you that there can be no man that wishes to hear of the welfare of his friends more than I do. Dear nephew, through the ever continued mercy of God, myself & family are well at this time & all my children & families are enjoying good health. I have had eleven children, nine sons & three daughters namely, Francis, William, Charles, Jane, Robert, Ruth, John, Mary James Alexander (died) Joseph, Adam & Isaac.

1. Francis is married & has 5 children, 3 daughters & 2 sons

2. William has had 3 daughters & 1 son (2 of his daus are dead)

3. Charles had 2 sons & a daughter

4. Jane has 3 sons & 2 daughters

5. Robert has 2 sons

6. Ruth has one daughter

7. John is not living at home but is keeping store in Jeffersontown about 12 miles from me. Our wheat crops are but middling, corn looks promising, wheat & rye is worth 75 cts corn 37 1/2. There is great excitement here at this time about war. Gen'l Gaines made a call on our state for 1000 mounted men to join him at the Sabine on the border of Texas & it is supposed

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that at least 5000 volunteers immediately turned out. Give my love to your father, mother, brothers & sister & to all inquiring friends. I wish you to write immediately on receipt of this. I conclude by sincerely wishing these hasty lines may find you all enjoying health & prosperity. We remain your affectionate Uncle & Aunt,

Adam & Elizabeth Carrithers

Robert Carrithers

P.S. Direct your letters to Wilsonville Shelby Co KY

The above letter was written to my grandfather Carothers & is in possession of Uncle Joseph C. Carothers, Turtle Creek Pa copied Feby 16, 1910.

Charles Carothers

Direction on letter is as follows:

[postmark] Shelbyville Aug 4. Col Robert Carrithers Pittsburg, Penna. [upper right hand corner has number:] 25. [positioned slightly left of center at the bottom of the envelope is:] Wax seal here.

Mrs Carothers has produced a small old pasteboard back book 3X6 inches entitled: "Select Remains of the Rev John Mason A.M. late Rector of Water-Stratford County of Bucks" Published by Patterson & Hopkins & printed by Silas Engles & Co Printers 1811 Pittsburgh. On front flyleaf is written:

Mr Charles Carothers book price 25 cts Sept 17, 1814"

On the back of the title page & just preceding preface is written in another hand "Charles Carothers Book Jany 8, 1846.

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Let him who thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall 1846".

On the back fly leaf is written:

"Charles Carothers Book June 11, 1815" Same hand as in front and below.

"Joseph C. Carothers"

Charles Carothers was married at Emerado North Dakota, July 14, 1898 to Mary Elizabeth Raymond (by Rev John Myers Pres Pastor). She was born Sept 4, 1879 at Port Elgin Ontario Canada, the daughter of Henry Raymond & his wife Margaret J. Austin & have the following children:

1. Charles Raymond born Apr 21, 1900 at Grand Forks North Dakota. he is through school, single & at home. Didn't see him.

2. Dorothy, born Grand Forks N.D. Apr 7, 1902 is now a junior class of 1924 in Pomona College at Claremont Calif. She was there at home.

3. Margaret born in Minneapolis Minn July 18, 1909. it was she who admitted me.

Leaving 12:12 PM

Mr C. took me to the hotel, Owl taxi Co & crown stage Sta & he & they all were very kind. I must go see his Uncle.

I had gone first on Saturday morning to the:

Office of Steele Finley to see his brother Solomon Henderson Finley, Civil engineer 204 1/2 E 4th St Santa Ana Calif Dec 23, 1922 8:50 AM

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He was just leaving but his stenographer called him back for a telephone call from his sister Lulu B. Finley, see page 40. His brother Steele Finley when I called him on the phone told me to see S.H.

S.H. is about 60 & told me his father was Andrew Finley & his grandfather James Finley born 1783 had gone from VA to KY. Some of his people joined the daughters of the Amer. Rev through his great grandfather, John Finley who entered from VA. He had to go but said he would write me giving information & send me copy of their D.A.R. papers. He gave me to copy & return a recent letter dated Briscoe MO Dec 12, 1922, he had recd from his cousin Mary F. Wilson covering 4 pages note size paper. I left at 9:10 AM

I took the 12:30 PM stage at Santa Ana & went to Fullerton Calif & took a taxi to Dora E. Gunnett's report of which is noted on pages 41. She & her husband & his brother were exceedingly kind & their 2 yr old curly headed grandson was there. Mr G. drove me to:

Residence of Albert Henry Rothaermel NO 128 E. Amerize Fullerton Calif Dec 23, 1922 3:44 PM

Mr R. thinks his grandfather's name was John Rothaermel & says he came from Germany (his

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wife thinks from Hesse) to Berlin, Canada, a German settlement & married after he came there. He died there abt 25 yrs ago aged about 90 yrs. He had 7 daughters & 3 sons. He was a Mayor or tax gatherer. Among the children he had was a Mary, the youngest of the family & sons were William, Henry & Peter. Peter was born there abt 74 yrs ago. Wm & Henry were both older than him. Mary the youngest of the family married Jacob Strop & she died abt 5 yrs ago at Bryn? Athen? Pa where there is a big Swedenborgian Church. Mr R. is a Catholic (since his marriage, he says). Peter Rothaermel abt 42 yrs ago say 1880 came to the U.S. & settled in Wellsville MO & later came to Ontario Calif where he died abt 18 yrs ago. He was a butcher. His children were Olga, Frederick, Albert H., my informant, born Feby 2, 1879, Laura & Charles, their being about two yrs difference in their ages. He was born in Berlin, Ontario Canada as were Olga & Fred & Laura & Charles were born in Wellsville MO. he says his Aunt Mary's son Emil Stroh at Ontario Calif living on San Antonio Ave could tell much more about the family than he can. Write or see him. He is older than A.H. A.H. weighs 245 lbs & is just 6 ft a big strong man. Write also to Albert Deering, Kitchener (before World War was

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Waterloo) Ontario Canada who married A.H.'s mother's sister. Says he could give information. His wife names Laura, Louisa & Elizabeth as 3 more of the 7 sisters above mentioned. Leaving 4:07 PM

W.E. Gunnett then drove me on to Anaheim Calif where we stopped.

At residence of Rev Dr Abraham Markle 205 S. Citron St Anaheim Calif Dec 23, 1922 4:44 PM

Dr Markle is a virile medium sized man, strong & active for his age. He says he was born in Eastport, Tuscarawas Co Ohio Mch 13, 1841 & on June 28, 1865 was married at Newark O by Rev Taft a Methodist preacher to Cynthia Spence, daughter of Malachi Spence a minister of the Christian Church & his wife Eunica Moore who was born at Indian Grove Ills Aug 12, 1846. No issue.

Dr Markle enlisted June 8, 1862 in Co E. 129th Ill Vol at Pontiac Ills & was discharged abt June 10, 1865.

He commenced preaching abt 1868 in the Christian Church & retired abt 1914. He came to San Diego Calif from Chanute Kansas in 1889 & preached there 4 yrs. (was at Chanute 5 yrs) & then to Bakersfield Calif 2 1/2 yrs & to Redwoods in Humbolt Co 7 yrs (5 in Fortuna & 2 at Eureka)

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& from there came here about 1909 & preached until he retired. Was in battles of Atlanta Campaign with Sherman on the march to the sea & up through both Carolinas then through Richmond Va to Washington DC in the grand review. he is a member of the Historical Soc of Wash DC. he gave me the business address of Wm A. Huscroft no 211 W. Chapman St Orange Calif Tel 54. He is a grandson of Deborah Edgington McCollough. He said he was to see him two weeks ago (it was however his brother John) expecting to meet me. He said he had a lot of old deeds made to the Markles. He says his brother Jasper N. M.D. has their father's bible. Left 5:05 PM

Mr Gunnett then drove me to the residence of Dr Jasper N. Markle where I bade him goodbye & he returned home. I arrived shortly after 5 PM & was with him & his wife about 3 hrs & my conference is recorded on pages 42 to 47 inclusive. I told Mrs Markle of her relationship to President Harding, she being a first cousin of his mother of which she knew nothing. Jasper N. spoke of passing over the battlefield of Antietam just after the battle & saw the new made grave of Lieut Markle (Hannah E. Lawther's Uncle) with the head right by a tree & feet straight

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away from the tree & his name posted on the tree saying he was buried there. They marched through Frederick Md & when he saw the name of Markell over a store, he broke ranks & told Mr Markell who thanked him saying the brother was coming next day to get the remains. Jasper N. then had to hurry on & get in the ranks.

I walked from J.N. who wanted me to stay all night up to the Hotel Valencia buying some hickory nuts, english walnuts & persimmons from a little Jap girl like Yeda at the O.K. Grocery, got my dinner at the Oyster Loaf Cafe, got a taxi & drove to:

Residence of James David Johnson No 1243 Pearl St (outskirts of the town) Anaheim Calif Dec 23, 1922 10 PM Route 2 Box 1

Mr Johnson is the son of Owen Johnson & his wife Nancy Thompson, dau of John of James 1758-1835 & says he was born in Jasper Co MO between Carthage & Joplin 8 miles north of Joplin MO on Oct 28, 1860. Says they left MO when he was 3 yrs old & went to Bourbon Co Kan near Uniontown Ks & on Aug 16, 1880 was married to Wilhelmina Griffith daughter of Jesse Griffith & his wife Nancy Stiers. She says she was born in Bourbon Co Kansas near Uniontown Apr 7, 1865 & have had ten children all living but one viz:

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1. Charles Sumner Johnson born Nov 10, 1881

2. William Leander Johnson born July 11, 1882

3. Jessie Mariah Johnson born Nov 21, 1883

4. John Thompson Johnson born Sept 7, 1886

5. Benjamin Harrison Johnson born May 1, 1889

6. Ernest Ralph Johnson born Dec 11, 1890

7. Ruby May Johnson born Dec 21, 1896

8. Josie Alice Johnson born Feby 11, 1904

9. Dollie Phalota Johnson born July 26, 1906

10. James Robert Johnson born Feby 27, 1911 & he died Mch 15, 1911

Mrs Johnson read the above names & dates from her small family bible & says the first five were born in Bourbon Co Kan. Ernest Ralph was born in Crawford Co Ks & the last four were born in Neosho Co Kansas.

1. Charles S. Johnson is unmarried & lives at Piru Calif where he is a rancher.

2. Wm Leander married July 14, 1905 to Mamie Mahan, dau of Hosea Mahan & his wife Elizabeth Abell. They live in the Imperial Valley Calif where he is a farmer & have 4 children: all born in Neosho Co Kansas

1. Ola, a boy born Oct 14, 1906

2. Glenn born Oct 1908

3. Lillian born Nov 27, 1909

4. Harold born Apr 1912?

3. Jessie M. was married May 1908 to Charles Ermey son of Philip Ermey & his wife Angeline Spears & they live at Erie Kansas where he is a farmer & driller. Have four children: all born in Neosho Co Kansas viz:

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1. Vestal, born Aug 1, 1908

2. Lola born Mch 4, 1910

3. Eula Byrl born May 14, 1918

4. James Philip born May 1, 1921

4. John Thompson married Nov 7, 1909 Minnie Hodges at Escondido Calif dau of Robert & Eliza Hodges. They live at Anaheim Calif P.O. address Box 232 Route 3 & are 2 1/2 miles N.E. where he is a rancher. No issue.

5. Benj H. is at home single.

6. Ernest R. married June 26, 1920 Olive Laufelt, dau of Joseph Laufelt & his wife Rosa Lee & live at Anaheim Calif where he is a rancher 15 miles NE. No issue.

7. Ruby May married Oct 29, 1913 Wade Showalter, son of George Showalter & his wife Maggie Beard of Erie Ks & live at Chanute Kan where he is a farmer 4 children all born in Neosho Co Kans

1. Roland Showalter born Feby 10, 1914

2. Naomi Showalter born July 13, 1916

3. Inez Showalter born Sept 14, 1918

4. Joe Showalter born July 27, 1919

8. Josie Alice is at home, unmarried is a handsome large girl, not tall & was with her mother, a very good assistant informant & she & her sister Dollie admitted me & called their parents. Handsome & attractive.

9. Dollie Phalota, at home single a very pretty attractive young girl

Mrs Johnson is a large matronly

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woman heavy set, a real housekeeper & housewife, who works. She was pleasant cordial & intelligent. Mr Johnson is well preserved for 62 smooth face & virile. He spoke of his Johnson's coming from Greene Co Pa.

Left at 11 PM

I then went back to the Hotel Valencia & wrote until 2 AM went to bed got up at 6:55 got my breakfast & took the 8:15 Am Crown Stage for Orange Calif & went right to John C. Huscroft's & have recorded on pages 48 to 50 what I learned there. He then drove me out in Orange Tp 4 miles to his 17 acre Orange Grove which is a dandy. He has 1700 orange trees all but two or three being Valencias (he filled my overcoat pocket with 11 from his naval orange trees, they being now tart & sour which I like) from which he sold $14,000 worth of oranges this year & his excellent full crop will yield more next year. He said he was offered $75,000 for his grove but refused it. He showed me how he enriched his land by plowing under milota, a species of clover ect & showed me their irrigation system, the water being brought 40 miles from the mountain. He also showed me a young persimmon tree 3 yrs old only 4 ft high from which he gave me as big & good a persimmon as I ever saw. Also showed me figs growing

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on the trees, peach trees etc. etc. He said down south east in the Cochilla Valley & just north of the Imperial Valley they are growing dates that are 80% sugar while here they are but 38%. Says by reason of that yield, land there sells for $10,000 an acre & here it rates abt $4,000 to $4500. He then drove me in town & we were soon at:

Residence of William Abram Edgington Huscroft No 524 E. Chapman ST Orange Calif Dec 24, 1922 11:55 AM

Wm A.E. Huscroft was born at East Springfield O July 16, 1868 & was married in Steubenville O by Rev Stahl pastor of the Christian Church Dec 14, 1911 to Wilda Phrania Daugherty dau of David Wise Daugherty & his wife Anna Elizabeth Johnston who says she was born in Unionport O on Feby 26, 1886 & have five children:

1. Anna Elizabeth born in Steubenville O Oct 1, 1912

2. Martha Edgington born in Steubenville O Nov 14, 1914

3. Wilda Romena born in Steubenville O Sept 9, 1917

4. William George born in this house Aug 8, 1920

5. Chauncey Bee born in this house Sept 9, 1921

Wm A.E. Huscroft was sheriff of Jeff Co O from 1913 to 1917 elected on the Republican ticket & his brother John C. was his chief deputy. He had the first I.W.W. strike to contend with & broke it up there & drove the leaders See Book 5 p 574

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out of the state & they went to Colorado. They are both strong active energetic pushing men & the home life at W.A.E's is an inspiration & delight & they were all sincerely thankful & pleased that I came to see them. i swung Martha, Wilda & Wm George & they were tickled beyond measure & Martha who has my identical life line & who is a veritable dear said: "I don't want you to go". Anna Elizabeth, a petite pretty young girl had been at church & came in just as I was leaving. Wm A.E. said he came from Steubenville O to Calif in June 1918 coming right to Orange & settled here.

he says Beulah Sanderson married a German officer of great wealth & rank & lived within a block of the Krupp works & had 37 servants. Her sister Gwendolyn married a lawyer named Mason & expecting the birth of a child went to Germany for the twilight treatment & reaching the border was told by the cruel Germans that her unborn child would be offered for a sacrifice which unhinged her reason & they killed her along the line either in Germany or France during the war. Her husband has married again & is a U.S. Atty now in Denver Colorado & Beulah & her mother Margaret Sanderson are at some hotel in Denver now. Beulah has gotten many family records, in fact

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spent 3 yrs in genealogical work & has the Edgington family run away back. They say it will save me a lot of work & advised me writing for their address to their sister, Mrs Martha E. McCauslen which I have done, as I must see her at all hazards. Wm & John both want copies of the book when published.

I left at 12:22 PM & they drove me to the Crown Stage Sta where I took the 12:35 P.M. Stage & arrived at Los Angeles Calif & came to the Van Nuys Hotel on arrival at 2:30 Pm arranged my programme yesterday afternoon & got my dinner & went to work at 8 Pm or midnight writing this record on page 50 & have written all night & it is now 9:22 AM Dec 25, 1922 at room 610 & a bright Christmas morning & I will go down to breakfast.

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At residence of Mrs Minette Adatte No 723 Pico St San Fernando, Los Angeles Co, Calif Dec 25, 1922 2 PM

I arrived here 15 minutes ago & find Mr Eli Markle here visiting his granddaughter. He is a spare, active virile man. He says his father was Jacob Markle & says he was born in Ulster Co NY near Middleport, he thinks.

Mrs Minnette Addatte gives me the following addresses:

Daniel Markle (brother of Eli) lives at 458 Morgan St, Dickson City, a suburb of (Scranton) Pa.

He lives with his daughter, Mrs Harry White, (her name Della) at this address. Minnette thinks that Della has an old family bible & can tell much about the Markle family. Mr Markle recalls now that his sister, Amanda Melvina married to John Fish got the family bible abt 35 yrs ago when she took her father, Jacob Markle & her mother Eunice Sherman Markle to Rochester NY to live with them & they continued to live with her until their death. Her mother was Eunice Sherman, daughter of John Sherman. He was born in Ulster Co NY & died from a fall on the ice aged 97 yrs 6 mos & 12 [days] & is buried in Ulster Co. His father, John Sherman came from Holland to Ulster Co in the year 1700. He was in the Rev. War was captured by

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the Indians & held in captivity for 2 yrs. Eunice Sherman Markle died abt 2 mos before her husband in Rochester NY & was 97 yrs past when she died & is buried in Rochester NY. Jacob Markle, her husband died about 2 mos later aged 94 yrs past, also in Rochester & is buried there. Mrs M. thinks he died about 22 or 23 yrs ago. Mr M. can't now recall the name of Jacob's father, but says Jacob had brothers Frederick & Cornelius & a sister, whose name he thinks was Leah. He thinks she married Elijah Battis & lived & died he supposes in Ulster Co NY. Frederick he thinks was married but did not live together & think he died in Ulster Co NY. Cornelius was the youngest. He was married to Eunice Van der Mark & they moved to Honesdale Wayne Co Pa where he died. She might still be living there. They had but one child, a daughter, Rose, who married. Jacob Markle was the oldest of the three brothers. He was a farmer & after his marriage & abt 1856 he moved to Wayne Co Pa & settled on a farm 12 miles N.E. of Honesdale in Ashland Tp he thinks. From there in abt 1866 to Lee Co Ills near Earlville & after 6 mos rtd to Wayne Co Pa Jacob & Eunice Markle had the following children:

1. John Sherman Markle born in Ulster Co abt 1840 as he was 21 yrs old when he enlisted in the Civil War fr Wayne Co Pa. He was taken prisoner at Chancellorsville & was paroled

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to be exchanged & went in August following & in June at the battle or near Oak Swamp 7 miles from Richmond Pa was killed. His 3 yrs enlistment would have expired in Oct following. He was married when home on parole to Elizabeth Winkler but left no issue.

4. Daniel Markle born in Ulster Co NY & married in Wayne Co Pa to Eliza Madison. She is dead & he is living with his daughter. Had 3 children viz:

1. Burton Markle born in Wayne Co Pa & married.

2. George Markle born in Wayne Co Pa & married. His widow a trained nurse, lives in Scranton Pa & owns a beautiful home.

3. Della Markle born in Wayne Co Pa & married

Harry White lives at address given above & has 2 children. He is a carpenter.

2. Mary Catherine Markle born in Ulster Co NY & married Harmonas C. Eaton & lived & died in Wayne Co Pa where they left children.

3. Amanda Melvina Markle born in Ulster Co NY & married John Fish. They lived & died at Rochester NY where he was a nursery man. They left two living children.

5. Eli Markle born in Shenango Co NY on Dec 30, 1854 & was married Apr 22, 1876 at Honesdale by Rev Metz to Josephine DeRemer, dau of Alfred DeRemer & his wife Mary Williams. Josephine was born in Wayne Co Pa _____________ (Ask Mrs Jenkins) & who died Oct 22, 1902 at Scranton Pa & is buried in Dunmore Cem there. Mr Markle came to California in 1911 on Dec 26. He had four children viz:

1. Nellie Maud born Wayne Co Pa

2. Pearl E. born in Dunmore Pa

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3. Bessie May born in Dunmore Pa Aug 14,

4. John Norman King born in Dunmore Pa Aug

1. Nellie Maud married Frank Baxter & she died years ago leaving two children:

1. James Burton Baxter

2. Minnette Josephine Baxter, born in Dunmore Pa June 27, 1892

3. Kenneth Baxter.

Minnette Josephine married 1st Leroy Van Slyck a Mayflower descendant fr NY state on Aug 8, 1913 divorced him Apr 18, 1917. 2d John Wesley Burke on Oct 10, 1917. He died in July 1918. No issue. 3d Albert Lewis Adatte of French descent on Apr 10, 1922. He was born Dec 25, 1879 the son of John Adatte. No issue. She has two children by her first husband:

1. Marie Josephine Van Slyck born Sept 14, 1914 at Oakland Calif

2. Leroy Van Slyck born May 10, 1916 at San Diego Calif.

2. Pearl E. Married 1st Edward Gangwer of Peckville Pa & he died leaving one child:

1. Mildred Evelyn

She mar 2 Lewis LeRoy Jenkins & they now live at No 24 East Brookside S. Colorado Springs Colo where he is a private chauffeur. See her for further record.

3. Bessie May married a foreigner & died without issue shortly after. Ask Mrs Jenkins.

4. John N.K. got his record in San Diego.

Leaving 3:33 PM

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The Hotel Van Nuys Los Angeles Calif Dec 26, 1922 7:37 AM

The place where Della White lives noted on page 69 is hard to find & Minnette gave these instructions as to how to reach her, as she is in a mining town & would not write. Will have to go see her:

At Public Square in Scranton Pa, take Dickson City, Carbonadale or Olyphant Car & get off at the bank in Dickson City & turn around the corner to the right & go up along the RR tracks until you reach the number.

After I got my late breakfast yesterday, Christmas morning, I walked up 4th St two blocks to Broadway & turning South walked five long blocks to corner 9th where I found in a vacant lot the "Standard Auto Co Phone 14827 & hired a car yesterday for 50 cts an hour & for today & tomorrow for $3 a day I to pay for gasoline & chauffeur. Got Al (Albert) Smith to drive me yesterday & got started abt noon to hunt Eli Markle whose suburb location of San Fernando was 28 miles out. Went out through wonderful Hollywood & back same way. Could not find Chula Vista way & then went to 129 N. Normandie to find Coey Dunkelberger but there was no one at home, then went to 224 S. Kinsley Drive where I found the:

Residence of Warren Gillelen at No 224 S. Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles Calif Dec 25, 1922 at 5:30 PM

Mr Gillelen admitted me. He is a heavy set Greason build of a man, well groomed & remarkably well preserved for his age. He is the

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son of Rebecca Greason & her husband Rank D. Gillelen & says he was born in Cumberland Co Pa Feby 21, 1849 & was married in 1881 at Olathe Kansas to Miss Jennie D. Dawson, daughter of Richard Dawson & his wife Phoebe. He thinks she was born 1859. Their children are:

1.. Frank Dawson Gillelen

2. Warren Gillelen Jr

3. Lute Gillelen.

Frank D. married Miss Alice Gwyn & Warren & Lute are single.

He says his brother, Greason G. Gillelan living in the suburb of Inglewood here has the family bible of their parents & he will get his new address as he has recently moved & bring it, with a record of his own family to my room at noon today.

He thought they went to Kansas in 1877 & came here in 1886 & located in Los Angeles. He organized the Broadway Bank & Trust Co & was its President but says he sold out to the Central Natl Bank about ten yrs ago. Says like all the Greasons, he is a Republican. His telephone is 569-350.

I phoned his residence tonight at 10 Pm when I got in & his wife said that Greason G. Gillelen's address is 106 Wilson ST Apt 3 upstairs. Inglewood Calif.

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At residence of Mrs Laura Rebecca Hart No 5333 Monte Vista St Los Angeles Calif Dec 26, 1922 10:33 AM

I arrived here at 10:11 AM. Mrs Hart says her father Robert Greason gave her the names of two or three sisters of her grandmother (his mother) Mary Carothers which she had written down with the record he gave her & the paper was put in a drawer in her home in Carlisle. She had a spell of sickness & shortly after the death of her father, about 1895, a sale of their goods included the table in which was this mem. She went the next day to the party who purchased the table & she had emptied the drawer & burned the contents. She says, however, that one of the sisters had married a Black & lived up Chambersburg or Green Castle way & she further recalls that a William Black, a farmer near Greason or Plainfield & Robert Black, living in Carlisle, were related probably second cousins. Robert had 3 daus, Emma married a business man, a widower, in Carlisle & died shortly after marriage. Belle, unmarried, & Anna, married a Mr Frank Thompson, a coal dealer or warehouseman of Carlisle Pa.

A hardware merchant in Carlisle Pa named Stevick married a Black from up country (not William's dau) who she feels sure was a grand niece of her grandmother, Mary Carothers Greason & as she was not a sister of Wm & Robert, she feels sure that[1]* two of Mary Carothers' sisters married Blacks. Their son, Guy Stevick mar-

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ried Richard Pratt, dau of Capt Pratt of the Indian School at Carlisle Pa, a grand man now 81 living at Berkeley Calif, an army man & it was he who started the Indian School at Carlisle. Mrs Hart's daughter, Mrs Howard C. Mohr living at 2502 Bancroft Way, Berkeley Calif can give Guy Stevick's address (her name is Mable Hart Mohr). Mrs Hart says Rebecca Carothers a [2]*niece of her grandmother Mary Carothers Greason lived with her grandfather, James Douglas Greason & was married from his home to Andrew Agnew whom Mrs Hart knew personally & who she thinks was a farmer. Mrs Hart's Aunt Agnes Greason married John Dunbar of Cumb Co Pa & had many children die in infancy, but two James A. & Mary, grew up. James A. died in the south, but left no issue. Mary married Col. Milton Embick & lived in Carlisle Pa where they both died in recent years. She had 3 children, Stanley Dunbar, Bayard, & Lenore Embick. Stanley Dunbar Embick was prominent in France during the World War, was on the Advisory Board & his home has been in Wash City, but he is now teaching in some army school. Bayard Embick lives in Balto Md. Lenore Embick married a Mr Flower & live in Carlisle Pa. She is much interested in getting the Carothers history & Mrs H. says "would give half her kingdom to get it". Her address is West Pomfret St Carlisle Pa. Ask Lenore who the man in Ohio is who was getting up a history of the family & had written to Mr Berg who asked her father about it.

Mrs H. says her grandmother Mary Carothers

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father married a Patterson of Balto Md & their impression was that she was of the same family as the wife of Jerome Bonaparte.

Mrs H. says her Uncle John Greason had ten children.

She says her great grandfather Carothers was once teaming on the National Road & in hauling merchandise to Balto, Md, got acquainted with Miss Patterson. She said there were so many Carothers in the Cumb Valley & they were high tempered & much given to quarreling among themselves & taking their differences to court & her grandfather having married one of them they all came to him to borrow money & he thus got many of their farms which when they paid the debt, was deeded back to them.

Mrs H. says her Uncle John's James is, she thinks still living in Mo & that Wm D. of Paola Ks can give his address. Two daughters, Elmira, a teacher, unmarried & Hester (Hettie) married to a business man are still living. So far as she knows the others are dead. Thinks James would have the record or would know about it. Her father had 8 children living in 1861 when her mother died in 1861. One of them was in the battle of Antietam. She says her sister-in-law, living on the old farm of her husband has her father's bible in fact has 2 or 3 bibles. Her sister-in-law is Clara Greason living in Plainfield on a farm right at the town has Robert Greason's bible & also that of her grandfather James D. Greason. She is the widow of David L. Greason & lives there with her grandson. See Book 17 P 189

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She was Clara Coons or Kuntz & is abt 60 Mrs Hart was born on the farm of her father near Plainfield Nov 13, 1848 & was married Nov 24, 1874 near Plainfield on another farm to John E. Hart who was born in York Co Pa in Sept 1848, the son of Jacob Hart & his wife Priscilla Moore. He died Dec 1879 in Greason Pa & is buried in Ashland Cem Carlisle Pa. They had two daughters, both living.

1. Mary Gertrude Hart born Nov 27, 1876

2. Mabel Line Hart born Oct 31, 1878

Both born in Greason Pa.

1. Mary Gertrude unmarried & at home with her mother. She is librarian at the Arroyo Seco Library in Highland Park, Los Angeles.

2. Mable Line married June 9th, 1904 to Howard Charles Mohr whose parents live in Reading Pa & has a host of relatives who were in Revy War. I have taken down their address above. No issue. He is a printer.

Room 610 1:11 AM 27th. Mrs Hart told about Andrew Agnew's marriage to Rebecca Carothers. He was an untutored green boy & some of his boyfriends to have sport with him, got him drunk the morning of his wedding & he did not appear at the appointed time. He kept the guests waiting, but did appear later, much intoxicated. When the preacher came to the point wherein he s'd if anyone had anything to say as to whether there was any objection to the wedding, her grandfather got up & walked across the room & everyone was in fear & trembling being fearful he was going to object, but he said nothing & the wedding ceremony proceeded.

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I had gone out to Mrs Hart's on a Garvanza Street Car & returned on one reaching the Van Nuys at 12:40 PM. She is a fine charming woman & looked much like mother & was about her size. She asked me to come back in the evening when her daughter would be home & could give me some dates. I waited at the Hotel an hour but Warren Gillelen did not appear & Will Pearce 16 yrs old appearing with car, I went to Wm G. Carrothers & James Ed Finley's & found no one at home, then went to the:

Residence of Elizabeth Thompson Bailey No 1039 W 21st St, Los Angeles Calif Dec 26, 1922 2:11 PM

She appeared in her white cap dusting clothes, a hustling woman of about Sarah F. Ainsworth's build & said she was born in New Castle Pa Apr 8, 1855 & married Apr 15, 1879 at Monmouth Ills to George W. Bailey, an Englishman, son of John Charles Bailey. He died in Omaha Neb in 1888 a dope fiend. Had been a lecturer on China. They had one child viz: John Charles Bailey born Oct 6, 1880 & died Dec 8, 1880. She moved here Aug 10, 1903 & has lived here in this house since July 1904. Her brother Harry D. Thompson came here two yrs later, arriving 3 days before the San Francisco earthquake & he lives 2d house from her at 1023 W 21st St where he is now sick abed with a nervous breakdown. She says she wd like to get a book & says she does not have her father, Wm Judkins Thompson's bible & I think now that I found it at her brother Wm C. Thompson's out from Ponca City, Okla. See page 90.

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At residence of Mrs Ada E. Rothermel No 443 S. Van Ness Ave, Los Angeles Calif Dec 26, 1922 4:22 PM

I arrived here at 4:10 PM. Mrs R. is the widow of Saml A. Rothermel brother of Wm H. of Chicago & says her husband was born in Union Co Pa. She said his father was Henry D. Rothermel & she has his family bible which was in a compartment down on the floor under a seat in the front corner of the room to the left of the entrance which we have gotten out. It was printed at Hartford 1850 by S. Andrus & Son & the record of which there are 7 columns on 4 pages is as follows:

1st Page Marriages

1st Col.

Henry D. Rodearmel was intermarried with Anna Mary Wolf, daughter of Anthony Wolf of Brush Valley, Centre Co by Rev John H. Grier Sept 7, 1840.

Charles T. Rodearmel was intermarried with Elizabeth B. Nicely, daughter of Geo. W. Nicely of Nanticoke, Luzerne Co Penna by the Rev Y.C. Smith in Wilkes Barre Pa Feby 14, 1865.

Samuel Anthony Rodearmel was intermarried with Ada Edith Goodale daughter of J.P. Goodale of Elgin Kan Co Ills by Rev Wm Estabrook on Dec 16, 1875 Mrs R. said he was named for his two grandfathers

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2d Col

Olive Jane Rodearmel was married to J.R. Young by the Rev Gilbert Dec 23, 1873 at Freeport, Ills.

Sarah Catherine Rodearmel was married to Joseph Brown by Rev John Giffen at Freeport, Ills Feby 17, 1880

William Henry Rodearmel was intermarried with Grace Allen Davies daughter of W.P. Davies of Racine Wis by the Rev E.G. Updike Sept 24, 1884

2d Page Births

1st Col

1. Charles Theodore Rodearmel was born Dec 9, 1841 in Miles Tp, Center Co Pa

2. Sarah Catharine Rodearmel was born Sept 29, 1844 in Limestone Tp, Lycoming Co.

3. Arthur Rodearmel was born Jany 7, 1846 in New Berlin, Union Co

4. Samuel Anthony Rodearmel was born Jany 1, 1849 in New Berlin, Union Co.

3d Page Births

1st Col

6. William Henry Rodearmel was born Apr 22, 1856 in Pine Creek now Lycoming Co Pa

7. Thomas Trego Rodearmel was born Feby 9, 1858 in Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co Pa.

[Note: There is no child #5 on this page, JVT has crossed the number out. CW]

2d Page Deaths

2d Col

Thomas Trego son of Anna Mary & Henry D. Rodearmel died Oct 30, 1859 aged 1 yr 8 mos & 11 days & was buried in the Cemetery Jersey Shore Pa.

Henry Harper, son of Anna Mary & Henry D. Rodearmel died Dec 29, 1863 aged 3 yrs 8 mos 28 days was buried in the Cemetery Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co Pa.

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3d Page Births

1st Col

Henry D. Rodearmel, son of Samuel & Elizabeth Rodearmel was born in Pottstown, Montgomery Co Pa Nov 3, 1817.

Anna Mary Wolf daughter of Anthony & Catharine Wolf was born in Miles Tp, Center Co Pa July 2, 1819

5. Olive Jane Rodearmel was born Nov 5, 1851 New Berlin, Union Co Pa

8. Henry Harper Rodearmel was born Apr 1st 1860 at Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co Pa.

3d Page Deaths

2d Col

Anna Mary Rodearmel died June 6, 1875 at Freeport, Ills age 55 yrs 11 mos 3 days.

Henry D. Rodearmel died Feby 26, 1895 age 77 yrs 3 mos 23 days

Among some old papers, she produces a circular letter from John J. Scholl of Allentown, Lehigh Co Pa about the Theobald Metzgar fortune, but it is not dated.

Mrs R. says her husband, Samuel A. Rodearmel died in this house on July 5, 1916 & is buried at Forest Home Cem at Oak Park, Ill, their former home 9 miles west of Chicago. They came from there here in Dec 1908.

Mrs R is daughter of Justin P. Goodale & was born in Middleburg now a part of Akron O. Dec 28, 1849 & had 4 children. She is a heavy set dear old lady & very much wants the Rothermel Coat of arms which I promised to send her. Attend to this.

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She gave me from memory the following record:

1. Amy Rothermel born in Chicago Ills Mch 11, 1878

2. Edith Rothermel born in Chicago Ills Jany 3, 1882

3. Alice Kent Rothermel born at Oak Park Ills Aug 29, 1887

4. Marjorie Ada Rothermel born at Oak Park Ills Oct 19, 1889.

1. Amy Rothermel died July 7, 1914 unmarried here, but is buried at Oak Park Ills.

2. Edith mar Oct 14, 1908 to Carl Tracy Solleder son of J.M. & Alice Solleder who was born Feby 8, 1883 & they live at Ramona Park (Alhambra) Calif where he is Chief Rate Clerk on the Union Pacific RR & have two children viz:

1. Samuel Kent born at Ontario Calif Aug 6, 1909

2. Alice-Ada born at Los Angeles Calif July 12, 1919

3. Alice Kent married Oct 18, 1919 to Willard Roy Bell from Long Beach Calif son of James Bell who was born May 27, 1888 & they too live at Ramona Park, (Alhambra) Calif where he is a contractor. No issue.

4. Marjorie Ada died Sept 5, 1891 at Oak Park Ills

Mrs. R's mother was Sarah Ann Kent & her husband Mr Goodale was a woolen mfr.

Mr R. gives the address of her husband's sister: Olive Jane Young No 854 West Stephenson St, Freeport, Ills

She has 5 children all living three of them married. Write to her for record. Arthur died a year ago at Freeport Ills

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in 1921 but left no children.

Charles Theodore died several years ago in Dallas Tex, but without issue. Says she will gladly answer any questions she can if I write her.

See Book 8 Pages 178 & 179.

Leaving 6:15 PM

At residence of Frederick Staley Markle No 237 N. Irving Blvd Los Angeles Calif Dec 26, 1922 6:33 PM

Mr Markle's father was Conrad Markle, born on Knob Mountain Columbia Co Pa. He says his youngest brother, David Markle, living at Berwick Pa got their father's bible record. he lives at 422 West Front St, Berwick Pa. There are also three other brothers in Berwick viz:

Moses Markle No 829 West Front St Berwick Pa

Minor Markle Necopeck, Luzerne Co Pa

Daniel Markle living in Berwick Pa & has a son-in-law in business there.

Moses is the oldest & Fred S. says he could give more information than any of them. Conrad had ten sons & one daughter. He thinks his grandfather Markle's sister was married to or became a close relative of John Quincy Adams.

Fred S. Markle was born in a log house at Summer Hill, Columbia Co Pa June 25, 1864 & was married Mch 21, 1893 at Denver Colorado by Rev _____ to Maria Christina Bourgeson who was born Feby 17, 1870 at Kungsbacha, Sweden 17 miles from Gottenburg,

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the daughter of Zacharias Bourgeson & his wife Annie Maria Monson. She came to America in 1887. He lived in Kansas City Mo abt 23 to 25 yrs & came from there here in 1919 where he is a retired builder, having followed the building of houses & selling them. No issue.

When I mentioned Casper Markle, Mr M. says that sounds familiar to him. He said he wd drive me about in his auto tomorrow.

At residence of Wm Gaylord Carrothers No 1414 West 30th St. Los Angeles Calif Dec 26, 1922 7:46 PM

Mr Carrothers says his father was George Washington Carrothers & his grandfather was Samuel Carrothers. He thinks his grandfather was one of the first settlers of Richland Co O going there from Penna but he don't know what part of Penna but had some feeling that it was from the anthracite coal region. His wife was a Dye. He had 2 sons & 5 daughters as follows:

1. Susan married 1st a Dye & 2d Dr Lake

2. Eliza married a Grant & lived & died Mansfield O. Left but 1 dau Esther.

3. Rebecca married John McCullough & lived & died at Olney Ill. Had big family.

4. George Washington born in Harrison Co O Jany 3, 1815.

5. Jane married Jacob Hoffman & lived & died at Olney Ill. Had several children, grandchildren at Olney [unreadable word starts with P]

6. Polly, married Dr Edmund Ridgeway & lived at Olney. Their son George Carrothers Ridgeway, oculist at Evansville Ind is a fiend for hunting up genealogy.

7. Samuel mar Rachel & has descendants at Mansfield O.

He says his grandfather, Samuel Carrothers visited his father in Olney Ills when W.G. was 12 yrs old in the first yrs of the Civil War & died about 1864 aged he thinks 90 or over. Mr C. has the leaf records from

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his father's bible which shows as follows:


George Washington Carrothers and Catharine Hales Dec 8, 1836 in Richland Co Ohio.

Allen Humers Baker & Mary Elizabeth only daughter of G.W. & Catherine Carrothers June 24, 1868 Olney Richland Co Ills.

William G. Carrothers Fifth son of G.W. & Catharine Carruthers and Sarah R. Walker Sept 28, 1871 at Olney Ills, Richland Co.


George C. Baker & Callie Borah Apr 8, 1891 (she died in 1892 & was a sister of Senator Borah of Idaho. He mar 2nd in Carthage Mo a Fleming)

Frank L. Carrothers & Madge Hollister Oct 1, 1896 at Kinmundy Ills (he married 2d a Jessup).


G.W. Carrothers Jany 3, 1815 Harrison Co O

Catharine, wife of G.W. Carrothers Dec 27, 1818 in Richland Co O.

Their children:

1. Saml Hale 1st son of G.W. & C.C. Oct 3, 1837 in Mansfield O.

2. Mary E. only dau of G.W. & C.C. Nov 9, 1839 in Mansfield O

3. John K. 2d son of G.W. & C.C. Aug 10, 1841 in Mansfield O

4. George Washington 3d son of G.W. & C.C. Oct 4, 1844 in Mansfield O

5. Lake Ware 4th Son of G.W. & C.C. Nov 22, 1847 in Wayne Co O

6. William Gaylord 5th son of G.W. & C.C. June 9, 1851 at Olney Ills

7. Hugh Edmund 6th son of G.W. & C.C. Sept 12, 1853 at Olney Ills


Geo Carrothers Baker Dec 16, 1869 at Olney Ills

Katie Baker Mch 30, 1874 at Olney Ills

1. Frank L. Carrothers Nov 29, 1872 at Fairfield Ills

2. Jennie Hale Carrothers May 26, 1875 at Fairfield Ills

3. Mary Belle Carrothers Sept 5, 1877 at Fairfield Ills

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4. Susie Reed Carrothers Born Aug 26, 1879 at Fairfield Ills

5. William Carrothers born Mch 11, 1882 at Fairfield Ills

6. Lizzie Baker Carrothers born Oct 13, 1884 at Fairfield Ills

7. Robert Donald Carrothers born May 25, 1887 at Fairfield Ills

8. Ethyl Catharine Carrothers born Dec 28, 1893 at Fairfield Ills

Geo C. & Katie Baker are children of Mr C's sister Mary E. The other 8 children commencing with Frank L. are Mr C's children.

Bible record continued:


William Gaylord Carrothers & Sarah Rebecca Walker married at Olney Ills Sept 28, 1871

Frank L. Carrothers & Margaret Hollister were married at Kinmundy Ills Oct 1, 1896

Chas H. Archibald & Susie R. Carrothers were married Mch 11, 1900 at Fairfield Ills

Clyde F. Stanley & Jennie H. Carrothers were married Jany 10, 1906 at Fairfield Ills

Theodore L. Strawn & Mary Belle Carrothers were married Nov 1906 at Boulder Colorado

Frank L. Carrothers & Anna Jessop were married at Fairfield Ills Nov 10, 1909


5 sons of G.W. Carrothers & Catharine as follows:

George W. May 13, 1857 Olney, Ills

Hugh E. Sept 12, 1857 Olney, Ills

John K. Dec 23, 1861 Olney, Ills

Samuel H. March 12, 1863 Olney Ills

Lake W. July 1, 1867 Olney Ills

G.W. Carrothers "Father" Nov 8, 1892 11 PM Fairfield Ills

Catharine Carrothers "Mother" Apr 5, 1898 4 AM Fairfield Ills

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Willie, son of W.G. & Sarah Oct 18, 1894 Fairfield Ills

Lizzie Baker Carrothers Apr 30, 1899 Fairfield Ills 14 y 6 mo 17 days

Ethel C. Carrothers Aug 7, 1894 Fairfield Ills 7 mos old

Callie Borah wife of Geo C. Baker died July 30, 1892 aged 22 yrs

Sarah Rebecca Walker daughter of Ebenezer Walker & his wife Abigail Reed was born in Mt Carmel, Ills Aug 23, 1851. They came to California Dec 1919.

They show me a card as follows:

"35 Marien Ave Ashcroft Court, Pasadena Dec 18, 1922

Dear Mr Carrothers:

Mr Ward & I shall be here for several weeks as an interested genealogist of our family tree, I would love to meet my relatives whenever it is convenient for you, I want to see you. Please have all records & pictures available. I am usually at home - delving into my historical data. We do not have a telephone in our bungalow, but Mrs Roy Ashcroft, the owner, phone Colorado 7031 will be happy to deliver any message from you.

Sincerely yours,

(Mrs Chas C) Flora L. Ward

Get off at High School & turn to left. Take Lamada Park Car on Colorado St. Her descent is as follows:

Rebecca Carrothers McCollough, her dau Ellen Hayward had a dau Tinnie Lusk, her dau, Flora C. married C.C. Ward.

Leaving 9:30 PM

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Mr & Mrs Carrothers said they had nine grandchildren, the names of whom he wrote down & she added the dates of their birthdays. She s'd she knew their birthdays, but was not sure that she had all the years right. I am copying it below:

Howard Guy Archibald May 6th

Wm Gaylord Carrothers Aug 4, 1901?

Robert E. Archibald May 15

Marjorie Elizabeth Stanley Jany 25, 1906

Frank Carrothers Stanley May 22, 1908

Charles G. Archibald Jany 18, 1914

Harriet Carrothers Aug 19, 1914

Sara Jane Carrothers Mch 7, 1916

Robert Donald Carrothers Jany 19

They had a newspaper clipping pasted on the Caruthers family history their son Frank sent them announcing death of Enoch? Dye Carrothers at the age of 95 yrs born 1820 & died 1915. Write to them for full record disclosed by s'd clipping which I didn't get as they picked it up before I came to it again.

It being then 9:30, I came back to Standard Garage cor 9th & S. Broadway paid Will Pearce & gave in my time for the afternoon & turned in the car. Walked the 7 blocks to here arriving 10 PM at Van Nuys. The 5 blocks on Bway are 700 ft each. Got my supper at Metropolitan Lunch & came to my room at 11 PM & have been giving over my days' work & making mem.

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Ctd from page 79

Mrs Eliz T. Bailey said Dr Gustavus Adolphus Scroggs, son of John Scroggs & his wife Mary Jane Thompson lives here with her. He was born same year & place as she, 1855 at New Castle Pa. He is a Doctor & has an office at Room 604 Auditorium Building & will be in his office tomorrow 27th from 11 to 12 noon. She phoned him & made appointment to see me. He says he can give full record of his mother's Thompsons. He & Mrs Bailey with his mother made a trip around the world when she was 85 yrs old, the oldest known woman to make such a trip. They all came here together & she died here aged 87 yrs. His place of business is on 5th ST opposite Pershing Square.

Leaving 2:33 PM

I then drove to:

Residence of Corey Dunkleberger No 129 N. Normandie St (Tel 567-366) Los Angeles Calif Dec 26, 1922 3:55 PM

Mr D. admitted me & said her husband was the son of Col Isaac Rothermel Dunkelberger, who came out here primarily to fight the Indians. She says she has only been in the family 2 yrs & to see her husband who is at Room 414 Merchants NBK Building, corner 6th & Spring St where he is with an Insurance Co, the Aetna, I think. He has a brother

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called "Rothermel". Her husband's office phone no is 10247 or Main 305. She, however, thinks his sister, Mrs Frank Ainsworth, living at 1818 1/2 S. Roosevelt Tel 71943 Los Angeles Calif can give more information about the family than her husband. She called her on the phone but could not raise her.

When at Eliza T. Bailey's she phoned her brother, Harry D. Thompson's wife & got this information:

Harry D. Thompson was born Sept 18, 1865. He was married June 5,1 895 to Dora Maslin who was born Sept 6, 1874 the daughter of George Thomas Maslin & his wife Ella Barbour. No issue.

It is now 3:20 AM 27th & I will get ready for bed.

At residence of Charles Lowry Whitesell NO 659 Romulo St, Los Angeles Calif Dec 27, 1922 9 AM

Mr Whitesell is at work at the Federal Reserve Bank here corner 3d & Spring ST, Washington Bldg, City where he is a guard. He was born Oct 7, 1854 in Marion Co Ind where he lived until 3 yrs ago when he came here landing Aug 2, 1920. He was married at Indianapolis, Ind on May 31, 1893 by Rev _________ to Minerva Jane Shepherd, daughter of John Fleck & his

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wife Sarah Thomas & widow of Fremont Shepherd who died Mch 7, 1887. She was born in Arcanum, Darke Co Ohio Sept 5, 1854. She has never had any children by Mr Whitesell, but had five sons by Mr Shepherd, one of whom John Clifford Shepherd, born at Arcanum O Apr 14th, 1879 her 4th son is President or manager of the Federal Reserve Bank here which position he has held for about 10 yrs. Mr Whitesell's father was Jacob, son of Philip of Jacob & Katy. He was never married before.

Leaving 9:17 AM

Two of Mr Whitesell's sisters live at San Francisco Calif one of his sisters, Mary Frances Whitesell, single lives there with her married sister, Mrs Catherine Watts & their present address is 208 Grantham St San Francisco Calif. Mrs Watts daughter, Mrs M.E. Harris, lives 539 Baker ST, San Francisco Calif.

Leaving now 9:23 AM

At residence of Dr Richard Clayton Liggitt No 207 N. Sichel St Los Angeles Calif Dec 27, 1922 9:55 AM

Mrs Liggett has admitted me & says the family bible of Dr Liggitt's father, Thomas Liggitt is in Chicago with Mrs Myrtle Ehlers, sister of Dr L. who lives at No 116 N. Kenilworth Ave Oak Park Ills where her husband is a dentist. Mrs L.

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says he makes a practice of extracting & X-raying teeth. Mrs L. when in Dwight Ills where Thomas Liggitt died copied from his bible record the following data viz:

His children Births

1. Elsie E. Liggitt born July 16, 1856

2. Thomas Wilford Liggitt born Oct 19, 1857

3. Robert E. Liggitt born Dec 16, 1859

4. Leathea L. Liggitt born Feby 8, 1862

5. Martha Anna Liggitt born Nov 9, 1863

6. Frederick William Liggitt born Dec 2, 1866

7. Charles C. Liggitt born Oct 15, 1868

8. Richard Clayton Liggitt born May 27, 1871

9. Flemming L. Liggitt born Sept 30, 1873

10. Mertie (Myrtle) Liggitt born Dec 3, 1875


Charles C. Liggitt died Jany 14, 1884

Margaret Ann Liggitt died May 30, 1894

Frederick William Liggitt died Nov 20, 1903

Martha Anna Liggitt died

(Father) Thomas Liggitt died Aug 10, 1909

Lillian Hall died Oct 16, 1916


Lillian L. Liggitt married Aug 21, 1884

Frederick Liggitt married Jany 12, 1893

Mertie Liggitt married Dec 25, 1900

Richard Liggitt married Nov 27, 1902

Flemming Liggitt married June 15, 1904

Mrs Richard C. Liggitt, my informant was Sallie Walriven Argo, daughter of Thomas Jefferson Argo & his wife Eliz-

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abeth Razey was born at Clinton Ills on Aug 5, 1877. Mr Liggitt was born at Dwight Ills. They removed from Clinton Ills where Dr Liggitt was in business to Los Angeles Calif in Feby 1911 & have three children viz:

1. Helen Margaret Liggitt born Sept 4, 1903 at Clinton Ills

2. Richard Thomas Liggitt born Jany 27, 1912 at Los Angeles Calif

3. Frederick Robert Liggitt born July 6, 1916 at Los Angeles Calif

Dr Liggitt has just removed his office from 2407 1/2 N Broadway to room 510 Security Building cor 5th & Spring St Los A.

Elsie's present address is: Mrs Elsie L. Radcliffe (widow) 552 W. Broadway Glendale Calif. c/o Mrs Hyatt.

Leaving at 10:33 AM

At residence of Edwin Lee Camp No 1616 S. Malabar St Los Angeles Calif Dec 27, 1922 3:30 PM

Mrs Camp says her father, Rev Thomas Boyd of the Pres Ch was born July 28, 1847 in Penna & died at Livermore Sanitarium, Livermore Calif Aug 28, 1917. He was married 1st Narcissa Bell Wilson on Sept 6, 1880 at Chicago Ills. She died Oct 14, 1913. Her father was Wm Swan Wilson & his wife was Margaretta Craig. Narcissa Belle was born Aug 16, 1857

2d Elizabeth Antoinette Jewett abt Feby 26,

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1916 at Pasadena Calif. She is still living. No issue by her. There were two children by first wife:

1. Helen Boyd born Warsaw Ind July 2, 1883

2. Julia Morey Boyd born Portland Oregon Sept 13, 1890.

Helen Boyd was married May 24, 1910 at Fresno Calif to Edwin Lee Camp son of Henry Willard Camp & his wife Sarah Elizabeth. He was born at New Haven, Conn Apr 4, 1878? They have had two children viz:

1. Narcissa Elizabeth Camp born June 11, 1911 at San Jose Calif

2. Helen Joy Camp born May 19, 1913 at Los Angeles Calif.

Mr Camp is Asst mgr for the Los Angeles mfg Co

Mrs C. says her father's sister, a widow viz Mrs Caleb N. Harford (Mary) lives at Redlands Calif on Luzonia Ave who could tell more about the family says she has lots of children, Grace, Cecil, a girl, Clara, Emery & Harry.

Leaving 3:50 PM

Mrs Nix telephoned in abt 9:30 Pm that her father was admitted to the Illinois Bar Sept 25, 1875 & graduated from the Presbyterian Theological Sem of the North West Apr 3, 1879 & received the degree of D.D. from Wooster College O June 14, 1894. Her mother graduated June 19, 1879. See book 5 Page 359.

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At office of George William Nix No 324 Black Building Corner 4th & hill Sts Los Angeles Calif Dec 27, 1922 4:44 PM

Mrs Nix has met me here coming in from her home No 148 Lucas Ave, Los Angeles Calif. Her father, Rev Thomas Boyd, the son of Joseph Boyd was born July 28, 1847? & died Aug 28, 1917.

Mrs Nix says her mother graduated from the Western College for Women at Oxford O in the class of 1879. Mrs Nix was born in Portland Oregon Sept 13, 1890 & on June 26, 1919 was married at Huntington Park here by Rev Dr Merle Smith of the 1st Meth Church of Pasadena Calif to Geo Wm Nix who was born in Providence R.I. on June 22, 1893, the son of Wm Alvin Nix & his wife Phoebe Ann Stevens. They do not have any children. Mr Nix is in active practice of the law here since 1917. He prepares students for admission to the California Bar.

Rev Thomas Boyd graduated from Wooster O in the class of 1874. He was admitted to the Cook Co Bar at Chicago Ills, the Illinois Bar & studied Theology at the McCormick Theo Sem & also studied the German Lutheran Sem she thinks at Gettysburg Pa, Wooster College conferred the degree of D.D. on him. He was in the ministry for 40 yrs.

Leaving 5:15 PM

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At office of Dr Gustavus Adolphus Scroggs Room 604 Auditorium Building 5th & Olive Sts Los Angeles Calif Dec 27, 1922 1:22 PM

I waited sometime to see Dr Scroggs but he finally came in about 1:15 PM. He says his great grandfather's name was William Thompson & he thinks (but is not sure) that he died at Gallipolis O & was a very aged man when he died. He says he came from the North of Ireland. His son William Thompson married Eleanor _______. He thinks he was born in Maryland, lived in Ohio & died in Calcutta, Columbiana Co Ohio about 1858 aged about 90 yrs & is buried on the hill there & a tombstone with inscription marks his grave. He lived most of his life in Ohio & had seven sons & one daughter viz: William, Matthew, Josiah, Clark, John, George, Samuel & Mary Jane who was the youngest. Several of these sons lived around Calcutta, Smiths Ferry & East Liverpool O & Beaver Co Pa.

Mary Jane Thompson was born Feby 20, 1828 in Calcutta O & died here in Los Angeles Calif at 1039 W 21st St Feby 11, 1915. She married in 1849 at Calcutta O to John A. Scroggs, son of John A. Scroggs who was a son of Alexander? Scroggs. He thinks Alexander was a Revolutionary soldier but knows he was in the War of 1812.

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See Book 10 page 66

John A Scroggs the elder, his grandfather married Ann White. Dr G.A. says that Rev Joseph Scroggs who preached at Ligonier Pa 57 yrs from the same pulpit was a cousin of his grandfather Scroggs. Says however that his own father, John A. the younger, always called him Uncle Joseph & further says that a son of Rev Scroggs is living in Indiana Pa. He says he & Mrs Bailey had the same great grandfather. Dr G.A. Scroggs father & mother had the following children:

1. Ella

2. Gustavus Adolphus born Mch 23, 1855 in New Castle Pa

3. Mary E.

4. An infant boy

5. Martha, named for Martha Washington O. see her says his that [sic] "my grandmother".

His Uncle Guy A. Gustavus raised a regiment. His Uncle Gustavus Adolphus for whom he was named raised a By Regiment & was married. He was shff during the Watts place. Dr G.A. says his father N.A. was a porteur, Doctor & [unreadable word starts with d] at Galena Ills. & then gained a half Goodway inn San Die. Gas Co never had any [unreadable] farmer Obispo

His father John A. died in the Spring of 1892 aged 57 yrs. German

Dr G.A. produces an old order dated Jany 1, 1819 his Dad was

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one of the Commissioners & the order was for "Dollars 40" & in as signed by John A. Scroggs & Thomas Kennedy Coms directs the money he charged to the county. He, John A. Scroggs prior to above was the first Protty of Beaver Co Pa & was Dr G.A.'s grandfather. Dr G.A. is a big powerful man, over 6 ft high weighs 20 & muscles on his arms & legs as hard as steel. He spoke once of having charge of 2000 in [unreadable short word] in Arizona. He said his grandfather was reading the 30 yrs war when his wife was carrying his Uncle Gustavus Adolphus & named his child for him because of his admiration for his fighting spirit. He was named for his Uncle. He spoke of a Scroggs down in Carolina who kept a fire burning continuously for 72 yrs. It is now 3 AM 28th & I must get ready for bed. A.H. Whitclunch was here for an hour tonight 9:30 to 10:30 & I saw Marion down in the machine. I called Judge Victor R. McLucas at Santa Monica & talked to him at 11:30 PM. He said his people came from Penna & that his grandfather was Wilson McLucas (& his wife Elizabeth) born about 1826,but he couldn't give his parents names but asked me to write him as he was having some research done along ancestral lines.

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At residence of Greason Deuret Gillelen NO 106 East Wilson St Apr 3, 2d floor, Glendale Los Angeles Co Calif Dec 28, 1922 1:10 PM

I arrived here from Mrs Elsie L. Radcliffe's at 11:55 AM & find Mr Greason, a fine distinguished looking man, a little feeble, but with a fine well shaped large head. He has gotten out an old big bible which has record as follows: The bible proves to be just his own record & his wife has gotten out papers giving genealogical trees on pieces of paper the first one almost torn in two gives:

1st paper "From information furnished to J.W.D. Gillelen (James Warren DeKalb Gillelen, Uncle of my informant) by Rebecca Gillelen in part & in part from his own knowledge. J.W.D. Gillelen"

Feby 8, 1868

William Greason } married tradition says from Scotland

Agnes Wank } Settled in Silver Spring Tp, Cumb Co Pa.


James Greason who married Mary Carothers.

Their children:











& continues with their generations briefly

2d paper. The same J.W. D. Gillelen son of William Gillelen & Catherine Cavanaugh on same

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date made out a Gillelen paper which states that:

"John Gillelen grandfather of F.M.L.G. & J.W.D.G. & named on the other side of this sheet was I believe an Irishman & a sea captain. John Cavanaugh, grandfather also on the mother's side was married to Esther Wallace somewhere about or after the Revolutionary War in Lancaster Co Pa & from them descended Catherine Gillelen mother of F.M.L.G. & J.W.D.G." On the reverse side, it states that:

John Gillelen & Jane Legget Married 17 was a sea captain & run to Phil, vessel & himself taken or supposed to be taken by the British during the Rev War. He was never again heard of. They had two children, Wm & John. Wm was brought up by his grandmother in Sunbury Pa & John by some of his friends in Carrol Co Md from whence he emigrated to Huron Co O. John left 3 children. Wm, John & Elizabeth intermarried with Christian Correll of Carroll Co and John & Wm died childless.

William Gillelen was married in York Co Pa Feby 24, 1824 Dillsbury to Catherine Cavanaugh, daughter of John Cavanaugh an Irishman a soldier of the Revolution for 7 yrs (wounded through the shoulder at the battle of Yorktown) & had by her three children: F.M.S. Gillelen, J.W.D. Gillelen & Margaret I. Gillelen.

Francis Martion Lafayette Gillelen was born Dec 25, 1824 and James Warren DeKalb Gillelen on Aug 30, 1826 and Margaret I. on May 25, 1828. Margaret died May 1852. William Gillelen died abt May 7, 1845 & Catharine Gillelen his wife

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in 1868. William lies buried in Juniatta Co Pa & his wife Catherine in the new cemetery at Carlisle Penna. Margaret at Newville Pa on the first page it shows William & Catharine's three children in the genealogical table as above noted & then shows F.M.L. Gillelen married to Rebecca Greason & gives three of their children.

3d paper gives "record of F.M.L. Gillelen's children viz:

F.M.L. Gillelen born Dec 25, 1824

Rebecca I. Gillelen born Apr 25, 1826?

They were married Oct 9, 1845.

Their children were born:

1. Greason D. Gillelen June 5,1846

2. William Warren Gillelen Feby 21, 1849

3. F.M.L. Gillelen Dec 27, 1850

4. Margaret Mary Gillelen March 5, 1854 & she died Jan 2, 1855

5. James Douglas Gillelen born May 6, 1859.

Mr Gillelen says the farm where his grandfather Greason lived belonged to Mary Carothers as he had been told by his mother. His grandfather, J.D. Greason had a farm some distance off (he was a lawyer by profession) but this being the better farm & by reason of the water, they lived on it. It was about one mile northwest of Greason on the Montauk Road past the home of Samuel Greason lived in in 1876. There was a big stone house on it which was built before the Revolution as Mr G. says when he was back in 1876 on

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a visit to his Uncle Samuel Greason's, they told him was then a hundred years old. He thinks it was built by the Carothers family or ancestor.

His own family bible shows:

Greason D. Gillelen of Carlisle Pa and Sarah Black of Turtle Creek Pa were married May 9, 1867 at Turtle Creek Pa by Rev J.G. Fulton


Greason D. Gillelen born June 5, 1846

Sarah Black born at Turtle Creek Pa Feby 8, 1845

Their son:

1. George Francis Gillelen born at Paola Ks Feby 14, 1872


Sarah B. Gillelen wife of G.D. Gillelen died June 16, 1913 at Los Angeles Calif.


George F. Gillelen & Burta English were married 1892 in Shelby Ohio

G.D. Gillelen & Marianna Hibben were married Dec 9, 1913 at Visalia Calif


Rebecca J. Gillelen died Nov 24, 1904 at Warren's home

J. Douglas Gillelen died Apr 1904

F.M.L. Gillelen died at Enon Pa & was buried at Jeromeville O Apr 17, 1874

Burta E. Gillelen died in Los Angeles Calif Jany 18, 1918

He had the dates of his mother & brother death as 1906 but the other paper gave hers as 1904 which he says is right & that J.D. died a few months before her.

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He says his brother, F.M.L. Gillelen went with some boys to bathe in the Monongahela River at Pittsburg Pa & was drowned in Aug 1865.

He says his brother James Douglas Greason was never married & died here. His son, George F. has no children. He lives at Eagle Rock near here. he married the second time "Tillie" Matilda Bender up north where he was cashier of a bank at Lakeview Oregon. He says his parents moved from the Cumberland Valley to Pittsburg Pa May 1, 1865.

His first wife was daughter of John Black & his wife Ellen Bailey. Says he knew at Turtle Creek a David Carothers, a farmer on the edge of town, who he thinks was single & lived with a brother & sister & when I mention Joseph, he says that was the brother & they were the Col Robert Carothers family. This was in 1872 after he returned from the west.

He says his father-in-law Black was a North of Ireland man came to this country when a boy educated himself, was 6 ft 6 in & weighed 225 lbs, but had the appearance of being thin & was, but was very muscular & strong.

Marianna Hibben was born she says near Jamestown at Lumberton in Washington C.H. Ohio neighborhood on Mch 24, 1865, the daughter of Dr William Wallace Hibben & his wife Euphemia Ann Watson. One of them was born at Doyles-

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town Pa, her mother & her father was born in Uniontown Pa. He died Feby 19, 1887 being born Apr 1825.

Mrs Gillelen & her brother George say that Bert French left between two days & went to South America & his brother went to Catalina Island where he had a curio store.

They think that Nettie Yaw who George thinks was married to Bert, but his sister thinks wasn't, but should have been is Deputy Shff at the Court House & could tell if she would what became of the Frenchs

George Hibben says his grandfather was James Hibben & his brother was the father of John Bascom Hibben, the present President of Princeton College viz John Bascom Hibben, who is a first cousin of my informant's father. Mr Geo Hibben says Dr R.E. Chase near here might know where the Frenchs went.

Leaving 3:22 PM

Mr Gillelen spoke of the walls in the old stone home of his grandfather Greason being 3 feet thick & of his often playing in the window jams & of his Uncle James Greason who inherited it tearing it down. He s'd they first tore down the kitchen & couldn't get the rest of the wall along dining room & Parlor down & just fitted the joice [sic] on that wall & built the new house to it. He said they took the dust from the blue stone quarry on the place or pulverized the stone & plastered the house therewith inside & out.

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At residence of James Edward Finley No 674 W 35th ST Los Angeles Calif Dec 28, 1922 8:30 AM

Mr Finley admitted me & says his daughter is Mrs Olive Bailey Placentia Calif which is 3 miles from Fullerton Calif. He says his won family record was in his father's bible & it was given to Mrs Alice Fox, his niece who lives in Long Beach Calif.

James Edward Finley born as he says in Stark Co Ills Sept 17, 1842 was married Dec 24, 1867 in Stark Co Ill to Julia Marie Scott daughter of John Scott & his wife Phoebe Ann Trowbridge. She was born on a farm in New Jersey July 31, 1849 & died in Los Angeles Calif May 7, 1916.

They had 7 children as follows:

1. Estella M. Finley born May 17, 1869

2. James L. Finley born Jany 26, 1872

3. Anna C. Finley born Mch 16, 1874

4. Jessie F. Finley born Jany 9, 1877

5.Bertha Luella Finley born Dec 1878

6. Flossie Olive Finley born Feby 16, 1882

7. Edward Scott Finley born Apr 11, 1886

He also said they had a daughter Alice Finley See page 118 who only lived one month but he didn't remember the date of her birth & could see no use in my getting up such a record. He gave all the above from memory. He is a large framed heavy set man

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with big head & broad shoulders, abt 5 ft 11 in & weighing he says 185 lbs. He was a farmer in Illinois & then in Dallas Co Iowa & came to San Diego Calif & then here in 1902.

Leaving 8:44 AM

At NO 552 W. Broadway to see Mrs Elsie L. Radcliffe at Mrs Hyatt's, Glendale Calif Dec 28, 1922 12:07 PM

Mrs Elsie Liggitt Radcliffe says her grandfather, Robert Thompson died at Dwight Ills. His wife was Leathy Cross who died on a farm near Dwight. He had a brother Mitchell Thompson who lived near Dwight Ill, a farmer & had sisters also but she don't remember their names. Mitchell had (Mitchell Thompson) had children: John, oldest boy, a dau, Jennie married Roger Mills & lives now at Dwight.

Ben is dead, was married & left two children, James, youngest, married & has a wife & one child & is living at Dwight.

Robert Thompson was a farmer "a Presbyterian through & through" as was Mitchell, his brother & had twelve children. Thinks some of the family have a family tree written up. His children were:

1. Mitchell Thompson, died, married & had a number of children. He died in Nebraska near Lyons & of his children there was Charlie.

2. Benjamin married & dead. Left one son , Rob-

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ert, who was in Nebraska last word.

3. John, married, dead, left 4 children in Chicago viz: Florence, James, John & William

4. Margaret Thompson married Thos Liggitt see below

5. Esther Thompson married Lanson Ross & lived at Joliet. Both dead there & left children:

May, living

Alma, dead

Frank, dead

Edgar, living

Robert, living

Jessie, married Rev Fay Arnold Moon Methodist preacher. He is in Manila Philippine Islands where he is Chaplain of the U.S. army

6. Priscilla, married John Murphy both dead at Dwight Ills. No issue

7. Mary, married Thos Boyd. He dead & she lives in Chicago Ills at 2021 E 72 St where I saw her in Oct. They had 2 children:

Margaret married Robinson

Mabel married Lou Eoe & had one son


Says her Aunt Mary could give best information of anyone.

8. Elizabeth Thompson died unmarried.

9. Ellen Thompson married Robert Bell & lives in Oregon. He is dead. She living. Had children: Cherdz, Earl, Jim, Beatrice. They once lived in Portland Oregon.

10? Samuel married & dead, wife living. She was Margaret Porter & have children: Cora, schoolteacher, single

Robert, was killed

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Another boy, I got their record in Oct.

11. Martha, died young

12. Emma died aged abt 20 yrs unmarried.

This information enables me to connect up this family for while she did not know the name of her great grandfather, it was John, son of James 1758-1835 of Jacob. July 8/23 This is questionable & incorrect, I believe.

The children of Margaret & Thos Liggitt line 4 Page 108 preceding are:

1. Elsie, my informant of the day married Alfred Radcliffe, couldn't give date or his parentage or birth, but said he died about 5 yrs ago in Chicago aged about 70 yrs. No issue. Mrs R. has been sick & in bed 1 yr 5 mos & while thought to have lung trouble, she says her ailment is principally her stomach, bowels & liver & has also asthma. Her nurse, Mrs Hyatt, came in 3 or 4 times to terminate the conference (Elsie being in bed) but she was game & kept on saying twice to Mrs Hyatt "I am just finishing". She seemed fairly strong & said the doctors now told her she would get well. I am very glad to have found her & had the conference.

2. Thomas, unmarried & now at doctors (Richard's) while she, Elsie is down sick.

3. Robert unmarried in Los Angeles, also at Richard's

4. Lillian, married John L. Hall. She is dead & he lives in Seattle Wash. had children:

1. Charles, married lives Seattle

2. Emily, married & lives at Snohomis

See line 30 next page

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Washington. Her husband is Sherman Ward Bushnell. In writing address: John L. Hall Laurelhurst, Seattle Wash.

5. Martha Liggitt died aged 12 yrs

6. Frederick, married Grace Gregory & had 4 children. He is dead. She lives at Normal Ills His children:

1. Frederick died aged about 16 yrs

2. Chester married & lives in Los Angeles Calif

3. Mildred died aged abt 12 yrs

4. Pearl married recently & lives at Normal or Lexington Ills

7. Charles died aged 15 yrs

8. Dr Richard C. His wife gave me their record & Elsie's address.

9. Flemming married & has 3 children all living viz: Frances, Flemming & Margaret all children. He lives at Rankin Ills

10. Myrtle married Dr Frederick Ferdinand Ehlers & live at Oak Park Ills where he is a dentist & have two children:

1. Margaret died aged 10 yrs

2. Charles who is in high school

She has her father's family bible. Elsie thinks the Robert Thompson bible was lost as she has heard say.

Myrtle lives at No 116 North Kenilworth Ave Oak Park Ills.

Left at 12:47 PM

Sept 9, 1923 see page 109 line 32 & Page 93 line 10. Leathea Lillian Liggett was born Feby 8, 1862 in Livingston Ills near Dwight & died Oct 16, 1916 at Seattle Washington married Aug 21, 1884 Page 93 line 27 to John L. Hall who was born Sept 14, 1860 the son of William Hall & his wife Elizabeth Ann Hart. Their children: see continuation page 119 line 14.

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At Moses A. Baird's No 2662 S. Raymond Ave Los Angeles Calif Dec 28, 1922 5:11 PM

Cousin Mrs Baird admitted me & didn't know me but was very glad to see me & was very kind. I waited until almost 6 PM before Moses got in from the bank in that neighborhood where he is Asst Cash & Secy, it having started up only in August. She says Susan Cope Pooley isn't well has tuberculosis germs. Says she & her husband recently returned from England where they went to see his father. She says Clara is teaching in Hollywood Calif, has a grown daughter to Mr Martin, her first husband & two sons, now in school to Mr Williams, her second husband. Moses & his wife gave me their record as follows:

Moses A. Baird born Aug 28, 1863 married Oct 7, 1891 at Streator Ills by Rev Dr Frank F. Stoltz, Pres minister to Lametha Voorhees, daughter of Jacob Skillman Voorhees, & his wife Anna Maria Allen who was born at Streator Ills Mch 10, 1863. Their children were as follows:

1. Sarah Elizabeth born in Cicero Ind Feby 24,1895 & died Mch 24, 1895

2. Paul Alexander born in Princeton NJ Dec 31, 1896 & died in Luzerne Tp, Fayette Co Pa July 22, 1897 & is buried in Uniontown Pa in lot of his Aunt Sarah Elizabeth Baird.

3. Alexander Voorhees born in Los Angeles Calif Oct 29, 1904 at home & had dinner with us.

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He is a tall handsome 6 ft boy & is an electrician & works nights at wireless installations. He is working for the city as his health required that they take him out of school for a year.

M.A. was a Bookkeeper in the Treas Dept of Princeton University abt 4 yrs from Feby 1, 1896 until Dec 1899 & often handed Woodrow Wilson his pay checks. Has met here his daughter, Mrs Wm G. McAdoo who with her children & husband live here. The newspapers today spoke of his celebrating today the 66th anniversary of his birth ie Woodrow Wilson's.

Mose [sic] left Streator in 1889 & came to Calif & was here 2 yrs & rtd to Streator & was married, coming back here & remained 2 yrs longer & left in 1893 for the east, where he worked in the City Deposit Bank Pgh Pa & was driven back here by reason of the doctor's advice in 1903 & has lived here continuously since & is Asst Cash & Secy in the West Side State Bank. Lametha does her own work & is an excellent cook & had a fine dinner which I greatly enjoyed having with them. Mose walked with me several blocks, passing the Pres Ch of which he is a member, to the street cars where I went with him 4 blocks where we transferred to a Garvaniza Car & he got off to go to a telegraph office. He told me of his terrible ordeal with the

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neuritis & of his having to quit work for over a year & of electric treatment 200,000 volts for the neuritis in his knee & the calf of his leg. He is however, the youngest looking 60 yr old I know. He told of many Uniontown & Fayette Co People being here viz: Kate R. Elliott & sister, living near them, also Hugh B. McKean, Charles E. Boyle, Josephine H. Snider, Mary Stevens Carroll, whose husband C.E. Carroll D.D.S. is in the Arlington office Bldg corner Arlington & Washington Tel 760-876 & others

I then continued out to 2015 S. Dayton Ave & got off to get Mrs Dunlap's address but the house was dark. I then boarded the next car & continued on out & was soon again:

At residence of Mrs Laura Hart No 5333 Monte Vista St Dec 28, 1922 9:11 PM

Mrs Hart graciously admitted me again & said her daughter Gertrude had gone out to have dinner with some friends, so I missed seeing her again. She s'd she had nothing further in the way of Records except some of the Hart family. She said her Aunt Eliza Washmoot? had a daughter Rebecca who married Wm G. Peffer, both of whom are now dead, but a son Dr Ambrose Peffer is a practicing physician living in Newville Pa. Go there

See book 17 P 335-7

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& see him. He has two sisters, one, Miss Iva Peffer & the other Annetta married William Smith & lives in Washington D.C. Get her address from the doctor. Mrs Hart came to Calif in Aug 1903 locating in Los Angeles & came out here to Highland Park in 1905 coming from Phila where she was located 4 yrs from 1899 to 1903 educating her daughters. she had lived in Cumberland Co on the farm & at Carlisle Pa for 14 yrs before she went to Phila Pa in 1899. She tonight verified statement made today at Glendale Calif by Greason D. Gillelen that the old stone house farm was owned by her grandmother, Mary Carothers & not by her grandfather James D. Greason who was an only child & a spoiled one & was very arbitrary. She spoke of his having recd letters from London lawyers of a Grayson estate of four millions in Chancery in England, but he said he could make his own living & would do nothing toward proving his descent. She said he was very good to the poor & had a young Henderson buy a mill, loaning him the money, which started the family on to good fortune which continues. G.D. Greason had spoken of his giving the poor German Doctor a horse to be pd for when he could & of giving one to a man who was starting west & was stopped by reason of one of his horses dying. Mrs Hart said Greason

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Sta is the highest point on the Cumberland Valley RR which was built in 1836 & her grandfather James D. Greason built the house, stone & frame on his own farm near Plainfield, the same year in which her father, Robert Greason later lived. G.D.G. spoke of his grandfather Greason leaving some money in trust to take care of his son William who was a drinking man & of how judiciously Robert, who was the flower of the family cared for him until he died & of his being home & telling his mother to let her share in the fund be given to her brother Robert. G.D.G. said the P.O. address of his Uncle John Greason's sons James was Ironton, mo, but Mrs H. don't think he stayed there. Mrs H. says her Uncle James Greason tore down the main part of the old stone house & built to the kitchen but says the kitchen has been torn down since his death. She is very anxious to be sure about the name of her grandmother Carothers father & I told her her Uncle Samuel Greason had told me in July 1876 & would write her.

Left at 10:22 PM

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Room 610 Hotel Van Nuys Los Angeles Calif Dec 29, 1922 6:50 AM

I got up at this hour yesterday morning, got my breakfast & walked down Main St to 5th & took a street car out to Western Ave four miles out to corner of Western Ave & 6th St where I arrived at 8:05 AM & found Fred S. Markle waiting for me with his new & comfortable Viele Auto. We then drove to 674 W 35th St where I got the record noted at Page 106 which I took down by pencil & have recorded tonight.

We then drove to Inglewood the false lead given me by Warren Gillelen for his brother Greason D. & from there I called him up & his wife said it was Glendale where he lived. WE then came back & went to 118 N. Robinson St & the lady there said that while the Kyles (Mary Belle & her husband Wm C) still owned the house, they had moved a year ago to 620 Columbia St Wilmar Sta L.A. which is at Alhambra out Ramona way which they tell me is out by Pasadena. The lady at the house thought Mrs Kyle's sister Mrs Mansfield lived down toward Long Beach.

We then drove to Glendale Calif where I found Elsie Liggitt Radcliffe & have recorded tonight Pages 107 to 110 incl what I penciled down there. Then went to Greason D. Gillelen's & recorded at

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his rooms pages 100 to 105 inclusive what they told me. He is a fine man & his wife of our Uniontown Pa Hibbens is an excellent woman, large & handsome & very helpful & kind.

I was unable to find any trace of Eliza Jane French at Glendale.

Mr Markle thought it was then too late, 4 PM, to go to Pasadena, so we drove back to 1818 1/2 S. Roosevelt St to see Mrs Frank Ainsworth & she had gone out as her next door neighbor told me. We then drove to 2662 S. Raymond Ave to the residence of Cousin Moses A. Baird, rented, & it being then 5 PM, I bid friend F.S. Markle who had been so kind for the last two days goodbye. He gave me his telephone number as "Hollywood 10672". i have recorded on pages 111 to 113 M.A. Baird's record & on pages 113 to 115, my further conference with Mrs Hart. I arrived in from Mrs Hart's & went to the Pacific Elec Sta Main & 6th & learned abt cars going to Long Beach & Riverside etc & came to the hotel arriving at 11 PM & have written continuously since. Will now write to Judges McLucas & Peairs the latter at Bakersfield Calif & then go to breakfast. It is now 7:25 AM

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At residence of Mrs Alice D. Fox No 1427 Olive St Long Beach Calif Dec

29, 1922 3:33 PM

I arrived here about 20 minutes ago & Mrs Fox's daughter, Miss Jane Leonora Fox has brought out the old John Finley bible which was given to her by her great Aunt Priscilla Jane Lane (the oldest daughter of John Finley) for whom she was named. The bible was printed in Brattleboro & Boston by Fessenden Co in 1834. The record of births of John Finley, wife & children are written in a plain bold hand, no doubt written by John Finley himself. I am embodying this record in the shape of a genealogical table commencing on page 120 & to it am adding what record Miss Fox entered, as she says years ago in the old bible in the shape of a genealogical table supplemented by what her mother & herself can add from their personal recollections. The record of births of John Finley & family as given in the table & some of the deaths are from the old bible.

Mrs Fox says her Uncle James Edward Finley's daughter Alice see page 106 was born in 1881 & died she thinks immediately.

Cynthia Jane Witter was born in Ohio, the daughter of Ezra Witter & his wife Tisha Cole born in Seneca Co O

George W. Fox was born in Ohio, the son of Benjamin Franklin Fox & his wife Jane Catlin. He died in York, Nebraska. Miss Fox has a letter from Mrs Olive

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Bailey now of Placentia Calif, daughter of James Edward Finley dated Jany 27, 1902 in which she says she was in correspondence with a man in Ohio who was Vice Pres of a Bank there who was a great grandson of Rev James B. Finley "a second cousin of Grandpa John Finley". Write to her.

Please notify them when book is ready as they will want one if it doesn't' cost to much.

Leaving 5:55 Pm

From page 110 bottom:

1. Charles Lincoln Hall born Feby 16, 1887 at Fernwood Cook Co Ills

2. Edith Margaret Hall born Apr 11, 1889 at Fernwood, Ills died spring of 1904 at Chicago Ills

3. Emily Hall born May 25, 1897 at Chicago Ills

1. Charles Lincoln Hall married Feby 8, 1913 to Julia Adelaide Daisy Purvis who was born July 24, 1892 at Brookville, Ontario Canada, the daughter of George Aaron Purvis & his wife Annetta Cecelia Barnes & they now live at NO 2104 4th Ave W. Seattle, Washington

Their children are:

I. Stuart Lincoln Hall b Nov 5, 1913 at Edmonton, Alta, Can

II. Annetta Lillian hall b May 4, 1919 at Vancouver B.C. Can

III. Pansee Patricia Hall B July 4, 1921 at New Westminster BC Can

3. Emily Hall married June 23, 1918 to Sherman Ward Bushnell who was born Jany 9, 1895 in Seattle Wash, the son of James Sherman Bushnell & his wife Kate Ward. They live at No 611 W. Comstock Seattle Wash. Their children are:

I. Sarah Jane Bushnell born May 7, 1920 at Seattle Wash

II. Sherman Ward Bushnell Jr Born June 13, 1921 at Seattle Wash.

V9 Page 120 & V9 Page 121

[Descendant Chart]

Robert Finley who died July 5, 1825 married Mary Craig who was born Apr 1767 & died 1847.


Eli Finley

Rev Jonathan, Bookfield Mo. No issue

Jane, m. Smalley

Peggy, mar Craig

Kate, mar Robinson Calhoun Ills, Mrs Fox knew her. Thinks there was no issue.

Barclay, m. an Eckley

Hannah, m. Nealons Robinson Ks. He was a liveryman.

Ellen, m. Feaster, Robinson Ks

Martha, m. Robinson Ks

Louisa Finley, M.1. m.2. who was a doctor in Ohio

Jennie, m. King & lived at Findlay O.

Lewis King, lived at Findlay O in 1892

Hannah, m. Irving, & died in Mansfield O

Milton, ob in Southern Ills

Smith, lived in Mansfield O

Maggie, moved to Kansas & died

Hannah, ob at Mansfield O

a boy

John Finley, B Nov 225, 1802 ob Feby 28, 1883 m. Rebecca Gaffney who was born Oct 6, 1807 & died Feby 26, 1856.

Andrew Jackson Finley, B Nov 14, 1828. Mar Oct 6, 1850 to Margaret Jane Carter. She died on July 27, 1925 see page 34.

William Patterson, Born Nov 30, 1830 m. Mch 25, 1852 Cynthia Jane Witter who was born Jany 23, 1834. She died Dec 15, 1861 & he Nov 18, 1863. He was Sergt Co F 112th Ills & was killed in the battle of Knoxville Tenn.

Laura Antoinette, B Dec 26, 1852 m. Feby 22, 1876 to Chas A. Atkinson who was born May 4, 1848 see page 121.

Alice Delphine, B Nov 12, 1854 m. June 12, 1873 to Geo Washington Fox who was born July 6, 1850 & died June 19, 1819 see page 121.

John Charles Fremont, B Jany 14, 1857 & died July 5, 1857

Monroe Taylor, B June 5, 1858 m. July 4, 1882 to Eliza J. Ridenour? Both living at Adel Iowa where he is county Auditor of Dallas Co Iowa & have 5 chil

Victor Albert, B June 21, 1860 m. Dec 25, 1881 to Julia Francis. Both living at Cabool, MO. Have 8 children.

Priscilla Jane, B Oct 17, 1832 ob Feby 19, 1898 married Peter Lane. She died in Wyoming Ills & he died later in Mo. No issue. She gave old bible to Jane L. Fox.

John Louis, B Apr 24, 1834 ob June 22, 1916 m. Rebecca Trickle & died in Dodge City Ks. Had 5 children.

Robert Milton, B Apr 14, 1836 Living in Hiawatha Ks M. Mary Hunn. She died. Had 6 children see book 13 p 80

Mary Elizabeth, B Mch 27, 1838 ob Apr? 1909 m. Chas Louis Lane, a bro of Peter. She died in San Diego Cal. He had died before in Perry, Iowa. Had 4 children.

Albert Porter, B Feby 16, 1840 ob Oct 10, 1918 m. Rachel Hiner. She is living at Cawker City Ks & he died there. Thinks they had 11 children.

James Edward, B Sept 17, 1842 living at 674 W. 35th St Los Angeles Calif. I got his record yesterday morning see page 106.

Sarah Catherine, B Mch 31, 1845 ob Apr 1, 1846

Caroline Rebecca, B Feby 14, 1847 ob Dec 17, 1917 at San Diego Calif & is buried there. M. Macomber. He died long before she died 25 or 30 yrs ago. She had but one child which only lived a few months.

Willis Oscar, B Sept 15, 1849, ob. Mar Lizzie Cozad. He dead. She living. Had she thinks six children. He died on a farm near Cawker City Kansas.

Hugh [son of Robert & Mary (Craig) Finley]

Sallie, m. Headley

Wilson, B in Ohio, moved to Ills & died


Alexander, Living in 1892 at Toulon Ills

Lucy, lived at Toulon Ills

Elizabeth, lives at Toulon Ills

Craig, lives at Toulon Ills

William, lives at Pawnee City Neb

Mary, Born Ill

John, born Ohio

Milton, born Ills

All three [last 3 above] living in Toulon Ills in 1892 Betsy, an old maid

Alexander, see Bk 23 p 146


Elizabeth, 3 or 4 children


Sarah, M. Van Osdale

A son

Isabella, m. H.E. Churchill lives 2170 4th ST San Diego Calif

[Descendant Charts]

Laura Antoinette, see page 120 [above]. She & her husband living in Washington Iowa where he is a retired farmer.

Janetta, B Feby 21, 1878 m. Wm DuMont & live Des Moines Iowa Have 4 children.

Ethel May, B Jany 17, 1880 at home single

John Finley, B Apr 26, 1883 married & lives near Washington Iowa where he is a farmer. One child a boy.

Alice F., B Jany 28, 1886 m. Robert McGee & lives at Cambridge Ills No issue

Mark Dale, B June 20, 1892 m. Mabel Marsh & live on a farm near Washington Iowa 2 children.

Alice Delphine, see page 120 [above]

Franklin Louis, B Mch 27, 1874 m. Sept 17, 1899 to Minnie Laura Woodsum who was born May 17, 1875 in Michigan Spring Lake dau of Samuel & Alice Finch Woodsum. He lives at Glendale Calif. No issue. He is a lumberman.

Jane Leonora, B Dec 30, 1875. She is vocational advisor in the Poly technic High School at Long Beach Calif & was with her mother my good informant of the day.

George Fox, B Sept 21, 1879 & died Jany 19, 1880 at Bushnell, Ills

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AT Kol-a-gen Delicatessen No 14 Elm St Long Beach Calif Dec 29, 1922 1:15 PM

I called in here & got my lunch & asked for Mrs Dean, dau of Mr & Mrs Dr Otis Whitesell of Santa Ana. She is a short pretty black eyed young woman & was glad to see me & called her husband Arthur C. Dean, a big jovial three hundred pounder who says he was born May 24, 1895 & that the maiden name of his mother was Elizabeth Bond. They were very kind & he said he wanted to get a book when it came out.

Left 1:26 PM

& then went to:

Residence of Frank H. Milligan at Klose Inn Apts Long Beach Calif Dec 29, 1922 1:33 PM

His wife admitted me & called him. He is not of our Westnd Co Pa Milligans. His people came from Shermans Valley Perry Co Pa. Their home now is at Vinton Iowa, but they come here for the winters.

Left 1:46 PM

& then went to 114 W 4th St but Isaac C. Scott was not there & the young man who moved in two weeks ago knew nothing of him, nor did his name appear in the telephone book or city directory, so I gave up finding him. Then went to Mrs Alice Fox's & the record I

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got there is on pages 118 to 121 inclusive. I then went to the Hotel Virginia & got my dinner & walked back to:

Residence of Fannie V. Reed at "The Mun" No 349 E. Ocean Ave Long Beach Calif Dec 29, 1922 7:35 PM

I had called at 2 PM & she had just stepped out & again at 6:15 & she was just at dinner with some friends. She told me that their marriage ie Nelson Campbell Reed M.D. & Fannie Van Kirk, herself, were married at Columbus by Rev Hastings, pastor of the Congregational Church on Dec 2, 1873. She says she was born in Springfield O Jany 11, 1855 & is the daughter of Theodore Van Kirk & his wife Sarah A. Woolford. She don't know the name of Theodore's father, but says he had two brothers William & Cornelius, but no sisters. Her father was born about 1825 & died aged 62 yrs

Nelson C. Reed died Sept 5, 1893 at Columbus O of tuberculosis super induced probably from his army service he having run off from home when 16 & went to war, serving for 15 mos in the Civil War. The meagre diet or food served there was not sufficient for a growing boy & stomach trouble resulted which bothered him through life. They had two sons:

1. Francis DeVolson Reed born Oct 22, 1877 & died May 22, 1910 at Redlands Calif

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of consumption, unmarried.

2. Wade Calvin Reed born June 25, 1879 in Columbus, Ohio & died Sept 25, 1904 at Ocean Park, Calif unmarried also of consumption. Both are buried I think she said, at Los Angeles, possibly Long Beach. Mrs Reed is a fine vigorous erect woman, the picture of health & intelligence. She said that about 2 yrs after Dr Reed died. she went to Denver Col for her son's health & was there 16 yrs & from there went to Redlands Calif where her son died six months later. She came to Long Beach 11 yrs ago. I told her of her relationship to Pres Harding of which she was not aware & she was much pleased. She did not know the name of her grandfather Van Kirk. I had a very delightful hour with her & left with regrets at 8:33 PM.

Virginia Hotel, Long Beach Calif Dec 29, 1922 Main large waiting room parlor at 12 o'c noon

The Long Beach 1922 City Directory shows:

Carruthers, Balm Nurse r 417 E. Ocean Ave

Carruthers, Joseph J. (Mary S.) H. 744 Loma Vista Ave

Carruthers, Lue A. (wid. Sam S.) r 424 E. 14th

Carruthers, Sadie (wid. Grove C.) r Saydengrove Apts 257 E 4th

Crothers, John W. (Maroe) h. 415 W 9th

Crothers, Thos E. (Sarah) h. 1015 Magnolia Ave

Finley, 10

Jack, Jas V. (Josephine) Barber h 1435 Hellman

Jack, Jay R. (Hilda M.) Adv H. 639 Chestnut Ave

Markle, John F. (Minnie) h. 730 W. 4th

No Redburn nor Rothermel 3 Cols of Thompsons.

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At residence of Caleb N. Harford Corner of Orange & Lugonia Sts Redlands Calif Dec 30, 1922 12:20 PM

I arrived here ten minutes ago & Mrs Harford who is daughter of Joseph Boyd of Judge Robert & she says when she was at her father's in Grand Ridge, Ills in 1907, she saw the Robert Boyd bible which contained many records & an account of Elizabeth Jack's escape from the Indians. She says her brother Harry R. Boyd Atty at Law Memphis Tenn No 1056 Poplar Ave might have it or know who has. She has gotten out their own big bible with records as follows:

"C.N. Harford & Mary J. Boyd were married Nov 30, 1876 at Grand Ridge Ills by Rev J.H. Moore & Alex C. Wilson.


C.N. Harford was born in Fayette Co Pa across from Fredericktown on Sept 16, 1846. His full name is Caleb Newton Harford, son of William Harford & his wife Sarah Ann Craft a daughter of Geo B. Craft the "Octogenarian Bard".

Mary Jane Boyd was born at New Salem Pa Nov 29, 1850

Their children:

1. Grace Elvira born LaSalle Co, Grand Ridge Ill Sept 20, 1877

2. Boyd Emory born LaSalle Co, Grand Ridge Ills July 30, 1881

3. Cecil born LaSalle Co, Grand Ridge Ills Jany 17, 1884

4. Clara Bell born LaSalle Co Grand Ridge Ills May 24, 1886

5. Harry Leslie born Redlands Calif Jany 27, 1893

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1. Grace E. was married May 28, 1913 to Wm Silas Liebandofer a native of Penna & are both living at Bakersfield Calif where he is in the oil & Real Estate business. No issue.

2. Boyd E. was married Sept 17, 1921 to Miss Bason Hubbert aged abt 25 & live at Taft, Calif where he is with the Standard Oil Co. No issue.

3. Cecil is at home unmarried. I met her & her parents when I came in.

4. Clara Bell was married May 1916 to Roy Stone Kendall who was born Nov 2, 1890? the son of E.E. Kendall of Boston Mass. They live at 914 Orange St Redlands Calif where he is storekeeper for the Edison Co. No issue.

5. Harry L. is unmarried, lives in Taft Calif where he is storekeeper for the Standard Oil Co.

Cecil is Secy of the Redlands Water Co

Grace & her husband are good friends of Judge Peairs at Bakersfield Calif. Mrs Harford thinks the old bible had quite a lot of the family history & stated that Ann Jack never saw her father, she being a posthumous child. Mrs Harford is a well preserved virile woman medium weight & height. Mr Harford is tall & slender & looks much younger than 76 with his black or iron gray moustache. Their tel is Black 724.

Leaving 12:55 PM

See book 5 P 359

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AT Emil F. Stroh's residence No 1200 S. San Antonio Ave Ontario Calif Dec 30, 1922 4:22 PM

I called here this afternoon & met his daughter Miss Ruth Stroh, a slender young girl in her teens. She said her father was attending some Edison meeting & could not be reached. I left my address & a paper stating what I wanted & asked her to have him write me.

Left 4:30 PM

Hotel Van Nuys Room 601, Los Angeles Calif Dec 30, 1922 11:54 PM

I left yesterday forenoon on the Pacific Electric line & got off at Watts & made inquiry at the Bank & P.O. & from several others but none knew of the whereabouts of Wm J. Carothers. I then took a car & went to Long Beach Calif arriving shortly before 12 o'c noon. I got direction from the porter at Virginia Hotel where I stopped & then went to the Kol-a-gen restaurant & got my lunch & met Mr & Mrs Arthur C. Dean see page 122. Then went to Frank H. Milligan's see page 122. I then went to see Mrs Reed & she had just gone out. Then went to I.C. Scott's see page 122 & 123.

After leaving Mrs Reed, I walked to the Pacific Elec Co & got the 9 o'c car to Los Angeles & arrived just in time to get the

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10:02 PM car to Riverside where I arrived at 12:35 AM 30th this morning & went to the wonderful Mission Inn where I was assigned to room 215 & went to bed at 1 AM, got up at 6:50 AM took a cold bath, got my breakfast & called up Mark M. Strickler who came to my room at 8:55 AM. He is 74 yrs old, but don't look it. He walked with me to a fine clean grocery store where his daughter Ida is cashier. We then walked around to Mrs Margaret M. Altman's home No 991 W 10th St where we met her looking better than she has for years & her niece Dolores Taylor Schrader. I arranged for her to come to the Mission Inn at 10:30, she saying she would drive me to the towns I wanted to make. I then walked around to 343 Lime St & finding the house closed, a little girl next door took me to her grandmother, Mrs Pichel who said Mrs Eliza Williams had gone to Glendale on Wednesday of last week where she expected to make her home & where she has a daughter or two living. She referred me to G. Ellis Porter's Pharmacy cor 8th & Orange St saying that his mother was a sister of Mrs William's deceased husband. Going there, I was told he & his family had gone to the Imperial Valley & that he lived at 1068 Lime St & upon phoning from the Mission Inn, was told

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by a woman who answered the phone & said the address was Mrs Eliza Williams 466 Vine St, Glendale Calif. We then started about 11 AM with Wm E. Stephens driving & accompanied by his two sisters, Miss Stephens & Mrs J. Art Strickler's former wife & Margaret. We reached Redlands & went to the Harford home & got their record on pages 125 & 126. We then drove to Colton but could not get trace of Mrs Lavinia Dunlap. We then drove back to the Mission Inn, Riverside where we arrived at 1:50 PM & I gave the crowd their lunch which was excellent in cuisine & service. Mr Stephens then showed us through some of the downstairs where there is a wealth of curio collections. M.M. Strickler had introduced me in the morning to the Prop Frank Miller, a handsome gray bushy haired man who owns more than half of the stock of the Co & the Southern Pac RR Co owns the balance. The house is built clear around a square & is wonderful.

We then drove to Ontario Calif see page 127. We then drove to Pomona & found the home of Mrs Robert Fairley No 133 W Centre St locked up & could raise no one so I went to the Pacif Elec & took car for Pasadena Calif where I arrived at 7:25 PM. Got a taxi & drove to

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35 Marion Ave where Mrs C.C. Ward of San Francisco is visiting at 7:45 & could raise no one, the house being in darkness. I then drove to 8:15 Milan Ave South Pasadena the new home of Miss Sallie Beazell where I arrived at 8 PM & visited with her & her sister Julia until 9:05 PM. Sallie looked very well & was extremely glad to see me as was her sister Julia. A neighbor had come & taken Rachel, the invalid to a moving picture show so I missed seeing her. Asking Sallie where she was educated, she said, she was taught at Uniontown Pa by Rev Lyon a Presbyterian preacher & at Edgeworth Seminary or school at Sewickly Pa & she said they came to Pasadena from Uniontown Pa Mch 1893. I bade them goodbye with their "God Bless you" & drove back to 35 Marion Ave at 9:15 & found the house still dark & no response & concluded they too were probably at a movie, so I went to the street car Sta & took a car at 9:42 for Los Angeles arriving here at about 10:20 PM & got what the clerk said was the last room in the house. It is now 1:30 AM & I am writing to:

Mrs Emily Williams 466 Vine St Glendale Calif

Mrs Robert Fairley 133 W Center St Pomona Calif

Gustave Anjou West New Brighton NJ

Will then write up my cash acct book & go to bed.

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At residence of Mr & Mrs Frank Ainsworth No 1818 1/2 S. Roosevelt Ave Los Angeles Calif Dec 31, 1922 10:40 AM. (Written in Jany 1, 1923 at [unreadable word] at San Luis Obispo Calif)

I arrived here an hour ago by street car & giving the doorbell three rings, the door opened & Mrs Ainsworth at the head of the stairs bid me come up & his wife's brother, Rothermel Dunkelberger entered with me. Mr A. said I had given the family ring, three bells. He is a tall slender handsome man & said he had formerly been in the banking business for some years. He said his Ainsworths had gone from Vermont to Canada & then came west & that his father, living at Phoenix, Arizona has an Ainsworth Book which carries his own & his wife's name. Mrs Ainsworth appeared, a very handsome girl, medium height & build with her bones well cushioned, but not fat. She had understood Cacy's wife to say, in fact she had said, my name was Rothermel & she had called up the Van Nuys & all the other principal Hotels in town trying to reach me. She produced several old German Books of her father, Col Isaac Rothermel Dunkelberger & said she had a lot more boxed up in a couple of boxes downstairs in the basement but neither her husband nor herself could find the old bible in which there was a family record in German or Penna Dutch which she said they

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had somewhere. She said they had an old leather trunk full of her father's old papers that she had never looked through. Her brother "Roth" said his father had showed him a family tree of the Rothermel family which he explained to him, showing his descent & rights as well as that of others, to the fortune in the old country that they were entitled to. It is most important to find this.

He & his sisters gave me the following information about their immediate family:

Col Isaac Rothermel Dunkleberger was born May 1, 1832 at Little Mahonoy Pa. His children are:

1. Cordelia Dunkelberger, born at San Francisco Dec 18, 1869

2. Rothermel Dunkelberger born at Los Angeles Calif Jany 3, 1872

3. Victor (6 ft 3 3/4 in) born at Los Angeles Calif Feby 22, 1874

4. Augusta Dunkelberger born at Los Angeles Calif Apr 9, 1879

5. Cocy [Coey?] Dunkelberger born at Los Angeles Calif July 24, 1881

6. Josephine Dunkelberger born at Los Angeles Calif July 21, 1890

"Roth" said his father Col Isaac R. Dunkelberger read law under John B. Packer, a son-in-law of Simon Cameron, at Sunbury Pa & the day he was admitted to the bar there, having on his dress suit, he enlisted in the Civil War & rode to see his father & bid him goodbye & rode back arriving at 3 AM after a ride of 30 miles. His father, along with other advice told him to never turn his back

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to the enemy. After the Civil War, he continued in the Regular Army & came to San Pedro Calif, the regular army post & was married here on Feby 26, 1867 to Mary Mallard who was born in Jackson Iowa Feby 26, 1846 (the day father & mother were married) & came here when two yrs old over the plains with her father, Judge Joseph Mallard in 1849 arriving here on New Year's day Jany 1, 1850. he was a Judge in Iowa before he came here & was of French extraction, his grandfather Jean Mallard having been a soldier in Napoleon's Army. His wife was Cordelia Cox.

By questioning, I gathered the following information about their immediate family, the children of Col I.R.D.

1. Cordelia Dunkelberger married 1st on Apr 10, 1893 Preston Orem who is living but divorced. She married 2d Clarence Holton & lives at No 111 North Dearborn ST Phila Pa & can give good information about the family. She has two children, but I did not get their names or by which husband.

2. Rothermel Dunkelberger said he had been married, but was divorced but had no children. He had come in for his breakfast which he ate while I was there.

3. Victor Dunkelberger 6 ft 3 3/4 high was married June 8?, 1902 to Ora Marble who was born about 1878. He was operated

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on for appendicitis on his own insistent demand, by reason of pains in that region, but he did not have it & died by reason of the operation in San Francisco Calif Jany 26? 1916. He had no issue. His wife is living having remarried.

4. Augusta Dunkelberger was married Oct 8, 1902 to Frank Ainsworth who was born Nov 25, 1877b at Black River Jackson Co Wisconsin (the son of Charles Franklin Ainsworth & his wife Marian Orilla Southworth) & they live here at No 1818 1/2 S. Roosevelt Ave. he is in the accounting Dept of the Union Oil Co here. They do not have any issue. They were may kind friends of the day.

5. Cacy Dunkelberger was married July 27, 1921 to Jessie Burnham Peirson who they say is aged about 39 yrs. No issue. They live at No 129 N. Normandie Ave Los A. & their telephone number is 567-366

6. Josephine Dunkelberger was married Dec 26, 1911 here in Los A. to Charles Lawrence Stokes son of ________ Stokes & his wife Clara Maude Josephson who was born July 26, 1882 in New Castle Australia. He too is with the Union Oil Co here & is the patent engineer of the Co. They have two children, beautiful, well behaved, healthy, chunky girls, who came in from Sunday School shortly after

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11 o'clock & their mother, a fine looking strong woman with auburn hair came in a little later & gave this record:

1. Catherine Mallard Stokes born here in Los Angeles Cal Dec 17, 1912. She, Catherine, said some of the old books were at their home & "were in a language I can't read". They said they wd look them up & let me know.

2. Nan Isabel Stokes born in young, New South Wales Apr 17, 1915.

From the Annual Pub Hist soc of Southern Calif & of the Pioneers of Los Angeles for the year 1904, which Mrs Ainsworth brought out, I gleaned that:

Col Isaac Rothermel Dunkelberger was born in Northumberland Co Pa in 1832 & died in Los Angeles Calif Dec 5, 1904 aged 72 yrs. He was one of the first, if not the first to enlist in the Civil War from Penna. In the Civil War, he was in 36 pitched battles & a number of skirmishes, was twice wounded, once through the left shoulder & left lung. He suffered from this wound by continued abscesses for 40 yrs. He continued in the Reg Army until 1876 when he resigned & settled in Los Angeles Calif where he was appointed Post Master by President Grant Feb 3, 1877 & reappointed by Prest Hayes in 1881. In 1867, he married Mary Mallard who with six children 3 sons & 3 daughters surviving. In 1910, Pres McKinley after reviewing the war record of Col Dunkelberger

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& letters of Genl Grant, Sheridan & Meade appointed him Captain of Cavalry in the Regular Army & he was confirmed & retired same day by Congress without a dissenting vote.

Mrs Ainsworth proposed driving me to Bellflower where I wanted to see Wm J. Carothers & she had her husband go & bring the car out & they took me, leaving between 12 noon & 1 PM & drove down by the Van Nuys to get my over coat. Driving along Figueroa St abt 12th to 10th Sts on the left or west & on the street was her father's farm which he laid off fair lots & named the streets. She said he had the second telephone in Los Angeles Calif & that he numbered the town which became necessary when he while P.M. installed free delivery. He did not engage in any business after retiring from the P.O. A square or two further 10th to 8th St was her grandfather Mallard's farm & much of the land & some property there, are owned by two sisters of her mother who are very wealthy, one, an old maid & the other a childless widow. Still a little further on, was the land of the Cox family - her grandmother Mallard. She had a big bundle foolscap size scratch paper written by her father in ink giving his war record. She said there was another similar bunch giving his family Hist, which she sd she would look up & send me. We arrived in Bellflower & after inquiry found the:

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Residence of William James Carothers at No 158 E. Park Ave Belleflower Calif Dec 31, 1922 2 PM

Mrs Carothers admitted me. She is a pleasant faced well fed good natured woman, virile & very young looking for one who last month celebrated her 50th or golden wedding anniversary. She says her husband's father was Armstrong Carothers & she thinks his father was William. The family of this grandfather consisted of the following children which she aimed to name in the order of their ages viz: George the oldest, Josiah, Armstrong, Martin, James & they had but one sister, Eliza Jane.

She said Armstrong Carothers was born at Harrisburg Pa just about where the town is. She says 50 yrs ago this winter, Armstrong's father died at or near Harrisburg Pa & Armstrong went back to see about the settlement of the estate but got but little out of it. She said he had a big farm & died of cancer & the other boys there had cared for him.

Armstrong was then a farmer living 2 1/2 miles from Lebanon O where he had gone as a young man & married his wife there. His brother Josiah lived & died there. Armstrong came out to Wood Co O on a visit & took typhoid pneumonia & died there Feby 12, 1877 she thinks aged 58 yrs. She thought he was

[margin note reads:] Apr 5, 1925 Mrs O. writes S. env. Mch 3, 1925 that they want a book See book 17 P 338-9

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older but the inscription on his tombstone in the cemetery one mile out of Tontogany O says he was 58. His wife died 4 yrs later Apr 9, 1881 also at Wood Co O at their home.

Mrs C. produces Armstrongs old Day Book, small homemade small copy book size in which he had written the births as follows: He evidently commenced this record when his oldest child was 2 yrs old.

"Sept 14, 1844

1. Mary Ellen N. Carothers was born Sept 14, 1842

2. Josiah Carothers was born Aug 7, 1844

3. Francis (a girl) Carothers was born June 22, 1846

4. William James Carothers was born Aug 26, 1848

5. Keziah H. Carothers was born July 22, 1851

6. Joseph Martin Carothers was born June 22, 1853

7. George Washington Carothers was born Sept 28, 1856. He died in Lucas Co O when Douglas was running for President. The Carothers were Republicans.

8. Eliza Jane Carothers born Sept 1, 1859

See Page 51

3. Frances, a girl above died in Warren Co O of scarlet fever aged 17 yrs. Mrs C. has written in the record the following deaths.

1. Ellen Wires (the oldest sister above) died Feby 19,1 877. She died of typhoid fever & dropsy & left a baby 6 mos old & two older children & all three now living. She died near Tontogamy Wood Co O Her children:

1. Cary, a girl, married a Deuster &

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lives in Toledo O

2. John Wires lives near Tontogany O a farmer married Mary Heubner & had one son Fred.

3. Mary, the 6 mos child above referred to married Henry Heubner (pro Habener) a brother of Mary & they live in Tontogany O where he is a carpenter & have three children:

1. Margaret, married

2. John, single

3. a girl

5. Keziah Carothers died unmarried Feby 27, 1877. She wasn't very strong & waited on her father & when he died, she collapsed & died at Tontogany O. She was called Kate & was engaged to be married.

Armstrong Carothers died Feby 12, 1877

Elizabeth Carothers (his widow) died Apr 9, 1881, her maiden name was Newport, Mr C's sister Jennie Gundy.

4. Mr Wm J. Carothers & Anna Finzel my good informant of the afternoon were married near White House O Nov 9, 1872 & celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary here last month. They were married by James Wales J.P. She was born near White House O Mch 1, 1853 the daughter of Frederick Finzel & his wife Eve Bollinger & have had 5 children viz:

1. Ada Adelia Carothers born Aug 28, 1873

2. Edna May Carothers born Dec 31, 1875

3. Arthur Hanford Carothers born Dec 15, 1877

4. Jennie Myrtle Carothers born Apr 14, 1884

5. Frederick Newport Carothers born June 5, 1892

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1. Ada A. was married to Wm Morton & are separated. She lives at Los Angeles Calif. No issue.

2. Edna M.1. Ray Andrews & were divorced. No issue. She mar 2d June 1, 1914 to Herman Baumgart & both are living in Los Angeles Calif. No issue.

3. Arthur H. married Emma Rhora & live near White House O being a farmer living on the same farm which he was rented for 17 years. He was married in 1905 & have six children all born on above farm.

1. Nellie Elizabeth Carothers born Nov 21, 1905

2. Alice Anna Carothers born July 21, 1907

3. Ernest William Carothers born Aug 4, 1908

4. Roy Isaac Carothers born Sept 2, 1910

5. Edna Alberta Carothers born July 13, 1913

6. Florence Carothers born June 2, 1921.

4. Jennie M. married on May 11, 1910 Harry Haney & live here in Bellflower Calif where he works for the Oil Co. Have 3 boys all born at Alhambra Calif viz:

1. Harry Vernon Haney born Feby 18, 1911

2. Howard Roland Haney born Dec 26, 1912

3. Claude Gerald Haney born July 16, 1914

5. Fred N. was married July 4, 1917 to Jennie Fisher of Ramona & have 3 children:

1. William Frederick Carothers born Sept 1918

2. Elizabeth Ann Carothers born Oct 12, 1920

3. Janette Carothers born Oct 7, 1922

Leaving 2:55 PM

Mrs C. said when I arrived that Mr

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C. had just left a few minutes before saying he was going to the pool or billiard room up on the Main St ie Somerset Boulevard, so we drove up to the:

Bellflower Social Club Bellflower Calif Dec 31, 1922 3 PM

I went in & a man of medium weight, build & height with a smoother face & much the build & appearance of Uncle Wm E. Caruthers said he was Wm J. Carothers & while he didn't know the name of his grandfather Carothers, he said he owned 80 acres of land in the heart of Harrisburg Pa & they built up all around him & he had to sell out. Said he had a big house on it with folding doors. he cut his foot with an axe & died from blood poisoning (did not have any cancer he said as his wife had thought). He thinks he was 81 or 82 yrs old when he died. He says his Uncle George Carothers had 3 or 4 farms in Lucas Co O & sold them & went back to Hbg Pa. He had sons George & John. He can't recall what his grandfather's name was, but thinks he left a will which would be recorded at Harrisburg Pa.

Mr Wm J.C. says he was born himself in Warren Co near Lebanon O & has always been a farmer all

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his life & still owns some property in Lucas Co O at the town of Waterville O & also owns the one acre where they live.

Leaving 3:07 PM

We then drove into Los A. where I arrived at the Van Nuys Hotel at 4:25 PM. I paid my bills & went to the Southern Pacific Sta & took the 5 PM train for San Luis Obispo Calif.

On board Southern Pacif train Dec 31, 1922 11:50 PM

I got to bed last night or this morning rather at 4:15 AM & got up at 7:15 AM, got my breakfast, got shaved & shined & upon inquiry of the porter found the first train to San Luis Obispo was at 5 PM on this road.

I then called up Mrs Frank Ainsworth tel 71943 & she very kindly asked me to come right up. I then phoned to Mrs Joseph M. Carothers at Santa Ana Calif & got a more definite location for her brother-in-law Wm J. Carothers on the South edge of Bellflower Calif & not in Watts. I then went to 4th & Spring Sts & took a West Washington St Car & went out about 5 miles to Roosevelt Ave & walked to the house with "Roth" or Rothermel Dunkelberger who

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is tall & smoother shaven & looks much older than he is. He looks fuller 15 yrs older than he is & his sister, Mrs Ainsworth looks that much younger than she is. I asked him where they got the name of Coey for his brother & he said he was named for an old friend of his father who was once Postmaster of San Francisco. Mrs A. said her father followed the Phila plan of numbering Los Angeles Calif.

I had wanted to go to see Mrs Wm M. Clarke at 1221 5th Ave, but did not have time.

It is now 6:30 AM Jany 1st 1923 & as that is the breakfast hour, I will write up my cash acct book & got to breakfast instead of to bed & thus start the new year. JVT

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At residence of Robert Franklin Johnson No 1511 Morro St San Luis Obispo Calif Jany 1, 1923 9:50 AM

I arrived here ten minutes or so ago & was admitted by Mrs Johnson & she called her sister-in-law, Mrs Hart who is well informed back to her grandfather John Thompson, but no further & says she can tell about his four wives & children & also give a list of the children & his brother Joseph in whose house he was married in Shawneetown Kansas which information I will take down in form of a genealogical table commencing on page 146. She is here from Winslow Arizona on a visit to her youngest brother.

Ella Marie Hart was born in Jerome Arizona, her brother David Edgar in Verde Valley Arizona & the other five in Flagstaff Arizona. David Elmer Hart's children, the three oldest in Portland Oregon & the two youngest in Flagstaff Arizona. Mrs Hart gives names of her great Uncle Joseph Thompson's children in the order of their ages as follows:

1. James, an M.D. oldest, 2. Mary Ann mar Jeremiah King. 3. Martha died in Shawneetown Ks unmarried aged between 20 & 30. 4. William lived near Shawneetown Ks & was married & 5. David was a boy when she knew him & he was the youngest. There were but 5 children. David was near Mrs H's age. James the Doctor died shortly after Mrs H. was married, was a bachelor. She recalls hearing that some of the earlier Thompsons married Frames. Mrs Hart gave all names & dates on next 3 pages from memory.

Leaving for train 2:11 PM

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[Descendant Chart]



Armintha Ann Johnson (Refer to Book 8 pages 486-7) See page 147. Born in Guernsey Co O close to Senecaville O & married at Shawneetown Kans Sept 23, 1869 at residence of Joseph Thompson her grandfather's brother, to David Fullerton Hart who was born Feby 28, 1831 at Goshen Conn near to Hartford Conn which was named for an ancestor of his, he being descended from Stephen A. Hart who was an early settler there about the year 1600. He was son of Henry Hart & his wife Ann Street who moved to Illinois in 1835 when David F. was 4 yrs old & settled at Farmington Ill where D.F. was raised. He died Apr 10, 1922 at Winslow Arizona aged 91 yrs 1 mo & 13 days & is buried there. He was a farmer & served 4 yrs & 7 mos in Civil War in 47th Ills Infty etc. He was in the battles of Corinth, Vicksburg, Antietam, Jackson Miss etc. The three older children were born in Colorado & the two youngest [not finished]

George William, B July 31, 1870 in Gilpin Co Colo M. Nov 27, 1917 in Winslow Arizona to Mrs Lorine Mulch a widow who was raised in Illinois by an Aunt. Both living in Winslow Arizona. No issue.

Owen Leslie, B Mch 30, 1873 in Heurfano (pro Warfanoaw) Colo M. Dec 18, 1899 in Phoenix Arizona to Miss Lelah Reid who was born June 28, 1881 dau of Edwd Reid & his wife Lavina Osborn. Both living on a ranch near Winslow Arizona.

Ella Marie, B Jany 13, 1902 m. Sept 1921 to Ernest E. Bernard & live at Phoenix Ariz

Thomas Hart Bernard, B Aug 18, 1922

David Edgar, B Nov 8, 1904

Freda Dorotha, B Feby 22, 1907

Helen Marguerite, B Dec 18, 1910

Freddie, B Dec 26, 1912

Francis Chayter, B June 10, 1915

Marjorie Anna, B Dec 9, 1921

David Elmer, B Feby 21, 1876 in Heurfano Co Colo. M. May _____ in State of Wash to Phoebe Cofer who was born in Joplin Mo dau of Thomas Cofer & his wife Lydia Gray. They live at Flagstaff Arizona.

James Marvin, B Oct 29, 1910

Marguerite, B Apr 25, 1913

David Armin, B July 16, 1914

Luther Howard, B May 25, 1916

Owen Junior, B Jany 27, 1920

Luther Hart, B Mch 18, 1879 in Riaba Co NM now San Juan Co M. Apr 23, 1918 at Winslow to Nancy _______ & live in Winslow Arizona. NO issue.

Anna Nancy, B Sept 12, 1881 in same Co in New Mexico ob Feby 6, 1920 at Kansas City Mo buried at Clarkdale Arizona M. Mch 31, 1909 to Edward Everett Thurston. He living.

David Everett, B Oct 13, 1910 & died Dec 1, 1910

Robert Franklin Johnson, see page 147 m. June 15, 1893 at Williams Arizona to Lida Stearns who was born Sept 5, 1866 at Vevay Ind the daughter of Geo W. Stearns & his wife Mary Garrett.

Eila Moore Johnson, Born Feby 9, 1900 at El Paso Texas & married June 26, 1921 at San Francisco Calif to Charles Hugh Smith who was born July 6, 1899, the son of Philip Smith of Bishop Calif & they live in Berkeley Calif where he is an electrician.

Robert Hugh Smith, Born Apr 21, 1922 at St Mary's Hospital San Francisco Calif. He had lunch today with his grandmother Mrs Hart & myself a fat hearty looking baby but with a colourless face.

V9 Page 146 & V9 Page 147

[Descendant Chart]

John Thompson was born she thinks in Penna & came as a boy with his father to Ohio & was raised there. He died in Jasper Co Mo 14 miles from Carthage MO & near a little town called Sherwood on July 3d, 1856. She thinks became she was 10 yrs old & her sister Emma 9 yrs younger than her was old enough 1 yr to run around & John Thompson's 4th wife picked her up, took her out of the house & set her on the woodpile. He died of the dropsy. She remembers her grandfather very well & says he was a large man & very near 6 ft tall. He was buried near where he died in MO. He was quite gray & she thinks was in his 70s. He was a farmer all his life. She says his widow left Mo as soon as she got the estate which she wormed out of him one third by will which by reason of his childishness, she was able to do. Before he married her, he had deeded to his sons-in-law William E. Mason & Owen Johnson 160 A each in Jasper Co MO they to care for him the balance of his days & give him one third. While she thinks the widow's grasping disposition would have led her to take his family bible, Mrs Hart thinks that her Aunt Mary Darr or her Aunt Ann Dollison may have gotten it before she got in the family. She says she knows her mother did not get it. She did get his old hymn book & since recalling that her mother had said that was the only one of her father's books that any of them had gotten, she now concludes that they didn't get his bible. He was married four times & she thinks his first wife was a Frame as she has often heard her speak of the Frames. Mrs Tucker says he moved fr Ohio to Jasper Co Mo in 1850. He m.1. Ann Frame by whom he had two boys & 3 girls. She died in Ohio. Her children were all born in Guernsey Co O. Ann Frame was born Jany 8, 1793 & died July 2, 1822. He m.2. Elizabeth DeLong, dau of _______ DeLong & his wife Nancy Simpson of Ohio. She, Elizabeth DeLong was in Ohio, she thinks in Guernsey Co Jany 1, 1800 & died in Guernsey Co O when her daughter Nancy was 7 yrs old. He had four daughters by her & her four children were all born in Guernsey Co O. Aug 4/23. Her granddaughter Lydia Jane Tucker, Clinton Kan writes 8/2/23 that she died when her mother Rebecca born Aug 2, 1829 was not quite 3 yrs old. James DeLong U.S. Consul at Tangier in 1862 her brother. He M.3. Nancy Smith a widow in Ohio who had a bunch of children by her first husband who piled in on him & lived off him while his own daughters toiled hard to do the work. He moved from Ohio to Md to Jasper Co when she was 4 yrs old in 1850, they all going together. This wife was living then & thinks she died about two years later when she was 6 yrs old as she remembers seeing her the night she died. Says she was a tall slim woman. She was buried in a field near their home where he was buried where too her Aunt Ann Dollison is buried & also his son James. She doesn't think there would be any markers as that country was made desolate by the guerilla bushwhackers during the Civil War. Her son Andrew Smith came to about Marysville & Sacramento Calif during the gold excitement. Her daughter Nancy Smith kept house for John Thompson until he married his 4th wife & after his marriage, she mar.1 Guy Hinton & after his death, she mar 2d William E. Mason for his second wife but they had not issue. His mother was Nancy Johnson, sister of Mrs H's father, Owen Johnson & wife of Benjamin Mason his father. Nancy Smith, his 3d wife was the widow of Andrew Smith & her maiden name was Baird. Mrs Tucker thinks she died in 1851. He m.4. Margaret Roe, widow of ________ Roe. She was Roe's second wife & his son by a former wife came & wanted his father's big greenbacked bible & she wouldn't let him have it. She never had any children by either Roe or John Thompson. She was a Scotchwoman probably born in Scotland as she talked broken. Mrs Hart thinks she & John Thompson were married about two years before his death & say 1854 & in Jasper Co Mo. They called her "Peggy". She was near 50 yrs of age Mrs H. thinks when John Thompson died. Her hair was not gray. She got around him & had him make his will in her favor & she got all he had left. Mrs Hart doesn't have the least idea where she went. Don't know whether she had any brothers or sisters or not. She kept his old wooden clock. Mrs Tucker says that is was 1854 that he married Mrs Margaret Monroe (not Roe) & she writes later Sept 17, 1923 small envelope that she went back to Scotland & says they heard she died there but don't know in what part of Scotland.


Elizabeth "Aunt Betsey", She thinks was the oldest m. in Guernsey Co O to Robert Johnson bro of Owen. They moved to Indiana & died there. he was in Calif during the old excitement. There were other children.

Phoebe, M Ayers Stires & lived & died in Bourbon Co Kan. he is a bro of Mrs James Johnson's mother. Phoebe m.2d John Macumber. She had 2 chil by Stires. Don't know whether she had any by Macumber.

John T. Johnson, went to Mo married & d. separated. No issue.

Mary Thompson, m. Thomas Darr Both died in Bourbon Co Ks. Had 4 children.

Hannah, M John W. Mason got record in Kansas

Francini died unmarried in Bourbon Co Ks abt 1870

John, died unmarried

David, thinks he lived at Modesto Calif abt 90 miles east? of San Francisco in San Joaquin Valley

Milton, lives at Ericks.

James Thompson, was a Pres preacher & died an old bachelor in Jasper Co Mo. He died after his father's 3d wife died & before he married his 4th wife.

Tabitha Thompson, M. William? Morrison in Ohio & he died in Ohio & left her with 3 girls & 2 boys, all small children. She brot them in 1870 or 1871 to Bourbon Co Ks. She died before her sister Nancy in Bourbon Co Ks

Rebecca, B Thompson? probably a 2d cousin

Jacob, died unmarried

Ann Morrison, m. Moffitt. Don't know of any children

Matilda, died unmarried at Mrs Hart's sister's Emma Lehman's

Logan Morrison, thinks he is living.

Thomas (Double oo) Thompson, m. Edith Johnson a younger sister of Owen Johnson. She died druing Civil War of tuberculosis in Ohio & he died somewhere in Calif. Might have been more but she only knows of one child.

Celesta, Died a young girl unmarried in Guernsey Co O.

Nancy Thompson, Born Sept 21, 1823 & died May 17, 1907 in Bourbon Co Ks & is buried with her husband in Mason g.y. She mar June 22, 1845 in Guernsey Co O to Owen Johnson who was born Oct 16, 1820 in Greene Co Pa & died Apr 17, 1899 in Bourbon Co Ks. He was son of David Johnson who moved when Owen was little to Guernsey Co O & his wife Edith Cummins who was raised a Quaker near Phila. Nancy & Owen had nine children. Don't know who get her parents bible. She has dates of birth written off & in her bible at Winslow Arizona.

Armintha Ann, B May 25, 1846 see page 145

Eva, B Apr 16, 1848 m. Israel Brown have her record

Mary Elizabeth, B July 18, 1850, m. Rev Sam D. Wallace. Have record

Simon Cummins B June 24, 1853 got his record

Emma Jane, B Apr 11, 1855 m. Frank Lehman have written for her records.

Nancy Susannah, B July 19, 1857 m. John Stewart

James D. B Oct 28, 1859 not in 1860 as he gave me got his record.

John Thompson, B Jany 9, 1861 ob Apr 13, 1915 at Joplin MO & is buried at Hepler Ks. M. Georgia Anderson. She living. NO issue. Adopted a girl [unreadable] sisters [unreadable]

Robert Franklin, B Jany 24, 1866 & lives here. He is a RR engineer on So Pacif. see [unreadable]

Ann Thompson, M. James Dollison she died in Jasper Co Mo. He went back to Ohio & remarried. She died Oct abt 1859 a few seeks before her, Mrs Hart's, bro James D. was born. All 5 children born 2 boys in Ohio & 3 girls in MO.

Edward Saulsbury, graduated at Ann Arbor Mich was a Pres preacher & thinks he died a bachelor

John Ivan, Married & living in Ohio the last she heard.

Nancy Savina, called "Sis" married & went to Chicago where her son was a dentist & fixed her teeth.

Athalena Armintha, don't know about her.

Martha, don't know about her

Susannah Thompson, M. William E. Mason & had 9 children. They died in Bourbon Co Ks & are buried in Mason g.y. I have their record

Rebecca Thompson m.1. William? Hafer. m.2. Thomas Gist. Have their record

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Room 304 Hotel St George Santa Cruz Calif Jany 1, 1923 10:08 PM

I walked around from the hotel Andrews at San Luis Obispo Calif this morning seven blocks to 1511 Morro St & finally caught up with Mrs Armintha A. Hart & have recorded on the four preceding pages the information she gave me. After finishing, I walked back to the hotel, paid my bill & only had a few minutes to make the train for here. Mrs Hart is a strong healthy woman & well preserved for one in her 77th year & has a good memory. She looks somewhat like Martha B. Rankin but is not so heavy. She said they came to Arizona in 1883 from New Mexico where they had been a couple of years in Northern New Mexico across the line south of Durango Colorado, they having been resident in Colorado. Said she never saw her mother after 1870.

At the Hotel Andrews, this morning, I looked through the "San Luis Obispo Bell Telephone Book" for Oct 15, 1922 & found:

Jack, Mrs R.E. r 536 Marsh tel 457

Johnson, R.F. r 1511 Morro Tel 572-@

McCool, Charlie M. 4 1437 Higuera Tel 693-J

McCool, Mrs S.E. 4 1239 Higuera tel 469-W

McCool, E.L. grocer, Avila tel 802-103

Caruthers, Finley, Markle, Redburn, & Rothermel none.

I intended going to see Mrs Jack & the McCools, but did not have time to do so.

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In the Santa Cruz Calif Bell Tell Directory for June 1922 I find:

Finley, Jennie O. nurse r 99 N. Branciforte tel 631

Caruthers, Jack, Redburn, & Rothermel none.

In the telephone book for Watsonville, I find:

Jack, E.W. r. Brown Valley tel 9-F-23

none other of our family names.

I do not find W.S. Jack here either in telephone directory or in the city directory & fear it is another ancient address that has been given me.

It is now 11:55 PM & I guess the whole 24 hours of this first day of 1923 will have been passed out of bed & at work, which together with finding & picking up a rusty pin on the street at 8 o'c this morning & finding a penny at 3 o'c this afternoon will, I hope, be good omens for the year which I hope will be a prosperous one.

Hotel St George office & writing room ground floor, Santa Cruz, Calif Jany 2d, 1923 9:50 AM

I got to bed one minute after midnight last night & got up at 7:40 AM got my breakfast & walked west to the P.O. about one block, on Front St. The postmaster, a fine stalwart six footer, said there were no Jacks getting mail there now & he did not know anything of W.S. Jack but said there were Jacks at Salinas Calif south of here. I then came back to this hotel & called up Watsonville Calif & got E.W. Jack above & he said that their family were no

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relation to Wm S. Jack or Edwd H. Jack of Peoria Ill. He talked very pleasantly & said their Jacks had been in Iowa for several generations living about Bentonsport, Iowa where many of them still live He had gone to Oregon & came here from Oregon. He said his P.O. Address was E.W. Jack route 5 Watsonville, Calif.

He further said there were a number of his Jack relatives at San Jose Calif & gave me the name of D.A. Jack No 485 S 12th St aged near 60 yrs a full first cousin of his who is retired with plenty of time to give & who he said was well informed about the early history & ancestry of the family.

The green hills on both sides at San Luis Obispo Calif were very pretty & the town is in a narrow valley between them, coming upon the train in the afternoon through the mountains or high green hills was delightful & for a time we ran along a river among those hills & went through several passes & narrow defiles & two or three tunnels so that the scenery was grand. I went to the So Pacif Sta to take the 9:40 train for Watsonville Junc but found that it wouldn't get me to San Jose until after 4 Pm so came back to the hotel & got a ticket for San Jose on the Santa Cruz Stage Co lines leaving here at 11 Am & have utilized the time by writing up this record & will write to:

Mrs Mary Belle Kyle 620 Wilmar Sta Alhambra, Los Angeles

& her sister Mrs Laura Eliz Mansfield RFD 7 Box 965 Los Angeles Calif who I was not able to find when at Los Angeles, Calif.

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At residence of Mrs Mary E. Weddle No 575 Hedges Ave Fresno, California Jany 3, 1922 9:25 AM

I arrived here ten minutes ago & find her living here alone in a small one story frame house. She says she can give me record & dates which I will enter on next pages in a genealogical table.

Mrs Weddle says that a sister of her Aunt Eleanor's second husband, Joseph B. Niccolls married a Baldridge & had nine sons & one of them, Wilson Baldridge, a lumber merchant lives at Albuquerque, New Mex.

Violet Elder was daughter of Betsy Fulton of the family of Robert, she thinks, who ran the Fulton House in Wash Pa & whose family afterwards ran a boarding house in Pgh Pa & when he died, her father took it. She, Betsey Fulton, married an Elder of Elders Ridge Pa. Mrs W's second husband & his brother lived in caves for 10 mos hiding from the Rebels & their mother brought them food. She having to feed both the Union & Confederate side. Mrs W's son Abram's wife, Agnes Lawson was from Welsh, Louisiana, the daughter of Robert Lawson & his wife Mary _______ both coming from Glasgow, Scotland. He, Abram, worked 20 yrs in the Post office, but the confinement was too much for him & he is now at Big Creek Calif 80 miles N.E. of here working for the Southern Edison Co.

Geo A. Robbins wife was Marguerite Elizabeth Wilson born in Lamar Mo May 16, 1878, daughter of Samuel Wilson who was born in Muskingum Co O in 1847 (son of Davis Finley Wilson) & his wife Emma Eisenhower who she is living in Fresno now. She says there is a Will Fulton in Hastings Neb.

Leaving at 12:08 PM

V9 Page 152 & V9 Page 153

[Descendant Chart]

Abram Fulton, son of Henry Fulton & Rebecca Jack was born she thinks in West Newton Pa Aug 14, 1810. He died in Columbus City Iowa in the Spring of 1876 & is buried there. He was married in Oct in Westmoreland Co Pa to Rachel Newlon, daughter she thinks of Richard (called him "Dicky") Newlon of the Willow Tree. She was born May 2, 1812 & died in Pacific Grove Calif Aug 3, 1898 aged 86 yrs 3 mos & 1 day at the residence of her youngest brother Dr Wm Newlon, who lived also to be over 80 yrs & died there 8 or 10 yrs ago. Pacific Grove is 150 miles south of San Francisco on the ocean. She says they were living on a farm near Monon City Pa when she was 4 yrs old & where she had the scarlet fever. They moved from the farm & took the Hotel there. From there they went to Washington Pa where they ran the Fulton House she thought for four years & from there moved to a ranch in Iowa at Wapello, in Louisa Co & took a big ranch belonging to her Aunt Ellen's son Fulton Isett & here he, Abram Fulton, lost his money, there coming three dry years & he having a big family to keep. From the ranch, her father moved to a ranch in Iowa at Wapello in Louisa Co & ran a hotel there. He enlisted for the Civil War at Columbus City Iowa in the Graybeard Regiment & his wife went with him & cooked for the officers. She, Mrs W., was between 12 & 13 when they came to Iowa. Mrs Weddle says that during the War, she lived 3 yrs at Riversburgh Pa with her sister, Mrs Sherrard & went to school there. She said there were 70 or 80 heirs to the estate of her Uncle Dr Wm Newlon who died a bachelor & his estate was settled in Monterey Co Calif.


Henry Fulton, married 1. Violet Elder a 2d cousin. He died in Oregon. M.2. Mary Vickery a widow, one child by each wife. 2d wife had no business coming in the family. Her family got him drunk & then had them married. She was living in Salt Lake City Utah 10 yrs ago.

Harry, lived but a few months & died in Tenn.

Martha, lived but 1 yr & died of diptheria in Columbus City Iowa

Keziah Newlon, M. Rev John H. Sherrard & lives now at No 609 N. Denver St Hastings Neb with her daughter Helen Fuller whose husband is rich. See book 7 pages 26 & 27 see page 560 this book.

Rebecca Elizabeth, M. Alonzo Linn. She gave me her records.

Almira, died aged 18 days of pneumonia. Wind blew on her while they were looking after the sick.

Margaret Jane, B Jany 21, 1842 M. John Cooper Gambell of Prosperity Pa in the yr 1862. His mother was a Cooper, a cousin of the Peter Cooper family of NY City. See B 23 page 315-7 & 198 & page 280 this book.

Sylvanus Cooper, was drowned in the ship "Mary Jane" with his wife & daughters when going to St Lawrence Island as a missionary. Drowned abt 70 miles off Seattle. His wife was Nellie Webster & their daughter was Margaret & was 2 or 3 yrs old. He was named for his Uncle Sylvanus Cooper.

Anna Rachel, B Mch 19, 1865 m. July 1, 1885 Rev James Bailey Butler a Pres who died over 80 at Hubbell Neb where he was preaching. She lives at 812 Nebraska Ave York Neb. Have 2 boys & a girl.

Donald, B July 9, 1886

Margaret "Jean", B July 12, 1887 & lives at York Neb

John G. Butler, B Jany 3, 1895 M. & lives in Burlington Iowa

Marion, died of diptheria

Herbert Fulton, lives in Tacoma Wash. He wrote me giving his record.

Dr Francis Harvey, named for his grandfather Harvey. M. Oct 15, 1902 Helen Fermstrom [Fermstrum] whose father was a rich banker at Lone Tree Iowa. He lives at Willows Calif See B 23 P 317.

Kate, B Mch 8, 1894 to Jerome L. Rawhauser. She dead. He living at Willows Calif. He is son of David Rawhauser & his wife Anna Maria Blosser. See Book 7 p 28.

Elizabeth Fulton, youngest B Oct 25, 1876 m. May 31, 1900 to Frank Burke & living in Helena Montana & have 6 or 7 children see book 7 P 293 & 231 & 217 [or 317? hard to read]

Mary Eleanor, B Aug 1, 1844 at Millgrove Pa M.1. Nov 16, 1868 at Wapello Iowa to David Alden Robbins of the Mass Alden family, son of Geo Robbins & his wife Serena Jane Demarest. He was born at Utica NY Aug 3d 1844 & lived in NY City. He died at Columbus City Iowa Dec 3, 1884 aged 40 yrs & 4 mos. He enlisted at Columbus City Iowa for the Civil War & served until the war closed. Wasn't in any battles. M.2. at Dinuba Calif in 1903, Nov 16, to McElvin Weddle who was born in Old VA on a ranch on July 28, 1844 & when a little boy his parents removed to East Tenn. They were not of the Westnd Co Weddles. He died at Dinuba Calif Aug 10/ 1912. He was in Civil War fr East Tenn. He lived in caves for 10 mos. He was in war fr 1862 to 1865. She will now get $50 a mo pension.

Jennie Elouise, B Oct 9, 1869 ob Dec 24, 1869 near Columbus City, Iowa

Abram Fulton Robbins, B Apr 27, 1871 at Columbus City, Iowa M. Jany 2, 1900 to Agnes Lawson

David Lawson Robbins B Sept 23, 1901 & died Apr 1918

George Alden Robbins, Baptized Geo T. Linn Robbins in Col City Aug 13, 1878 mar July 20, 1910 to Marguerite Wilson.

Elizabeth Eleanor Robbins [bottom line cut off]

Clara Belle, B Mch 17, 1847 see Book 7 p 25. m. Apr 15, 1869 1st to Wm H. Neal of Columbus City Iowa. He died in winter of 1877 & thinks in Dec in Columbus City Iowa & she married second in Columbus City Iowa Mch 5, 1889 to E. Lysander Bemis. He died in June 1919 & so did she in Oct 28, 1911 in Winfield Iowa. He was born in NY state in 1827 & was an adman. Wm H. Neal was in Civil War & was born in Pa Sept 1, 1842 & died Dec 18, 1875 son of Thomas Neal & wife Louisa Hall.

Nelley Newlon Neal, Born in Columbus City Iowa M. Harry Briceland on Dec 22, 1892. Both living at No 1229 Oneida Ave Davenport Iowa where he is with the "Democrat" newspaper there. Have 5 sons, the first 3 married. Write here. Sons Wm Neal, Harold, Hugh, Jezeques [best guess] & Newlon. Write her for her own & mother's record. He was born at Donahue, Iowa May 14, 1868 son of Hugh Briedland born in Scotland & his wife Anna Eameis born in Germany. Their 5 sons all born in Davenport Iowa see book 7 p 25.

Lucy Fulton Neal, B Jany 31, 1872 at Columbus City Iowa m.1. May 28, 1898 near Winfield, Iowa to Bertrand "Bert" C. Greene who was born Oct 21, 1872 in Iowa. He died in Colorado Mch 17, 1905 where he went for his health. M.2. Dec 24, 1906 Frank Miller from Winfield Iowa where they were married & both are living at Santa Ana Calif Route 1 box 122 where they have a 5 A fruit ranch. No issue by either husband. Her father & husband both died of tuberculosis. Write her for their record. & her mother's. Mr M. was born in Pa May 28, 1861 son of John Miller & wife Mary Elizabeth Erisman See Book 7 Page 25.

William Newlon, B May 28, 1850 in Monongahela City, was wearing dresses when they moved to Wash Pa M."Belle" Vickery the daughter of his bro Henry's 2d wife. Thinks she is living in Salt Lake City Utah with her daughter. He died in Calif (but don't recall the town) of spinal meningitis.

Clara, mar & went to Paris France

Mamie, mar & lives in Salt Lake City

A daughter mar & lives in Salt Lake City Utah

Anna Ida, B Oct 27, 1858, died Oct 5, 1862 was a little baby when Rebecca was married at Hope Farm out from Wapello Iowa. She died aged between 3 & 4 yrs when Mrs W. was in Penna & it broke up her mother so that she went to the front with her husband in the Civil War.

Unnamed child, stillborn

V9 Page 154

San Francisco Calif Palace Hotel Room 3076 Jany 3d, 1923 11:33 PM

I got in at 11 PM from Fresno & Planada & must read over my records for this week & see what additional person I should see on my route & make note of same, also write up my several conferences this week that I only had time & opportunity to note by pencil & then write up my cash account book & write several letters which looks like an all nights job. It is now 2:36 AM 4th & I have just finished reading the 24 preceding pages commencing with 131 & will now transcribe giving dates & places taken:

San Jose Calif Hotel St James office room Jany 2d 1923 2:44 PM

From the directory for San Jose City & Santa Clara Co Calif for 1922 I note:

Carruthers, Sam'l G. ins 18 N 2d h 6 Melba Apts

Carruthers, Wm J. Photog Boussom Studio h 319 N 2d

Crothers, Chas F. (Crothers Realty Co) h 97 S 13th

Crothers, Mrs Elizabeth, baker r 1409 S 1st

Crothers, John J. h 283 Reed

Crothers, Leonard C. Whsmn r 1409 S 1st

Crothers Realty Co (Chas F Crothers R.E. & Ins) 32 E Santa Clara

Finleys 9

Jack, E. Lee Mech L.O. Jack h 3 Melba Apts

Jack, Henry painter h 833 W San Carlos

Jack, Lindell O. garage 82 E San Fernando towerman S.P.Co l. 115 Fox

Jack, Mrs Olive A. h 240 N 13th

Jacks, Isaac O. h. 327 E. St John

Kilgores, Markles, Redburns, & Rothermels, none.

V9 Page 155

San Jose R.F. Routes Nothing

Mountain View

Jack, E.M., clerk

Palo Alto

Carothers, Edwd D. lawyer h 415 Lytton

Jack, Noel H. plumber h 1001 High

San Jose Calif Telephone Book for Sept 1922 not in directory:

Carruthers, Mrs Fanny G. r 59 S 5th tel San Jose 2376-W

Carruthers, K.C. r 319 N. 2nd Tel San Jose 1992-W

Jack, D.A. r 485 S 12th Tel San Jose 5168-M

Boussum Studio 302 S 1st.

I arrived in San Jose by stage coach auto from Santa Cruz leaving there at 11 AM & arriving at 12:35 PM 35 miles over a beautiful mountain drive. At Los Gatos, 11 miles from San Jose, the orchards commenced & lined both sides of the road all the way to the city limits of San Jose & stretching across level plains as far as you could see. The trees, some old ones, but mostly younger ones are planted I should judge in rows 11 to 14 feet apart.

I went at once to 25 28 3d St to see Miss Etta Miller & found she had moved recently to 312 S. 6th St. I walked on there & found her with her hair turned white & talked with her about her Wash Co Pa Coal & other things for an hour. She said if there was another war, she was going right to the front at once. She is a trained nurse. I left her at 1:50 PM & walked 8 blocks to D.A. Jack's residence 485 S 12th St, but found no one at home. I then came back

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& made the above notations at the Hotel St James phoning twice from there to D.A. Jack's but could not raise them. I had however gone first to the:

Crothers Realty Co No 32 East Santa Clara St Jany 2, 1923 2:35 PM San Jose Calif.

Here I met Charles F. Crothers who said his father, John Crothers came over about 1860 & that his grandfather was also John Crothers & he thought the name of his great grandfather was James. He said to call to see his brother judge George Crothers in the Chronicle Bldg, San Francisco Calif & he could give much fuller information than he could.

Left 2:40 PM

About an hour later, I walked around to:

Saml G. Carruthers office 18 N 2d St San Jose Calif Jany 2, 1923 3:45 PM

The young lady said Mr C. was in San Francisco & I could probably find him at the Sanborn Vail Co. I then walked to 319 N 2d St, a little cottage on the back end of the lot, but there was no one at home. I then walked out first street to:

Boussum Studio No 302 S 1st St San Jose Calif Jany 2, 1923 4:33 PM

At the back end of the ground floor room in a little dark room, I found Wm J. Carruthers a sturdy heavy set man with a big head

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& a good face who was very kind who told me that his father Christopher Carruthers was living at No 2628 Broadway San Diego Calif with his daughter & that he was 85 yrs old last July & that he had come over from Scotland when six years old. He says his father has been on the Pacific Coast 12 or 13 yrs. Had married at 30 in Canada & gone to Minnesota from the neighborhood of Ottawa Canada.

He said Saml G. Carruthers was no relation of his that he knew of.

Left abt 4:50 PM

& going to the taxi next to stage coach office, a little after 5 o'c, had the girl there call up D.A. Jack & found he was home. I got a taxi from them & went right over to:

Residence of Delbert Adolphus Jack No 485 S 12 th St San Jose Calif Jany 2, 1923 5:22 PM

Mrs Jack admitted me & I learned she had been a Keck & her father had gone west from Greensburg Pa. Mr Jack came in a little later & said he was the son of George Washington Jack who was the son of John Jack. He said his father Geo W. Jack was born Nov 1834, he thinks at either McConnellsville, Marietta, or Zanesville O, having lived in all three of those places. That sounds a little as though they might descend from Aunt Nellie or Margaret. He went from McConnellsville

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to Iowa abt 1856 before he was married & settled in Vernon Iowa & married there & later removed to Bentonsport, Iowa where he died Apr 8, 1909. His wife was Elizabeth Hart. She died in 1882. In his father's family were the following children named as near as he could in the order of their ages & all dead but Eva:

William, Joseph, died in infancy, Neri, Lydia Ann, George W. Charles, John, Mary, & Thompson & Eva.

Eva, the youngest & the only survivor is up in her 70s & lives with her nephew Edward W. Jack RFD 5 Box 113 Watsonville Calif. Edward W. is the son of Charles Jack. Mr D.A. Jack's grandfather, John Jack went with the others to Iowa about 1856. He don't know of any brothers of sisters of his grandfather or any Jack first cousins of his father, but I am in hopes his Aunt Eva will. He says his grandfather, John Jack died, he thinks in 1860. He died on a farm near Bentonsport Iowa & is buried in the cemetery at Bentonsport Iowa & he thinks there is a monument at his grave. His wife was Hannah Brown from New Jersey & she survived him dying at Bentonsport Iowa about 1885 or 1886 & is buried there. Write to E.W. Jack to ask his Aunt Eva for names of earlier members of family.

D.A. Jack was born in Vernon, Iowa May 1, 1860. He lived at Bentonsport Iowa

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31 yrs & then moved to Florence Colorado where he lived for 30 yrs keeping store all his life until his health failed [unreadable word] he came here in Oct 1921. He married Oct 23, 1882 Lida M. Keck daughter she told me of Joseph Alshouse Keck from Greensburg Pa & who was a member for two terms of the Iowa legislature.

Mr Jack said they had seven children & that next to the youngest boy had been in the World War. He showed me a photo of his youngest son, a fine face who I think he said was a student at the Leland Stanford University. He said his father was not in the Civil War, but his Uncle John was. He said if there was any further information, he could give, to write him & he would gladly answer. He sd he wanted to buy a book when they came out.

Left 5:55 PM

I walked back into town & took the 6:30 PM stage for San Francisco & came to this hotel, checked my satchel & old book & went across by Ferry to Oakland & took the 11 o'clock So Pacific train for Fresno Calif occupying Lower 11 Car 2 where I arrived this morning & got up at 7:11 AM & went to the Fresno Hotel where I got my breakfast & then made up following from Tel Book fr Sept 1922:

Fresno Hotel, Fresno Calif Jany 3, 1923 8:20 AM

As follows:

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Finley, James B. dentist, Brix Bldg Tel 1109

Finley, Dr J.B. r 1140 T. 2769-J

Finley, Walter C. r 1240 Poplar 3335-W

Jack, Arch r 1921 San Joaquin 356-J

Jack, Hom r 1015 China Alley 1608-J

Jack, L.M. r 358 Valeria 5984-W

Jack, Mrs S.J. r 348 Glenn 2699-W

Jack, W.M. r 822 Safford 6751-J

Kilgore, Jas N. r Truxaw 8323-R-2

Kilgore, Mrs Lydia r 460 Calaveras 5840

Markle, C.F. 4 1511 Patterson 6392-W

Weddle, Mrs M.E. r 575 Hedges 1124-R

Robbins, Geo A. 4 1420 Englewood 4268-R

I called up Geo A. Robbins & his wife answered giving me her husband's mother's residence as 575 Hedges & her name as Mrs M.E. Weddle, she having remarried. I then got a taxi & went out to see her & have recorded her good information on page 151 to 153 inclusive. I was very much pleased with Mrs Weddle. She told me of one of the relatives living at Glendale Calif & another being in a store in Los Angeles but I find I failed to get the names. She is very young in spirits & appearance for her age. I walked down Hedges 2 1/2 blocks & waiting ten minutes, got a street car in town & at the Fresno Hotel phoned as follows to some of the references above until the bus called at 1:20 PM to take me to the Southern Pacific RR 1:45 Pm train for Merced, Calif.

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Phoned C.F. Markle, Fresno Calif Jany 3, 1923 at 1511 Patterson St Tel 6392-W which has been changed to 3888-W 12:40 PM

He says his name is Carl F. Markle & he is the only child of his father Wilbur Markle also an only child who died in 1904 aged thirty odd years & he in turn was the son of Carl B. Markle who is living at No 605 Hull Ave, Findlay Ohio aged up in his 70s & who came from Vermont. He has a brother living in Findlay O also. Carl F. Markle said he was born July 15, 1889

Finished at 12:46 PM

Phoned W.M. Jack Fresno Calif Jany 3, 1923 at 882 Safford Tel 6751-J 12:50 PM

And was told the phone had been discontinued. I then:

Phoned Arch Jack, Fresno Calif Jany 3, 1923 at 1921 San Joaquin Tel 356-J 12:52 PM

He said he was born Nov 15, 1882 & was the son of Albert Culbertson Jack who died in 1896 aged 49 yrs & he in turn was the son of Albert Jack from Camden Point Mo & his daughter (Aunt of my informant) Mrs Mary Brock aged about 80 yrs lives in St Joe MO with her daughter Mrs Dr Owens. He said his father had a brother John & that L.M. & W.M. are his brothers & Mrs S.J. is his mother.

Finished at 1 PM

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Phoned Dr J.B. Finley's residence No 1140 T St Tel 2769-J Fresno Calif at 1:05 PM & found he was not there & was told to call his office Bix Bldg Tel 1109 & got him at 1:10 PM

He said the B in his name was for Bland. He said he was born Sept 15, 1893 & his father James Finley lived in Tucson, Arizona. He said his father's sister was the wife of J.f. Cavagnero of Oakland Claif who probably had an office in San Francisco who he advised me to see. He didn't know the name of his grandfather.

Finished 1:15 PM

I got practically all except the Kilgores & left on the bus at 1:17 Pm for the S.P. Sta

On Board So Pacific RR train for Merced Calif 1:50 PM

Mrs Weddle said Mrs Dr McKennan had been insistent & persistent with her daughter, Mrs Dr Linn to take her over to see me & her old Stockton home at Uniontown Pa but they had thought she couldn't go.

Mrs Weddle is full of the spirit & joviality of youth & reminds me much of her Aunt Elenor Jack Niccolls, is about her size & build & looks some like her. My whole time at the Fresno Hotel after I got in from seeing her until I left for the train was taken up telephoning to above parties. Now 1:55 PM

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At residence of Jacob Duvall Weaver 1 mile south of Planada Calif Jany 3, 1923 4:33 PM

Mrs M.M. Reiman (pro Reymon) says her initials & her husband's are the same. She says she is the daughter of Lewis Weaver, who was a brother of Jacob D. Her grandfather she thinks was Jackson Weaver & they lived just north of Centerville Wash Co Pa

Left 4:40 PM

Merced Calif So Pacific RR waiting room Jany 3, 1923 5:17 PM

Merced is the gateway to the Yosemite Valley. The court house here has four blocks of park around it. I got Frank Herbert Buck aged 55 to 60 at Merced to drive me to Planada out a fine state road over which he drove his Chalmers at speed of 35 to 50 miles an hour. He is son of Ingalls Tenney Buck & he was the son of John Buck (who had a brother Solomon) who was from Seneca Falls NY. We drove through a new young orchard of peaches & apricots & a few plum trees, planted 2 yrs ago & ctg 4000 A owned by the California Packing Co who can the product. He said the raw land wd cost $250 per acre making one million dollars to start with. As I came back, I saw on my left, a tall shaft monument with elaborate base which Buck said was erected to Fancher, the man

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who used to own the place & who left $25,000 to bury himself & erect a monument. After passing through Planada, one mile south to Jacob D. Weaver's, we passed through an immense area of young fig trees extending all the way out & beyond. Mrs Reimon is a handsome young woman who sd she came there 12 yrs ago from Centerville Pa when she was 20 yrs old. They had more turkeys in their yard than I had seen together on my trip & she says they were only a few breeders they had there & that they had 700 at the camp two miles away where her husband & uncle were, but the roads would not permit of getting to them with Mr Buck's heavy machine she sd, so I came on back to Merced concluding to write him & since I find he is of the Centerville Weavers, I don not think he is of our family. There were 3 or 4 children who I suppose were hers, 3 or them just rtd from school while I was there.

Mr Buck said the big trees were beyond Merced through Mariposa, a 70 miles trip. He sd one was partly burned out through which a stage coach could be driven & he had driven his auto through another. I got my dinner on the train & reached here at 11 Pm as above noted, riding up from Merced in chair No 27 on car Santa Susana. It is now 7:20 AM 4th, a murky morning & just getting daylight & I will write up my cash acct book & go to breakfast & the letters, eleven that I have addressed envelopes for will have to go over

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San Francisco Calif Palace Hotel Room 3076 Jany 4, 1923 11 PM

After getting my breakfast & the first shave & hair cut of the year, this morning, I called up W.C. Kiefer & he was out, but leaving word, he came to my room about 10:30 & we talked until 11:30 Am & I borrowed $300 from him to be rtd when I get home. He said Hunnie borrowed as much as $2000 from him that she never paid back. He said he told her to take his name off of her will as he would not do anything vs me & told her that money should go back to me. He said a Jew from NY named Marx who is Murphy's Tammany henchman & who delivers the Jew vote of My was here with his wife. He was once one of the appraisers of Hunnie's estate & Mrs Marx told Mr Kiefer that Miss Garrett was too honest, that she might have taken loads of the jewelry but wouldn't do it & for which Marx's dubbed her a fool. W.C. sd I asked him in 1904 what his ambition was & he said it was to be mgr or Genl Agt - head man in charge - of the Wells Fargo Ex & he says he has had the position for twelve years, it being now all one & known as the American Railway Express. He looks fine & acknowledges to 50 but don't look over 40 & has his usual ever happy smile. He said John had lunch with him almost every day when he was here.

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At office of Dr Emil Francis Bell No 376 Sutter St San Francisco Calif Jany 4, 1923 1:30 PM

I went to the office here at 1 Pm & a very handsome petite little girl who later proved to be his daughter Frances said she expected him in any minute. He was very kind & considerate & said he was born Feby 15th, 1879 at Bloomfield (Bloomingdale P.O.) Jefferson Co O, the son of Geo I. Bell & his wife Susannah Armstrong. I met his son Donald who came in with him as well as his gracious pretty daughter Frances.

Left 1:40 PM

I then went to the:

Office of Judge Geo E. Crothers Room 1204 Chronicle Building.

He is a fine looking strong man, smooth shaven & a good head. He said his grandfather John Carothers (whose father he thought was James) was descended from one of three brothers that ha been adherents of Cromwell & all of whom received large areas town fir lots of land in the north of Ireland for their services, his particular ancestor getting five. His grandfather, John, studied at Dublin for ten years & intended being a merchant & the party who rented him or promised him a room to start his store in rented it to someone else. He was so disgusted at finding people acting with such little integrity in the business world that he con-

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cluded to stay out & bought two farms on which he ended his days. His grandfather, John Carrothers, was born in 1766 & died in 1863 aged 97 yrs. He said his father, John Crothers was 84 yrs old when he died. He said his mother was so adverse "to being called Carrithers" that she had her husband change the spelling of the name, although his brothers continued to spell it Carrothers. He said he was not very conversant with the family tree, but his older brother who was Vice Prest & Genl Mgr of the Western States Insurance Co & counsel for the same & whose name is still on his door, so he told me to go & see him, Thomas S. Crothers, 995 Market St 2d floor where he would be until 5 PM. I then took car NO 2 on Sutter St & sent to Hyde & walked up a block & down a half block to the:

Residence of Mrs Wauneta Wood Bell at No 1246 Bush St Apt 5 on 2d floor at head of stairs, San Francisco Calif Jany 4, 1923 3:12 PM

She is the 12th & youngest child of Dr W.L.S. Wilson of Monongahela City Pa where she was born Feby 24, 1882 (she seemed uncertain as to whether it was 1881 or 1882) & on June 14, 1900 was married to Emil Francis Bell & lived in Pittsburg Pa where her two children were born viz:

1. Frances Wauneta Bell born Oct 12, 1901

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2. Donald Wilson Bell born May 20, 1904.

From Pgh, they moved to Erie Pa where they lived for 14 yrs & came from there to San Francisco Calif in June 1920. She is a handsome young looking slender woman & is very pretty & would pass for 30 instead of 40 yrs. She said she had the record kept by her father given to her by her oldest sister & which had dates of birth of her father & mother , date of their marriage & deaths & births of all their children & that she sent it by mail on July 5, 1922 to her sister Ida Schenk at Cambridge Spring Pa which a month or so later she acknowledged she recd. They have closed their hotel for the winter & are living for the winter with her husband, F.R. Schenck [both spellings as JVT has them] at No 724 E 6th St Erie Pa where they will be until about Apr 1, 1923.

Wauneta says she doesn't know the address of any of her Uncle James Wilson's family who had lived at Beaver Pa.

Left 3:33 PM

I then walked up Market St to 995 at 4 PM & met Thos G. Crothers, a tall virile man who said he couldn't see where there was any money in it. Said he wasn't interested & wouldn't talk to me about it. His brother, Geo E., the judge had been much interested in Gen Grant being in the family & made note of what I told him & took my address.

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I then walked down Market to No 557 to Sanborn Vail Co where I was told that Sam'l G Carruthers had left the city a few days ago & was at Watsonville Calif today. I then went to:

Office of Charles Peter Carruthers No 351 California St San Francisco Calif Jany 4, 1923 4:40 PM

He had a decided Scotch brogue & says he came to America in 1902 from Carruthers town in Dumfrieshire, Scotland where there are numerous Caruthers & from where a number of the cousins of his grandfather came to America & where his grandfather or his brother Peter, cut them off in his will because they left Scotland & came to America. He has the regular Caruthers tall & slender build.

He said his great grandfather was James Carruthers, who lived & died on his farms near Carruthers town. He had two sons that we know of viz: Charles Hugh born 1794 died in Scotland 1891 aged 97 yrs. His brother Peter Carruthers died in 1885 aged 86. He was a bachelor & an only brother. Chas Hugh had but one son, Peter born say 1831 & died 1915 aged 84. His son Charles Peter was my informant & is a certified accountant & is with Price Waterhouse & Co. He said he had brothers James & John.

Left 5 PM

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In the afternoon I had gone to the law office of Joseph F. Cavagnaro who says he is a native of Calif at No 550 Montgomery St who treated me very nicely & asked me to come to their home at 8 o'clock PM at Oakland to meet his wife who was a Finley, but as he said a Catholic, so after getting my dinner, I took the Ferry & after landing went about 5 miles on the street car to:

Residence of Joseph F. Cavagnaro NO 400 Lagunitas Ave Corner Euclid Ave Oakland Calif Jany 4, 1923 8:30 PM

I arrived at 8 Pm & was admitted by Mr C & his wife appeared about a half hour later. She said her father Martin Michael Finley was born Nov 10, 1814 in County Monaghan, Ireland & afterwards lived in Co Galway from where he came to Penna & lived at Minersville, Schuylkill Co Pa where she was born, but they moved to Phila Pa when she was 6 yrs old & lived on Chestnut St where she was raised. He died in Phila Aug 25, 1892 from injuries recd Aug 15, 1892 in being struck in the fog by a truck. He was a teacher, she said of Latin & Greek in Lehigh University & other eastern schools. He had a brother Hewitt whose family lived in KY. They had a sister who married out of the Catholic Church to

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Thompson Finley, a Protestant & an estrangement of the families ensued. About 25 yrs ago, when Mrs C's brother James Finley of Tucson Arizona (father of Dr James Bland Finley, dentist of Fresno Calif to whom I talked by phone yesterday) went to an encampment in Ohio, probably at Cleveland O, he learned afterwards that he passed within a half mile of the home of his Aunt, Mrs Thompson Finley who then lived in Indiana, a very very old woman. Another sister, Ann Finley never married, was an artist & died near Paris, France. She was older than Martin M. The father of Martin, Hewitt & the two girls was John Finley who came to America but returned to Ireland. He had two brothers who came to America, one going to VA & the other to KY with Boone. Mrs C. says that the Elsie G.S. books were written by Martha Finley who her father claimed was related. He had some years ago recd letters from Lieut Leighton Finley who was getting up a history of the family & whose father was Hon Wm Perommean Finley of Charleston? S.C. I met Mr & Mrs C's son James & daughter Helen who went out for a walk while I was there. I left at 9:10 PM & didn't get back to the hotel until 10:50 PM. This morning, I copied the following from the San F. & Bay Counties Tel Book for Sept 1922:

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Carothers, F.K. r 1465 Hyde Tel Franklin 1303

Carothers, W.O. Baking Powder 442 2d Tel Sutter 6654

Carruthers, C.P. Ch Acct 351 Calif St Tel Karney 946

Carruthers, Miss ELizabeth M. r 2350 Van Ness Tel Franklin 5163

Caruthers, W.H. office 683 Howard Tel Sutter 1456

Crothers, Geo E. Atty Chronicle Bldg Tel Karny 3876

Crothers 7 others

Finleys 11

Jack, Chas P. r 197 Downey Tel Park 7696

Jack, H.C. r 508 Divisadera Tel Park 7190

Jack, Mrs W.G. r 1546 Waller Tel Market 8329

Jack, W.J. jas O Sully & Co Newhall Bldg Tel Sutter 4592

Kilgores 8

Markle, Mrs Bruce r 956 Clayton Tel Park 1414

Markle, Walter W. r 259 London Tel Randolph 1946

Merkles 3

Thompsons 2 1/2 columns

There are also some in the directory of Oakland, Alameda & Berkeley

It is now 3 AM 5th & I will write up my cash acct book & go to bed as I didn't go to bed at all last night. JVT

San Francisco Calif Palace Hotel Room 3076 Jany 5, 1922 11:22 PM

I got to bed last night at 3:45 AM, got up at 8 & took a cold bath & got my breakfast & W.C. Kiefer came in & gave me his card while I was eating. I recall that he said yesterday that when I landed here in Oct 1904, he gave me more mail than he had ever known one person

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to get at once & I locked myself in my room to answer it for two days & turned Hunnie over to him to entertain & show about the city. I took a boat at the Ferry for Oakland & went out to No 5921 Orion St which I found to be a little short unpaved unsidewalked St low, flat & muddy with cheap low small frame houses. I could raise no one & went to the next door neighbor at 5935 where I was at 12:05 PM

Adjoining house to Mrs C. A. Arbogast's old home No 5921 Orion St Oakland Calif Jany 5, 1922 12:05 PM

The woman here was Mrs Disillenos who said that in Oct 1920, she looked through 5921 Orion St with the idea of buying it & said Mrs A's grandmother was there then, but Mrs A. said she was liable to die any minute & couldn't then sell the house as she would not be able to move her. Mrs D. moved in next door 5935 on Feby 1, 1921 & the old lady was dead then, so she must have died between above dates & would be over 102 yrs old. This was Sarah Tullis Thompson the mother of H.K. & Gamaliel Thompson. Mrs D. said Mrs Arbogast had sold the house to Rawley Leach who works for H.M. Lawrence who has the Ford Auto Agency at 301 12th St Oakland Calif Tel Oakland 626. She sd Mrs Arbogast had moved to Alameda Calif.

Left 12:07

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I then went back to 12th St & Broadway & took a street car out San Pablos St to 1046 59th St & found the place but no one at home, through some neighbors & Mrs DeRhone? at 1076 5th, I met Mrs M.M. Collins at that

See line 22 below

On Board Western Pacific RR train from Sacramento Calif to Denver Col Jany 6, 1923 6:40 PM

I left Sacramento at 2:05 PM & have just had my supper. Last night, the Page at Palace Hotel San Francisco Came for me as I had arranged at 11;50 Pm & I had to quit & go to train for Sacramento & will now continue my transcribing of yesterday's work. From Line 6:

number. When I explained what I wanted, to see, Margaret Glendenning for she said her mother was a Huscroft, a sister of Wm Huscroft, the father of Wm John of Orange Calif so she would not be in the Markle family but had better look up July 4 & Nov 30th last & see if she gets in the Fulton or Logan family. I had gone to a Restr & got my lunch while waiting for them so at 2 PM, I bid Mrs Collins goodbye & took as she directed a Shattock Car on So Pacific RR & was soon at Bancroft Way Berkeley.

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At residence of Mrs Howard C. Mohr No 2502 Bancroft Way Room 211 Berkeley Calif Jany 5, 1923 3 PM

Miss Mohr had recd a letter from her mother, Mrs Laura R. Hart of Los Angeles that I was coming & she at once proceeded to give me the address of Guy LeRoy Stevick No 1616 Lo Veresa St Berkeley Calif Tel Berkeley 8633.

She says that Guy's mother's father's mother was a Carothers a sister of Mary Carothers who married James D. Greason. She sd Guy was in business in San Francisco with T & D Co 433 California St Tel Karney 1452 See top next page (It is 7:11 PM & I am writing in the Observation car which is too hot & the men are snoring so I will not continue tonight) [THANK GOODNESS!!!!! Almost impossible to read. CW]

Denver, Colorado Brown Palace Hotel Room 521 Jany 8, 1923 Monday 11:48 PM

The train was too rough to write on, so I waited until I got here. I arrived here at 7 PM & called up Miss Edith W. Smith at 10:20 PM & made appointment to see her at her hotel, the Harvard at 7:30 tomorrow night, have read over my mail eleven pieces written up my cash acct book & will now continue transcribing my last two days in California.

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From preceding page line 20

Mrs Mohr said Mr Stevick had eleven children.

She said her husband, Howard Charles Mohr was born at Mohrsville, Berks Co Pa Feby 26, 1874 the son of Charles Shoemaker Mohr & his wife Kate Kershner. On June 9, 1904, he married Mabel Line Hart, my informant, daughter of Laura R. Hart, at Los Angeles Calif by Rev Prichard. They have never had any issue & both live now at Room 211 of No 2502 Bancroft Way Berkeley Calif.

We left at 3:25 PM, Mrs Mohr with me & at the Owl Drug Store on the corner, I phoned R. Leach of 5921 Orion st, Oakland Calif at his place of employment for the address of Mrs C.A. Arbogast in Alameda who said his wife could tell who she was with. Concluding my call with him at 3:46

PM, Mrs Mohr & I walked from 3:50 to 4:10 PM up through the Campus of the University of California entering through the Peder Sather 1810-1866 & Jane K. Sather Gate, saw the Campanile she built & walked through their Library. The grounds were very attractive. Mrs Mohr says there are 11000 students in the Univ Co-ed & that they graduated 1500 in 1922. She said the Lick Observatory was out from San Jose.

Palace Hotel, San Francisco Calif Jany 5, 1923 6:20 PM

The San Francisco City Directory for 1922 shows:

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Rothermel, Fredk C. (Hattie) Clk Mer Trust Co r 1378 Masonic

Rothermel, George Teller Mer Trust Co r Capertino

Rothermel, Harry P. (Doris) Phonographs 1600 Polk R 1155 Hayes

Rothermel, Peter (Mary) (P. Rothermel & Co) R 3077 Clay

6:23 PM

Oakland Directory 1922

Rothermel, Elizabeth teacher 4 1531 Everett Ave

Rothermel, Peter h 1531 Everett Ave

AT Residence of Mrs E.E. Watts No 208 Grattan St, San Francisco Calif Jany 5, 1922 8:33 PM

Mrs Watts & her sister Miss Mary Frances Whitesell say their grandfather Philip Whitesell was a steamboat captain & died of yellow fever at Natchez Miss prior to 1380 & was buried there without the presence of any of his relatives. They say they have the old pilot or chart book of the Ohio & Mississippi Rivers that he used. They say their father was a small boy when his father died. They say their father was born Nov 9, 1819 in Allegheny Co Pa & died on the farm 10 ms north of Indianapolis Ind in Marion Co Ind July 13, 1908 from an accident sustained at 7:30 AM by being hit by a street car & died at 1 o'c PM same day. He was hit near his farm & was conscious for a few minutes after he was carried in. He would have been 89 in the Nov following.

Mrs Watts' maiden name was Lillian

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Catharine Whitesell & was born May 25, 1867 & was married Nov 27, 1890 in Marion Co Ind by Rev B.F. Morgan to Edgar Eli Watts who was born July 6th 1868 in Hamilton Co Ind, the son of James M. Watts & his wife Lucinda Heaton. They lived in Marion Co Ind & in Indianapolis until Oct 1919 when they moved to San Francisco where they have since lived. Mr Watts has been a Railway Postal Clerk 32 yrs all his life. They have two children:

1. James Bennett born in Marion Co Ind Jany 27, 1895 who is unmarried & lives at Salt Lake City, Utah where he is in the Federal Reserve Bank, Manager of one of the Depts.

2. Helen Elizabeth born in Marion Co Ind Feby 12, 1897 & who on June 22, 1922 at San Francisco Calif was married to Marvyn Earl Harris who was born Apr 16, 1894 at Petaluma Calif, the son of George Harris & his wife Minnie Daniels. They live in San Francisco where he is receiving teller in the Union Trust Co of this city.

Mrs Watts says there were some Whitesells from Hagerstown, Wayne Co Ind at the Whitesell reunion last year, which was held at Broad Ripple Park near Indianapolis which was held the 1st Sunday of Sept just before Labor Day.

Mr A.W. Watts, brother of E.E. says he knows a Markle at Arcadia Calif, Burgomaster & P.M. who is a fine man & he will look up his address & send it to me. Their son, James B. enlisted in 3636 Inf headquarters Co 91st Div Sept 19, 1917

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& sailed July 6, 1918 & returned Apr 1, 1919. He was in the Argonne Battle ten days, was in the battles at Ypres Lys, St Mihiel & the Lys Scheldt in Belgium. He escaped without being injured in any way. He was a platoon sargeant [sic]. When I asked Mrs Watts her age, her sister got up & went out. She didn't know that I already had the date of her birth & didn't have to ask her.

Left 9:30 PM

Before going out to Mrs Watts, I had called by Phone:

Guy LeRoy Stevick at No 1616 LaVaresa St Berkeley Calif Tel Berkeley 8633 Jany 5, 1923 7:30 PM

He had both phoned to the Hotel & called before I got back from Berkeley. He thought his great grandfather's name was Robert? Black & said he had married a Carothers. His grandfather's name was Armstrong Carothers Black & his wife was a Shellabarger & his daughter was Mr Stevick's mother. He said his mother had given him considerable information about the family which he had written down. He said he would hunt it up & send me a copy of it. He said he had ten children. See Book 1 Page 210 & Page 75 & 175 this book J.V.T. Apr 5, 1925.

Finished at 7:45 PM

After I got back to the hotel from Mrs Watts' I called the following by phone:

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Phoned Fred C. Rothermel 1878 Masonic St San Francisco Calif Jany 5, 1923 10:11 PM

He is a clerk in Mer Trust Co & said his father was Philip Rothermel & was born in Hesse Darmstaat & his father having previously he when 13 o4 14 yrs old came to America & settled first in NY & then evidently went to Calif as Fred C. said he was born in San Francisco 52 yrs ago.

Finished 10:16 PM

Phoned Mrs H.P. Rothermel 1155 Hayes St San Francisco Calif Jany 5, 1923 10:17 PM

Mr R. answered. He as the phonographs. His father was Philip & he is a brother of Fred C. & says he is over 40.

Quit 10:22 PM

Phoned Mrs Bruce Markle No 956 Clayton San Francisco Calif Tel Park 1494 Jany 5, 1923 10:25 PM

She referred me to Bruce's mother: Mrs Minnie Markle No 2003 Vine St Berkeley Calif. She says Carl is a brother of Bruce's. Says Walter W. is not related.

Ended 10:28 PM

Phoned Frank K. Carothers No 1465 Hyde St Tel Franklin 1303 San Francisco Calif Jany 5, 1923 10:31 PM

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He says his father was George Duffy Carothers who he thought was born along the Ohio River near Wellsville O & who for many years was a conductor on the Penn RR Co. His father was also named George Duffy Carothers.

He said his father had 3 brothers & one sister & his grandfather had 12 brothers. He gave me the address of Mrs Emma E. Russell (his sister) aged 50 yrs 603 Union Ave Allegheny City Pa Across from Boggs & Buhl. Get off at Ohio St. He says she has a family record. He also gave me the address of his brother Daniel Carothers, Ranenna O & says he is 39 past.

His father Geo D. married Esther Keck from Greensburg Pa & their children were Emina, George A., Daniel, Eva Lena, Frank K, & Annie. His father, Geo D. had a brother Joe.

Quit 10:46 PM

I called Chas P. Jack & found his number had been changed to No 15 Buena Vista Ave San Francisco Calif. It was no 11 Pm & I decided it too late to call any of the others noted on page 172, so I commenced on page 172 to write up the days records & only got started on 174 when I had to leave for the train to Sacramento Calif & am noting what I learned there.

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Hotel Sacramento, Sacramento Calif Jany 6, 1923 8:08 AM

From the Sacramento Directory for 1922 I noted:

Carothers, Reuben W. lab h 631 E.

Caruthers, Mrs Mary J. r 1618 O

Caruthers, Wm S. Civ Eng Calif Highway Com h 1618 O

Crothers, Alice C. clk r 709 1/2 P

Finley 3

Jack, Butler Jr Teller Bk of Italy h 1035 44th

Jack, David Photog r 1706 53d

Jack, G.L. h C Alto Apmts

Jack, Jas A. mgr Fisk Tire Co h 2300 I

Jack, John lab S.N. Rwy r 126 N.

Kilgore 4

Markle, John T. brkmn h 1217 D

Redburn, Fred, musician h 875 52d

Redburn, Rev Walter B. (Wesley M.E. Ch) r 3008 3d Ave

Telephone Directory

Caruthers, W.S. r 1040 37th Tel Main 4596-J

Crothers, Carmen, r 3098 33d Tel Capital 1020-J

Jack, Butler Jr R 1035 44th Tel Main 6109-W

Jack, Mrs Velma J. r 2300 I Tel Main 1452

Markle, J.T. r 1217 D Tel Main 1796-M

Redburn, Fred, r 875 52d Tel 6907-J

Redburn, Rev Walter B. r 3008 3d Av Tel Capital 1159-R

I then went & got my ticket to Denver Col at the Western Pacific RR office & then walked around to:

Bank of Italy, Sacramento Calif Jany 6, 1923 9:40 AM

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I came here to see Butler Jack Jr who is teller in the bank. He said his grandfather William Jack came to the U.S. when a boy from Jack's La Nara (that is the way he pronounced it) their own country place in the North of Ireland. His father is Butler Jack born in Shelby Co Tenn & lives in Indianapolis or Chicago Or Detroit, he wasn't sure which as he said he was traveling around a good bit.

His father, Butler, had no brothers, but his grandfather William had a brother Samuel. Butler Jack Jr was an instructor in the air service in the World War which brought him to California during the war. he is a small smooth faced dapper little fellow a blonde & knows but little about his family but says his father would know.

Leaving 9:55 AM

I then went in the Barber shop under the Bank of Italy & got shaved & walked around to the:

State House, Sacramento Calif Jany 6, 1923 10:33 AM

There is a fine marble statue of Queen Isabella & Columbus in the centre of the Rotunda with this inscription:

I will assume the undertaking she sd "for my own crown of Castile & am ready to pawn my jewels to defray the expense of it if the funds in the Treasury shall be found inadequate".

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Picture of small cabin where he lived for many years & cane of James A. Marshall who discovered gold in California Jany 24, 1848. Many relics including boot with wooden sole of Col John A. Sutter & his life size standing portrait the Pioneer of 1839 & eight glass cases in the rotunda full of very interesting mementoes of 1849 & 1850 etc. The building is in a big square corner 10th & L sts with big beautiful deodar cedars, Palms, magnolias, orange, holly & a wealth of small trees, beautifully groomed green 12 ft high trees.

Left 10:44 AM

I then went back to the Hotel &:

Phoned Mary J. Caruthers at Main 4596-J Sacramento Calif Jany 6, 1923 11 AM

She said to go see her brother Wm S. Caruthers, corner K & 9th St Tel Main 4300. She said there were three Caruthers brothers came here from Scotland one going to Pa one to VA & one south.

Ended 11:05 AM

I then walked around to:

Office of Wm Stoddard Caruthers corner K & 9th St Room 515 Sacramento Calif Jany 6, 1923

Mr C. is a tall slender man of the Caruthers build. He gave me the address of his first cousin aged abt 30 whose father was the youngest brother of Wm S.'s father as:

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Miss Medora Caruthers, Jackson, Tenn.

Wm S. said he was born in 1863 in Tennessee & has been in Calif since 1886 or 1887 was in the State of Washington & in Oregon a year or so.

Leaving 11:44 AM

Wm S. Caruthers said that some yrs ago about the 80s or 90s when in Oregon, he heard of a Florence Caruthers, an old bachelor who laid out an addition to Portland Oregon which became very valuable & he was thought to not have any heirs, but some heirs from Penna appeared & a settlement was made with them. See what the record discloses about heirs. This was years before he was there. He said his great great grandfather, William Caruthers was born in 1746 I think & went to Rockbridge Va where he died. had twelve children among them William, Capt John, James, Joseph, who got the home farm & who married a Trimble (A Miss Trimble who has records of the Caruthers kept a boarding house at Birmingham Ala) Robert et al.

Joseph had a son James & his son William was father of Wm S. my informant. Wm S. said that Robert L. Caruthers of Nashville Tenn was elected Governor of Tenn abt the close of the Civil War, but the Federals came in & wouldn't let him take his seat. He was a judge of the Supreme Court of Tenn as was a brother of his also.

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Judge Robert L. was a friend of Wm S's grandfather James & claimed relationship. The judge's grandson, Wm is a lawyer now in Nashville Tenn. Wm S. took my name & address & said he would send me a copy of the Caruthers records which he has. He is much interested. He is about 6 ft, slender & gray. He s'd he learned up at Van Couver B.C. that a Caruthers school teacher came there at an early day & taught there for years & is buried in the cemetery there.

Phoned Rev Walter B. Redburn Capital 1159-R Sacramento Calif Jany 6, 1923 11:55 AM & was told the phone had been discontinued. I then:

Phoned Fred Redburn Main 6907-J Sacramento Calif Jany 6, 1923 noon.

He said his father, also Fred Redburn was born in Oxfordshire England in 1840 & died there abt 1899. He says he was born in Jany 1863 & left home when 13 & joined the British Army in 1876. There were two brothers of his father in Plaistown, a London suburb the last he heard. Don't know their names. He spoke with the English accent.

He said he had heard Rev W.B. Redburn had left here, having gotten a chruch somewhere else.

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At 1:22 PM, I called J.T. Markle but got no answer.

Phoned Mrs Velma J. Jack Main 1452 Sacramento Calif Jany 6, 1923 1:25 PM

And Jack Jack, her son, I think, answered. He said he was the son of James Arthur Jack (evidently husband of Velma). He thought his grandfather's name was John Jack. I arranged to write his father & he said he would speak to him about giving me the information.

Finished 1:30 PM & must go to the station.

2:11 PM 6th

Leaving Sacramento Calif & note that the elevation is but 23 ft above sea level & the distance from San F. is 139 miles & to Salt Lake City Utah 782 miles Pullman conductor says it is 746 miles from Salt Lake City to Denver Colorado where we are due to arrive 8:20 PM Monday 8th. Passed through Marysville Calif at 3:20PM where we crossed a river. Passing through Oroville & beyond at 4:22 going along the Feather River, a fine flowing stream rushing through the mountain defiles.

On Board Denver & Rio Grande Western RR at Nathrop Colorado Jany 8, 1923 12:02 PM

This is 7696 ft above sea level Buena Vista 8 miles back was 7968 & Malta 31 miles further from there is 9560

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& 10 miles back of that is Tennesse Pas 10240 feet "The top of the world" from which the waters go west to the Pacific & east to the Gulf of Mexico & Atlantic. We have been in the Rockies all day & not other name would be appropriate for them. I got up at 6 AM & for a half hour from 6:15 AM on, passed through the Canyon of the Colorado River which I viewed from the observation car behind. In the dressing room at 6:10 AM, I met Chas Cruse of Jacksonville Ill who has the berth opposite me. He says Jacksonville is 32 miles from Springfield Ills. He said he rode yesterday afternoon in a box car with his 8 yr old Airedale dog which he trained from a 3 mos old pup. He said he was from Illinois the best state in the Union, when he said he lived at Jacksonville Ill, I asked him if he knew any Redburns there & he said he used to know one there who ran a dairy. He travels for the Al Barnes Circus & is their ticket seller. Says they are going to bill & show through all New England this summer. They wintered, he said at Dallas Tex, the only place on this trip where I sweat & that a plenty.

The snow capped mountain peaks all around, as well as rocky cliffs & mountain sides are awe inspiring. The valleys are very narrow but the streams are full of rushing, limpid waters, clear & pure as

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crystal & the sun shines brightly. I stepped outside in the snow at Tennessee Pass 10240 feet elevation. We are nearing Salida Col 7050 elev where is said the snow Angel shows on Mt Shavance [best guess] & which we later saw.

Chas Cruse said his great grandfather, a Holland Dutchman was an early settler of Penna but he don't know what Co I told him I knew Geo I. Cruse of Fayette Co Pa.

At Pueblo Col 4:17 PM 8th, I went back to the observation Car, the back one at 1:30 PM & the Royal Gorge was Grand. The gorge was 30 to 60 feet fr side to side with the RR & the Arkansas River all the way through & a drive way part way at upper end. I rode outside in the open air from beyond Cannon City to here 42 miles & it was fine, skirting the Arkansas River all the way. Denver papers report a bad storm gale blowing 70 miles an hour. Pike's Peak was pointed out as I came along. 5 PM

Charles Cruse permanent address is Jacksonville Ills. He has jut told me that his father, James Cruse died Oct 15, 1912 aged 87 yrs & says he was born in southern Ills & it was his father, John Cruse who came to Ills from Penna. He said his mother's grandfather, John McConnell founded McConnellville Ky, the former name of what is now Louisville Ky. He said he was born May 15, 1870. I guessed him 15 yrs younger

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than myself & came within one year of it. He says I am the first one who ever guessed his age. He has a short moustache, reddish face & is built solid from the ground up & I should say is 5 ft 10 & weighs 200 lbs. He says he has his grandfather's bible record locked up in his safety deposit box in Bank. I am to write him if I can find anything of the early Cruses in Penna.

Wm S. Caruthers at Sacramento Calif said he had received a letter from Anjou but had not answered it & had mislaid or lost it. It is now 6:11 AM the 9th & I will get my washing ready & lie down for an hour or two sleep. JVT

At residence of Frank W. Goss No 3865 Wolf St Denver Colorado Jany 9th 1923 12:15 PM

I came out here on the street car & Mrs Goss has brought out the bible record of her father & mother which she says Robt Hill Thompson, brother of Sarah Azla copied word for word from the old worn bible of her father & which I am recording in the form of a genealogical table commencing on page 192. Mrs Goss is a big woman 5 ft 10 1/2 inches tall & weighs 220 lbs & looks the picture of health, but says she isn't well or strong because of the lingering effects of

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an attack of the "flu" she had a year ago. Their home, they way the street cars run, is about 5 miles from the Brown Palace Hotel. Clyde O. Secrest living in the adjoining house No 3855 Wolfe St has just come in & says that Isaac C. Scott, brother of Mrs Beckett instead of being at Long Beach, is now with his daughter, Mary, the wife of Paul Krueger living at 2703 Alsace Ave Los Angeles Calif where mail would reach him & who Clyde O. says is remarkably well versed in the Thompson family having lived near Hiramsburg O & bought wool for 40 yrs over the country. he has a copy of the Secrest History just recently published by A.T. Secrest of Pleasant City O. who has it for sale at $5 per copy.

Clyde O. graduated from the Denver University in [not completed]

He is now Deputy collector of Internal Revenue being appointed in 1910 by President Taft.

Leaving at 2:05 PM

Mr Goss is about 5 ft tall, well built & looks virile & talks with a decided English accent. He said his father was Scotch Irish & his mother English. Mrs Goss said they would want to get a book.

V9 Page 192 & V9 Page 193

[Descendant Chart]

Hannah Susannah Rose, daughter of Mary Ann Torrence Thompson & her husband William Rose was born Jany 29, 1834. She married on Feby 1, 1855 Henry C. Secrest. She died in Greenwood O June 20, 1879 & he was kicked by a horse & died as a result thereof in the same house where I saw Angeline in July on Dec 6, 1897 & are buried at old Hartford, now Buffalo O. He was a farmer all his life. she had been a Presbyterian, but went with her husband into the Lutheran Church in which he had been an official. Their first 8 children were all born on a farm between Chaseville & Senecaville in Guernsey Co O & the youngest was born on the adjoining farm.


Amanda Caroline, B Nov 29, 1855 ob May 3, 1883 m. Dec 1873 to John Wm Steele, a farmer of Nobel Co O. See record of her children on page 147 et seq of the Spaid genealogy published in Nov 1922 at Columbus O

John Wm Secrest, B Feby 22, 1858 Got his record in July 1922 from his widow.

Robert Franklin, B June 25, 1860 ob May 7, 1863

Luther Clark, B May 13, 1863, is unmarried & lives near Arvada Col 3 miles from here where he is a farmer

Thompson Ellsworth, B Feby 8, 1864 see page 149 for his record in Spaid genealogy.

Mary Elizabeth, B Nov 13, 1866 M.1. Nov 12, 1896 to Eli Lemuel Wilson who died Feby 4, 1898 aged abt 51 & is buried at Senecaville. M.2. Aug 13, 1902 to William Wain who was then 71 & who died Apr 3, 1910 aged 79 & is buried at Fairmont Cem out toward Littleton Col. He was an Englishman, a miner. M.3. Dec 24, 1915 to Frank Wm Goss who was born in Chicago Ill Jany 16, 1856, the son of Daniel Goss & his wife Cynthia Abbott. Both living here at this number. His father was a Chicago lumberman who left him a trust fund which has enabled him to live the life of a retired gentleman & travel to Europe etc. She has never had any issue by any of her husbands. Had a severe spell of typhoid fever that sent her to the hospital for 15 weeks. My informants.

Charles Frederick, B Mch 4, 1868 see page 150 of Spaid Genealogy for his record

Clyde Oscar, B Aug 8, 1870 m. June 8, 1899 to Louise Keil See his record page 150 & 151 Spaid Genealogy

Emily Alice Secrest B May 22, 1874 see Spaid Genealogy Pages 151 & 152. She is very sick abed at Arvada Col 3 miles from here today.

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Room 524 Brown Palace Hotel, Denver Col Jany 9, 1923 5:26 PM

I went out shortly before noon to Mrs Goss & have recorded on pages 190 to 193 inclusive what I learned there. I then came back to the hotel & took a car the other direction south to 968 Corono St to find Mrs Chas F. Mater, but learned that another family named Grace lived there now. I have just phoned Mrs Grace, York 4020-W & she is trying to get me some information. I then came back to the hotel & took a street car to 851 E 8th Ave the residence of Mrs David Taylor nee Clare Thompson daughter of H.Y. Thompson. The residence is a fine brown brick one & the parties in the house say she went to California for the winter & her address is LaJolla (pro La Hoya) Calif, but if mail was sent to her number here, they would forward to her if she was not home. They told me that she & Mr Taylor were divorced & while he had gone to NY, he was making his home with his father Frank Mansfield Taylor No 945 Penna Ave Tel South 40. Calling the number, a lady answered that he had gone to NY two weeks ago & had not returned.

Mrs Grace has just phoned again but learned nothing. They subleased the house from a Mrs Clary.

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Room 524 10:50 PM Jany 9, 1923

I have just returned from the Harvard Hotel No 501 E Colfax St where I went at 7:45 PM to see cousin Edith W. Smith. She has an enormous lot of records gathered up & a couple fine photographs of her mother which I should have for my book. She allowed me to bring with me a chart giving the children of Wm Gaddis & Elizabeth Peairs & another giving the children of his father, John Gaddis which I will aim to copy in this book tomorrow night & return to her Thursday night when she has invited me up to dinner at 6 PM. I will write up my cash acct book & go to bed as I was only in bed two hrs last night or this morning & as further I have left a 5 AM call in order to take a cold bath & get the 6:20 AM Interurban to Boulder Col in the morning.

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At residence of Jesse Bowman Markle No 188 North Curtis St Littleton Colo Jany 10, 1923 6;20 PM

I arrived here half an hour ago & Mr Markle tells me his people came from Luzerne Co Pa from a little cross roads town called Town hill in Huntingdon Tp & his father was George Markle & his grandfather was Christian. His grandfather was a Revolutionary soldier & had a small tract of land & said it was not far off & in the county that his father used to drive up in a day in his horse & buggy. He remembers his grandfather & says he was not a tall man. He thinks he was 5 or 6 yrs old when he died & he remembers the brothers & sisters of his father meeting at their house & going to their father's home after his grandmother died which was not long after her husband died & divided up the things. He says his father brought home a black cow with a white face which he well recalls as it was the first one he ever saw that was so marked. He also brought home a chest that was three feet deep & made out of yellow poplar dovetailed together & which his father took with him to Illinois & which he thinks his youngest

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brother got. He says they found a bunch like a lot of blotters tied together four or five inches thick which the children used to play with & which his mother told him was the Gov. Scrip with which his grandfather had been paid for his services in the Rev. War. Says his father & mother told him that his grandfather was with Genl Washington's army "through the biggest part of the Rev War". Says also that his father told him that his, George's grandfather (ie the father of this Christian) was American born, but that his people came from Holland & he has heard his father speak often of Berks Co Pa. He says that his father left home when young, he thinks about 16 & went to Berwick Pa & worked for Jesse & John Bowman, merchants & hauled goods for them from Phila working for them he thinks for sixteen years. He then, after he was past thirty, married "Polly" Bowman (always called Polly but she always wrote it Mary) daughter of Christopher Bowman, a brother of Jesse & John Bowman. He does not know the name of his great grandfather, nor of any of the brothers or sisters of his grandfather nor the name of his wife.

He says he had a letter from some Markles in Kansas not a great ways from Lawrence Kansas but he

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didn't save them, he thinks it was near 3 yrs ago. he says while he was in the Civil War, his regiment left souther Wisconsin, Jangesville [best guess] in Jany 1862 & came to Leavenworth Kansas & got in there & staid 2 wks & went to Fort Scott & got starved out & went up to Lawrence Kan where they could get supplies on Mch 31, 1862 & he took the typhoid fever there & was in the hospital until fall & then "all hands were ordered to their regiments" & his was at Fort Henry Tenn when he got to it. He was in the service a year & a half & was discharged Mch 6, 1863. Says wasn't in a battle & says his Reg, the 13th Wisconsin Inf was in the army over 4 yrs & was never in a battle. He says one of his father's brothers, he cant' recall his name, went to Mo before the war & located near the Kansas line, he thinks in N.W. Mo. He says he was back at home in Moon Co Ills, he thinks in 1863 (or 1864?) but it was in the summer when he saw in a Lawrence Kansas paper an account of Quantrell's raid at Lawrence Ks which reported three Markle boys, brothers George, Moses & Daniel were killed in that raid (it might have been Wm instead of Moses) who were sons of the Uncle who had gone to Mo & when it got too hot for them in Mo, they went to Kansas

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for safety & got killed.

Room 524 Brown Palace Hotel 10th 10:22 PM

While I was writing down the above three pages, of what my new found relative was telling me, his wife called him to the adjoining room where she was sick abed four or five times trying to dissuade him from proceeding, but he was very hospitable & continued on until I said to him if it was giving his wife any annoyance, I would come back another time. He then said she was very nervous & had been down sick in bed for two months, largely from old age as she was 78, but was getting better, but as she wanted him to close the house & come to bed, he would rather I would come back in the morning & was sorry he wasn't situated to ask me to stay all night. he is a medium sized slender man with a few whiskers & says he was born Apr 13, 1837. He commenced to name his father's brothers & sisters & named Daniel, Moses, Jacob & he couldn't recall the name of his Uncle that went to Mo. He said his father had two sisters also & that he went to Illinois in 1855. He said his father had eleven children, one a daughter born after he was but died before he can remember. He first thought he had his father's bible record, but sd later that his older sister now dead & who lived at Stuart Iowa where some of her children yet live had gotten it. He comes of a very worthy line for in addition to his grand-

V9 Page 200 Chris [written by page number]

father's service in the Rev War he said his father served in the War of 1812 & that there were four of his sons, himself, & 3 others, in the Civil War. He said that his regiment was ordered from Leavenworth to Fort Smith Ark & only got as far as Fort Scott Ks & the melting of the snows raised the streams so they could not proceed nor could they get provisions to them, so they had to fall back on some provisions that had been sent there for the soldiers in the Mexican War. He explained that the provisions for the Mexican War had been sent to St Joe Mo, the western Rail point & freighted overland to Fort Scott which it was thought was as far south as it was safe to send them. He said the rats had gotten in where the provisions were stored & burrowed holes through it. He said the Crackers would crumble & got to dust & the worms fall out of them if you [not complete]. He said the bacon was black as the stove & teats on it 2 inches long, but they ate it & was glad to get it. his home at Littleton is a brick house. He said there was a Markle, his name J.C. Markle at Aspen Colorado who was also an old Civil War soldier who he had met at some encampment. His wife spoke of their [sic] being some Markles at Carbondale Col but he said they were of another family.

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At residence of Eugene C. Harvey No 838 University Ave Boulder. Boulder Co Colorado Jany 10, 1923 10:30 AM

As soon as I got my breakfast this morning, I phoned him just after 8 AM from the Monticello Hotel at his Tel no 1131-J & his wife Helen very kindly answered & said he was at one of his classes, but she would send him down with the car. While waiting for him, I went at 9:30 AM to the post office & they could find no trace there of any Charles Mater or any Mater getting mail there. Eugene came at 10 Am & he went with me to the First Natl Bank & they knew nothing of any Mater. We then drove up to his home as above & met his wife who is not much over 5 ft. Eugene is 5 ft 10 in & is a fine looking boy, slender quick & alert. His hair is inclined to be auburn, but hers is red & their son Charles's is still redder. She is due, Eugene said, to give birth to another child next week. She said her father was one of seven children & her mother one of eleven, but she was an only child. Said her mother was anxious to have more but they just didn't come. She didn't know why. She says James C. at Santa Fe wants children but Charlotte just says she won't have any. Helen said her mother told her that one child would take all of her time to look after, so as her time

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would be taken up by one, she might as well have a house full to which she is disposed. Eugene says his father's people are all in England, a widowed sister of his there who has five children being aged 79. Says his father was older than his mother. He says that he:

Eugene Cochrane Harvey was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico Apr 10, 1895 (his mother was then 45) & was married Dec 23, 19198 in Wheaton Ills (25 miles NW of Chicago) by Rev Dr H.V. Holt to Helen Louise Newhall who was born in Chicago Ills June 18, 1897, the daughter of Charles Henry Newhall & his wife Belle Victoria Riester. Her grandfather was Samuel Newhall who came from Salem Mass to Quincy Ills. They have had two children:

1. Jane Harvey born & died Dec 3, 1919

2. Charles Newhall Harvey born Nov 28, 1920, both born, I think in Boulder Colo. Helen expects to go to the hospital next week to have her third child. This was the first time I had ever seen either of them & I liked them very much. Eugene says his wife's parents now live in San Diego Calif where they went after Mr Newhall had a nervous breakdown or collapse. he was Vice Prest of the First Natl Bank of Chicago Ills in which he still retains his stock. His brother succeeded him & is at present a Vice Prest of the 1st Chicago. The mountain just back of Eugene's home, he is almost on the edge

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See Book 23 P 41

of it is called Flagstaff & the snow capped one which seems to be just beyond & looks to be lower but which he says is 30 miles off & is 14,000 feet high, is Arapahoe (pro Ar rap' a hoe) mountain & lays NW of the town.

3. Priscilla Ann Harvey born Jany 22, 1923 at Boulder Col see E.C.H's letter of June 4/23 JVT 6/23/23

At Monticello Hotel, Boulder Colo Jany 10, 1923 11:11 AM

This hotel is owned my [sic] Mr Scott & is run by him & I got my breakfast there this morning. It is a fine big brick building near the RR depot & I don't know whether he is owner of the R.E. or just has it leased. His name is on the Register as Propr. His name, he says, is Charles Dana Scott, son of John Wesley Scott & his wife Miriam Rebecca Thompson 14th child of Robert Thompson Sen who was son of James Thompson 1758-1835.

He says he was born at or near Hiramsburg Noble Co Ohio Mch 3d, 1858 & was married 1st on Sept 27, 1882 at Fostoria Ohio to Laura Josephine Felkley daughter of Wm Felkly [different spellings as entered] & his wife Catherine Fritcher. She was born Sept 27, 1858 & died Sept 1895 in Chicago Ills.

2d He ignored this until I spoke of it whereupon he said it wasn't necessary to say anything of it & gave no data.

3d on Feby 28, 1920 at Denver Colorado he married Mrs Hanna Bilbrough widow

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of William Bilbrough (by whom she had one child) & daughter of Robt Smith who was born in Nottingham England Jany 28, 1877.

He had two children by his first wife, but none with the other two.

1. Anna Marie Scott born Feby 11, 1884 at Fostoria Ohio. She is unmarried & lives in Brooklyn NY

2. Charles Worth Scott born Feby 12, 1891 at San Francisco Calif & died in Denver Colorado May 7, 1916 unmarried.

He says he left Ohio in 1886 & went to San Francisco Calif where he lived about 8 yrs. He came to Boulder Colo 2 yrs & 4 mos ago say in Sept 1920.

He said he had no records of his mother & said his brother Harry at Athens O had more of the family records than any of them.

He said there was a Thompson on Lawrence St Denver Colo who was a relative & who was with the R. Hardesty Mfg Co No 1833 Market St Denver Col five yrs ago when he saw & talked with him. He said he was younger than he himself is. Out of a column & a half of Thompsons in the telephone book, I do not now find any on Lawrence St.

Finished at 11:44 AM

My data at Boulder was penciled down & I have now just finished transcribing it 1:10 AM 11th.

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Room 524 Jany 11, 1923 1:11 AM

I will now transcribe or rather copy on the pages following, the tables gotten last night from Miss Edith W. Smith.

William Gaddis is the first one who gets in our family, but the record she has of his father's eleven children is of important interest from a Fayette Co Pa standpoint & I am taking it for preservation in my records.

I have just finishing [sic] entering the two charts on the four pages following & will now go to bed as it is 4:22 AM

At Jesse B. Markle's No 188 N. Curtis Ave Littleton Colorado Jany 11, 1923 10:33 AM

I arrived five minutes ago & I am making a genealogical table commencing on page 210 from the information Mr Markle gives me. he says there were only three girls in his grandfather's family & says the six boys he mentions are all he ever heard of & his belief is that there were but nine children in the family. Don't know anything about who might have gotten his grandfather's bible. Says it wasn't in the chest his father got. Don't know dates of birth of any of his Uncles of Aunts. Mrs Markle says they have been here 41 yrs. He talks exactly like James A. Mitchell, son of Josiah of Ohio Pyle Pa & looks & smiles like him though much older. Went twice to Belvidere [best guess] Ills to enlist in Civil War & Cos was full. Then, in May, he went to Beloit [best guess] Wis & Co was full & then in Sept 1861 enlisted across state line in Co O 13th 7th inf.

V9 Page 206 & V9 Page 207

[Descendant Chart]

John Gaddis, soldier of the Revolution, born Oct 7, 1741 in Frederick Co Va & died at Uniontown Pa Apr 12, 1827 & is buried in the old Baptist Cemetery head of Morgantown St, Uniontown Pa. He was a brother of Col Thomas Gaddis of Fort Gaddis fame located on the Basil Brownfield farm Morgantown Road. Their mother was Priscilla Bowen who after their father died, married a Hill & left able descendants from him. He married May 22, 1768 Sarah Jenkins who was born Feby 19, 1751 & died Jany 7, 1802 & she too is buried in the Baptist Cemetery at Uniontown Pa. See Book 18 P 468-70.


Thomas Gaddis, Born Apr 16, 1769 emigrated to Chester Tp, Clinton Co Ohio & died there. Had two daughters who married Ashleys "Uncle Tommy Gaddis"

Jonathan Gaddis, Born May 14, 1771 died in 1793 aged 22 yrs

William Gaddis, Born Feby 15, 1774. He married in Fayette Co Pa about 1800 Elizabeth Peairs, daughter of Elisha & Elizabeth Jack Peairs of Fayette Co Pa & emigrated to Ohio about 1815. They had nine children: 1Johnathan, 2Sarah, 3Eliza, 4Elisha Peairs, 5Allen Stevens, 6Mary Ann, 7Rachel Jane, 8Ruth Emily & 9Priscilla. For particulars are next table. He died July 23, 1844 & she died Sept 15, 1854 aged 75 yrs & both are buried in Jonah's Run Baptist Church graveyard Clinton Co Ohio.

Mary Gaddis, Born Mar 22, 1776 & died June 8, 1859 married James Allen of Uniontown Pa.

Jacob Gaddis Born Sept 8, 1778 & died Aug 27, 1859 near Uniontown Pa. He married Sarah Combe & lived on the land which had belonged to his father "above Sock" ie upper Middletown Pa.

Anna Gaddis, Born Apr 24, 1781 died Mch 29, 1799 buried in the old Baptist Cem Uniontown Pa.

Elizabeth Gaddis, B Sept 8, 1783 ob Sept 29, 1865 at Wilmington O married William Stockdale of Uniontown Pa about 1809 or 1810 & came to Ohio in 1814 or before. He died in 1836. They had six children.

Louisa, M. Dr Allen Farquhar

Camilla mar a Walker & live Indianapolis Ind

Sally Mary, m. Mr Linn

Priscilla, B Mch 1814, m. Griffith Foos

Rodney Foos, lived Wilmington O

Ellis, the Colporteur

Elizabeth, m. Dr Lamol

Emily, unmarried

Priscilla Gaddis, Born Jany 30, 1786 died Dec 1880 near Uniontown Pa mar Thomas Barton

John Will Barton, who I well knew

John Gaddis Jr, B Sept 5, 1788 ob Feby 2, 1868 m.1. Sarah Barton sister of Thomas M.2. Sisson Gaddis

Henry W. Gaddis, by 1st wife, m. Ruth Springer dau of Levi Springer

Dr Levi Springer Gaddis, who sent the above record to Edityh W. Smith. died unmarried.

Sally Kate Gaddis, M. Col Harry E. Robinson & both living in Uniontown Pa.

Dr George H. Robinson, m Pauline Mitchell dau of Thos J. Mitchell

Henrietta Robinson, M. Wm Barton Beeson son of Jacob M. Beeson.

Thomas Barton Gaddis by 2d wife, m. Work

Sarah Gaddis, B Mch 10, 1791 ob. mar Crane & died near Iowa City Iowa

Ruth Gaddis, Born Apr 9, 1793 died July 9, 1845 mar Thomas Hibben & died near Wilmington Ohio & is buried in the cemetery there & has a tombstone.

V9 Page 208 & V9 Page 209

[Descendant Chart]

William Gaddis born Feby 15, 1774 & died July 23, 1844 & is buried at the Jonah's Run Church Clinton Co Ohio see page 206. The Tucker farm his Clinton Co O home was bought of O'Neall deed dated Sept 9, 1819 recorded at Wilmington Ohio. Married about 1800 in Fayette Co Pa Elizabeth Peairs, born _________ the daughter of Elisha Peairs & his wife Elizabeth Jack see page 206. She died Sept 15, 1854. Apr 11, 1925, see book 5 p 373 & book 13 P 123 which indicate that it was Isabella & not Elizabeth Peairs that he married.


Jonathan Gaddis born Feby 12, 1801 & died Dec 2, 1865 married Apr 14, 1825 Anna Disbrow who was born May 20, 1807 & died Oct 7, 1865. Have many descendants some of whom live near Kingman, Clinton Co O. Norma Hatalea (Nettie) Gaddis is his great granddaughter & in a letter written Feby 1915 to Edith W. Smith gave the above dates. Get her address. They were mar in Chester Tp Clinton Co O. They had ten children all born in [not completed] See Book 20 pages 118-119. Anna Disbrow was dau of Banks Davis Disbrow & his wife Hannah Conger or Congo see Bk 18 page 468 et seq.

Sarah Gaddis, Born Aug 20, 1802 married William Brown & moved to Randolph Co Ind. Had one daughter.

Ruth Brown, she married McKey both living recently at Farmland Rand Co Ind. Had several children. Aug 17, 1927. H.A. Gaddis, Modoc Ind writes that she died at Farmland Ind several years ago.

Eliza Gaddis, B Jany 9, 1806 Mar George Bailey & moved to Des Moines Iowa. She is supposed to have her parents old family bible. Apr 13, 1925 was her name Eliza or Elizabeth? See book 13 p 123

Elisha Peairs Gaddis, B Feby 20, 1811 married Lydia Macy & moved to Randolph Co Ind near to Winchester the County seat. They had eleven children.

Hiram A. Gaddis, the main representative now 1915 aged 60 or

thereabouts was living at Mordock, Randolph Co Ind & had nine children who lived to be married & in 1915 he had 33 grandchildren.

Allen Stevens Gaddis, B Dec 30, 1913 probably in Fayette Co Pa. He died in Macon Co Ills Nov 14, 1865. M.1st Aug 21, 1837 in Clinton Co O Ann Mershon dau of David & Rachel Bosworth Mershon. She died Mch 11, 1845 in Clinton Co O leaving 2 sons & 1 daughter. M.2.

Rachel Gaddis, see B 18 P 429, B July 8, 1844 in Clinton Co O m. Jany 10, 1867 Wilson Compton



Mary Ann Gaddis, B Sept 28, 1816 & died Jany 24, 1847 married Dec 24, 1835 Levi Duffy Mckay who was born Feby 29, 1816 in Frederick Co Va & died Feby 3, 1869 at Oskaloosa Iowa. Had 5 children. She has another chart of his.

Maria, Edith's mother





Rachel Jane Gaddis, Born Aug 28, 1819. M. Dec 4, 1849 to Levi Duffy McKay his 2d wife. She died Feby 18, 1895 at Omaha, Neb & is buried at Oskaloosa Iowa. Had seven children all daughters.

Ruth Emily Gaddis, Born Jany 5, 1823 died Feby 18, 1895 on same day as her sister Rachel married Adam Stoops

Priscilla Gaddis, Born Apr 1, 1826 she died in DeWitt Co Ills married Willis Disbrow who also died in DeWitt Co Ills about 1913

Arthur, living in Topeka Ks


John, Clinton Ills

Alva, dead

V9 Page 210 & V9 Page 211 [missing descendant chart]

V9 Page 212

[continuation of missing descendant chart]

[Markle] [children]

Jesse B. Markle, see page 210 [missing]. Says he has been up to his son R. Reed's in Alberta Canada 3 times. He draws a pension of $50 a month & may get $72. His hair is just turning gray & his hair & whiskers are both now iron gray. He is 5 ft 8 & weighs 142. He weighed 135 when he enlisted & not working soon got up to 150, but has never weighed that since. He died July 5, 1925 & she died July 13, 1925 both buried in Littleton Cem.

Charles B., got his record fr Dorothy B. at K.C. Mo See book 8 p 365 & 366 & see book 9 p 210 [missing] Mar May 10, 1903 to Dorothy Miller dau of Andrew Jackson Miller & his wife Mary Hargrave. She was born in Grundy Co Mo Oct 1, 1882. He was killed Feby 18, 1904 at Paragon Mexico.

Reuben Reed, M.1. Eva Mattingly & were divorced M.2. Pearl Wright & are both living at Alberta Canada where J.B. says it is "too cursed cold & dry for a white man to live"

Allen, was 5 or 6 mos old when his father went to Alberta in 1905.

Harvey, born in Alberta aged abt 15 yrs

Girl baby, born in Alberta abt 9 mos ago.

James Harvey, M Edith Knight who came in here at 11:45 this morning & brought them some broth. She is daughter of Harvey of Harry Knight [sic] of this town & his wife Ella Emily Lomax. He is now 100 miles away on the edge of the Western Slope in Routt Co where he has a lot of cattle on a ranch he owns. Have only had one child & his wife is here with her so she can go to school. Mrs Knight died July 13, 1925 aged 66.

Glenna Markle, Born in Littleton Colo June 6, 1911

Minerva Markle, see page 211 [missing] & 606

Orville, m. lives near Cambridge Iowa see b 27 p 186 [this reference note made in a different hand than JVT's]

May, M. Charles Richardson & live at Elwell Iowa where he is a farmer.

Benjamin Markle, see page 211 [missing]

A daughter, Maud, m. Sides both living at Greeley Colo

Nellie M., M. Gorsline & live in Greeley Col. Has bible of her grandfather George Markle 1795-1875. She died Mch 1924 home is at NO 1812 14th Ave Greeley Colo

Fannie, died unm

Robert, lives at Greeley Col don't know whether he is married or not.

Alice, m. Baker. Lives in Canada

Leaving at 1:33 PM

See page 252 for sequential order of my work

V9 Page 213

At residence of Rebecca Susan Bray first house north of the Post Office in Springfield Baca Co Springfield Colorado Jany 12, 1923 2:11 PM

I arrived here at 1:35 PM after a two hours 50 miles drive by auto with Jim Hutchinson from Lamar north of here in Prowess Co & find Mrs Bray a fine dear bright old lady of the true Redburn type & is about 5 ft 2 in & says she weighs 184 lbs. Says she always was fleshy & weighed 156 lbs when she was 18 yrs old. She says her father told her that his grandfather worked in his garden when he was 104 yrs old, but she didn't know what his name was but says her grandfather was William Redburn & he died she said in Indiana & died there but she don't know when. Says she never saw him. She thinks it was Gibson Co as that was where her father came from. She said her father's mother was a German woman & could not talk a word of English until she was 13 yrs old. Her name was Catharine Barnhart & Rev Walter B. Redburn's middle name is for her. Mrs Bray has the record on a note size sheet of paper that she says she copied from her father's bible record giving record of the his [sic] children by his second wife & also & note size folded sheet giving her

V9 Page 214

own family record which she says was written down by Mr Bray. I am getting these & what she can tell me in a genealogical table commencing on page 216. She says her sister Melinda, who married Edward Stephens got her father's family bible but Mrs Bray doesn't think there was anything more in it than what she copied. She says, however, it might have record of his marriage. She says she is the oldest child by the second wife & she thinks they were married about two years before she was born. Says his first wife's name was Summers, but not related to her sister's husband. She shows me a letter dated Jany 7, 1923 last Sunday from her older half sister, Mrs Margaret Simpkins, a widow from Jackson miss where she lives with her unmarried daughter Ida May Simpkins, an old girl, who works at or for the Royal Hotel, Jackson, Miss.

She says her brother John R. was here with his son to visit her last year & she wanted him to stay as he was alone, a widower & live with her, but he wouldn't. Don't know whether her Aunts Susan or Harriet were married, but says her father wanted to name her for Harriet & her mother wouldn't agree & she was named for her mother's sister Rebecca who had died when a child & for her father's sister Susan.

V9 Page 215

Mrs Bray was Supt of the Sunday School in the County for 2 yrs having a school of 62. She goes every Sunday to S.S. here, 5 blocks where they have a school of 106. Goes also to prayer meeting every Wednesday night.

Lester, Glenn & Louie Deimer were in the World War & Roy & William, their brothers died while they were gone. Lester got across, but Glenn & Louie did not. Dewey tried to enlist, but was rejected because of a defective eye.

Arthur Scaman was in Germany in the World War.

Jonathan Denny's wife was Martha & after he died, she married a Weirich. Mrs Bray says she wants a book & I told her she should have one. Mrs Bray says she went to school after she was married when her husband went to war. She says she taught two winters but didn't like it. Said she would rather cook. She has been keeping boarders some & spoke of having had four young men boarding with her not long ago. I got my breakfast at Pueblo Col at 6:30 this morning & have had nothing since & am now leaving at 8:55 PM having been busy with Mrs Bray for seven hours. Jim Hutchinson who drove me over is waiting around the corner at Palace Hotel.

V9 Page 216 & V9 Page 217

[Descendant Chart]

William Redburn, son of Henry Redburn settled in Gibson Co, Indiana near Princeton & so far as Mrs Bray knows, he died there. Mrs Bray never saw him. He married Catharine Barnhart who was a German girl who couldn't speak English until she was 13. Mrs Bray never saw her, but says her mother & father went on horseback from their home in Franklin Co Ills 14 miles east of Benton ills to visit her then a widow living with her son Will there in Gibson Co Ind. She says she remembers when they went & thinks she may have been 6 to 10 yrs old but says there were but three children of them viz: herself, John R & Melinda & that her mother's Aunt Elizabeth Williams, a widow & an old lady took care of them, coming to their house while her parents were gone. She was then very active, was a small woman. She says her mother spoke of writing the other boys who were married & lived in the neighborhood. This visit was before he went to the Mexican War & was probably in 1847.


Michael Redburn, who married & living in the neighborhood of Gibson Co Ind in 1847. She don't know anything about their family.

Henry Redburn, was married & living in the Gibson Co Ind region in 1847 Don't know about their family

Susan Redburn

Harriet Redburn

John Redburn, Born in Maryland on Apr 18, 1809. He married 1st she thinks in Illinois to Prudence Summers by whom he had four children. Mrs Bray says her people lived in Franklin Co Ill. Married 2d on Dec 29, 1840 in Franklin Co Ills to Rachel Jane Sullivan, a first cousin of his first wife Prudence. The mother of Rachel Jane being a sister of Prudence's father. Mrs Bray says her grandmother Sullivan died at her father's when she was in her 20s & after she was married. The bible record she copied says Rachel Jane Sullivan was born Jany 23, 1823. The obituary notice says she was born near Nashville Tenn Jany 23, 1821 & was aged 78 yrs 10 mos & 7 days when she died at the home of her daughter Mrs E. M. Stephens 6 miles east of Bedford Iowa Saturday Sept 1, 1900 at 12:05 AM. She was buried Sunday Sept 2, & taken to Moulton Iowa & buried beside her husband. Says she was the mother of 11 children 5 sons & 6 daus of whom 3 sons & 5 daus survived her. The only children present at the funeral were Mrs E.M. Stephens at whose home she died & John Redburn of Grant City MO. She became a Christian when a girl. She was the daughter of Elisha Sullivan who Mrs Bray remembers & his wife Mary Summers. John Red Redburn was raised a Presbyterian but became a Baptist in which faith he preached for 60 yrs. Mrs B. thought her mother was 81 when she died & her father was in his 91st. He preached until he was in his 80s. All of his children were born in Illinois. She says Mrs Rachel E. Singleton of Amber Okla writes 7/21/1923 that her grandmother Rachel Redburn died at her daughter's Mrs Stephens Mch 1901.

Newton Fletcher Redburn, served in the Civil War enlisting to Alton Ills & volunteered the 2d time & got up a company of colored people of which he was captain. He wrote her from the war & once afterwards & she has never heard from him since. He was their [sic] in Upper Alton Ills was married before he went to war. Don't know her name nor whether they had any children.

Mary Jane Redburn, She had had the bilious fever & got up, went out & pulled some turnips & wanted her stepmother to wash them & handling the cold turnips gave her a relapse & she died aged abt 14 in Franklin Co Ills.

Margaret Redburn, Abt 5 yrs older than Mrs Bray was taken by her mother's mother & raised. Mrs B. went to school to her husband before they were married. She married in Franklin Co Ills to Calloway Simpkins. He has been dead 25 yrs or more. Was a sculptor & dropped dead on the street in Arkansas. She is living at Jackson Miss c/o Royal Hotel. Thinks she had 4 children, one boy was killed some man shot him. Her unm daughter, Isa May lives with her & takes care of her. Write to her.

Prudence, Lived but a few days & her birth was the cause of her mother's death.

Rebecca Susan Redburn, B June 11, 1842 m. Sept 11, 1862 at Centerville, Iowa by a J.P. to Nathan Junius Bray who was born June 7, 1839 in Guildford Co NC, the son of John Bray & his wife Asenath Gardner. He died 4 1/2 miles NW of [unreadable word] Springfield Col on his 160 A farm Jany 11, 1901 from a stroke of paralysis following an attack of grip 7 was buried in the cem here. he was survived by his wife, 5 daus 4 sons & 21 grandchildren. He came here fr Centerville Iowa in Sept 1888. All of their children were born in Appenoose Co Iowa. He enlisted at Centerville Iowa in the Civil War & having been engaged, he married the month succeeding his enlistment & started next day Sept 12, 1813 to the front see p 218.

John Riley Redburn, Born Oct 4, 1843 m. Martha Jane John, "a good woman". He told Mrs B. he never saw her mad. had 4 children viz: Drury, Delia, Frank, & a girl, got their record from Frank or he is to send it. Mrs Bray writes Feby 9, 1923 that he is at Reigeway Mo see pages 11 & 504.

Elizabeth Melinda, B Jany 2, 1846 see page 224

Rachel Evaline, B Mch 5, 1848 was born shortly after her father went to the Mexican War. Died aged abt 6 mos.

William Henry, B July 16, 1849 died aged abt 4 yrs of the measles.

Marion Scott, B June 16, 1851 m. Cordelia Snow & lived in St Paul Minn when she last heard from him 3 yrs or more ago. Both were then living, lost their two oldest children & thinks they had three others. He was poorly from rheumatism the last she heard from him. She writes Feby 9/23 that he is at 100 W. Winifred St St Paul Minn.



[both above] died in Mo in Johnson Co both babies, one on one day & one the nest & were buried in same grave.



William Michael, B Nov 22, 1853. He died unmarried aged abt 18. He had 2 hard spells of fever when a baby & suffered ever afterwards. He was smart once caught a snake tied it alive to his little sled & brot it home.

Walter Barnhart B Apr 4, 1856, m. Maggie John a sister of Jno R's wife. She sd he was at Sacramento Calif a yr ago when she last heard from him. Mrs Bray writes Feby 9, 1923 that he is at Yuba City, Calif.

Harlan, Died aged abt 4 yrs in Moulton Iowa

A son, married & lived in Sacramento Calif & had two children

Arminda Jane, B Apr 4, 1858 m. Abraham Shipley & both live in Kansas City Kan. No issue.

Mary Eliza, B June 25, 1860 got her record at Schell City Mo Nov 15, 1922 was a school teacher when young.

Amanda Adelia Redburn, B Apr 6, 1863 taught in high school in Cincinnati Iowa. I got her record in Kansas City Mo Oct 30? 1922 She got up & went to church on Feby 8 & died that Feby 9, 1925 at 1:30 AM in Kansas City MO.

William Redburn [son of William] says he is the only one of her father's brothers or sisters she ever saw. He & his wife having come through Ills in a buggy & visited them at their home when she was about 14. His wife's name was Jane _____. They were living in Gibson Co Ind the last she heard of him which was when she was in her teens. he was a class reader in the Methodist Church. Thinks they had several children but she only remembers the name of one viz: Arminda. Knows he had some boys, but don't remember their names.

V9 Page 218 & V9 Page 219

[Descendant Chart]

Rebecca Susan Redburn married Nathan Junius Bray. He went to the front in the Civil War Sept 12, 1862 in Co C 36th Iowa Inf & served almost 3 yrs being discharged in the Spring of 1865 just before the close of the war, she thinks in April by reason of impaired health by reason of his imprisonment & he never was strong afterwards but had been a strong man when he went in the war. He was in the Battle at Little Rock Ark on July 4th & was captured at Mark's Mills & for 10 mos she did not know whether he was dead or alive being reported missing. He was taken to the Confederate Prison at Tyler Texas for ten months & half starved during which time, she never heard from him. A neighbor boy had written that he was missing. After he was exchanged, he wrote to her from New Orleans, LA. They had just finished answering his letter & were starting to mail it when he stepped in, having gotten a 30 day's furlough. After the month was up, he returned only as far as Keokuk Iowa & the war closed.


Elizabeth Emeline, B Dec 26, 1865 m. Dec 24, 1885 to William Henry Denney who was born Jany 15, 1862. Both living here where they have a nice home. He has a farm of his own & also her old place. She has had 10 children all born on their ranch in this Co, but Roy, who was born in Appanoose Co, Iowa. See Page 220

Rachel Asenath Evaline, B Apr 10, 1867 M. Mch 1894 here to Charles Arthur Scaman son of Benjamin Scaman. Both living on a ranch they own with horses & cattle 16 miles south of Los Animas Colo. See page 222

Susan Ellen, B Nov 30,1868 m. July 1889 to Alva Alonzo Denney, son of Jonathan Denney & bro of Wm Henry. Both live in town where they own a house & have a ranch 2 1/2 ms NW. Children all born in Baca Co Col.

Earl Charles, B Feby 17, 1891 unmarried. Is Cashier in Stivnds [sic] Cash Dry Goods store here.

Martha Olive, B July 3, 1893 named Martha for her grandmother Denney. M. Roy Thompson & live on a ranch on Bear Creek 2 1/2 miles NW of town.

Eva Marie, aged 7. Her mother drives her into school here in a buggy.

Margery, aged near 2.

Clarence, B May 1899 m. Virgia Nelson & lives on his father's ranch abt 2 1/2 ms NW of town.

Ruth, aged abt 2

Howard, is single & a clerk in Striands [sic] Dry Goods store

Martha Abigail B March 28,1870 m. Mch 20, 1892 to Elmer Ellsworth Alexander, son of Wm Alexander & both living in their own nice home in Lamar Col where he is janitor of the High school for 10 or 12 yrs past. He was born June 15, 1861 in Perry Co Ills. Their 4 children born at Springfield Col.

William Junius, B Aug 30, 1893 m. Luen May Smith, & live in Lamar Col. No issue. Mar June 10, 1917. She born at Belco Ills Nov 18, 1899

Lora May, B Jany 6, 1895 M. Ernest Wiley on June 2, 1918 He born Sept 23, 1894 at Sedan Kan & live in Lamar Col. They 3 chil born at Lamar Col.

Dwain Elmer, B Apr 13, 1919 ob Apr 16, 1919

Darlene Lois, a girl aged near 3 yrs B May 16, 1920

Baby girl, aged 5 or 6 mos [named]Derexa Marie B June 19,


John Allen B Jany 7, 1899 single & is bookkeeper in Sundays Garage there. M. Nov 25, 1924 to Katharyn Hutchins who was born at Lamar Col Oct 14, 1903.

Nellie Muriel, "only 15 & weighs over 200, so fair & white & beautiful" Is in High school for 2 yrs. White as a lily, Shows a standing picture of her & she is a beauty. Born May 20, 1907.

John Nathan, B Dec 7, 1872. He is a gold miner at Cripple Creek Col where he is a bachelor & lives in his own 3 room house. Still single in 1925.

Oliver Marion, B Mch 7, 1875 m. May ______ at Rockyford Col to Cora Edwards, day of Wm Edwards. Both living at Longmont Col where he has been foreman of the sugar beet factory. See page 223.

William Henry, b Jany 14, 1879 m.1. Apr 10, 1899 to Artie King a step daughter of John White. She died in Kansas 4 yrs ago this winter of the flu, having had 3 children all living. They, however were divorced & she married a 2d husband, a drinking man whom she divorced. M.2. Minnie Baker & both are living at Fowler Col where he is a veterinarian & has his hospital & owns a farm. They had had 5 children, the two oldest dead. He went through a veterinarian college in Kansas City MO after his 2d marriage. The 3 children by 1st wife born in Baca Co Col & 2 oldest by 2d wife born in Pueblo Col & the 3 youngest in Fowler Col.

Eldon Bray, B Jany 26, 1900 m. May ______ & live at Fowler on a farm.

A daughter who only weighed 3 lbs & is now nearly a yr old.

Hazel Bray, married in Pueblo to a Catholic & live in Kansas & have one child.

A daughter

Irma Bray, home with her father & step mother & is going to school

Harold, died aged 2 yrs in Pueblo Col

A daughter, stillborn

a daughter

a daughter

Dale, the baby a boy "not quite two yet"

Mary Irene, B Nov 1, 1882 ob Sept 5, 1901 of diptheria at Los Animas Col where the doctor quarantined her & her mother didn't get to see her. She had gone to Rockyford Col to visit her brother & getting sick, went to their doctor who sent her to the hospital. Her mother has a big bundle of verses of a highly religious nature which she had written & were found in her trunk.

Charles Sylvester Bray, He was born at Centerville Iowa so he writes on July 30/23. Born May 1, 1884 "My baby boy & he is 6 ft 3 in tall & a mechanic". Married 4 or 5 miles from here to Rhoda Evesta Knox, daughter of Lee Lu [best guess] & Eva Knox. They are both living in Fowler Col where he is running a garage & where he owns his home. Were married Aug 19, 1906 at Springfield Col She was born at Murdock Kansas Apr 28, 1885 & her mother's maiden name was Evesta Ellen Bickel.

Mary Emmaline, B May 1, 1910 at Carrizo Colorado

Charles Dayton, B Dec 11, 1911 at Carrizo Colo

Dorothy Lee, B Jany 1st, 1921 at Fowler Colorado

V9 Page 220 & V9 Page 221

[Descendant Chart]

Elizabeth Emeline & William Henry Denney see page 218. He is son of Jonathan Denney & his wife Martha Kensey [Rensey?]


Roy Conrad, B Oct 1, 1886 counted the best business man in town where he owned a garage & died of the "flu' unmarried, 4 yrs ago this winter on Nov 21, 1918

William Nathan, B July 31, 1888 He died of the "flu" abt a month before Born on Oct 28, 1918 m. Jennie Maud Neal. She lives with her folds in Lamar Col & is abt to be married again. He was a deacon in Baptist Ch.

Alva Guy, in school, B Jany 8, 1915

Alma May, not in school yet b Apr 13, 1917

Lester Elmer, B Sept 13, 1890 M. Mary Esther Nickle both living here in town. Is a mechanic & works in garage here. She born July 15, 1904. Parents dead & can't give names.

Mary Elizabeth, Aged abt 2 B May 28, 1921

Lottie Susan, B May 15, 1892 "Lives across the street, is bigger than I am & weighs over 200". M. Henry Otis Green & both live right here. He bought a garage & leased it. He born May 21, 1877 son of Robert R. Green & wife Missouri Hanes.

Warren Otis, Past 7, B July 14, 1915

Ora Elizabeth, Past 5, B Aug 25, 1917

Effie Amanda B July 10, 1894 m. Jesse Earl Henson. Both living in Enid Okla where he has been working at the round house.

1. Encil Franklind aged 8 or 9 B Oct 22, 1914

2. Thelma Susan, aged 7 school wrote her great grandmother a letter B May 7, 1916

4. Linnie May B Apr 13, 1919

3. Evalynn Jessie B Mch 23, 1918

5. A baby girl, Little over a year old viz Dillie Morina B July 31, 1921

6. Delmer Earl, Born Nov 29, 1923

7. Evert Dee born & died Dec 28, 1924 aged 5 1/2 hours

Jonathan Glen, B Aug 5, 1896 m. Cassie Sweet Barler a fine little woman & live across the alley from me just east of the P.O. No issue. She born Feby 2 1897 dau of James S. Barler & wife Ada Mathews.

Henry Darold B July 7, 1923

Denney Ray [twin] Born July 24, 1898 , m. Laura Elizabeth Baker Lives 4 1/2 miles NW on his father's farm No issue. She born Oct 12, 1905 dau of Willie Baker & wife Mary Swader

Edna Lucell B Oct 3, 1923

Lewey Fay [twin] a boy M. Lillian McIntire. Both living at Goodwell Okla where he found & married his wife an only child, were mar. Thanksgiving 1922 Nov 30th. He works in a garage there.

Roy Edward, B Dec 11, 1923

Sylvia Esther Denney, B Aug 28, 1905 was 16 last summer sings in the Baptist Ch choir & is the leader of the choir & also a leader among the young people unmarried.

Martha Elna Denney, B May 13, 1908 was 14 last spring sings in the Baptist Ch choir, unmarried.

V9 Page 222

[Descendant Chart]

Rachel A. Evaline & Charles A. Scaman, The 5 younger children were born at Los Animas Col.


Arthur, born Dec 26, 1894 in Baca Co Col M. Hattie Muller May 19, 1920. Lives near Los Animas & is a farmer.

Laureta, aged nearly 2 yrs


Pearl E. B Feby 23, 1897 married 5 yrs ago to Carl S. Phillips & live near Los Animas on a ranch. He is a farmer & carpenter Mar Jany 8, 1918

Evaline, oldest

Boy, Sterling

Boy, Charles


Nathan, B Oct 1, 1898 M. "Dee" Oninick on Oct 4, 1922 & live near Los Animas on the farm. No issue. [obviously, children added later.]



Floyd, B Mch 10, 1900 m. Jany 29, 1923 to Nellie Gough & live near Los Animas. No issue [again, children added later]



Edith, about 20 yrs old M. Dec 23, 1921 to Arthur Crowell & live near Los Animas Col where he has a farm. No issue.

Susan, Aged 12 at home & going to school.

V9 Page 223

[Descendant Chart]

Oliver Marion & Cora Edwards See page 218


Walter M., B Apr 29, 1899 unmarried was living at Pueblo Col fireman on the RR. "Redheaded & homely"

Mary Viola B Oct 10, 1900 m. Winburn & are living in Montana where he has a ranch.

Viola Bernice Winburn Born Sept 14, 1920. Have a photo taken when a year old, fine face & large girl, standing. Sent to Great grandmother Bray

Florence died aged 14 of appendicitis following a belated operation

Frank, married & has a girl & a boy

Alice, was in high school

Chester, died aged 8 yrs was very smart

Benjamin, "prettiest child I ever saw" Must be abt 15. Is in school

Orville, a boy, thinks he is in school

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[Descendant Chart]

Elizabeth Malinda Redburn see page 217. She died of paralysis of the brain six weeks after her husband was struck by lightning & killed in Iowa. At the same time, his team of two mules was killed & his barn set on fire but not entirely consumed. Was at Bedford Iowa. She got her father's bible. Her mother lived with her after her husband died. she married Edward Stephens, son of James Stephens of Appanoose Co Iowa abt 6 miles north of Moulton, a near neighbor of Mr & Mrs Bray who had a farm there. See letter of their daughter Rachel dated July 21/23, small envelope who said her grandmother Rachel Redburn died Mch 1901 & her father Edward Stephens in Apr 28, 1901 & her mother Elizabeth Malinda died six weeks later on June 8, 1901.


2. William Nathan Stephens. He died unmarried of tuberculosis aged 19 or 20 in Appanoose Co Iowa or near Bedford she thinks. Born Nov 19, 1874 & died Dec 6, 1894.

1. Ida Luella Stephens she died unmarried when grown. Asked for a drink of water & after drinking, fell back on her bed dead. Born Jany 23, 1871 & died in April 6, 1895.

5. John H. Stephens. He went away after his father died & have never heard of him since. Born Feby 9, 1878

4. Rachel E. B. Nov 11, 1876 married & lived in Oklahoma. Last letter she wrote came back. Had 3 children 2 girls & a boy mar Nov 15, 1893 to Chas Singleton & lives Amber Okla, Grady Co. He was born Apr 9, 1869 in Will Co Ills. She was born in Appanoose Co Iowa. He is son of Benjamin Singleton & his wife Hannah Doncaster both natives of England. They had 4 children all born near Bedford Taylor Co Iowa. Her full name is Rachel Evland Singleton Route 2 Amber Grady Co Okla

Unnamed son, B. Oct 2, 1894 ob Oct 2, 1894

Edna Gladys, B Feby 19, 1896 ob Nov 6, 1912 aged 15 fr diptheria

Ruth Mae Singleton, Born May 25, 1898 mar Sept 6, 1915 in Chicasha Okla to Major Foreman who was born in Arkansas Nov 6, 1894 son of James Carl Foreman & his wife Laura Martin. They live in Oklahoma City Okla

Darrel D. Foreman, born Oct 24, 1915 near Chickasha Okla

Edna Mae, B Feby 4, 1919 in Oklahoma City & died there Feby 18, 1923

Paul Edward Singleton, Born Apr 10, 1900 mar Dec 22, 1920 to Elsie Malone born in Texas July 3, 1902 daughter of John Wesley Malone & his wife Nancy Emeline Tipper

Douglas Singleton, Born May 26, 1922

7. Amanda L., married. Don't know where they live. Had no children but took a little girl to raise. Married Thomas H. Barnard & live at McAllen Texas. She wrote her sister Rachel E. that her grandfather, Rev John Redburn's bible was given to her Uncle Walter B. see P 217. She was born May 18, 1882 & married on Apr 23, 1902. He was born Apr 26, 1871 at Grants Lick, Campbell Co Ky son of Wm M. Barnard & wife Emila Fleet. Mar at Jefferson City MO. No issue, but have two adopted children. The changes of dates of birth & death are made fr her letter of Dec 11, 1923 small env which she says she copied fr their family record badly torn which she has. She wants a book.

6. Leota Mae Stephens, Born in Appanoose Co Iowa. Married. Don't know of her having any children & don't know where they lived. Married Oscar Evins [Evens?] Patrick & live Moberly Mo RFD 6 Born July 12, 1905 at Huntsville MO. He was born on the farm on which they live Jany 5, 1877 son of Robert Wilson Patrick also born there & his wife Mary E., a native of VA. Their children all born on the farm where they live abt 5 miles NW of Moberly Mo. She wants a book.

Robert Hugh, B May 31, 1906

Elizabeth Leora, B Dec 26, 1908 ob Sept 28, 1909

Edward Pearl, B May 12, 1913

Helen Frances, B July 22, 1917

3. Clara Belle, died aged 12 days between Wm N. & Rachel E. B Nov 30, 1875 ob Dec 11, 1875 in Appanoose Co Iowa

8. George R. Stephens Born Mch 6, 1885 ob Sept 6, 1889 aged 4 1/2 yrs youngest. He was born in Taylor Co Iowa.

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Transcribing at office Hotel Grand Holly Col Jany 13, 1923 10:35 AM

Pueblo Colorado, Jany 12, 1923 2:26 AM

The telephone directory for summer of 1922 shows:

Jack, A.R. r 1437 E 7th Tel 2943-J

There are no Kilgores, Markles,Redburns, Rothermels, or Caruthers.

At A.T. & S. Fe RR Sta Lamar Colo Jany 12, 1923 11:55 PM

"Jim" Hutchinson, a fine man & a stalwart, got started from Springfield Colorado with me at 9:20 tonight & got into Lamar at 11:20 PM making the 50 mile drive in just two hours steady driving, not meeting or passing anyone on the whole drive. Going down today 11:30 Am to 1:30 PM we met & passed teams by the dozens, may of them 4 horse & 4 mule teams hitched all four side by side & invariably with two wagons, the one hitched on behind the other & all with fodder on top. The wagon bed would be loaded with gasoline, or anything else they might be hauling & the fodder on top, it being the universal feed for the horses as they raise no hay there.

There was not a town or P.O. on the whole 50 miles & just three little stores & very few houses on the plains we passed over. The roads were dry & dusty as they have had scarcely any rain for a year. Jim said not over ten inches in the whole year.

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On train bound for Holly Col Jany 13, 1923 12:15 AM

Jim brought a good faced young man over from Springfield Col whose name he told me was Shrock & I told him to ask him tomorrow if his mother was Eliza Matilda Johnson. Jim said that the hundreds of tons of Rockyford cantaloups rotted in the fields the past year because they could not get cars to haul them & because too the rates for transportation by the Rail roads were so high that it took all they could get for them to pay the freight. He said that an area 100 miles along the Arkansas River here raised fine good melons & they all sold on the market as Rockyfords. He said there was a tremendous trade in seeds, through that section, both cantaloup & cucumbers. He said the melons & cucumbers were shipped out by the hundreds of carloads & when the market fell off, they allowed the melons & cucumbers to lay on the ground until they were dead ripe, sometimes, almost rotten when they would bring a threshing machine in the field, haul the melons & cucumbers to it & thresh out the seeds shoveling the melons in with a sugar bett fork which had tines on it like our pitch fork & a knot end about the size of the end of your finger which they could fork them up with without running into them. They had then a sieve like contrivance for spreading them out thin

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to thoroughly dry. The seed Cos from Denver & around send out their wagons & gather up these seeds by the ton & buy them. He said the threshing of these half rotted melons & cucumbers was a very stinking job. He said he had recently acquired a 40 acre irrigated farm with good house on to which he thought he would soon move.

He took me to the Creamey Cafe, Mr Hargis, half a block from the station where I got two good cooked fat pork chops, Saute potatoes & a piece of cocoanut pie, all very good, at 11:30 to 11:45 PM, the first, I had eaten since 6:45 AM

Mrs Bray wanted to get me some supper, but I told her I would rather have her attention, so I could finish up her record. I covered twelve pages of this record of what she told me & she is going to have her own photo taken to send me for my book & will send me also for like purpose that of her granddaughter's Sylvia & Nellie her great granddaughter Viola Bernice Winburn.

Transcribed at the Antlers Colorado Springs Colorado Jany 13, 1923 10:44 PM

When I was getting on the train at Lamar Col, a little old woman I should say aged 40 to 50 yrs got off. She was heavy set for a dwarf but not more than 2 1/2 or 3 ft high. The colored porter didn't know her name, but s'd he got on at La Junta. It is now 12:44 Am 13th & they have stopped at Granada Colo

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At room 35 Hotel Grand, Holly, Prowers Co Colorado Jany 13, 1923 1:14 AM

Mrs Bray said tonight that she had been offered $2,500 for her home, but refused to take it. The back end of her lot adjoins the lost that front on Main St. It isn't often if at all, that you find a woman aged 81 yrs attending Sunday School regularly & walking five blocks, every Wednesday night to prayer meeting, she said she taught a class in S.S. until a few years ago when she said she got too old. she has artificial upper teeth that add greatly to her appearance & look like natural teeth. She don't look to be over 65 yrs.

After leaving her at 9 PM, I went to the garage, where they were still playing basket ball where I spoke to a nice boy in charge asking for Jim Hutchingson & he called him. Jim told me afterwards that he was a Denney grandson of Mrs Bray.

At Residence of John D. Stewart Tp 25, Range 42, Prowers Co Colorado Jany 13, 1923 7:55 AM

I arrived here from Holly Colo which I left at 7 Am 11 miles out & found Mr Stewart out feeding his horses & chickens. He says his father-in-law, Owen Johnson was a plasterer by trade & had told him that he once lived at Uniontown Pa & that he had an older brother David Johnson.

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Mr Stewart says he was born in Raccoon Tp, Park Co Indiana Jany 6, 1855 & was married Aug 21, 1882 in Marion Tp, Bourbon Co Kansas to Susan Johnson born July 28, 1859 daughter of Owen Johnson & his wife Nancy Thompson. She died Nov 28, 1898 at Coffeyville Ks. Mr Stewart is son of David Douglass Stewart & his wife Cynthia Beauchamp (he s'd "they" pronounced Beecham but he Bo-champ). He left Indiana Jany 12, 1876 & went to Crawford Co Kansas south of Ft Scott. He left Kansas on Mch 6, 1907 & settled here where he has lived ever since having taken up this homestead which he has since sold to parties who demanded that he would stay on it & so he is "baching" here. They had five children as follows:

1. Marion Arthur Stewart born June 21, 1883

2. Charles Fremont Stewart born July 5, 1885

3. Benjamin Harrison Stewart born Mch 30, 1888

4. Edith Stewart born Apr 5, 1891

5. Elmer J. Stewart born May? 1893?

Charles F. died in 1887 aged 2 yrs in Marion Tp, Bourbon Co Ks. This house is 10 miles south & 3/4 mile west fr Holley Colo. The house is a very small cheap structure. Mr Stewart is a slender man abt 5 ft 10 or 11 in with a well chiseled face, is intelligent & hospitable & Mr A.C. Heckethorn who drove me out, spoke in the highest terms of his being a superior farmer.

Left 8:22 AM

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At residence of Marion Arthur Stewart, Tp 25, Range 42 Sec 9 Prowers Co Colo Jany 13, 1923 8:35 AM

I came right up here from his father's & found all of the family at breakfast which they were finishing. Mr Stewart has just bought 320 Acres 5 miles from here in Tp 24 Range 42 Sec 17, where he expects to move next week as they will get a better house. The one where they now live is a very small cheap affair not over 10 or 12 feet high. He says he was married at Independence Kan by Probate Judge M.B. Soule on July 27, 1904 to Mary Hutchins, who was born at Cato, Crawford Co Kansas Dec 2, 1885, the daughter of Nathan Hutchins & his wife ("Callie") California Coonrod of Crawford Co Ks.

They lived at Cherryvale Kansas & at Chanute Kans & from there came here in Dec 1907 & homesteaded 160 A which they now live on & have 5 children living & one dead viz: See Book 8 P 488.

1. Clifford Leonard Stewart born June 30, 1905

2. Gertrude Stewart born June 38, 1907

3. Ralph Arthur Stewart born Aug 31, 1909

4. Raymond Francis Stewart born Aug 10, 1911

5. Susie Nellie Stewart born Aug 20, 1914

6. Mabel Irene Stewart born Nov 10, 1918

Ralph Arthur died on Feby 14,1911.

Mrs Stewart gave all these dates from memory. She is heavy set & stolid & has a very large arm.

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Marion is a fine looking intelligent man & Clifford is a very handsome boy with a bright alert countenance & should have a college education. Marion says that his grandmother Nancy Johnson died at his home in Chanute Kansas May 17, 1907 aged if she had lived until Sept following 84 yrs, & was buried in the Mason g.y., they driving through with the remains from Chanute Kansas. He said his brother was buried there too. They were all very glad I called as was their father & will want to get a book. Mr A.C. Heckethorn said Marion was the best farmer in the region & sd his farm was one of the best & that he ran the straightest furrows of anyone around.

Left 8:55 AM

At residence of B. Harry Stewart Tp 25, Range 42 Sec 4 Jany 13, 1923 9:13 AM

I drove across here from his brother Marion's & he too has a very small inferior house. He (& his wife) says he was married June 2, 1915 at Holly Colorado by Rev Geo A. Spence, Methodist Minister to Iva Blanche Baugher, daughter of Owen Thomas Baugher & his wife Melissa Ann Bragg who was born in Illinois (thinks Moulter Co) Jany 12,

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1895 & have had four children, one having died viz: names & dates given by Mrs Stewart from memory:

1. Edith Arlene Stewart born Apr 11, 1916

2. Lawrence David Stewart born Sept 7, 1917

3. Ruby Fern Stewart born Jany 4, 1919

4. Leonard Harry Stewart born Feby 11, 1920 & died July 25, 1920

All born in this house. He came here latter part of winter of 1907 & later about Dec 1909 or 1910 homesteaded 320 A which he still owns. He says it is good land & Mrs S. said "it will grow anything we put out". She is a round faced, well built girl, neither fat nor spare & is above average height & of thoughtful demeanor. They were both very glad that I called.

Leaving 9:26 AM

Mr A.C. Heckethorn then drove me in to Holly Col which we reached at 10:15 AM. Going in, we saw many cattle & horses in the fields. He said there was no horse market there at all. Said two young horses broke to work, gentle & good, but small sold at a sale recently for $10, also that a good 4 yr old mare well broken sold for $7.50 & a man told him of having had a sale a year ago when he could have sold $2000 worth of horses, but he thought he could get better prices later but now he can't sell for any price & they are eating their heads off. Mr H.

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was raised a Cumb Pres & is a good citizen & has the rigid Pres views about not working on Sunday. I had an hour at Holly which I improved by writing pages 225, 226 & to & including line 27 on page 227, when I went to the station & took the A.T. & S.Fe train at 11:40 AM & came through a dry level prairie country. To the right or north from Avondale & on beyond Devine, were hundreds of mounds, mainly of two sizes, one lot probably 10 to 20 ft high & the other 30 or 40 & all coming to a perfect apex & so perfectly symmetrical & evenly tapered that it hardly seems possible that they can be natural & I think they must be Indian burial mounds. I passed through Rockyford & reached Colorado Springs on time at 6:20 PM & came to The Antlers where I got room 209, got shaved & shined, got my dinner & took a taxi to Frank Redburn's 131 E Navajo St where I found his sons Marvin, aged 13 & Kenneth aged 8 & his granddaughter Doris Marie Sherwood aged 3 yrs. Marvin & Kenneth, fine boys, told me their parents had gone to the other side of the town for the evening, four miles away, but Marvin called his father on the phone & I talked to him & made arrangements for him to come here to my room at his convenience which he did. I came back & gleaned the following:

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The Antlers 8:55 PM

From the city directory for Colorado Springs & Manitou & the telephone directory for 1922

Carrithers, Eva (wid Edwd S.) h 419 E. St Vrain Tel Main 3416-J

Carrithers, Harold C. Auto Mech r 1419 E St Vrain

Carrothers, Wilber W. (Ethel) Carp H 811 N. Spruce Tel Main 3203-W

Carruthers, Jane E. (widow John F) h 221 E San Miguel Tel Main 3052-J

Carrothers, John A. (Susan N) (Stracham Turner & Carruthers) Atty Independence Bldg Tel Main 509 H 128 E Cheyenne Rd Tel 1741

Finley 5

Jack, Edith R (wid Carleton J) Registered nurse R Plaza Hotel 830 N Tejon Tel Main 524

Jack, John (Kate) Stone Ctr h 423 E Kiowa

Kilgore, C. Willis (Agnes S.) Clk Consol Tkt Off h 715 N Tejon

Kilgore, Jas M. (Ida M) (Star Transfer & Storage Co) h 115 S 13th Tel Main 1881

Markle, none

Redburn, Frank (Lena) Carp h 131 E Navajo St

Rothermel, none

Thompson 2 columns worth investigating when opportunity permits

Phoned Eva Carrithers 419 E St Vrain St Tel Main 3416-J Jany 13, 1923 9:40 PM

She says the directory is wrong, that she is not the widow of Edwd S. Carrithers, but that he was her father & she says Harold C is her son. She says they were from Louisville Ky & that her grandfather was

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Robert Carrithers, a farmer who died about 30 yrs ago aged 82 yrs. She says to write to: Mrs Mary Carpenter, Jeffersontown, Ky aged 82 yrs who she says is a sister of her father Edward S. Carrithers.

Ended 9:48 PM

Phoning Wilbur W. Carrothers 811 N Spruce Tel Main 3203-W Colorado Springs Jany 13, 1923 9:51 AM

They report that Telephone has been discontinued

Quit 9:54 PM

Phoned Jane E. Carruthers No 221 E San Miguel Tel Main 3052-J Colorado Springs Col Jany 13, 1923 9:55 PM

Her daughter answered the phone & said that her father, John F. Carruthers & herself came from the North of Ireland from near Enmiskillen, County Fermanagh from a small town called Brookemore or Brookeover in 1888 & that her grandfather's name was William, she thought. She said John A. Carrithers, Atty, was her younger brother & he wouldn't know as much about their ancestors as she did, but said if I would write to her mother, she would try to get the information for me.

Ended 10:03 PM

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Phoned John Jack No 423 E. Kiowa St Tel Katie Jack Main 2047 Colorado Springs Col Jany 13, 1923 10:07 PM

His son-in-law. H.J. Weberbauer answered & said Mr Jack had just gone up to bed, but he wd go up & ask him about his family. He reported that his father-in-law, John Jack aged now 64 yrs had come to this country about 40 yrs ago from Glasgow, Scotland & that he had one sister: Mrs Jean Jamieson, Glasgow Scotland who could give information about the family & to write her.

Ended 10:15 PM

Phoning Edith R. Jack Plaza Hotel 830 N Tehjon St Tel Main 524 Colorado Springs Col Jany 13, 1923 10:16 PM

The Plaza Hotel answered that she is not there now.

Ended 10:10 PM

Phoned Jas M. Kilgore No 115 S 13th St Tel Main 1881 Colorado Springs Col Jany 13, 1923 10:20 PM

He says his father Charles Kilgore lives at Decatur Ills & is abt 60 yrs old. He thinks his grandfather's name was William & that he, William had a brother Genl Kilgore & also a brother Elias Kilgore. He says Joe Curry, Farmersburg

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Indian who married a sister of his father's mother could give address of Gel Kilgore who he thought lived at Farmersburg or Terre Haute Ind & he says that Elias Kilgore also brother of his grandfather lives about there somewhere & Joe Curry would know his address. He took my address & if he can learn his father's explicit address or anything further, will write to me. He knew Drs Jack & Brown at Decatur Ills.

Quit 10:33 PM

Transcribing at Hotel Alliance, Alliance Neb Jany 15, 1923 4:27 AM office room

Colorado Springs Colo, The Antlers Room 209 Jany 13th 1923 11:15 PM

Frank Redburn & his son-in-law Sherwood came in a few minutes ago. He is of slender build & about five feet ten inches tall & is rather facetious saying he expected to live to be 120 ect. He is a carpenter. He says the last he heard of his Uncle Martin Redburn was in the 80s when his father Henry S. Redburn corresponded with him at La Plata Mo. He says that when he first came to Denver in 1916, a young man aged 23 or 24 named James Redburn came to call on him. He was attending the University of Wyoming

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at Laramie Wyoming & who came down to Denver Col on a debate. He was from Kansas. Frank thinks he told him that his father's name was Walter. A year ago, Frank's wife called him on the telephone in Denver Colo where he was then living, was married & had a telephone. I forgot yesterday to look again through the directory but am sure he did not appear in it for I looked very thoroughly last Tuesday. Frank Redburn says he was born in Mabraska Co Iowa Jany 20, 1873 & was married Sept 15, 1895 at Unionville Mo to Lena Dell Grogan, daughter of John B. Grogan & his wife Sophia Ann Landtiser who he says was born in Putnam Co Mo Jany 28, 1875 & have had but six children:

1. Walter Clifton Redburn born July 20, 1896

2. Corda Eunice Redburn born Dec 19, 1898

3. Bernice May Redburn born Oct 9, 1900

4. Cloyd Hubert Redburn born Dec 14, 1902

5. Marvin _____ Redburn born Aug 22, 1909

6. Kenneth LeRoy Redburn born Nov 18, 1914

1. Walter C. was married Apr 5th 1917 to Leo Dowler, daughter of "Ham" Hamilton Dowler, who was born in Mo Jany 10, 1898 & have three children:

See Book 8 page 244

1. Hallie May Redburn born Sept 8, 1918

2. Ralph Redburn born Mch 4, 1920

3. Ruth Louisa Redburn born Sept 25, 1921

He lives at Casper Wyoming where he works for the Standard Oil people.

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2. Corda E. was married May 12, 1917 at Boulder Color to Leon Strickland Sherwood who was born Feby 20, 1897 at Louisville Colorado, the son of Frederick Sherwood & his wife Hampton Lee Strickland (related to the Lees) & they have one child:

1. Doris Marie Sherwood born Jany 1, 1920. They live at No 1609 South Tejon (pro Tehon) St Colorado Springs Colo. He works for a broker in Denver Col

3. Bernice May is teaching at LaJara Colo

4. Cloyd H. is working at Grand Lake

5. & 6. Marvin & Kenneth were at home & recd me & Doris Marie was there with them sitting on the floor in her bare feet playing & got up on the stool & played the piano.

Frank says his cousin Charles Redburn, son of his Uncle Joseph B. Redburn lives at Greenfield Iowa in the town where he has a hardware store. Frank lived 4 yrs in Putnam Co Mo & moved to Moulton Iowa in the adjoining County north of Putnam. He knew of Henry Clay Dean who he said was their great criminal lawyer & died about the year he went there in 1894. He said Dean was known as the man of the bloody shirt as he chewed tobacco & wouldn't spit & just let it run down over his shirt bosom. Says he had one very bright boy & one that was crazy. Frank lived at Moulton Iowa 2 yrs & then lived at Ottumwa Iowa 4 yrs

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& came from there to Scotts Bluff Co Nebraska for 5 yrs & proved up on 1 160 A homestead & from there, he moved to Denver Colo in 1916 where he lived until 1921 when he moved in Nov 1921 to Colorado Springs Colo. He says his four oldest children were born in Putnam Co Mo as living near his wife would go home at that event to be at her mother's. Marvin & Kenneth were born near Morrill, Scotts Bluff Co Nebraska

Leon S. Sherwood said his father was 64 yrs old & that his mother died when he was three days old & his father when he was 7 days old. I think he said they died at or near Paris, France. He said his father got $20,000 in English money when he was nineteen yrs old & has never got anything since. He came then or about that time to the mining camps & paid little attention to it. He says he believes his father is probably an heir to the Sherwood Forests in England.

They were with me for over an hour & I think it must have been about 12:30 AM when they left to get their wives at the party & take them home, my watch had stopped as I probably had forgotten the night before to wind it up.

I continued transcribing - from page 227 bottom to page 237 - until it was 5 AM when the hotel clerk reporting

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the 5:18 Am train for Denver on time so I went to the depot & found it marked to arrive at 5:55 AM & a little later was reported as having to go back for a new engine & I would have to wait for the 7 AM Santa Fe, so I went in the Fred Harvey dining room there & got a good breakfast & while waiting, was relieved, first in three or four days, followed by two good repetitions at the Brown Palace Hotel. I got to Denver at 10 Am, wired Andrew & walked two blocks to Colfax Ave & took a street car to 1548 Detroit ST & was soon:

At residence of Dora M. Richmond No 1548 Detroit St Denver Colorado Jany 14, 1923 11:11 AM

It is now 6 AM & I will go to Bkfst. Continuing at 7:20 AM

Mrs Richmond says her father, Porter James Jack's father died when he was an infant leaving but two children viz her father Porter James Jack & a daughter Martha Jack who married Thomas Gregg & lived in Illinois when Mrs R. was a small girl & then they moved to Bourbon Co Kansas near Ft Scott. She had quite a family of children but Mrs R. doesn't know where any of them are. Thinks she has been dead abt 10 yrs. He died before she did & Mrs R. thinks in Bourbon Co Ks. She says her father was born in KY, but don't know name of the town or county. Says Martha & he

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were the only children of their father & that their mother put them both out with her brothers. Her father was taken by his Uncle Porter Stoner & Martha by another Uncle. Porter Stoner was a rich slave owner & greatly abused the boy, often punishing him with whippings for things he never did, but which the slaves had done & blamed on him. By reason of these unjust whippings, he ran off when 11 yrs old & got a home with a farmer where he worked & went to school in the winter. His mother remarried to a man named May & had two children by him. Asking her if she never knew any of her father's Jack relatives, she said there was a Joe Harrison & another Harrison, not a brother, but a cousin of Joe & she thinks they were second cousins of her father on the Jack side. Joe Harrison who Mrs R thinks was from Kentucky came to her father's in Medock Mo when Mrs R. was about 16 & stayed a couple of years. Says Joe was then single but the other Harrison was married. The children of her father's mother by her 2d husband May, were Harry May, M.D. who practiced in Ky & Mary may who married Will Snapp & lived in Greenbush, Ills. She says her Uncle Will Snapp died not long ago, but his widow is living there yet.

She says a first cousin of hers on her mother's side (being a son of her

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mother's sister) viz Land Darneal a farmer living in the country on a farm owned by his wife, out from Greenbush, Ills could give information. She says to make sure of his getting a letter to send it in care of Mrs Birdie Karnes Rosedale, Illinois, who is a friend. He is an old man, thinks 70 to 80 yrs old, was a young man when she was 5 or 6. He has a bachelor brother lee Darneal who is older living there also. Thinks they once had a grocery or Dry Goods store there. She says she has her father's bible record & has gone to get it. He went to Greenbush Ills where he first studied law & then studied medicine there under Dr Reynolds. He first practiced law in Greenbush Ills & was studying medicine when Mrs R. was a baby & practiced medicine in Bourbon Co Kansas & then in Medock Mo & died in Arcadia Kan & is buried in the cemetery there.

From his small bible dated 1849 printed in NY by Am Bible Soc I copy as follows:

Porter James Jack & Annis Willard were married July 24, 1851

Porter James Jack was bornd [sic] Dec 25, 1831

Annis Willard was born July 11, 1834 & died March 21, 1875.

Their children were:

1. William Alexander Jack born May 15, 1852

2. Wesley Randolph Jack born Sept 17, 1855 & died Apr 6, 1865 (Mrs R. sd in Illinois)

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3. Perry Warren Jack was born July 25, 1858

4. Dora May Jack was born Aug 7, 1860

5. Lucy Annis Jack was born Sept 26, 1865 & died Sept 3, 1878 (in LeRoy Mo Mrs R. said)

6. George Porter Jack was born Oct 8, 1868

Porter James Jack married 2d in Eureka Springs (after Mrs R was married) Huldah Sanders who died before he did & they had two children:

7. Bemis Elijah Jack whose record I got in Hutchinson Kansas on Nov 29th I think.

8. Dorothy, who died in infancy.

After Huldah died, he married 3d at Brooklyn Mo near Springfield MO to Annis Walker who survived him but has since died. There was no issue by her.

Dora May Jack married in Barton Co Mo Edward James Richmond son of Nathaniel Richmond who was born in Indiana & who died in Lamar Mo about 15 yrs ago. They had one boy & three girls viz:

1. Warren

2. Lela

3. Golden

4. Lulu

Mrs R. says that Dr Willard with offices in Denver Colo was a distant relative of her mother & had gotten up a history of the Willard family & knew considerable about the Jacks. Mrs R. showed me a small pin photo of her father showing a big strong face & broad shoulders & weighing she said

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over 200 lbs & was she said 6 ft 2 in tall & was a good man, a good doctor, a good Christian & kind & "good to his family". He was a Baptists & would sometimes preach if the pulpit was vacant. She said he was of Irish descent. Mrs R. who is abt 5 ft 5 in & rather homely & her handsome young daughter Lulu apparently yet in her teens both have a great wealth of jet black hair.

Leaving at 12:27 PM

The big vacant lot in front of her home & running over to the city park belonged she sd as I was leaving to the school board & cousin Edith W. Smith told me later in the day that she contemplated building a three million dollar high school building on it. I then went back to the Brown Palace Hotel, got room 922 for the afternoon, a sample room ordered a ticket & lower for the 7:15 PM C.B.& O train for Alliance Neb & fearing I might be rushed if waiting for dinner went down got my lunch & a pitcher of ice to 922 & went to calling on the phone, the family names in the telephone directory that I had noted & not heretofore seen with the following results.

Phoned Pearle Rothermel No 3860 Osceola Tel Gallup 1364-W Denver Colo Jany 14, 1923 2:38 PM

Some lady answered

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that she had gone out to the stock show & I left word to call if she got back before 6:30 PM, otherwise I would write to her. She had not called when I left at 6:33 PM so I will write.

Quit 2:42 PM

Phoned Belle Carruthers No 2130 Gelnarm Place Tel Champa 945-W Denver Colo Jany 14, 1923 2:44 PM

She said her father David Carruthers was an only child, his parents dying when he was a small boy & he came from Dumfrieshire Scotland to this country when a young man. She didn't know the name of the town he came from, nor the name of his father, but she said he had an Uncle Dr John Carruthers & she has a brother John Carruthers. She don't know when her father came over or died, but she thinks he was 65 or 70 when he died when she was a girl. She said she was born in Cobourg, Ontario, Canada. She talked with a decided brogue or accent.

Quit 2:50 PM

Phoned Frank I. Carruthers No 1626 Milhaukee St Tel York 1150 Denver Colo Jany 14, 1923 2:55 PM

He said his father, Geo N. Carruthers died

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15 yrs ago aged 74 yrs & his mother (Geo N's wife) about the same time aged 72 yrs. They both died at Oberlin O where Geo N. had graduated from Oberlin College in 1860 & Frank I. himself graduated from same college in 1890 & says he will be 54 on 4th of next month born say Feby 4, 1869. His grandfather, but he don't know his name, came from Leesburg VA to the Western Reserve in Ohio & settled where Cuyahoga River empties into Lake Erie which is now in the heart of Cleveland O. It was too cold for him there & after one year there, he went to Scioto Co O where he died at or near Port Washington O. He had sons John, Lemuel, Robert, William, Charles, George N. (Frank I's father) & a daughter Mattie. He said his great grandfather Carruthers was the one that came to America which was long before the Rev War & that he came from Inverness Scotland & he has the same story of some or one of them settling in Canada & another in Virginia & Frank I thinks his great grandfather went direct to the Shenandoah Valley Va. Frank says his father's great Uncle was the editor of the Encyclopedia Britannica but I told him him it was Chambers Encyclopedia & his name was Robert Carruthers. He said he or another near relative was editor of a newspaper at Inverness.

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This would make Robert Carruthers of Encyclopedia fame, a brother of Ranks' great grandfather who came to America. I thought he lived at a later period. Frank I said his father told him that several of his forbears had graduated from Dublin University.

Frank I. gave me the names of his own brothers & sisters as follows:

1. William P. lives at Oberlin O

2. Arthur C. died here at Denver Colo

3. Harold G. died at LaGrange O

4. Carleton died at Oberlin O

5. Alice died at Oberlin O, married Bunce

6. Nettie C. married Taylor & live at Detroit Mich

I think we finished about 3:15 PM & while I was noting down what he told me, Cousin Edith W. Smith called up & came up & was here until 4:44 PM.

She was not able to get track of Mrs Hettie Greason Merrill, but has commenced writing up for me the records of her, William Gaddis & Elizabeth Peairs descendants.

I found that Mrs Richmond's relative was Dr James P. Willard with office in Masonic Temple Tel Main 1758 but living at 501 E. Colfax Ave Tel Main 5622 which was the Harvard Hotel & Edith W. said he was a dear old man & had rooms next to hers was 80 yrs old & had lived there with his daughter a handsome woman

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but that he had gone to California where he died about Nov last aged about 80 yrs. I then:

Phoned John Carruthers No 2536 W 34th Ave Tel Gallup 1404 Denver Col Jany 14, 1923 5:11 PM

His wife said he was out, but said his father John Carruthers was born in Ecclefechan, Dumfriesshire, Scotland & that he died in England in abt 1883 or 1884 aged abt 68 yrs. He, the above John, had a brother James who came to this country & settled somewhere about Niagara Falls, she thinks on the Canadian side. His (John's) son John (husband of my informant) was born at Cockermont Cumberland Co England in 1859 & came to America in 1887. She said she was born in England.

Ended 5:16 PM

Continuing my transcribing at Hotel McCabe North Platte Neb Jany 15, 1923 Room 222 10:22 PM

She says she is an Englishwoman & has the accent all right & says further that none of the other Carruthers in Denver are related to them.

Phoning J.P.C. Carruthers NO 4131 Utica Av Tel Gallup 958 Denver Colo Jany 14th, 1923 5:20 PM

At 5:24 PM, he hadn't answered & I hung up.


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Phoning Mary A. Carruthers No 2819 Decatur St Tel Gallup 1363 Jany 14, 1923 5:25 PM

Could not raise her either & gave it up & will write.

Hung up 5:27 PM

Phoned Wm A. Carruthers No 2903 W 28th Ave Tel Gallup 4014-R Denver Colo 5:28 PM

Mrs Carruthers answered & is calling him to the phone. He says his name is William A. Carruthers & that he was born in Middlesex, Ontario in 1868. His father, Martha Carruthers, came from Roxburghshire, Scotland. He had brothers David, John & Laird Wm A. left Canada & came to the United States. He says his brother Archibald Carruthers at Edmonton, Alberta, older than him & aged between 70 & 80 might be able to tell more about the family. He thinks it was about 1825 that his father came over & he came from Jedburgh, a town in Roxburghshire Scotland.

Ended 5:46 PM

Phoned John S. Jack No 2841 Stuart Ave Tel Gallup 417 Jany 14, 1923 5:50 PM

Mr Jack says his father was John Johnston

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Jack, who was born in Bonnie Bricht, Scotland 35 miles from Edinburg & will be 80 yrs old on Sept 1, next, born say Sept 1, 1843 & he lives at No 2178 E 81st St Cleveland Ohio, who he says can give me full information for many generations back & will be glad to do so. John S. says that unfortunately, his mother died & he was there to bury her about two weeks ago. Go see him.

Finished 5:55 PM

Phoned James T. Macey No 670 Ogden Ave Tel South 178 Denver Colo Jany 14, 1923 6:02 PM

Mrs Macey answered & was most kind & gracious in her answers. She gave me the address of: Mrs Margaret Sanderson as NO 158 E. 55th St New York City where she is living with her niece Mrs Campbell in whose name the telephone will probably be listed. Mrs Macey was very cordial & says she will do anything she can to help me in my efforts. She said Mr Macey went to Washington D.C. last Monday & won't be back for a few days yet. She says Mrs Junius, now in Ruhr, Germany has run the family

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back for many generations & has given Mr Macey a copy of her records for use of his & her sister Gwendolin's son & thinks he would send me a copy. She says too that the record of Gwendolin, his first wife, is upstairs in the bible & she is sure he will send it to me if I write him. She don't know anything about Mrs Charles Mater, but says Dr Charles Sanderson, Mrs Sanderson's son she said (I think it must be her stepson) died just recently in San Diego Calif.

Ended 6:16 PM

I will now note my Thursday afternoon work 11th inst after leaving Jesse B. Markle's at Littleton Col see page 212. Returning from Littleton Col., I got off at 1st Ave & walked up 4 blocks to 404 E. 1st Ave to residence of A.M. Jack & was told by an elderly gray haired woman that he & his wife were both out & would not be back until abt 5:30 PM. I then walked over to 3d Ave & down to NO 122 E 3d Ave & rang the bell where sign was hung up "W.P. Jack, dentist". A red faced ferocious looking, heavy moustached man in leather apron came downstairs & opened the door & when I told him who I was & what I wanted, he very kindly invited me upstairs to his workshop room & bid me take

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the dental chair while he kept on working & talking all the time faster than I could pencil it down, but I will now note here, my first opportunity what I did pencil down.

At residence & office of Wm P. Jack dentist No 122 East 3d Ave Tel South 4589-J Denver Colo Jany 11th, 1923 2:40 PM

Dr Jack said the information he had was that his Jack ancestors were in Penna before Wm Penn was & were settled near Phila (I wonder if it were those in Chester Co) & were fighters & so actively pugnacious that they were asked by Penn to get out to the western part of the state where their prowess as fighters would be useful in warding off & keeping back the Indians. They went to Westmoreland Co when it embraced all the western part of the state, settling 30 miles from New Castle (it being then in Westnd Co) Pa & lived about Jacksville P.O. which was named for them & near to Slippery Rock (Pa) Creek in what was the N.W. corner of Butler Co Pa 12 miles from New Castle Pa. His mother told him that one of his ancestors was a scout for the English in the Battle of Braddock's Field (this probably refers to Capt Jack who appeared

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at Camp at Wills Creek & turned on his heels & left with his men because of Gel Edwd Braddock's uncivil treatment of them because of the Hunter's skins garb in which they appeared) in 1754. (She was wrong one year, it was 1755). Same of his old ancestors in Eastern part of the State (Pa) sent a committee to Boston, Mass on a mission in the early troublous times.

He said that Cochran Jack, an Uncle of his father, who was born & raised in western Penna settled in Mendota, Ills & died there leaving three children viz: George, William & Maggie.

Another Uncle, Plumer Jack, a brother of his grandfather, lived in Butler Pa & married a Carnahan in Butler Pa. Thinks he died in Butler Pa & left 3 children viz Etta, Bob & a younger boy. Etta married a man in Grove City, Pa & he died & she married a wealthy old chum of her first husband & he says both are living. Try to see her. One of this Plumer Jack's boys lived in Los Angeles Calif & one of them went to Keokuk, Iowa (thinks it was Bob) about 1884 or 1885 to some relatives on his mother's side, one of them died.

Dr W.P. Jack says his father, Benjamin Jack was born in Butler Co Pa Jany 10, 1825. Says he has some old genealogical records which he

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got out & which are as follows:

"Benjamin & Mary Jack was married Mch 12, 1795 Benjamin & Sarah Jack Dec 24, 1816

Benjamin Jack was born May 12, 1769

Sarah Jack was born Mch 17, 1775

William Jack was born Jany 24, 1796

Samuel Jack was born Feby 26, 1798

Jane Jack was born May 23, 1800

Sarah Jack was born Nov 15, 1802

Esther Jack was born Feby 27, 1805

Florence Jack was born Jany 3, 1810

Benjamin C. Jack was born July 27, 1812

Nancerebeca Jack was born Jany 23, 1818

John P. Jack was born June 22, 1819

See book 15 page 115

Copy of record in great grandfather Jack's bible. Mrs Margaret A. Ralph 75 Walnut Ave New Castle Pa"

Dr says he got the above record ten yrs ago & says if Mrs Ralph is living, she has the old bible.

He says Miss Lucy Jack has looked up the genealogy of the family for many years & if can get in touch with her, she can give good information. She is married to a many whose name begins with D. & she lives in Fellows Calif. Dr Jack's daughter, Catherine Nelson living in Alameda Calif

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goes to visit her. Dr also thinks his wife, who is Prest of Ladies Aid of 1st Ave Presbyterian Church is out at present to luncheon & he thinks she can give Lucy's address.

He says his father was the oldest of the family & that he ha a sister who married an Anderson in Indiana Pa & another Elizabeth who married a Ewing & lived in N.W. Pa. Says all their Jacks were Presbyterians. His father had to look after the "whole family & helped all the family".

Samuel, a brother of his father was a blacksmith in New Castle Pa & had a large family.

William, also a brother of his father, went in the Civil War & had a very brilliant record. he came back sick, was Capt of a Penna Co. He was presented with a fine Damascus blade sword by the citizens of Butler Pa. He was shot with a poisoned bullet at the battle of Murphreysboro Tenn on Jany 3, 1863 & died in a hospital at Memphis Tenn & is buried at Plain Grove Pa 12 miles fr New Castle Pa.

Dr was named for him & his great Uncle Plumer Jack & was born in Butler Pa Apr 18, 1863. Had two brothers & a sister older than himself viz:

1. John Samuel Jack born in 1854

2. Elizabeth Jack born in 1857

3. Benjamin Harrison Jack born in May 9, 1861 & himself & sister viz:

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4. William Plumer Jack born Apr 18, 1863

5. Clara Jack born 1867

6. James Perry Jack born 1869 & died unmarried in 1887.

Clara died unmarried about 3 yrs ago. His sister Lizzie married L.B. Roessing & lives in Cleveland, O.

He says his Aunt Lizzie Ewing is living. The sword that was presented to his Uncle Wm Jack was to have been given to him, but in some way, in his youth, his Aunt Lizzie got hold of it & gave it to a nephew of her husband entirely out of the Jack blood. At the battle of Murphreesboro Tenn, Col Bleakley of Pittsburgh Pa asked them to hold the position for 15 minutes until he could get his line formed & guns placed & Capt Wm Jack got out in front of his troops, drew his sword & called to his troops to know if any of them wanted to fall back & no one responded. They held the position until the batteries were planted. While he don't look so heavy, he weighs 185 lbs & the muscles of his arms & legs are hard as steel. He tried to get in the Dental Corp to go to France in the World War & 54 being the age limit, he wasn't accepted. He tried again at another place reducing his age to 49 yrs, only to find when that offer went in, that the age limit had been reduced to 45 yrs so he couldn't get in. His son aged 34, car tracer for

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the Union Pacific RR Co at Omaha Neb also tried to get in, but they told him he was already in a position with the Gov as car tracer & wouldn't release him from that post.

Mrs Jack, a fine handsome average sized woman came in while we were talking & gave the address of Lucy Jack Dodson as Fellows Calif Dr said his mother's maiden name was Hannah Kelley & she was born Feby 1832 & died in 1907 in Butler Pa.

His father died Jany 8, 1877 at Butler Pa aged 53. His mother's father was Judge David Kelley & he owned the ore mines about Brady's Bend Pa. He was a linen mfr in Ireland in a Catholic Community & being a Protestant, the Catholics burned him out & he came to America, an ardent Irish Presbyterian. Dr's wife says W.B. Jack is in his 30s & came from Tenn & that A.M. Jack is recently from Scotland. Dr Jack is a great admirer of Roosevelt & in his strenuosity reminds me much of him. He is just as strong against Woodrow Wilson who he despises & says his daughters knew of his illicit intercourse with his present wife "who has sapped the life out of him" & made him marry her.

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He says that J.P. Tumultz was the private envoy & representative of the Pope at Rome & that all important moves during Wilson's administration were communicated to the Pope before the public or Congress had nay knowledge of them.

He says his brother, Benj. H. Jack Butler Pa should have the family bible of his father & grandfather Jack where I ought to be able to get access to it. He said his brother, John S. didn't marry until past 60 yrs & Ben was 59 when he married. After their mother died, they allowed their sister Clara to take a clerkship at the Court House or somewhere, so he sent for her to come out here & gave her a home until she died. This action of his brothers in not caring for their sister, who had stayed at home & cared for their mother & them greatly incensed the Doctor at them & he has had no communications with them since. It must have been 4 o'clock when I bid the Doctor goodbye & I am greatly pleased to have met him. I then walked down to Broadway & took a street car in & then walked four blocks out 17th ST to the P.O., the finest P.O. Bldg I have seen & very commodious. I met the P.M., Mr Dodds & he had a search made, but could not find that Mrs Chas F.

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Mater had left any forwarding address. I then walked back to the hotel & to room 524 where I

Phoned Mrs Dora M. Richmond at No 1548 Detroit St Tel York 797-R Denver Col Jany 11, 1923 5:45 PM

& made appointment to phone her on my return from Springfield Colo & then go out & see her.

Phoned A.M. Jack No 4040 3 1st Ave Tel South 750-J Denver Col Jany 11, 1923 Denver Col 5:50 PM

He said he was born in Scotland at Coates? Bridge & his grandfather was an iron worker & puddler. I asked him to give me his line when I wd write giving specifications of just what I wanted & he sd he wd & said he was sorry to have missed seeing me.

Quit 6:01 PM

Phoned W.B. Jack No 1356 Pearl St Tel York 511-J Denver Col Jany 11, 1923 6:11 PM

Mrs Jack answered & said her husband was not in the city & sd he was fr Chattanooga Tenn but she didn't know the name of his father, but sd if I wd write, he wd give me what information he could.

Quit at 6:15 PM

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I then went to the Harvard Hotel No 501 E. Colfax Ave where I had dinner with Cousin Edith W. Smith, returned the two charts she had loaned me & arranged for her to make out at her leisure & send me the record of Wm Gaddis descendants. She went with me to the Hotel & Sta & I went at 9:45 PM on the train for Pueblo Col where I arrived at 2 Am & record of my itinerary has been noted up until last night when I left Denver on the 7:15 PM train C.B.& O RR for Alliance Neb where I arrived at 4 Am this morning & went at transcribing see page 237. After getting my breakfast, I got Frank Garrett with his auto, but as he was not sure of Eugene Thompson's residence location, I called him on the phone & he said he was coming in town & would be at the hotel abt 9 o'clock & I thus saved the exorbitant charge Garrett wanted to make, but I let him drive me to the P.O. where I mailed the four letters I wrote on the train last night & drove on beyond for him to show me the residence of Chas E. Thompson, brother of Eugene, but as it was only 7:15 AM, I deemed it too early to call & Had him drive me back to the hotel where I resumed my transcribing & getting sleepy, went in & got a cup of tea in the dining room (had eaten bkfst at the counter & didn't take tea). Mr T. appeared 2 hrs later & I had:

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Conference with Eugene Edwin Thompson sitting in window of office of Alliance Hotel Alliance Neb Jany 15, 1923 11:10 AM

Mr T. said his father Thomas Mitchell Thompson born in 1831 died in Morrill Co Neb aged 87 yrs. His wife was Mary Murphy & she died in Garden Co Neb before he did. His children were:

1. Robert Clinton Thompson

2. Thomas Jefferson Thompson

3. Charles Ellsworth Thompson

4. Eugene Edwin Thompson

5. Carrie Thompson

6. Nellie Thompson

1. Robert C. is married & lives at Ord Neb due east of here in the town, a retired farmer & has 3 children.

2. Thomas J. is married & lives at Lincoln Neb in the town. Has been in the grocery business. Has five daughters.

3. Charles E. is married & lives in Morrill Co Neb P.O. Alliance Neb & is a farmer near Antioch Neb abt 17 miles S.E. of here. Has one son. He also has a residence in town.

4. Eugene E. Thompson was born Dec 22, 1870 near Dwight Ills in Livingston Co Ills & came to Nebraska with his parents who first settled in Valley Co Neb where they lived 3 or 4 yrs & came from there to this county. he was married on Thanksgiving day abt 19 yrs ago, say 1903 in Box Butte Co to Addie Hood

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who is about his age & they live on his ranch in Tp 23 Range 46 in Sheridan Co Neb about 16 miles due east of Alliance Neb & his P.O. is Antioch Neb. They have but one child:

1. Ella Thompson born Oct 19, 1905. She graduated at Alliance High School last year & is in the University of Neb at Lincoln in the freshman class. He said he came in town to see the Internal Rev man about last year's report. The Rev man has a room at this hotel.

5. Carrie Thompson married Albert Peterson & both are living near (he sd north 15 miles) Ashby Neb on a ranch P.O. Ashby Neb (not RFD) & do not have any children but Eugene thinks she would be most likely to have their father's bible record as she was with them in their latter years & when they died. She married after her mother's death & her father then lived with her until he died.

6. Nellie Thompson married Bert Dye & both are living abt 18 miles north of Ord, Neb on a farm & have two boys. He thinks their P.O. would be Yale Neb.

His father, Thos Mitchell Thompson was a Presbyterian & was prominent in the church in Ills. He was not in the Civil War but had a brother Ben who Eugene thinks was killed in

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the Civil War. Eugene said that his brother Chas E. was 6 ft 1 in tall & all the other three brothers were just six feet each. Eugene has the Thompson build, a florid complexion, short moustache, virile, strong & wiry & no fat.

Ended 11:40 AM

I then walked out Box Butte Ave & was soon:

At residence of Chas E. Thompson 611 Box Butte Ave (living in the basement entrance back) Alliance Neb Jany 15, 1923 11:55 AM

Mrs Thompson was carrying in two buckets of coal. She is a solidly built woman, but not fat, & abt 5 ft 8 in tall. She was very kind & asked me to stay for lunch & her cooking smelled awful good, but I excused myself. She said her husband, Charles E. Thompson celebrated his birthday yesterday being born in Ills Jany 14, 1869 & was married Nov 3, 1909 at Alliance Neb by Rev. Huston at the Baptist Parsonage to Bessie A. Hoy who was born in Henry Co Ohio Jany 22, 1883 & moved with her parents when 4 yrs old to Pottawatomie Co near Onega Kansas. She is the daughter of John Wesley Hoy & his wife Harriet Amand. They have but one child:

1. Glenn Ellsworth Thompson born Sept 4, 1910 & is going to school here & is in the 6th grade, they having moved in

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in town so he could go to school here. He came in while I was there & is a great big handsome boy & weighs he says 150 lbs & while taller reminds me some of John when he was the same age. He says his father is 6 ft 1 in tall & weighs abt 190 lbs.

Mrs T. says that Robert Clinton Thompson, son Charles Ellsworth Thompson, named for her husband, was in the World War in France & was killed in battle just one month before the armistice was signed.

She says Carrie Peterson has her father's bible which is full of records & that I ought to go see her. She says they are but 11 miles from Ashby & have a telephone but no automobile, but drive in, in a buggy.

Left at 12:22 PM

I walked right up the street five blocks to the RR Sta & found the ticket office closed & going across the street to the hotel, was told that while Ashby was on a RR going due east, there was no train until day after tomorrow when I could go out on a freight train. I couldn't wait for that & so having time, I ate lunch & left on the C.B.&O at 1:45 PM for Bridgeport, arriving at 2:55 & transferred across the Platte River which was frozen over to Northport where we got a

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train on the Union Pacific at 4 PM to North Platte & traveled down the Platte River 130 miles noting a beautiful sunset shining through the trees & on the River abt 5:10 when nearing Lis Co Neb there were about 50 or 60 boys, men of the Gering fire Dept (Gering is the County seat of Box Butte Co) coming to North Platte & they made a pandemonium of noise on the train with their sleigh bells & horse fiddles. We arrived here at 9:10 PM & I got this room No 222 washed up, went to the Oasis Cafe nearby got a bowl of soup, an egg sandwich & a cup of tea at 10 PM & then came to this room & have continued my transcribing commencing where I had left off at Alliance Neb when Eugene E. Thompson came in on page 249& am now up to date & it is 5 o'c AM the 16th.

While I had made a list from the telephone directory of Denver Col, I have not listed them separately because I have either seen or phoned all of them & noted it with addresses.

In the City Directory for 1922 I found name of Mrs Charles F. Mater r 968 Corona, but she wasn't there & I could get no trace of her. Neither could I find Hettie Greason Merrill who may be in the country or dead. Going out on the train from Pueblo to Lamar Col Friday forenoon 12th I met A.H. Burg of Lakin, Kansas

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who raises high bred turkeys & has been buying from Bird Rows Meyersdale Pa. I gave him address of Jacob E. Weaver Planada, Calif.

I have the old list I worked from in Los Angeles Calif but am tearing it up I will now make list of the remaining 2 Mitchell Thompson children to see if possible while in Nebraska & then write what I can of the many letters I should get off as it is rather late for going to bed.

Hotel McCabe Room 222 North Platte Nebraska Jany 16, 1923 8 AM

I have written to & am mailing here letters to the following people:

J.P.C. Carruthers 4131 Utica Ave Denver Colo

Mary A. Carruthers 2819 Decatur St Denver Colo

Archibald Carruthers Edmonton Alberta

James T. Macey 670 Ogden Ave, Denver Colo

Lucy Jack Dodson, Fellows, California

A.M. Jack, 4040 E 1st Ave Denver Colo In the North Platte Neb Tel Directory for Nov 1922, I do not find a Caruthers, Finley, Jack, Kilgore, Markle, Redburn, or Rothermel listed nor do I find Arthur Luce, so will go get my breakfast & see if I can get any trace of him. 8:18 AM

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Hotel McCabe Room 222 North Platte Neb Jany 16, 1923 10:55 AM

After getting my breakfast at 9 AM, I walked around to the Post Office & was told that Arthur Luce called there occasionally for mail. I then found that Wm M. Garner's Restaurant was a little Dew Drop Inn 1 1/2 miles up the RR tracks beyond the Round house & that Mrs Clara A. Luce who was reported as a waitress there lived at 2301 W 9th St. I got Ralph Graham to drive me out to both places & at the Resnt was told she lived in a green house on 8th ST this side of the round house. Going to the back door, I found three or four of her daughters who said Arthur Luce was their father & he was working over by the coal tipple & driving back there & accosting a small man shoveling coal, he said he was Arthur Luce & that his mother was Catherine Finley & that she was not born in New York, but near thereto & he felt sure it was in New Jersey. He said her father was a sailor & died when she was 18 mos old. He didn't know her father's name, but said she had a brother older than herself who served in the Civil War in the Cavalry & who was bit by a horse on the hand & died of blood poisoning from the effects of the bite either during the war, or shortly thereafter. He was married, but the family was lost sight of. He doesn't have

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any of his mother's records, but thinks they would be at the old home in Iowa. Says his Luces were from Penna & went to Illinois & that his father, Alonzo Luce got up a history of the Luce family, but by reason of his mother having been left an orphan son young, it was hard to get anything about the Finleys. He said the name of the brother above referred to, was John Finley & said he was named for him. He said his brother, Eugene Luce lives at Arnold, Nebraska & George Luce also brother gets mail at Anselmo Nebraska abt 10 miles West of Murna.

He said his brothers Alfonso Luce & Ed Luce bet their mail at Murray Iowa & would likely have their parents family record or if not, their sister Huldah Caster RFD route either Murry or Osceola Iowa would get her living about 10 miles from Osceola. My informant lives on 8th St in the 1500 block & his name is:

John Arthur Luce born in Clark Co Iowa Aug 20, 1879 & was married Mch 22, 1906 to Clara Judson & have 5 children:

1. Violet Luce born Apr 26, 1907

2. Delphene Luce born June 24, 1909

3. Dorcas Georgia Luce born Jany 12, 1911

4. Arlie (a girl) Luce born Apr 14, 1915

5. Dean (a boy) Luce born Jany 1922

Left 10:15 AM

came back to the hotel, wrote to Rose, have written this up & will write letters until train time.

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Hastings Nebraska, Hotel Clarke Room 204 Jany 17, 1923 11:44 AM

I left North Platte Neb at 1:15 PM yesterday on the Union Pacific & reached Grand Island Neb about 5 PM. The time at North Platte was advanced one hour changing from Mountain time to Central time. In the Telephone directory for Grand Island Neb Nov 1922 I find:

Carruthers, Ralph, res 722 N. Kimball Tel Black 730

Carruthers, William, res 1009 W 4th Tel Black 2137

Crothers, W.M., garage 211 S Pine Tel 1646

Finley, H.J. Res 407 W. 13th Tel Red 1882

Peairs, Minnie J. Res 204 W 4th Tel Black 1401

The names of Jack, Kilgore, Markle, Redburn, & Rothermel do not appear in the directory.

Phoning Ralph Carruthers as above 5:50 PM

Some man answered that he did not live there any more

Phoning Wm Carruthers as above 5:54 PM

Don't answer

Phoning W.M. Crothers as above 5:55 PM

Some man answered that he was not in.

Phoning H.J. Finley as above 5:59 PM

Mrs Finley says he is not home yet. Says he teaches & says his Finleys came from Penna & I am to call after 7 PM

Finished 6 PM

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Phoning Minnie J. Peairs as above 6:46 PM

Some woman answered that she had gone out.

Quit 6:50 PM

Phoned Howard J. Finley N 407 W 13th St Tel Red 1882 Grand Island Neb Jany 16, 1923 6:55 PM

He says his name is Howard J. Finley & that his father was Robert Clark Finley who came out to Nebraska some years ago & died in 1902. Howard J's grandfather was John Finley who died 12 or 13 yrs ago at Claysville Pa aged 97 yrs surviving his son Robert C. Howard J. says he has an Uncle Alexander Finley whose P.O. address is RFD Claysville Pa aged about 75 yrs who could probably give names further back. Howard J's wife said her people were from Penna

Finished 6:58 PM

I wrote to the following parties & mailed from North Platte Neb to:

Joseph Curry Farmersburgh Indiana &

From Grand Island Neb & mailed them to:

Alexander Finley RFD Claysville Pa

J.C. Markle Aspen Colorado

Wilbur W. Carrothers 811 N. Spruce Colorado Springs Colo

Mrs Jane E. Carruthers 221 E San Miguel St Colorado Springs Colo

Pearle Rothermel 3860 Osceola Denver Colo

David Taylor, 945 Penna Ave Denver Colo

Land Darneal c/o Mrs Birdie Karns Rosedale Ills.

I got here to Hastings Neb at 10 o'c last night & as I had not been to bed the night before, went to bed at 10:45 PM & slept until 5:45 AM,

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got up & took a hot & a cold bath, got a good breakfast at 8 Am & at 9 AM walked around five blocks to 609 N. Denver St where I was admitted by Mrs Keziah Newlon Sherrard now in her 88th yr born Sept 7, 1835. She is well & strong & does not seem to be near so old, as she is active & not at all feeble. I was there over two hours until 11:22 AM when I bid her goodbye. She called her youngest daughter, Helen E.F. Fuller with whom she lives & they were both very glad to see me. Helen said she had sent a full & complete list of her mother's descendants to her Aunt Rebecca Linn for me & if I hadn't recd it to send to her for it as she had after much pains gotten it prepared & didn't have a full list or copy on hand. She said her mother didn't remember dates & she had had to write to a great many parties to get the data, but had attended to it as soon as Mrs Linn wrote her. I hope it is there when I get home.

Helen says her sister Anna Rachel Blachly is at No 201 Arden Ave, Glendale Calif. with her daughter Mrs George Horne (the Horne's from Ninevah, Greene Co Pa) & that is why I didn't find them in Los Angeles Calif.

Mrs Sherrard says her grandfather Wm Newlon had brothers Elijah, Simon

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& "Brint" & says at the McGrew reunion at McKeesport Pa more than 8 yrs ago, she learned for the first time that her grandfather Wm Newlon's mother was Ann McGrew (wife of Elijah Newlon) but she knows nothing about Ann McGrew's parentage. She said Aunt Mary Thompson, father's sister, used to take her to West Newton to church with her & she spoke in the highest terms of her. I told her I had just been to see her grandson Eugene C. Harvey teaching in the University at Boulder Col.

Helen said her husband's name was John Douglas Fuller & he is the son of Wm Huntington Fuller & his wife Jennie Hart, who is a descendant of John Hart signer of the Declaration of Independence whose original signature I told her I had.

It is 1:11 PM & I must get ready for the 1:30 stage to Grand Island to catch there the U.P. 3 PM train to Ord & North Loupe Neb

Continued on page 283

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At residence of Samuel E. Markle No 624 High St York Neb Jany 18, 1923 1:17 PM

I first went to No 410 Burlington Ave at 11:55 AM & found the house deserted & the next door neighbor, Mr Price told me the Markles had moved from here yesterday so I walked up three blocks north & three blocks east arriving at 12:12 PM. Mrs Markle, a remarkable sweet faced intelligent little woman admitted me & called her husband who is a rather heavy set man of our Markle build & who has been ill with the flu. At 12:30 PM their daughter who works in a dentist office here came in for lunch & I walked down the street five blocks to the Post Office & next door got a bottle of ink for Mr Markle to do this writing with & walked back arriving at 1 PM just as their daughter was going out. Mr Markle says his Uncle told him that his great grandfather's name was Robert Markle & that he came from Scotland, but he don't know what part. Mrs Markle's grandfather was George Washington Painter who died at Alexandria Ind Aug 20, 1885 aged 80 yrs. Thinks he was born in Henry Co Indiana Close to Middleton. He was son of Alexander Painter who came from old Virginia as an early settler to Indiana. Mrs Markle remembers him as a little girl when she was three years old & he patted her on the back & said "God bless you". He wore a high silk hat with black & brown stripes around the crown & walked with a cane. He died about 1866 & was she thinks about 85 yrs old. His father

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Christian Painter came from Germany to Virginia & died leaving 3 sons & 3 daughters all of whom were bound out as they didn't there allow the widow to keep them. They thus got separated & later all six got together & came to Henry Co Ind.

Leaving 4:27 PM

McCloud Hotel, York, Neb 7 PM

Just as I was leaving I asked Mrs Markle about Cyrus Painter & she said he was a son of Christian who was a son of Alexander & therefor a brother of her grandfather Geo W. Painter. She said that Cyrus lived about Alexandria Ind & was a first cousin of her father & of Silas Painter an older brother of her father. She recalled that her Uncle Silas had told her that two of the daughters & one of the sons did not come to Ind as noted in line six above, but remained in VA or in Western Penna as she knew some of her Painter relatives were in W.Pa. She very kindly asked me to stay for supper, but I excused myself, telling them that I must go & try to find Mrs Nicholls. She said that her great grandfather Alexander Painter cast his first vote in the State of Indiana, voting for Thos Jefferson for President, the man with whom he was bound out telling him he would be old enough at that time to vote. Mr M. sd they had 18 1/2 miles of brick sheets in York & will build 6 1/2 more this summer.

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[Descendant Chart]

Robert Markle landed in NY harbor at the age of 14 years from Scotland, but not with his parents, coming as Mr Markle thinks, alone. The Revolutionary War broke out almost immediately after his arrival & he entered the service for the colonies & for seven years served continuously under Genl Washington's direct command in which he rose to the position of a general & Mr M's Uncle George - father of Hiram C. of Lyons Kan has seen the old saddle which he used as a general under Washington, the saddle was then in the possession of George's father, John Markle who laid out Marklesville Ind. He died near Ithaca NY, but S.E. does not know when or how old he was. Never heard of any brothers or sisters. After the close of the Rev War, he married & settled near Ithaca NY. Don't know name of his wife. S.E. has only heard of his children both of whom he remembers seeing when he was about 5 yrs old.


John Markle, was born near Ithaca NY & when a young man emigrated to Ohio settling there but he is not sure of the Co but it seems to him it might be Darke or Clinton Co. There he married an Allen whose name he thinks was Sarah when he was about 19 he stayed two winters at Markleville Ind with his great Uncle John Blake & his wife Rachel who was a sister of John Markle's wife Sarah Allen. His first three or four children were born in Ohio & abt 1826, he moved to Wayne Co Ind (near Milton, a town west of Richmond). From there, he moved abt 3 yrs later to Madison Co Ind & took up 160 A. on a timber claim & on this, when still a tract of timberland, on which he cleared away enough to build a log house, he laid out the town of Markleville Ind. He thinks it was about 1831 or 1832 that he laid out the town of Markleville Ind at which the Government established a P.O. under that name & mail was brought by stagecoach with 4 to 6 horses once a month arriving with people coming to the Northwest Territory to settle. The way through the forest was marked by blazed trees on each side. The mail would be dumped in the middle of the floor as he had no other facilities & handed out to the settlers as they came in. S.E. remembers him as walking with a cane when he was a boy 5 yrs old. He says he was a large framed man, can just barely remember his grandmother who died before her husband. They endured many hardships & she froze her toes particularly her large one & S.E. says he is birth marked by having the same kind of a big toe. Says John Markle died he thinks in 1865 at Markleville Ind. Thinks he was aged 71 or 72 yrs. His boys ran the farm & he kept a tavern or Inn.

Susan, M. Hezekiah Justice. Died near Alexandria Ind & has 5 or 6 children.

Samuel, M. Ann Riggs. Died on farm a mile north of Markleville. Had 8 or 9 children.

Henry Markle, own the home farm & lives on it.

Isabel, m. John Stoughton. Died near Lyons, Kansas. Had but one child.

John Daughterage, m. Sarah Jane Adams daughter of Henry Adams of VA who moved from Va to Madison Co Ind at an early day. She was born in Adams Tp, Madison Co Ind north of Markleville, the Tp being named for her father who was a first cousin of John Adams. 2d Prest of the United States. She was born Feby 13, 1835 & died June 21, 1888. He was born Dec 1, 1829 in Wayne Co Ind & died May 5, 1891. They both died on their farm 3 miles east of Alexandria Indiana. The dates of birth etc of their children as given to me by S.E. was copied from their family bible about 1880. she was aged 53 yrs 5 mos & 8 days. He was aged 61 yrs 4 mos & 17 days. Their children were all born in Madison Co Ind but not on the same farm. The bible from which S.E. copied the record went to his oldest brother John W. & after his death, his widow married Robert Ady & the house burned down from a defective flue & the bible was burned up. See page 278

Henry Harrison, M. Julia Jones, a widow nee Brown. Died on a farm N.E. of Alexandria Ind & had 2 children.

Agnes, M. Obediah Seward & died near Ellenwood Kan & buried at Lyons Had 6 or 7 children.

George Washington, was the youngest mar Mary Brown sister of Julia the wife of his brother Henry H. They died at Sylvia Kansas. They had 7 children. I got their record in Kansas.

Adam Markle, [son of Robert Markle, the immigrant]. He came to Indiana near to Markleville & was a farmer. He married S.E. remembers two children, who S.E. called "Uncle" as he used to play with Bob's boys.

John Edgar Markle, M.D. He practiced in Winchester Ind & died there about 1902.

Grant Markle, also an M.D. Last S.E. heard he was practicing in Winchester Ind

Robert Markle, was a farmer & saw mill man. He lived at Fishersburg Ind. He died about 1877

Edward Markle, called "Fat Eddie" Markle & was born about 1863. He died about 1901.

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John D. Markle & Sarah J. Adams, his wife see page 276


John William Markle, B Oct 3, 1853 ob Jany 1, 1895 aged 41 yrs 2 mos & 28 days m. abt June 1891 to Bettie Biddle daughter of Geo W. Biddle & his wife Sallie.

Jno Thurley, married, living in Ind

May, married & living in Ind

Robert Sylvester, B Jany 3, 1855 ob Apr 21, 1882 aged 27 yrs 3 mos & 18 days. M. Lou Belle Cunningham

Mattie, married & living in Pa

Sadie, married & living in Indianapolis Ind

Henry Harrison, B Mch 8, 1857 m. Nora V. Perry. Both living at Alexandria Ind.

Clyde, married & living in Indiana

Herman, married & living at Summitville, Indiana

David Julius, B Nov 4, 1858 m. Dora Clarke a widow nee Barrett both living at Alexandria Ind.


A daughter

Samuel Edward, B Aug 20, 1860 m. Nov 21, 1885 east of Summitville Ind by Rev B.R. Ward, Baptist, to Emma Florence Painter daughter of William B. Painter & his wife Sarah Jane Smith who was born in Madison Co Ind near Summitville Ind on July 17, 1862 & both living here. They moved from Muncie Ind on Mch 15, 1915 to York Neb. Has worked for the Harrison Nursery Co since May 3, 1915 selling nursery stock.

William Edgar, B Aug 6, 1886, married across the street from here on Apr 14, 1912 to Maude Perry daughter of Saml H. Perry. She was born Nov 19, 1882. No issue. He is boss mechanic in the Studebaker Garage at Norfolk Nebraska

Sarah Iva, B Sept 6, 1889 was a graduate nurse of the Protestant Deaconesses Hospital Indianapolis Ind. She was killed in a RR & auto accident at Waynetown Ind June 22, 1916 going by auto to see a patient was not married.

Virgil Talmadge, B Mch 6, 1892 ob Dec 29, 1902 from double pneumonia

Anna Frances, B Apr 19, 1895. Is unmarried. Has been working in Dentist office here for 3 yrs.

Charles Clinton, B Dec 2, 1862 married & both living at Rushville Ind. No issue.

Thomas Benton, B Jany 12, 1864 ob May 11, 1920 aged 56 yrs 3 mos & 29 days. M. Melissa Broyles. She is living Eustus Alexandria at Gaston Ind P.O. in Delaware Co. Children are all unmarried & boys help their mother farm.

1. Loren B.

2. Thurman

4. John Broyles, studying to be a surgeon at Richmond Ind

3. Edith Markle, teaching school

Daniel Cook, B May 14, 1865 m. Sarah Frazier Both living east of Alexandria Ind abt 5 or 6 miles but one child

Mary, unm

Infant son, B Mch 6, 1867 ob July 6, 1867 aged 4 mos

Francis Albert, B Sept 27, 1868 ob Nov 17, 1881 aged 13 yrs 1 mos & 20 days

Noah Monroe, B May 10, 1870 a bachelor & lives at Muncie Ind with his sister Lucinda Bell

Cora May, B Dec 13, 1872 ob Oct 13, 1874 aged 1 yr 10 mos

Lucinda Bell, B May 4, 1874 living at Muncie Ind Mar Oscar C. Thomas both living & Noah M. makes his home with them. No issue.

James Alonzo Markle, Born Mch 4, 1875 a bachelor living by himself at Alexandria Ind.

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At residence of Mrs Anna Rachel Butter No 812 Nebraska Ave York Nebraska Jany 18, 1923 11:33 AM

Mrs Butter is a large woman I would say, abt 5 ft 10 inches tall & solidly built from the ground up & weighing near 200 lbs. She was very kind & said she sent the record of the descendants of her mother Margaret Jane Gamble to her Aunt Mrs Rebecca E. Linn for me on Nov 9th last & they will no doubt be at home when I get there. She said she had all the records of dates of her parents bible that her brother Dr Frank H. Gamble of Willows, Calif had & she believed was able to give a fuller & more correct record than he. She said her husband Rev James B. Butter's mother was Isabella Jack of the Highlands of Scotland & out of a large family only one sister is living viz: Miss Jessie Butter, What Cheer, Iowa, who lives in the town is aged abt 78 Yrs "who is a bright little old woman & very capable mentally". She is the last of a family of eleven children of which she was next older than her husband, who was the youngest. A niece of hers lives in the country near. Mrs B. said her husband was pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Hubbell Neb down on the Kansas line & he died in the Hospital at Hebron Neb 17 miles from Hubbell.

Leaving 11:44 AM

See Page 152 this book & B 23 pages 188 & 315-7

Above transcribed at Hotel McCloud 7:15 to 7:35 Same day.

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York, Nebraska writing room 2d floor Jany 18, 1923 8:15 PM McCloud Hotel

As noted on Page 273 lines 21 & 22 I took the Nebraska Hipway Bus at the Hotel Clarke Hastings Neb at 1:30 PM yesterday covered the 27 miles to Grand Island Neb where we arrived at 2;55 Pm & I ckd my satchel & pkg & caught the 3 PM train on the Union Pacific for Ord, Neb where I arrived about 5:40 & took a taxi to Robert Clinton Thompson's & got his record & leaving Ord about 7:20 in Mr Williams auto reached the residence of D.B. Bohrer at North Loup Neb at 7:55 PM & got their record also both of which I will record in proper order following completion of my Hastings conference with Mrs Sherrard. Mr Bohrer went with me to the only Hotel in town at 11 Pm & I went to bed in room NO 1 & got up at six o'clock & got my breakfast at 6:30 Am the first I had eaten since breakfast the previous morning at Hastings Neb. I walked around over half a mile in the darkness to the Union Pacific Sta & took the 7:26 train for Grand Island arriving four minutes ahead of time at 9:46 AM got my satchel & pkg & had the transfer bus whisk me over the seven blocks to the C.B.&O Sta where the 9:53 Am train for York Neb was waiting. I got

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a ticket & got on arriving here abt 11:11 AM & came to this hotel & going east one block & north three I was soon at Mrs Butters as noted on page 280. I then walked east one block & south four & have noted on pages 274 to 279 inclusive the result of my conference with Mr & Mrs Markle. From their place, I walked five blocks straight west to the P.O. but neither the General Delivery clerk nor the Asst P.M. could give me any line on Mrs James Nicholls, but the latter sent me another block west & one south where over Touts Drug Store, I found Ed Knight, a young looking man who said he had been in York since 1886 & was Secy of the Greenwood Cem here. Referring to his books, he told me that James Nicholls was buried here in the above cemetery Dec 13, 1911 in the N 1/2 of lot 68 in Division of J & that payment for perpetual care of said lot had been made & their record B-112 showed that he had been shipped here from Holdredge Nebraska where he died & that he was 66 yrs old & he had the name of Mrs Ruth J. Nicholls who he thought was his widow.

Left Mr Knight's 5:15 PM

I came to the Hotel & called up Geo Nicholls, farmer Bradshaw Neb first Sta west & he knew nothing of Mrs N. he said his father was James Nichols of Mo where they had come from Indiana.

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I then got shaved, got my supper & then called up Rural W.H. Newcomer & found he was a son of Wm H. that I knew, brother of James M. & Joseph G. both dead. He sd his father had died 10 yrs ago & his farm was 7 miles out.

I then came up here & have written up balance of 275 & from 280 to here & will now proceed with yesterday's record which I left off at Page 273 anent my conference with Mrs Sherrard.

9 PM continued from page 273

Mrs Sherrard says her Uncle "Brint" Newlon married Jane McGrew. She says she don't know the dates of her sister Clara's marriages but says I can get that data from her daughter Nellie Neal now Mrs Harry Briceland NO 1229 Oneida Ave, Davenport, Iowa.

She said that Cousin Cyrus P. Markle had twins which he called Cyrus & Sheppard. That Cyrus died in infancy & Sheppard a few yrs ago near West Newton Pa. She said she used to go to the store at Mill Grove & used to see father who clerked in the store, quite often & that he always was such a nice clean boy, as most all of the others had on laborer's clothes. She says my old friend David A.C. Sherrard came with his second wife Martha Watt "the Irish girl he married" & whom too I well knew, to the home of her father-in-law Robert A. Sherrard near Steubenville O

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in 1857 two miles from Steubenville O, about the same time she was married & they said "they were softer than we were". Robert Sherrard Jr who was a Trustee of Wm J. was a son of Robt A & a brother of her husband Rev John H. Sherrard. Helen Fuller says there is a monument at Hannastown two miles out from Greensburgh to John Jack her great great grandfather & that an old lady there had the rattlesnake flag they carried. She says it was 11 yrs ago that she was there, before she was married in 1914 & that Judge Joseph Buffington was one of the orators of the day & that Burd S. Patterson Secy? of the historical Soc was along & she spoke most highly of the fund of history he was familiar with.

She said Judge Steel's fine home there was thrown open to them. She used to visit at Alex C. Sherrard's & at J. Calvin Core of whom she spoke in high terms. Mrs Sherrard said her daughter Bessie Linn Sherrard now Mrs H.M. Davies of 328 W 3d ST Delphos O where Rev Sherrard used to preach was at Charlotte NC in 1911 in Y.W.C.A. work when the obituary I wrote of her Aunt Eleanor Jack Niccolls came out & when the Charlotte people knew & learned that she was of that Jack family they practically "carried her around on their shoulders & couldn't do enough for her". She said Stonewall Jackson's widow then lived at Charlotte NC

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& was a fine woman. Mrs S. said when she was at Sewickly Church reunion, she met Alex Milligan who lived in an old brick house 100 yrs old (where I was last fall). She sd he was a twin & that his twin sister died at age of 17 yrs & that their mother was a Simeral, sister of Alex Simeral who lived with her grandfather Wm Newlon at the Willow Tree & she recognized Alex Milligan's actions & movements as so exactly similar to those of Alex Simeral that she asked who he was. She later wrote to Alex Milligan for some information & his brother Harry Milligan answered that Alex had died & she said Harry was now dead also. She said her husband preached at Prosperity Pa borrowed money & put Henry C. Minton through college & seminary. Says H.C.M. broke down in Trenton NJ & his mind went bad, that he is now living at Berkeley Calif. She says her Uncle Elijah Newlon married "Jake" Markle's daughter & their daughter Adda Wallace is living with her daughter at Bradys Bend Pa. She says her grandmother, the wife of William Newlon was Keziah Robbins & she was a sister of Joseph, Moses & David Robbins. David's daughter Mary married Perry Fulton, Joseph lived to be over 80 & marrying late in life became the father of Hon Ed E. Robbins now decd.

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She says she knew nothing of the sisters of her grandmother Rebecca Jack Fulton.

It is now 9:55 PM & I will quit & get ready to take the 10:25 PM train to Lincoln Neb.

Lincoln Hotel Room 321 Lincoln Nebraska Jany 19, 1923 12:30 AM

I arrived here at 12:15 AM & will continue my transcribing where I left off above. Still noting my conference with Mrs Sherrard at Hastings Neb Wednesday morning 17th.

Mrs Sherrard said Aunt Hannah Markle seemed to be old & said Aunt Mary M. Thompson did everything. She said the Markles ie S.B. & C.P. Markle turned an old paper mill at Mill Grove into a tannery & her father, Abram Fulton went there to take charge of it & was there about three years, were there in 1843 & 1844 when Clay ran for President & Genl Joseph Markle & Francis R. Shunk were the opposing candidates for Governor. She says they raised an ashpole for Clay because he was from Ashland Ky & there was an old Democrat there named Simpson who had several sons who turned Whigs & her mother cheered them when they raised the pole. She remembers too the Wm Henry Harrison campaign of 1840 at

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which time she was but five yrs old. Her grandfather she said, Uncle Henry Fulton had a farm in Washington Co Pa on the Monongahela River 3 miles above Monongahela City Pa at Daggs Ferry about one mile below Webster Pa from which he moved into Mon City & her father moved on the farm & with his brother-in-law Jonas Munson who came from about Connellsville Pa & who married Hannah Fulton, half sister of her father (Hannah's full sister Margaret Fulton married a Means & some of her children are living in Wilkinsburg Pa viz Martha & a set of twins Margaret & Nancy Means.) Her father & Munson opened a coal works on the farm in, she thinks, the spring of 1847. She says her father was born in 1810 & was 67 yrs old when he died. She says her brother Wm Newlon Fulton died in Trinidad California & is buried there. After his death, his wife married again & Mrs Sherrard knows nothing about his daughters. She says her mother's sister Mary ("Polly") Newlon married Joseph Miller & lived at Murrysville Westnd Co Pa & it was their son Wm Newlon Miller that married Roxie Markle. Another sister of Ann Newlon married John Haymaker a farmer three miles from Murrysville & their son William was the father of Judge Haymaker of

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Pgh Pa. She says her sister, Mrs Linn will know the address of & name of a young Newlin about West Newton who is getting up a Newlin record. Says they have McGrew reunions every year & that there are some McGrews in Washington Pa who are much interested in these reunions. She says she went to school at Washingotn Pa Female Seminary with Cousin Margery Finley (Baird) where she went to school in the 50s prior to 1857 & she spoke in the highest terms of Margery as one of her friends. They moved to Iowa in the spring of 1857 & she was married there in the fall of 1857.

As Mr Fuller, who is a tall 6 ft manly fellow walked out to the car with Helen, I notcied that he was lame & remarked about it & Mrs Sherrard said he had been lame from birth that he "was a twin & guessed there wasn't room for two". He is in the wholesale grocery business & was going out on a collecting tour. She says times are very hard with them & the farmers have no money. They use coal that they mine in the neighborhood which she says makes less smoke than our coal.

Her daughter, Bess's husband Mr Davies is a banker with the Commercial Bank Delphos O & had a nervous breakdown some time

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ago. He is a Methodist & she went into the Methodist Church with him. Rev Sherrard preached at Delphos O & thus Bess met her husband there & Mr Fuller's father was an elder in his church & moved to Hastings when Mr Fuller was eleven yrs old & acquaintance with Helen was reviewed & they were married. They have but one child six yrs old & she was at school & I didn't get to see her.

Mrs Sherrard's sister Clara's daughter Lucy Neal is now the wife of J. Frank Miller & lives at Santa Ana, Calif whose address I was trying to get when in Calif.

Leaving Mrs Sherrard, I went to my room at Hotel Clarke &

Phoned Robert Hume Miller at Bloomington Neb Jany 17, 1923 11:55 AM

Mr Miller is the son of Samuel Patterson Miller & he the son of Albert G. Miller brother of Leah Robb & is Prest of the telephone line at Bloomington. He answered the phone & said he would put his wife on as she could give the dates better than he could. She then said that her husband Robert Hume Miller was born July 25, 1886 & was married Mch 31, 1909 at Franklin Neb by Rev Getchell to Orda Hannah Gregory daughter

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of Alfred Brunson Gregory & his wife Ella Hannah Jones who was born at Hebron Neb Oct 3, 1890 & have seven children as follows:

1. Alfred Wayne Miller born Aug 31, 1909

2. Thelma Clothilde Miller born Mch 4, 1912

3. Maxine Josephine Miller born Mch 2, 1914

4. Jack Leroy Miller born Jany 21, 1916

5. Robert Hume Miller Jr born Apr 1, 1918

6. Donald Gregory Miller born July 22, 1920

7. a son not named yet Miller born Sept 22, 1922

The two oldest children were born at Franklin Neb

Ended 12:15 PM

As heretofore noted, I took bus to Grand Island & caught train to Ord & was:

At residence of Robert Clinton Thompson, Ord Neb Jany 17, 1923 5:55 PM

Mr Thompson is a smoothfaced six footer & along with the help of his daughter, Mildred & son Arlos we made up the record that follows:

Robert Clinton Thompson was, he says born in Livingston Co Ills close to Dwight Sept 15, 1865, the son of Thomas Mitchell Thompson & he the son of Robert Thompson. He married July 4, 1887 near Manderson Neb 11 miles fr Ord, Neb by Rev Hawley Presbyterian, Vesta Virginia Dye daughter of Thomas Cooper Dye & his wife Jerusha Forrest who was born at Marietta O Mch 22, 1872 & died May 23, 1915.

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They had five children viz:

1. Beulah Mary Thompson born Jany 30, 1888

2. Charles Ellsworth Thompson born Nov 28, 1891

3. Mary Fern Thompson born June 4, 1900

4. Mildred Fay Thompson born June 4, 1900

5. Arlos Forrest Thompson born Mch 13, 1907

Beulah May & Chas E. were born 3 miles south of Alliance Neb. The twins were born in Vinton Dist Valley Co Neb & Arlos F. in Noble Tp, Valley Co Neb.

1. Beulah May was married here in Ord Neb Sept 15, 1912 to Charles Manly Smith. They had one child Ella May Smith born Apr 12, 1913 in Garfield Co Neb. She is living at her grandfather's & has fiery red hair. Beulah May died in the hospital at Ord Neb Dec 24, 1913. Mr Smith has remarried & lives at Ericson Neb.

2. Charles Ellsworth went in the World War going to Funston Kansas on Sept 22, 1917 & from there went to Newport News & landed in France in Apr 1918. He was one of forty men picked to go over seas from Funston & was corporal of Co D 4th U.S. Inf. He was in the battles of Chateau Theirry & St Mihiel & then went into the Argonne Forest battle in the Mense-Argonne offensive in which he was killed Oct 4, 1918. He had been in battle for 3 mos & never recd a scratch until killed dead in this one. He was unmarried.

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3. Mary Fern on Dec 28, 1919 married James D. McCall son of Mark McCall & his wife Mary Wheatcroft who was born July 17, 1899 at Cheyenne North Dakota & have one child:

1. Evaline Virginia McCall born Dec 24, 1920

Mr McCall is U.S. Mail carrier here in Ord Neb

4. Mildred Fay, my co-informant was married May 7, 1919 at Grand island Neb to John Leslie Canfield son of Frank & Lillie Canfield who was born in Iowa Feby 19, 1900. he is running a cream station at Burwell Neb & Millie is keeping house for her father. They have two children:

1. Donald LeRoy Canfield born Aug 3, 1920

2. Leter Fay Canfield born Sept 4, 19221

5. Arlos F. is going to school here & is in the 10th grade.

Mr T. knows C.A. Hager who he says has made a pile of money & owns a lot of property.

Mr T. says his father was Thomas Mitchell Thompson & his grandfather was Robert & he was named for him but he has always gone by the name of "Clint". He says he has a lot of relatives about Joliet Ills on both his father's & mother's side. He says his grandfather Thompson was a great religious man, a Presbyterian who made himself poor

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in building the Pres Church at Dwight. He had a brother Mitchell Thompson who was an Uncle of "Clint's" father Thomas Mitchell Thompson. This elder Mitchell Thompson was a farmer & lived near Dwight Ills & had 3 husky boys viz:

Johnnie, the oldest

A son, the middle one

Jim, the youngest "a tough lad".

He says they left Dwight Ills in 1882 & don't know what became of the three boys above.

Arlos F. says there is a Bohrer living in North Loup whose daughters go to school there.

Mr T. says his neighbor, the wife of Obi Packer who was a Thompson, born & raised in Ohio where his father was born & raised thinks she might be some relation. Says she is abt 75 yrs old & is now in California for the winter but will be back in about six weeks or two months. Her address is Mrs Obi Packer, Ord, Neb. I will write to her.

Leaving 6:55 PM

I wrote tonight from York Neb to Miss Jessie Butter, What Cheer, Iowa & now from here to:

Mrs Obi Packer, Ord, Nebraska

At Williams Garage 7:11 PM 17th

R.C. Thompson, walking

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over here with me said his Uncle Ben Thompson went to South America where he was getting out mahogany lumber after the Civil War & got poisoned there & died from the effects of the same. He thinks this was after they came to Nebraska in 1882 as he thinks Ben was out here once on a visit after they came. He says Ben had but one child, Bob Thompson who was a young man grown when he, Clint, was starting to school. Says he is now keeping store somewhere in Nebraska & says that his Uncle Saml M's girls in Blue Island could give his address. Says he don't know anyone else that could unless probably his sister Nellie could.

Mr Williams started at 7;20 PM to North Loup & having a good state road, he made 50 miles an hour part of the time & we were soon:

At residence of D.S. Bohrer North Loup, Neb Jany 17, 1923 7:55 PM

Have just arrived & was admitted by Mrs D.S. B. & found her husband's mother sitting in her wheel chair looking very feeble. She is a large woman & says she can't walk because of an enlarged knee.

She says her father, Solomon Markle

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was buried in a graveyard two miles from their old home in Ohio & two miles from Orange & her brother Israel is buried there too. In a big bible presented to her in the 50s by her father where the blank records were was a sheet of note paper written in pencil on both sides but not dated which I copy:

"You asked me to send the year you were born in & I forgot it when I wrote you last, so I will send all of our family:

Solomon Markel born Dec 11, 1812

Hannah Howman born Jany 10, 1813

They were married Jany 13, 1834

Father died Sept 28, 1883

Mother died July 29, 1891

(Their children were)

1. Jacob Jefferson Markel born Oct 9, 1835

2. Israel Washington Markel born Mch 27, 1837

3. Mary M. Markel born Mch 20, 1839

4. Margaret Ann Markel born Apr 27, 1841 5. Elizabeth Markel born June 5, 1843

6. Aaron S. Markel born Oct 28, 1845

7. Ezra Franklin Markel born Feby 21, 1848

8. Lewis Cass Markel born Nov 16, 1850

9. Hannah Jane Markel born Aug 16, 1856

Now Mary, this is just what was in the family bible. I copied them the next morning after mother was buried, so I think it is all right. Tell me if it tallys with your record. Sister Jane"

This was written by her youngest sister Hannah Jane

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She remembers but two Aunts viz Charlotte Beam who lived in the neighborhood about 7 miles from their farm. She says her own grandmother Markel died at this Charlotte Beam's house. Her Aunt Margaret who also had been married lived with her. Said they both had children.

She remembers her grandmother Markle & says she was 13 yrs old when she died. She remembers her Aunts above, they lived quite awhile after her grandmother died. Mrs Beam bought some land twelve miles further West & she & my informant walked the whole twelve miles to it. Says her grandfather died before her father was married. Says he was standing at the window & was looking out when he had a stroke & fell & her father caught him & he was dead. She can't recall names of any of her father's brothers. She gives me the following about her own brothers & sisters:

1. Jacob J. married Annie Arndt & lived & died in Ashland Co O two miles fr Orange. Had some six children pretty near all girls. His daughter took consumption & died leaving 3 children which he raised.

1. Viola oldest it was she that left the three children above.

2. Alice, next, living

3. Logan

4. Orpha Fowler, lives Oberlin O

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She says she has lived here 35 yrs & owns this house.

2. Israel W. was married & died in the Civil War leaving two chil:

1. Lona G. single Teaches in Oberlin O.

2. Harvey, lives 2 or 3 miles fr there

3.[3](D___(& went to the Fresno Hotel where I got my breakfast & then m King Bohrer son of Daniel Bohrer & his wife Hannah King Had but 2 chil:

1. Lona H. born Sept 5, 1867 & died 11 yrs ago aged 45 yrs & 1 mos having died Oct 5, 1912.

2. Daniel Solomon Bohrer born Feby 19, 1869. He married June 15, 1898 at Scotia, Neb by Rev Geo A. Ray Presbyterian Ora Arnold daughter of Charles Jacob Arnold & his wife Sarah Van Tassel. She also my informant was born at Ghent NY Sept 14, 1876 & have lived here ever since she was married. Her father married his 2d wife & came to Neb when she was abt 7 yrs old. Have three chil living & 1 dead.

A. Charles Jethro born Mch 8, 1900 who died Jany 7, 1808 aged nearly 8

B. Mary Eloise born Nov 20, 1901

C. Dorothy Lucile born Jany 9, 1907

D. Lona Gertrude born Jany 20, 1908

All single

The first two were born at Carney Buffalo Co Neb & the last two at Arnold Custer Co Neb.

Mr Bohrer is in the undertaking business.

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4. Margaret Ann married Reuben Krebs. Their home was at Scotia Neb Both dead. Had 5 children:

1. Morgan is dead

2. Charles, lives in Iowa

3. Corry (called Code) lives in Denver Colo

4. Harry, lives Boise Idaho

5. Myrtle married a Hicks & lives Omaha Neb. Her address is Myrtle

Hicks 207 Grant St Omaha Neb.

5. Elizabeth, married John Troxel Both dead at Savannah Ohio & had just two children:

1. Harvey, married

2. Lona, single

See Book 10 Page 76 to 79

6. Aron S. married a Mcholland? died at Nankin Ashland Co O about five or six yrs ago had 6 children 4 boys & 2 girls

1. Logan, the oldest

7. Ezra "Frank" married Melissa McHolland & died in Ashland Co O. He married 2d Mazie ______ who is still living at Nova O. Had just one child & that by his first wife:

1. Solomon, who died unmarried at Elyria O & is buried at Nova O

8. Lewis C. married Emma ______. He lives now at Cleveland O No issue living.

9. Hannah Jane married Isaac Piper. She is dead & he is living near to West Salem O (4 miles out) & that is his P.O. address. He lives by himself on the farm. Their chil:

1. Blanche died unmarried

2. Cloyd is living at Livingston

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Montana, is married & works on a street car.

At 9:45 PM the three girls came in, the two younger ones having been at a Methodist revival meeting that is going on in the town. They are nice girls but live wires all right. The oldest one is well developed & handsome. Their father came in a little later. He says he was born in Decatur Ills & came out here when 14 yrs old.

His father Jethro K. Bohrer died Feby 1, 1909 aged 71 yrs. He was born in 1838. he & his wife were married 3 yrs before their first child was born. They had a photograph of Solomon Markle's tombstone as follows:

"Solomon Markle died Sept 28, 1883 aged 70 yrs 9 mos 17 days"

They said they wanted a book

Left at 10:55 PM

& Mr B. came around to the hotel with me arriving 11 PM

On the Union Pacific train from North Loup to Grand Island Neb Jany 18, 1923 7:36 AM

Robert Clinton Thompson said last night that his grandfather Robert Thompson was a farmer & of the boys among his twelve children, Thos Mitchell Thomson, father of my informant was the only one that stuck to the farm &

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continued as a farmer.

R. Clinton Thompson is a tall slender 6 ft man with Smooth face, wiry muscular man & was very kind. His daughter, Mildred, who is keeping house for him is rather short & chunky, a pleasant pretty open faced young girl who was able to give more dates than her father. Arlos is a handsome young boy with ambition to get a college education.

D.S. Bohrer is almost an exact counterpart of Tom W. Finley & is like him in size, appearance & actions & was very considerate & helpful. He said there were a lot of Caruthers at Ord, Neb & I will have to have him or R.C.T. get me their address. In my hurried trip there, I did not look at a telephone book.

I have recorded my work at York on 18th. I left there at 10:20 PM & got here 12:15 AM & now at 6:40 AM 19th I have everything recent recorded up to date & half the book full with the last few days in Kansas & Oklahoma Texas & New Mexico not yet written up. It is now too late to go to bed & I will see what they fall of 1922 telephone book for Lincoln & suburbs discloses viz:

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Carothers, Dr J.W. Phys & surg 815 N 14th Tel B 2712

Carothers, Dr J.W. Res 2407 Garfield Tel F2851

Carrothers, J.R. Res 680 S 28th Tel L7063

Finley, 3

Jack, J.M. 2043 Sewell Tel F4278

Kilgore, R.R. Res 8640 W Tel D2698

Markel, J.H. Dodge Bros Motor Cars 232 N 12 Tel B6849

no Redburns, or Rothermels

It is now 7:30 AM I have been relieved & washed up & will go down to breakfast. Room 321 JVT

AT store of Thos J Thompson NO 444 10th St cor 4th Jany 19, 1923 9 AM Lincoln Neb

Thos J. Thompson, son of Thos Mitchell Thompson & grandson of Robert Thompson says he was born in Livingston Co Ills Oct 18, 1867 & was married at Ord, Valley Co, Neb by squire Currier on Mch 18, 1893 to Anna Slavicek, daughter of Joseph Slavicek a boiler maker & his wife Mary Trehta who was born in Cleveland Ohio July 26, 1874 & have 5 children viz:

1. Clara Belle Thompson born Sept 23, 1894

2. Hazel Lucile Thompson born Mch 28, 1901

3. Thelma Joyce Thompson born June 11, 1902

4. Grace Irene Thompson born May 17, 1908

5. Phyllis Jeannette Thompson born Jany 20, 1911

1. Clara Belle was married Dec 22, 1922 at Lincoln Neb by the Methodist minister to Walter Fullagar son of W.F. Fullagar who was born in the spring of 1894 & live in Lincoln where Mr T. has lived for 5 yrs. Leaving 9:33 AM

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Phoned James M. Jack No 2043 Sewell Tel F4278 Jany 19, 1923 10:17 AM

Mrs Jack answered that he was born in Canada in 1869 & is the son of John Jack who moved to Canada from Scotland

Quit 10:20 AM

Phoning R.R. Kilgore as above at 10:22 AM & got no answer.

Phoned John R. Carrothers No 680 S 28th Tel L7063 Jany 19, 1923 10:26 AM

Mrs Carrothers who said she was from NY state & married Mr C 21 yrs ago said he was born in Harrison Co Ohio the son of Beatty Carrothers, a farmer & his wife Elsa, who lived at or near Freeport O, Harrison Co. She said Beatty Carrothers died 2 yrs ago at Freeport O aged 84 yrs & that his widow, an excellent penman & a fine woman is still living there & would gladly answer a letter & could give valuable information about the family. I will write her at once. She is 84 yrs old. Mrs C. said her husband is up state a traveling salesman & that his people came from Penna & some had gone to Va. Beatty Carrothers was an only son, but had two sisters, who were buried on the old home farm.

Quit 10:35 AM

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Phoned Dr J.W. Carothers No 815 N 14th St Tel B2712 Lincoln Neb Jany 19, 1923 11:55 AM

Dr Carothers has just called from the hospital & says his grandfather Henry Carothers was pure scotch but was born in North of Ireland, an Orange man who had to come to America on acct of the persecution of the Catholics there. He settled in Illinois near Chicago on land that is now part of the city & moved to Guthrie Co Iowa dying at Guthrie Center leaving 3 sons & 3 daughters. His father, John Henry Carothers is still living & he took my address & will write his father & then write me. The Dr's name is John Walter Carothers. I got Miss Turner at the Nebraska State Historical Society by Tel B2642 & she is coming at 12 noon to have lunch with me.

Hotel Selma, office, Ashland Neb Jany 19, 1923 3:27 PM

Miss Martha Turner came in a little after noon & had lunch with me at the Lincoln. We then went to my room & called up Clara Brown & made arrangements to see her & her mother along with Miss Turner tonight if I got back in time which it seems now I will. Miss Turner

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walked down with me two blocks to the C.B.&O Sta but the 1:15 PM train was late & I had to wait half an hour for it. Arrived in Ashland at 2:30 PM & I got the D.L.D. garage, Gilbert at the wheel to drive me out 6 miles to the Jesse C. Weddell farm where I was met at the door by a superior elderly gray haired woman who upon asking, I learned was Mrs Laughlin, mother of Mrs Jesse C. Weddle. She said Miss Mary Weddle had gone back to Penna about six weeks ago to make her home there & that Mr & Mrs Weddle had gone to a funeral. She said she would look for the old bible & as I went in, I saw in the adjoining room a handsome slender young girl who was sitting up in bed. Mrs Laughlin found two old bibles, small ones, but there was no record in them. The young girl thought that Miss Weddle had gone to live with her sister, Mrs Pangburn at or near Elizabeth Pa. Mrs L. told me that Mr W's address was Jesse C. Weddell RFD 1 Greenwood Neb.

I left then at 3 PM & coming back by way of the cemetery which was only 5 miles in, we met Mr & Mrs Weddell in their Machine & Gilbert hailed them. Mr Weddell confirmed the address above & the place where his sister was going to live. Neither he nor his wife knew whether the bible was about the house,but I told him I wd write him & if it was, I wd like him to send me a copy & he said he would. Arrived back in town abt 3:10 & am waiting at this hotel for 4:40 PM train back to Lincoln Neb.

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Lincoln Neb Hotel Lincoln Room 321 Jany 19, 1923 9:55 PM

After getting my supper tonight, I got a taxi & went to Hotel Grand & got Miss Martha Turner & drove to 1957 Washington St to her Aunts, Mrs Rachel Ann Brown where the telephone NO F1345 is in the name of her daughter Miss Clara Brown both of whom I met & also a daughter of W.S. Craig who was a brother of Mrs Brown & also Mrs Dr Geo H. Walker sister of Miss Turner who came in with her young daughter. They are all fine charming people & Mrs Brown is a dear old lady 82 yrs old & fleshy, but not at all feeble. Mrs Walker drove me back to the hotel accompanied by her sister & daughter. I have paid my bill & am leaving at 10:30 PM on the bus for Beatrice Neb. It is now 10:10 PM & I will take my baggage & go downstairs & be ready. JVT

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At residence of Charles Philip Schwer No 230 N. Sixth ST Hebron, Thayer Co, Nebraska Jany 20, 1923 12:28 PM

I arrived here at 11:55 AM driving over from Beatrice Neb 60 miles in just two hours having left there at 9:55 AM in car of Mrs Marian D. Kilpatrick daughter K.K. Sherwood driven by her chauffeur, Frank Dudley Fuller (called "Fay") born in Beatrice Neb May 31, 1893 son of Frank Fuller, still living there & whose mother, i.e. Fay's grandmother was a Bunker. Mrs Schwer admitted me & introduced me to her husband as above Charles Philip Schwer. She cannot go any further back than her grandfather William Fulton who she says was a twin of whom she well remembers. Says he was a tall man, all of six feet & slender. His son William was also tall, but his son James was not so tall. Mrs S. has produced a pamphlet styled:

"Soldiers of the Revolution & War of 1812 buried in McLean Co Ills, Milo Custer, Bloomington Ills 1912"

Mrs S. thinks she got a paper from home in which was reported the death of Milo Custer who lived at or near Heyworth Ills. From this book, I am copying entire [best guess] on Pages 308 & 309 in the form of a heading to the genealogical table there all it says about Mrs S's grandfather Wm Fulton whose photograph that of a smooth faced serious man appears on the second

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page following the article.

Oscar Herbert Oaks was in the World War being in the heavy artillery at Funtson Ks & was a sergeant. She has a printed circular folder three pages printed on as follows:

"State of Ohio Estate of J. Clark Moore Decd Harrison Co

Administrators Report of Relatives by Charles G. Clark Adm."

which gives a list of many of my Clark relatives with their addresses which she is allowing me to take with me to copy & I am to return by Reg Mail along with the report of "the Boys of 1861" that Mr S give me to copy & return.

In Mrs S's Moore record in addition to the birth of her grandmother is the following:

2. Rosanna born 1805 & died young

3. Elizabeth born 1807 died 1825

4. Nancy born 1809 died 1881 & married Wm Birney.

5. Samuel Born 1811 died 1880 m. Isabel Birney

6. John born July 27, 1813 died Feby 2, 1883

Mr & Mrs Schwer have been very kind & I am now going to the hotel to get Ray & start back to Beatrice.

Leaving 4:01 PM

Mr Schwer is a lawyer & said he ran in 1912 for the legislature, the Roosefelt [sic] defection year & the Kilpatricks gave him strong able support, but he was defeated. Alwillah said her grandfather, Wm Fulton told her he was a first cousin of Robt Fulton of steamboat fame. She said an old servant of her mother's told her that her mother had coined her name in honor of her brother Wm Althea who had died in 1854.

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[Descendant Chart]

"William Fulton B. Westmoreland? (it was Butler) County Pennsylvania Dec 24, 1792. Private, Capt John Loughny's company of Riflemen 30th Regt 2nd Brigade 1st Division, Pennsylvania Militia 1812-1813. settled near Bloomington Ills 1851 died Bloomington Ills Feby 18, 1871 buried on lot 36 section A Evergreen Cemetery Bloomington Ills (See Biographical Album of McLean Co Ills 1887 Page 1094 & Penna Archives Sixth Series Vol Vii Page 780. Information also from Albert Fulton grandson, Heyworth Ills 1912. 1st wife Leah (Thompson) Fulton. Children, William Fulton Jr, James Fulton, Sarah (Fulton) Boyd, Robert Fulton. Mary Moore, his second wife, born 1803 & died 1882. She was the daughter of William Moore born 1779 died at Cadiz O 1847 & his wife Sarah Corey who was born in New Jersey Jany 12, 1783 & died at Cadiz O Mch 16, 1863 who he married in Westmoreland Co Pa in 1802 & they moved from there to Harrison Co O about 1808. William Fulton died at his home in Bloomington Ills sitting in his chair from heart failure. Mary Moore Fulton died at the home of her grandson Albert Fulton at Heyworth Ills & is buried beside her husband in lot above mentioned which was that of Alwilla's father John Boyd. William Fulton had been a farmer in earlier life. Thinks his family bible was burned when the house of his son James was burned, a farm house 6 or 5 miles from Heyworth Ills. so his daughter told Alwilla.


Thompson Fulton, He is buried at Pass Waters Cemetery North of Heyworth, Ill where his son Frank visited in Sept 1921 & had a marker erected at his grave.

Frank Fulton Has been telegraph operator at Moundsville WVA for 40 yrs. His first wife died abt 1912 & his 2d wife is a fine woman. No issue.

William Fulton Jr, m.1. Eliza Boyd dau of William Boyd. She died of consumption see page 549 bottom. M.2. _______ who was a widow in Lincoln Neb. Alwilla knows nothing about his 2d mar. She does know that he practiced medicine at Bloomington Ill & at Mahomet Ill & lived she thinks once at Waverley Neb. He had 7 children by his first wife & is buried there. Alwilla don't know where or when he or his 2d wife died.

1. Hannah Mary m. Henry Means & died yrs & yrs ago in Bloomington Ill & he died there too.

Henry Means, killed in a RR accident falling between the cars in Bloomington. A young boy, unm.

A child, died at birth when mother did.

2. Sarah Ann died unmarried thinks in Bloomington Ills

3. Alice married & died in Bloomington Ills yrs ago without issue.

4. Arthur Boyd, married & at last reports in Jany 1, 1914 was living at Clemons Montana where he went in 1880 & was a farmer. He never had a sick day since coming to Montana in 1880. Located at Clemons in 1884. His wife & her mother aged 80 were in Helena Mont when he wrote on Jany 1, 1914 owns 680 A at 4600 ft Altitude. His wife was in Bloomington Ills last year. Don't think they have any


6. Belle, died unm see page 549 found dead in bed aged 16 or 17

5. Charles, don't know. died aged 4 yrs see page 549

7. Ralph, don't know, Drowned in the Sangamon River at Mahomet Ills see page 549.

Florence Fulton by 2nd wife, Chicago Ills

Ethel, by 2nd wife, m. Ditewig. Spokane Wash

A dau, by 2nd wife.

James Fulton, M.1. Mary Boyd dau of Wm Boyd. Lived in a little town called Lytleville, Ills 10 miles fr Bloomington Ills where he & his bro Wm kept store. By her, he had 2 children. M.2. Emma Bishop who died in Heyworth Ills since he died within the last 13 yrs. He had a boy & two girls by 2d wife. Mary Boyd, the first wife died of consumption see page 549 bottom.

Eliza Fulton, by 1st wife, m. B.H. Black & lives Freeport O saw her son in Wichita Kansas. She was raised by her grandfather Wm Boyd & wife.

Albert B. Fulton, by 1st wife. M. Matlie? Morrow both living at Heyworth Ills where he is a retired farmer living in town. Has a boy & 3 girls.

Mary, mar Markers [best guess]

Ruby, mar



Belle Fulton, M. A.J. Welch a retired farmer & both are living at No 1403 E Olive St Bloomington Ills

Lois, m. Morrow

Son, married

Daughter, married Mattie Fulton, m. Brown & both living in Heyworth Ills where he is a retired farmer. Thinks they have 2 boys & a girl, but don't know there [sic] names

James Fulton, married & lives on his father's home farm a few miles east of Heyworth Ills. Have several children & lost one a yr ago from diptheria. Olne with a double name named for Alwilla.

Sarah Fulton, Born Sept 4, 1834 in Ohio & died Mch 7, 1879 in Bloomington Ills & is buried on the lot above referred to. She married Feby 5, 1852 to John Boyd who was born May 22, 1824 & died Dec 1, 1863 in Bloomington Ills of reversion of the bowels. He had at Lincoln Ills Dry goods & was brought to Bloomington Ills & died in 5 days. He was son of William Boyd who was born 1790 & died Apr 12, 1867. He was son of John Boyd who came from Ireland where Wm was probably born.

William Althea, B Mch 16, 1853 died Oct 24, 1854 aged 1 yr 7 mos 8 days.

Eva Alwillah Boyd, Born June 26, 1855 at Bloomington Ills married Aug 4, 1884 in Leroy Ills to Charles Philip Schwer born in Basel Switzerland Jany 16, 1850 the son of Achazins Schwer & his wife Helena Mess (pro Mace) & who came to the U.S. on Apr 6, 1862 the date of the battle of Shiloh & entered the Civil War in Aug 1864 when 14 1/2 yrs old & was discharged in July 1865 & draws $50 pension. He enlisted at St Louis Mo in Co A 41st Mo Inf & was then a drummer boy & both live now at No 230 N 6th St Hebron Neb.

Carl Boyd Schwer, B June 23, 1892 ob Jany 12, 1894

Ramona Boyd Schwer, born Nov 21, 1896 & baptized just 1 yr later at the Pres Ch Hebron Neb. She married May 18, 1920 to Oscar Herbert Oakes of Salem Neb who was born Dec 12, 18i95 son of Wm I. Oakes & his wife Victoria Dowell live in Salem Neb where he is a merchant with his Uncle. No issue

Robert Fulton, Her mother told her she had a younger brother Robert who Alwilla thinks he died young & unmarried. Died at Cadiz O of consumption aged abt 19 yrs see page 549.

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Hotel Burwood Room 10, Beatrice Neb Jany 20, 1923 7:22 PM

The Beatrice Neb telephone Book for the "fall of 1922" shows:

Carrithers, E.M. r 523 N 5th Tel 137J

Carrithers, W.P. r 503 Florence Tel 1616 W

Jack, Fulton r 405 N 5th 390 W

Kilpatrick, R.. r 415 N 5th Tel 130

Harden, J.T. r 105 Lincoln Tel 816

No Finley, Markle, Redburn, or Rothermel

It is 7:37 PM & I guess Fay will be waiting to take me over to Mr Kilpatrick's. JVT

At residence of Robert Jackson Kilpatrick NO 415 N 5th St Beatrice Nebraska Jany 20, 1923 11:07 PM

I came here tonight from the Burwood Hotel arriving at 7:44 PM & have had a very pleasant evening with Mr & Mrs Kilpatrick downstairs & came up at 11 o'clock & they showed me by bedroom & have given me a light in a room near by with a wood fire going to remind me of Oak Hill.

Fulton Jack came in for a half hour but had some work to do & went to attend to it. He said W.P. Carrithers above had married a Hemphill, a descendant of James Hemphill who married a Jack, a sister of his great grandfather

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Patrick Jack & that her brother William Hemphill lived in Lincoln Neb. He said he would get their record from James Hemphill down & send it to me. Mr K. called E.M. Carrithers who lives 2d house from him at No 423 N 5th St & although he was having company at home, he came over for 15 minutes or so & gave me from 9:30 to 9:50 PM the following information:

He said his name was Elmer Maxwell Carrithers & that he was born Sept 9, 1867 in Marshall Co Ills being the son of Adam Thomas Carrithers who was born near Terre Haute, Ind & died at Anthony Kansas about 1908 aged 77 years & his family bible is there with his son Fred A. Carrithers whose P.O. address is Anthony Kansas living in the town. Adam T. had brothers Richard, James & Beard all now dead & one sister, Sarah, married to Oliver M. Fisher both of whom are living in the small town of Washburn Illinois about 25 miles from Peoria. She is just past 75. I am writing to both tonight. E.M.C. says that he has been told that his people came to Ills from Indiana & he has heard his father & mother talk of Ohio & thinks their people had formerly lived there. Thinks his father & mother were married near Terre Haute Ind. He thinks his people emigrated to this country from Scotland. Wrote tonight to:

Fred A. Carrithers, Anthony Kansas

Mrs Oliver M. Fisher, Washburn Illinois

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Questioning Robert J. Kilpatrick & his wife from 10 to 11 PM about the children of his grandfather David Thompson whose picture with a long heavy beard they brought in to show me, they gave me the following meagre information. Robt J. said he, David, went to California in 1849 or 1850 & remained there until 1861 when he came back east to his old home:

1. Hannah married John Thompson, her first cousin & they were the parents of Salathiel Thompson & others

2. William, "don't know"

3. Rachel. This is R.J.'s mother & I have record.

4. Abraham, descendants scattered. Thinks had three children. Ruth, Rachel & John & used to live at Sabetha

5. Isaac twin brother of Abraham born Aug 10, 1833 & died Feby 7, 1917 at Osborne Kansas. Got record there from his widow.

6. Jacob living at Manhattan Kansas where I saw him & got record

7. Joseph died in infancy }twin

8. David died in infancy }twin

Mrs Marian D. Kilpatrick has that there were also a Mary & an Elizabeth who d.y.

9. Sarah Ann, neither knows anything abt her 10. Rebecca, married a Hull didn't live in these parts

11. Robert Jackson a twin with Rebecca. He married Minerva Connett & Alvah Otis is his son.

Mrs K. also has record that a Martha died in infancy

12. They both say there was a Margaret who

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is still living & that she married M.1. ______ Kale & had by him one son. M.2. George Blair. He is dead but she is living at Wenatchee Wash which is her P.O. address & she has three daughters. Mr K. says he will send me their names from their office. Fulton Jack took me to their office this morning just before I started to Hebron where I met the four brothers. William is the oldest & he impressed me as a strong man. R.J. says that J. Tom Harden is V.P. of the Nebraska State Bank & he is glad he isn't in their line. Says he is queer. It is now 12:46 AM 21st & I will write up my cash acct book which I have neglected since 11th inst.

National Hotel Writing Room Falls City Neb Jany 21, 1922 [sic] 3:55 PM

I was not able last night to get my satchel unlocked to write up my cash acct book so I just wrote up my mile record & got to bed at 2 AM & got up at 7:30 AM & had breakfast with Robt J. Kilpatrick at 8:15 Am & a good breakfast it was. Mrs K. appeared shortly after breakfast & he excused himself to go to the office. She called up Mrs J. Tom Harden of whom she spoke very highly for me & she spoke very kindly. She was Carrie Wesner of Burlington Iowa. At 9:20 I went over to next house &

had a half hour with Mr & Mrs.

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Fulton Jack & bidding them goodbye, I went back & bid Mrs Kilpatrick, who is a short heavy woman, but very kind & gracious goodbye & at 10 AM, started with "Fay" driving the same Buick car we had yesterday. He stopped at his home on same street just below the Hotel Burwood & got his wife & we left for this place via Tecumseh as Mr K. had spoken of a G.A. Dunlap there at whose house we stopped but found it locked. We came on here arriving at 1:30 PM just in time to get in the dining room for lunch. Not finding Harley E. Dunlap in the Telephone Book. Fay drove me around to the P.O. where one of the men gave me the address of Charles Dunlap as the corner of Fulton & 11th St No 1022 Fulton St. Fay drove me over there & I found Mrs Dunlap's her husband & three older sons being at work in the Mo Pacific Round House Shops, so I was soon taking down the record which follows by pencil & am now transcribing:

At residence of Harley Emery Dunlap No 1022 Fulton St Corner 11th Falls City Richardson Co Neb Jany 21, 1923 2:40 PM

This town is in the South East Corner of the State & it is only 20 miles south to Sabetha Kansas where I saw Harley's mother aged 87 & his brother on Nov 3, 1922. Mrs Dunlap gave me the following information from memory. She is a short

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medium built woman & is lame & was very kind & helpful. She said:

Harley Emery Dunlap was born Nov 20, 1871 & was married Oct 9, 1899 at Hiawatha, Kansas by Judge Rea to Ella May Hampton, daughter of Joseph Martin Hampton & his wife Anise Bell, who was born at Axtell Kansas. Nov 4, 1881 & have had six children all boys & all living viz:

1. Elmer Lorenzo Dunlap born Feby 3, 1901.

2. Clarence Ephraim Dunlap born Dec 18, 1903

3. Charles France Dunlap born Jany 21, 1906

4. Andmer Joseph Dunlap born Nov 18, 1907

5. Homer John Dunlap born Apr 12, 1911

6. Orrin Dale Dunlap born Aug 14, 1913

Harley is son of Thomas Dunlap & has brothers & sisters viz France, N. Doty, Catherine & Ida.

1. France died Jany 21, 1919 4 yrs ago today of the "flu" at Ottawa Kansas. He married Elizabeth Lanning who since his death has married Clarence Smith & is living in Calif. No issue.

2. Nathaniel Doty married Birdie Riffer in Sabetha Ks. She died in Sept 1904. No issue.

3. Catherine m.1. "Jim" McConnell M.2. M.J. Geer. She died in Sabetha Jany 16, 1904. had one boy by each husband:

1. Elmer McConnell dead, a soldier

2. Merle Geer aged abt 28 married & lives at home with his mother.

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4. Ida, married Will Klepper. Both living at St Joe MO where he is cashier of the South St Joe Bank & their residence used to be at No 339 South King Hill Ave. They have one child, Mary who is abt 24 yrs old

5. Harley E. His boys are all single. After their marriage, he lived about Sabetha Kansas where his four oldest boys were born in Sabetha. Homer J. was born in Oneida Ks & Orrin D. was born in Hiawatha Ks. They moved here on Oct 24, 1922 where Harley E. & his three oldest boys all work in the Mo Pacif RR shops, the boys working as mechanics helpers.

Thomas Dunlap moved from Penna to Iowa thinks to Glenwood. She thinks Harley was born at Glenwood, Iowa & the others in Pa. Moved from Iowa to Oneida Ks when Harley was 9 yrs old in 1880 & lived there one yr & moved to Sabetha Ks where Thomas died on the home place he 1st moved to. It 4:55 PM & I must go to Mo Pacif Sta to get 5:20 PM train for Omaha.

Omaha Nebraska Room 105 Hotel Fontenelle Jany 21, 1923 10:28 PM

I went to the Station at Falls City Neb & the 5:20 PM train was abt 20 minutes late. Met Mrs Dunlap & her son who had brought her friend, Mrs Richards & her daughter of Hiawatha Kan who were at her home when I was there this afternoon to the

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South bound train for Hiawatha, Ks. She is very small & very lame, but cheerful. I got my supper on the train, but got a cup of tea here at 9 PM, we having arrived at 8:30 PM as I want to write some letters tonight. I have looked through the Bell Telephone directory for Nov 1922 & find:

Omaha Nebraska

Carruthers, D.W. r 1534 Grant Tel Webster 6948

Caruthers, S.W. r 1916 Charles Tel Webster 4461

Finley, 4

Jack, Mrs K.R. r 555 1/2 S 26 Tel Atlantic 2954

Jack, Stanley H. r 112 N 43 Tel Walnut 4787

Kilgore, Evert Lynne r 2418 Mary Tel Kenwood 4943

Kilgore, L.F. r 2428 Evans Tel Webster 4231

Markle, E.O. r 508 N 41st AV Tel Walnut 2073

Markle, Geo C. r 4806 Underwood Av Tel 2432

no Redburn or Rothermel

South Omaha - nothing desired

Council Bluff Iowa

Jack, W.B. r 3511 Av B Tel Red 2579

Kilgore, Mrs Dressie [best guess, blotted] r 2004 S 6th Red 4800

Kilgore, J.J. r 2412 Av B Tel Red 2513

Rothermel, Mrs I.I. r 2003 Ave

No Caruthers, Finley, Markles or Redburn.

I will call these people up in the morning & will now go at the writing of some letters. It is 11:08 PM. I have written to the following people tonight:

R. Hugh Jarvis Morgantown WVA

Mrs Minnie Markle No 2003 Vine St Berkeley Calif

Chas P. Jack No 15 Buena Vista Av San Francisco Calif

Abraham T. Secrest Pleasant City O.

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James Arthur Jack No 2300 I ST Sacarmento Calif

Mrs Jean Jamieson Glasgow, Scotland

Mrs Mary Carpenter, Jeffersontown, Ky

Mrs Laura E. Mansfield RFD 7 Box 967 Los Angeles Calif

Mrs J. Frank Miller Route 1 Box 122 Santa Ana, Calif

Mrs Laura R. Hart No 5333 Mone Vista St, Los Angeles Calif

Mrs R.E. Jack NO 536 March Ave San Luis Obispo Calif

Mrs Harry Briceland No 1229 Oneida Ave, Davenport Iowa

Noel H. Jack No 1001 HIgh St Palo Alto Calif

Jerome Rawhauser M.D. Willows Calif

Frank H. Gambell M.D. Willows Calif

Chrisopther Carruthers No 2628 Broadway, San Diego Calif

E.W. Jack Route 5 Box 113 Watsonville Calif

Jacob D. Weaver Planada Calif

Carl B. Markle No 60 Hill Ave Findley Ohio

It is now 5:16 AM Jany 22, 1923 & I will got to bed for a little sleep.

Chicago Illinois, The Blackstone Hotel writing room downstairs Jany 23, 1923 8:44 AM

Transcribing yesterday's work at Omaha Neb.

At residence of Alfred J. Anderson No 3214 N. 14th Ave Omaha Nebraska Jany 22, 1923 10:55 AM

I came out here on a street car & found Mrs Eliza J. Turner & her unmarried daughter Frances Isabel who are visiting at Mrs Anderson's, the daughter of Mrs Turner.

Mrs Turner says she was born in 1843

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Her mother was a daughter of Samuel Thompson Sen (who was son of Wm of Dr Samuel) & the wife of Johnson Craig. Johnson Craig was son of John Craig & his wife who was a Johnson. Mrs Turner says she was married in 1865 & came to Columbus Nebraska from Harrison Co O in 1870. She says her grandmother Craig died in 1864 & her grandfather Thompson was living when they came west in 1870.

Mrs Turner & her daughter Frances Isabel Turner think Lyra (they called her Laura) Osborne, sister of Holmes M. Thompson, Cadiz O would know who got the Samuel Thompson Senr bible that Ellen Moorhead had when I was there in 1911 as she handled the distribution of her Aunt Moorhead's effects & if she didn't get it herself, she would know who did. She lives now in Cadiz O & her husband still living is John Osborne, but he had a stroke of paralysis since Christmas. Lyra's sister Sallie C. Thompson unmarried, who I met in 1911, lives in Cleveland O & her number is 1485 Rydal Mount Road Euclid Heights Cleveland O. Mrs Turner is a short fleshy woman weighing I should judge near 200 lbs, very much the same build as her sister, Mrs Brown & does not show her age, being free from wrinkles & not at all feeble. Her daughter Frances I. is abt 5 ft 8 or 9 & is a handsome woman with iron gray hair. I did not take their full record as Martha is going to send it to me.

Left 11:55 AM

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At residence of George Ellsworth Clatterbuck NO 2522 Ave C Council Bluff, Iowa Jany 22, 1923 2:33 PM

Mrs C. who is the daughter of Wm H.H. Carothers & his wife who was a Weirich of Wheeling WVA of the Washington Co Pa Weirichs says her Uncle Charles Carothers was a RR man & died when she was a young girl. She say him once & said he was a great big handsome man. She thinks she was probably 12 or 15 yrs old when he died which she says was in the 70s. She was born in 1866 & in 1884 was teaching school & he died while she was going to school. She spoke of her Aunts, herself & sisters, someone or more of them teaching school continuously for 60 yrs from 1860 to 1920. Her Uncle Charles wife died before he did & left two little children who were taken by his sister Eliza Carothers Vickery, who raised them & kept them until they died. Pearl, the younger of the two died aged 5 yrs of diptheria & Karl the oldest grew to be a young man & like his father went in the RR business & was killed in Kansas in a RR wreck, unmarried aged abt 21 yrs.

This would seem to show that Chas H. Crothers 1837-1918 of Greenfield Ohio who had a sister Eliza marry a Mott is of a different family. Mrs C. says her father & mother

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told her she was eligible to be a D.A.R. on both her father & mother's sides. Mrs C. was married in 1890 & her father went to Kansas after that to the Kaw River & she thinks his P.O. address was Perry, Kansas. Thinks he died some ten years ago. He & his wife were separated but not divorced as Mrs Carothers didn't believe in divorces. Mrs C. said Eliza Vickery's husband left her $50,000 but they never had any children. Mrs Vickery wrote Mrs Carothers once saying she thought of getting married again & Mrs C. in answering tried to dissuade her from doing so, saying she thought she ought to have more respect for Mr Vickery who had provided so well for her. The result was they never heard again from Eliza. Mrs Clatterbuck's Uncle, Joe Carothers was a bachelor & lived with his sister Eliza Vickery who however "was very close & charged him for his room & board". Her Uncle John Carothers was married, but so far as she ever heard, he never left any children. Mrs Price, a sister of her father W.H.H.C. left two children, one of them Moses, has a 200 acre farm hear here. He is very very hard of hearing. He lives at No 125 S 1st St, Council Bluffs, Iowa. He has a brother Charley. It was from him that she got the old record, she wrote me about it having been his mothers. She says her father & mother were

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married in 1864 & she is their oldest child. She says her father's mother lived with her father after her husband died. Her name was Drusilla, & she thinks Swearingen was her last name. Her father bought much of the good old furniture that she had. She left however before Mrs Clatterbuck was born & went back to Ohio. The place where Wm H.H. Carothers lived was in Keg Creek Tp, near Wheelers Grove Pottawotamie Co, Iowa abt 30 miles from Council Bluffs Iowa & she was married Nov 16, 1890 at Council Bluffs Iowa by Rev Cooley, a Congregationalist to George Ellsworth Clatterbuck, son of John Wesley Clatterbuck (who was born Sept 9, 1813 in Culpeper Co Va & died Apr 6, 1914 in Council Bluffs Iowa) & his wife Nancy Ellen Yowell who himself was born in Marion Co Iowa Dec 5, 1868 & "Ellsworth" in his name is in honor of the first soldier killed in the Civil War for pulling down the rebel flag. Their three children

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were all born in this house viz:

See 17th line below:

Pittsburgh Pa Wm Penn Hotel Room 1116 Jany 23, 1923 11:16 PM

I had to quit at 10:10 AM at the first line of this page & go to the Union Sta to take the 10:30 AM Penna RR Manhattan Ltd for Pgh which arrived here at 10:35 PM fifteen minutes late & I will now proceed to finish transcribing my work yesterday in Omaha Neb.

Transcribing at Wm Penn Hotel. Continued from 1st line above:

1. Helen Ellsworth Clatterbuck born May 14, 1892 married Oct 14, 1914 at Lincoln Neb by Rev Young to Frank Danielson Clark son of Samuel W. Clark (who was son of Col D.B. Clark) & his wife Alice Danielson who was born at Bartley Neb July 18, 1888 & they have two girls viz:

1. Helen Lucile Clark born Oct 7, 1915

2. Frances Ruth Clark born Oct 24, 1921 both born in Council Bluffs Iowa.

Helen came in with Frances Ruth & was with us an hour or more. She is a handsome bright intelligent girl & Frances Ruth is a pretty child just recovering from a spell of sickness & enjoyed my swinging her.

2. Theo Dosia [sic] Clatterbuck born Sept 2, 1895 married Mch 10, 1914 at Council Bluffs Iowa by Rev Matheny to Frederick Alton Nugent

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son of Rev Thomas P. Nugent, who was born in Council Bluffs Iowa Oct 16, 1891 & they live here & have four children all born in Council Bluffs Iowa viz:

1. Theo Eleanor Nugent born Apr 16, 1915

2. Helen Louise Nugent born Sept 5, 1917

3. Frederick George Nugent born July 2, 1919

4. Donald Thomas Nugent born Feby 18, 1922

3. Carl Lincoln Clatterbuck born Dec 7, 1908. He is in school here, just in the next block & as I was leaving, he came running on call from his mother. He is a fine bright boy.

Mrs Clatterbuck is a large woman with hair turning iron gray. Mr C. is a medium sized man & walking to the street car with me said he had followed farming until two years ago. He told me of buying a 66 A which he was able to sell a year later at a profit of $125 per acre & of buying a farm when on a visit to the Bakers at Alberta, which he resold at a profit of $1000.

The photo Mrs C. showed me of her Aunt Eliza Vickery was taken in 1884 by W.J. Rawlins photographer, Vincennes Ind. It might be well to examine the court records at Vincennes & see if she took out license there to remarry.

Left at 4:20 PM

I then took a street car across the Missouri River landing at 14th & Douglas Sts & walked up Douglas 4 blocks to 18th St

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to Hotel Fontenelle & going to my room No 105, I called up on the phone as follows:

Phoned D.W. Carruthers No 1534 Grant St Tel Webster 6948 Omaha Neb Jany 22, 1923 5:07 PM

Mrs Carruthers answered the phone. She said her husband's name was Duncan Weir Carruthers & that he was born in Penna & had brothers John & Thomas & a sister (who she said was the party to write to): Mrs Sarah M. Gilford No 2114 Stout St Denver Colorado. She said her husband's father & three of his brothers served in the Civil War some of whom were born in Scotland.

Quit 5:11 PM

Phoned S.W. Caruthers Webster 4461 Omaha Neb Jany 22 1923

Was told that his phone was changed to a private number which they were not allowed to give out. See page 317.

Phoned Mrs K.R. Jack No 555 1/2 S 26th ST Tel Atlantic 3954 Omaha Neb Jany 22, 1923 5:15 PM

Mrs Jack answered & said her husband Kenneth R. Jack came here from Iowa City Iowa. She said his mother was born in Scotland & his father in France & thinks his name

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was Jean Jacques. I told her I would write him.

Quit 5:20 PM

Phoned Stanley H. Jack see page 317 at 5:21 PM & he didn't answer.

Phoned Evert Lynne Kilgore see page 317 at 5:22 PM & was told the phone had been discontinued.

Phoned L.F. Kilgore No 2428 Evans St Tel Webster 4231 Omaha Neb Jany 22, 1923 5:23 PM. See book 21 p 589. See book 23 p 135.

His wife answered the phone & called "Mother Kilgore" to the phone who said her husband was Michael Marion Kilgore who was born in Greene Co Ind & his father Stephen Kilgore was born in Tenn. She did not know of any older relatives to whom I could write for information.

Quit at 5:30 PM

Phoned George C. Markle No 4806 Underwood Ave Tel Walnut 2432 Omaha Neb Jany 22, 1923 5:31 PM

Mr Markle answered himself & said he came from Westmoreland Co Pa from near Beatty P.O. He said his older brother E.O. Markle see page 317 aged abt 60 yrs could give more information than he could & told me to call him, but as my time was limited I continued talking with him & learned that his father Geo A. Markle was living with him & had completed

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his 89th yr last Nov & upon his asking his father, the name of his father, he said it was John Markle. He said his cousin who had been back to Penna interviewing some of the relatives who told him their ancestors came to this country in 1690 from Swabia Germany. He was very glad I called & asked me to come out. He was much interested & I told him I would write when I got home.

Quit at 5:40 PM

I then packed up & rushed downstairs, paid my bill & got a taxi to the Union Sta. where I took the 6:05 PM train on the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul for Chicago Ills a direct straight line.

I have written tonight eight letters to the following persons:

Mrs Sarah M. Gilford NO 2114 Stout St Denver Colo

S.W. Caruthers No 1916 Charles St Omaha Neb

Kenneth R. Jack No 555 1/2 S. 26th St

George C. Markle No 4806 Underwood Ave Omaha Neb

W.B. Jack No 3511 Ave B Council Bluffs, Iowa

J.J. Kilgore NO 2412 Ave B Council Bluffs Iowa

Mrs Beatty Carrothers Freeport Ohio

J.H. Markle no 232 N 12th St Lincoln Neb

It is now 4:11 AM 24th & I will go mail these letters & then write up my cash acct book from 11th inst as I was able on getting to this room No 1116 to unlock my satchel. Have just finished writing up my C.A. Bk & it is 8:33 AM 24th. I recall that Ira Davis, barber at Beatrice told me Saturday morning that there had been an old James Thompson down by Elk Creek [unreadable word] Falls City Neb who had 4 sons: James, still on the farm, Elijah went to Ark, Marion & Isaac.

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Oak Hill Feby 25, 1923 9:30 AM

I got home just a month ago last night & found 600 letters & many papers & other matters calling for my attention including two trips to NY, three to WVA & several to Pittsburgh etc so that I have not until now had time to commence writing up this book by transcribing 163 sheets (326 pages) of Hotel paper note heads I had written down in pencil from Dec 3, 1922 to Dec 22, 1922 (those sheets up to No 71 having been heretofore entered in this book) after book No 8 was filled in Kansas & including my work in balance of Kansas & in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico Arizona & my start in California.

I will use the dates as taken in transcribing & it will have the similitude of having been entered when taken throughout of regular order in the itinerary of my trip viz:

"The Antlers" Wellington Kansas Dec 3, 1922 6:36 AM

The city directory for 1921 of Wellington Kansas shows:

Carrothers, Chas, Miller, Wellington Mills Res 421 N. Poplar

Carrothers, Robt E. (Mary L.) flagman CRI&P Crossing Res 421 N Poplar

Finley, Chas H. (Ella) Carp, A.M. Winger Res 324 N. Blaine

Finley, Delbert D. (Georgia) Geologist Res 314 E 12th

Kilgore, Olga Res 403 W Harvey

No Jacks, Markles, Redburns, or Rothermels.

Anderson, Victor C. (Eva) Mgr Sumner Co Farmers Union Co operative Asscn Res 115 N G St. JVT 6:44 AM

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On road to J. "Dick" Anderson's Dec 3, 1922 10:44 AM

I am being driven out in an auto by "Mac" Hotchkin born in NY 43 yrs ago son of Samuel Hotchkin who on Jany 1, 1873 married Louisa Seward, daughter of Edwin Polladine Seward of Lincoln's cabinet. Samuel died in Mch 1922 aged almost 80 yrs. He was a Civil War veteran. Mac has the same birthday exact age of his mother-in-law & his wife who is but 24 has the same birthday as "Mac's" mother who is 72.

At James Richard Anderson's Pleasant Valley Tp Cowley Co Kansas Dec 3, 1922 2:45 PM

I arrived here shortly after 11 AM & found Richard & his wife & two daughters & Victor with his wife & daughter here on a visit since 30th ulto [sic] Thanksgiving day & they gave me the following information about their family record.

James Anderson (only full brother of my dear Mary) was born July 9, 1839 & married Nov 19, 1867 Mary Carter, daughter of Leander Carter & his wife. She was born at Ashland O Apr 3, 1841 & died at Goodland, Sherman Co Kansas Apr 21, 1908 Their children:

1. Victor Carter married Mch 25, 1903 at Geneseo Ills by Rev. W.B. Millard Eva May Wood daughter of Wellington Wood & his wife Ellen Bradford who was born in Henry Co Ills Mch 15, 1870 & they live now at NO 115 N. G. St Wellington Kansas & have See book 5 page 142.

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one child:

I. Lenore Anderson born at Geuda [Gellda?] Springs Kan in Sumner Co Jany 20, 1908.

2. James Richard Married near Geneseo Henry Co Ills Nov 28, 1900 by Rev DeArgent a Presbyterian minister Jean Evlyne Douglass, daughter of John Avery Douglass & his wife Anna Wallace, who was born in Henry Co Ill on same farm where she was married Nov 16, 1881 & have two children:

(7:55 PM sheet 73 is missing & I looked all through the papers that were in my satchel & don't find it & will proceed at top of page 332 with sheet 74)

Mrs Anderson writes Mch 16, 1923 & says her daughters were both born in Munson Ills viz:

1. Anna Vernele Anderson Born Oct 17, 1901

2. Helen Mary Anderson born Jany 21, 1904.

See book 5 page 142

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From sheet 74

Just across the line in Oklahoma

The telephone directory here (Arkansas City Kansas) gives:

Anderson, J.R. farm 975 K 4

Betoz, E.G. res 414 N 3d St Tel 1105 J

Finley, Orin Res 821 S 1st St Tel 621

Jack, F.W. res 1320 S B St Tel 1273 W

Jack, Henry Res 524 N 1st St Tel 1611

No Caruthers, Markles, Redburns, or Rothermel

At residence of Henry Jack 524 N 1st St Arkansas City Kansas Dec 3, 1922 7 PM

Mr Jack was born in or near Rochelle, Ogle Co Ills Nov 9, 1868 & his father was Emmons Whittaker Jack who was born in Steuben Co NY abt 1843 & died at Longdale Okla Jany 18, 1918. Had he lived until Jany 31st he would have completed his 75th year. His widow is living here & is joint informant with her son. She was Jane Ackerson born May 7, 1849 & was married in July 17, 1867. She says her husband served in Co E 141 NY Inf during the Civil War & his brothers, George & James were also in the Civil War. James was wounded & died of blood poison in the service. He had been married & left a daughter Mary by his 2d wife & a daughter by his 1st wife. There were also William & John all full brothers, but no sisters. Their father had lived in Tioga Co Pa & from there went to Steuben Co NY where Emmons W. was born. The father died in Steuben Co NY when Emmons W. who was the youngest of the family was six yrs old. The father was a cabinet maker & they

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think he owned 5 A of land. Think he was a middle aged man when he died of cancer. His wife's name was Caroline ("Carline") & think her maiden name was Kline. She died in Pa thinks in Tioga Co after Henry, her grandson, one of my informants was born as he remembers her. Henry's mother thinks they were Penna Dutch. Her husband had Uncles or cousins who lived on Thurston Hill or Savona NY. Some of their cousins live at Elmira & some at Buffalo NY says F.W. Jack here is a son of Will Jack (Will being about Henry's age) & they are no relation that they know of, but says his relatives or ancestors were from the east. Don't know his address. Write to him care of his son Floyd W. Jack.

Leaving 7:22 PM

Victor & Richard are both six footers & fine strong men. Victor weighs 160 lbs & Richard 175 & they say their father weighs 210 & is also abt 6 ft. Richard owns 160 A which runs to the middle of Walnut River. He has a very comfortable home & two fine daughters. His wife is a large woman but is an excellent housekeeper & a good cook. Her hair has not turned at all, but is a lustrous brown. Victor's wife is gray haired & reminds me in actions & size very much of Sarah F. Ainsworth. She traces her ancestry back through her mother to Gov Wm Bradford of the Mayflower & says too that she is descended from Stephen A. Hopkins, signer of the Declaration of Independence. I thought his name was Hopkinson. Lenore

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is a pretty young girl & a junior in High school. A. Mr Pollock came in just as I was leaving. He has been 4 yrs abroad with the army of occupation at Coblenz & I think is one of the girl's beau.

Ponca City Oklahoma Arcade Hotel Room 38, Dec 3, 1922 9:19 PM

Arrived here on the Santa Fe RR at 8:55 PM from Arkansas City Kansas. The telephone directory shows no name of either Caruthers, Finley, Jack, Markle, Redburn, or Rothermel.

At residence of Wm Cochran Thompson Longwood Tp Kay Co Okla Dec 4, 1922 9:22 AM

I went down in the field to see Mr T. who had two good horses hitched to a drag & had gone down to the creek to haul up a barrel of water. He told me to come back to the house & have his wife get me his father's family bible which she has done. It was published by James B. Smith & Co Phila in 1847 & the record is as follows:


Hugh Thomson & Elizabeth Scroggs Jany 19, 1815

John Thomson & Rachel Francis Mch 31, 1836

Alexander Thomson & Jane S. Boots Nov 23, 1848

Hugh L. Thomson & Margaret Ann Francis March 10, 1842

W.J. Thomson & Margaretta Taggart Sept 18, 1849

Moses S. Thomson & Sarah Cole

Elizabeth Elzarine Thomson & Geo W. Barley Apr 16, 1878

Joseph Taggart & Jane Smith Sept 14, 1824

Sarah Jane Thomson & J.G. Gennings June 2, 1846

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Margaretta Taggart & Wm J. Thomson Sept 18, 1849

John S. Taggart & Nancy J. Hamilton Dec 30, 1851

John Newton Thomson & Anna Layman Mch 26, 1885

W.C. Thomson & Florence Emma Parks Nov 5, 1885

Harry Taggart Thomson & Dora Maslin June 5, 1894


Hugh Thomson born July 3, 1768

Elizabeth Scroggs born Feby 15, 1790

the youngest of 21 children of her father.

1. John Thomson born May 15, 1816

2. Alexr S. Thompson born Aug 4, 1817 [variation in spelling as written]

3. Hugh Laughlin Thompson born June 29, 1820

4. Wm Judkins Thompson born Mch 7, 1823

5. Moses S. Thomson born Aug 1, 1828 [note spelling]

Joseph Taggart born Jany 12, 1793

Jane Smith born June 9, 1799

Sarah Jane Taggart born Sept 3, 1825

Dorothea Taggart born Apr 17, 1827

Margaretta Taggart born Jany 27, 1829

John S. Taggart born Oct 10, 1830

Children of Wm Judkins Thompson:

1. Wm Cochran Thomson born Apr 8, 1851 in Darlington Pa near New Castle Pa.

2. Joseph John Thomson born Sept 9, 1852

3. Elizabeth Elzarine Thomson born Apr 8, 1854

4. John Newton Thomson born Sept 6, 1856

these three born in New Castle Pa

5. Dorsey Jane Thomson born Oct 10, 1858

6. Maggie Bell Thomson born Sept 30, 1860

7. Harry Taggart Thomson born Sept 8, 1866

these three born at Monmouth Ills

Son of Wm C & Florence Emma Thomson:

Harry Glenn Thomson born Jany 28, 1891

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Joseph John Thomson died Mch 27, 1853

Dorsey Jane Thomson died Dec 1, 1858

Maggie Bell Thomson died Aug 22, 1861

Hugh Thomson died July 27, 1846

Wm J. Thompson died May 14, 1869

Margaretta Thomson died Jany 1,1897 [variation in spelling noted]

Joseph Taggart died Dec 28, 1844

Jane Taggart died May 17, 1832

Dorothea Taggart died May 8, 1850

John Smith Taggart died Dec 30, 1896

They have an oval likeness on paper of Mr T's grandmother Thompson who was Elizabeth Scroggs, 21st child of her father showing a good face in a ruffled cap.

1. Wm C. Thomson's wife, Florence E. Parks is daughter of John Parks & his wife Mary Barton & was born in Warren Co Ills on a farm 8 miles from Monmouth Ills on July 28, 1863 & Harry G. their only child is unmarried & is asst Treas of the Marland Refining Co.

3. Elizabeth E. married Geo W. Bailey & she is living at Los Angeles Calif in her own home at 1029 W 21st St. He died in Omaha Neb several yrs ago. No issue except one named John that died an infant. Mr & Mrs T's son Harry G. was born in Shelton Neb & they moved from Nebraska here in Feby 1892 to the Tank farm now belonging to Marland near Ponca City Okla & they have lived on this farm of 160 A for 12 yrs. Mr T. is slender & gray haired & has a good face as has she.

4. John Newton Thompson got his record at Monmouth Ills

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7. Harry T. married Dora Maslin daughter of George Maslin & wife. Both living at 1023 W 21st ST, Los Angeles Calif where he is mgr of a big furniture concern. No issue.

Wm C. said he would like to have a book. See Book 7 P 150

Leaving 10:22 AM

At Derinda Stahl's No 212 N 7th St Tonkawa, Kay Co Okla Dec 4, 1922 11:55 Am

Have just arrived here & find Mrs Stahl & she has gotten out the family bible of her father John Thompson which was published by H & E Phinney Cooperstown NY in 1840 & shows:


John Thompson & Hannah Thompson Apr 1, 1841

Samuel Stahl & Dorinda Thompson Nov 29, 1887

Ammon Stahl & Ruth Slayback Sept 14, 1911

Mack Jones & Hannah Stahl Aug 20, 1919

Chester Stahl & Vera Meade Oct 20, 1891


John Thompson was born Feby 21, 1821

Hannah Thompson was born Sept 15, 1823

Their children:

1. Marinda Thompson was born Jany 23, 1842

2. Salathiel Thompson was born Feby 2, 1844

3. Ruth Eleanor Thompson was born Mch 23, 1853

4. Jacob Thompson was born Dec 31, 1856

5. Sephus Lovejoy Thompson was born Sept 20, 1858

6. Dorinda Anne Thompson was born Oct 13,1867

the youngest

Lilley May Walker was born Aug 7, 1879

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Ruth Ellen Walker was born Jany 27, 1881 (These two are daughters of Mrs Stahl's sister Ruth Eleanor who died when her daughter Ruth Ellen was born.

Dorinda's children:

1. Ammon Stahl was born Jany 31, 1890

2. Chester Dewey Stahl was born may 8, 1898

3. Hannah Rebecca Stahl was born June 8, 1900

named for her two grandmothers

Samuel Stahl was born Nov 10, 1864


Marinda Thompson died Oct 4, 1851 aged 2 (9?) yrs 8 mos & 11 days

Ruth E. Walker died Jany 27, 1881 aged 27 yrs 10 mos & 4 days

James Thompson died Nov 6, 1886 aged 76 yrs (a brother of John)

John Thompson died June 14, 1889

Hannah Thompson died Nov 3, 1896

Samantha Thompson born Sept 3, 1863 & died Mar 5, 1910 aged 46 yrs

Samuel Stahl died Nov 24, 1919

Jacob Thompson died May 24, 1855 in his 74th yr (This is Mrs Stahl's grandfather)

Robert J. Thompson died Jany 13, 1853 (This is her father's brother)

Susannah Thompson died Dec 25, 1862 in her 74th yr (This is Mrs Stahl's grandmother)

Eleanor Law died July 27, 1865

Jacob Thompson died Nov 30, 1872 aged 59 yrs 10 mos (Brother of Mrs Stahl's father)

William Thompson (Brother of Mrs Stahl's father) died Mch 4, 1849 aged 33 yrs 2 mos & 15 days

This is the end of the bible record.

On a note size sheet of paper written by her father is:

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"Ruth E. Walker wife of Nathan T. Walker was born to John & Hannah Thompson in the State of Ohio Mch 23, 1853 moved with her parents to Green Co Ind 1854. She embraced Christ at 12 yrs of age & lived a faithful Christian till she passed away. She has left a loving husband, two small children & a large circle of near friends to mourn her loss".

On a folded note size sheet written in ink, covering the first three pages & the last entry on the 4th page is a record of the grandfather of Mrs Stahl viz Jacob Thompson (who was son of James 1758-1835). This was copied from a bible at Solsberry Greene Co Ind that belonged to her Uncle Jacob Thompson & was copied by his son Dr Jacob Thompson who died of diptheria he had caught from one of his patients. He was married to a McGill a lovely woman, but did not leave any children. She thinks Robt Thompson a brother of Dr Jacob has it now. He lives at Solsberry Ind. The record follows:


Jacob Thompson & Susannah Frame Jany 1, 1807

Jacob Thompson (son of above) & Mary Corwin Aug 28, 1851


Jacob Thompson born Nov 17, 1781

Susannah Frame born July 8, 1788

Their children:

1. Thomas Frame Thompson born Dec 6, 1807

2. Mary Jane Thompson born Jany 3, 1809

3. James Thompson born Nov 25, 1810

4. Jacob Thompson born Jany 16, 1813

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5. Elizabeth Thompson born Nov 12, 1814

6. William Thompson born Dec 27, 1816

7. Robert Thompson born Feby 24, 1819

8. John Thompson born Feby 21, 1821

9. Eleazer Thompson born June 14, 1823

10. Susannah Thompson born Dec 23,1824 (or 5)

11. Stephen Thompson born Apr 12, 1827 see book 7 p 201

12. Eleanor Thompson born May 10, 1830"

(Mrs Stahl says her grandfather gave each of his seven sons a quarter section of land in Noble Co O before he moved to Indiana. Stephen had died young. Her grandfather Jacob died in Ohio & is buried at Zanesville O, she thinks & his sons Robert, Jacob & John sold their land in Ohio & moved together in wagons to Solsberry, Ind, Greene Co about 1850. I think 1854 see above)

Jacob Thompson (son of the elder Jacob) died Nov 30, 1872 aged 59 yrs 11 (10) mos & 14 days. (He contracted pneumonia going from Sabetha Kansas to Solsberry Ind & died shortly after his arrival there)


Stephen Thompson died Apr 14, 1827

William Thompson died Mch 4, 1849 aged 33 yrs 2 mos 15? days (should be 1850)

Robert Thompson died Jany 13, 1857? (1853) aged 37 yrs 10 mos 19 days

Jacob Thompson died May 24, 1855 aged 73 yrs 6 mos 7 days

Susannah Thompson died Dec 25, 1862 aged 73 yrs 5 mos 17 days

These two are Mrs Stahl's grandparents.

John Thompson died June 14, 1889 aged 68 yrs near Sabetha Kan (her father)

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From different obituary notices, I glean the following:

1. John Thompson

Says he moved to Indiana in 1854 & from there to Kansas in 1872 & lived there the remainder of his life, at Sabetha Kan. He always tried to make the world better & had the respect of those that opposed him & while he was a stern man, the little children loved him. He was a strong abolitionist & was once put out of a merchant's store there for advocating his views. Years later, this man, then a banker driving by, was taken in by John Thompson when a fearful storm came up. The baker remarked that his face seemed familiar "yes" said John T. "you put me out of yr store once for advocating the abolition of slavery".

2. Hannah Thompson, died Nov 3, 1896 aged 73 yrs 1 mo & 18 days. Hannah Thompson was born in Noble Co O Sept 15, 1823 & married John Thompson Apr 1, 1841 (he used to say she was April fooled, but he wasn't). She was a member of the Congregational Church.

3. Wm K. Thompson was born near Senecaville O Nov 7, 1845 enlisted in the Union Army at 17 & served 3 yrs. Married Eliza Cleary Dec 24 1870. In 1875 moved to Nemaha Co Kan where he always afterwards lived. Joined the Methodist church in 1886 & died at the Hospital at St Joseph Mo May 25 1904 (He was son of Madison & Betsy)

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4. Parmelia Caroline Thompson, daughter of Elijah & Mary Thompson was born near Zanesville O Oct 8, 1825. At an early age, she removed with her parents to Illinois. She was married Oct 22, 1843 to Almon Hawkins in Kankakee Ill & resided there until 1858 when they moved to near Sabetha Kan. He died in 1888 & she removed with her daughter Veota (or Viola) to Seattle, Wash, where she died Mch 10, 1898 Her remains were brought back to Sabetha Ks & buried there from the M.E. church of which she had long been a member. She was the mother of nine children, one son & 8 daughters, six of whom lived to mourn her loss. Her last words were "Jesus is here".

signed Viola Hawkins.

Mrs Stahl thinks she is still living unmarried at Seattle, Wash, where she is a school teacher. Says she would be over 68. The children were in order of age: Rebecca, Amanda, Hattie, Abbie, Frank, Viola, Ella & two died in infancy. Says Abbie (Mrs Fink) Viola, unmarried, (called Ola) Ella (Mrs Mann) & Frank are the only ones living at last she heard & all living at Seattle Wash. Parmelia C. was the only one of Elijah's family that Mrs Stahl knew of.

5. Leah, an unmarried daughter of Salathiel Thompson died of measles in La Junta Col where she was teaching school aged abt 22 yrs & was brought to Sabetha Ks for burial

6. Samuel Stahl was born near Lewisburg

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Union Co Pa Nov 10, 1864. In 1880, removed with his parents to Doniphan Co Kansas & later to Sabetha Kan where on Nov 29, 1887, he married Dorinda A. Thompson & had three children. IN 1900, they moved to a farm SW of Tonkawa Okla where he lived until he died Nov 24, 1919 aged 55 yrs & 14 days. He was a member of Pres Ch for past 14 yrs. He was a progressive citizen of unquestioned honor & integrity.

7. From the Fairview Brown Co Kan Thursday Aug 22, 1918 the first column of the first page is taken up with notice of the death of Salathiel Thompson as handed me by his daughter May living here with Mrs Stahl which says he passed away Saturday morning which would be Aug 17, 1918. he was buried at Sabetha ks. States he was born in Noble Co O Feby 2, 1844 & at age of 10 moved with his parents to Indiana. he enlisted in the Union Army at 18 & served 3 yrs until the close of the war. He married in 1866 Rebecca Morrison & had three children, two living viz: Mrs Mary King of Iola & Mrs Cora Gillilan of Kansas City. Rebecca Thompson died in 1878. In 1871 they moved to Kansas & located near Sabetha. he was married 2d to Mary E. Black in 1880 & to this union six children were born four now living viz: Mrs Chet Rooney of Dodge City Ks, Ernest Thompson of Kisment Kan (now lives in Benton Ks)

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Lloyd Thompson of Denver Col & Norval Thompson of San Diego Calif (he is now at Denver Col in partnership with Lloyd. In 1879 he moved to Fairview where he lived the remainder of his days. He was a member of the Baptist Church.

8. Rev John Thompson died June 14, 1889 aged 69 yrs

It is now 2:30 PM & I must go to bank to get a $100 bill changed.

It is now 2:11 Am Feby 26, 1923 & I will quit for the night.

It is now 8:08 PM Feby 26, 1923 & I am resuming my transcribing.

Back at Mrs Stahl's 2:55 PM getting fuller record of her father's family:

1. Marinda Thompson, died

2. Ruth Eleanor Thompson married Nathan Thomas Walker son of Nathan Walker & his wife Miriam Watkins a native of Ky who was born on Nov 10, 1844 & Ky & died June 22, 1908 at Corning Kansas, he having remarried to Sarah Isabella Mayes a native of Indiana. Ruth had two daughters:

I. Lillie married Nov 28, 1894 at Sabetha Ks to Thomas Kahl son of Joseph Kahl & his wife Katherine Stahl (an aunt of Saml Stahl) being a sister of his mother, who was born near Lewisburg Pa June 22, 1879 & both are living at Waterville Kansas where he is a truck driver & have 6 children as follows:

A. Mamie Dorinda born Sept 28, 1895 at Sabetha Kan

B. Hattie Ellen born Mch 6, 1899 at Sabetha Kan

C. Ruth Born June 26, 1901 at Sabetha Kan

D. Melba Avis born Sept 8, 1904 at Corning Kan

E. Thomas Franklin born July 7, 1908 at Corning Kan

F. Lolah W. born June 21, 1914 at Waterville Kan & died June 24, 1914 at Waterville Kan

Mamie & Hattie are both married & living in Kansas City MO

See page 488 this book.

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II. Ruth E. mar 1. July 7th 1896 to Charles Robbins at Seneca Kan & she divorced him after having five children & mar 2d George? Lawrence a native of Va & both are living in Kansas City MO where he was in a wholesale Cigar factory. No issue by him.

A. Beulah Augustus Robbins born June 30, 1897 at Corning Kan

B. May Robbins born Nov 3, 1900 at Corning Kan

C. Alice Robbins born July 21 1904 at Corning Kan

D. William H. Robbins born Jany 24 1906 at Corning Kan

E. Louis Robbins born Nov 4, 1909 at Corning Kan

Beulah & May are both married & May was living in Col. Says to write to Lillie Kahl at Waterville Ks & she can give the record of her sister's family & her own.

4. Jacob. I got his record at Lone Elm Ks Nov 21, 1922

5. Sephus L. lives at 1324 S. James ST Enid Okla & will give me his record. His wife is dead & has had six children.

6. Dorinda A. mar Saml Stahl & has 3 children:

I. Ammon mar to Ruth Slaback, daughter of Wm Slaback & his wife Elizabeth Nail who was born at Oakdale Calif Sept 16, 1892. No issue, but have adopted a son. They live on a farm. Married Sept 14, 1912.

II. Chester D. mar Verda Meade who was born at Emporia Kansas Dec 20, 1897, daughter of Sentana Woods Mead [sic] & his wife Althouse. Live on the home place. No issue. Married Oct 20, 1921

III. Hannah Rebecca mar on Aug 20, 1919 Mack Marquis Jones son of Wm Jones & his wife Ella Marquis who was born in Cameron Mo Oct 5, 1896. He is Prof of Farm Engineering in the University of Mo at Columbia Mo. No issue.

2. Salathiel Thompson mar 1st Rebecca Morrison daughter of

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James Morrison & his wife Tabitha Thompson who was a daughter of John Thompson of James 1758-1835. Rebecca was born in Guernsey Co O on Aug 7, 1846? & died Nov 4, 1878 at Sabetha Kan & is buried there. He mar 2d Feby 19, 1880 Mary Elizabeth Black daughter of Eliza Black & his wife Anne E. Corwin who was born at Solsberry Ind July 11, 1860. She is living at her home in Fairview Kan. He had 6 children by his first wife & 6 by his second wife as follows:

I. Unnamed daughter born 1866 died same day

II. Cora Edna Thompson born June 19, 1868

III. Stillborn daughter born 1870

IV Mary May Thompson born Oct 14, 1871

V Julia Ann Thompson born Sept 3, 1874

VI Stillborn son born June 14, 1878

The first four born in Greene Co Ind & last two at Sabetha Ks.

VII Hannah Anna Leah born Dec 3, 1880 at Fairview Ks

VIII Lloyd Elza Thompson born Jany 28, 1882 at Fairview Ks

IX Ernest Biggart Thompson born May 16, 1884 at Hiawatha Ks

X Ralph Thompson born Oct 12, 1889 at Fairview Ks where his father was Shff

XI Edith Bess Thompson born Jany 16, 1894 at Fairview Ks

XII Norval Justin Thompson born Nov 14, 1898 at Fairview Ks.

He is the youngest.

Lloyd E. got his father's family bible

II. Cora Edna mar Oct 10, 1888 Henry Spiller Gillilan who was born in Nov? 1857. Both living in Topeka Ks at 1132 Morris Ave where he is a carpenter & have four children all born at Fairview Ks

A. Horace Spiller Gillilan born July 19, 1889

B. Lura Gillilan born Apr 26, 1892

C. Grace Gillilan born Nov 22, 1893

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D. Bryan Gillilan born Oct 16, 1896. He is unmarried & lives in Kansas City Mo where he is a battery service man.

A. Horace Spiller mar Sept 8, 1920 Geneva Allen of Los Angeles Calif. He works for the Santa Fe RR is Auditor & has fine position.

B. Lura mar in No 19, 1910 Paul K. Fisher who was born Aug 11, 1889 son of Harmon S. Fisher & his wife Elizabeth Karr & they now live in Wichita Ks where he is Supt of the Kansas milling Co. 1 child:

a. Margery Grace born May 20, 1920

C. Grace mar Sept 4th 1916 Howard Richard Orr. He was born Jany 26, 1894. Both living at Danville Ills where he is an electrician & battery man. Have two children: He is son of David O. Orr & his wife Nancy Walters

a. Richard Howard Orr born July 6, 1920

b. Lura Lorraine Orr born Oct 7, 1921

IV. Mary May mar Sept 27, 1893 at Fairview Kansas John Thomas King who was born at Eddyville Iowa Feby 14, 1861 the son of Thomas King & his wife Nancy Nash. He mysteriously disappeared in 1913, but was seen in 1917 in K.C. MO. She then got a divorce in 1920. Had two stillborn boys, unnamed.

A. Stillborn son July 13, 1894

B. Stillborn son Dec 6, 1895

Lived at Springhill Kan for 15 yrs & lived at Iola Ks almost 7 yrs & has been here in Tonkawa 2 yrs.

V. Julia Ann Thompson died Sept 9, 1877

VII. Hannah A. Leah Thompson died Apr 9, 1903 at Los Animas Colorado, unmarried.

VIII. Lloyd Elza mar Mrs Margaret ________ & live

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at 19th & Market Sts Denver Col where he is in the flume mfrg business & has two children:

A. Maxine

B. James

IX. Ernest B. mar Mch 1908 to Wanita Skinner daughter of Wm C. Skinner & his wife Eliza J. Monroe who was born at Fairview Kan 1886 & both are living at Benton Butler Co Kan where he is a farmer & have 5 children:

A. Ned born Nov 1908

B. Hugh born Ford Co Ks 1910?

C. Helen born Seward Co Ks

D. Phebe Jane born Seward Co Ks

E. Jack born Seward Cop Ks (ob aged 2 wks)

F. Salathiel born Potwin Ks Mch 12, 1921

X. Ralph died Aug 28, 1891

XI. Edith Bess mar Apr 1910 to Chester E. Rooney born in 1882, the

son of Ed Rooney & his wife Maguire divorced in 1921 & she lives at McCook Neb. No issue.

XII. Norval J. mar in 1920 in Lincoln Neb to Olga of Lincoln Neb. No issue. They are living in Denver Col where he is in business with his brother Lloyd E. & their firm in Thompson Brothers. Their father Salathiel was Sheriff of Brown Co Kan for two yrs elected on the Republican ticket.

See Book 8 Page 489.

The children of Jacob Morrison as given

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by Mrs Mary King, his neice, this Dec 4, 1922 at Tonkawa Okla

1. Charles married in state of Washington

2. Ethel married Otis & lives in State of Washington

3. Ralph unmarried

4. Estella, married & died of "flu" in 1919 & left 2 children

5. Ceta married

6. Ruth, unmarried & with her mother

Neither Mrs Stahl nor Mrs King know the name of the parents of Susannah Frame, the wife of Jacob Thompson.

The children of Jacob Thompson & his wife Susannah Frame 12 in number had descendants as follows: see page 339 et al

1. Thos Frame Thompson. He had a son who fell on an open pen knife when crossing a fence & was killed, the pen knife piercing his heart. Dorinda says he had a large family in Guernsey Co O but she can't name them.

2. Mary Jane Thompson "Aunt Polly" married Josiah Beard & lived at Ottumwa Iowa & had four children viz:

I. Nathan Beard

II. Mary Beard married a Law but no relation of James or Philip Ask Sephus for the others.

3. James Thompson He moved from Ohio to Salem Oregon & died there. Married Sarah Axtell (I think it was Sarah Tullis) & had:

I. Hezekiah married

II. Gamaliel married a congressman

III. Anna married a Johnson & lived in Oregon

IV. Nebuchadnezzar married

James & his wife died in Oregon. Another error abt her.

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4. Jacob Thompson lived in Solsberry Ind & think his son Robert has the family bible of his grandfather Jacob.

5. Elizabeth Thompson "Betsy" mar J. Madison Thompson

6. William Thompson married & left issue. Died before the war.

7. Robert, married Elizabeth Axtell & died at Solsberry Ind. Died very suddenly. Had two sons Leroy & Robert. Robert lives near Sabetha Kan married but separated. No issue.

8. John Thompson have gotten that today

9. Eleazer Thompson married Mary ______ & lived at Newart NJ. Both dead. Had a daughter & a son.

I. Mary, married

II. James? lives in Newark NJ. This is the man Langdon S. Thompson spoke of. See him. Go to Langdon S.T. & get address.

10. Susannah Thompson see book 7 p 603 married James Law a brother of Philip who married her sister Eleanor & had several children among them Will who was a Congregational preacher. They both died at Solsberry Ind.

11. Stephen Thompson died young

12. Eleanor Thompson married Philip Law & lived at Solsberry Ind. Both dead. He married the widow of his brother-in-law Robt Thompson for his 3rd wife. Eleanor had two children by him. Philip had been married before & had two daughters "Tute" & "Mat" Law by his first wife & Eleanor was his 2d wife.

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I. John Law

II. George Law

I. John Law married Sarah Hague an English woman who was killed by lightning & he married again in Okla & died at Cusing Okla abt 2 or 3 yrs ago. Had three children:

A. Charles Law married

B. Della Law married a Gentry

C. Ernest Law marred

II. George Law married Mary Murphy a sister of Sephus's wife & has 3 children:

A. Roy

B. Lena

C. Lulu

Both living at Sabetha Kan

Leaving 6:11 PM

Hotel Denton Blackwell Okla Dec 4, 1922 9:15 PM

There was a man named Thompson killed last night in Ponca City Okla shot twice in the bowels & back. Just across the street from the Arcade Hotel where I was stopping. In driving out of Ponca City this morning east to Wm C. Thomson's I passed the Marland home on the right with spacious yard around it & an abundance of Magnolia trees with yellow leaves which W.C.T. said he boxed them up last winter to keep them from freezing. Wm C.T. said Osage Co Okla was the Indian Reservation & had many very wealthy Indians who drew $2000 to $3000 lease royalties, a month & spend the money in Ponca City. He mentioned

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one family that got $20,000 a month lease money. I saw two big stalwart erect Indians, fine specimans on the streets of Ponca City. I noticed at Tonkawa, a fine big brick building as I drove in Tonkawa which is the state Normal or college.

The school for the small children up to 8th grade is a fine big Brick Bldg in a great big spacious lot affording ample play, is just 2d Bldg from Dorinda A. Stahl's home, a small frame one story house. When I went to bank at 2:30 PM today to get a $100 bill changed, the children 300 to 400 were playing, a grand sight. When I came back, they were lined up on each edge of the sidewalk & I walked between them & when the tap rang, they marched in from the two streets, through the two entrance ways in fine orderly array. Dorinda wanted to get dinner & supper for me, but I told her not to do so. She was washing when I went & her niece Mary M. King was working next door but came in when I was ready for her abt 4 PM. Dorinda gave me over six hours of her time & Mary over two & the records I got there & what they gave me from memory were very valuable. Dorinda walked with me down the alley by the school house near her home in the darkness 6:15 to 6:20 PM to the depot, where after waiting until 7:07 PM, I got off on the freight with one passenger coach attached for Blackwell making the 9 mile run here without stopping. It is now 10:36 PM.

It is now 1:20 AM Feby 27/23 & I am sleepy & will go to bed.

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Feby 27, 1923 & I am resuming my transcribing.

At office of James Floyd Thomson Medford Okla Dec 5, 1922 10:20 AM

Mr Thomson resides at 281 N. 5th ST & says he was born at Kirkwood Ill Dec 17, 1876, son of Wm E. Thomson & was married Dec 5, 1907 at Wellington Kansas to Myrtle Emma Harpstrite who was born at Wichita Kan Nov 8, 1884 daughter of Charles William Harpstrite & his wife Clara

Hildebrand. Mr T. has one child viz:

1. Blix Eleanor Thomson born Nov 27, 1911. She is now in the sixth grade at school. Mr T. moved from Illinois to Tarkio Mo in 1883 & from there to Lyons Kan in 1892 & from there to Sterling Kan in 1894 & graduated there from Cooper college in 1899 & then in 1901 moved to Belle Plaine Kan & in 1910 to Wichita Kan & in 1911 to Medford Okla where he has been a member of the school board since 1915 & is conducting a retail lumber business.

Mr T. has called in his father Wm E. Thomson who says his sister, Mrs Maggie E. McCoy, at Kirkwood Ill living with her son Ralph Thompson McCoy has the family bible of their father John Thompson where I could get record by writing if I didn't get it in Oct when in Monmouth Ill (I got it Oct 17, 1922 see book 8 pages 214-215)

Mr T. Senr name is:

William Eldbridge Thomson born Feby 11, 1851 in Jefferson Co O near Smithfield O & on Dec 31, 1874 married 1st Maggie E. Martin who was born in Warren Co Ills July 4, 1856 daughter of James H. Martin & his wife Maxie Talbert. see book 8 p 215. Has had but the one child viz:

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1. James Floyd Thomson as above:

His wife Maggie E. Thomson died Dec 12, 1898 at Sterling Kansas & is buried there. He mar 2nd on Apr 12, 1905 Clara P. Porter who was born Feby 14, 1856 in Warren Co Ills the daughter of Wm Porter & his wife ____ Lane. Both living at 511 W. Cherokee St Medford Okla No issue.

His brother John Alexander Thomson, the youngest brother married Luella Rankin, daughter of James Rankin & his wife ______Lusk. John A. was born May 9, 1855 & died about 1906 at Monmouth Ills. He had by his first wife two children who both died. He married 2nd Mamie McDougal at York MO & she lives at Galesburg Ills. No issue by her. She is married again.

James F. Thomson at Monmouth Ills said he would like a book.

Wm E. Thomson says the removals of his son James Floyd Thomson up to Sterling Kan were identical with his own. Wm E. then moved from Sterling Kan in 1903 to Lakewood New Mexico where he farmed & was in the R.E. business. From there in 1911, he moved to Medford Okla where he went in the lumber business in which he has continued since in connection with the J.F. Thomson Lumber Co. He has been a member of the U.P. church for many yrs, but there being no U.P. church here, he joined the Congregational church in which he has been a deacon since 1912. He is a Republican & prohibitionist. Has been prominently connected with the Red Cross being County Chairman & also active in the

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Near East work along with his wife. He has come with me to the Commercial Hotel & I am leaving at 11:44 AM for Enid Okla by auto Wm E.T. is 6 ft 2 in tall & weighs 225 lbs. His son is 6 ft. His father & four brothers averaged 6 ft all being over 6 ft but Moses, Wm Judkins Thomson, one of them was 6 ft 3 in. He wanted me to go to dinner with him but I excused myself.

At residence of Cephas Lovejoy Thompson No 1324 W James Ave Enid Okla Dec 5, 1922 2:22 PM

Mr T. has gotten out his family bible from which he is reading as follows:


Cephas L. Thompson born Sept 20, 1858 at Solsberry Ind

Samantha Ophelia Murphy born Sept 3, 1863 at Green Castle Ind in Putnam Co. They were married Feby 8, 1882 at Sabetha Kan by Rev Alfred G. Hogbin She died at Okeen Okla Mch 5, 1910 & is buried there.

Their children are:

1. John Franklin Thompson born Nov 19, 1882

2. Amy Alice Thompson born Feby 27, 1885

3. Mabel Edna Thompson born Apr 24, 1887

4. Howard Thompson born Mch 18, 1890

5. Edwin Gilbert Thompson born Feby 15, 1893

6. Roy Ernest Thompson born Feby 21, 1898

7. Effie May Thompson born Jany 21, 1901

He says Salathiel was the bright one of their family & learned easily. Said Jake & himself were more for having a good time

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Said Salathiel was a great Republican & was a political speaker & a member of or delegate to all Republican Conventions. He says Hezekiah Y. Thompson, son of James of Jacob of James 1758-1835 lived at Portland Oregon where he was an able lawyer & although a Republican, was employed by Samuel J. Tilden in the Tilden - Hayes controversy for President over the vote of Oregon. Y. was just a letter that Hezekiah put in his name himself. His father James broke up in Guernsey Co O & came to Wyandotte Kan near Kansas City, he thinks just after the war probably 1865-1866 & from there, moved about 1868 to Salem Oregon, where he died. He had children Gamaliel, Hezekiah, & Ezra. Never heard of any daughters. (I think there was one, Anna). He says H.Y. ran for Governor of Oregon on the Republican ticket & lost by only a few votes. He was married for 5 yrs before his wife knew that his first name was Hezekiah. His son did something bad & it so preyed on H.Y's mind & humiliated him that he left Oregon, bought a farm near Oklahoma City & settled on it & said nothing about who he was. A friend from Oregon sought him out & told him he must quit grieving & get to work in his profession which he did & was soon elected states Atty at Okla City & died he said some 8 yrs ago, but he thinks his widow is living there as she was Police Matron a few yrs ago. Cephas L. says the Thompsons were honest & his son John F, who runs on the "Frisco"

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as engineer & fireman is known as "honest John". He don't know first name of H.Y's widow. His cousin Homer Law son of James & Susannah lives at Oklahoma City Okla, where he is in R.E. business. He cut one of the speeches of H.Y. out of the paper, which was a plea for a square deal & sent it to Salathiel who had been a boyfriend of H.Y James, the father of H.Y went back to Ohio & paid off all of his old creditors.

The record of Mr T's children is as follows:

1. John Franklin is unmarried & lives here & I think owns this house.

2. Amy Alice is unmarried & lives here. Is bookkeeper for the Newman Dept Store in town.

3. Mabel Edna married Elliott Addison Campbell July 26, 1915, the son of Samuel C. Campbell & his wife Malinda Parlee Foster who was born in Jefferson Co Kan Oct 5, 1884. They live near Goltry, Garfield Co Okla where he is a farmer 5 1/2 miles east of Goltry & have 4 children viz:

1. Hazel Belle Campbell born June 22, 1916

2. Frances Louise Campbell born May 11, 1918

3. Samuel Gore Campbell born June 23, 1920

4. Virginia Pauline Campbell born Sept 10, 1921

He said their grandmother Campbell would write for dates of birth & marriage & send to me (Feby 27/23 & in compliance therewith, Mabel E. Mailed me from Enid Okla on Dec 26, 1922, the date of her marriage & the names & births of her children as given above).

4. Howard was married in the fall in Nov 29, 19[

] to Lottie Fletchall daughter of

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Lorenzo C. Fletchall who was born in Iowa July 30, 1894. He lives on a farm in Brown Co Kansas near Sabetha (2 miles east) & have 4 children:

1. Norman Thompson born June 22, 1913 at Sabetha Ks

2. Ivan Leroy Thompson born Aug 19, 1914 at Sabetha Ks

3. Madonna Maxine Thompson born Jany 11, 1919 at Sabetha Ks

4. Howard Junior (1 yr old) Thompson born Apr 13, 1922 at Sabetha Ks.

5. Edwin Gilbert died Oct 8, 1906

6. Roy Ernest unmarried. Lives at Okeona Okla where he is bookkeeper in Central State Bank.

7. Effie Mae unmarried Lives at home & works in the clinic for seven doctors who have a hospital

Jacob Thompson's family, Cephas L's recollections:

1. Thomas Frame, don't know

3. James Says his wife was not Axtell but that she was the daughter of a Judge I have this. He has already told me about him.

4. Jacob, says his son Robert Patterson Thompson lives at Bloomfield Ind the county seat of Greene Co says to see him & his older brother William who lives in same Co at Worthington Ind where he is a farmer. They are both married & have families. Robert P. is almost blind. He had two girls & smaller children that died.

5. Elizabeth (Betsy) married J. Madison Thompson

6. William married & died before Cephas L. my informant was born. He thinks it was his son & not Thomas F's that fell on the pen knife & was killed. Says his daughter married a Rounds & lived many years ago

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at Columbus O. His son's name was Josephus & he went with his Uncle James to Oregon. Ask H.Y's wife.

7. Robert, had two sons LeRoy & Robert. Robert had a son who he thinks was named Roy for his Uncle who the wife took with her when they separated. & Robert has never heard of him since. Separations was close to 40 yrs ago. Thinks this was his only child. Robert didn't marry again. LeRoy married Nancy Moorhead. He died a few yrs ago at Ness City, Kan. She lives at Ness City Ks

8. John, got that yesterday fr Dorinda

9. Eleazer married & had a son George as Cephas says it was not James as they thought yesterday at Tonkawa Okla

10. Susannah mar James Law. Cephas says the last he knew of Will Law, he was living in Vincennes Ind but says Homer Law, another son lives at Okla City will know.

11. Stephen died aged 2 days

2. Mary Jane "Aunt Polly" Mrs Y. says she never knew her name was Mary Jane married Josiah Beard & had 4 children:

I. Nathan Beard Don't know

II. Mary, married Uriah? Law who Cephas L. thinks was an Uncle of Philip & James & to ask Homer at Okla City. Don't know the names of the other children.

Mary & Uriah lived & died in Davis Co Iowa. He told abt his brother Jacob meeting one of these Beards on the train in Colorado.

It is 12:30 Am 28th & I am quitting & going to bed. JVT

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Mch 2, 1923 8:20 PM Resuming transcribing

12. Eleanor, married Philip Law. Ask Howard. Cephas says Dorinda is wrong about Philip having been married before he married Eleanor. He says he had by Eleanor 2 girls & 2 boys viz:

I. Susanna, called "Tude"

II. Emaretta, called "Met"

III. John, died at Cushing, Okla

IV. George, living near Sabetha Kan

I. Susannah married Wm Ogg & both are living at Bloomington Ind where he is a retired farmer. Was a janitor in the college or in charge of the campus ground. Had but one child, thinks his name was Philip. Says Homer Law will know. Says his Uncle Jim Law was married before he married Susannah Thompson & had by his first wife one child, Zuinglus Law.

II. Emaretta, "Met" married Geo Hamilton who died 47 yrs ago in Indiana. She is living never remarried & was out this fall to visit George at Sabetha Ks. Lives now at Lyons Ind, is old & has heart trouble. She raised two daughters, one died when grown & the other graduated at College & married a fine man who is rich & is very good to her mother & drove her by Auto this fall on the visit to George. He lives at Lyons, Green Co Ind & "Met" lives with him.

III. Cephas says John Law came to Okla & died at Cushing but never married again. Don't know about his children see page 351

IV. George Law, Cephas says his daughter Lulu's husband is Kling & they live in Brown

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or Nemaha Co Kan. His son Roy married & lives in Colorado where his wife died. Lena Law, his daughter married Orin Wells & live in Kansas City MO.

Cephas L. says his own wife was a daughter of Daniel Branson Murphy & his wife Ann Parrish? who came to Indiana from North Carolina (fr northern part near VA line).

Cephas L. further says that his Uncle Robert's son Leroy was elected Recorder of Deeds in Nemaha Co Ks three times. Says Leroy's brother Robert is a dope fiend & is no account, being the only Thompson that he knows of that has gone that way. Leroy was 72 when he died. Cephas L. says he weighs 195 lbs but don't look it.

Leaving 4:55 PM

Room 425 Oxford Hotel, Enid, Oklahoma Dec 5, 1922 7:05 PM

Joseph T. Gist who called in, has just gone across the street to his old home, part of which is occupied by his son, Harold, to look in his desk there for the family tree he started. He disclaims having gotten any records from his mother as Mrs Dunn, his sister said he had. I had a taxi come for me to Cephas L. Thompson's at 5 PM & drove to Mr Gist's home a one & a half story frame cottage home at No 618 N. Grand Ave & found no one at home, but both front & back doors were unlocked. A handsome young girl sitting on the porch coping wall adjoining

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said she had seen him there this morning & sd to go to 3d house from a garage & might find him there as it was where his son lived. I went there (it is in the block opposite this hotel) & his son's wife who came to the door called her husband & he came on with me in search of his father & not finding him, I came over to get my dinner & while I was eating, he came in & after I had finished, he came up here with me & we have been talking about the Gist & Thompson families. He says he does not have a record of the four marriages of his grandfather, John Thompson but says a brother of his, who was with the Santa Fe RR at Chanute Kan got up a book or pamphlet about the Thompsons & while he don't have an extra copy, says he will typewrite it off for me. This & other data he has just gone to look for. Just before leaving Cephas L. Thompson's, I phoned 2022 R to Ernest C. Dunlap's living at 1015 W. Main editor of the Daily News & his wife answered that he would be in about 6:30 PM so I called at 6:55 & he answered that he was a son of Joseph Dunlap of Howard Kan & that his father had brothers John, George & Andrew & that their father was Alexander & while he couldn't at the moment tell the name of his great grandfather, when I asked him if Alexander's parents weren't Samuel Dunlap & Hannah Lecky, he said they were. He said he wd call me in 30 minutes & let me know whether he could best see me

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in the morning or tonight. It is 33 minutes now & I should get a ring from him at any moment. Mr Gist has not come back yet.

The Enid Okla Fall of 1922 Telephone directory gives:

Carothers, E.E. res 420 S. Tyler Tel 1952-R

Dunlap, E.C. res 1015 W. Main Tel 2022-R

Dunlevy, H.D. res 519 W. Maple Tel 1298-R

Enid News, News Bldg Tel 74 & 75

Jack, Aus res 1394 N Grand Tel 697-J

Gist, H.E. res 314 N Grand Tel 1652-J

Gist, J.T. res 618 N Grand Tel 2155-R

Thompson, John F. res 1324 W James Tel 1125-R

Mr Gist & Mr Dunlap both came in & I arranged to see Mr Gist here at 8 AM tomorrow & went with Mr Dunlap in his Auto to his home No 1015 W Main St.

At residence of Ernest Charles Dunlap No 1015 W Main St Enid Okla Dec 5, 1922 9 PM

Mr Dunlap is the son of Joseph, grandson of Alexander & great grandson of Samuel Dunlap & his wife Hannah Lecky Dunlap. As for a full record of the children of Samuel & Hannah, he says to write to this sister, Mary Allen wife of Harmon Allen, Route 5 Box 1, Leavenworth Kan who is good on such records & her mother, 74 yrs old lives with her & E.C. says they have his father's bible records & he thinks his grandfather's also. He don't know about his great grandfather's or his grandfather's family & can only give his father's family. His father was Joseph Alexander Dunlap

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Born Mch 7, 1850 & died Apr 2, 1911 aged 61 yrs & 26 days. He was married to Harriet Billingsley, sister of Capt James K. Billingsley of Wash Co Pa when 21 & she was 22. She was born Jany 29, 1849. They were married in Feby 1871 in California Pa. She is a cousin of probably 2d degree of Jacob D. Weaver, now living at Planada, Calif near Los Angeles, who will be able to give information about the Weaver family & E.C. thinks he is descended from Jacob Weaver who married a Thompson (but he wasn't). He is an old bachelor 55 to 60. He has a fruit ranch at the edge of town. Has 20 acres & two brothers. Joseph A. Dunlap died on his farm 9 miles NW of Howard, Ks & is buried in Forest Cem, Howard Kan where also his father, Alexander & his brothers George & Andrew & his maiden sister Hannah are all buried & all have markers at their graves. He preempted 120 A from the Government in Spring of 1881 & it stands in its entirety in the family yet. His sister Hannah filed on 80 A fee for which he paid & it was later conveyed to him making a 200 A tract. He was always a farmer. He moved from California Pa to Howard Ks in 1882 & had 8 children the first four or five born in Pa. Harry being 9 mos old when they moved west & the others were born on the farm in Union Center Tp Elk Co Kansas. The children were:

1. Mary Elizabeth born Oct 9, 1872 & married Harmon Allen see above & have 3 girls & 3 boys.

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2. Emily May born Nov 2, 1874 unmarried & lives at Wichita Ks where she is a teacher.

3. Anna G. born July 23, 1876 married Apr 8, 1903 to George C. Harrison who was born March 8, 1877. They are both living at NO 620 E 7th St Winfield, Kan where he is in Walnut Valley Com house & have three children living & one dead. All single.

I. Burnace D. Harrison born March 13, 1904

II. Dorace D. Harrison born Nov 17, 1906

III. Eva LaVerne Harrison July 14, 1908

IV. George V. Harrison July 23, 1910 & also on same day.

4. Nevada born Nov 13, 1878 married Claude B. Taylo. She died Feby 26, 1920 at Howard Kan & is buried in City of Howard Cemetery (Forest Cem is 9 miles NW of Howard) He now lives here & is working for E.C. on the newspaper & has two children:

I. Mary Taylo, born Dec 21, 1904

II. Julia Taylo born Aug 6, 1916

5. James Harrison born Mch 25, 1882 & married Ruth Armstrong & both are living at Fayetteville, Arkansas, where he is a fruit broker. Have two children:

I. Carl Dunlap born May 1907

II. Alma Dunlap born Oct 26, 1911

6. Ernest Charles born July 29, 1885 twin married June 23, 1909 t Leavenworth Kan to Bertha Clothilda Aaron who was born in Leavenworth Kan Jany 16, 1887, the daughter of Louis Albert Aaron & his wife Hannah Jane Clarke. He was supt of Loungton Kan schools for 4 yrs & Supt

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at Sedgwick Kan 1 yr, Principal of the Lincoln School in Iola Kan 1 yr & before that had taught two terms in the country. he quit teaching & was on the Wichita Beacon. Gov Allen's paper for 3 yrs & came here Jany 10, 1915 & bought out the Daily News, which he still runs. Have three children:

I. Emma Jane Dunlap born June 10, 1912 at Sedgewick Ks

II. Margaret Ellen Dunlap born Jany 17, 1916 at Enid Okla

III. Mary Alice Dunlap born Sept 23, 1918 at Enid Okla

7. Earl, a twin born July 29, 1885 & died Jany 13, 1887

8. Zirn Norton born July 2, 1888 on the farm, married Oct 22, 1911 to Bess Alderson daughter of Peter Alderson & his wife Alice _____. She was born in Nov 1889 at Burden Kansas & both live now at 1114 E 9th St Winfield Kansas where he owns the Walnut Valley Fruit Co. They have 2 children & one dead, all born at Winfield Kan

I. Helen Dunlap born Nov 1, 1914

II. Dorna Belle Dunlap born Aug 1919 & died same day.

III. Barlarn Rex Dunlap born Sept 1920

E.C. says his Uncle John Dunlap died in Los Angeles Calif & his widow Lavinia lives there in the city with her son Meade Dunlap & her grandson John. His Uncle George W. Dunlap died in Union Center Tp Elk Co Ks in Jany 9, 1894 &left 3 boys & 1 girl. He mar Anne B. Shriver born Nov 4 1858 near Brownsville & she survives & lives at Granite City Ills (She is daughter of George Shriver & his wife Mellisa Colley daughter of George Colley. She was married Nov 26, 1874. Their children:

1. Mary E. Dunlap born Nov 19, 1875 died in infancy

See below:

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3. Maggie Ellen Dunlap born Nov 15, 1878 died in infancy. See page 481 for completion of record.)

with her daughter Clara Taylor. She never remarried. Their children are:

2. Alexander Hamilton born Dec 16, 1876 aged 46 married twice & lives at Springfield Mo where he works in the RR shops & had two children by his first wife, Jessie Easley & one by second wife who was Eulah Kirkpatrick (nee Jinkens) a widow. [This child was listed as firstborn, but corrected later by JVT. CW]

4. [listed first as child #2, later corrected.] John C. Dunlap born

Sept 5, 1881, aged 41 yrs mar Bertha Duncan born Nov 15, 1888 & live at Granite City Ills where he has been electrician in the American foundry for 22 yrs. Both living, have one child, a girl.

A. Loorna May born Nov 7, 1905

Bertha is daughter of James Duncan & his wife Eliza Walker.

5. [listed first as child #3, later corrected.] Clara F. born Feby 18, 1885. She is aged 38 & mar Aug 31, 1918 to Jesse M. Noss, son of James Mais [sic] & his wife Matilda Coffee. No issue & both live at Granite City Ills where he is employed in the Stamping Works. Jesse M. Noss was born Aug 20, 1882. Her mother lives with them. P.O. is just Granite City Ill which is at East St Louis Ills.

6. [listed first as child #4, later corrected] George Rex Dunlap born Jany 1887 ob Apr 23, 1899. He died in Granite City Ills aged in 13th yr..

His Uncle Andrew was married to a Penna woman who rtd there after his death. He died in Union Center Tp Elk Co Ks about 1883 & left one child, a girl. His wife's name was Sallie & the daughter went back to Penna with her mother Mary Allen or Mrs Dunlap will know about her. His Aunt Louisa Dunlap married David Henderson. IN 1850, Rex Dunlap, a relative came to Kickapoo Kan & ran a store there it being an Indian trading point. Louisa Dunlap came out with him & met Henderson (most probably her cousin). She is dead. He was a

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farmer & lived in Mo. She left a considerably large family one of whom is Amanda Buckles, wife of Clyde Buckles living at Independence Kansas in the town where he owns a harness store & a garage. A letter to her there will elicit the family record. Another

It is 12:47 3d & I'll quit/Mch 3, 1923 8:11 PM resuming transcribing

child is Sparks Henderson & still another a daughter is married & lives in Atlanta GA where her husband is in an Insurance Co (I wrote to Mrs Buckles & under date of Dec 11, 1922 she gave me the following information:)

"My mother's husband was David Henderson a son of Harvey Henderson & Ann Eliza Harris. Thomas Henderson & Hannah Dunlap had six children. They are all dead. Their names were: Hannah, Ann, Mary, Martha, Elizabeth & Stewart. Edd Junk a son of Ann Henderson Junk lives in Oneida Ills & a daughter, Elizabeth Junk wife of Taylor Lynn lives Alpha Ills. If you write to either of these, you can get the desired information of this family. I think too, that Mrs Ada Lynn, a daughter of Stewart Henderson of this family lives at Muttontown Pa.

My husband, Clyde E. Buckles was born in Clyde Kansas Apr 15, 1884. His father's name is Robert Marion Buckles. His mother was Mary Ingle. We have one child, Clyde Nelson Buckles born Dec 7, 1921. We married Jany 17, 1907. I was born Sept 19, 1885. My mother, Louisa Dunlap Henderson died Jany 26, 1897

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My father David Henderson was born Jany 16, 1845. Louisa Dunlap Henderson was born Jany 1, 1857. %Their children was born as follows:

1. Sparks Dunlap Henderson was born Nov 30, 1877 now lives in Independence MO

2. Mary Skinner Henderson was born Nov 5, 1880 died in infancy

3. Samuel Junk Henderson was born Aug 27, 1881 now lives in Denver Col

5. Amanda Henderson Buckles was born Sept 19, 1885 & now lives at 501 S 2d St Independence Kansas.

4. James Garfield Henderson was born July 11, 1884 died at the age of 5 yrs

6. Ollie May Henderson Noel born Jany 8, 1888 now lives at Novinger Mo

7. Stewart McKinley Henderson was born Sept 21, 1891 now lives at

Triplett MO

8. Louisa Henderson Husbands born Feby 8, 1894 now lives at 100 Hunt St Atlanta Georgia

9. Fannie Pauline Henderson Shultheiss born Jany 16, 1897 now lives at Yarrow, MO

I have my father's & mother's marriage certificate someplace, but cannot find it just now. If I do, will send you the date of their marriage. Trusting this information will be of some benefit to you, I am very truly yours,

Mrs C.E. Buckles, 501 S 2d St, Independence Kan"

His Aunt Hannah never married. Lived on the farm with her brother Joseph A. & died there about the spring of 1885. His Aunt Samantha Dunlap married George Shannon of Wash Co Pa & lived on a farm in Wash Co Pa & had four boys:

1. Charles

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2. George

3. Earl, Kicked in the head by a horse & killed when a young man at the home of his intended wife.

4. Rex, died when a young man, unmarried.

1. Charles has been a traveling man for a St Louis MO Hardware Co for past 30 yrs. Unmarried. Sells beds. Has unlimited territory.

2. George is a lawyer, married & lives at Terre Haute Ind where he is a corporation lawyer. Has a family probably two children, weighs over 300 lbs. E.C. thinks he had an Aunt that died young aged 10 or 12 yrs. Ask Mary. He shows a picture of his father & mother, showing chin whiskers. Says he had a wonderful mind & memory & was a great mathematician & reader. He says there is quite a history connected with his Uncle John Dunlap who served through the Civil War & pretty near the close thereof he & nine others were sent out one morning & were ambushed by the Rebels & being close to the edge of the woods, ran & he was shot in the back when jumping a ravine where he lay for two days & was discovered by an old lady living near who took him to her home & kept him hid & nursed him through without a doctor. The bullet later lodged in his spine & the doctors who examined him at several hospitals would not remove it. He got the maximum pension of $72 per month. It finally caused his death.

Joseph A. Dunlap ran away from home when 14 & joined the Union Army & after

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a few days service, his folks got him out. E.C. says his mother's youngest brother ______ Billingsley was starved to death in Andersonville prison. He enlisted when under age & served through the entire war until captured. He was home on a furlough & had ten days more, but insisted on going back before its expiration which he did & was captured the next morning after his return. He was in prison 22 months & had he lived 2 mos longer would have been released.

Mrs Dunlap had but 4 brothers & they all served in the Union Army.

E.C. & his wife say his mother's mother was a Weaver.

E.C. spoke of a wonderful salt plain they have in Woods & Alfalfa Cos Okla which is 14 miles long & 8 miles wide, not a spear of vegetation on it, is perfectly white & a most wonderful ideal aviation field which you could see at night to land on & still Wilson's Democratic Adm would not approve it as an aviation field. E.C. speaks of Jenkins Music Store, Kansas City MO & says they came from Penna. Says there are Hustons in Wichita Kansas & he knows of Samuel, George, & David Huston. Ask Mary. The music store at K.C. Mo is J.W. Jenkins sons Music Co. Write them. They asked me to stay all night but I excused myself & Left at 12:22 AM Dec 6th

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Hotel Oxford, Enid Okla Dec 6, 1922 8:40 AM Room 425

Joseph T. Gist came in five minutes ago & says he cannot give the marriages of his brother William's children page 413 book 8 but says his son Chester T. Gist living in Manhattan Kansas where he is cashier of a bank can give data & says to write him there.

He says he hasn't seen his brother John M. for 40 yrs. Had a letter from him a year ago from the Insane Asylum at Stockton Calif where he was suffering from yellow jaundice contracted in the Philippine War. Thinks he had a nervous breakdown. Don't think he was ever married. Says he wrote a good connected letter.

[margin note reads:]

May 11, 1924, a letter, s. env. dated Mch 11, 1924 says her father-in-law, Joseph T. Gist died Dec 31, 1923 with Luciema [sic, means Leukemia, I imagine] & their present address is Mr & Mrs H.E. Gist Lamont Okla Box 113 See to right for present address.

Dec 12, 1927 their address is now Apt B 116 Sycamore Park Drive Los Angeles Calif. Says his brother Wm J. is dead, but his widow is living. Ask their son Chester T. he can't recall maiden name of his brother Owen J. Gist's wife or when they were married. He is a preacher in the Christian Church, preaching in Idaho or Montana. His 3 children have all been married but Ray is separated from her husband. His wife is living. Says he will get me his address. His home address is Coeur d'Alene Idaho. Mr Gist's own children are:

1. Manfred DeLong. he contracted leakage of the heart in the World War. He enlisted here & served 2 1/2 yrs in the Navy on the ship Agamemnon. Lives here.

2. Dorothy Rebecca, unmarried is a trained

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nurse & is now with Barnes Hospital St Louis MO.

3. Harold Eugene, served 2 yrs in World War during one yr of which he was abroad in France. He was in the Argonne battle & on the front in Alsace-Lorraine & a reserve a St Mihiel. He married Oct 1, 1919 Velma Grace Lee who was born Nov 8, 1902 in this Co, the daughter of [4]*Geo W. Lee & his wife Addie Irone Rhodes & have had children:

I. Francis Lee Gist born at Enid Okla June 25, 1920 & died June 27, 1920

II. Edwina Ruth born at Enid Okla July 23, 1922.

4. Walter Ellis. He is single, served 1 yr in World War in the Navy. Is now a commissioned officer in the Navy with the Asiatic fleet.

5. Joseph Maurice. Tried to get in the World War, but his age prevented. He was however in aviation training camp at Riverside Calif where he was a member of the band. Is a musician. Single. Living at present at Los Angeles Calif. His orchestra is at Sunset Inn, Gets $100 a week. Mr Gist's family are all musicians.

When Almon A. Gist was getting up the family record leaflet, Mr Gist's wife gave in the names, in brackets, of her unborn babe as Joseph, guessing his sex correctly. This fixes date of book or leaflet as early in 1901.

[margin note reads:]

Dec 12, 1927. He [Joseph Maurice] mar ______ Violet ________ & live in Chicago Ills & have a son Joseph Maurice Gist Jr. Mr Gist knows nothing of his Uncles James & Thomas Thompson except to hear their names.

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Says while his father's people were southern sympathizers, his father was the one Republican in the family & served 2 yrs & 9 mos in the Union army. He was 6 ft 1 inch tall. He don't think he had an Uncle Christopher, but had an Uncle James Gist who was too young to go to war, but would have sided with the Union. His Uncle Hiram Gist was in the Confederate army & he says was with Quantrell when he raided, sacked & burned Lawrence Kansas. He had two Gist Aunts who married Union men, one of whom was killed in MO & the other wouldn't let her husband go in the Union army, so they moved to Montana. He says he is the only Democrat in their family as his father was the only Republican in his.

Joseph T. Gist says his mother visited in Guthrie Okla the mother of Charles Filson. Charles' son is state geologist or has some position with the state at Okla City. Charles Filson held high official position with the Okla Territorial Gov. Charles Filson lives now at Guthrie Okla & is National Bank Examiner for this district. Thinks his own mother & Mr Filson's mother were 1st cousins. Thinks Chas Filson is 65 yrs old. He said Filson came from Kansas when I asked him about the Larricks. Mr Gist has taken my address & says if he finds any new information he will send it to me. He lived after marriage at Raton, New Mexico for 5 mos & was one of the

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parties who made the race at the opening of the Cherokee Strip, to secure land, when six million acres came in for settlement Sept 16, 1893 & took up the maximum of 160 A more or less & came in to Enid from the South. Enid being in the Cherokee Strip. The first rush to Oklahoma was Apr 22, 1889, he says when Mr Filson may have come. Mr Gist has lived here ever since. Oklahoma came in the Union in 1907. He says a son of our Fayette Co Pa Christopher Gist viz Col Nathaniel Gist born in 1735 was in the Border warfare both before & during the Revolutionary War & was captured by the Indians & held in captivity over 2 yrs. The Cherokee Indian Chief Sequoia whose name was Geo Guest was said to be Nathaniel's son by an Indian squaw. Nathaniel went to Ky in 1793. Mr Gist has just left at 10:22 AM & while he has been kind, he is a disappointment in so far as the record of John Thompson's descendants are concerned. He is trying hard to find out all he can about the Gist family. I find Benj Gratz Brown, great grandson of Christopher Gist & Vice Pres Dem candidate on ticket with Horace Greely in 1872 was a member of Congress from MO. U.S. senator & Governor & lived at St Louis MO

E.C. Dunlap sd when his father located in Elk Co Kan the nearest RR Sta when E.C.'s mother came to, was Humboldt Kansas 90 miles off, where his father had

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to go with wagon to meet her & there were no bridges or roads on the 90 miles he had to traverse. John Dunlap came to Elk Co Kan first & took up two sections 1280 A & Charles & George came later as did Andrew.

Hotel Ione, Guthrie Okla Dec 6, 1922 6:44 PM

Henry J. Sturgis, son of Eugenius A. & grandson of Enos born 1803 died 1897? came to my room 425 at the Hotel Oxford, Enid Okla along with E.C. Dunlap at 10:40 AM & were with me until 11:05 AM when I got a phone call that I could get a chance of going to Guthrie by Auto in 109 minutes which I accepted. H.J.S. says he came to Okla in the first rush on Apr 22, 1889 & Jos T. Gist who had left my room at 10:33 AM said he came to Enid the same day & there was but one house there, an old frame shack that had been used as a Gov land registration office & there being a thousand people with claims to register much delay & inconvenience resulted. H.J.S. said Chas Filson came in the first rush Apr 22, 1889. Gist thought this morning that Dunlaps were Catholics but I don't know. The party who was coming over to Guthrie in his auto was Chas Barry, a resident here at Guthrie for 4 yrs, coming here 4 yrs ago from Tulsa where he had lived for 11 yrs.

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Prior to that, he had been with the Westinghouse Co in Pgh Pa & is now their sales agt in Okla, Ark, La, & part of Texas. He had gone to put on chains as it was raining, so we started at 11:27 Am & arrived at this hotel at exactly 4:27 PM just 5 hrs covering 64 miles of very slippery roads, as it commenced raining this morning abt 7 AM & kept up a drizzle all day. I ckd my satchel here, got shaved & walked 5 blocks to 321 N 1st ST to the home of Chas Filson where his daughter-in-law nee Johnston asked me in & showed me a couple of pictures of his mother, who she said died 4 yrs ago aged 84, born say 1834. She had come in the family since her death & didn't know whether she was a cousin of Rebecca Gist or not, but said there was a picture upstairs she thought of her mother, who her mother-in-law, who died last summer has told her about & said to get her husband Charles Filson to write out a history of & paste it on the picture, but so far, he has not done it. She sd he was in Okla City until Saturday evening & I could see him at the Kingkade Hotel where he stops. H.J.S. sd he was Natl Bank Examiner, that he had been secy of the Territorial Gov. His daughter-in-law has a little girl of two or 3 yrs in Overalls named Charlotte who I swung etc. The Interurban is not running today so I am going at 7:40 PM on Santa Fe Road to Okla City. Now 7:14 Pm. No Caruthers, Jacks, Kilgores, Markles, Redburns, or Rothermels at Guthrie in telephone book.

It is 1:22 AM & I will quit & go to bed Mch 4/23

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Mch 4, 1923 8:55 AM Resuming transcribing

Kingkade Hotel, Oklahoma City, Okla Dec 6, 1922 10:44 PM

I got in the city at 9:22 PM this evening & learned that Chas Filson was in Room 813 & went up to see him & had a very pleasant talk with him for a half hour. He is a delightful man, with smooth face & is he said examining the First Natl Bank here tomorrow. he asked what relation I was to the Thompson of the Uniontown Roll of Honor Bank whose record & career he watched with great interest & couldn't conceive how they made the earnings they did. He being territorial secy was acting Governor in the absence of the Governor & is the man who declared the Moratorium in the panic of 1907 when Secy Hitchcock of the Interior under whom he was working insisted on removing him, but he had Gov France?, a "rough rider" friend of Roosevelt take it up with him, Roosevelt & he approved his action & sd he would do the same thing if he had the power. He told me of referring the Mennonite differences among themselves to the church for settlement & how later, when in need of votes, to elect his congressman, he being Republican chairman, he went to the Mennonites & got their vote solid & won. His mother was a DeLong & consequently a first cousin of Rebecca Gist on her mother's side & not her father's & so he is not in our Thompson family. I find in:

Telephone Directory Summer of 1922 for Oklahoma City, Okla

Carruthers, R.U. r 4 Stiles Park Circle Tel Walnut 5631

Caruthers, E.W. (C.) r 221 W. Washington Tel Walnut 1773

Caruthers, S.M. (C.) r 502 E 2d Tel Walnut 4370

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Finleys, 3

Kilgore, (E.P.) Oil Co 1st Natl Bk Tel Maple 7294

Kilgore, E.P. (Jack) r 227 W O Tel Walnut 7658

Kilgore, E.P. Atty r 1st Natl Bk Tel Walnut 5180

Kilgore, Miss Inez r 703 W 9 Tel Maple 2719

Larrick, Hollis r 9 1/2 Harrison Tel Maple 4146

Law, J.D. r 2126 W 16th changed to 72 & W 5th Tel Walnut 0870, changed to Maple 8580

Thompson, Mrs H.Y. r 1208 W 27 Tel 4-2892

Beeson, O.E. r 1206 W 26 Tel 4-4336

Carpenter, R.L. r 1704 W 34 Tel 4-3947

Carpenter, R.P. r 212 W 15 Tel Walnut 2547

No Jack, Markle, Redburn, or Rothermel.

R.U. Carruthers is with Parlett Wiggers Book Store,

128 W. Main & Phone Walnut 5959 M. Pruiett is Phone Walnut 2182

At residence of Mrs Fannie (Hezekiah Y.) Thompson No 1208 W 27 ST Dec 7, 1922 9:30 AM

Mrs Thompson, a very handsome, virile, gray haired woman, says her husband Hezekiah Y. Thompson, was the son of James Thompson of Ohio & his mother's name was Sarah. H.Y. Thompson died here Apr 16, 1915 & is buried in Fairlawn Cem adjg or just across the tracks from her home which is the last one on the street. She said she had some old letters which she would hunt up & I am to call again. She said she would give me all the help she can. She says he didn't have the James Thompson (his father's) bible. Says there was a cousin of her husband raised in his father's family. She has a daughter & I think it was she who let me in.

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At residence of Robert Peter Carpenter No 212 W 15th St Oklahoma City Okla Dec 7, 1922 10:33 AM

Mrs Carpenter says her grandfather, George Elliott & his wife came from Scotland & spoke Gallic & settled in the Scotch settlement near East Liverpool O. She said he & Sir Gilbert Elliott & John Elliott, the hero of Gibralter were all first cousins of each other. They were not brothers, but thinks they were first, but might have been second cousins. A lady friend called & she went upstairs with her. Her husband got a genealogical table showing her to be a Potter relative through her mother. He let me have it to be copied tonight & rtd in the morning. He came in with me to the Farmers Natl Bank where his daughter, Miriam, a beautiful girl works & I gave her the Clark papers to be copied tonight & am to see her at Bank at 9 AM in the morning. Her brother was cashier of this bank & died of the "flu" in 1918 as did four other bank cashiers on the same day in Oklahoma City. Mr C. said his son's theory was that the German emissaries had put the germs in the telephone receivers as in each of the banks where they caught the "flu" had the receivers outside and in the banks where the receivers were inside, the counters, there were no cases of "flu". I went from Farmers N Bank to the First Natl Bank there & a Mr Cooke who said he had been there 25 yrs said he never heard of a Col Redburn. He gave me the number of A.C. Baxter at 14 1/2 N. Harvey the next St beyond & going there, a man in the office said Homer Law had moved from 616 E 8th to 106 E 12th where he was sick in bed from tuberculosis

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& he never expected he would get out. I then went to room 230 Liberty Bank Bldg across from 1st N Bk & Mr B (Billings) said Mr James M. Aydelotte died the last of Jany last or first of Feby & on sheet 130 is what he told me & which will immediately follow. I then went up to 5th floor & saw Judge Brewer & got the address on sheet 131, see following. I then went to the Herskowitz Bldg corner Broadway & Grand adjg this hotel but the elevator girl I wanted was at lunch I guess, so I will go back. It is now 2:25 PM

At J.W. Billings office Liberty Bk Bldg Oklahoma City Okla Dec 7, 1922

Mr Billings says go to Herskowitz Bldg corner Broadway & Grand St south of Lee Huckins Hotel & ask where Jim Aydelotte's office was & the man who worked for him is supt of the old Aydelotte office. He had a brother John Aydelotte who can be located by writing to P.A. Norris at Ada Okla or phoning to him. He was a younger brother. Mr Billings wrote this morning to Jim's widow viz:

Mrs Mabel Aydelotte No 2 Bryan St? Boston, Mass

Mr B. says Jim & John A. had some sisters. Says Judge Brewer (of firm of Everest, Vought & Brewer) was his atty & is on 5th floor here. Says Jim was in Boston when he died & spent $50,000 trying to save his life. James M. had some money of an old maid sister which she wanted him to invest. He was paying her 10%. Jim was a banker. Was a big stockholder & founder of Shawnee Natl Bank but are

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no relatives there now. He was rich. Left the widow who was much younger than him & a daughter who is about 9 yrs old. He said that No 1224 N. Robinson St was his property & the widow & daughter were both there with him 3 or 4 mos last spring. He says at the funeral the question of his age arose & a sister who was at the funeral said she could settle it when she went home as she had their parent's bible record & she did write to the widow giving it.

At office of Judge Phil D. Brewer (firm of Everet Vaught & Brewer) 5th Floor Liberty Bk Bldg Oklahoma City Okla Dec 7, 1922 12:25 PM

The judge says that James M. Aydelotte's sister is Miss Ann Aydelotte No 2816 Troost Ave, Kansas City MO

where he sent her a ck for about $1600 in payt of the notes she held against her brother. He knew nothing further of the family.

Kingkade Hotel Oklahoma City Okla Dec 7, 1922 1:22 PM

I left the hotel in a taxi at 8:30 AM & went to Mabel Aydelotte's number as given in Polks 1922 City Directory at 1224 N. Robinson Ave & the lady next door sd Mrs A. & her daughter had gone to Boston Mass, some 6 mos ago. She referred me to J.W. Billings 230 Liberty Bk Bldg who had been a business associate. I then went to 321 W 22d St & found that Mrs Helen E. Dunbar had gone Nov 1 last to NY City where she expects to make her home with her daughter at:

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Miss Helen Dunbar No 313 W 17th St NY City. This information was given me by her daughter, Mrs Willis Gregory, a little young girl & No 321 W 2d St Tel 4-4107 is her residence & sad to relate she had returned on yesterday, the two letters that came for me, one a large envelope & the other a smaller one. She thought her mother had her father's bible record with her. I then went to Carrie Aydelotte, widow of John F. at 1019 W 23d St & a man there told me she & her daughter Dora had gone to Ala or Miss.

I then drove to N.L. Carpenter's 1704 W 34th & found he had moved out & was a young man, viz Raymond L. & not the one I wanted. I then drove to O.E. Beeson's 1206 W 26th St & got no response & then to J.D. Law's 2126 W 16th ST & found he was not of our Laws. I then drove to R.P. Carpenter's 212 W 15th St Tel Walnut 2547 & an elderly lady admitted me & sd on inquiry that she was a daughter of Rev John Elliott & called her husband, Robert Peter Carpenter to come down. On page 380 is noted what they told me.

At residence of Samuel Morgan Caruthers No 216 N Geary Just back of 500 E 2d St Oklahoma City, Okla Dec 7, 1922

Mr C. is a fat well fed colored man aged 63, born in 1858 in Tenn, son of Morgan Caruthers who took his name from his master, Judge Robert L. Caruthers of Lebanon Tenn, who had a big law school there & E.W. Caruthers, barber is S.M.'s brother.

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At residence of Homer Law No 106 E 12th Oklahoma City, Okla Dec 7, 1922 3:35 PM

Mrs Law says her husband is sick & delirious today & that his sister who has a liking for family history is the party to see. Her name is: Mrs Eliza McKee 517 Occidental Bldg, Indianapolis Ind

Mrs Law says her husband Homer Law was born Mch 11, 1853 in Ohio & was married June 11, 1876 in Greene Co Ind to herself Edith Jane Johnson daughter of Wm Johnson & his wife Jane Maria Moore who was born in Guernsey Co O May 13, 1852. They have lived here off & on for 14 yrs & have had but one child:

1. Fay Marie Law born July 15, 1890 who on Aug 10, 1915 married Earl P. Bryan who was born may 11, 1890 son of Thomas Bryan & his wife Nellie.

They have 2 children:

I. Thomas Law Bryan born Mch 16, 1918

II. Robert Earl Bryan born Nov 2, 19191

They live here at No 308 E 15th St. He works at the Capital. Mrs Law says that her husband, Mrs Mckee & Robert O. Law are the only members of the family now living. Robert O. lives in Logansport Ind. Those who have died are:

1. Rev William, Baptist minister

2. Sarah, married to Garten

3. Laura married to James Harrell

She says her mother-in-law was a dear good woman & that Mrs McKee is State Secy of the

See book 7 P 603

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State Sunday School Asscn.

Says her husband never had his parents Bible record that she knows of & thinks that Mrs McKee has it. Homer does not have tuberculosis, but has leakage of the heart & low blood pressure. Says she went to her first school in Guernsey Co O to a Josephus Thompson, but she don't know where he comes in the family. Also went to school to Langdon S. Thompson or his brother James. She is a dear good black eyed woman.

At Wigler Doyle & Co Book Store Oklahoma City Okla Dec 7, 1922 5 PM

Robert Uriah Carruthers who is employed here says his great grandfather Carruthers came from Scotland to Virginia & his son Uriah Carruthers moved from Va to Tuscarawas Co O & had ten children 6 boys & 4 girls. He died in Tuscarawas Co O & is buried at Hartwood Cem in sd Co abt 6 or 7 miles SE of Port Washington & would have a marker, was aged 92 or 93. R.U. remembers him & on a guess expects he died 40 yrs ago. Saw him when he was 8 or 10 yrs old.

Mr C. is a heavy set man with good fine face & a good mind. Says he left home when 12 yrs old, didn't run away, but his mother had died & he left. His father was Wm Alexan [sic] Carruthers.

Uriah's children were:

1. George N. Carruthers. Lived in Ohio & died at Oberlin O was connected with the college, one son there & one in Denver.

2. John, lives at Neoga Ills a farmer & has a family of 5 children all living in Central Ills 2 girls in Neogo

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Thinks he is 84 or 85 this coming March. He lives in town, a retired farmer. Owns 1/2 section.

3. Julina, mar Richd Burrell & lived in Port Wash O & had 8 children all boys who are widely scattered. A cow kicked her when she was milking & tramped on her jugular vein killing her.

4. Robert mar & lived in Ohio near his father & died there. Had 2 girls & 3 boys all living about there. He died abt 10 yrs ago.

5. Lemuel was killed in the battle of Corinth in the Civil War & is buried in the national Cem Vicksburg was unmarried.

6. Wm Alexander mar Nancy Lyons abt Apr 1867 & lived & died in Tuscarawas Co O. Had moved to Mo & lived there abt 10 yrs & moved back to Ohio. He died 5 yrs ago abt this time leaving 3 children:

I. Nettie E. married Geo W. Morgan & live Tuscarawas O

II. Robert Uriah born at Keytesvill MO Mch 1, 1871 & mar Aug 31, 1897 & lives here at NO 4 Stiles Park

III John Wilber died in the fall of 1897 unmarried & was not quite of age.

7. Mattie E. mar Silvanus Wood Neighbor who died 10 or 12 yrs ago & she lives at Neogo Ills intown & is abt 75. Thinks she has her father's bible record. Had one child, Cora.

8. Albert mar & lived at Neoga Ills. Has 2 boys & 2 girls all living & all married & he is also living there.

9. Charles mar & lived on the old home place in O & still living has 2 girls & a boy all married & live close around.

10. Eva, died unmarried 7 yrs ago this fall. After her father died, she lived at Neoga Ills with Mrs Neighbor.

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Thinks his grandfather was born in VA & was among the youngest of the children. Thinks he wa married in Ohio. His wife's name was Rebecca & Mr C. has a comfort [sic] made by her before she was married & which is over 100 yrs old & which his Aunt Eva willed to him.

Leaving 5:55 PM

Hotel Kingkade Oklahoma City, Okla Dec 7, 1922 8:25 PM

This evening just after 7 o'clock, when I had finished my dinner, I met at the desk, Mr Shirley, a lawyer who says his great great grandfather, Thos R. Shirley was in Gen Braddock's army on the march to Fort Duquesne & that Gen Wm Shirley, his brother, 2 yrs older, than Thos R was Braddock's private Secy & was killed in the battle. I told him I had Braddock's original Commission to that appointment by Geo II. He said his great great grandfather Thos R. left the British army & joined Washington Army & went to North Carolina where he fought in conjunction with Francis Marion & then settled in NC. He said he had heard of Martin Redburn & Dick Thayer also who drove me this afternoon said he had heard of him & said he was a wealthy man & had come here in the Apr 22, 1889 rush. He sd he had an Uncle living 8 miles out & that there was a Redburn worked on a farm out there, but the lines were down & he could not raise

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his Uncle. I called several people by phone tonight & one of them, Mrs Larrick who says her father-in-law was James Larrick of a large family, is coming at noon tomorrow to have lunch with me. I will see in the morning Ed Overholzer at Chamber of Commerce & go to see the Court House records.

11:22 PM

R.P. Carpenter told me of his trip to Penna in Nov 1915 to sell bonds & of having been in Uniontown Pa & later in Phila where he got a letter of introduction that enabled him to do much business in Lancaster Pa near where his wife was born & in York Pa & of his going in to see H.C. Frick, just to see him & of Frick taking him to the Duquesne Club of lunch where he met many of Frick's friends. His daughter Mirian is a very handsome young girl. Mrs Larrick said tonight over the phone that her father-in-law, James Larrick was one of a large family & that he had a brother Joseph I think who was killed at Denver Col where he has a daughter living.

At Hotel Kingkade, Oklahoma City, Okla Dining Room Dec 8, 1922 12:33 PM

Mrs Nellie Larrick widow of Dola Emmett Larrick born say 1879 & died Apr 15, 1916 aged 37 yrs. Born in Edgerton Kan & who on July 14, 1902 had married Nellie Fivecoat (my informant) who was born June 18, 1884 the daughter of

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David Fivecoat, a Civil War soldier & his wife Margaret Ankrim. Nellie was born in Ottawa Kan & they had two children:

1. Hollis Mildred Larrick born Nov 6, 1905

2. Emmet Dola Larrick born May 26, 1910

Mrs L. says her husband who was killed at Hoffman Okla in a RR accident was a son of James Larrick, one of several children. His children were Harry, Charley, Min, Jen & her husband Dola Emmett & James if living is in Omaha Neb. He deserted his wife & five children & is living in Omaha with another woman. He took the name of James St Clair. His first wife is living in Chanute Kan, the wife of David Mason who is an engineer on the Santa Fe RR. James had a brother Jacob who fell through an elevator shaft at Denver Col & was killed, but his daughter Mabel who was an old maid was living there at last reports. Mrs L. recalled an old lady relative dying at Edgerton Kansas abt 1903 & don't know of other brothers or sisters of James & Jacob, but says they were members of a large family & that Mrs David Mason, her mother-in-law will be able to tell. Her address is No 218 E 11th St Chanute Kan. Mrs Larrick lives at 728 W 5th St Oklahoma City, Okla

She left at 12:55 PM finishing her lunch without waiting for dessert as she sd she worked for a Jew & had to be back for duty at 1 PM. She is a slender fine looking

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woman & was very kind & helpful to give what information she could.

Finished lunch at 1:11 PM JVT

When at Enid Okla, I phoned a Mr Carothers (Look up my list). It was E.E. Carothers No 420 S Tyler St Enid Okla at 10:10 AM & he gave me the name of Henry P. Carothers at No 178 Winfield (or Winifred) Ave Topeka Kan who I think he said was his father & the name of his grandfather was Roderick Carothers, who was from Laporte & Lafayette Ind. He thinks he had a brother Lafayette.

When around at the P.O. this morning, I met there, Mrs Dunbar's daughter, Mrs Willis Gregory. She said yesterday that she knew of a Frank Jack in Chicago Ills who had a couple of daughters who were her nice girl friends.

At Residence of Mrs Mary P. Thompson No 1630 S. Main St Tulsa Okla Dec 8, 1922 8:40 PM

Miss Thompson has brought out the bible of her father, Rev James Lormier Thompson & his wife Mary P. from which I copy:


Alexander Scroggs Thompson Aug 4, 1817

Jane Stringer Boots Aug 1, 1827

William Chew Parry Dec 24, 1820

Albina Pugh Feby 3, 1822

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A. S. Thompson & Jane S. Boots were married by Rev W.P. Breed.


James Lorimer Thompson July 26, 1851

Mary Ellen Parry Apr 30, 1855

Their children:

1. Francis Lorimer Thompson Aug 31, 1881

2. Llewellyn Jan Thompson Oct 10, 1883

3. Marietta Jane Thompson Aug 12, 1887

4. Norman Alexander Thompson Aug 12, 1889

5. Florence Parry Thompson Aug 2, 1891

6. Pauline Augusta Thompson Sept 4, 1895


W.C. Parry & Albina Pugh by Elijah Carson Esq Oct 11, 1843

J.L. Thompson & Mary E. Parry by J.M. Jamison D.D. Apr 30, 1880

Wm H. Thompson & Mary Jeannette Grove by Rev J.A. Alexander Nov 5, 1891

Francis L. Thompson & Shelda Miracle June 17, 1908

L. Jay Thompson & Sara Oglevee Lantz Mar 1909

Norman A. Thompson & Mabel Powell Feby 12, 1919


Wm C. Parry Sept 24, 1878

Jane S. Boots Thompson Apr 13, 1889

Albina Parry Dec 8, 1892

Pauline Augusta Thompson Apr 20, 1896

Rev James Lorimer Thompson D.D. May 16, 1896

T.A.L. Thompson Atty at Law June 18, 1895? (89)

Alexander Scroggs Thompson 1906

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Hugh Marion Thompson Feby 14, 1854

William Hope Thompson Apr 26, 1859

Thaddeus A. Lincoln Thompson Aug 17, 1864


Melissa Parry Feby 14, 1846 - Oct 8, 1869

John Parry Aug 5, 1847 - Sept 6, 1869

Sarah Jane Parry Jany 25, 1850 - Oct 4, 1869

Susannah Parry Oct 28, 1852

Hannah Parry Mary 17, 1858 - Feby 5, 1860

Wm Lincoln Parry Feby 11, 1861

Charley Ellsworth Parry July 29, 1864

Frank K. Beecher Parry Feby 4, 1867 - Sept 17, 1868

Mary Jeannette Grove Oct 5, 1859

Bible was printed Pittsburg Pa by U.P. Board of Pub 53 & 55 9th St No date.

Children of Francis L. Thompson & Shelda his wife, all born in Tulsa Okla:

1. Mary Jane Thompson born July 2, 1910

2. Elizabeth Ann Thompson born June 12, 1913

3. James Scott Thompson born Aug 17, 1914

4. Frank Miracle Thompson born Feby 15, 1921

Children of Norman A. Thompson born in Tulsa Okla

1. Jay Edward Thompson born Dec 7, 1919

2. Fred Marvin Thompson born Sept 12, 1922

Children of Llewellyn Jay Thompson born in Cadiz O

1. Mabel Virginia Thompson born Feby 21, 1910

2. Dorothy Evelyn Thompson born Mch 13, 1913

Francis L. T's address is NO 1421 S. Quincey Ave Tulsa Okla office at Tidal Oil Co 6th & Cheyenne Ave

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Norman A. T's address is No 1136 S Peoria Ave Tulsa Okla office at Y.M.C.A. at 4th & Cincinnati.

The girls think that Dr Emmett Thompson who did practice in St Louis Mo went they thought to Los Angeles Calif. He was son of Moses Thompson whose old home was Hopedale O where his daughter Ann still lives. Other children of Moses were Ezekiel & Wm Roland.

Rev James Lorimer Thompson was a D.D. in the U.P. Church & had charges as follows:

Pastor, Whitinsville Mass 1878-1882

Stated Supply, Leavenworth Kansas Dec 1882-July 1883

Stated Supply, Newton Kansas July 1883-Oct 1883

Stated Supply, Alpena, Mich 1884-1886

Stated Supply, Fleming, Pa Oct 1886-Apr 1887

Pastor, Lyndon, NY 1887-1891

Pastor, Buffalo, NY 1891-1896

19 yrs.

Shelda Miracle is daughter of Adam Scott Miracle & his wife Eliza Jane Murray. She was born Apr 24, 1886, they think at New Matamoras O.

Mabel Powell is daughter of Albert C. Powell & his wife Catherine Ringer & she was born Jany 1, 1897. Her home was Findlay O before they came here.

10:05 PM

Florence says her brother F.L. just called up & says that Mrs Cecil Johnson who came from New Matamoras O & says her husband's mother was a Thompson from Uniontown Pa & also that the Rodolfs, a wealthy family here, friends of F.L. are related to the Thompsons. The husband

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F.M. Rodolf 212 S. Boston St Tulsa Okla in R.E. business. His wife Carol was a Thompson from about Uniontown Pa. F.L. has been here about 15 yrs & the girls & their mother came in 1916 or abt 6 yrs ago.

Leaving 10:11 PM

[margin note reads:] Apr 5, 1925 see Book 13 pages 92 to 93.

Hotel Tulsa, Tulsa Okla Dec 8, 1922 11:07 PM

The Tulsa Tel Directory for the Fall of 1922 shows:

*Carrothers, E.M. r 1315 S. Norfolk Tel Osage 8373

*Caruthers, B.E. r 815 S. Trenton Tel Osage 4356-J

Gordon, Dr Seth R r 707 S. College Tel 1144-J

*Jack, Clarence (Phot) r 309 E 13th Tel Osage 1004

*Kilgore, George, r 331 S. Wheeling, Tel Cedar 308

*Markel, J.T r 1518 E 3d Tel Osage 8999

*Merkel, Dr W.O. Chiropodist r 1040 S Forest Tel Osage 9181-R

Rodolf, F.M. R.E. 212 S. Boston Tel Osage 343

*Rodolf, F.M. r 602 E 19th, Tel Osage 940

Thompson, F.L. r 1421 S. Quincey Tel Osage 2508-J

Thompson, Mrs M.P. r 1630 S. Main Tel Osage 5245

Thompson, N.A. r 1136 S. Peoria Tel Osage 8633-J

No Redburn or Rothermel

*Writing these Mch 5, 1923

At Quinton Okla Dec 9, 1922 4 PM

After an extremely hard ride over very rough roads, we can find no trace here of Chas H. Boyd, but Mrs W.S. Braden Tel 67 told us he had gone to Waynesboro Tenn. I wrote to him there on Dec 9th but never got an answer. Someone at Quinton told us that his son

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had gone to Texas & his address was Clyde H. Boyd 1229 W 5th St Abiline Texas. I am writing him. They say he is aged abt 40.

Room 715 Hotel Severs Muskogee Okla Dec 10, 1922 1:37 AM Sunday

I came up from Tulsa this or Saturday morning & finding the train to Crowder was leaving in 10 min, it being late, I went there & as there was no RR train to Quinton Okla until 4 PM, I got an auto & left at 1:44 PM for Quinton where we arrived at 3:30 PM over 23 miles of rough rocky roads with mudholes a plenty. We could not find any C.H. Boyd there, but at 1st NBK found there was a Henry M. Boyd aged 44 living 5 miles west on the road we came over & an A.B. Boyd living 2 miles S.E. but learned fr Jim Deets & a man named Hopper who was eating in Deets Cafe that Clyde H. Boyd's wife was a sister of Mrs E.M. Allen there & calling her, learned he had moved to Abilene Texas as per address on preceding sheet & that he was aged abt 40. Going with Hopper to the grocery just next to & beyond the P.O. a man there said Clyde's father was C.H. Boyd who had moved back to Tennessee. Hopper told me to call another sister of Mrs Clyde, a Barnes I think & doing so, she sd to call W.S. Braden Tel 67 & doing so Mrs Braden sd he had moved to Waynesboro Tenn & I have written him there tonight. Jim Deets sd he had had a store in the market, but had moved away

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8 or 9 yrs ago & was aged he thought between 65 & 70 yrs.

We then started back with Fred Ponder & his cowboy appearing driver at 5:11 PM over the frightfully jolty roads & reached Crowder Okla at 6:50 PM, got my supper at the Planters Hotel, got warm by their fire & swung & played with little Barbara (Tatum?) & went to the station & found the 8:50 PM train was late, but got out about 9:45 PM & reached here at 10:55 PM & calling up Carrington Bus line at Tahlequah Oka arranged to go there with his man, who is here at 8 o'c in the morning to see Sam Redburn. It is now 2 Am & I will go to bed.

Same Room 7:11 Am Dec 10, 1922

The Muskogee Okla Bell Tel Directory for summer of 1922 shows:

*Carothers, W.J. rural N. of City Tel MX 54

*Carrithers, J.A. res 916 N.J. Tel 2422-J

*Caruthers, Tom res 617 Fremont Tel 3706-R

*Finley, L.N. res 720 S. 24 Tel 4347-J

Finley, W.G. res 626 N.J. Tel 4360

Kilgore, Mrs C. res 621 S. 21st Tel 1826

*Kilgore, H. res 708 S. Cherokee Tel 2030-R

No Jack, Markle, Redburn, or Rothermel

7:20 AM

*writing to these Mch 5, 1923

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At Redburn Hotel, Tahlequah Okla Dec 10, 1922 1:49 PM

Mr Samuel Mobray (or Mowbray) Redburn, sole owner & proprietor of this hotel & its annex, says he met a Miss Redburn abt 25 yrs ago at Mt Vernon Ills who was in some way connected with the leading hotel there, where he met her. He also heard of a rich bachelor Redburn who had a hotel in Seattle Wash called the Redburn Hotel which a guest spoke to him about this fall. The guest said he, this Redburn went often to Europe.

Mr R. says he was born at Francisco, Gibson Co Indiana 7 miles East of Princeton on Jany 1, 1859, the son of John Redburn who was killed in the Civil War & is buried in the Soldiers Cem at Lebanon Ky which is near where he was killed. His name is on a monument at Princeton Ind. Says ought to be able to get data there as his Aunt Arminda Aydelotte lived on a farm a short distance out & Jasper Redburn lived in the country near Princeton Ind & was he thinks an Uncle of his own father John Redburn. Says Elizabeth Ireland if alive, lives in Wichita Kan with her daughter Ora, wife of Dr Logsdon. He says she grew up in the Princeton Ind settlement & could give a lot of information. He calls her "Aunt Lizzie" but was no relation, but he lived in her family when he was small. Her husband was Dr John Ireland

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& they lived abt "Frisco". There is a family of the McFetridges living about there who he saw 30 yrs ago or more when he stopped off there who were his cousins.

His father had one sister Ellen who married Jim? Bilderback & they lived in the "Frisco" neighborhood, but both are dead, but their son Jim Will Bilderback lives in Ills someplace & is abt Sam M's age. He had a daughter. He thinks his father was not over 25 yrs of age when he was killed. Thinks his age is on the monument at Princeton Ind & that he & Ellen were the only members of their family. Sam M. says he is the only child of his father. His mother's maiden name was Kate Gibson, daughter of Samuel Mowbray Gibson & she was born at Kingston, Jamaica West India Islands. She died abt 6 yrs ago aged 76 yrs & was born he thinks 1842 (or 1840) as she was 17 when he was born. She married 2nd Reese Perkins & lived at Sigel, Ills & he drank & she separated from him & married 3rd about 1880 Milton A. Myers & lived in St Louis Mo until about 1900 & then moved to Pomona Calif & lived there until Mr Myers died & then S.M. brought her here for over winter & she died here the last of May 1916. Mr R sd he was a traveling salesman for years & did not marry until 45? He was married Apr 14, 1900 to Sue M. Stanfill, daughter of C.B. Stanfill. She was born Apr 14, 1880 & have but one child:

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1. Kathleen Francis Redburn born Jany 1, 1904. He says he left home in 1876 & came to Dardanelle, Arkansas & worked in a drugstore for 4 yrs & then moved to Atkins Ark & went in the drug business for himself & was post master for 3 yrs under Garfield & his health got bad & the doctor advised outdoor life so he went to Railroading. Starting in as a fireman & in 18 mos was an engineer. Continuing as an engineer was 2 1/2 yrs in Old Mexico & when running on the Frisco from Thayer Mo to Memphis Tenn, lost his left leg in a RR accident & than quit the RR in 1894. In 1896, he was employed by Moffitt West Drug Co as traveling salesman & traveled for them 18 mos & then went with Wm R Warner & Co Phila Mfg chemist & was with them 1 yr & then with Seabury & Johnson NY 2 yrs & then quit the road & went into Randolph Hotel, Texarkana Ark & in 6 mos sold it & went to Mena Ark & bought a hotel there & run it two yrs & then to a hotel at DeQueen Ark for 3 yrs then sold it & came to Tahlequah in Apr 1909 & has been running the Redburn Hotel here since. He was President of the Central NBK 1918 & 1919 represented Cherokee Co Okla in Legislature 1919 & 1920 as a Republican was county judge, Law judge 1915 & 1916. His cashier stole $57,000 but he paid up 100 cts on the dollar. Jasper Redburn (called Jep) was Director in a National Bank at Princeton Ind. Sam M. read

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law at Dardanelle Ark & was admitted to the bar there. Read with his mother's brother Col Thos M. Gibson who was a soldier in the Union Army & Provost Marshall of Memphis Tenn at close of the Civil War.

It is 1 AM Mch 5, 1923 & I will quit. Resuming transcribing Mch 6, 1923 7:50 PM

Room 104 Hotel Tulsa Tulsa Okla Dec 10, 1922 11:28 PM

I got up at Muskogee at 6;30 this morning got my breakfast & waited until 11 Am for Webster J. Washington of the Washington Motor Co Tahlequah Okla which is owned by his brother J. Wilson Washington & of which he is salesman of Ford Cars. His father, Wm. H. Washington is still living in Tahlequah & his grandfather Charles Washington was fr Georgia & his father went there from VA. We overtook his cousin Arthur? walking along the road & took him in until we reached his home. He is a 6 footer, tall erect & manly in his bearing looking much like Genl Geo Washington. Webster J. said Judge S.M. Redburn was well off, worth he thought over $100,000 & owned the Redburn Hotel & another one in the town known as the Redburn annex. He was out front in his bare bald head when we arrived & I introduced myself & when I went in the Redburn Cafe adjoining for lunch, (for which he wouldn't take any pay) he introduced me to his wife & daughter & two elderly women who were eating with them. Mrs R. is a medium sized woman wearing glasses & their daughter Kathleen is of the Spanish type

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& has jet black hair.

Judge Redburn has the usual Moorish skin type of Redburns, somewhat of a blend between swarthy & yellow & was very kind & said he would learn what he could & write me. He sd whenever he would hear of a Redburn, he would write them & some answered & some didn't but he sd he was an old bachelor moving around & he didn't think any of the letters had been saved. He will want a book & Miss Marietta Thompson here sd she wd too. It is now 11:47 PM & as I am to be called at 4 AM & leave on train at 5 AM for Claremore, Rogers Co Okla, I will get ready for bed. I wrote Minnie tonight & wrote Andrew last night.

Office of Sequoyah Hotel, Claremore Okla Dec 11, 1922 7:07 MA

I got in here from Tulsa at 5:55 this morning & came to this hotel & got my breakfast at the Royal Cafe near by as they dining room here is closed. I then walked back two blocks to the Frisco Sta at 6:30 AM & after the 6:30 train had left for Tulsa, I introduced myself to the Telegraph Operator & ticket Agt. Miss Rhoda Carrithers, a pleasant young girl with jet black hair to who I had been referred by her brother, Robert N. Carruthers of Ft Scott Kan, who has her parents bible record & some older records which she says are boxed up & stored, but she will not be able to get them this morning as she wanted to go to bed when she got off duty at 8 o'c as she is tired & having had

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extra work that cut short her hours of rest. She says she will look it up & write it to me & took my address & gave me hers viz: Miss Rhoda Carruthers Phone 646 Claremont, Okla over Haggards Bakery where I understand she lives with her sister, Mrs C.F. Gault. She says her father Robert Carruthers did not marry until he was 47 yrs old & consequently she is much younger than her cousins. He father went to the Klondyke [sic] in Alaska as did his brother John, who was killed in Montana. Their father's name was also Robert which she says has been a name in each generation for centuries. He was _______ also Robert & nine of his sons came from Scotland to America settling in N.Y. State. She says Ladie [sic] Simonton living at Fort Scott Kansas who is a widow & has a liking for family lore was a Carruthers, come kind of 2d cousin of hers & a sister of Sir Robert Carruthers of Scotland, has a family tree in book form & could give the line back for many generations & says if I would write her, saying she referred me to her, she would gladly answer. Miss Rhoda sd she would like to get a book when it comes out. It is now 8:10 AM

Rhoda had a letter from Anjou.

Office Hotel Arlington Cleveland Okla Dec 11, 1922 2:11 PM

I went to the P.O. this morning

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at Claremore Okla & registered the letter to Miss Jessie M. Clark, Newton Kan rtg the papers she gave me with two carbon copies. I then hired Homer M. Draper a native of Montgomery Co Ills near Hillsboro, but a resident about Claremont & Verdigris since childhood to drive me to Tulsa for $10. We left in his warm closed Hudson at 9 Am & reached Tulsa at 10:30 Am & I found I could get a train at 11:20 for here so got shaved & left on that train. Neither the Hotel Prop. nor the Postmaster have ever heard about a Steve or Iva Barnes about here & at any rate, Pearl wasn't sure about her being at Cleveland so I am going to Shidler Okla at 2:44 PM

Office Stanley Hotel Shidler Okla Dec 11, 1922 8:05 PM

I left Cleveland Okla on the 2:42 PM "Katy" train for Pershing Okla where we were driven by Jack Bridges a fine big handsome 18 yr old boy 9 miles over a No 1 concrete road to Pawhuska Okla the county seat of Osage Co which county is owned by the Indians, the biggest county in the state, where we arrived at 4:40 PM. At 5 PM, we started in another car, with Elmer G. Younkin of Pawhuska for Shidler Oka 26 miles away, where we arrived at 6:30 PM. He is 28 yrs old, a son of Geo Younkin whose father came here about 26 yrs ago when Elmer was a yr old. His name is Alex Younkin & he came from Penna

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& Elmer thinks from Fayette Co & is now living at Scotts Bluff Neb 88 yrs old. I got my dinner at the Majestic Cafe & then walked down five blocks to the P.O. & found it closed. Asked 3 or 4 different stores but no one knew Harvey or George Redburn. The man at the cafe said this oil field is 7 miles sqaure. This is a typical oil town & reminds me of what an early mining town would be. There are only sidewalks in spots with plenty of jumping off places & most of the way there are no sidewalks & it is in bumps & holes as if tramped up by cows in a farm barnyard & then frozen. While I was eating, it blew up raw & cold with a stiff north wind blowing & the half hour I was downtown, I nearly froze & was might glad to get back to this well warmed room. I remember yesterday that before I got in Tahlequah 3 to 5 miles, I passed the Cherokee Indian Male College or School. Today driving from Claremore to Tulsa, I passed through Verdigris just before reaching Catoosa where a contracting firm from Ampere N.J. are building a temporary town as their base for putting water in Tulsa, bringing it in concrete pipes, which they are preparing to make right there, from the hills on the plains 70 miles off, where the water from the hills are reservoired & come by gravity to another reservoir near Tulsa, the cost to be nine million dollars as per contract. It looks as though I have a hard proposition to find here either

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Harvey A. or George Redburn when I note the wide expanse of the lights in the oil fields extending for miles & miles.

It is just 43 yrs today since my dear Mary & I were married in Geneseo Ills as good a woman as ever was & altogether lovely. 8:33 PM JVT

At waiting room of A.T. & Santa Fe RR at Burbank Osage Co Okla Dec 12, 1922 9:11 AM

I got up at Shidler at 6:20 this morning, having had a good bed in rrom No 1 on first floor at the Stanley Hotel in which I slept well from 10 PM until 6 AM. At seven o'c, went to Majestic Cafe & got my breakfast & a man I asked there, said he was a tank builder & that Harvey Redburn worked for him but had laid off sick yesterday morning & lived 2d house north of Stanley Hotel. I went there & found the wife who sd her husband was Harvey Morris from Texas & he laid off sick yesterday morning so I was given a wrong lead. I then started down toward P.O. through the cold winds & I think no doubt about 10 degrees above zero as it was 20 degrees above inside the Central Garage where I met a big youth faced smooth faced man with his right eye a glass one, who sd he was 35 yrs old & was from Webb city, Jasper Co Mo &had lived at Shidler but two weeks & didn't think he would stay more than two weeks more as the town was nothing but a bunch of rough necks to which the

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garage man gave approval. He said he had known a George Redburn whom they called "Red" at Webb City Mo twelve yrs ago where he worked with him in the zinc mines. Said he was a rawboned angular man abt 5 f5 8 in & was he thought 45 yrs old, but he hadn't see him since, but he told him then that he was going to the oil fields & he thought he went then to Okmulgee Okla. This man had a closed sedan car & I engaged him to bring me over here 9 miles for $7. We then went back to the Stanley (I having gone again to the P.O. & found no one there) & gave the Proprietor Frank Grover Van Sickle who hails from Bradford, Mckean Co Pa my address & he is going to make inquiry tomorrow night at meeting of Boosters Club which consists of 200 members for George & Harvey Redburn & if he can get track of them he will write me. He named his house the Stanley Hotel for his little boy Stanley. We started at 8:11 AM & got here at 8:56 coming the short cut across Indian Reservation fields, passing through one oil field camp & over land with the rocks sticking out & with some of the hills covered with loose scattering stones. Ice was frozen in reservoirs & pools all along the way. I gave Mr Wright, the driver my address when we got here & he promised to enquire at the P.O. & write me if he could get track of them. He said they were much together about the Arlington Hotel

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Webb City Mo. He says too there is a Webb City Okla, an oil town near here. He also sd that a few nights ago, a man & woman engaged him for a drive & when he got out, a few miles he felt something back of his head & the man told him to shut off his power & give him his money. He had but $11 which he gave him & was glad it wasn't the night before when he had $200. The man had along pistol which he said would shoot a mile & told him to go on & keep going & he would watch his tail lights.

I deem it a hard proposition to find either of the Redburns & at any rate, the weather is too cold & I will hurry through & get off for San Antonio Texas.

It is now 9:47 AM & I find the 9:50 train south on the Santa Fe is 25 minutes late & should leave at 10:15 AM. The agt says it don't go to Maramec but only to Skedee Okla.

At residence of Wm Asa Redburn Pawnee Co Okla 4 1/2 miles S.W. of Maramec Okla & probably in Maramec Tp near Bryan school house Dec 12, 1922 1:33 PM

Mr R. had gone to Pawnee but Mrs R. says they were married June 23, 1912 at West Plains MO by Rev O.B. Barnett. Her name was Grace Ellen Stephenson, daughter of Wm Edgar Stephenson & his wife Nancy Jane Harnass & she was born at West Plains Mo May 17, 1890 & have had four children viz:

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See book 8 p 538

1. Elsie May Redburn born June 26, 1914 at West Plains MO

2. Edna Irene Redburn born Apr 30, 1917 in Claytonville Ills

3. Bonnie Fay Redburn born Oct 5, 1919 at Oilton Okla (Redhead)

4. unnamed boy Redburn born Nov 18, 1921 at Oilton Okla & died same day.

They came to Okla Dec 19, 1918 from Ills where they were but six weeks on a visit. He worked 3 yrs for a grocer in Oilton Okla & has been on this farm one year.

Lee Lobaugh who married Eva Eldine lives at Shamrock Okla where he is an oil well driller & they have but one child:

1. Fountaine Lee Lobaugh a boy born Apr 27? 1922 at Shamrock Okla

They were married at Joplin Mo Sept 22, 1921. He was born Oct 5, 1882?

She says Geo Tune was married Feby 24? 1911 to Anna Elizabeth Redburn at West Plains MO & have five children viz:

See book 8 p 538

1. Everett Tune born Mch 12, 1912

2. Samuel Jason Tune born Sept 9, 1913

3. Louise Tune born June 1, 1915

4. Paulene Tune born Dec 14? 1918

5. Paul? Tune born Sept 1921

near to Woodward Okla

Geo Tune left Oilton Okla Dec 16, 1920 & got to Woodward Okla Dec 17. Their first four children were born at West Plains Mo. He is a farmer & miles out from Woodward Okla

Lorn McDaniel married M. Rille Redburn abt 21 yrs ago in Oregon Co MO & have had 11 children, 8 living

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1. William McDaniel oldest aged 20

2. Gracie May McDaniel aged 19

3. Ernest Lee McDaniel aged 17

4. Lora McDaniel aged 15

5. Earl McDaniel } twins aged 13

6. Nellie McDaniel} died aged abt 1 yr

7. Dorothy McDaniel aged 12

8. Flora Elsie Wanda McDaniel born Mch 5, 1913

9. Boy McDaniel died aged 12 days

10. unnamed boy born Oct 5, 1919 & died same day

11. Robert Harry Otto McDaniel born Nov 2, 1920

See Record Book 8 P 538

The first 8 were born close to Rover Oregon Co Mo the 9th in Jonesville Texas & last two in Oilton Okla. He moved from Oilton abt Sept 15, 1921 to Woodward Okla & is a farmer 4 miles out from Woodward, thinks west, but is not sure.

Finished 2:15 PM

Mrs R. now says that her husband's uncle A. Edmon Redburn lives 10 miles east of here & has been married twice. Had one child by 1st wife viz:

1. Elizabeth Redburn born Dec 18, 1892 & married on Thanksgiving day 1911 at West Plains Mo to Ernest Eugene Stephenson brother of my good informant who was born June 9th, 1885 at West Plains & they now live at Altoona Kansas where he is a farmer abt 3 miles out & have had six children:

I. Rubie Marie Stephenson born Sept 1912 died aged 3 wks

II. Harold Eugene Stephenson born Sept 18, 1913

III. Zelma Fay Stephenson born Mch 1916

IV. Neoma Ruth Stephenson born Mch 13, 1917 died Jany 1919

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V. Hazel Irene Stephenson born Dec? 1919

VI. a boy Stephenson born Nov 22, 1921

She says Lem Redburn who lived at Skedee is a son of "Mack" Redburn & a brother of Harvey. She says Harvey was at Oilton Okla on Jany 2, 1922 & she thought might be at Slick Okla or possibly at Shidler. She says her Uncle Ed's first wife died & he married 2d a widow who had some children & he then has 4 children by her.

Leaving now at 2:35 PM

It is 12:15 AM 7th & I'll quit for the night/Resuming Mch 7, 1923 7:44 PM

At residence of Edward Archie Felix Redburn, Lagoon Tp, Pawnee Co Okla (P.O. Maramec Okla RFD2) 2 miles due west of Hallett Okla Dec 12, 1922 3:33 PM

Mr Redburn has lived here on this farm one ye latterly & had lived here 5 yrs before & then went to the oil fields in Oilton for 5 yrs & came back here a yr ago. He thinks his father was 7 yrs old when his father died & he has often told them of his commencing to plough when 7 yrs old. His mother remarried to "Jackey" Smith. Mr R. was born in Illinois, he thinks in Saline Co near Raleigh Oct 1, 1868 & was mar 1st Dec 8, 1891 at Thayer Mo by Rev R.W. Pare to Miss Minnie Marks Lovelace daughter of James Lovelace & his wife Lydia. Don't know date of her birth. She died Feby 18, 1893 aged 22 yrs at Thayer MO

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& is buried at the Walker G.Y. 6 miles fr Thayer No tombstone. Had 1 child:

See book 8 p 537

1. Nettie Elizabeth born Dec 18, 1892 & married Ernest E. Stephenson & live in Altoona Kansas where he is a farmer. See record given by Mrs W. Asa Redburn see page 409 & 410. Mr R. was mar 2d Oct 9, 1894 to Mrs Belva Rettie Jolliff widow of Elijah Jolliff & daughter of Henry Willard & his wife Sallie Taylor, who was born July 10, 1869 near Centralia Ills (within abt 15 miles) & have six children all but the youngest born in Oregon Co MO.

2. Orse Francis Redburn born Jany 28, 1896 & died Dec 28, 1917 at Oilton & buried at Hallett Okla was not married.

3. Emma Rachel Redburn born July 21, 1897 mar July 18, 1916 to Wardie Grubb son of Millard Grubb & his wife McMullen of Kansas. Both living 3 miles north of here where he is a farmer in this Tp & have 3 children:

I. Mildred Grubb born July 6, 1917

II. Kenneth Allen Grubb born Oct 8, 1919

III. Clifford Harold Grubb born Mch 6, 1922

4. Amy Viola Redburn born Apr 2, 1899 on Easter Sunday. She died Oct 19, 1904

5. Loise Daniel Redburn born Aug 19, 1901 a boy unmarried & lives at home hired out.

6. William Arcline Redburn born May 23, 1904 at home unmarried & one of our joint informants with his father & mother.

7. Goldie May Redburn born Dec 4, 1912 the baby at home & going to School at Silver Creek school house which we passed getting in here. Mrs Redburn was mar-

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ried 1st to Elijah Jolliff who died Oct 22, 1893 & had 4 children.

1. Ruthie Adaline born Apr 5, 1885 mar Will Leonard

2. Sallie Malinda born Sept 18, 1888 mar Ashland Patrick

3. Nancy Elvira born Sept 24, 1890 died Sept 9, 1893

4. Randle Casey Jolliff born May 5, 1893 & mar 1st Ora Tranham who died & he mar 2d Grace McDaniel, daughter of Lorn McDaniel see book 8 pges 538 & 543.

(Mr Redburn says he had seen his father's brothers Bill & John. Bill was in northern part of Ills when last heard from & he don't know where John went when he left Illinois. Both were small in stature, but John was smaller than Bill. They had one sister, Ann Redburn who married John Hinson (or Henson?) & lived in Illinois close to Raliegh, the last he heard of them. They had children Walter, George, Emma Gertrude & Vinie. The dog ran against Vinie when a little girl & knocked her down & killed her. Says there are no Redburns now at Oilton Okla. The reference I had at Oilton was for him. See his place in tree & names of children book 8 page 537.

Leaving 4:37 PM

Mussellem Hotel Room 12 Jennings Okla Dec 12, 1922 8:20 PM

We got in from A.P. Ed Redburn's (Ed A.F. Redburn's) at 5:30 PM & found the depots both locked up & the 1:47 train was late but went out at

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4:30 PM & there are none out now until 4:03 AM which if on time should get me into Oklahoma City at 7:30 AM & I have left a call for 3:30 AM.

This, like yesterday, & the two days preceding, has been a very strenuous day. When I got off at Skeedee, Okla, I found an open 2 seated Ford at the sta & engaged its owner Wesley Allen Carmean to take me to Maramec Okla & to Wm Asa Redburn's & kept him for the rest of the day. We went from Maramec 1 m south 3 ms west & 1 m south & came to W. Asa Redburn's & found he had gone to Pawnee Okla but his wife & 3 little girls were there & she had been so busy keeping her 300 cans of fruit from freezing that she hadn't cleaned up for the day. She, however, was a great find, slender & intelligent & with a great memory for dates & in addition to giving their own record, she gave me as heretofore recorded today the names of children & dates of marriage of her brother-in-laws Lee Lobaugh at Shamrock Okla & Geo Tune & Lorn McDaniel at Woodward Okla with dates of birth of all the children of the first two & a few of the 11 McDaniel children. She also gave me date of marriage & names & dates of birth of the children of A.P. Ed Redburn's daughter Nettie Elizabeth by his first marriage. She having married the brother of my good informant, Asa's wife. Her two youngest girls, were real pretty the youngest Bonnie having real red hair. I gave them a sack of candy I had gotten

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at Maramec while Wesley was putting in a new spring for one he had broken on the way. We took the left hand road instead of the right & went about 3 miles through the fields up by Metzgar's to get to A.P. Ed Redburn's & found him & his son Will down in the field with a two horse wagon to get some feed & he got in our car & went up to the house with us. He is a slender man with black moustache & black hair & has a big lot of stack hay & feet & is a renter on 160 A belonging to a man named Shroder who he says is about losing his mind. Mrs Redburn is a large woman with good features & is jovial & companionable. He went part way with us to show us the other way out & it was fully a mile & a half or more to get to the road back at the school house & it is well we got in & out before dark as we never could have found it at night. The house is one a rather attractive eminence & location when you get to it. Their son Will is a fine looking 18 yr old boy with good countenance & well shaped head. The road south from the school house was but a by path through th fields & very rough for near 2 miles until we struck an east road for abt 4 miles which was very bad in spots until we struck a good south one at the RR tracks which took us into Jennings Ok. The landlady here lit the gas stove

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in my room which is now nice & warm after the cold rides of the day. It is now 9 Pm & I will get ready for bed. JVT

On the 4:04 AM "Katy" train from Jennings Okla to Oklahoma City Dec 13, 1922 4:16 AM

I recall that we crossed yesterday abt noon Black Bear Creek & Wesley A. Carmean, my auto livery man said that a short distance east was "Hell Roarin" Creek named by the cowboys which in summer was without water but was appropriately named when the rains came, by reason of the great expanse of territory it drained. The land being gently undulating & with a succession of moderate sized hills. He said there were school houses in the neighborhood named "Hell Roarin", "Buzzard's Roost" & "Bug Scuffle". His father came to Okla when the Cherokee Strip was opened in 1893 & took up a farm on which he was born in 1896 & lived 20 yrs until he went to the World War for a yr & was in Y.M.C.A. work in NY City driving a truck. Their years crop was lost as his younger brother was only able to partially care for it & being without sufficient help, his father sold the farm which was 4 miles out from Skeedee & moved in the town. He sd his father was 74 yrs old. Wesley A is 5 ft 11 in & a good man. He said at the Y.M.C.A. in NY he got

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a scrap book pasted full of clippings & at the end was the name of the school girl who made it viz: Mary or Hazel Botsum of Uniontown Pa & he wrote to her & corresponded & she sent him her photo. We are now at Yale Okla & it is 4:33 AM

At residence of Mrs H.Y. Thompson NO 1208 W 27th ST Oklahoma City Okla Dec 13, 1922 9:50 AM

Mrs Thompson says her husband Hezekiah Y. Thompson, son of James Thompson (of Jacob of James 1758-1835) was born June 4, 1843 in Ohio, thinks near Zanesville O & says that he was Atty for James J. Hill & it was through his efforts that the Hill Road was gotten into Portland Oregon by his laying down the tracks at night. He went to Oregon after the Civil War. His father had a mill at Zanesville O & was a Republican & morning after morning found skull bones at their door being warned out by Rebel sympathizers. They started over the plains in ox teams & finally landed at Salem Oregon. See Book 12 P 164.

Hezekiah Y. mar 1st thinks in May 1870 in Portland Oregon Miss Anna B. Smith, daughter of U.S. Senator Smith of Oregon (from Portland). She is still living in Portland, they having been divorced by her, her had 3 daughters. When he lost money in a mining scheme, his wife sued for divorce. Children are:

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1. Ethel Thompson single & living in Portland Oregon with her mother. She was in school in NY when her father left, was going to Miss Peebles School NO 32 E 57th St NY

2. Fay Thompson married to Mr Catlin & are divorced. They had a daughter Marian who is abt 19 & is with her mother who is in Red Cross work at LaGrand, Oregon.

3. Clare Thompson married to David Taylor Dec 4, 1907 who was born in Lancaster Penna Apr 7, 1881, the son of Frank M. Taylor of NY City & his wife Lida Eshleman of Lancaster Pa but now living in Denver Col. They were divorced Dec 22, 1922. They have four children:

I. Virginia Taylor born Oct 8, 1908

II. Carolyn Ross Taylor born Jany 14, 1910

III. Frank Mansfield Taylor II born July 3, 1911

IV. David Taylor II born Apr 18, 1919

(This record from his name down was given to me by David Taylor answering a letter I wrote him Jany 16, 1823 fr Grand Island Neb)

She lives at 851 E 8th Ave Denver Col where his father is wealthy & where he is an assayer.

H.Y. Thompson left Oregon in 1891 to go to South America & was quarantined in New Orleans La & then went through Texas & drifted up here in 1897 to Oklahoma.

He was mar 2d on May 28, 1898 at Webbers Falls Indian Territory near Muskogee by Rev S.J. Oslin a Methodist preacher to Mrs

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Fannie McDaniel, widow of Claud H. McDaniel & daughter of John W. Williams & his wife Arbelle Keen, both old KY families. She was born in Rockville Park Co Indiana Aug 10, 1869 & she has had six children viz:

Stella Bell McDaniel born Mch 9, 1891 at Webbers Falls Indian Ter. She is at home with her mother & is unmarried.

4. henry Thompson born Aug 6, 1899 on a ranch at Webbers Falls, Ind Ter. He died Sept 23, 1899

5. Horace Thompson born Jany 30, 1901 at Webbers Falls Ind Ter. He is at home unmarried 6 ft 2 in tall & a fine boy.

6. Homer Thompson born Nov 6, 1903 at Tecumseh Okla. He is in high school here & is 5 ft 11 in tall

7. Helen Thompson born Jany 17, 1906 in Oklahoma City. Also in high school here, her last year.

8. Irene Thompson born Dec 30, 1908 in Oklahoma City. Also in high school here being her first year.

Mr Thompson died here Apr 16, 1915 of dormant liver trouble & is buried opposite here in Fairlawn Cem. Mrs T. said that Gamaliel Thompson, her husband's brother has a daughter, Mrs Clare Arbogast living at 5921 Orion ST (she had moved) Oakland Calif a widow. Her father's mother, the widow of James Thompson, who was Sarah Tullis, daughter of Judge Tullis lived with her when she was 97 yrs old. This

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was 7 yrs ago. Mrs T. heard from them in 1918 in which Mrs Arbogast spoke of her grandmother being then so well & wonderful & her mind so clear. She being then 100 yrs old. She was born in an Oct. Mrs Arbogast had two married daughters living with them helping take care of their mother & their great grandmother who Mrs T. thinks is still living.

H.Y. had a sister Melissa Jane who died of scarlet fever aged 6 or 8 yrs. Mrs T. says Mrs Arbogast says Ezra the brother of Gamaliel & H.Y. was never married.

These were all the children of James Thompson that she ever heard of. Mrs T. produces an old address book of her husband in which appears:

1. Mrs Ebert N 7th St Zanesville O. she thinks he used to go with her. Says the Natl Press Bureau of NY City founded by Chas Emory Smith of No 70 5th Ave NY asked for Amer Biography for a sketch of H.Y. in 1915 also in address book:

L.M. Thompson 1542 Gates Ave Brooklyn NY. I told them of my financial trouble etc. Horace drove me in & went with me to Security NBK where we got my ck for $90 on Mellon NBK Pgh Pa cashed on his endorsement.

H.Y.'s friends offered to send him to the U.S. Senate if he wouldn't leave Oregon.

Left 11:11 AM

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On train at Pocasest Okla Dec 13, 1922 4:14 PM

Mrs T., her daughter Stella & her son Horace all indicated their desire to have a book when it came out. They said I was the first relative of H.Y. they had ever seen. Mrs T. sd he was U.S. Atty when he died. They were all very cordial & Mrs T. is a beautiful, attractive woman with her hair almost all turned gray. Horace is contemplating going to the University of Michigan Law School. From the bank, he took me to the Kingkade Hotel for my satchel & then to Rock Island Sta where the train was a half hour late. We got into El Reno, Okla & had to wait about two hours to get another engine & only got started south from there at 3 PM & have been riding over level prairie land. I noticed in Okla City where they were digging as sewer that the earth thrown up was all very very red, which continued for some distance west of the city. We crossed the Canadian River which seemed just below to be half a mile wide largely sand & very little water in it.

It is now 12:50 AM Mch 8th & I will quit & get ready for bed. JVT

Mch 8, 1923 8:03 PM resuming transcribing JVT

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New Chickasha Hotel, Chickasha Okla Dec 13, 1922 8:40 PM

I got up at 3:15 this morning at Jennings Okla & left on the "Katy" on time at 4:04 AM for Oklahoma City where I arrived at 7:15 AM, got my breakfast & went out to NO 1208 W 27th St to Mrs H.Y Thompson's record of which visit & my trip down here is noted on pages 416 to 420 inclusive.

I arrived here about 4:20 PM & not finding either Geo W. Boyd, Anna Boyd or Ella Graham, children of Albert G. Boyd of Jeremiah in the telephone book & no city directory here, I went to the address given me by Mrs Dunbar viz 128 Florida Ave which is on the corner & is also 1205 2nd ST. I knocked & a young nigger boy came to the door & sd that his parents had lived there for 6 or 8 yrs & he never heard of the Boyds. I then went to the only Graham in the telephone book viz W.H. at 308 Idaho St Tel 1457-R & he was not my man. he referred me to Reuben Graham away over across the RR tracks & going there, he said his wife was Ella but her maiden name was Morris. I then went to the P.O. & they gave me the address of an Anna Boyd at 317 1/2 Chickasha St & a man there sd she was out but I learned that she was only abt 20 & her father was living at Ardmore & so she was not my party so I conclude Mrs Dunbar has, like with C.H. at Quinton given these addresses from an old address book & they had evidently moved away since.

Coming back to the hotel at 6 PM, Ray Jenkins accosted me & said his father Geo P. Jenkins & his wife, a daughter of Armer S. Craig were in the hotel room 304 across the way. I got shaved

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got my supper & found them up in 416 in Ray's room just above me & Ray & his wife came in & I was with them abt an hour & a half. Have written Kittie M. Quinche & will write up my cash acct book & get ready for bed.

New Chickasha Hotel Dec 14, 1922 7:55 AM

The Chickasha Okla Tel book for summer of 1922 gives:

*Jack, R.E. res 1120 S 5th St Tel 1246.

No Carthers, Markle, Redburn, or Rothermel

Office floor, Gunter Hotel, San Antonio Texas Dec 15, 1922 10:20 AM

The Bell Tel directory Fall 1922 for San Antonio Texas shows:

Carothers, C.A. r 1041 Denver Tel Mission 3084

Carothers, Chas A. lawyer NBK Com Tel Travis 212

Caruthers, C.C. r 800 E. Guenther Tel Mission 3517

Caruthers, C.E. lawyer French Bldg Tel Travis 4230

Caruthers, J.W. office Moore Bldg Tel Travis 4847

*Caruthers, J.S. r 80 E Jones Tel Crockett 8831

Caruthers, Mrs L. r 1017 W. Magnolia Av Tel Crockett 4055

Kilgores, 6

Silvens, W.A. Loans, Lawyer Russell Bldg Tel Crockett 4257

Silvens, W.A. r 805 W. Magnolia (Has moved) Tel Crockett 3171

Thompson, 33

Thomson, 9

No Jacks, Markles, Redburns, or Rothermels

10:35 AM

*writing to these Mch 9, 1923 see below

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In San Antonio Texas in the afternoon I went to see Chas A. Carothers, I think it was in the NBK Com Bldg & he referred me to his sister I think

* Mrs Sam Dunlap 3848 Mocking Bird Lane, Dallas, Texas & to

*Alva Carothers, San Diego Calif &

Will Carothers, San Diego Calif & said his father was Henry Oscar Carothers & his great grandfather was Hugh Carothers.

On train seat 1 car 3 of the Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio RR Co Southern Pacific Lines on the level plateau beyond Marfa Tex (Fort Davis) Dec 16, 1922 10:55 AM

I awoke this morning at daybreak & got up at 7;11 AM & the first stop after arising was at 925 miles from somewhere & 260 miles east of El Paso Texas at Haymond Texas, near which I saw one of the most beautiful sunrises through a break in the sand dunes or near hills, back of us. For many miles, these hills, ranging from apparently 50 to 100 ft in height, composed variously of sand gravel & rock, were near at hand both north & south of us with a cut or two through them for the RR track where they came together. The occasional small one story houses at rather distantly separated flag stations along the road, at many stations there being but 3 to 5 houses. Showed from 7:30 to 9 o'c a woman or a man generally Mexicans standing in the doors with young black children running around. In some of the larger places were 100 to 200 small one story

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houses & a few streets, but the plains have but extremely short grass & showing extra dryness or drouth & the creeks without a drop of water in them now few as they are since nearing Marfa & now the plateau or plains are of wide expanse to the inevitable hills both with & south. While stock is not general or continuous, there are in many places large numbers of calves & small cattle with a goodly sprinkling of slender fleet looking horses. Along the RR tracks the workmen are practically all Mexicans & at Valentine Texas Station where we have just stopped at 11:22 AM three of them are carrying small shovels full of gravel 30 ft to throw between ties on a relaid track they are repairing, with dust which the wind blows away. Lots of small bushes on the plains near the Rivers, small trees. We left Chickasha Okla Thursday morning 14th on the Rock Island 8:30 AM train 1 1/2 hrs late at 10 AM & Terral was the last Sta in Okla & Ringgold the first in Texas, which we reached abt 1 PM & passing through poor, broken & rough land most of the way, with no evidence of corn, wheat or hay crops & only occasional evidences of short cotton crops, we reached Dallas Tex at 4:44 PM where I checked my satchel & took a street car to the Adolphus Hotel & got my dinner & going back to the Sta by taxi took the sleeper to San Antonio Texas 321

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miles south leaving at 8:50 PM. the car was hot & when I went to bed in lower 2 car 90, the sweat was rolling off of me. After I had taken everything off & shoving aside both blankets, slept under the 2 sheets & even then when I awoke at 2:20 AM the sheets & the bed were wet from my sweat. We arrived in San Antonio on time & on recommendation of a hunter in the wash room, a handsome man of near 50, very like in appearance to A. Mitchell Palmer, I took a taxi to the Gunter Hotel which along with the St Anthony & the Menges are the 3 good hotels in the city of 180,000 to 200,000 inhabitants. I checked my satchel, got a good breakfast & took a taxi to 805 W. Magnolia Ave & found Silvens had moved away & a woman sd she had noticed by the paper that A Silvens had bought property on Cambridge Oval at Alamo Heights on the other side of the city. I then walked up the street passing on the brow of the hill, the fine home of Peter or Philip O'Bryan & at Grant & Magnolia Avs waited on Beacon Hill 20 minutes for a street car which took me to Main Ave near the Hotel. Walking along Houston St to which I crossed the San Antonio River rushing right through the town, walled up on each side with stone with 20 ft wide nice green grass plats on each side running full of water that seemed to be covered from side to side with a heavy body or coating of

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oil which was always apparent each of the 3 or 4 times in the day I crossed it walking. It was not over 15 or 20 feet wide & with us would be called a creek as Mrs Silvens said afterwards she thought it was until she asked & found it was the river. She & W.A. however told me later that on Sept 19? 1921 it had risen until the water right in the heart of the city around the corner from his office in the Russell Bldg where I bought my ticket yesterday afternoon at the Southern Pacific office was 4 ft deep.

At the hotel, I made notations heretofore recorded from the telephone book & then went to 5:07 Russell Bldg & found W.A. Silvens. a tall smooth shaven handsome virile & fit appearing man of 47 yrs. He said he was born in Morgan Tp, Greene Co Pa on farm of his father D.M. Silvens, a brother of A Frank Silvens Esq & first went to school there at Center School house near where Mather Pa now is. His father sold the farm to Rogers & he sold to Wm B. Hawkins from whom I bought the coal. His father then bought the fine site just south of WBG Pa which I have known as the Judge R.L. Crawford home & was a candidate for congress, but died in 1887 & in settling his estate, it was sold to Dougal who sold it to Judge Crawford who built the fine residence now on it & which now

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belongs he said to Wood. W.A. sd he kept his mother from selling her coal at $35 & she got $285 for it 2 yrs ago from me.

Quitting at 7:14 PM/Resuming 8:15 PM 9th JVT

She being now Euphn Hoy (we have just passed Lobo Texas at 12:22 PM about on time). He said he was going to will $25,000 to Waynesburg College, but didn't want me to say so & to prevent contest of his will would deed many of his properties for charitable purposes, reserving to himself & wife as they had no children, the income for life. He & his wife work their estates & income on a community plan & split 50/50 & thus work a good saving. She gives more or less time every day at his office & thus familiarizes herself with his business & they go back & forth to their new home 6 miles in his 5 yr old Franklin Car which looks as good as new & which he has driven a few times to Colorado, making occasionally 300 miles a day driving himself, where, or to California, they drive every summer for 2 mos or more. He said this last summer, he went to a Sanitarium in Denver Col where he got excellent instructions on how to eat & what to eat which he is following, which cts out largely all meats & starches. He spoke of his 1911 offer of $300 for his wife's Whiteley Tp Coal & trying to get that with interest, wanted $500 per acre. He finally came down to $450 per acre or $35,000 for 77 3/4 A & I at last offered him $400 per acre or $31,000. He wants me to see my parties & raise my offer (which I told him there was no hope of doing) & write him when I got home in Jany which I told him I would do & he sd if we got together, he would send me the abstract & we could prepare the deed & send it back for execution

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without the formality of an agreement.

Mrs Silvens, a sweet little woman, with her hair turned & turning gray, came in & they took me to their fine home, 163 ft square on a good elevation for which $25,000 was asked, but which he got for $16,000 cash, for lunch & it was an excellent one too, of tomato & cucumber salad. I ate two of the three slices of tomatoes the first time I had ever eaten them raw & all of the many cucumbers, all of which I dressed with salt, olive oil & lemon & it was delicious. They had fine fruit cocktail, cornbread, fine red sweet potatoes, rice etc. W.A. then drove me through the city & the 200 A park deeded to the city before he died by Brackenridge, a rich banker on condition that no liquor should be sold or given away on the premises & the City Council wanted to refuse to accept it because of that provision. Brackenridge hired W.A. Shortly after he came to San Antonio in Dec 1904 to clean out the saloons in the city & he, W.A. got many black hand letters, threatening to kill him, but he kept on fearlessly in the good work.

When he went to San Antonio, it had 60,000 inhabitants & it now has over 180,0000 & land or lots that was then offered at $300 a front foot, is now selling at $3500 & some even as high as $5000. He drove me through the old & the new Gov Forts where hundreds of low one story buildings of wood, all unpainted were built on the percent plus basis entailing millions of dollars

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loss to the Gov instead of letting a contract for a specific sum. He sd there were abt 20,000 soldiers there now & during the war, there were 200,000 & orders to go single or double file were issued to keep them from clogging the streets. The Gov owns 2 or 3 sections of land where the old & new Forts are. I then went to C.A. Carothers office in NBK Com Bldg on Soledad St one block off Houston, but he was out, got some fruit from part of which I will now partake & at 5 PM, W.A. took me to the Y.W.C.A. Blue Ribbon Cafeteria where his sufficient supper & my own cost but .77 cts. Mrs S. was waiting in the car & we went driving again over the city & stopped at a garage where I called up Chas A. Carothers Atty, living on the other side of town at 1041 Denver ST Tel Mission 3084 who W.A. sd was surety on a loan he has against his maiden sister in Dallas Texas & he said his great grandfather was Hugh Carothers who the thought hailed from Va. He did not know his grandfather's name, but said his father was Henry Oscar Carothers. C.A. sd he had an older brother Samuel aged 60 in Mississippi who had Loco motor ataxia but said his sister, also older than him viz Mrs Sam Dunlap living at 3848 Mocking Bird Lane Dallas Texas could better give information of the early family history if I wd write her.

He said he had cousins Alva Carothers

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& Will Carothers living in San Diego Calif & for me to Look in Tel Book there for the address. We then drove to Gunter Hotel & got my satchel & box of fruit & then drove to Alamo Plaza where I saw the famous Alamo mission house 200 yrs old, now the property of the State of Texas & the walled grounds around where 3/4 of a century ago 4600 Mexicans broke over the walls & cruelly slaughtered the U.S. troops including Crockett, Travis, & many other able soldiers, my recollection being that but three escaped of which one of our relatives was one. W.A. & wife sd but one man, one woman & one other escaped the massacre. They then drove me to the Southern Pacific RR Sta & we had a half hour before our 7:50 PM train left & I told them in the meantime of some of my efforts to save what I could from the wreck & maintain coal values. It is now 1:33 PM & I think we are nearing Sierra Blanca Texas, are now at or about Villa, Texas where the expanse of level plain is the greatest of the day & the ground looks the most arid, very near approaching desert conditions apparently I will now open my box & eat some of the fruit I got in San Antonio 2 apples, 2 oranges 2 pears 1 lb malaga grapes, some nuts & raisins.

Sierra Blanca Tex Station board said 1030 miles fr New Orleans La & 1390? miles from San

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Francisco Calif & the hills have come near to the tracks on both sides & a fine state road, the first I have seen today parallels the RR tracks.

At Torcer Texas 2:07 PM we made a complete horse shoe curve coming almost back to the station which is only a one story small frame building with sand dunes all around & no other house in sight & I did not even see the name on the Sta & we are making reverse & other curves as we steam along north-westward. Passed Finlay, Texas with a nice clean house & only 3 or 4 houses in all at 2:22 PM with scrub bushes & small palms far as the eye could see.

Room 410 Hotel Paso del Norte, El Paso Texas Dec 16, 1922 5:54 PM

I arrived here an hour & a quarter ago & the Bell Tel Directory for winter of 1922 for El Paso, Canntillo, Clint & Ysleta Texas, Anthony, New Mexico & C. Juarez, Mexico shows:

El Paso Texas

*Kilgore, J.F. r 4130 Cumberland Tel East 423

*Kilgore, J.B. r 3009 Lebanon Tel East 526

Markle, Mrs August, r 113 S. Ochoa Tel Main 4294

Anthony New Mexico

Kilgore Bros, Barino Tel 33-r2

*Kilgore, J.N. r Barino Tel 33-R3

C. Juarez, Mexico

Jacquez, Dorotea r 124 Mejia Tel Main 7984-J

*wrote these Mch 10, 1923

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AT No 113 S. Ochoa St El Paso Texas Dec 16, 1922 8:40 PM. At residence of Mr & Mrs August Clemens Markle

Mr Markle says he was born in Kansooth Co near St Benedict Iowa on Nov 20, 1889 where his father Joseph Markle settled when he & his brother Frank came to America abt 40 yrs ago from Bohemia. He is now aged abt 73 yrs & the above is his address but he don't write English but can read English. Mr A.C. is 5 ft 11 in & looks very like Jim Scholl. He was married Nov 6, 1919 to Georgia Grace Moon, daughter of Wm Moon & his wife Mary Lane. She, a native of Ireland & he lived in Illinois. She was born in Big Springs Texas Sept 6, 1888. I left at 9:10 PM my time 8:10 PM El Paso time

On Board Rio Grande, El Paso & Santa Fe RR (Santa Fe lines) bound for Albuquerque, New Mex Dec 16, 1922 9:11 PM El Paso time

We left on the 9 PM train, practically on time. I walked up half a block fr 113 S. Ochoa St to E. San Antonio turned to the left & passed two blocks on the Court House a magnificent Bldg with large columns commencing at top of 1st story & extending to top of 4th & almost a block in length along San Antonio St & three blocks further across the Street was the fine 7 story 1st NBK Bldg 70 or 80 feet square.

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I recall that W.A. Silvens spoke of having been court stenographer when Nat Ewing was judge & of later having desk room in the office of J.A.F. Randolph with whom, after a yr in his office, he went in partnership & of whom he deservedly spoke in the highest terms of praise. He also spoke of Will K. Ewing being in the R.E. & Ins bus in San Antonio & of his being worth 3 million dollars, as he owned 4,000 A of coal lands & sd he had gotten $70,000 for his Washington Co Pa coal lands. I didn't disallusion [sic] them, but spoke in highest terms of his mother & of the ability of his father, grandfather & great grandfather, all of whom I knew, the measure of ability being greater in each of the 3 generations as you went back. I suppose Nat had 100 A in Wash Co Pa & they have counted the remaining 4000 A at same price, but that price won't attach to Ronseverte Coal nor hardly to Sardis Dist.

El Paso is a fine city, but as we approached the town many small one story houses in the eastern part ran up to & on the edge of the high barren sand rick hills towering above them. There are however many handsome buildings & the hotel Paso del Norte is A No 1 & first class.

9:33 PM

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At residence of Miss Kittie M. Quinche No 721 6th St East Las Vegas, New Mexico Dec 17, 1922 8:46 PM

Miss Emilu Redburn was married Dec 17, 1863 (59 yrs ago today) at Leavenworth Kansas (they celebrated their 50th anniversary 9 yrs ago) to Charles Quinche, who was born in St Louis Mo June 21, 1830 the son of Alfred Quinche & his wife Marianne Monnier, both of whom were French Huguenots & came to America from Switzerland.

Their children were:

1. Infant unnamed daughter born & died Dec 22d, 1864

2. Harry Augustus Quinche born Aug 6, 1866 & was drowned at Spring Dale near Leavenworth Kansas June 2, 1883

3. Ida Julia Quinche born Aug 16, 1868 married Oct 16, 1889 at Topeka Kansas Elmer Stover Emmert who was born May 19, 1869, the son of David Emmert & his wife Margaret Stover. They live now at no 327 1/2 N 6th St Muskogee Okla & have two children:

I. Harry David Emmert born Oct 25, 1890

II. Donald Redburn Emmert born Nov 28, 1901. He is unmarried.

I. Harry D. Emmert married Margaret Hull Apr 28, 1913 & had one child:

A. Harry David Emmert Jr Born Mch 9, 1914

4. Carrie May Quinche born Dec 31, 1870 married Aug 22, 1899 at Topeka Kansas John Curtis? Taupert who was born

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July 1, 1863 at Columbus City Ind the son of John Adam Taupert & his wife Margaret Kurtz. No issue.

5. Unnamed boy, Born Dec & died young

6. Charles Henry Quinche born Aug 27, 1873 weighs 250 lbs & lives at 1536 Filmore St Topeka Ks. He married Dec 15, 1908 Agnes Gay Cone who was born Sept 23, 1872, daughter of Augustus Cone. No issue. He is a RR man

7. Eugene Quinche Born Apr 6th 1875 & died Sept 30, 1875

8. Kittie Monnier Quinche born Apr 12, 1878 my good informant of the night. All born in Leavenworth Co Kansas.

Leaving 9:11 PM

It is 12:20 Am Mch 10, 1923 & I will quit for tonight/Resuming transcribing Mch 10/23 8 PM

On Santa Fe RR at Thoreau, New Mex Dec 18, 1922 8;55 AM their time.

This is a station in McKinley Co ctg abt a dozen small houses & a hotel Edwards & 50 inhabitants with frost on the ground & snow 2 or 3 inches thick covering 6 or 8 cars of big logs on the tracks to my left piled up high & ranging in thickness from 1 to 4 ft. A lone swarthy cowboy rode up to the Sta & from his swarthy complexion, he looked Mexican. The pine trees & the high red banks of earth meet yr eye particularly on the right & it is an arid dry country. I suppose the Sta is named for my hero of walking with his grace of expression, Henry David Thoreau. I got up at 7 o'c this morning, having gone

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to bed 11 PM their time & we don't have the chance to get breakfast until we reach Gallup, McKinley Co New Mex 32 miles & about 1 hr ahead of us. Thoreau New Mex is 1468 miles S.West from Chicago & 889 miles east from San Diego Calif, my destination. I have been four nights in succession leaving Dallas Tex on a sleeper on night of 14th & will have at least tonight yet on a sleeper before reaching Los Angeles, Calif. I want first to correct the date of grandfather Redburn's death as stated & recorded erroneously on the last two pages in Book 8 recorded at E. Las Vegas in front of the book from verbal statements by his daughter Lou Quinche in her 86th yr since Apr last in her effort to fix the period of remaining, in the different points they lived at, after leaving Ohio, if indeed she has the correct date of leaving there, which however she felt sure was when she was 17 yrs old. I will have to look up the record on conveyance (& acquiring) of his 160 A in Guernsey Co O at Cambridge O when next there. This change because just before leaving Kittie M. said to her: "Mother, you always told us you went to Leavenworth Ks in 1857" to which she positively answered her "yes, that is the correct date of our going there" & she said they left Woodsville, Neb within two weeks after her father's death. She also told of her having cooked & prepared dinner for 60 people who came up from Omaha Neb to attend a sale of land & lots & of her father having kept a newspaper giving an account of it.

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She told me she came out to East Las Vegas New Mex 5 or 6 yrs ago expecting to stay 2 or 3 wks & had since remained as she couldn't bear to have Kittie there by herself,so they got a small house - it is but one story, bur very comfortable - & she has been with her ever since. & was able to do the house work until the past 5 or 6 wks that she has been sick, suffering from rheumatism or lumbago in her shoulders & back. Kittie says she is not teaching now, but has an office position with the Henry Ford Agency here. As we near Gallup N.M., the ground is white & it looks more like an inch thick frost than snow. It is now 9:44 Am their time 10:44 Mine & we should soon get to Gallup for breakfast. Mrs Quinche gave me various dates of birth or birthdays of her brothers & sisters which I entered in place including her own in the table made up in Iowa from information given by H. Cordelia Redburn Book 8 Pages 244, 245 etc.

On Board "Santa Fe" Train Mannelito, new Mex Dec 18, 1922 11 AM

We have just passed Mannilito New Mex 75 inhabitants, the last stain New Mex & six miles on, we come to Lupton, Arizona, the 1st sta on the Rr in that state. AT Mannelito, on the right, we saw the sign in big letters: "Mike Kirk, Honest Trader" "Blankets, furs & rings". We had an excellent breakfast served systematically at the "El Navi Jo", Gallup N.M. & since passing, have seen hundreds

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of sheep, 2000 probably among the scrub brush as high as they were. They are about the only sheep of any consequence I have seen since entering Texas. The ground shows but little grass for them to live on, but perhaps there is more among the scrub bushes that I realize. While the ground at Gallup was white, the sunshine shone brightly & it was warm & spring like. When I came back from breakfast, a smooth faced man of middle stature, sitting opposite in seat 5 called me Mr Thompson & explained & apologized that he had seen my name on the envelope last night, he being one of the 3 who were playing cards last night in the smoking room when I got on & where I was opening the mail I got at Kittie M. Quinche's where I arrived 6 wks later than I had expected & got 22 letters & 1 telegram sent Dec 2, 1922 from Andrew recd Kittie sd on the 4th announcing the birth of his namesake to his wife at Palm Beach Florida & 2 pkgs of papers fr Minnie. The man who spoke, who was in Civilian clothes said he had been in the army all of his life & his name was McCord & said his great grandfather Isaac McCord had been an early settler about Ebensburg Pa & that he & Simon Cameron had married sisters named Brua & sd the above Isaac had come to MO in 1850 & being a slave owner, he & Simon had some hot differences during the Civil War & he claimed Simon for skinning him out of some money, owning slaves, he didn't

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agree with Simon's Civil War policies & practices.

(At 11:30 Am have just passed Allantown, Arizona, one house & a thousand sheep). Isaac's son Peter (or Philip) McCord, grandfather of my acquaintance was a prominent lawyer in St Louis Mo for 40 yrs. He spoke most highly of Don Cameron's daughter who married an army man Col Rogers & lives in Wash D.C. having treated him there most royally when she learned who he was. We are running along the headwaters of Rio Puerco River as I take it from my Rand McNally & Co map which is 50 to 100 ft wide, but with very little water in it & much sand on the River bed.

Mrs Quinche bears a striking resemblance to her brother James T. Redburn from her mouth up & remarkably so about the deep set eyes & eyebrows that are yet black, although her heavy head of hair has turned grey. (Have just passed a place where the River is 300 ft wide & 500 sheep with boy & dog on bank were watering in it). She has the same thoughtful look that he had when she turns her head to one side to look at & answer you. She is rather feeble & wouldn't go out to supper & said she did not expect that see wd see me again. we had an excellent supper that Kittie & Carrie had prepared. Kittie is a tall fine looking woman with good regular features but Carrie while also above medium woman's

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height is not so tall, nor so handsome. Her husband too is tall & homely but they all were very kind & Kittie loaned me $60 to get to San Diego Calif. Mr Tanpert's people were French Huguenots as were the parents of Mr Charles Quinche. Neither the girls nor their mother could tell what year their grandparents came to this country. I regretted not getting to Santa Fe to see Cousin James C. Harvey, but two elements forbid. 1st, he might be off somewhere at his work & 2d, I could not lose the day it would take, as I am so far behind & must hurry home & for the same reason, I cannot stop off today at Winslow Arizona to see Mrs Hart, granddaughter of John Thompson of James 1758-1835

One of Minnie's letters announced the death of Cousin Mary M. Baird at Uniontown Pa following an operation for gallstones & a letter Mary E. Shepler sent, enclosed a clipping announcing the death at West Newton Pa of Cousin Alvina Markle which sister "Tute" gave her to send me. 12 Noon.

Adamana, Arizona on train Dec 18, 1922 12:22 PM

A sign on posts here reports the Adamana petrified forest six miles south. The sun shining through the windows in very hot. This mornings Albuquerque Journal gives on 2d page picture of Col James G. Scrugham political neophyte in his maiden race as Gov

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elect of Nevada. I believe he is Geor R's brother.

At Old Trails Garage, Winslow Arizona Dec 18, 1922 1:55 PM

The train stopped here for lunch & I at once went on the hunt of Mrs Hart & going to this garage to have them take me to her home, the Prop, C.G. Payne said he lived right across the street from her & she was not at home, had gone to Calif to visit her brother & his wife had a card from her this morning. I asked him to call her & get Mrs Hart's address in Calif & she gave it as: Mrs David Hart Route 2 Box Anaheim Calif where she is visiting since abt 3 wks ago. He sd she had 3 sons living here viz Les, Bill & Luther & Elmer lives at Flagstaff, Arizona.

On "Santa Fe" train Car Ronneby No 99 Winslow Arizona Dec 18, 1922 2:11 PM

We arrived here at 1:45 PM due at 9 Am being 4 hrs & 45 minutes late & they stopped a half hour for lunch. Instead of eating, I tried to utilize the time by trying to see Mrs Armintha Jane Hart, widow of David aged 77 & daughter of Nancy the daughter of John Thompson of James of Jacob. I asked the first white man

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I saw standing on the platform if he knew her & he didn't but took me to the track watchman, an elderly man & he didn't know, but he says this man coming here can tell & we hailed him, a man of say 55 & he sd she lived 5 blocks away in the NW corner of the town & if I wd go up the street a square & a half & turn to the left, the "Old Trails garage" could take me there. I have recorded above what I learned there & will undertake to see her in Calif. Two or three of her sons had been in his garage today.

At Holbrook, the Rio Puerco was 1000 ft wide & at one place since was apparently twice that.

At Sunshine, Arizona (& the sun do shine thar sure) & before there is a wide level expanse of plain for miles & miles both north & south covered with prairie or blue grass & this continues unbroken for 7 miles & we come to Canyon Diablo, Arizona which is abt 70 ft wide & that deep crossing right under the RR tracks & just about it thousand of stones the size of a patent bucket or half bushel are scattered about. The wide expanse of plain continues after passing Canyon Diablo & Rio Puerco, has gone glimmering to the southward. The delay of the train providentially gave me the opportunity of finding Mrs Hart.

On Board Santa Fe train at Etiwanda Calif Dec 19, 1922 11:11 AM their Pacific time (Mine is 2 hrs faster)

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I think it was at Flagstaff, Arizona last evening that I saw to my left about 3 acres of the most neatly piled pine lumber hundreds & hundreds of piles that I have ever seen. We got dinner last evening at Ash Fork Ariz. I retired at 11 PM & got up at 6 AM & got breakfast at 7:30 AM at Barstow, Calif where I mailed a letter to Andrew, directed to Palm Beach Florida & wired him to Uniontown Pa as his last letter sd he wd leave home tomorrow for the south. I was told this morning that we crossed the Colorado River into Calif about midnight. At San Bernardino, Calif, 12 miles back, I saw the first orange & lemon groves with trees hanging full of the yellow fruit & along the route, tall trees with whitish bark 100 or more feet high, not poplars but much like them. Also many handsome palms. We have passed through Cucamonga & Upland Calif & are now at Claremont at 11:33 Am & have been passing very large extensive orange groves, one just now on South side entirely without fruit & one just as extensive on the north side hanging full of oranges & orchards with small or larger trees stretch away, on either side, as far as you can see. I will now answer Minnie's letter before I get in so I can mail it at Los Angeles. This is the 73d anniversary of H.C. Frick's birth on Dec 19, 1849 at West Overton, Westnd Co Pa & 3 yrs ago on Dec 2, 1919 he died at his residence 5th Ave Corner 70th, 71st Sts New York City.

11:57 PM 10th & will quit for tonight. JVT

Resuming again 7:51 Am 11th JVT

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On Board "Santa Fe" train bound for San Diego Calif Dec 19, 1922 5:20 PM (7:20 my time)

I am looking out over the ocean from my pullman chair 32 car 10 at the sunset on the Pacific & while it is a fine sight, it is in no way comparable to the sunset seen in Elk Co Kansas about the same hour on Nov 23, 1922.

San Diego 1922 Directory

*Carothers, Inez student Col Eom College r 1604 C

Carruthers, Christopher h 2628 Broadway

Carruthers, Grace B. stenographer H 2628 Broadway

Finley, Alexander, tailor 5064 Newport Ave Ocean Beach H 4734 Same

Finley, Andrew J. (Margaret J) h 3630 3rd

Finley, 12 others

*Jack, Frank W. (Annie E.) Cement Contractor h 3941 Mississippi

Jack, Howard W. Dep Marshall E. San Diego h 3949 Mississippi

*Kilgore, Peter W. h 3627 Highland Ave E.S.D.

Markle, Earl (Dorothy) Piano repr H 1605 Felton

Markle, Eli r 644 14th

Markle, Geo W. Prop Markles Piano shop h 2812 C

Markle, Jack (Myrtle) Machinist h 644 14th } same man

Markle, Norman J. (Myrtle) Machinist h 644 14th}

Markles Piano Shop Geo W. Markle Prop Piano tuning repairing refinishing

& rebuilding, pipe organ technicians 523 Ash Tel Main 2102

Merkels 2 residence Tel 65563

Merkles, 5

*Merklein, John (Matilda) Stat Eng h 4218 Castle E.S.D.

Thompsons, 3 pges

*writing to these Mch 1923

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At residence of Andrew Jackson Finley No 3630 3d St San Diego Calif Dec 20, 1922 11:11 AM

Mr Finley says his father was John & his grandfather Robert Finley. He don't know the name of Robert's father, but says his wife was Mary Craig & they were married in Maryland, but don't know what part. He went from Maryland to Fayette Co Pa. Says his grandfather Robert Finley died about 1820 in what is now Ashland Co O & his wife died about 1846 in same Co. He says his grandfather, Robert Finley went from Fayette Co Pa to what is now Ashland Co O in 1809. It was then Richland Co O to near Jeromeville O & lived on a farm. His brother, Alexander Finley came to Ohio at the same time, or earlier, & settled at or near the same place. Don't know anything more about Alexander's family. Andrew J's father was John Finley & he was born in Fayette Co Pa in 1802 & he thinks all of his grandfather's children were born in Fayette Co Pa. Says he & his wife started out in 1850 with nothing but their hands to rely on & they were kept busy with babies. His father's brothers & sisters were: he thinks, Eli or Barclay were the oldest, then Hugh, then John, his father & then Alexander & sisters Jennie married John King. Sallie married James Headley & Mary married Lewis Burge & died without children. Elizabeth never married &

10. Hannah married Wm Irwin who lived & died in Morrow Ohio & had children:

1. Smith Irwin, a Colonel in the Civil War from Ohio

2. Milton Irwin, played "ornery", was wild & reckless & was said to have dropped dead in Portland, Oregon.

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3. a younger boy, can't recall his name & abt 3 daughters.

1. Eli Finley died in Lawrence Co Ill & had, see below, several children, one was Rev Jonathan Finley, a prominent man.

7. The Headleys went to Stark Co Ills & died there. They had a lot of children: 1. Craig, 2. John, 3. William, 4. Alexander, 5. Milton, 6. Perry, 7. Elizabeth, 8. Mary. They are all dead, but some of their grandchildren live about Toulon, Stark Co Ills.

6. The Kings lived in Ohio probably Morrow Co & had children: 1. William, 2. Robert & several girls. Thinks some of their descendants might be about Findley O.

2. His Uncle Barclay's family lived & died in Kansas, Brown or Atchison Cos. Barclay died in Ohio.

1. Eli's 1st wife was, he thought, Polly Parmer (Palmer?), Eli married a 2d wife & had one son by her. Don't know what became of him. Says Jonathan was the only one who amounted to anything. He was a Pres preacher & founded Brookfield College, at Brookfield MO. He was married twice, but never had any children.

3. His Uncle Hugh Finley was a cripple & walked with a crutch, married & lived in Ohio & died in Richland Co O & had 2 sons & a daughter viz: James, Isaac, came to abt Joliet Ills, Drusilla.

5. His Uncle Alexander Finley was the youngest. He married Aunt Peggy Newlon from Ohio, from the Newlons who were the very earliest settlers. He went to Louisa Co Iowa, near Muscatine Iowa, & was a farmer & had 3 daughters, no sons viz:

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1. Harriet, mar a Kline

2. Elizabeth married

3. Rhoda married Rodden from Perry, Dallas Co Iowa

Don't know about their descendants.

4. John Finley, his father was born in Penna in Nov 1802 & married Rebecca Gaffney & had 11 children.

His great grandfather, Edward Gafney [alternate spelling noted] was Rebecca's father. It is spelled Gaffney. John Finley's first 4 children were born in Essex Tp, Ashland Co O & the next 2 in Macon Co Ill at Decatur Milt & Mary & the other 5 in Stark Co Ills near Toulon Ills.

Left abt 1 PM

At residence of Cousin Oliver J. Stough No 2170 4th St San Diego Calif Dec 20, 1922 3:54 PM

In the Hester-Stough Genealogy, published in 1905 by M.M. Hester or Norwalk O born 1822 on pages 255 et sequiter, shows Rev John Stough, son of Godfrey Stough & his wife Charlotte Kessler, a refugee Hanoverian Princess whose father had been beheaded, was born at York Pa June 25, 1762. He died in Crawford Co O July 25, 1845 aged 83 yrs & he & his second wife, Catherine Troutman are buried in a county cemetery 5 miles north of Bucyrus O, nice marble slabs with suitable inscriptions mark their graves. His 2d wife, Catherine Troutman, the second of twelve children of George Troutman was born Mch 25,

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1773 & died Dec 5, 1848 aged 75 yrs. She & John Stough were married May 21, 1795. They had ten children (he had had 4 by his 1st wife), the first five born in Fayette Co Pa & of them four were sons & 1 daughter, viz: Jesse, John Jonas, & John G. and Elizabeth. The 3d one, Uncle Jonas Stough was born May 20, 1800 & died June 1880 aged 80 yrs. On page 72 is the record of Jonas Stough as follows:

No 9. Jonas Stough, song of Rev John Stough married Nancy Ann Redburn & had 3 children: being 4th generation viz:

64. Oliver James, married Jennie Sutherland of Ashland Co O A.D. 1852. She died in Calif 1887. He married 2d a daughter of John Adam Acor of Rochester NY. Have no children but have raised 8 orphans. He was a soldier in the Mexican War under Capt McLaughlin & Col Saml R. Curtiss. He helped to lay out & build the beautiful suburb of Chicago known as Hinsdale Ills. They live at San Diego Calif.

65. Frances marred George Bernand. Left no children.

Now 4:35 PM

Mrs Sautha Isabella Churchill, widow of H.E. Churchill, nee Van Osdale shows me an old copy which she has had rebound:

"A History of the Pioneer & modern times of Ashland Co from the earliest to the present date by H.S. Kuepp, Phila J.B. Lippincott & Co 1863 "

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in which is written:

"Isabella Churchill, presented by her Uncle Chris Gierhart July 1899, Geneseo Ills". The book contains 550 pages & I should try to get it. Mch 11, 1923. I secured this book Feby 1, 192 $10 fr A.H. Clark Co see page 27 & for Robert Finley & page 409 Alexander Finley. Book is in hall bookcase, western section 3d row from top, leather back.

At residence of Carrie Perkins, San Diego Calif Dec 21, 1922 10:55 AM

James Young Crothers was born at Rainsboro O in Highland Co, 8 miles from Hillsboro & 1 1/2 miles fr Rainsboro in a house where his mother was married, it being a brick house on a farm owned by her father, James Young who lived to be 96 yrs old & in this house, all of James Young Crothers' children were born. It is in Paint Tp.

Jane Young was 3d wife of Rev Samuel Crothers & their son James Young Crothers was born July 17, 1830 & died at Flagstaff, Arizona in Feby 1892 & is buried there. He married 1st Sept 18, 1854 at Greenfield O, Maria Lucinda McCune, who was born in Wilmington O (say in 1831 or 1832), the daughter of Samuel McCune & his wife Rachel Sexton. She died at Rainsboro O in the same old house where all were born Nov 22, 1864 aged 32 yrs. She was 23 when married. He mar 2d Nov 25, 1868 Carrie Elliott born at Rock Spiring O, daughter of James Elliott, a Virginia who lived at Petersburgh O near Greenfield O & his wife Jane Boggs. She was born Feby 28, 1841 & was almost 28 when married & lived yrs & died of tuberculosis in Greenfield O in Feby 14th 1876 aged almost 35 yrs. His children were:

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1. Carrie Crothers born Dec 28, 1856 & married June 24, 188_ Howard Malcolm Perkins & has two children:

I. Benjamin Crothers Perkins born in Holbrook Ariz & died in Honolulu.

II. Elizabeth Malcolm

2. Mary Florence Crothers born Mch 16, 1859 married Sept 7, 1881 at Boise Idaho, Austin Dougherty, son of James Dougherty & his wife Abigail Mc____, who was born in Washington Pa Oct 8, 1833 & died Jany 12, 1913 at Chowchilla Calif. Their children are:

I. Laura Dougherty born Oct 8, 1888

II. Howard Crothers born Mch 16, 1890

III. Charles Austin Crothers born Nov 15, 1892

All born at Placerville, Idaho

I. Laura is unmarried & teaching in Los Angeles Calif

II. Howard C. died Apr 12, 1912 unmarried

III. Chas A. mar Dec 27, 1914 Victoria Cardwell, daughter of Wm Cardwell & his wife _______. Both are living at Chowchilla Calif & have 2 children:

A. Jean Dougherty born Apr 3, 1916

B. Chas A. Dougherty Jr born Oct 3, 1917

3. Charles Crothers born June 16, 1869 married at Los Angeles Calif Edna Taggert related to Lord Baltimore & Lord Calvert of Balto Md fame & have one child:

I. Ernest.

Have taken "Eleanor" to live with them.

He was killed instantly at Los Angeles Calif in Jany 1921 by collision with a truck.

4. Katherine Crothers born Nov 22, 1862 M. July 17, 1893 Thomas A. Brown who

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was born Dec 27, 1859. he died in San Diego Calif May 7, 1914 & had one child:

I. Edgar Allen Brown born Sept 10, 1894. He m. June 30, 1920 Hazel Vitanack (Bohemian) who was born at Healdsburg Calif in Apr 1895 & live in San Francisco Calif. No issue.

5. John McCune Crothers born Nov 2, 1864 was 20 days old when his mother died. Married Eva Griffith. Both living but are separated. He lives in San Diego Calif, has two daughters:

I. Florence

II. Helen

I. Florence married Roy Morrison & live in Los Angeles Calif & have one child:

A. John

II. Helen married Harold Nelson & live in Los Angeles Calif & have one child:

A. Janette

6. Jane Crothers born Dec 31, 1869 mar Aug 10, 1893 Geo Harris Cook who was born Jany 11, 1857 at Belefonte Pa. Both living at Los Angeles Calif. No issue. Live at 3400 San Marino St Los Angeles Calif.

7. Annie Crothers born at Rainsboro O Jany 2, 1872 m. William Culbert, a widower with five children. He is dead & she is living at 2300 Bancroft Way, Berkeley Calif & have one child. He was born Sept 12, 1859 at Sackville, New Brunswick, son of Wm Call Culbert.

I. Paul Crothers, aged 18 born June 12, 1904 at Alameda Calif

Left 12:15 PM

Am writing her.

See Book 7 P 477.

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At residence of Clara J. Waltman No 3312 31st St San Diego Calif Dec 21, 1922 2:11 PM

Mrs Waltman was born on a farm near Lock Haven Pa Dec 17, 1856, the daughter of Charles Markle a farmer & in his later years, a lumberman who died 43 yrs ago. say in 1879 in Arkansas near Dodge City, Ark aged abt 55 yrs. His wife who was Elizabeth Yeager (she died before he did in Mo on the edge of Kansas City Mo probably 9 or 10 yrs before he did). Hrs W. don't know her grandfather's name, but did know her grandmother Markle & thinks her name was Hanna, but isn't sure. Mrs W. says her parents left home for the west when she was 12 yrs old, say 1868 & her grandmother came with them & died in Mo abt 5 yrs later. Says she was quite old, probably 70 or more. Charles Markle had the following brothers & sisters:

1. Jacob, he was working in a foundry or factory in 1868 when they came away.

2. Isaac. In 1868 was on a farm near Lock Haven Pa

3. John. Remebers of his coming to their house to visit.

4. Mary? She married Nicholas Seyler & lived at Lock Haven Pa & came to Cawker City, Kansas with Chas Markle. They were living in Mo when they died. Had children.

She thinks her father had an Uncle Peter.

5. Charles Markle raised 10 children & 2 died. Their names were:

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1. a daughter died young

2. Clara Jane Markle born Dec 17, 1856

see below

3. John Markle born 1858 married & 3 mos ago was living in Oklahoma City Okla. Has 6 or 7 children. Thinks he is on a farm.

4. Maggie Markle born 1860 married Wharton & lives near Dodge City Ark. Has 4 children.

5. George Markle born 1862 married & lives in Arkansas. Has 7 or 8 children. Has the saw mill at Dodge City Ark.

6. Nora Markle born married & moved to Texas where she died & left 3 children.

7. A son died young as a babe 1864

8. Nelson Markle born 1866 lives at Ulman Mo where he is a farmer near the edge of town. has 6 or 7 children. Am writing him.

9. Cora Markle born in Pa 1868 mar John Reed a banker & lives at Ulman Mo Have 4 children

10. Thomas Markle born In Pa. He died 5 yrs ago at Jefferson City Mo & left a widow & 4 children one son has died two girls & a boy left.

11. Minnie Markle born abt 1870 thinks in Pa was a baby when they left. married Stanley Shradling, a farmer & lives Oklahoma City, Okla. No issue.

12. Charlie Markle, the youngest born in Cawker City Kan & lives with his brother George & helps at the mill. Is a widower. Had one son Troy Markle raised by Minnie at Okla City.

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2. Clara Jane Markle born Dec 17, 1856 M.1. Oct 1873 George Muloch. He was born in NY state about 1846 & she divorced him about 26 yrs ago say 1896. M.2. May 8, 1897 or 1898 Oscar LeRoy Waltman who was born Apr 21, 1855 They have had no issue. He had five by a former wife & she had five by her first husband viz:

I. Maud Muloch born Jany 13, 1874 married George Helms & has no issue, but adopted one.

II. Nettie Muloch born Mch 13, 1875 married Samuel Peckham & has 1 girl.

III. George Wesley Markle (name taken by Court order Born May 14, 1876 married Phama Collings who died Aug 4, 1922 leaving:

A. Clifford Marucie Markle born Aug 28, 1913

IV. Charles Muloch born Sept 15, 1878 married Valetta Irish & live in San Diego Calif & have:

A. Wesley Muloch born May or June 1910

V. Earl Markle (by court order) born Oct 21, 1880 married Dorothy Collings sister of Phama above & lives here. Have one child:

A. Barbara Markle born Nov 4, 1922

Leaving 3:13 PM

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At residence of Christopher Carruthers 2628 Broadway, San Diego Calif Dec 21, 1922 5:05 PM

Mr C. says he came to this country in 1844 when aged 7 yrs, landing he thinks, in July & was 8 weeks & 3 days coming over, the parties coming being his grandfather John & his father James & his family, his Uncles John & Samuel & sister of his father Jane Holliday. They landed at Prescott, Greenville Co Ontario & located 6 miles from Prescott, toward Ottawa which was then called Bytown. They came from Waterbeck, Dumfriesshire, Scotland & his grandfather whose name he feels sure was John died on the farm when he was 12 or 14 say 1849 or 1851 & was 84 yrs old when he died, born say 1765 to 1767. He was a large man, tall & well proportioned. His wife had died in Scotland when Mr C. was 3 or 4. The children of his grandfather were in the order of their ages John, Jane (Holliday), Christopher, Grace, unmarried, Margaret mar Robt Johnson, Samuel & James. They all came to Canada leaving none of the family in Scotland. They all located in Canada. Mrs Holliday was getting out to make some calls, was lacing her shores & died aged 80 yrs. His father, James, died in Toronto Canada aged 80 yrs, John's descendants are up there yet. Thinks one of his daughters is living, Mrs Black.

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Christopher died there unmarried aged 75

Samuel died there unmarried aged 75. He was a cripple. Grace was unmarried & died between 75 & 80.

Mrs Holliday had 5 children born in Scotland that came over with them viz: Robert, John, Mary, Jane & Christine.

James Carruthers married Helen Bell in Waterbeck & his children by her were all born in Scotland. His wife died in 1844 within 6 mos after landing. James then mar 2d Jane Lane & by her had 5 children. His children were:

1. Janett Carruthers

2. Christopher Carruthers born July 22, 1837

3. Robert Carruthers born 1839

4. Mary Carruthers

5. Andrew Carruthers youngest died shortly after his mother

by 2d wife

6. Martha Carruthers

7. James Carruthers

8. Silas Carruthers

9. Rettie Carruthers

10. Cornelius Carruthers

He thinks his grandfather made a will & left about everything to Grace & Samuel, who also made wills

Leaving 5:44 PM

Back at residence of Andrew J. Finley 3630 3d ST San Diego Calif Dec 22, 1922 10 AM

Mr Finley says Eckley's from Fayette Co Pa were first settlers in Vermillion Tp, Richland Co O & his grandfather Robert Finley also from Fayette Co Pa was 2d settler in the Tp & often had to flee to the block house for protection from the Indians. Thinks it was 1809 that he went there. He says his great Uncle Alexander Finley had a son Benjamin & his son Robert Finley a Civil War veteran live now at Knobs, Montana, from where, he has recently, a year or so ago, had 3 letters from him giving data which he will hunt up & mail to me to copy & return.

Leaving 10:33 AM

Catharine Finley Luce born in NY City (as an obituary notice says but it is wrong) Feby 22, 1839 died Nov 8, 1922 at her home in Doyle Tp Clarke Co Iowa. Her father died when she was 9 & her mother when she was 12. She came to Ills in young womanhood & was there 1st married & of that marriage is Harrietta Miller Clarkson, Washington & M. 2d Dec 22, 1864 Alonzo Luce of Toulon Ills & had 8 children. One little girl died in infancy. Those living are:

Alfonso Luce, Murray Iowa

Catharine Harmer, Rosalia Kansas

Huldah Castor, La Porte City, Iowa

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Eugene Luce, Arnold Neb

George Luce, Morna, Neb

Arthur Luce, North Platte, Neb

Edwin Luce, an invalid Murray Iowa

Eli Finley was the oldest brother of Andrew J's father & went from Ohio to Lawrence Co Ills & died there. Rev Johnathan Finley was his son.

At residence of Norman John ("Jack") Markle 644 14th St San Diego Calif Dec 22, 1922 11:11 AM

Have just called at 11 o'c & met Mrs Myrtle Markle, wife of N.J. who says her father-in-law, Eli Markle is now on a visit to his granddaughter Mrs Minetta Adatte, No 723 Pico St Los Angeles Calif in the suburb of San Fernanco Calif. he is about 70 yrs of age & is a Presbyterian & has his family bible with him. He came here from Scranton Pa in 1911 & is a native of Penna. She says that in some way, his mother claimed to be heir to the Trinity Church property NY City. This granddaughter he is with, was back at Scranton Pa this yr for 3 mos leaving here on July 14, 1922 & he asked her to get the family bible of his father & other family records which when he came here in 1911, he had boxed up & left with his brother Daniel Markle in Scranton

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Pa, but they had been misplaced & she was not able to get them. Eli Markle had 4 children of which Norman J. is the youngest & he was born in Scranton Pa July 21, 1893 & was married on Feby 24, 1915 in San Diego Calif to Myrtle A. Austin who was born in Williamsburg, Kan Aug 26, 1893 & have two children:

1. Norma Markle born Apr 2, 1918

2. Jacqueline Markle born Sept 18, 1920

Myrtle thinks her husband has an Uncle Casper Markle, N.J. is a foreman machinist for the San Diego & Arizona RR.

Leaving 11:27 AM

Mrs S. Isabella Churchill, who was driving me about 22d says that when Alex Finley came to Ohio in 1809, he had these children: Benjamin, Hannah & John. Says she gave me this data written down. I have not found it yet if she did. July 21/23, it looks as if she is descended from this Alexander's nephew, Alexander see page 121 [or 12] this book.

At San Diego Calif on Board Santa Fe train bound for Santa Ana, Calif Dec 22, 1922 2:58 PM

At 2:22 PM, I went downstairs to talk to Oliver J. Stough & asked him how old he was when his mother died & wht his personal recollections of her were. He didn't know just when she died, but thought he was a young man & sd he wd dig up such information as he

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had about her & write it to me. I told him (of which he was not aware) that his grandfather, James T. Redburn enlisted in the War of 1812 at Cincinnati O. He said the man who gave him work at Cincinnati O on his return from the Mexican War was a Mr DeForest who had a tin shop & that after his walking the streets for 3 days offering to work for his board. Mr DeForest was the first man who answered him civilly & said "young man, come around in the morning". He did this & went to work in the tin shop & slept in the room above the tin shop, with its poisonous gasses for the first week. He said he had learned the tinsmith trade from his father who was a tinner.

I asked him if he thought father John Anderson learned the tinner trade from his father at Masontown Pa & the thought he had & that in that way, he met Sarah Frances Redburn. He was not sure where his mother is buried, but says his Stough grandparents are buried out from Bucyrus O abt 6 miles. Mrs Churchill said that Uncle Jonas Stough & his 2d wife Mary are buried at Geneseo Ills. I referred to his having told me in 1904 that he was going to leave me his scrap book & turning to Mrs Churchill, he said "Mary (I thought her name was Isabella) you see that this is sent to Joe". She then said "There is

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often so much turmoil at such times why not just let him take it with him now & if you ever want it he can send it back to you". He studied for 3 or 4 minutes in a thoughtful mood & said nothing when I said "If you want to do that, I will send it back to you whenever you write me that you want it." He then said "that is all right, you take it along" which I have done.

While sitting in the front room at his right & Mrs C. at my right, he handed me a newspaper double column clipping & said "read it". I commenced reading it aloud & he motioned me to not read aloud. The article referred to Lincoln having gone to attend a ball in Washington City & his shoes being too tight, he repaired to a dressing room & took off his stockings & later when dancing with a noted belle, his trousers leg caught on something & exposed his bare skin at the ankle to his partner. She thinking to have some sport with him (& woe to whoever thought so, to worst him) said to some of her girlfriends who had gathered around, "Mr Lincoln has on a remarkable pair of stockings, made of wonderful material that will never wear out". He replied, "Well, it is good material, but as an evidence that I cannot entirely agree with you, I will just state that my wife's drawers are made of the same material & this morning, I found a hole in them."

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When I handed it back to him, his noted playful smile played on his face & he is 95. He said that in the 80's he consulted 5 or 6 of the best doctors in Chicago Ills, headed by the noted Davis & with one accord they advise him to go to San Diego, Calif, also saying that if he did, they thought in that climate, he might live a year. He came & is still living 40 yrs later in his 95th yr. Asked him what his ailment was & he said they were basing their advice on the fact that his mother, brother & sister & Aunt Mary Redburn had died of consumption & which they were aiming to guard against pointing to the oil painting of his father Uncle Jonas Stough on the wall, he said "they never asked me if I had a father, but I had that rugged German back of me". He has other scrap books with may pictures of Andrew, John & myself, of his father & father Anderson. He rode down to the station with us & at 2:42 PM, I bade him & Mrs Churchill goodbye & they drove away. I forgot to tell her about returning the Finley book to Mrs Swackhamer, but will write her to do so. I left in in the top dresser drawer of the very comfortable 2d story room I occupied. It is now 3:50 PM & me are passing along the Pacific ocean on my left.

Mrs Churchill asked if I had ever heard of one of the Redburns marrying

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an Indian Princess & I told her I had not. She said she had & that in the old stuff she has packed away, she recalls having seen a picture of a Redburn in one of the papers which she says she will now dig out & send to me. I said nothing abt the Moorish descent to her.

I met R.P. Nevin Jr (Bob) on the street between Court House & U.S. Grant Hotel yesterday afternoon at 4:11 PM. He is living there now. Mrs C. sd this afternoon to Oliver that his first wife was buried at Geneseo Ills to which he nodded approval, yesterday forenoon in driving out Pacific Beach to hunt Mrs Carrie Crothers Perkins, we passed along Mission Bay, laying to our left, on the right of which was Morena laid out by Oliver when he first came out & where she sd he bought 1000 A but couldn't make it go as he had done at Hinsdale Ills & it is here that the lots of Gel M.I. Ludington are located, that Minnie has been writing me about 28 or them each 25 x 135 ft all in one body & the man at the court house at 4 PM yesterday told me they were assessed at $20 a lot, the lowest valuation they had as they were "canyon" lots as he sd "standing on edge". Mrs C. sd yesterday that Burbank contained 5000 A & while 10 miles or more north of Los Angeles was in the city limits & they had raised the valuation & the taxes on it now are

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about $11,000 a year & for that reason, Oliver wanted to get rid of it as there was practically no income although there were a number of small houses on it. Seeing Judge Gary's photo in one of his scrap books, I spoke of having sold him 63,000 A of coal land in the last six yrs & he said he gave him his first start in life, giving him some money when he was a poor boy in Du Page Co, Ills.

Dining room at St Ann's Inn, Santa Ana Calif Dec 22, 1922 6:21 PM

Oliver J. Stough told me Tuesday night 19th inst that he had not eaten any red meat for 40 yrs that he would not be here if he had. said he ate lightly of strips of bacon & ate fresh fish every day.

Santa Ana & Orange Directory for 1923 shows:

Whitesell, F. Otis (Martha) Carpenter H 711 Lacy

Santa Ana is a delightful town & St Ann's Inn is a gem, a most attractive restful well kept place.

It is now 12:44 AM Mch 12th & I have finished transcribing my penciled records. Just finishing sheet 233, having commenced with sheet 70 two weeks ago Feby 25/22 [sic] on page 328 & have written the 103 sheets, 326 pages making 137 pages in this record book.

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Oak Hill Mch 17, 1923 8:33 PM

A week ago, I was on Mch 10, 1923 at the Recorders office an hour or two & gleaned from the record:

1. Deed Book A Page 57 wherein Geo Colvin of German Tp Fay Co Pa for £50 pd by James Thompson of Fay Co sells him a tract of land in sd Tp bonded by other lands of old Thompson on the NW, by other lands of John Lecky on the SW, by other lands of Henry Myers on the East, by other lands of Jno McDowell & Alex Smith on the NE & West ctg 100 A. Dated may 22, 1784 which means will have to see Westnd Co earlier deed for purchase of James Thompson's "other land" & see if it gives his previous residence making [unreadable word sure?, supt?, Sept? begins with s]

2. Deed Book H P 123 see item 6. Shows that John Work & wife Sarah got some land on Dunlaps Creek in 1790 & sold off some & on July 19, 1803 for £700, sells 213 A to James Thompson in which the deed is witnessed by Thomas Daughaday (Mrs W.H. Conaway's ancestor) & Moses Coplin & Ackd before Jonathan Rowland.

On May 28, 1808, James Thompson & Mary, his wife for £500 pd by their son Jacob Thompson, conveys same to him. Conveyance witnessed by Thos Townsend & Wm Thompson & Ackd same day before John Townsend J.P.

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3. Deed Book 6 P 201

Shows conveyance of land in Georges Tp in 1809 fr Robt Richey Sr to Robt Richey Jr his son & John Thompson, his son-in-law, husband of his daughter Rebecca.

4. Deed Book 6 Page 455

Item 1089 Page 60 of Index shows first deed to father in the county Oct 3, 1850 from Ebenezer Finley Exr of Jacob Walters to Gasper M. Thompson for land in Redstone Tp.

Today Mch 17, 1923 made the following notations on the quest to find if the Jacksons were the ones that married a daughter of Jacob Thompson & sister of James 1758-1835. The will of the 2d Robert is evidently the father of James' wife & he died in 1809.

5. Will Book 1 P 122

Will of Robt Jackson of Union Tp dated May 9, 1808 probated Sept 2, 1808 wills wife Nancy $1 &

2d to John & Susannah, my two grandchildren, (children of my son John) residue of estate equally when they reach 16. Appoints James Finley & Hugh Hall exrs. Robt (his mark) Jackson, Witness Nancy Hale & Hannah Paull

6. Will Book 1 P 126

Will of Robt Jackson dated Mch 26, 1803 probated Oct 3, 1809 directs that debts be honestly pd & if anything is left gives:

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1st to oldest son Abraham 7 shillings 6 pence

2d to second son Isaac 7 shillings 6 pence

To Anne, wife of my son Isaac, the sugar camp she attends on my plantation.

To my eldest daughter Mary Thompson 7 shillings 6 pence her full share.

To my second daughter Rebecca Watson 7 shillings 6 pence (see book 7 p 201

To my third daughter Sarah Work 7 shillings 6 pence (see item 2, preceding or 465 page).

The residue to my son Robert Jackson Jr & appoints him sole Exr.

Signed Robert Jackson Senior. Witnesses Samuel Jackson, Andrew Bayne & Wm Bayne.

On Sept 26, 1809, Robt Jackson states that Samuel Jackson is dead & the other witnesses having moved out of the state, he ackd same before Geo Higinbotham & John Craig.

I think Phobe, [sic] wife of James Hogsett was his daughter, but if so, he does not will her anything.

7. Will Book 1 Page 89

Will of Samuel Jackson dated Apr 15, 1807, probated June 6, 1807, wills all to wife as long as she is his widow, but if she remarries to be divided equally between her & my two children Lydia & Milly.

Appoints wife Margaret Jackson Exrx & Wm Barton & Thos Lewis Exrs

signed Samuel Jackson. Witness Enoch March, James Rose, Wm Miller

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8. Will Book 1 P 187

Will of Samuel Jackson of Wash Tp dated May 27, 1817, probated July 28, 1818 shows big estate & gives:

1st to wife Rebecca Jackson mansion house & lands & $5000.

Then to sons John & Samuel certain lands

Then to daughter Susannah Updegraff wife of James Updegraff $5000.

Then to dau Rebecca Jackson mansion house & lands after her mother's death & $2000.

Then to son Josiah Jackson & dau Ruth Dixon, wife of Henry Dixon all lands in Monongalia Co Va consisting of Forge, Slitting & Rolling mills, Saw & grist Mill by paying in to Exrs $1000 per yr for 11 yrs.

Then to son Jesse Jackson whole of my interest in paper mill on Redstone Creek, my real property in Brownsville & 1050 A in Harrison Co Va etc.

I think this was witnessed by James Blaine etc.

9. Will Book 1 P 210

Will of Rebekah Jackson (she is widow of Saml above) dated 27th of 5th mo 1819 & probated May 22, 1821 recites that her husband Samuel had abundantly provided for their other children & she gives all to son Samuel & daughter Rebecca giving Rebecca her gold watch & apptg Samuel Exr. signed Rebekah Jackson. Witness, John Shreve, Rachel Hutton.

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10. Will Book 1 P 326

Will of Robert Jackson of Menallen Tp dated Sept 5, 1831 probated Sept 17, 1831

1st All household & kitchen furniture to wife Mary & two daughters Ruth & Elizabeth equally.

2d to my son Zadock 1/2 plantation where he now lives (having made him a deed for the other half) being the farm that formerly belonged to Wm Whiteside

3d to my son Hiram, the plantation that my father once owned in Menallen Tp on waters of Dunlaps Creek ctg abt 124 A adg Wm Dixon, John Hackney, Jacob Crable & others.

4th To my two daughters Ruth & Elizabeth, the plantation where I now live ctg abt 177 A equally divided when they arrive at 21 yrs & to wife Mary $50 yearly as long as she remains my widow.

Appoints son Zadock Jackson & John Ball exrs. signed Robert Jackson witness John Ball & Emily Millhouse.

11. This will is followed by that of John Clark of Dunbar Tp probated in 1831 in which Elizabeth is named as widow & sons James of Ohio, John of Dunbar Tp an Exr & Joseph R & daughters Margaret Johnston (husband Alex Johnston of C'ville is Co-Exr with John, Elizabeth Smith, Mary Clark, Nancy Vance & Sarah Ann Clark.

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12. Will Book 1 P 292

Will of James Finley of Union Tp dated Feby 28, 1828 probated Mch 17, 1828, gives wife Rachel choice of stock & estate to go to wife Rachel & 3 children, Mary Jane, Elizabeth, & James. Appoints worth & trusty friends David A.C. Sherrard & John Junk Exrs, signed James Finley. Witness Hugh Campbell, & Jno Dawson.

13. Will Book 1 P 242

Will of Samuel Finley of Franklin Tp probated Dec 25, 1823

2d To wife Agness personal estate

3d Gives property he now lives on to Ellis Baily of Uniontown, merchant in trust for use of wife during life & after her death, in trust for use of Susanna Byers wife of Andrew Byers for her sole & separate use & at her death for the use of her children as tenants in common & after Susanna dies, sd Baily is to convey same to her children. Says he bought this land 70 A from his step son Wm Craig who now refuses to convey, claiming it wd take whole tract of 77 A. It is located & bounded by Wm Craig, the great road leading fr Cville to Middletown & by lands of Daniel Cannon, Wm Henry & the late Mathew Wiley as per survey by the late James Allen & ctg 77 A. Appoints brother-in-law James Allen & John Lyon Exrs. signed Samuel Finley. Witness Andrew Wiley, Wm Foster.

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14. Will Book 4 P 531

Will of Jesse Brown Sr of German Tp dated Dec 21, 1870 probated Mch 6, 1875. says he has some personal property & stock & after payt of funeral exps & court charges, wills all to Jesse P. Brown & Eliza Jane Brown & appts Jesse P. Exr. signed Jesse Brown. Witness John T. Huston, J.W. Lynch.

15. John L. Robinson gave me the following today:

Henry Jack of Uniontown in 1823 purchased 3 lots of land in Uniontown (on Elbow St east of Redstone Creek) from Thomas Irwin & his wife Eliza (see Deed Book H page 180). He was sold out by the Shff in 1829. See Deed Book X P 205.

It is now 10:35 PM JVT

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Oak Hill Mch 21, 1923 10:55 PM

I was in Pgh Pa & arranged abt 10 Am with H.C. McEldowney, Samuel McClay & Jno A. Irwin that they pay me then dollars per acre commission on the acreage the Ayrshire Corporation has in the coal in Ohio Co WVA sold to the West Penn Power Co interests.

Mr McClay gave the name & address of Lawrence D. Blair Atty at Law 1059 Frick Annex, son of the late Wm R. Blair Esq, my referee in bankruptcy. I went at 2:30 PM to his office. He is a fine handsome young man of abt 33 yrs & said his father's father was John Cust Blair & that he thought his mother & John H. Shoenberger's wife were sisters as John H. Shoenberger was the great Uncle of his father. I think the two were daughters of Mary Cust, who was the daughter of Wm Jack of Greensburg Pa. Lawrence D. thought they had been located at Kittanning Pa. He sd he could & would get me some data about it from Mrs Geo C. Burgwin who is a sister of his father. He said when he was at college abt 10 yrs ago, there was another Blair there whose mother, Mrs Eleanor Hiestand-Blair of Phila Pa wrote to him & he turned the letter over to his father who liked genealogy, but for the last six yrs or so of his life, she deluged him with letters & surfeited him, but he dug up a lot of data probably mainly on the Blairs & sent her &

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after his death, they found wads & bundles of this correspondence all together which he said they burned up. Another instance proving that I should have gone after them immediately after his death.

Oak Hill Mch 22, 1923 7:54 PM

I attended funeral this afternoon from 2:50 Tp 4:10 PM of Cousin Ruth V. Ewing & acted as one of the pallbearers. The pallbearers were Ben B. Baird, Rob L. Finley, Harold L. Robinson, Frank H. Rosboro, Wm M. Thompson, & myself. Interment in the new part of Oak Grove Cem outside the circle & near the McClellandtown road. Dr Wm H. Spence conducted the services. I went up to the home at 5:15 PM & was there half an hour & read her will of which I am Exr to Abb, Jim, Beryl, Mr & Mrs Ewing & Mrs , nee Showlater & also Ruth's directions about the personal property in the house.

Robert L. Finley said tomorrow 23d was the anniversary of the burial of his father Samuel Elliott Finley. He said his mother, Sallie M. Finley was living in St Petersburg Florida & was 85 yrs old.

Sunday the 18th inst was the 34th anniversary of Father's burial. He died Mch 15, 1889 at 5:55 PM.

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Oak Hill Mch 23, 1923 7:47 PM

I went this morning at 9:15 AM to 161 Union St, Uniontown Pa to see about gathering up the effects of cousin Ruth V. Ewing for appraisement & was there until 10:37 AM. Cousins C. Abrigail Van Kirk & Beryl Robinson were there & gave me what papers they have so far found. Asking Abb if she had any old letters of her mother, she sd she never knew her mother to write a letter, never saw her have a pen in her hand. I asked if she hadn't gotten letters from others & she sd she never knew her to get a letter. She said her mother & Uncle Sam6 (Robinson) done their courting on horseback, that he rode down & she would get on her old horse & they would ride out to & beyond "Fleatown". Said they were married in the front parlor at Springdale by Rev A.G. Fairchild who came from the tent to marry them & she had her two horses hitched in her carriage & they drove up to the Nicholson Tp house & Mary (Uncle Sammy's daughter?) came out, threw open the double gates & they drove in the yard & the bride alighted in the yard.

I found a copy of the funeral notice of Ruth's husband, Dr Ewing which I copy here:

"Funeral Notice

Died at his home in Corning Iowa on Monday July 31, 1905 at 11 o'clock AM

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Thomas Davis Ewing, aged 72 yrs 7 mos & 2 days. Funeral services will be conducted from the Presbyterian church Wednesday Aug 2, 1905 at 8:30 AM. Rev M.V. Higbee assisted by Rev Dr Phelps officiating. Remains will be sent to Fairfield Iowa for interment. Body will lie in state at residence from 3 to 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon Aug 1, Friends of the family invited".

Oak Hill Mch 28, 1923 7:33 PM

I went to the Register & Recorder's office about 3:15 PM today where I met John L. Robinson & took out letters Testamentary on the estate of Cousin Ruth V. Ewing, John L. having taken the will to Pgh yesterday & had the two witnesses there prove it. I then looked up the will of William Brown & the deeds to the Frames & in doing so, ran across one to Hugh Finley, whoever he was. I looked for deeds to a Callis but found none, but in doing so found one to Geo Carruthers & one to James Carnahan, all of which I will note here. I continue numbering from my last work at our court house on page 471 with no:

16. Will Book 3 Page 19

Will of William Brown of German Tp dated Oct 3, 1850 probated Feby 23, 1852.

1. Directs that he be buried in g.y. on the Alex Lecky farm

2. To son James Brown $50

3. To son David Brown $50

4. To son John Brown $50

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5. To son Samuel Brown, the homestead farm of 127 A by his paying the above legacies of $150.

6. To daughter Elizabeth, now married to Alfred Funks

7. To daughter Lydia, now married to Joseph Worley &

8. To daughter Orpha, now married to Henry Black

all the proceeds of personal property except $40 which is to be distributed as follows:

To the heirs of my daughter Mary Funk $30 equally & to my daughter Susanna Fink (should be Flick) $10 equally.

Appoints esteemed neighbors John Moore & William Moore Exrs signed William Brown. Witnesses: Jesse Brown & Wm Bolsinger

This Wm Brown is one of the sons of James Brown, taxed in Fayette Co Pa in 1785, & who came from Chester Co Pa & his wife Elizabeth Thompson, sister of James Thompson 1758-1835. See History of Fayette Co Vol 3 Page 838 in the Bookcase in the "Holler" at Minnie L. Redburn's on article on "James Brown".

In the records I have of burials in Lecky's g.y. see book 4 p 185 item 59 where William Brown died Feby 17, 1852 aged 76 yrs 7 mos 12 days evidently born in Chester Co Pa. The two items preceding his are his children & the one following his is his wife & in Book 6 p 435 item 14 is record of death of his daughter Orpha Black.

17. Deed Book A Page 80

Wherein Samuel Miller of Luzerne Tp by deed dated Mch 25, 1786 Ackd Apr 4, 1786 before Hugh Laughlin, conveys to John Scantlin for £50, 300 A lying in the Forks of (July 21/23 see book 10 p 81, the Samuel Miller whose daughter married John W. Deerth is probably of this same family. JVT.)

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Dunbar Run & Youghiogheni River abt 1 1/4 miles from Thomas Gist's mill on sd creek & the river aforesaid.

On July 17, 1786, John Scantlin by writing on sd deed transfers same to Thomas Frame & transfer is witnessed by Hugh Laughlin & James Frame.

18. Deed Book B Page 337

To all whom these presents may come John Frame, David Frame & Jane his wife, William Frame & Margaret his wife, Thomas Frame & Elizabeth his wife of the Cos of Fayette Pa, sons & daughter-in-laws of James Frame, late of sd Co decd, also James Laughlin & Nancy his wife late Nancy Frame, daughter of sd James Frame Decd & John Baird & Susannah his wife, late Susannah Frame, daughter of sd James decd all of the Co & aforesaid recites there is a tract of land in the Tps of Luzerne, German & Menallen called "Frame Park" beginning at Corner of John Patterson then by heirs of James Smith & by Robt Baird, Thomas Frame & John Ewing ctg 384 A 1/14 & 6% of allowance for roads which was granted to sd James Frame now decd by Com of Pa by patent dated Feby 25, 1785. See Penna Patents Book 6 page 49, & where as afterwards on May 22, 1794, the said James Frame died without legally devising the sd tract of land & in consequence by the laws of Pa the aforesaid John, David, William, Thomas, Nancy & Susannah became entitled to certain shares or purpants viz the sd David being the eldest son to 1/4 & the others to 1/8 each now the sd 1st parties for 5 shillings to each of us paid

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by James Frame of the Co aforesaid convey by special warranty by deed dated Dec 29, 1795. Signed John Baird (seal), Susanna Baird, David Frame, Jane Frame, William Frame, Margaret Frame, Thomas Frame, Elizabeth (her mark) Frame, James Laughlin, Nansey [sic] Laughlin, John Frame. Witnessed by John Moore, James Thompson.

On Jany 16, 1796, John Moore & James Thompson make oath that they saw all the parties sign & took the separate ackgmts of the wives sworn to before Abraham Stewart (who was the father of Tariff Andy Stewart.)

Jane Frame above is the sister of James Thompson 1758-1835 & Jane Moss's record gives date of her birth as Dec 24, 1756 & by reference to book 7 P 388 item 109, her tombstone in the Sproat or old Pres g.y. between the Infirmary & old Washington Guernsey Co O shows:

Jane Frame died May 28, 1844 in her 89th yr &

David Frame died Dec 4, 1840 in his 88th yr.

19. Deed Book B P 358

On Jany 7, 1777, James Frame of Luzerne Tp Fay Co Pa & Martha his wife of 1st part & John Frame of same place of 2d part recites that tract patented to James Frame the elder above noted & that he died intestate & the heirs without administering divided the estate between themselves by agreement & further recites above conveyance to James

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& now James for five shillings paid by John conveys 192 A 20 P of it adjoining the heirs of James Smith & adg Thomas Frame John Ewing & John Patterson to John Frame. signed James Frame, Martha Frame. No witnesses. Ackd Jany 7, 1797 before Abraham Stewart J.P.

20. Deed Book C Vol 1 Page 37

Jacob Beeson & wife Elizabeth for £80 conveys lot No 45 fronting 72 ft on Elbow St & running back 150 ft to Peter St to Hugh Finley, also of Uniontown Pa Dated Oct 12, 1793.

It had been conveyed to Wm Secrest. I don't know who this Hugh Finley is.

21. Deed Book C Vol 2 P 718-720

Dated Mch 18, 1788 wherein John Johnston of Tyrone Tp yeoman, conveys to James Carnahan, yeoman of Huntington Tp, Westnd Co Pa for £148.6.6 a tract of land in sd Tyrone Tp Fayette Co Pa that was patented to sd Johnston on Dec 7, 1787 & adjg Zachariah Connell, Benj Lodge, Geo Clifford, James Quigley & John Young ctg 277 1/4 A & 6% allow being part of a 437 3/4 A tract. signed John Johnson, Margret Johnson, Witness John Carnahan

At a county court held for the county of Greene Jany 9, 1794 above deed was ackd before James Allen.

John Carnahan is Uncle John who married Rebecca Caruthers & James is his brother.

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22. Deed Book K P 334

On Mch 15, 1815, John Bouvier of the Bor of Bridgeport, Fay Co Pa printer & Elizabeth, his wife, convey to George Carruthers of the same place, merchant for $2000 a lot on Prospect St sd Bor being 348 ft on 2 sides & the same premises that Rees Cadwallader & Hannah his wife conveyed to said Bouvier on Mch 8, 1815 Ackd before Michael Sowers J.P. & witnessed by Thos B. McGrew & Michael Sowers.

I must next look up when the above parties conveyed these properties & also the Thompson conveyances.

I left Recorders office at 5:44 PM & coming direct to my office, met Prof W.H. Cooke at the elevator & went up with him. Asked him if he knew where the old Hugh Laughlin J.P. above lived & he sd he did & sd he had a son Hugh who once had the typhoid fever very bad & when convalescent he asked his doctor, old Dr Playford of Brownsville if he could have some corn to eat. The doctor sd "yes, you may eat a little". Shortly after this, he became very sick & Dr Playford sd "What have you been eating". He replied that he had eaten some corn as he had allowed. Doctor sd "how much did you eat". Laughlin replied "thirteen ears" & still he got well. 10:02 PM

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Oak Hill Apr 3, 1923 8 PM

Record of Mrs Anna B. Dunlap continued from page 367 & as given in her letter of Mch 27,1923 from 2114 C St Granite City Ills:

2. Alex H. Dunlap on Feby 25, 1903 married 1st Jessie A. Easley born July 24, 1881 & who died Aug 5, 1912. She was daughter of Thomas Easly & his wife Mary Rose. Their children were:

A. Clifford Thomas born Jany 1, 1909 ob Apr 25, 1918

B. Madeline M. born March 23, 1912.

Married 2d on Jany 31, 1917 Mrs Clara Eulah Kirkpatrick who was born Nov 25, 1889 whose maiden name was Jinkens & have issue:

C. Clara Frances born March 2, 1918

D. Gertrude Eratell born May 13, 1921.

Mrs Dunlap writes that her husband's brother, Andrew Dunlap's wife was Lizzie Sutherland & that she has been dead over 40 yrs. Says there were no children at all. Says her people lived down at Coal Centre or Woods Run below Brownsville Pa. She says she does not have any of the old Dunlap bibles but to write to: Mrs Mary Allen Leavenworth Kansas & she can tell where they are & perhaps has them. JVT 9 AM

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Room 522 Uniontown Pa Apr 3, 1923 4:30 PM

I left town about 9:45 AM in our car with Pallini driving & going to Brownsville Pa stopped at 413 Market St to see L.A. Lenhart but Miss Dutton told me he had gone to the Coke works & would not be back until 6 PM. I then drove down through the town & up Bridgeport Hill & going out about 2 to 3 miles to a schoolhouse, bore to the right & turning up the hill went in a drive way where a big white oak stood as sentinel to the right & up to the residence of John Oliver Stewart, a fine brick, but an old one, on an elevation & was met at the door by his son, James Stewart who said he graduated from W & J College in 1900 in Class with S. Ray Shelby a year before Andrew. I was:

At residence of John O. Stewart Luzerne Tp, Fayette Co Pa Apr 3, 1923 fr 11:30 Am to 12:30 PM

I found Mr Stewart laying down as he is not able to walk any more. Asking him if he had the old bible of his grandfather, Benj Craft, he thought he had & asked his son James to get it, but it proved to be the old bible of his father Charles Stewart, who he said had built this house a year or two before he was born & he was born in this house May 18, 1830 & has always lived here. Asking him to give the names

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of his grandfather Craft's children, he gave:

1. Geo B. Craft

2. John Craft (thinks this was father of Isaiah N.)

3. Benjamin Craft. He was called "Colonel"

4. Elizabeth Craft, his mother

5. Mary Craft, m.2. Benj Baird

6. David Snyder Craft

7. Sarah Craft mar Harford, he thought

8. Eunice Craft. He didn't remember about her

9. Anna Craft. He didn't remember about her

10. Rebecca Craft, recalled her but didn't remember who she married. He gave me the names of the first five & I read the last five from H.B. Coen's letter.

Mr Stewart sd his grandfather, Benj Craft had a brother Samuel, who was a little off. This Samuel had a son Benjamin who went west, but moved back again. He sd Samuel lived to be very old & was buried on his own farm, just beyond here & in sight on the farm latterly known as the Kline place.

The old Charles Stewart bible, leather back & well preserved was printed by M. Carey & son 126 Chestnut St Phila Pa in 1818 & I copied from it as follows:

Marriages Charles Stewart was married Nov 24, 1808

Emanuel D. Stewart was married Oct 1, 1840

Eliza N. Stewart was married Dec 19, 1848

William J. Stewart was married Apr 30, 1851

John O. Stewart was married Mch 24, 1868

Mary Margaret Stewart was married July 11, 1854

(M.M.S. The above date in my judgement should be 1855 JVT)

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Charles Stewart was born July 25, 1786

Elizabeth Stewart (nee Craft) was born Jany 22, 1788

Their Children:

1. Emanuel D. Stewart was born Sept 14, 1809

2. Nancy L. Stewart was born Apr 14, 1811

3. Joseph W. Stewart was born May 27, 1814

4. Charles C. Stewart was born July 6, 1818

5. Elizabeth N. Stewart was born July 18, 1820

6. William J. Stewart was born Mch 22, 1822

7. Mary Stewart was born Dec 30, 1823

8. Lucinda Bell Stewart was born Dec 26, 1825

9. John Oliver Stewart was born May 18, 1830

Children of Emanuel D. Stewart:

Charles E. Stewart was born Aug 14, 1841

George Washington Stewart was born Feby 22, 1848

Joseph Stewart was born May 22, 1846


Charles Stewart (J.O.'s father) died Mch 24, 1855

Elizabeth Stewart (J.O.'s mother died May 8, 1876

Charles C. Stewart died Aug 19, 1869

Elizabeth N. Porter died Feby 10, 1880

This is J.O.'s sister & was the wife of Nelson Porter & mother of Nat E. Porter.

Chads Porter died Nov 8, 1869

Nancy L. Stewart died Aug 17, 1881

Joseph W. Stewart died Mch 5, 1882

Lucinda B. Stewart died May 6, 1885

Mary Baird died Sept 26, 1859

Joseph W. Stewart died July 3, 1822

These three [following] are children of Emanuel D. & died of typhoid fever.

Andrew Work Stewart died Mch 18, 1849

Eliza Jane Stewart died Mch 19, 1849

Geo Washington Stewart died Mch 25, 1849

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John Stewart died Apr 11, 1827 (Jno O's grandfather)

Benjamin Craft died Jany 19, 1840 (Jno O's grandfather)

Jno O. thinks he was buried on the farm of his brother Samuel Craft, just beyond.

Rhoda Stewart died Jany 30, 1849 (Jno O's grandmother)

James brought me a framed record about her which hanged on the wall viz:

"Rhoda Shinn daughter of John Shinn & Mary his wife was born July 25, 1765. She was from New Jersey."

Elizabeth Craft died Mch 23, 1854. This is Jno O's grandmother & he thought she was 91 or 92 or 93 when she died.

On a piece of paper in the bible:

Mary Margaret Stewart Heslet died Feby 22, 1900

Emanuel D. Stewart died July 24, 1902

William J. Stewart died July 10, 1910.

James got in the car & went with us & we drove out to the road & turned to the right up the road passing the Work place, a very old brick house & took the first road to the right down the hill to where the road turned up to the old Samuel Craft stone house now owned by I.N. Christopher 80A & up on the bank to our left in a fine pasture field was the old graveyard, but no trace left but a small sand foot stone, but along the bank facing the road, face up was the only marker we found & the inscription was plain viz:

"Samuel Craft died Feby 4, 1848 in his 84th yr

See book 13 p 35.

This wd make him born abt 1764 & Fay Co history Book or Vol 3 Page abt 768 says Benj was born 1765 & David's record book 6 0 180 says he died Apr 8, 1837 in his 73d yr bringing their births all close together. Jno O. Stewart's farm contains 141 Acres. JVT.

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[Descendant Chart]

Hannah Lecky, daughter of John & Mary Wilson Lecky married Samuel Dunlap

[Their Children]

Alexander Dunlap

Louisa Dunlap, Born Jany 1, 1857 & died Jany 26, 1897. Mar Feby 8, 1877 at Henderson Ills by Rev John A. Watersworth to David Henderson who was born Jany 16, 1845 the son of Harvey Henderson of Vanderbilt Pa & his wife Ann Eliza Harris. He is still living see pages 368 & 369.

Sparks Dunlap, married & separated Born Nov 30, 1877. No issue.

Mary Skinner, B Nov 5, 1879. D.y. She died Feby 19, 1880

Samuel Junk, B Aug 27, 1881

James Garfield, B July 11, 1884, ob

Amanda, B Sept 19, 1885 m. Jany 17, 1907 to Clyde E. Buckles who was born in Clyde Ks Apr 15, 1884 son of Robert Marion Buckles & his wife Mary Ingle & live at 501 S 2nd ST Independence Kansas.

Clyde Nelson Buckles, Born Dec 7, 1921

Ollie May, B Jany 8, 1888 m. at Kirkeville Mo Dec 20, 1911 to Clarence Noel

Henderson, B Dec 3, 1912

Rex Noel, B Oct 20, 1914

Stewart McKinley B Sept 21, 1891

Louisa, B Feby 8, 1894 in Triplett Mo m. Feby 14, 1920 at Atlanta GA to John Elmore Husbands by Rev J.W. Ham. He was born Apr 5, 1895 at Florence S.C. son of Henry Hamilton Husbands & his wife Minnie McCullough. No issue yet. Live in Apt 7 No 100 Hunt St, Atlanta GA.

Fannie Pauline, Born Jany 16, 1897

Hannah Dunlap [dau of Hannah & Samuel] M. Thomas Henderson. See Page 368. They had six children.

Ann Henderson, m. to Samuel Junk son of James Junk & his wife

Hannah Henderson, Born Jay 22, 1841 at Uniontown Pa ob Jany 27, 1921 in Galesburg Ills mar Mch 10, 1868 at Knoxville Ills Hiram Gilbert Shinn who was born Jany 1, 1834 at Muckleroy Creek VA & died Dec 9, 1904, son of Hiram Shinn & his wife Dorcas Drake.

Frank Henderson, B at New Windsor Ills m. Dec 25, 1891 at Geneseo Ills to Sadie Rice.

Elizabeth Etta, B at New Windsor Ills Jany 9, 1870 m.1. Aug 22, 1893 to Harry H. Wagoner at Galesburg Ills. M.2. to Edward Eustice. She is a doctor.

Harold Clifford, B Jany 17, 1897

Mary Henrietta, B May 26, 1900

Nellie Gertrude, B May 23, 1901

Nellie Mae [twin] born Nov 5, 1872. m. Oct 19, 1892 to Joseph Alexander Burt of Prairie City Ills who was born Aug 28, 1870 son of Thomas Freeland Burt & his wife Mary Alexander. he is now Dem Equ for Rep of 115 Dist.

Ralph LeRoy, B Galesburg Ills Oct 7, 1893 m. May 2, 1921 to Clara Rose Immroth born June 24, 1903 dau of Henry Martin Immroth & wife Annah Mutz.

Hiram Gilbert, B Rock Island Ills Feby 21, 1897 m. Jany 25, 1920 to Mabel Alletha Foster born Nov 28, 1899 dau of Wm Herbert Foster & wife Bertha Myrtle Wilcox.

Hiram Gilbert [twin] Born Nov 5, 1872. He died Nov 30, 1872.

Wallace William, Born at New Windsor Ills Sept 12, 1882 m. Apr 4, 1905 to Lanna Nelson, Creston Iowa. He died Jany 31, 1922. She is dau of Peter J. Nelson & wife Hanna Augusta Larson who was born Sept 8, 1882 at Geneseo Ills. She lives Creston Iowa & on Aug 17, 1924 at Omaha Neb she mar Harold Leonard Johnson. Hanna Augusta Larson born Nov 15, 1841 & living.

Wallace Nelson Shinn, Born at Creston Iowa Feby 25, 1906.

Mary Henderson [dau of Hannah & Thomas] Born Aug 25, 1842 ob Sept 16, 1886 mar Aug 10, 1866 to Samuel Rankin son of William Rankin & his wife Eliza Junk who was born Mch 10, 1844 & now lives at Galesburg Ill with his 2d wife who was Nancy A. Pittman born Jany 29, 1860 & by whom he has one son.

William F., B Aug 13, 1868

Mag E., B Aug 28, 1873

Samuel S. B Sept 11, 1876

Horace A. B June 22, 1882

Ralph C. B Aug 21, 1895 Mr R's son by his 2d wife.

Martha Henderson ob, mar

Elizabeth Henderson ob, mar

Stewart Henderson, M.1, M.2., M.3.

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Oak Hill Apr 25, 1923 8:44 AM

A letter dated Apr 20, 1923 from Mrs Lillie Kahl, Waterville Kansas see line 35 page 337 & pages 338 & 339 gives information partly noted on pages 344 & 345 & by reason of lack of room there, I am noting here what she says about the marriage & further records of her three older daughters:

"The three older girls are married:

A. Mamie was married to Ivan H. Nash in Concordia Kan on June 7, 1916. Mr Ivan H. Nash was born Dec 26, 1882 at Waterville Kansas. His mother's maiden name is unknown to me. He is the son of the late I.W. Nash of Waterville. They are the parents of one little girl.

a. Helen Lucile Nash born Oct 12, 1919.

Their present address is 403 East 7th St Concordia Kan

B. Hattie was married to Lyman E. Shirck in Waterville Kan on Sept 5, 1917. Lyman E. Shirck was born Aug 27, 1880 at Waterville. His mother's maiden name is also unknown to me. He is the son of Mr & Mrs John Shirck of Lecompton Kansas. They are the parents of one boy:

a. Robert Edgar Shirck born June 28, 1920 at Waterville.

Their present address is No 1226 Wood Ave Kansas City Kansas

C. Ruth was married June 11, 1919 to James H. Stewart Jr in Concordia Kansas. James H. Stewart Jr was born Apr 30, 1901 at Waterville. His mother's maiden name was Enjeana Hill born in NY state. They are the parents of a boy:

a. Dale Clark Stewart born Aug 11, 1922

Their present address is at Waterville Kan.

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She states as follows about the marriages of her sister Ruth's two eldest daughters, see page 345.

A. "Beaulah [sic] was married to Edward Froome June 30, 1922 at Vermillion Kan. Edward Froome's parents are unknown to me. Their present address is Vermillion Kansas.

B. May was married to Guy Stephens of Corning Kansas on Feby 23, 1920. Guy Stephens is the son of William Stephens of Grand Junction Colorado. Guy Stevens' [sic] mother was Miss Anna Blanche Cribbs, daughter of Mr & Mrs George Cribbs of Corning Kan. Mr & Mrs Guy Stephens are the parents of two daughters:

a. Dorotha May Stephens, the eldest was born Oct 16, 1920

b. Barbara Helen Stephens the other was born Dec 12, 1921

Their present address is Grand Junction Colorado. Both children were born at Grand Junction Colorado.

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Oak Hill Apr 27, 1923 Friday 8:08 PM

This morning at 7:22 AM, Dr Peter Franklin Smith telephoned me from "Tute's" residence that she, my dearly beloved sister, Ruth Anna Shepler had just died shortly before. I went in town at 8:50 got shaved & stopped at Tute's & was admitted by Lenora who was there. Mary appearing took us upstairs where Tute was laid out, embalmed on her bed. Mary said she had suffered intensely through the night & she having been up the entire night, the night before, laid down at 2 AM & slept until 5 Am when the doctor came & she said her mother died abt 6;45 Am ie Apr 27, 1923. She was born in Westmoreland Co Pa near Mill Grove May 16, 1847 & consequently had almost completed 76 yrs. Leaving abt 10 Am, Pallini drove me to New Salem Pa where we turned at the public square to the right & drove out abt one mile to the Joseph H. Moss home, on the left hand side, a log house with the front facing the road weather boarded. I went to the kitchen door & was met by a slender lady who upon inquiry said she was Miss Edith Moss. Upon telling her my mission, she produced a small black leather backed book 8 1/2 in long by 6 3/4 inches wide with the "Moss Family Record" on 30 pages of which she has written record & more than that many pages are black. She allowed me to bring the book with me to copy &

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to be returned some evening at 6 PM when her father, Joseph H. Moss will be home & who she says is much better versed on the old family records than she is. She said he was 73 yrs old & works at Taylor Coke works every day which is 2 1/2 miles off. A very large heavy woman was also there, who I suppose is her sister. She said the widow of Geo Core was a daughter of Alfred Funk whose two wives were Browns descended from a Thompson & that George's brother, John Core, son of J. Harvey Core had married a daughter of John A. Moore whose wife was a Moss & lived at the old Jno A. Moore home & that she, Mrs Core in fact both Mrs Core could give much data. She said "Granny" Thompson (ie Ann Downard Thompson, widow of Jacob) was not buried at Lecky's g.y. but at a private burying ground on the Jno A. Moore farm, but she did not know whether there was a marker. She said she was buried in a rough home made coffin & was hauled to the burying ground in an ox cart & the coffin being larger than the bed of the ox cart it almost slipped out behind several times before they reached the grave. She had never heard of any Calles's, Frames, or Jackson marrying sisters of her ancestress Ann Thompson Moss, but had heard of the Brown family relationship. She sd she copied the record of the births of Ann Thompson Moss children from a paper her father has & says they don't have a Moss Bible that old.

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I left at 10:55 AM & driving back, stopped at Sand Hill g.y. in Menallen Tp opposite brother Will's farm part of our old home Moxley farm & made a number of notations which I will now record. This graveyard being adjoining our old home. I knew personally the majority, I believe of the people buried there & for that reason make the record although there are very few or scarcely any relatives. It is a Quaker burying ground.

Sandy Hill Graveyard, Menallen Tp, Fayette Co Pa Apr 27, 1923 11:11 AM

1. John Hackney Aug 15, 1820 - May 5, 1898

Isabella Hackney Nov 19, 1826 - Oct 5, 1900

John W. Hackney Dec 17, 1853 - May 5, 1897

Geo W. Hackney June 21, 1867 - Sept 10, 1899

2. James M. Cupp Nov 11, 1845 - Feby 14, 1910

Mary E. his wife Sept 30, 1848 -

3. Esther Johnson Harris (my old friend) May 27, 1805 - Feby 7, 1908

4. Taylor W. Sickles died Feby 7, 1882 aged 28 yrs 8 mos

John W. Sickles died Oct 1, 1890 aged 37 yrs 10 mos & 4 days

5. Emeline Rockwell (our mother) died Dec 6, 1895 in her 90th yr

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6. Lewis Campbell (a very dear & respected friend) Born 12th Mo 27th 1794 died 7th Mo 1st 1882 aged 87 yrs 6 mos 4 days

Deborah Campbell born 1st mo 18th 1801 died 7th mo 20th 1873 aged 72 yrs 6 mos & 2 days

Joseph M. Campbell (I was Exr of his will) Born Apr 11, 1841, died Jany 15, 1895

James Campbell Mch 5, 1831, Nov 30, 1907

Abel Campbell died 12th mo 5th, 1846 in his 83d yr

Susannah Campbell died 8th mo 31st 1847 in her 80th yr

7. Solomon Phillips Sept 25, 1830, Dec 6, 1911

Ellis Phillips Born Oct 12, 1798, died Jany 9, 1878

Phebe Phillips died the 27th of 2d mo 1850 aged 42 yrs

8. John Hackney died Dec 31, 1867 in his 85th yr

Lydia S. wife of John Hackney died Nov 25, 1863 in her 76th yr

9. Thomas Barton died Oct 25, 1873 in his 74th yr.

Priscilla B. Barton died Dec 29, 1880 in her 95th yr

John W. Barton died July 29, 1894 aged 66 yrs

10. Samuel Harris Dec 26, 1780, June 13, 1872

11. Abraham Roderick (I was one of his Exrs) Born Mch 12, 1823, died May 16, 1896

I knew personally all of the above who died since 1865 when I was 11 yrs old.

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12. William Malaby born June 22, 1820, died Nov 24, 1852

Lydia F. Malaby born Dec 23, 1847, died Jany 29, 1853

13. Joseph Woodward died Mch 22, 1856, aged 89 yrs 11 mos 22 days

Hope Woodward Died Feby 12, 1856 aged 73 yrs 11 mos 24 days

14. Isaac Hague died Sept 29, 1862 in his 77th yr

15. Nathan Jefferis died July 20, 1854 aged 63 yrs 6 mos 22 days

Mary Cloud, wife of Nathan Jefferis Born July 16, 1799, died Mch 18, 1892

16. Caleb Woodward ("Curly Cale") died Nov 24, 1877 aged 72 yrs 6 mos 9 days

Ruth, wife of Caleb Woodward died June 22, 1888, aged 89 yrs 2 mos 13 days

17. Felix Hempstead, died Sept 11, 1870 aged 64 yrs 5 mos 9 days

Sarah Ann, wife of Felix Hempstead died Aug 10, 1870 aged 55 yrs 5 mos 15 days

18. Nancy Eddingfield (mother of Wm Thos Kennedy) died Mch 27, 1880 aged 56 yrs 2 mos 5 days

Elizabeth J. Eddingfield, July 23, 1838, June 3, 1915

Saml M. & A. Pearl, children of W.T. & N.E. Kennedy buried alongside.

19. J. Harvey Cobun Died Apr 22, 1900 aged 74 yrs 8 mos 3 days

20. Asa Harris died Apr 4, 1901 aged 85 yrs

Eliza M. Harris died Nov 5, 1900 aged 79 yrs

21. Bernard Dannels died June 15, 1865 aged 79 yrs 3 mos 13 days

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Jane Parshall, wife of Bernard Dannels died Dec 18, 1886 aged 91 yrs 1 mo 16 days

22. Mary A. King died Dec 16, 1911 aged 88 yrs

23. William Hutson (our father) born Sept 9, 1823 died Mch 6, 1889

Rebecca A. Hutson (our sister) born Oct 1, 1858 died July 3, 1890.

Leaving 12:22 PM

We then drove in to Oak Hill & Pallini got his lunch & we went in town & had a new tire put on our auto & then drove out to the Tent Church graveyard.

"Tent" Church g.y. Apr 27, 1923 1:38 PM

24. James M. Griffith (I was one of his Exrs) died Sept 21, 1913 aged 68 yrs

25. George Byerly died Apr 26, 1871 in his 41st yr

Mary, wife of Jacob Laughery died July 27, 1875 aged 49 yrs 8 mos 19 days

Joseph Byerly died Feby 5, 1877 in his 22d yr

John W. Byerly died Dec 23, 1889 in his 24th yr

26. Joseph Heaton (father of Minerva Moore) died Nov 12, 1878 in his 86th yr

Nancy Heaton died Jany 6, 1858 in her 64 yr

George D. Moore Nov 25, 1817, May 13, 1879

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Minerva H., his wife (I was one of her Exrs) May 26, 1820, Feby 26, 1901.

27. James P. Crothers Mar 8, 1826, May 25, 1905. He died as he lived, Peaceful.

Infant son of J.P. & F.E. Crothers

Mary Markle, wife of James P. Crothers died Dec 29, 1864, aged 45 yrs 9 mos 5 days

Frances E., wife of James P. Crothers Sept 18, 1841, Feby 4, 1917 She hath done what she could.

Cyrus P., son of P & M.M. Crothers died Apr 9, 1876 in his 17th yr.

28. James Robinson died Apr 11, 1890 in his 84 yr

Catherine Ann, wife of James Robinson died Sept 11, 1863 in her 44 yr

Lavina P. Robinson, wife of James Robinson died Oct 12, 1912 in her 86 yr

Emma Robinson Deffenbaugh, affectionate daughter of James & Catharine A. Robinson & beloved wife of Rev Geo L. Deffenbaugh died at Lapwai, Idaho Territory Jany 3, 1887 aged 23 yrs 5 mos 27 days

29. Jacob Blackford died May 1, 1847 aged 88 yrs & 20 days

30. James Corr died July 5, 1854 in the 16 yr of his age. Lord he was thine & not my own. I thank thee for the precious tone Afforded me so long.

This fixes the date I have for 33 yrs been trying to get viz the date that father was struck by lightning as this is the boy who was sitting beside him & killed. See below (end of this record) at page 502.

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James Corr died Feby 17, 1838 aged 29 yrs 9 mos & 3 days

Catherine, wife of James Corr died June 3, 1879 in her 63 yr

Francis Corr died July 17, 1838 in the 3d yr of her age.

31. Frederick Roderick died Mch 8, 1859 aged 73 (or 73) yrs 1 mo 21 days

Margaret, wife of Frederick Roderick died May 23, 1871 in her 86th yr.

Louisa Roderick died Sept 29, 1843 aged 23 yrs 9 mos

32. Mariah G., wife of Thos Robinson & daughter of J & N. Fordyce died Apr 10, 1855 aged 19 yrs 3 mos 16 days

Wm E. son of T & M Robinson died Mch 30, 1858 aged 3 yrs 1 day

33. Elias Hatfield died May 18, 1839 aged 77 yrs 2 mos & 7 days

Ann Hatfield died Sept 21, 1852 in her 85 yr

Timothy Hatfield died Dec 13, 1848 aged 45 yrs 2 mos 17 days

Mary, wife of Timothy Hatfield, our mother born Aug 11, 1805 died June 6, 1879

Elias Hatfield (son of Timothy & Mary Hatfield) died Dec 15, 1848 aged 13 yrs 10 mos 20 days

Wm H. Hatfield (who had 1/3 of some Wash Co coal with me) March 13, 1846, Nov 18, 1920.

34. Christian Hadden died Dec 2, 1863 in his 72 yr

Zeruiah Hadden died Sept 17, 1860 in her 71 yr

Joseph Hadden died Feby 23, 1821 aged 59 yrs 2 mos 21 days

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Anna Hadden died Mch 10, 1846 aged 79 yrs 1 mo 11 days

Carlisle Hadden son of Joseph & Ann Hadden died 1815, aged 10 yrs 11 mos 7 days.

35. William Smilie died Aug 22, 1820 aged 42 yrs

Ann Smilie died Aug 8, 1820, aged 42 yrs

36. Rev. Jas P. Baird, died May 16, 1891 aged 71 yrs 2 mos 20 days

Margaret A. (wife of Rev J.P. Baird) died Nov 17, 1861 aged 38 yrs 8 mos

37. Stephen Mackey died Mch 2, 1819 aged 77 yrs

Mary Mackey died Mch 22, 1808 aged 68 yrs

38. Thomas Hadden died Dec 31, 1832 aged 34 yrs 2 mos 19 days

Joseph Wylie Hadden died June 8, 1826 aged 2 yrs 3 mos 19 days

Teresa M. Hadden died Aug 2, 1849 in her 46 yr

Mary Margaret, daughter of Staten & Teresa M. Trader died June 27, 1865 aged 27 yrs 5 mos 11 days.

39. Christopher Brown (famous as "Stophel") died Mch 18, 1857 in his 85 yr

Margaret, consort of Christopher Brown died Dec 10, 1837 in her 64 yr

Elizabeth M. Brown died July 11, 1890 in her 78 yr

40. James D. Mackey died June 6, 1848 aged 43 yrs 23 days

Julia A. wife of James D. Mackey died Dec 29, 1889 in her 83d yr.

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Ann Mackey, consort of John Lechner died July 13, 1858 in her 78 yr

41. Lydia Ann Troutman died Jany 30, 1892 aged 77 yrs 2 mos 7 days

Juliet M. Troutman, wife of T.A. H. Meyer died Oct 25, 1890 aged 71 yrs 11 mos 2 days

42. Alexander Deyarmon born Oct 24, 1801, died Mch 9, 1890 in his 89 yr

Nancy, wife of Alex Deyarmon died July 9, 1875? in his [sic] 65 yr

43. James Shoaf died July 3, 1881 aged 66 yrs 11 mos 78 days

Malinda (wife of James Shoaf) born Jany 2, 1817, died Aug 2, 1898

44. James Snyder, died Aug 6, 1885 in his 91st yr

Mary, wife of James Snyder died Jany 24, 1887 aged 90 yrs 11 mos 4 days

Lewis M. Snyder, Mch 27, 1827, Aug 3, 1911

Margaret B. dau of James & Mary Snyder died Apr 4, 1862 aged 32 yrs 1 mo 7 days.

45. Martha, wife of Col John McClelland died Jany 21, 1822 aged 84 yrs

Rachel, wife of John McClelland died Feby 2, 1847 aged 72 yrs

John McClelland died Aug 15, 1849 aged 83 yrs

46. Samuel Watt Jr died Feby 3, 1842 aged 35 yrs

Samuel Watt Sr died June 16, 1826 aged 68 yrs

Jenny Watt died Oct 16, 1882 in her 100th yr

Martha Watt Deyarmon 1825 - 1920

47. Phillip Victor Born Sept 11, 1777, died Sept 6, 1855

Adam Victor died Jany 26, 1839 aged 54 yrs

48. William Speer died Aug 10, 1825 aged 80 yrs

Isabella Speer died Jany 8, 1833 aged 76 yrs 4 mos

49. Ellis Freeman died Nov 1, 1859 aged 47 yrs 8 mos 2 days

Malinda, wife of Ellis Freeman died Jany 23, 1905 aged 88 yrs 1 mo 7 days.

James Coleman, son of Elles & Melinda Freeman died Mch 309, 1849 aged 2 yrs 3 mos 19 days

Azel Freeman died Aug 10, 1835 aged 60 yrs & 9 mos

50. In memory of John Scott d.t.l. Dec 27, 1802 aged 63 yrs.

In memory of Jane Scott d.t.l. Aug 8, 1823 aged 83 yrs

51. Morris Mauler, father, died Jany 14, 1879 aged 82 yrs

Berthena, wife of Morris Mauler, mother died May 7, 1887 aged 89 yrs 9 mos 7 days.

William Mauler died May 10, 1904 aged 73 yrs, member of Co d 14th Reg Pa Cav

52. Henry Daugherty, elder in the C.P. Church died Jany 7, 1879 aged 72 yrs 2 mos 7 days

Priscilla J. Daugherty, mother born June 8, 1829 died Dec 15, 1880

53. Rev M.C. Bailey died Oct 1, 1890 in his 43d yr & 13th yr of his ministry

Rose, daughter of M.C. & B.M. Bailey born Mch 27, 1884 died May 18, 1884

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54. Alson W. Freeman Dec 30, 1839, Aug 6, 1910

55. Jonas Huey, died June 22, 1848 aged 79 yrs 6 mos 13 days

Mary, wife of Jonas Huey died Jany 26, 1880 in her 96 yr

56. Thos Robinson Mch 29, 1817, Sept 1, 1909

Harriet Robinson Feby 12, 1824 - Sept 10, 1906

57. John T. Smith died Apr 5, 1884 aged 74 yrs 4 mos 29 days

Rebecca, wife of John T. Smith died Nov 27, 1896 aged 84 yrs 3 mos 21 days

58. Jonas Eddingfield died Mch 15, 1901, aged 73 yrs member Co B 16 Reg Pa Cav

Susan, wife of Jonas Eddingfield died Sept 14, 1886 aged 52 yrs 7 mos 6 days

59. John Custead died Jany 28, 1873 aged 80 yrs

Mrs Bessie Littell, wife of J. Custead died Sept 27, 1857 aged 70 yrs

Job Littell died Mch 1824, aged 82 yrs

Mrs Bessie Robinson, wife of J. Littell died Feby 1837 aged 87 yrs

Perie Robinson died May 1762 aged 17 yrs

Phebe Littell died Aug 1788 aged 17 yrs

Eliakim Littell died 1791 aged 13 yrs

Wm R. Littell died Oct 1825 aged 52 yrs

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Elma Custead Hamilton died June 1876 aged 36 yrs

Erected by R.L. Custead & E.R. Custead. This is a small monument standing between the markers of "Rose & Eliza"

Rhoda L. Custead ("Rose")_ 1819 - 1908

Elizabeth R. Custead ("Eliza") 1829 - 1910

60. Elizabeth Moser died May 3, 1880 in her 82 yr

Martha Moser 1812 - 1906

These two on opposite sides of same stone.

61. Wm Custead born Feby 13, 1821 died Mch 9, 1908

Eliza Ann, his wife Born Jany 1, 1823, died Mch 12, 1894

Leaving 4:22 PM

We then drove in town & I stopped at 161 Union St to see Cousin C. Abbie Van Kirk born in May 1840 & asked her if she remembered when father was struck by lightning & she said she certainly did & that the boy killed by his side was James Core (she thinks the Spelling Corr is wrong) a young boy who lived with his mother who was a widow in Fairchance Pa, so this confirms the tombstone records & fixes the date of father's stroke as July 5, 1854. Abbie said

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J. Robinson Showalter was 3 mos old when his mother, Emma R. Deffenbaugh died Jany 3, 1887 at Lapwai Idaho & the snow being very deep, they buried her there & 3 mos later in Apr took her up & brought her here & buried her at the tent, see item 28 above p 496 bringing the baby with them & after a day or so at its grandfather's, Col James Robinson's, they took him to John & Jennie Showalter's at Chicora, Butler Co Pa & they adopted him as J. Robinson Showalter. It is now 12:37 AM Apr 28, 1923

Levi Springer Burial Plat Apr 28, 1923 7:11 AM This is a burial plat on land he then owned & is abt 25 ft square located between Oak Hill & Fox Hill in North Union Tp, Fayette Co Pa & is owned by his heirs, having been reserved. Just himself & wife are buried there viz:

62. Levi Springer born Aug 14, 1777, died Feby 15, 1862 aged 84 yrs 6 mos

Catharine, consort of Levi Springer born June 2, 1796 died Mch 1, 1857 aged 60 yrs 8 mos 29 days.

Left 7:17 AM

V9 Page 504 & V9 Page 505

[Descendant Chart]

John Riley Redburn born Oct 4, 1843 see pages 216 & 11. His address is Ridgeway Mo, Harrison Co RFD 1 c/o H.B. Brumfield.


Drury Nathan Redburn, oldest born Nov 5, 1868 in Missouri mar at Grant City Mo July 7, 1888 to Elizabeth Simmons. Two children born in Grant City MO.

Pearlie Ann, B June 6, 1890 m. July 13, 1906 at Omerilla Texas to Ora Allen May

Lila Alice May, B Aug 28, 1907 at Canyon City, Texas

Geneva May , B May 30, 1895 m. Feby 23, 1918 in Tex Harmon Robert Fulton. No issue.

Almed Adelia Redburn, m. in Montana 1891 A.B. Brumfield & now live at Ridgeway Mo RFD 1.

Lee Roy Brumfield, Born Oct 22, 1891 at Mont. M. Dec 27, 1911 at Belpie Kan to Fannie Fern Rankin.

Benjamin Rankin, B July 22, 1914 at Garfield, Kansas

Rell Dean Brumfield, B Jany 22, 1918

Rex Oren Brumfield, Born Mch 31, 1909 at Kans

Adam Franklin Redburn, m. He lives Mangum Okla

Walter Burton Redburn, m. He lives Clearfield, Iowa

Margaret, oldest m. Jesse L. Cast. Box F. 1st F.A. Fort Sill Okla

Jonnita Lucile, B June 21, 1916.

Harold Donald, B Mch 18, 1918

Ruby Irene, B Jan 4, 1920

Wallace Owen, B Feby 19, 1922

Mary Hester Redburn, m. 1894 at Grant City Mo to Perry A. Westfall

Vernie Westfall, b Jany 2, 1895 m. & lives Lewiston, Ida. No issue

Earl Westfall, B Oct 1896 ob 1897

Walter, B Apr 14, 1899

Carl Westfall, B Mch 9, 1901

Mae Westfall, B Jan 16, 1903 m. 1922 Earl Hayten & live Clarkston, Wash.

one child

Arthur Westfall, B July 30, 1906

Charles Lindsay Redburn, born Mch 1, 1882 at Moulton, Iowa, married Nov 26, 1905 at Mayfield Okla to Rilda Ann Cupp who was born in Chariton MO Oct 11, 1879 dau of John Harvey Cupp & his wife Martha Ann Wassham see P 11.

Ralph Raymond, B Apr 28, 1908

Dorothy Fay, B May 16, 1914

Mabel Lucile, B Feby 20, 1921

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Oak Hill Apr 28, 1923 10:05 PM

I recd yesterday a letter from Jane Moss, Grand Ridge Ills, small env filed dated Apr 25, 1923 in which she states that her great grandmother Margery Huston married Joseph Cunningham & had by him a daughter Margery Cunningham who married Jacob Moss & became her grandmother. She also had a son but it & the father died &8 the widow Margery Cunningham became the 3d wife of Ebenezer Finley to whom she had three children, Uncle Robert, Eli H. & Margaret. Meeting Uncle Robert's son, Thos W. Finley at 10 o'c this morning at Will L. Wood's news stand, I asked him what Huston family she was of & he said the Judge John Huston family, she being a sister of the Judge's father & he said his father & Judge John Huston were first cousins & that Judge used often to visit Uncle Robert at his home.

In telling Eva & Jasper Sheplar tonight at their home about finding the date father was struck by lightning near Fairchance Pa viz July 5, 1854, they said their mother had often said that father had told her that he had a silk handkerchief in his hat & he thought that that saved him..

I notice in the census of 1790 a Garland Callis in Prince George Co Ind & a James A. Callis in St Mary's Co Md both extensive slave owners. I do not find the name of Callis in the Penna census.

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Oak Hill Apr 29, 1923 1:20 PM

I am copying here the records of the "Moss family" which Miss Edith Moss of Menallen Tp near New Salem Pa loaned me on 27th inst, they all, I believe, being descendants of Ann Thompson, daughter of Jacob Thompson & his wife Ann Downard Thompson.

"Joseph Moss & his wife, who was Scotch, came to this country from Ireland. His son, Joseph was my great-great grandfather. He was born July 19, 1749 in Chester Co Pa. His father & mother & some of the family were buried in the Manna (does she mean Faggs Manor?) burying ground in Chester Co Pa.

Anne Thompson was born July 15, 1749. She was the daughter of "Granny" Thompson who built or owned the first grist mill at New Salem Pa & owned a vast tract of land lying in German & Menallen Tps (The records at our court house as examined yesterday afternoon shows no deed to her, but as they came before 1776, it is likely of record at Greensburgh Pa which see)

Joseph Moss & Anne Thompson were married Sept 20, 1772.

After his marriage, Joseph Moss served in the Revolutionary Army but was honorably discharged June 19, 1778

Mr & Mrs Joseph Moss lived on what is known as the "old Moss place" near Windy Hill now known as Lambert. To them were born seven (7) children, as follows:

1. Mary Moss, born Aug 26, 1773

2. Jacob Moss born Oct 31, 1776

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3. John Moss born Mar 27, 1779

4. Anne Thompson Moss born Nov 3, 1781

5. Sarah Moss born Jany 18, 1784

6. Margaret Moss born Dec 7, 1787

7. Elizabeth Moss born June 7, 1789

The deaths of this family were:

Parents Anne Moss died Apr 21, 1819

Joseph Moss died Oct 22, 1841

Jacob Moss died Oct 9, 1862

Margaret Moss McCombs died Nov 30, 1810

Sarah Moss died Sept 8, 1817

1. Anne Thompson Moss was married to ______ Galloway. To this union were born three sons viz: Samuel, Joseph & Thompson and three daughters viz: Anne married to a Mr Hansman, Mary married to Jacob Moss, Susan married to Stephen Patton.

2. Sarah Moss married a Mr Thompson


3. Elizabeth Moss married a Mr Reynolds

4. Mary Moss married a Mr Coats. To this union were born four sons viz: John, Joseph, Thomas & Jackson (buried at Lackeys graveyard) & two daughters viz: Mary Anne married to Wm Lackey & Lydia Margaret married to John Smith.

5. Margaret Moss was married to McCombs. To this union were born two sons viz: William who died at 1 year of age and John who was married to Mary Jane Galleher.

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6. John Moss was married to

Margery Cunningham was born May 7, 1789 & died Sept 26, 1853

7. Jacob Moss, my great grandfather & Margery Cunningham were married Mch 27, 1806. They were known as Major & Magie Moss & lived near Windy Hill. To this union were born ten children as follows:

1. Anne Thompson Moss born July 12, 1807

2. Jane Huston Moss born Jany 27, 1810

3. Joseph Cunningham Moss born Dec 22, 1812

4. Sarah Louisa Moss born Apr 18, 1815

5. Ebenezer Finley Moss born May 15, 1818

6. Richard William Moss born Oct 22, 1820

7. Robert Allen Moss born Sept 14, 1823

8. John Alexander Moss born Apr 30, 1827

9. Mary Margery Moss born Feby 26, 1830

10. Jacob Henry Moss born June 4, 1834

The deaths of this family are as follows:


Jacob Moss died Oct 9, 1862

Margery Moss died Sept 26, 1853

1. Anne T. Moss Haney died Aug 22, 1834

2. Jane H. Moss Moore died May 18, 1859

3. Joseph C. Moss died Mar 20, 1885

4. Sarah L. Moss McWilliams died Sept 26, 1860

5. Ebenezer F. Moss died Jany 12, 1905 (87 yrs)

6. Richard Wm Moss died Aug 18, 1834

7. Robert Allen Moss died June 25, 1871

8. John A. Moss died Jany 18, 1888

9. Mary Margery Moss died Dec 12, 1856

10. Jacob Henry Moss died Oct 16, 1844

Below is given the descendants of these ten children of Jacob & Margery Moss as near as I could get them.

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1. Anne Thompson Moss was married to John Haney in Oct 1832. Her only descendant was one son, Clark B. Haney born Aug 7, 1833 but was left motherless at the age of 1 year. Clark B. Haney was a soldier in the Civil War. He never married, spent a number of years in the west. He was Lieutenant in the army & helped to build the Union Pacific Railroad. he died Dec 19, 1911 & was buried at the Lecky Cemetery near Windy Hill.

2. Jane Huston Moss was married to John A. Moore Mch 27, 1834 who was born Apr 10, 1808 & died Dec 29, 1889. Their descendants were as follows:

1. Anne Thompson Moore born Dec 28, 1834

2. Mary H. Moore born Dec 4, 1836 married to Elias Jeffries March 27, 1858

a. Jennie Jeffries Thompson born Dec 29, 1858

b. William Jeffries born July 24, 1861

c. Mary Addie Jeffries Atkinson born Nov 10, 1865

d. Johnny Jeffries born Mar 3, 1871 & died Apr 21, 1897

Mary Moore Jeffries died June 10, 1877.

3. George C. Moore was born Mar 14, 1839. He married Matilda Jeffries Jany 27, 1865.

a. Sarah Jane Moore born Oct 30, 1865 married to Elijah Oliver Gadd, son of Joseph & Mary Motts Gadd on Nov 5, 1884. Mr Gadd was born Mch 19, 1859.

1. Mary Matilda Gadd born Apr 22, 1886 see page 535

2. Albert Kenneth Gadd born Nov 16, 1894 unmarried & at home.

3. Ethel Odessa born Jany 1, 1900 ob Nov 29, 1908.

1 1/2 unnamed boy born & died Dec 25, 1888.

b. John Newton Moore born Sept 29, 1869 married to Martha Merriman Mch 4, 1896 dau of James Merryman [sic] & Eva White.

1. George Moore born Jany 12, 1897

2. Zella Moore born Oct 31, 1899

3. Elmer Moore born Aug 23, 1903

4. Alice Moore born Nov 28, 1910

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c. Frank Moore born July 12, 1877 married to Ella Cropp dau of Orton Cropp & Sarah Cameron.

1. Walter Moore born Feby 3, 1900

2. Orton Moore born Nov 24, 1901

3. Sarah Moore born May 4, 1904

4. Ruth Moore born Feby 10, 1906

d. Lydia Ann Moore born Nov 11, 1879 married to Joe Hayden Antrim born Nov 2, 1878.

1. Twila Pearl Antrim born Oct 9, 1898

2. Mary Martha Antrim born Mch 20, 1900

3. John Antrim born Sept 29, 1903

4. Mildred Jane Antrim born Aug 25, 1907

5. Herbert Hudson Antrim born Mch 6, 1912 ob Apr 4, 1912 [twin]

6. George Gilbert Antrim born Mch 6, 1912 ob Apr 3, 1912 [twin]

7. Lewis Colwin Antrim born Oct 19, 1914

8. Imogene May Antrim born Feby 18, 1921

4. Margery Moore was born Sept 4, 1841 see page 532. She married John Core who was born Nov 10, 1840 & died & buried New Salem Pres g.y. June 6, 1905.

a. Lou Moore married to Edgar Gadd who was born Feby 20, 1864

1. Beryl Gadd married to Edgar Harn. She was born Apr 3 1889. He son of Morgan Harn & Adelaid Hackney.

a. Eugene Harn born Dec 26, 1908

2. Helen Gadd married to Frank Johnson. She was born Aug 26, 1891. He is son of Wm P. Johnson, son of Jacob & his wife Anne Wager [Hager? very faded & hard to read]. He was born Aug 28, 18[faded]

a. Cecil Dwayn [sic] Johnson Aug 7, 1912

b. Franklin Gadd Johnson born Dec 13, 1914

3. Edgar Gadd born Feby 1, 1893

4. Cecelia Gadd born Nov 11, 1895

5. Harold Gadd born June 4, 1897

6. Mary M. Gadd born Aug 31, 1903

7. Donald Gadd born June 5, 1906

5. Jane Huston Moore born Oct 14, 1843

6. Margaret Moore born June 17, 1846. She married Henderson Deffenbaugh Jany 7, 1869. son of Nicholas Deffenbaugh.

a. John Deffenbaugh born May 7, 1870 married to Eva Emery Dec 25, 1907.

1. Ethel Deffenbaugh, born June 25, 1909

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b. Thomas J. Deffenbaugh born July 3, 1872 married to Anna Emery Oct 17, 1912. No issue.

c. Etta Deffenbaugh born Apr 2, 1877, unm

d. Charley Deffenbaugh born Sept 24, 1875 ob Dec 24, 1900

e. Janie Deffenbaugh [this might be Jamie] Sept 13, 1879 unm

f. George Deffenbaugh born Nov 17, 1883, married

g. Blanche Deffenbaugh born July 10, 1885 married Harry Lewellyn [Clewellyn? best guess]

h. Emerson Deffenbaugh born May 24, 1848 married C.D. Crow.

7. Adeline Moore born May 24, 1848 married to Alex Black. She died Feby 12, 1906. He died July 9, 1922. No issue.

John A. Moore, the father died Dec 29, 1889

Geo. C. Moore died July 26, 1913

3. Joseph C. Moss died Mch 20, 1885 married Elizabeth Haney. To them were born nine children as follows:

1. William Cunningham Moss

a. William Moss

b. Allen Moss

2. Samuel Haney Moss

a. Carrie Moss Russell

b. Anna Moss Leach

c. Capadocia Moss Biles

3. Jacob Allen Moss

a. Cora Moss

b. Loyd Moss

c. Howard Moss

d. Gertrude Moss

e. Ethel Moss

f. Bernie Moss

g. Martha Moss

4. John Henry Moss

a. Percey Moss

b. Leroy Moss

c. Harold Moss

V9 Page 514

5. Clark B. Moss

a. DeLaTeur Moss

b. Ada LaFern Moss d.y.

6. Joseph M. Moss

a. Ollison Moss

b. Andra Moss

7. Ebenezer Wilson Moss

a. Gracie Elizabeth Moss

b. William Moss

8. Angeline Moss, d.y.

9. James Albert Moss

a. Florence Moss

b. Eva Moss

c. Marshall Moss

d. James A. Moss

4. Sarah Louisa Moss

5. Ebenezer Finley Moss married Sabina Malaby Jany 9, 1840. To this union were born 4 sons & 2 daughters. Mrs Moss died Aug 28, 1854. She was born Oct 17, 1818. Nazer Moss was again married in 1857 to Mrs Mary Hannah Alton whose maiden name was Britt. She was born in Kentucky May 14, 1829, died in Grand Ridge Ills Mch 29, 1909. To this last union were born 3 sons & 3 daughters. Their children were as follows:

a. Jacob Thompson Moss born Oct 26, 1840. He married (2d) Miss Laura Holford, their children were Louis Holford Moss born in Chicago June 16, 1878, died Aug 6, 1902 & Howard Stanley Moss married to Miss Florence Seavey of Chicago June 19, 1902 & have twins Doris Moss & Janis Moss born in Chicago Jany 15, 1909.

(one of this family wrote Miss Edith giving the record & she pasted it in her book 3 page

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& it is as follows:)

Jacob Thompson Moss, son of Ebenzer Vinley Moss & Sabinah Malaby Moss born near New Salem, Fayette Co Pa Oct 26, 1840. Frances Virginia Taylor born at Clarksburg WVA Sept 15, 1842. Jacob Thompson Moss & Frances Virginia Taylor were married Apr 26, 1871 at Clarksburg WVA.

1. Francis Thompson Moss born at Cincinnati O Sept 10, 1872 & died Mch 30, 1873 at Cincinnati O. aged 6 mos & 20 days. He rests beside his mother.

Frances Virginia Moss died Sept 11, 1872 in Cincinnati O aged 29 yrs 11 mos 25 days. Buried at her old home Clarksburg WVA.

Laura Holford was born in Cincinnati Ohio June 6, 1848. Jacob Thompson Moss & Laura Holford were married at Walnut Hill, Cincinnati O Nov 20, 1873 by Rev George Fullerton

2. Louis Holford Moss born in Chicago Ills June 16, 1878

3. Howard Stanley Moss born in Chicago Ills June 9, 1881 married Florence Seavey in Chicago on June 19, 19002 & have twin girls.

a. Doris Moss born Jany 15, 1909 in Chicago Ills

b. Janis Moss born Jany 15, 1909 in Chicago Ills

Louis Holford Moss died in Denver Colorado Aug 6, 1902 aged 24 yrs 1 mo 21 days. Buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Chicago.

Jacob Thompson Moss served as a private soldier in Co A 53d Ill Infantry nearly one & one half years, was wounded & discharged nine months later. Re-entered the army as First Sergeant Co I 53d Ill Infantry was promoted to 2d Lieut then 1st Lieut was wounded again, recovered & rejoined his command & was mustered out July 22, 1865 having served almost three years in the Union army during the Civil war.

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b. William Huston Moss was born July 13, 1842 in Fayette Co Pa. He enlisted in the Union Army of Civil War but took sick soon after starting to war & died in U.S. army hospital in Pittsburg Pa. He is buried at New Salem Pa.

c. Robert Henderson Moss was born July 28, 1844

d. Mary Ellen Moss was born near Uniontown Fayette Co Pa May 19, 1847. She was married to Wm C. Anderson Mar 5, 1879 in LaSalle Co Ill. They had no children. Mrs Anderson died in Denver Col March 5, 1894. Mr Anderson died at Grand Ridge Ills Nov 29, 1911.

e. Charles Henry Moss was born in Fayette Co Pa Oct 8, 1850. Mary Priscilla Fredenburg was born in Ottawa Ills Aug 17, 1852. They were married in Utica Ills Sept 27, 1876. Their children are:

1. Harmon Walter Moss born June 8, 1879 married to Esther Polly Lutz Oct 7, 1903 at Ottumwa Iowa

a. Nick Nery Moss born Mar 21, 1905

b. Walter John Moss born Aug 18, 1907

Both at Eldon Iowa

2. Edith Margery Moss born Mar 8, 1881 at Ottawa Ills

3. Mary Maude Moss born June 20, 1883 at Ottawa Ills

She married Albert Kildaisch Sept 1906 at Poplar bluff MO

a. Lydia Francis born Aug 26, 1907

b. Jack Kildaisch born Mar 190-

4. Henry Earl Moss born June 16, 1889 at Henry Ills. He married Flossie Fay Meadows of Fairfield Iowa Nov 15, 1911

V9 Page 517

5. Priscilla Platt Moss born Aug 13, 1893 at Ottawa Ills

6. Margery Ellen Moss born Aug 18, 1896 at Keokuk, Iowa

f. Margery Elizabeth Moss, the sixth & last child of Ebenezer & Sabina Malaby Moss was born July 28, 1854. She died Aug 30, 1854. Mrs Moss died Aug 28, 1854, mother & babe both buried together in same grave in C.P. burying ground at New Salem Pa.

Ebenezer F. Moss was married to Mrs Hannah Alton Dec 22, 1857. To them were born these children in Fayette Co Pa:

g. Sabina Louisa Moss born Sept 23, 1858. She was married to Benj Moore Stephenson of LaSalle Co Ills July 28, 1886

1. Walter c. Stephenson, an adopted son, born Sept 9, 1892 in Mason Co Ills

h. Joseph Antrim Moss born July 28, 1860

i. John Moore Moss born Jan 7, 1863 in Fayette Co Pa. Killed by lightning in LaSalle Co Ills June 1, 1880

j. Sarah Jane Moss born in LaSalle Co Ill Feby 24, 1865

k. Ebenezer Finley Moss Jr born in LaSalle Co Ills May 9, 1867 (I think he is the brother that S. Jane just above got the old Thompson birth record from) He married Anna Mabel Van Buren Feby 8, 1899. Their children are:

1. Rosella Fern Moss born Jany 24, 1900

2. Clyde Van Buren Moss born May 22, 1902

3. Leroy Moss born Feby 3, 1905

4. Mary Lucile Moss born Mar 15, 1909 & died Aug 31, 1910

5. Margery Viola Moss Oct 11, 1910

l. Emily Frances Moss, the youngest child of Eben-

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ezer F. & Hannah A. Moss was born May 23, 1869. She married Dolph C. Comins March 5, 1891. Mrs Comins died Dec 19, 1896.

Their children were:

1. Ruth Moss Comins born June 24, 1892

2. Elsie Arline Comins born Apr 29, 1894. Elsie died Dec 10, 1900 at Grand Ridge Ills.

6. Richard Wm Moss sixth child of Jacob & Margery Moss was born Oct 22, 1820 died Aug 18, 1834 age 14 yrs. He is buried at Lecky's cemetery.

7. Robert Allen Moss & Rachel Molton were married May 10, 1848. To this union were born four children as follows:

a. Sarah Elizabeth Moss born Jany 28, 1849

b. Joseph Huston Moss born Dec 28, 1850 He married Hannah Lavina Moore June 4, 1874. His children are:

1. Edith B. Moss born Apr 2, 1876

2. Ola E. Moss born Aug 13, 1879

3. Wade Ewell Moss born June 7, 1881 married Maude May June 10, 1902

a. Helen E. Moss born May 10, 1903

b. Floyd B. Moss born 1905.

Wade Moss died Apr 7, 1906

Floyd Moss died Sept 9, 1905

4. Kate Folsom Moss born Jany 6, 1886 married Feby 15, 1905 to Abner B. Wassam.

Rachel Moss died July 1, 1863

Robert A. Moss died June 25, 1871

c. John Allen Moss born Apr 4, 1854. He married Maggie Fullman

1. Harry H. Moss

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2. DeAlton Moss

3. Joseph Moss

4. Edith F. Moss born Jany 6, 1900

d. Margery Anne Moss born Oct 3, 1856 She married Wm Hinman

1. Clyde C. Hinman. He married Vida Haney.

a. Herschel Hinman

b. Margery Hinman

c. Vivian Hinman

8. John A. Moss eighth child of Major & Magie Moss was born Apr 30, 1827. He married Mary Anne Hibbs. To this union were born two daughters:

a. Margery Ellen Moss born Jany 4, 1860. She married James Deffenbaugh Dec 8, 1888.

1. Margery Ellen Deffenbaugh born Feby 24, 1897

Margery Moss Deffenbaugh died Mch 2, 1897

b. Nancy Jane Moss born 1861 lives in Seattle Wash, unmarried.

9. Mary Margery Moss ninth child of Major Moss was born Feby 26, 1830 died unmarried & is buried at Lecky's g.y.

10. Jacob Henry Moss tenth & last child of Major Moss was born June 4, 1834 & died Oct 16, 1844 being 14 (it is 10) years of age"

It is now 7:11 PM 29th & I have finished transcribing the Moss record. JVT

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[Descendant Chart]

Ann Thompson daughter of Jacob Thompson & his wife Ann Downard Thompson was born July 15, 1749. She died in Fayette Co Pa Apr 21, 1819. Married Sept 20, 1772 to Joseph Moss, son of (Joseph Moss) who was born in Chester Co Pa July 19, 1749. He died in Fayette Co Pa Oct 22, 1841.


Mary Moss, Born Aug 26, 1773 ob. M. Arthur Coates moved to Ohio to Chillicothe. He went to Athens O. See book 14 p 279 et seq.

These 6 are grandchildren, being issue of a daughter who married a Wm Moore. No relation to Jno A.





Mary Anne, m. Wm Lecky

Lydia Margaret, m. John Smith.

Jacob Moss, B Nov 1, 1776, ob Oct 9, 1862 m. Mch 27, 1806 Margery Cunningham see pages 510-519 inclusive.

John Moss, B Mch 27, 1779 ob. M.2. Hannah Wells & went to Wash Co Pa & died there. See book 12 p 240 for his will naming 8 sons & 2 daus.

William Moss, ob 1884 or 1885 owned a farm in Wash Tp Fay Co Pa. M. Nancy Fisher a sister of Becky Brown. See his will at Uniontown. He is buried at Rehoboth. See item 1 book 10 page 19.

John Thompson, m. Sadie? Hanna dau of Joe Hanna & sister of Doc. He had the Jno T. Moss distillery at Port Royal

Johnson S. m.2. Ira Newcomer dau of Wm L. M.1. Phebe Lynch.

Eliza Jane, m. Leroy Peter Hess




Rose, m. Chester

Ella, m. Thorndell owned 100 C'ville St

A dau, m. twice.

Jonathan, lived in Wash Co Pa. Margery Core says there was no son Jonathan see P 530 & 531.


Jacob, m. Mary Galloway

John or "John Thomas" youngest.

Ann Thompson Moss, B Nov 3, 1781 near or in New Salem Pa. ob Feby 27, 1861 in her 80th yr, buried at Rehoboth. m.1. Robert Galloway a native of Ireland. See Pages 840-42 of Lewis Pub Co 1912 Hist of Fay Co 3d Vol. He died June 30, 1818 in his 45th yr

Samuel, Joe H.M. says he used to visit his father. lived at the "Forks".

Joseph, bachelor, buried at Rehoboth

Robt Thompson, m. Ellen Cummings

Ann, m. Houseman

Mary, m. Jacob Moss see page 530 & 531



Susan P. born in Wash Tp 1816 & died 1889. M. in 1836 Stephen Patton born 1805. Thinks lived abt Rehoboth in Wash Tp Fay Co Pa son of John & Nancy Woodrow Patton. He was a cabinet maker & died there in his 87th yr.

4. Dr Robert G., dentist m. Naomi Patterson Had 3 girls & 1 boy. He born June 19, 1846

9. Rev Joseph Galloway, died abt a yr ago. Born Sept 11, 1860 & was buried at Rehoboth. M. Irene Knight


7. Noah W., M.D. lived at or near Smithton or Ch[unreadable]

Married. Born Oct 1853.

3. John S. Patton, the oldest still living at old place near Rehoboth, unmarried born Jany 22, 1844.

6. Martha, m. Rev Wilson. He died & she keeps house for her bro John. She born Apr 13, 1851.

1. Anna E. died unm buried at Rehoboth B June 30, 1839

5. Nancy Born Aug 4, 1848 see Bk 10 P 7 M [5]A.C. Sherrard & who worked for John E. Finley.

Mary Stockdale, called "Dale" born Oct 7, 1880 Near Belle Vernon Pa married Nov 9, 1904 to D.A. Harris. Beaver Co Pa

Martha Patton, B July 13, 1907

Jacob A. B Apr 5, 1905

Norton M. B Jany 10, 1909 ob Apr 1922

Catharine Cochran B Feby 23, 1910

Jesse Harold, B May 24, 1916

Mattie Sargent died of diptheria 1887 born Aug 1883

Hope Dodd, D.y. born Jany 1886 died 1888

John Patton Dodd, B Feby 1889 died 1889 aged 10 weeks

2. Sarah Ellen, she born Nov 14, 1841. m. McClain

8. "Lillie". This is Mary Aletha who was born May 3, 1856 m. R.T. Hutchinson

Nancy Patton, B Dec 13, 1840 ob Jany 3, 1841 second child. See book 10 p 6 & 7 for this family.

Sarah Moss, [dau of Ann & Joseph Moss] B Jany 18, 1784 ob Sept 8, 1817 m. Thompson

Margaret Moss, B Dec 7, 1787 ob Nov 30, 1810 m. McCombs

William, died aged 1 yr

John McCombs, M. Mary Jane Gallaher

Elizabeth Moss, B June 7, 1789 ob M. Reynolds. Joe H. Moss has heard his father speak of the Reynolds, but don't know where they lived. Thinks they went off west.

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At Joseph H. Moss Residence Menallen Tp may 1, 1923 8 PM

I arrived here two hours ago at 6:05 PM & found the family at supper & since they finished, I have been talking to Joe & his daughter Edith. Joe says John McCombs' mother died when he was a boy & Joe's grandfather, Jacob Moss, raised him. Joe says John Rogers, the father of Phil Rogers owned the Eli H. Finley farm & died there in 1809 & is buried in a g.y. to the right of the road among the houses now built there. Polly Williams was living with Joe's grandfather, Jacob Moss when Phil Rogers went off with her to White Rocks & Phil was threshing rye when the officers came to arrest him in 1810.

The original James Brown & his wife Elizabeth Thompson were buried on the John A. Moore farm which Moore bought from John McMullen, father of A.G. & Jno W. McMullen & it was at this same g.y. that Ann Downard Thompson was buried & at which her sons-in-law, James Brown & Joseph Moss were waiting when her remains in a rough home made coffin were brought in a one horse wagon cart. Joe says, not an ox cart, from her home at her mill by New Salem, her home being the stone house, partly torn down by Geo W. Hess in 1871 when he built the brick home. This mill once belonged to Judge Robt Boyd & also to

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Caleb Antrim.

Joe H. says that William Brown, a son of the original James & Elizabeth Thompson Brown had the following children that he knows of, viz:

1. Lydia Brown, married Joseph Worley. Their daughter Amy married Wm Stevenson of Green Co & their only child died in infancy. Their youngest daughter, Eliza Worley, married Geo McCray, his first wife & had Worley, Maggie, Lina, dead, & Edward. Susann Worley, another daughter, married Joseph Jeffries for his second wife & both are dead. She left no issue. He was one of Sallie's 17 children. They came back from the west & bot the Worley farm & died there.

Elizabeth Worley, another daughter died young & unmarried & is buried at Lecky's g.y.

Joes says his great grandmother, Ann Thompson Moss died Apr 21, 1819 & is buried at the stone church, Dunlaps Creek & her grave having no marker they were not able to locate it when her husband, Joseph Moss died Oct 22, 1841 so he was buried at Lecky's g.y. as were his son Jacob & his wife & also Richard Wm Moss, Jacob Henry Moss, Margery Moss, Sarah Louisa Moss McWilliams & Ann Moss Haney.

2. Orpha Brown married Henry Black. She is buried at Lecky's & he at Oak Grove near soldier's monument. They had children: Taylor, oldest, Alex & Evans & a girl or two. One married John Henry Moser.

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3. Elizabeth, 2d wife of Alfred Funk

4. Mary, 1st wife of Alfred Funk & her daughter, see page 544 Mrs K is Elizabeth's daughter, Eliza Jane Keener wife of Leroy Keener is 86 yrs old & is blind & she & Leroy are living at the old Alfred Funk home. Joe says Leroy is not as old as he is. He is a son of David Keener.

5. James married Rebecca Fisher. he was called big "Jim" Brown & had children: Samuel, Levi, Enoch F. & Isabella.

6. Samuel went to Illinois, Fulton Co near Canton & died there. Left issue.

7. David lived & died where the Herbert ovens are in an old log house in corner of Redstone Tp. Had children:

1. Mary Elia. mar William Crabb

2. Jane mar Abe Nelson

3. Lydia mar Davis Woodward

4. Amanda, youngest married Oliver M. Keener. He dead. She living

5. John Brown died unmarried

6. Davis Brown living in Kansas or Nebraska

8. John, used to live on middle Run now the Saml Riffle of Wm H. home.

Jesse Brown, an old bachelor was a son of the original James & a [6]aid they were married in the l?_#(@_#M___(front parlor at Springdal

raised by his Uncle Jesse & he was the father of Jesse P. Brown.

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John A. Moore was the son of Aaron Moore & his wife Mary Haney & a grandson of old Capt John Moore, the original Moore in Fayette Co. Wm A & Abraham were brothers of John A. Page 511. Ann Thompson Moore died unmarried & is buried at old Capt John Moore g.y. later Evans W. Hess

Page 511. Elias Jeffries that married Mary H. Moore was son of Wm & Sally. He lived on the old Buchanan farm & is buried at Pres g.y. at New Salem.

511. Matilda Jeffries, wife of Geo C. Moore was daughter of Darlington Jefferis. She lives with Joe Antrim.

512. Joe Antrim & wife Lydia live just above the Moore girls

513. Alex Black who married Adeline Moore was son of Henry Black above.

513. Elizabeth Haney, wife of Joseph C. Moss was daughter of Samuel Haney & sister of John Haney, the father of Clark B. She lived at Grand Ridge Ills & was aged 100 yrs & some months when she died. They have her picture taken when she was abt 100 yrs old.

Joe says to see Jacob Allen Moss living abt 3/4 of a mile from Grand Ridge west & north for records of this family.

514. Sarah Louisa Moss married Wilson McWilliams of an older generation than Izard. He is buried close to Sarcoxie, Jasper Co Mo. She is buried at Leckys. He did not remarry. Had but

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one boy, Jacob Moss McWilliams & a daughter died when a baby. Jacob M. McW. went to Jasper Co MO with his father & they think he has died & say he never married.

Page 518. Rachel Molton wife of Robt A. Moss was daughter of John Molton & his wife, Rebecca Wilson, a daughter of old Joe Wilson a Rev soldier under Gen Washington & with Genl Wayne when he took Stony Point. Rachel Molton was born 1822.

Page 518. Joe's wife was the daughter of Reason Moore & his wife Mary Ann Walters. Reason was a bro of Wm R., John M. & Ezekiel, all sons of reason Moore who was a son of Capt John.

Joe's wife Hannah Lavina Moore was born July 21, 1854.

Page 518. Abner B. Wassam came from Indiana Co Pa & won't tell his age. They don't know the names of his parents.

Page 519. Mary Ann Hibbs, wife of John A. Moss was daughter of Jonah Hibbs & his second wife Nancy Jeffries who was a sister or half sister of Darlington Jeffries.

Page 519. James Deffenbaugh was son of Eli Deffenbaugh & his wife Dusenberg [Dusenbery?] & he was a brother of J. Morgan Deffenbaugh of Masontown Pa who died recently. His daughter, Margery Ellen

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married on Feby 24, 1920 to Dr Geo A. Hoop of Hickory Wash Co Pa son of Elmer E. & Julia Farn [Fam?] Hoop who was born Nov 12, 1896 & they have one son George Arthur Hoop Jr born May 1, 1922. They live at Hickory Pa

Mrs Margaret Core, widow of George & daughter of Alfred Funk lives from here first house beyond Jno H. Antram's on same side of street.

Left at 10:22 PM

At Oak Hill 11:35 PM

Joe says there is no marker to Ann Downard Thompson's grave, but there are markers to James & Elizabeth Thompson Brown buried in same g.y.

Joe says his great grandfather came out to what is now Fayette Co from Chester Co in the winter of 1775 & lived with his brother-in-law, James Brown & wife leaving his wife & child back in Chester co. He then went back & brought them out here with him & lived with his brother-in-law, James Brown & wife, where Jacob Moss was born. Joe's father, Robert A. Moss died in 1871, but shortly before his death, he wrote to the Postmaster at Chillicothe O & was informed that Dr Joseph Coates had been dead many years. They sd he was unmarried.

Edith said last week that Dr J.S. Hackney brought Dr Jno D. Sturgeon out & were seeking information about Wm & Nancy Moss

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which certain papers at the court house stated were the heirs of Margaret Sturgeon, who was probably the widow of Robert Sturgeon. See page 520 for Wm & Nancy.

I thought last week the girl I saw who was twice Edith's size was big enough, but tonight, there was another big girl there, tremendously big, twice the size of the large one & I wonder if she was Mrs Wassam. It is now 12:30 AM 2d

7:40 AM. Joe sd last night that Mary Molton, wife of Joseph Gadd line 26 p 511 was a sister of his mother, see page 526 line 6 to 13.

He & Edith also said that Sarah Cameron, wife of Orton Cropp line 2 p 512 was a sister of Alex Cameron of Masontown Pa who married Jacob Johnson's daughter, Anna.

I had made out the table on pages 520 & 521. Showing the the children of Ann Thompson & Joseph Moss with the dates of their birth & the deaths of Jacob, Sarah & Margaret & the children of Mary, Ann & Margaret, but the balance of the information noted on those pages was noted last night as given to me by Joe & Edith. Joe has a small piece of old paper dated 1778 which he says is part of the discharge of his great grandfather Joseph Moss from service on the border during the Rev War. It was dim with age. I must see it again & make copy.

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At residence of Miss Jane Huston Moore, German Tp, Fayette Co Pa May 2, 1923 10:25 AM

I arrived here at 9:45 AM, driven out by Gertrude & accompanied by her sister Alice Abbott & find Miss Moore & her sister, Mrs Margery Core, who lives with her. They are daughters of my old friend John A. Moore & Jane H. owns the farm which now contains 56 A. They knew of the Jacksons being related, but didn't know just how.

They say Samuel Galloway lived in the Forks, was a farmer & only had two children, girls. One had scarlet fever when young & couldn't talk, would write, the other one might have married late in life.

Joseph was a bachelor & lived to be very old & was driving a team of young horses that scared at the cars when crossing a RR track & he was thrown out & his foot caught & he was dragged along a gravel road until his head was beat off. He is buried at Rehoboth as is Saml & his family & also the Pattons.

Thompson Galloway was a lawyer & lived at Connellsville. His wife was "an awful nice woman". He had two children, a boy & girl. This is the man I knew as Robert T. Galloway & they & I think his wife was a (she was a Cummings) [Paull scratched out]. Her name Ellen C. Their children were Rob, a bad one & Elizabeth who married I believe Jas L. Paull.

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They show me the picture of Mrs Moss of Grand Ridge Ills who was almost 102 when she died they say. She was Elizabeth Haney, daughter of Samuel Haney & Rachel Moore the only living sister of their grandfather Aaron Moore who married Mary Haney a sister of Samuel.

Rachel Moore's sister[7]n Ewing & John 4`_#(`_#L___ Patterson to Jo

Abraham or his son Tariff Andrew who died young & without issue & is buried in the old Capt John Moore g.y. later the Evans W. Hess farm & then Harry Moore's & now Edna Hoover Newcomer. They say "Jinnie", John C. Moore, son of Abraham Moore living on the old home farm has the old Capt John Moore bible which I should see.

Margery says she remembers when I used to come to "Salem" to church riding horseback.

Page 509. They say that Mary Galloway married Jacob Moss who was a son of John Moss of Wash Co & his son Jonathan Moss used to teach school at the old Moss school house, now Windy Hill. They both went to school to him. He was a lawyer & they thought practiced at Wbg. He was married & had children. Her, ie his wife's sister was married to a Solomon & lived up by the Dunkard Ch in Uniontown. Jacob had a daughter Sarah.

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Margery says John never had a son Jonathan, but had a son Finley who may be identical with Eli. John & Hannah's youngest son was Thomas or John Thomas. Thinks they lived this side of Washington, not far from Brownsville. They think. Hannah, the second wife, was mother of all the children they knew.

Page 509. they don't have any idea what Thompson Sarah Moss married & say that Elizabeth who married a Reynolds lived down toward Pittsburgh further away than Rehoboth. Don't know of any children they had.

Page 509. Margery says the 6 children named lines 25 to 29 were not children of Mary Coates but grandchildren & their names were Moore's, their mother being a daughter of Mary Coates who married Wm Moore, no relation of their Moores & they say Lydia Margaret & her husband John Smith moved away from here & went west. Mary Anne Lecky had 3 girls: Lydia Margaret, d.y., Martha Jane mar Will Woodward, Grand Ridge Ills, Louisa, mar Rice.

William Lecky, their father mar 2d the widow Edgar nee Black, the mother of Geo W. Green & Huston Lecky is his son. Mrs Edgar was a sister of Henry Black who mar Orpha Brown & also a sister of Alex Black who I knew. Joseph & John Moore lived up about New Geneva. See page 520.

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Says Margaret Moss married James McCombs & that James C. McCombs at McClellandtown Pa was named for him. Says their little son William is buried up in the g.y. in the field above the house. & they say that their Moss grandparents took John McCombs & raised him until he was grown up & that their grandparents, Aaron Moore & wife took Wm Funk when two or three weeks old & raised him until he was a man grown. His father, Alfred Funk, carried him up to them when he was but two weeks old & they took him because no one else wanted him but he was no relation. His mother was Alfred Funk's first wife, Mary, daughter of Wm Brown & she was almost dead with consumption before her son Wm was born.

Page 512. Margery's husband John Core was the son of James Harvey Core & his wife Elizabeth Buchanan, sister of Sallie Jeffries & daughter of Christopher Buchanan & his wife Mary Robinson, both natives of Ireland. "Irish as they could be". James Harvey Core was brother of Capt Geo H. Core & Elias Core who married David Coffman's daughter & moved to Grand Ridge Ills where he died. They were sons of John who married Anne Hatfield & his brother Isaac married a daughter of Enoch French & was

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father of J. Calvin & Alfred Core & William.

Margaret thinks Henry W. Core (father of John H., James R., & Rachel) was son of an older Henry who was also brother of John & Isaac above.

Page 512. line 34. Eva Emery is daughter of John Emery (son of Conrad S.) & his wife Anna B. Griffin daughter of W.P. Griffin. She is on the jury this week.

Page 513. line 2. Anna Emery is daughter of Wm (son of John Emery, bro of Conrad S.) & his wife Mary Frances Johnson, daughter of Peter A. Johnson of Masontown Pa. Anna Emery was born Nov 4, 1879.

Page 513. f. George Deffenbaugh married Bessie Moser daughter of John H. Moser old Frame in 1916 & lives near old Frame on part of the W.P. Griffin farm. No issue.

g. Blanche married Harry Llewellyn son of John Llewellyn of Masontown Pa blacksmith & his wife Elizabeth Burwell & have one child, Alice. Etta & Jane live with her.

h. Emerson Deffenbaugh married Jane Crow, daughter of Clinton D. Crow & lives in the old W.P. Griffin home. Have five children viz:

1. Clinton Crow born Aug 3, 1914

2. Margaret Moore born Feby 1916

3. Ralph born

4. Dorothy Jane born Sept 1? 1921

5. David born Jany 27, 1923

Page 526. They say Jacob M. McWilliams died abt the time Geo C. Moore died.

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Margery thinks Wilson McWilliams was son of Abraham McWilliams who is buried at Leckys g.y. & who was an Uncle of Izard J. Huston & J. Evans McWilliams. Margery says Wilson McWilliams had brothers.

Page 519 line 17. James Deffenbaugh was also brother of Job M. & Saml M. Margery says Rev Geo L. Deffenbaugh was son of Jacob who she thinks was a brother of Eli, who was a son of Anthony.

Leaving 12:55 PM

At old graveyard on the John A. Moore farm now owned by his daughter Jane Huston Moore May 2, 1923 1:15 PM

This is in the second field above & northwest of the old house & is no longer enclosed, but the confines of the plat shows say 25 by 15 ft & there are only two marble markers & they are down & as follows:

63. James Brown died Dec 7, 1826 aged 76 yrs 10 mos & 7 days

64. Elizabeth, wife of James Brown died Apr 25, 1832 aged 78 yrs. She is daughter of Jacob Thompson & his wife Ann Downard Thompson, the latter

also buried here, but no marker.

Left 1:22 PM

At Joseph H. Antrim's German Tp, Fayette Co Pa May 2, 1923 1:50 PM

I arrived here about 15 minutes ago & Mrs Antrim has given me the dates of birth of her children page 512. She says her husband Joseph Hayden Antrim was son of Joseph Hayden Antrim & his

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wife, Mary Johnson, daughter of Jacob Johnson of David.

Joseph H. Antrim & Lydia Ann Moore were married June 29, 1898

Geo C. Moore's widow who is here is Martha Matilda Moore nee Jeffries, daughter of Darlington Jeffries, born in south Union Tp by Poplar Lane school house Jany 10, 1843.

Left 2:15 PM

At residence of Elijah Oliver Gadd, German Tp, Fayette Co Pa May 2, 1923 2:33 PM

I arrived here at 2:22 PM & Mrs Gadd has given me the dates on Page 511 of her family & says her daughter Mary Matilda Gadd named for her two grandmothers as she herself had been was married to John Mortimer Moser of McClellandtown Pa, son of Albert E. Moser & his wife Ida B. Newcomer & they live at McClellandtown Pa & have one boy:

1. John Raymond Moser born Sept 2, 1906 in this house.

Left 2:45 PM

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At residence of Eliza Jane Keener wife of David Leroy Keener, German Tp, Fayette Co Pa May 2, 1923 3:05 PM

I arrived here ten minutes ago & find Mrs K. who says I helped her out once & loaned her $10 & she has never forgotten it.

Speaking of the children of James Brown & his wife Elizabeth Thompson

1. She says Joshua married a Huggins & lived down the river below Brownsville Pa near to Pittsburgh & was killed by a fall of slate in the coal mine in which he was working. He left 2 children, both boys. James Madison rented the Sproat farm & after Sally Sproat died, James M. Brown farmed for years & years on the same farm for Margaret Thompson. He married Margaret Fogle, a sister of Clark B. Fogle & he died in New Salem Pa & is buried in the Pres g.y. there. She died before he did. Got wild & hung herself. Their children were:

1. Elizabeth, m. Fred Smith, fiddler, chil George, James, both living.

2. Mary never married, died in Pgh. Had natural dau who mar a Brown. Her name Eva. See page 548 line 12 to 18.

3. Jesse P. m. Fermine Finley dau of Eli H. Finley.

5. Clark mar Ella Harn & had 1 child, Helen died aged 11 yrs

4. Jacob died a week of so ago, married see below.

6. Lydia Mar Albert Riffle, son of Samuel & bro of David W.

7. Phoebe mar David Campbell. He dead, she living

8. Ellen mar Jesse Moore a son of Wm Moore & his wife Frost

9. Jane mar John Bennett & lives in bend of river near Millsboro & have 5 or 6 chil.

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3. Jesse P. Brown had 2 children. His boy died in infancy & the daughter, Louvia [Lousia? does this mean Louisa?] married Benj F. King & lives in New Salem Pa where he keeps store. He was son of our Ben King. They have 4 chil.

1. Byron

4. Jacob Brown married Annie Finley sister of Fairy the wife of his brother Jesse P. They had 5 chil:

a. Ethel mar Geo Tracy of New Salem son of John

b. Della mar Emmett Sutton Southfield Pa

c. Cora mar Robert Seaton bro of Joe & live Fairbanks.

d. Florence, oldest mar Taylor Jeffries, she died a yr ago.

e. Edwin mar Clara Hatfield dau of Elias Hatfield. Both dead & left one daughter Mary who lives in New Salem & teaches school at Orient Pa.

6. Lydia mar Albert Riffle & had:

1. Linton & lives at Smithton Pa mar Fretts

2. Cora mar a lame man in U'town. He died

3. a girl mar a Ross

4. Mary mar Walter Jeffries

7. Phoebe is a widow & has a large family & lives in the old John Hibbs brick house near Herbert with her son.

8. Ellen Moore had 2 children

a. Minnie, dead

b. James lives in Keyser WVA where he is a railroader.

Ellen is dead & Jesse married again & lives at Keyser WVA.

The other son of Joshua moved

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to Ohio where he married & got rich & she thinks it was Youngstown, O.

2. Jesse Brown, son of James & Elizabeth never married. He raised his nephew James Madison above noted & owned the farm where we were an hour ago, now Joe H. Antrim's.

3. Jacob Brown, son of James & Elizabeth. Dont' know about him. Thinks he was married but don't know where. James M's son who died a week or so ago was named for this great Uncle.

4. John Brown son of James & Elizabeth. He went to a still house in the neighborhood & drank too much & froze to death on his way home over near the Moores, he having fallen among a bunch of locust trees in the field & froze to death there & was found the next day. he was aged abt 30 yrs & was unmarried.

5. Elizabeth Brown, daughter of James & Elizabeth Thompson Brown was the only daughter & married old John Endsley. She thinks they are buried or she is at the Moore farm where her father & mother are buried & where I was this afternoon. Of their children:

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a. Porter Endsley mar Irene daughter of Richard Miller & had children Richard & John, the latter marrying a daughter of Geo Bolsinger.

b. Nancy, lived with Major Clark Breading by whom she had John C. Breading.

She says George Bolsinger's first wife was a Fisher, a sister of "Becky" Brown.

6. William Brown, son of James Brown & Elizabeth Thompson lived on his farm a part of which is now Elijah O. Gadd's home & the home part belongs to Joe Blanca, Slavish man & also O.M. Keener family's home which is the first house below E.O. Gadd's. It was afterwards sold to John W. Lynch. He mar first Elizabeth Watt from NY. He mar second Mrs Cassandra Campbell widow of Montgomery? Campbell. Her maiden name was Woods. He had no children by her, by first wife, thinks there were nine children. She listed ten.

A. James, the oldest, mar Rebecca Fisher & had children. 1. Mary, died single, 2. Isabella, died single, 3. Enoch F. died single, 4. Levi, mar Kate Freeman, daughter of Wm Freeman & his wife Mary Smith & had 3 boys & 2 girls

Jim, mar, she left him

George, mar Waters fr Greene Co

John mar Lizzie Ewing fr Masontown, divorced. An office in Skyscraper in Insurance.

Fannie mar Chas Ehrhard at Tower Hill

Mame mar Harry Wilt store manager at Newtown above B'ville.

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5. Samuel mar Elizabeth Jane Keener daughter of David Keener & his wife Sabina Ellen Campbell who was a daughter of Cassandra Campbell & Montgomery Campbell. They have five children viz:

Louis A. unmarried runs store at Adah Pa

Dr Henry, the youngest mar Edna Davdell fr O, an only child

Sabina Ellen, oldest mar John H. Moser

Laura mar Sol Riffle of Wm H.

Anna Jane, mar John Kimmel & lives in Indiana Co.

B. Davis Brown. He married Elizabeth Knotts. He owned the farm at Herbert Works & had 5 children.

1. Mary E. Brown mar Wm Crabb

2. Jane Brown mar Abe Nelson

3. Lydia Brown mar Davis Woodward & is still living on Jefferson St Uniontown Pa.

4. Amanda Brown mar Oliver M. Keener & she lives just below E.O. Gadd's. Oliver M. was a son of David Keener as was also Wm H., John H. & Leroy. Have 6 children:

1. Ira, lives opposite his mother

2. Walter, died single was killed in Brownsville

3. Harrison, d.y.

4. Pearl, m. Alva Rotharmel

5. Maud, died unm aged 21

6. Olive mar Chris Welch & he got killed abt 5 yrs ago by Vances Mill Junc, from a train hitting a truck. She works for Louis A. Brown. Had one girl viz:

Marie Welch, aged abt 8 yrs

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C. John Brown lived on Middle Run opposite Samuel Riffle's. He mar Eliza Ann Gilmore from over abt Masontown Pa. Thinks her father's name was Pixler or Bixler but her mother's name was Gilmore. They moved to Canton O or Ills & both died there. Had 3 children.

1. Margaret, d.y.

2. William mar Elizabeth Crago, daughter of Peter Crago & his wife Jane Flenniken. Had two children. He moved to Vermont Ills.


William, thinks dead.

3. Elizabeth mar Flenniken Crago son of Peter & Jane above. Went to Vermont, Ills. Don't know abt their children.

D. William Brown died single aged abt 35 yrs & thinks he is buried in Lecky's g.y.

E. Susan Brown mar Dan Flick & lived in Waynesburg Pa & thinks both buried in the Wbg Cem & there was markers to their graves. He was a farmer. They had but one child, William Brown Flick who lived at Beallsville Pa. He married twice, his 2d wife was a widow who I met several times at their home adjg Beallsville Pa.

See Book 12 Page 183 et seq JVT 7/9/24

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F. Mary Brown mar Joseph Funk a son she thinks of Henry Funk of New Salem Pa. They had two girls:

1. Hannah Funk mar Edward Haney & had one little girl & moved away to Ohio. Don't know what town or Co.

2. Mahala Funk mar John Vinson who she thinks came from Ohio & had 7 or 8 chil.

1. Ettie mar Allen Newcomer. She died last Mch without issue. She was his 2d wife.

2. William Vinson went to Colorado, married out there & has chil. Ask his sister Fannie V. Huston.

3. James mar ______ Bowers & moved to Ohio, thinks to Salem O.

4. Ellie Vinson mar James C. McCombs & live in McClellandtown & have 3 children:

A. Robert McCombs teaches the High School at McC

Mar a Phil lady Rita Banjer who he met at school

B. Jewel McCombs. He is a tax coll m. a Uniontown girl who worked in Nichols Jewelry store & before that in Silvermans.

C. Hazel McCombs mar John Morris who works at the RR Sta at Leckrone.

For remainder of these children see the 3 Vol Fayette Co Hist under James C. McComb's article.

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G. Lydia Brown mar Joseph Worley & are buried in Lecky's g.y. Had 5 children:

1. Elizabeth died unm aged 19 buried Leckys

2. Amy mar Wm Stevenson of Greene Co & had one child a boy called Worley who died aged abt 1 yr

3. Susann mar Joe Jeffries of Sallie for his 2d wife. No issue. Both buried in Pres g.y. New Salem Pa

4. Eliza mar Geo McCray, his first wife. Had 2 boys & 2 girls:

A. Worley McCray went off & was never heard of

B. Maggie, a nurse mar Franken being P.M. at Point Marion, Pa

C. Lina, a nurse mar a doctor & died leaving some children.

D. Edward, works around Pgh.

5. Wm? died in infancy.

H. Elizabeth Brown mar Alfred Funk for his 2d wife. (After Joseph Funk's death, his widow, Mary Brown Funk married Alfred Funk for his first wife.) Alfred's father's name was Rail & thinks his mother was a sister of Joe Funk. Her name was Susie Funk & she married a Weaver. Mary & Alfred had but one child, Wm Funk of New Salem Pa who died last Jany. He married Christiana Crago, daughter of Peter & Jane Crago, above mentioned & had 4:

A. John [twin], died when aged abt 3 yrs

B. Jane [twin], died when aged abt 3 yrs

C. Margaret, died after graduating at Wbg college, a young lady unmarried.

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D. Ralph, lives at home place where his father died. mar Ethel Roderick daughter of Chas E. Roderick & ______ Hibbs & have 5 children:

1. Margaret

2. Charles

3. Genevieve, the baby



Alfred Funk & Elizabeth had one child, Margaret Funk who married George Core & lives in New Salem now & had two children viz: Lindsey Grant core died unm, Elizabeth unm & living at home with her mother.

Elizabeth Brown's oldest child was my informant of the day viz: Elizabeth Jane Brown born on the old William Brown farm Nov 26, 1837 & married David Leroy Keener who was born Aug 9, 1850 & have had six children. Said she wasn't of the Funk tribe.

1. William Wilson natural son of James Wilson born Oct 14 when she was between 18 & 20. It is in the Funk Bible which either Jim C. McCombs or Fannie Huston has. He married Eva Provins. She has died & he is a widower living below here & has 8 chil. living & one dead. He lives 2d house below here & thinks could give all dates.

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2. Benj Oscar Keener born mar Viola Hostetter daughter of blind Samuel Hostetter & have one child, Grace Keener born Oct aged abt 24.

3. Addie Florence born Jany 31, 1875 unmarried & lives at home & joint informant of the day.

4. Alpheus Hayes Keener born Mch 4, 1877 unmarried & at home.

5. James Minor Keener born Oct 14, 1879 mar Elizabeth Tracy, daughter of Elijah Tracy & his wife Alice Langley. Both living New Salem & have 4 chil living & 1 dead.

1. Russell Eugene

2. Florence Alice

3. Raymond, died aged 1 wk

4. Robert

5. Velma Jane, born Sept 1921

6. Elizabeth Keener born Dec 8, 1882 mar John Adams & live near Fairbanks, called Newboro, a new town on the A.W. Finley farm where they own their home. Has 4 chil living & 1 dead.

1. Wm Glenn oldest born Aug 1st, 1901

2. Wilbur Lloyd d.y aged 15 mos

3. John Wilford born Oct 19, 1906

4. Cecil Roy born Oct 29

5. Elizabeth Leona, born Aug 3, 1912

Addie said as we were leaving that Wm Glenn Adams has the old watch which Alfred Funk gave him the outside case silver she says & inside gold. This is the watch Alfred once proposed selling to Ed S. Hackney.

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I. Samuel Brown, son of William mar Eliza Alleman, daughter of Jacob Allaman [sic] by his first wife who was a French. They moved with their family to Elizabethtown Vermont Co Ills where he was a farmer. When he moved, it was from his father's farm he being the baby boy & he took his father's bible with him. He moved away when Mrs K. was aged abt 18 or 20. They both died there & had five or six children:

1. Elizabeth, oldest, single & still living almost as old as my informant & she has the old bible. She says they played & fought together & she blamed things she did on Mrs K. & her Aunt Eliza would whip her for what Elizabeth had done.

2. Mary, died single

3. William, thinks dead, was not married

4. John, thinks he is living. Don't know whether married or not

5. Sarah Cordelia, died of diptheria aged 8 or 9 yrs

6. Jacob. He is dead, unmarried.

J. Orpha, youngest of the family married Henry Black, a brother of Alex Black. After she died, he married a Franks. She had by him:

1. Taylor Black. He married Hannah Keener, dau of David

Keener & she has Mrs Keener's record as she

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was married in her house. He is dead & she is living at Scottdale with her son James. Their children:

1. Eunice Black m.1. Grant Kough of Scottdale Pa divorced.

2. Walter Nabors & he died

3. Vernon Shaw of Cleveland O & she lives there at 1913 Dickens Ave.

She had 5 children by her 1st husband & none by the other two. see next page. These are Henry's chil.

2. Alex Black mar Adaline Moore dau of John A. Moore. Both dead without issue. He is buried at Woodbridgetown & she is buried in Capt Jno Moore G.Y. She died long before him.

3. Evans Black mar Nellie Chase of North Loup Neb, dau of Rev Chase. Both living at North Loup Neb. Have two girls both mar.

1. Georgia mar Rev Green

2. A dau, mar

3. Henry, going to school

4. John Black, mar a Black. He is dead. No issue?

5. Sarah Black, mar George Moser Both living near old Frame. He is 90 yrs old & is the father of John H. Moser. Children:

1. John H. mar Sabina E. Brown

2. Emma mar Hayden in U'town

3. Evans mar Smith, daughter of Dan'l P. Smith. Evans & D.P.S. were shot & killed by B.F. Smith & he had two girls, Lillian & Gladys of whom I am guardian.

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Children of Taylor & Hannah Black viz John, Albert & Maggie all died young of diptheria.

Charles H. Black mar Elizeana Riffle dau of Wm H. Riffle. No issue.

James Black mar Sadie Harbaugh from Adelaide & have 4 children viz: Charles, Mildred, Ralph, & Howard. His mother lives with them.

Leaving 6:33 PM

Mrs Keener said that David Keener's oldest child, Wm H. Keener was the father of the child that Mary Brown, daughter of James M. Brown Page 536 line 27 had. See what Brown this child married & where they are. Her name is Eva.

Oak Hill May 4, 1923 10:40 Am

Reading last night to Sarah S. Logan about what Alwillah Schwer told me Jany 20, 1923 at Hebron Neb Page 308 this book, that her grandfather, Wm Fulton's first wife was Leah Thompson, she says she was his first cousin & I thought probably a dau of Sam'l of Dr Sam'l but book 6 p 262 shows statements at James Steen Black's Feby 1, 1922 that a daughter of Wm of Dr Samuel viz Nancy married Wm Fulton & Miss Sarah E. Logan says she is sure her mother called her Sarah & she was her sister in

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law & also her first cousin as she had often stated to Sarah E.

Sarah E. thinks they were married in Westnd Co Pa in 1814 or 1816 as her mother was a young girl at the time. This first wife of Wm Fulton's died near Cadiz O near to the present Homes Thompson, then the old Saml Thompson farm as Wm Fulton was a farmer living nearby. He, Wm Fulton, mar his 2d wife at Cadiz O. His son by his first wife, Thompson Fulton, died Aug 1862 near Heyworth Ills. His son Frank T. Fulton of Moundsville WVA when out there a couple of years ago found an old man who knew his father who told him that in a political procession shortly before his death, he represented Abraham Lincoln, the rail splitter & busied himself splitting rails as the wagon he was in drove through the town.

Frank Thompson Fulton was born Jany 1863, five months after his father's death. He lives at 213 9th St, Moundsville WVA. Write him.

Page 308. Belle Fulton, daughter of Wm Fulton Jr (of Wm) died when 16 or 17 yrs old, was found dead in bed. Says her two brothers, Charles & Ralph died young, Charles dying aged abt 4 yrs & Ralph was drowned in the Sangamon River at Mahomet Ills.

Page 309. Says Robert Fulton son of Wm Sr died of consumption aged abt 19 yrs at Cadiz O Also Eliza Boyd 1st wife of his bro Wm & Mary Boyd 1st wife of his bro James both died of consumption.

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She says there was an old man, a U.P. preacher came out she thought from Pa, named Finley 60 yrs ago & preached at Antrim O which is in Guernsey Co O & about 8 miles from Freeport O.

Book 8, P 597. Sarah E. says Mrs Craynor was related to her through another branch of the Fulton family & was not related to the Thompsons.

Page 598. She says Alex Logan's daughter Osie Ellen mar Wilson Jackson from Piedmont O, not far from Freeport O & had four children, 3 daughters & 1 son. One girl is married & lives in Canton O. Sam'l Cheever Logan lives at Cuyahoga Falls O & his sister Lida (Ann Eliza) sometimes stays with him.

Walter Logan lives near West Chester O, Tuscarawas Co & is a farmer & has two children both girls.

John Yarnall married Eva Goodwin. Their oldest child, Winifred who was 10 yrs old when her father died is married.

Their daughter Ethyline is also married. Another daughter is Lois & another child & still another the youngest was a nursing babe when her father died. See Book 8 Page 598.

Page 599. Sarah E. says her brother Bennington Logan died Jany 16, 1919 & not the 23d. Says she had been living with him & left for Uhrichsville O Jany 9, 1919 & he died suddenly just one week later from heart trouble. She says Shadeland Pa where he lives is in Crawford Co

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Page 599. Am writing "Gay" Logan, Felton Calif. Her brother Ralph's widow married again & lives at Flushing O. They had two girls & a boy, one girl is married, one is with her mother going to school & the boy is at Cambridge O..

Her brother Robert A. has but one child.

P. 602. Sarah says Craynors, Caldwells, & Leech were Fultons of another family of Fulton's & were not related to the Thompsons. She says there was an old Dr McGrew came out to New Athens O & his son, Dr Jim McGrew is practicing there now.

Says her grandfather, James Fulton was 6 ft 3 in tall & that Alvin Vincent Galbraith was son of Peggy Donahey who first married a Hough & left a son now dead who lived at Dover Hill, Ind. She mar 2d a Galbraith as above, also over 6 ft & the present Gov of Ohio, Alvin Vincent (called "Vic) Donahey was named for him. I have a letter today from J.C. Donahey 78 yrs old, father of the Gov. once in a crowd someone hollered "hurrah for Vallandigham" & another "Hurrah for a rope to hang him" & Galbraith shouted "Hurrah for the devil to damn him".

He was afterwards converted & became a noted Methodist preacher but died comparatively young.

Page 601. Says her Uncle John Fulton's wife was Ann Hayes & his brother James Fulton's wife was Jane Hayes, a sister of Ann.

Says her Uncle James had 9 children.

Says her Uncle Samuel had 7 or 8 children.

Says her Uncle Jesse had 3 children.

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Jesse's son Thompson Fulton's wife died at Glade Mills Pa 3 or 4 miles fr Bakerstown Pa. Her maiden name was McKibbin & she lived with an unmarried son.

Sarah E. says:

Her Uncle William Fulton had 5 children.

Her Uncle Robert Fulton had 8 children.

I recall that when out Tuesday night to see Joe H. Moss & telling him that one of the sisters of his great grandmother Ann Thompson had married a Jackson, he said that there was an old man Jackson who lived in a cabin across the creek south on the edge of the Ebenezer Finley farm, who was related to the Moss family. He had a son who was implicated in robbing the U.S. mails at Uniontown & who came to Jacob Moss's home & wanted to stay, but Mr Moss wouldn't let him, fearing the consequences of harboring him & drove him off, but he left a plat showing the location in the mountain where they hid the money which was in the rocks to the right of the summit. Joe H. says two or three of his relatives, Uncles I believe or possibly his father, took the plat once & hunted for it, but couldn't find the money. He thought this Jackson went off west to avoid being caught.

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Sarah E. Logan says that Robert Fulton, the inventor, had a brother Abraham Fulton who lived in Washington Co Pa & she says his three sisters also lived in Washington Co Pa with their mother on the farm that Robert Fulton bought for them in the year 1786, according to Cawallader D. Colden's history. Sarah says she knew of one sister marrying Payton Cook but does not know who the others married.

I showed her the Rebecca E. Linn chart of the descendants of Abraham Fulton on which her grandfather James does not appear & neither does Robert the inventor. By referring to my Record Book 2 page 271 to 273, items 29 & 30 & from the facts there given & particularly the will of John Fulton naming his brother James as exr & his will being witnessed on Nov 17, 1788 by James & Agnes Fulton, we conclude from these records & what her mother told her that the following four Fultons were brothers:

1. Abraham who came to America 1772 & died 1787 see his will at Will Book 1 Page 27 Westd Co Pa

2. Robert, who came to America prior to 1765 & settled in Lancaster Co Pa & died there 1768, father of Robert the inventor 1765-1815 probably the oldest.

3. John, who lived in Huntington Tp, Westd Co Pa see Will Book No 1 Page 96 who died in 1789

4. James the youngest of the four who was born Mch 19, 1763 & on Mch 8, 1784 mar Agnes Thompson who was born Jany 8, 1762 see book 7 ps 112 & 113. He died in Butler Co Pa probably about 1820.

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Oak Hill, May 6, 1923 8:50 PM

Cousin Sarah E. Logan thinks her mother was about 16 yrs old when her father, James Fulton died which would make the date of his death 1819 or 1820. She says her mother's mother, Agnes Thompson Fulton did not die until after her mother had gone to Ohio which would make date of her death 1842 or later & her age 80 yrs or more. They were buried in the Deer Creek U.P. Church g.y. in Butler Co Pa which Sarah E. says is about 4 miles from Bakerstown Pa which is in Allegheny Co Pa. She says her mother was about 5 ft 6 in tall & while slender in her younger days, was rather heavy when she died in 1876. She says she was sick six weeks but was able to get up every day long enough for her to maker her bed, but that no one knew what ailed her, but she thought it was cancer. She said she had a lump which you could feel in her left breast which she thinks was a cancer & worked down into her stomach instead of showing outwardly which was borne out by her having spells of vomiting during her last illness. She said someone who had visited Deer Creek U.P. g.y. said it was full of Fultons. I am making a slip now to go there. 10:44 PM

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Room 522 Skyscraper, Uniontown Pa May 8, 1923 10:14 AM

Sarah E. Logan left yesterday morning on the 8:46 AM PRR train for Irwin Pa where she was going to visit Robert Fulton of Robert of Robert of James & Agnes Thompson Fulton. While waiting for the train which was a half hour late, she said one of the Boone men, aged 60 yrs or more of the Clendenin line, was living in Valencia Butler Co Pa near the old home & not far from Deer Creek U.P. g.y. She had said the night before that her mother was so beautiful in her casket & looked so young & was the most beautiful corpse she had ever seen.

Mrs Ellen F. King, nee Baird was in here yesterday 10:45 to 11:15 AM & said both of her grandparents were Alexanders viz Alexander Baird & Alexander Lecky. She lives now near Jefferson City Tenn 20 miles from Knoxville Tenn in the eastern part of the state & has her father, Saml M. Baird's bible from which she sent me the record. She says her sister Martha Dunham, younger than she & her husband are here from their home a 90 acres farm near Aurora WVA & says they have two sons. Mrs King said her sister, Miss Eliza J. Baird, was buried at Hopewell Church Cem Luzerne Tp, Fayette Co Pa & that she died in the arms of her cousin Miss Fogle, in a conveyance abt 3 miles from Grand Ridge Ills being on her way to a hospital

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at Ottawa, Ills & they turned around & took her back to her Uncle & Aunt's Mr & Mrs Clark B. Fogle in Grand Ridge Ills from where she had just left. She died from an overflow of bile or gall resulting, the doctors thought from being shook up on her trip on the train. She had trouble two yrs ago from gallstones.

Mrs King says she never heard of the Jenkins relatives, but had heard of the Reeds, Hustons, & Dunlaps.

Geo W. Hibbs came in to go with her & I arranged to go over to his sister Mary's at 74 Lincoln St this forenoon. She has her father's bible & I will now go over.

At residence of Miss Mary Caroline Hibbs, No 74 Lincoln St, Uniontown Pa May 8, 1923 11:37 AM

I walked over with Gilbert Montague Donham from the Gallatin Gardens who heard me tell Minnie L. Redburn who was in the car there shopping with Pallini that I was going over to Lincoln St arriving 11 AM & he introduced himself. He was born Dec 7, 1860 on Big Indian Creek VA now WVA, the son of Lewis N. Donham & his wife Lydia Catherine Barb, daughter of Gideon Barb & sister of H.K. Barb & live now abt 2 1/2 miles south from Aurora Preston Co WVA. He married Sept 18, 1889 at Hopewell Parsonage by Rev J.T. Neel to Martha Baird, daughter of Samuel Baird & his wife Elizabeth Lecky

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She was born Apr 6, 1859 in Redstone Tp, Fayette Co Pa & have two children, viz:

1. Arthur Baird Donham born May 11, 1892

2. Walter Samuel Donham born Dec 14, 1897. Both born in Monongahela Tp, Greene Co Pa..

1. Arthur B. Donham married May 13, 1915 to Bessie Pearl Calhoun who was born Feby 21? 1897, the daughter of Daniel Calhoun & his wife Laura Alice Harsh. They live on the farm & farms part of his father's place. Has a house & lot of his own. Have 3 children:

I. Charley Gilbert Donham

II. Willard Lee Donham

III. Alice Martha Donham

All born in Preston Co WVA in Union District.

2. Walter Samuel Donham married Apr 8, 1923 to Virginia Marrill Sell who was born Oct 11, 1902 daughter of Page Sell & his wife Anna Slabaugh. Are going to live with his parents.

Mary Caroline Hibbs says her father, John Hibbs was born Nov 12, 1832 & died Nov 14, 1906 in this house. He was born in Redstone Tp, Fayette Co Pa at what I knew as the Aaron J. Hibbs farm, the son of Samuel C. Hibbs & his wife Elizabeth Beal. Samuel C. Hibbs was a brother of John Hibbs who married Jane Finley, daughter of Ebenezer Finley Sr. Lacy & Elliott were sons of John & Jane.

Elizabeth Hibbs, youngest sister of Miss Mary C. Hibbs' father, became second wife of James G. Finley & had two children:

1. Quindora Finley who married Ralph Parshall son of Isaac Parshall of Vincent & have 5 children & live in Oregon.

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2. Harry Finley married a Miss Hampson & lives in Minnesota. Had 3 children last accounts Mary C. had.

Mary C. says her Aunt died in Grand Ridge Ills & she thinks her children would have gotten their father's bible. He, their father, James G. Finley, son of Ebenezer & Phoebe had married 1st Lydia Margaret McCombs daughter of John McCombs & by her had four children:

I. Rev Dr John Huston Finley

II. Bertha, M. Rev Hunt. They were missionaries & she died in China

leaving two children.

III. Robert. He married a southern lady & died 3 or 4 days there- after.

IV. Anna, married Ralph Sapp & live in Cleveland O & have two children.

John Hibbs married Hannah Lecky, daughter of Alexander & Mary Lecky (She was named for her Aunt Hannah Dunlap) in Feby 1861 at Samuel M. Baird's by Rev J.T.A. Henderson & had six children viz: all of whom were born at the brick house by Orient Coke works which I bought from him for Orient & which had been the old Jonah Hibbs home from whom he had acquired it. Jonah was a brother of Miss Hibbs grandfather, Saml C. & of John. John & Hannah Hibbs children:

1. Albert Gallatin Hibbs born Dec 21, 1863 & died Sept 3, 1868 of diptheria.

2. Mary Caroline Hibbs born Aug 6, 1866

3. Melda [Melba?] Jane Hibbs born Nov 10, 1867 & died Sept 10, 1868 of cholera infantum.

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4. Samuel Evans Hibbs born Oct 5, 1872. He was married Oct 1909 in Pittsburgh Pa by a Baptist preacher to Anna Ruble who was born Feby 2, 1880? the daughter of John C. Ruble & his wife. They live now on Fayette St just west of the Baptist church. No issue.

5. George W. (only a letter) Hibbs born July 11, 1874 & was married Oct 5, 1906 at the Burnham home on Grant St, Uniontown, Pa to Ella K. Burnham who was born Oct 5, 1878, daughter of John Burnham & his wife Laura & have 3 children viz:

1. John Burnham Hibbs born in Monessen Pa Nov 1, 1908

2. Ruth Eleanor Hibbs born in Uniontown Pa May 8, 1912

3. Dorothy Jean Hibbs born in Uniontown Pa Jany 1, 1914

They live at 75 Grant St & he is a county commissioner now.

6. Elliott L. (only a letter) Hibbs born July 11, 1874 a twin of George & married July 28, 1906 in East End Pgh at her mother's home by Rev John Royal Harris to Mildred Gaston who was born Mch 1, 1883 daughter of ____ Gaston & his wife Anna Price. They were from Gastonville Pa. near Finleyville Pa. They live now at Monessen Pa & about a month ago he was appointed commissioner of Westnd Co Pa. They have 4 children living & 2 dead. The oldest, Saml born in Monongahela City Pa & the others in Monessen Pa.

1. Samuel Gaston Hibbs born July 29, 1907 graduates this yr in high


2. (Marian, dropped) Louise Hibbs born Aug 14, 1909 sophomore in high school

3. George Elliott Hibbs born 1911 died aged 3 yrs

4. Mary Olive Hibbs died aged 3 yrs

5. Wayne Albert Hibbs born Mch 17, 1914, in school

6. Martha Elizabeth Hibbs born Oct 31, 1919

Hannah Hibbs died in this house Apr 17, 1917 & is buried with her husband in Oak Grove Cem. She was born Feby 12, 1834.

Leaving 1:18 PM

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Lobby of the Wm Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh Pa May 10, 1923 8:30 PM

In coming from Frank B. Farren's room this afternoon, I called in Room 902, Union Arcade building & saw Harry C. Markle, a smooth faced unattractive young man & told him I was getting up a history of the Markle family. He said it was a different family unless they were Jews as he was a Jew & his people had come to America about 30 yrs ago from Souther Germany in the neighborhood of Munich. He said his father's name was Samuel & his grandfather Jacob & he thought his great grandfather's name was Meyer, so he is not of our family.

Coming over to this hotel, I got a Chronicle Telegraph & find among the death notices, that Cousin Kezia Newlon Fulton Sherrard had died this morning at Hastings, Nebraska. Notice of funeral later. She was born at the Willow Tree Westnd Co Pa Sept 7, 1835 & was in her 88th yr. See page 272 et seq this book where I had been to see her on Jany 17th last. I thought then she looked to be good for ten yrs more.

I called this afternoon to see Mr Johnson 1844 Oliver Bldg & he sd Mr A.W. Mellon had written him asking abt location of some Greene Co coal I recently offered him. I showed him map of it I got today from Hoffacker & told

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him I was going on tonight to Washington City to see Mr Mellon about it. I noticed a fine editorial about him a "Big man for a big Job" in the Chronicle Telegraph, which was highly commendetory & bears out what I told him when he was hesitating about accepting the position. I am leaving at 10 PM (11 o'c daylight saving time) on the B&O for Washington D.C.. It is now 8:55 PM JVT

Ground floor writing room New Willard Hotel, Washington D.C. May 11, 1923 11:55 AM

I arrived here shortly after seven this morning, got my breakfast, got shaved, read the paper & abt 9:20 Am phoned A.E. Sixsmith, Main 6400 Branch 37 private Secy of A.W. Mellon, who he said was going to a cabinet meeting at 9:45 AM & he suggested that I come over at 12:15 PM.

I then phoned Edmund H. Bell at the Rochambeau & he asked me to come to lunch with him at 12 o'c but on telling him of my other appointment, he sd to come at 2 PM which I told him I would. I then went to the Interior Bldg to Room 328 as directed by Col W.H. Conaway & they said I was wrong & sent me upstairs & W.B. Acker who sent me to

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to Charles S. Sloane building D. Bureau of the Census. He sent a young lady downstairs with me to see a book Mr Acker told me was published in 1847 giving a list of Rev & War of 1812 pensioners. We went down & met a tall black haired girl who said she was from Latrobe Pa, daughter of John R. Ousler who was once Register of Wills for Westnd Co Pa. Just when she had graduated from school & she asked him to give her a position & she was the first woman to work on any records in Westnd Co Pa. She says her Uncle's house, just adjoining his own, was sold when she was a little girl in kindergarten to Rev Scroggs who lived there & had a son David. She knows nothing further of them. She sd her father's or grandfather's house was the oldest one in Latrobe & when I mentioned Wm Findley's she said that was just outside & mentioned 20 yrs ago when in Registers office getting a letter from Wm Findley of 80 Broadway NY who was Pres of Louisville & Nashville RR, a descendant to whom she sent a copy of Wm Findley's will, photographs of his house & farm & for whom she bought one of G.D. Albert's hist of Westnd Co. It is 12:22 PM & I must go over to see A.W. Mellon.

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Room 636 Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Phila Pa May 11, 1923 11:44 PM

I went to the Rochambeau at 2 PM today & Edmund H. Bell took me to his room at 411 & I was with him there until 4:30 PM. He had masses of records & books which he has been collecting for 30 yrs & has an intimate knowledge of his own immediate families. His wife Sara Bowman Bell came in & sat with us & talked for an hour.

He said there had been a serious quarrel between his great great grandfather, Genl Wm Thompson & Thos McKean who was then I believe, Chief Justice of the State & that Genl Thompson perhaps then Capt, had attacked McKean on the street although McKean was twice his size. Genl Thompson, being a small man. Thompson then challenged McKean to fight a duel, which he declined. McKean was ever after his sworn enemy & prevented his exchange for over four years from 1776 to 1780. Gen Thompson was a warm friend of Gov Livingston of New Jersey & through him, arranged to be exchanged for Richard Franklin, son of Benj Franklin one time Gov of NJ who was a Tory & had been captured by our troops, but through the machinations of McKean, another

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party was exchanged for Franklin & it was not until the fall of 1780 that Gel Thompson was exchanged for the Hessian Genl Baron de Riedesel & his health was so broken that he died in six months. he said the Genl's wife Catherine Ross was a sister of Geo Ross, the signer of the Declaration & that Rev Wm Thompson, first cousin of Genl Wm Thompson had married a sister of Catherine & Goe who were members of a family of thirteen children of Rev Geo Ross who came to the U.S. in 1705 & was an Episcopal clergyman at Wilmington or New Castle Delaware, went back to England, was captured by the French & held awhile a prisoner in France & rtd to Delaware & died there about 1753. This Rev Wm Thompson who was educated at Oxford Eng & went with his wife into the Episcopal Church was the son of Rev Samuel Thompson, a Presbyterian minister who was an Uncle of Genl Wm Thompson & was born in 1687 & died 1787 & was buried in a private burying ground in Wash Co Md along the Potomac River & while Mr Bell does not know whether the remains were removed or not, he does know that the tombstone was removed to a g.y. or cem about two miles distant to a small town in Wash Co Md which I believe begins

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with S, but I can't just now recall it. Rev Saml Thompson made his will in 1785 which is on record at Hagerstown Md a certified copy of which Mr Bell has. He had a large family by two wives, among them a son Alexander born in 1753 when Rev Samuel was 66 & he also had a son Samuel. This would indicate that Hugh Thompson was married before he married Mary Craig as Anjou makes great, great, great grandfather John Thomson born in 1695 the oldest child by Mary Craig.

Mr Bell says that the old descendants whom he has interviewed said that Genl Wm Thompson's father (who Anjou says was George) was an officer in the British army at an early day prior to the Rev & that two of his daughters, not named by Anjou & by his first wife married officers in the British Army (he mentioned their names) & the father, say George Thompson, came to this country & finally settled in South Carolina where he died. He married second, Lady Grace Hamilton & she was the mother of Genl Wm Thompson who was her only child, she dying not long after his birth, so that Dr Robert? Thompson of Lancaster Pa was a half brother & as was Mary, who first married a prominent man of Lancaster Pa for his

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second wife & he in his will in 1753, gives a legacy to Wm Thompson, her brother & charges her to care for him. She afterwards married Geo Stevenson.

Mr Bell says Genl Thompson's son George Thompson was a Judge at Pgh Pa & died at Hamilton hall which he thinks was up the Monongahela River a short distance. He had a son Robert Callender Thompson, whose daughter, Mary Callender Thompson married a fire eating Southern Confederate from South Carolina named Horbach & died at Georgetown adjoining Wash D.C. upwards of 90 yrs of age & where he visited her. He said Genl Wm Thompson's son Robert was in the army & died at Natchez Miss? 1797 or 1807 or along there unmarried. I think his daughter, Mary married a Holmes & his daughter Catherine married Galbreath Patterson & they are Mr Bell's great grandparents. Juliana, not Justiana married Wm Wilkins, U.S. Senator & cabinet officer (his 2d wife, I believe) & had one child by him but she & the child both died. The Genl's daughter Elizabeth, married Chevalier, Count D'Happert, a French refugee of the Revolution & after the Rev, he went back to France with his eldest son & leaving her with a younger son & other children. He was related to or a close friend of the Bourbons &

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when Louis Phillippe came on the throne, he got his property back. Mr Bell thinks they were divorced for she afterwards married again & her daughter Kate married B. Ball Long of VA, Washington Ball family & her maiden daughter Virginia Mason Long aged abt 90 but she won't tell her age, lives now with friends, not relatives, who care for her at Leesburg, Va. I should go & see her, although he says her faculties are much impaired with age.

Wm Allen Thompson, the youngest of Genl Wm Thompson's children, married Mrs Clay who was a daughter of Richard McWilliams of Delaware & he has some descendants. Mr Bell is sailing for Europe with his wife where he expects to visit an old bachelor relative, a retired barrister, Thomas? Bell aged 84 yrs living at or near Dundal, north of Ireland. He says when he can get time, he will write, giving me a full record of Genl Wm Thompson's descendants. He says his great grandfather, Wm Bell came to Pa & liked Berks Co so well that he settled in Reading & there Mr Bell, his father & grandfather were born, but he says he was brought up in Lancaster Pa.

He said that about 15 yrs or so ago, there

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was found in the attic of Dr Francis Julius LeMoyne of Washington Pa, a trunk full of the effects of Chevalier, Count D'Happert & they advertised for claimants & some descendants of the son who was left in this country, calling themselves, now Happert or Happer living at West Newton Pa proved their claim to it & took it. Mr Bell went to West Newton & saw him. He has since died, but his son had had a few of the many papers translated, they all being in French. Later, Dr LeMoyne's daughter, Madelaine, found a lot more of his papers in the attic or about the house.

Speaking of the Bowman & Elliott connection, Mrs Bell said that her grandfather Jacob Bowman, married Isabella Lowry at the home of her relative, Col Robert Elliott in Hagerstown Md & sd she was the daughter of Major James Lowry & his wife Sarah, daughter of Rev Arthur Blair, a Presbyterian preacher of Carvone or Carnone, County Donegal, Ireland. Isabella was born at Castle Fin, Co Donegal, Ireland & Mrs Bell says she is sure that her relationship to the Elliotts is through her mother so it is important to find out who James Lowry married.

I went over at 4:40 PM from the

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Rochambeau to see A.W. Mellon again about the 16,666 acres of coal in Perry & Wayne Tp I had offered him at price of seven & a half million dollars being two hundred million tons of coal & he said it was too big for him to take up. He used his age as an objection which I told him was unnecessary as he was good for 20 yrs yet, to which he answered he might get killed in an automobile accident going home tonight & cited the Federal tax of 25% & the Pa State tax of 5% making 30% that had to be paid in cash in case of his death. I left the map with him, not withstanding, he said his final decision was to not buy. I waited an hour before I got to see him & it was 5:55 PM when I left him & walking over to the New Willard found I could get a fast three hour train for here on the PRR at 7 o'clock which I took & find their time here an hour ahead for daylight saving as at Pgh. It is now 1:40 AM their time & I have finished making note of the day's interviews although I have noted the smallest part of what Mr Bell told me. He said Josephine Patterson Thompson Zell of the John Thomson of Thompsontown family born Dec 1833 was still living & an excellent woman &

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he gave me the address of her son viz: Thomas Burd Zell c/o Penn-Seaboard Steel Co 1417 Sansom St, Philadelphia Pa, who he said could tell me which of her daughters she was now with. Miss Mary C. Oursler today referred me to the Congressional Library & to the Penna Archives:

1,2,3,4,5,6, & 7 series. said the 3d series had 30 vols & that Fols 27, 28, 29 & 30 comprised the Index & that Vols 15 & 16 of 6th series is the Index to the 5th series & that all of the 7th series is the Index to the 6th series.

She said in going to the Pension office to first go to the Chief Clerk & ask for a permit to search the Rev records & then go to Miss Wilson who is in charge of said records.

I had earlier in the morning been to the Dept of the Interior Bldg & I saw there Mr W.B. Acker Room 6117, a red faced accommodating man who is wonderfully well informed & was very kind & said to come back if I wanted anything further. It is now 2 AM & I will quit as I have left call for 6:30 AM (5:30 my time) to take the 7:02 AM train to Doylestown Pa to see my old friend Thomas Hadden & Quin D. Hibbs & her son David. JVT

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Bellevue-Stratford Hotel office writing room May 14, 1923 4:42 PM

I reached Doylestown Pa via Phila & Reading RR about 8:45 Am Saturday morning 12th & went right to Tom Hadden's residence No 220 W. Court St & was admitted by his wife Minnie who said the Brown her grandfather James Higinbotham married was a sister of Isaac & Abraham & Benjamin Brown hence not of our Brown family. Tom came downstairs a little later & spoke of a record of the McCleans which his cousin Miss Mary E. Hadden had kept, a copy of which Armstrong had had made off for him embracing abt 17 pages foolscap size & which he let me take to copy & which I am to return to him. It does not name any Peairs, but give a number of children of James & Samuel McClean of North Union Tp brothers of Col Alexander McClean with dates of birth, four of whom I think are the ones that married children of Elisha & Elizabeth Peairs.

Tom said he was born Aug 9th, 1839 & is consequently in his 84th yr. He said the Haddens buried at the Tent Church (Heddy's he called them) were not related. Their daughter Helen, now Mrs Campbell, with her husband's sister called. She is a

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pretty, attractive girl about the size of Sallie Hadden Cope & has one child, a yr old which she calls Jane for Tom's mother. They drove Tom & me out through the 900 acres of the farm school property 500 A owned & 400 A rented from Mrs Hibbs where Helen's husband is the purchasing agt & stopping at the house, got Jane. They let me out at 12 o'clock noon at Mrs Quin D. Hibbs whose hair is snow white & who had just returned Thursday last from St Augustine, Florida where she had wintered. She received me respectfully, but not cordially & said her son, David Hibbs had been abroad in the World War, but not in the front but had both measles & mumps when overseas. She said too, he had kidney trouble but was away over the week-end with school friends with whom he graduated last year at the University of Penn here. She said when I asked her first about the Washington Co coal & then the 128 A in Whiteley Tp, that she consulted with David about it & also with "Ted" Edmund Donnan, son of Alvan & Lucy who married her daughter Ruth Hibbs born Feby 29, 1896 & who lived in Columbus O where Ted was in business. I left at 12:30 PM & walked back to Tom's where Minnie gave me a lunch & Tom asked me

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how I got along at Mrs Hibbs & when I told him, he said he hadn't told me before but when he spoke to her when I was there filing my acct, saying I didn't have time before the train left then to call, she said to him that "she would have slammed the door in my face if I had". So that is her measure of gratitude, her mind no doubt being poisoned by misinformation & lies promulgated by W.G. Laidley. I left at 2:15 PM & got a train at Broad St Sta for Newark, NJ & changing there reached Deal NJ at 8:16 PM & was met in their auto by Rose, Virginia, Rosemary & Patricia, a very lovely crowd to which John & Nancy were added in the morning, both fine & beautiful. I had a lovely & lively Sunday with them yesterday & leaving at 8;17 Am reached NY at 10:20 AM & going to the Waldorf Astoria engaged rooms for 25th to 30th inclusive & spoke to Messrs Lazarus & Derr abt the position of hostess for Eva T. Shepler & the latter said they did not have such a position, but referred me to their manager Roy Carruthers, a fine looking virile man with our shaped head who was busy & I could not see him until 2 PM their daylight saving time & he said such a position attached only to a resort hotel but if I would have her write him

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he would explain it to her. I then told him my mother was a Carruthers & I was getting up a history of the family & he said his people were from Dumfriesshire Scotland near Annandale where he had often been. he said his father had come over in the eighteen fifties bringing with him his only four brothers & he would like to talk to me about it again but he had then an appointment with the dentist he must go to. I then took the 2 o'c Standard train for here & stopped at 1417 Sansom St which is first number off Broad St & find Mr Zell's office is on 10th floor, but it being abt 5:30 daylight sav time I did not go up to see him. Had gotten my reservation for Pgh on the 8:10 PM train tonight, so came here & have written up this record & it is now 5:33 PM my time & 6:33 PM daylight sav time so I will read the paper & get my dinner. JVT

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Oak Hill May 21, 1923 8:22 PM

I went to the Commissioners office this morning at 10 A & met there R.S. Mcbrum & F.M. Semans Jr & had a conference between 10 & 11 AM with Geo W. Hibbs, J. Searight Marshall & Geo O Rush in regard to a compromise settlement of the Chas G. Cramer tax duplicates, we being his bondsmen. They said they wd consult about it & see us again in two or three days.

I recd the deed this morning from Piedmont Coal Co for the Glenn's run Coal field to the Ohio County Fuel Co & went with it to Greensburgh Pa on the 2:10 PM PRR train & got it & the other papers executed by my cousins there viz Margaretta R. Woods, Mary R. Keenan & Hetty B. Keenan & rtd on the 6:4 [sic] train arriving at 7:45 PM. I met W.G. Muse on the street & asked him about his mother. He said her father was William Campbell & she was one of eleven daughters, no sons, nine of whom married & raised families & two died unmarried. Mrs Shff John Guffey was one & another after celebrating her 96th anniversary in a Sept fell & broke her hip & died in Nov following. The only survivor is Nancy Foster aged 92 of Derry Pa who broke her hip five yrs ago. Asking him about Theo Campbell of Cowansburg Pa, he said he was still living & was related to his mother, he thought, a second cousin. He is going out to see his Aunt, Mrs Foster & will write me. If he is right & I remember correctly, that would make the father of Wm Campbell a brother of Col John Campbell, who married Margaret, dau of Dr Saml Thompson of North Huntingdon Tp.

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Oak Hill May 22, 1923 5:48 AM

Yesterday afternoon at the PRR station here, John M. Core Esq told me he just remembered his neighbor, Harvey Henderson's first wife Eliza Harris, the mother he said of all of his children & who he thought died fully fifty yrs ago. He said Harvey's second wife was Amanda Strickler but there was no issue by her.

In her letter of May 12, 1923 from Atlanta Georgia, Louise Henderson Husbands see page 486 has sent me two leaves four pages, one of marriages, two of births & one of deaths from her father David Henderson's family bible, from which it appears that her mother, Louisa Dunlap was his second wife. I am returning these leaves to her today registered mail after copying the record here as well as a notice of the death of her grandfather Alexander Dunlap. A letter recd yesterday, small env from Mrs Mary E. Allen RR5 Box 1 Leavenworth Kan indicates two more daughters of Alexander Dunlap viz Sarah, wife of Huston A. Kern Carmichaels Pa & Elizabeth (Silbaugh) then her brother Ernest C. Dunlap mentioned when at his home in Enid Okla Dec 5th last see pages 363 et seq.

The ink used in this bible record was very bad & is very faint, & has almost faded out entirely.

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Bible Record of David Henderson

Marriages David Henderson & Mary S. Lynn was married June 20, 1867 by Rev John A. Corder of Brownsville.

David Henderson & Louisa Dunlap was married Feby 8, 1877 by Feb J.A. Watersworth of Knox Co Ills


1. Harvy [sic] Henderson was born July 16, 1868 first son of David & Mary S. Henderson

2. Andrew L. Henderson was born Mch 23, 1870 second son of David & Mary S. Henderson

3. Rachel L. Henderson was born July 11, 1871 first daughter of David & Mary S. Henderson.

4. Eliza J. Henderson was born May 17, 1873 second daughter of David & Mary S. Henderson

David Henderson was born Jany 16, 1845.

Mary L. wife of David Henderson was born Mch 8, 1843? (although this is inked over as 1873, an error)

David Henderson's second wife, Louisa Dunlap was born Jany 1st 1857 and their children were born as follows:

5. Sparks Henderson was born Nov 30, 1877 A.D.

6. Mary Skinner Henderson was born Nov 5, 1879 A.D.

7. Samuel Junk Henderson was born Aug 27, 1881 A.D.

8. James Garfield Henderson was born July 11, 1184 A.D.

9. Amanda Henderson was born Sept 19, 1885 A.D.

10. Ollie Henderson was born Jany 8, 1888 (or 1889)

11. Stewart M. Henderson was born Sept 21, 1891

12. Louisa Henderson was born Feby 8, 1894

13. Fannie Pauline Henderson was born Jany 16, 1897


Andrew L. Henderson died May 17, 1870 second son of David & Mary S. Henderson.

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Mary Skinner Henderson died Feby 19, 1880 second child of David & Louisa Henderson (the date of her birth was erroneously inked over as 1880)

Louisa Henderson wife of David Henderson died Jany 26, 1897.

This is the end of bible record.

Obituary notice is as follows:

"Dunlap - at the residence of his sons in Union Center township, on Saturday Aug 23d, 1879 Alexander Dunlap aged 70 yrs.

Mr Dunlap was the father of the Dunlap Brothers of Union Center Tp and come to this county only three months ago with the intention of making his home near his children, but he was called early & the reunion was but a short one. He was from Pennsylvania to this State, where he leaves a large circle of friends to mourn his departure and who extend their sympathies together with friends here to the bereaved relative.

I have letter, small envelope, dated May 4, 1923 from Robert Finley, Knobs, Montana in which he reports receiving from Illinois the record of his father, Benjamin F. Finley's bible & I am recording it in a genealogical table commencing on page 580.

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[Descendant Chart]

Mary Markle, 2nd child of George Markle of Christian, see page 210 & 211 born Mch 5, 1827 & died Dec 10, 1900 in Luzerne Co Pa & buried with her husband in Moseville Cem in Fairmount Tp Luzerne Co Pa, mar _______ William Downing. Children all born on the home farm Fairmount Tp, Luzerne Co Pa.


Marion Downing. Has his parents bible & lives on the home farm in Fairmount Tp, Luzerne Co Pa & P.O. address is Fairmount Springs Pa

Charles William Downing, B Mch 12, 1863 on the old farm in Fairmount Tp, Luzerne Co Pa m. Feby 11, 1891 in Golden Colorado to Florence Kimlin who was born Dec 9, 1866 in Clark Co Ills & died June 26, 1915. She was dau of John Kimlin & his wife Elizabeth. Their 3 children were born in Littleton Colorado.

Earl Kimlin, B July 21, 1895 unmarried & at home

Adda Lena b May 4, 1904 unmarried & at home

Mary Catharine B Apr 18, 1906 ob Sept 4, 1906

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[Descendant Chart]

Alexander Finley who was the first settler in one of the townships of Ashland Co Ohio see History of Ashland Co O died as he now reports Dec 4, 1826. The Hist had stated as I remember no doubt erroneously 1825


Benjamin F. Finley, Born Apr 27, 1803 & died Aug 22, 1860. He married May 20, 1830 Mary Marks who was born Oct 7, 1810 & died Sept 11, 1851.

Alexander Finley b June 21, 1831

George, B Aug 10, 1833 ob Nov 30, 1834

James Finley, B Sept 25, 1835

Hannah Finley, B Apr 25, 1839, mar Smith

William Finley, B Mch 24, 1841

Cyrus Finley, B May 29, 1844

Barkley, B Dec 2, 1847 ob July 31, 1851

Robert Finley, B Jany 5, 1849 my informant. Lives in Montana

Hannah Finley, mar Wm Glenn who died July 21, 1837.

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Oak Hill May 22, 1923 8:11 PM

Wm J. Sherrard was in my office this afternoon & said Samuel Rankin who married Mary Henderson, now dead, daughter of his Uncle Thomas Henderson & his wife Hannah Dunlap (who was daughter of Samuel Dunlap & his wife Hannah Lecky) was a brother of Hugh Rankin & of John Rankin decd had moved in town & was living in Galesburg, Ills. Thinks he said he had married a second wife. I wrote to him today. Of his wifes sisters:

Hannah Henderson married a Shinn

Ann Henderson married Samuel Junk, a brother of Henry & son of old nervous James. he gave this Junk genealogy:

[Descendant Chart

[Junk] [children]

James, old nervous

Samuel, m.1. Ann Henderson



David, Poor director



John H.

Robert, my old friend

John S. Junk

Stewart Henderson only son of Thomas & Hannah above was a strapping big fellow & a fighter & married three times or more. One of his wives was a girl his blind Uncle Alex Henderson down Redstone Creek in Fay Co Pa raised & "she was a deft fingered dame" & would "pick up" things that didn't belong to her. Will sd Stewart moved to Missouri where he visited him once.

I went to the controllers office at 4:45 PM & met there Linn V. Phillips & had outside 15 minutes talk with him about the C.T. Cramer settlement with the County,

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he being Atty for the Commis & also about the Holler which he wants to buy in Connection with the Minor property which he owns & on all of which he wants to build a hotel when the United Gas Sta lease expires. I saw the controller Earl Huston from 5 to 5:30 PM alone & he said he knew Wm E. Crow had recommended a settlement on payt of $5000 & I told him $3000 was all we could raise & he sd he wd approve that if the Comis were satisfied. He sd the exoneration list had been given by him to Jno H. Strawn. I gave him back the old Sproat papers I had gotten from his mother & father June 6th last & he sd he wd return them to them.

Oak Hill May 23, 1923 9:24 PM

I went to Pgh today & rtn with Lucinda Wells Cotton & her daughter Mignon C. Downes in Mignone Moon Auto going through Brownsville, Centerville, Beallsville, Bentleyville, Monongahela, Finleyville, Library, Castle Shannon & Carrick & returned through Banksville, Dormont, Bridgeville, Canonsburgh, Houston, Meadow Lands, Washington, Hillsboro, Beallsville, Centerville, & Brownsville. Started 6 AM & got back 8:30 PM. Arranged with H.C. McEldowney for a loan of $50,000 on her Fayette St properties. Saw Jno McC Kennedy & he showed me ck of mon RR Co for $110,110 in payt for our RR stock payable to James A. Paisley who he expects into endorse it next Monday. I asked Mrs Cottom where her father was buried & she sd he had been buried next to his

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Aunt Mrs Lyon wife of Atty John Lyon in the old Pres g.y. but by reason of the desecration there, she & her brother Andrew Byerly Wells who has since died, had his remains removed & buried in their lot at Hopwood Pa.

Mrs Margaret Ann Thomson who I saw in Monmouth Ills last Oct 17, 1922 would have been 100 yrs old today but she died 44 days ago on Apr 9, 1923.

On this 23d of the month it is 46 yrs since Mr Redburn died, being 23 yrs in the last century & 23 yrs in this century. JVT

Oak Hill May 24, 1923 7:55 PM

I went up to the recorders office at 4:44 PM to look up abt Samuel Reed conveyance & made a valuable find in the agreement of the heirs of John Lecky & William Boyd, as it locates where Mary Jenkins went.

In hunting, I first found in old original Deed Book C the long one on top of case in a sheet following page 368 at the back on which was outlined the Plan of a town laid out by David Arnold called "Salem Town" six miles from Uniontown dated Dec 25, 1799 in which lot no 4 on N.E. cor of the Public square as I take it, where Main & Mill St Cross is marked as owned by James Thompson & the other end of Mill St is marked "Road to Thompson's Mill" no doubt the Ann Thompson mill property. On Main St was a lot marked to Robert Jackson & opposite one owned by David Jackson. Might refer to Vol 3 of the transcribed "C" book.

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In deed Book C page 1192 (Vol 3) in turning I saw where Thomas Junk & his wife Ruth conveyed their rights described in the deed preceding to Robert Junk on Apr 6, 1798 & same is witnessed by James Thompson & James Finley

In Deed Book C Page 1158 (Vol 3) Samuel Reed, James Reed & Samuel Reed convey 300 A they got from their father Thomas Reed by his will dated May 10, 1791 probated Apr 18, 1794, located in Georges Tp for consideration of £1421 to Joseph Leatherman, yeoman of said Tp. This was the father of my old friend Joel Getzendamner Leatherman & locates the Reed land. This deed was dated Mch 6, 1798.

I am not sure whether this is the Samuel Reed who married Elizabeth Lecky but I believe it is.

In Deed Book D P 2 a Samuel Reed of Franklin Tp & Sarah, his wife for $164 convey 82 A. land in sd Tp to Wm Ghrist. Dated Jany 4, 1796. Witnessed by Mary Allen & John Allen Junr.

Then follows abt half a dozen more Saml Reed conveyances that I did not have the time to look up, but I took the last one which was the important find viz No 4635. Samuel Reed et ex et all to Wm Boyd agreement dated Apr 23, 1825 recorded Dec 3, 1827 in deed book Q Page 69 showing

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Agreement made Apr 23, 1825 betwixt the heirs of John Lecky decd hereinafter named to wit:

1. Thomas Lecky

2. Alexander Lecky

3. Hannah Dunlap of German Tp, Fayette Co Pa

4. Nancy Huston of Green Co

5. Mary Jinkens of Washington Co all of Penna

6. Elizabeth Reed of the State of Ohio

7. & John Leckey if living of the one part & William Boyd of German Tp, Fayette Co Pa of the other part. Witnesseth that sd heirs of John Leckey decd agree to take $1450 it being balance of notes they hold against sd Boyd for payt of land in German Tp purcahsed by Wm Boyd from John Lecky Senr decd in his lifetime being the land sd Boyd now lives on to be pd as follows:

$400 by Jany 1, 1826 and

$1050 to be paid $100 yearly except the last yr which is to be $50. The last $1050 to be secured by mtge & the heirs to satisfy a mtge they no hold against Boyd. Signed William Boyd (seal) Mary (her mark) Jenkens [sic] (seal) Hannah (her mark) Dunlap (seal) Thomas Lecky (seal), Alexander Lecky (seal), Nancy (her mark) Huston (seal) for Elizabeth Reed, John Reed (seal) Sam Dunlap (seal), Samuel Jenkins (seal) Witness Jeremiah Lecky.

Before me James Wilson J.P. came Thomas Lecky, Alexander Lecky, Samuel Dunlap, & Hannah Dunlap

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his wife, late Hannah Lecky & ackd same on Nov 28, 1827.

And on same day Thomas Lecky comes before James Wilson J.P. & deposes & swears & says that he saw John Reed (with Wm Boyd) sign for Samuel Reed & Elizabeth Reed by virtue of a P/a by them given to sd Jno Reed sworn to by Thomas Lecky (seal)

Then comes Nancy Huston, widow of the late Samuel Huston, formerly Nancy Lecky & ackd same on Nov 30, 1827 before Jay Thompson, J.P. for Green Co Pa.

Washington Co Pa Sumerset Tp before me Sheshl Bentley J.P. for sd Co & Tp came Samuel Jenkings & Mary Jenkings late Mary Leckey heirs in part of John Lecky decd & ackd same on Dec 1, 1827. Sheshl Bentley

& on Dec 3, 1827 Jeremiah Lecky subscribing witness came before James Wilson J.P. & ackd that he seen John Reed sign said agreement.

See the next deed Pages 72 & 73 & note that ackg J.P. is David Jenkins & one of the signers is John Yonce

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Oak Hill June 6, 1923 12:33 Am transcribing

At residence of James Martin Finley & John Alexander Finley, East Finley Tp, Wash Co Pa June 56, 1923 9:14 AM

I left home at 6;15 AM this morning in Andrew's car NO 111911 (totaling 22) & reached J.V. Clark's residence No 48 North Av Wash Pa at 7:40 Am & got from him the options on the Donegal block of coal of 330 acres which is for 60 days at $150 per acre & which I am to send to Gallatin Land Co for execution. I then had Pallini drive me to W.U. Tel Co on Bean St & wired A.M. Nichols of Wbg Pa at Moundsville WVA to meet me at McLure House, Wheeling WVA at noon. We then continued on to Claysville Pa where we turned to left at the churches at the far end of the town & went out the West Finley improved road to the fourth left hand road & going down it into a valley about two miles to the second house which is an old frame house built by John Finley about 1857 with an extremely dilapidated fence & unkempt grown up yard we found on the back porch J. Alex Finley & the two young sons of his nephew Jno Wm B. Finley who soon appeared as did J. Martin Finley older bro of Alex, He & Alex are both old bachelors which accounts for the surroundings & both have whiskers, cropped reasonably short, all over their faces. They own 300 acres of land with Pgh V. Coal unsold but now optioned at $200 per acre. J. Martin Finley bears a striking resemblance to the late Solomon Phillips & his talk & actions are similar. They have a lot of bees in the yard.

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J. Alex brought out his father John Finley's big old family bible, the front cover being detached & the book split in two in the middle it was printed:

"Auburn by Alden, Beardsley & Co Rochester Wauzer, Beardsley & Co" but no date & the record is as follows:

"John Finley & Mary Ann Post were married Jany 28, 1841. (her father was Jeremiah Post & his wife was Mary Enlow says J.M.F.)


1. Jeremiah Post Finley was born Apr 28, 1842

2. Sarah Jane Finley was born Aug 30, 1844

3. James Martin Finley was born Apr 12, 1847

4. Martha Post Finley was born Aug 2, 1849 & died June 27, 1851

5. John Alexander Finley was born Oct 23, 1851

6. Robert Clark Finley was born Jany 21, 1854

7. William Buchanan Finley was born Nov 18, 1856"

This ends the bible record.

J. Martin Finley, my principal informant, said his father, John Finley was born in Donegal Tp Wash Co Pa May 7, 1810 abt 3 miles north of Claysville Pa & died here in this house Feby 17, 1908 aged 97 yrs 9 mos & 10 days

Mary Anne Post was born Aug 23, 1818 about 3 miles east of here in south Franklin Tp & died here in this house Dec 8, 1877. Both are buried in Claysville Pa & she has a marker. Of their children:

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1. Jeremiah P. Finley married Mch 15, 1877 Ruth Montgomery who was born Feby 19, 1845 in East Finley Tp, the daughter of John Montgomery of East Finley Tp & his wife Jane Post, very distant if any relation to Mary Anne Post above.

Jeremiah P. Finley died Oct 3, 1901

Ruth Montgomery Finley died Oct 22, 1900. Both buried in Claysville Cem.

Their Children:

1. Franklin Montgomery Finley born Aug 23, 1879 mar Oct 22, 1902 Fanny Jane Mounts who was born June 1879, daughter of Thomas J. Mounts & his wife Susan Elwood "Frank" & his wife are both living in Buffalo Tp where he is a farmer. To reach his home, turn off from here on right hand (or south) road two miles east of Claysville Pa & his is the first house to left of the road a large frame one. They have two children:

I. Christine Finley born June 10, 1906

II. Jeremiah Thomas Finley born June 20, 1908 both single.

2. Mary Finley born Jany 31, 1882, my principal informant along with her sister Anna Belle of this record of their father's family. She mar Mch 14, 1906 Wm Short Cotterrell who was born in East Finley Tp June 4, 1870 son of Jonas Cotterrel (brother of John, the father of Wm D. of Wbg) & his wife Anna Short. He died May 25, 1913 in East Finley Tp. They had one child:

I. Jonas Finley Cotterel born in East Finley Tp July 26, 1909 & died same day.

3. Anna Belle Finley born Sept 24, 1883

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mar Sept 2, 1914 by Rev Henry Woods of Washington Pa as per cft No 24141 series A. Orphans Court records of Wash Co Pa to Joseph Alvin Archer who was born in Greene Co Pa Mch 26, 1885, son of James McClain Archer (bro of John C. Archer) & his wife Savilla Montgomery. He gave his own record. They had one child:

I. Martha Ruth Archer born May 29, 1920 & died same day.

4. Hattie Jane Finley born Sept 12, 1884 & died Dec 23, 1891.

The above 4 children of Jeremiah P. Finley were all born in East Finley Tp.

James Martin Finley advised me to go see Mrs Cotterrel & Mrs Archer which I did & got their record as above. He also advised me to go & see Mrs John Post widow on Wayne St. Her husband was nephew of Mary Anne Post & her son Edgar Martin Post lives with her & has the Post record.

2. Sarah Jane Finley married Charles Howard Trussell son of Howard Trussell & his wife Lydia Dickerson (C.H. is brother of Joshua Dickerson Trussell). She has died but he is still living in south Franklin Tp Wash Co Pa 1 1/2 or 2 miles west of Plank road. They have 3 children living & 2 dead. Their P.O. address is Washington Pa RD

3. James Martin Finley, never married

5. John Alexander Finley, never married says now that it has been a mistake.

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6. Robert Clark married Sarah Squires of Grand Island Neb & have 2 children. Write Howard J. Finley Grand island Neb for their record.

7. Wm Buchanan Finley mar Nov 11, 1884 Birdie Martha Leonard who was born in South Franklin Tp Oct 20, 1863 daughter of Wm Leonard & his wife Cynthia Dickerson. Wm Leonard lived in South Franklin Tp. He came from about Jefferson or Carmichaels Pa. They are both living at the upper end of Wayne St at corner of Irwin, last house on left hand side. They had two children:

I. John Wm Buchanan Finley my informant for this record, born in this house Oct 26, 1886 mar Mch 8, 1916 in Donegal Tp to Florence May Linville daughter of Wilson Linville & his wife Ella Condit. She was born May 22, 1886 in Donegal Tp & have 3 children all living viz:

A. Wray Linville Finley born July 17, 1917

B. John Harry Finley born May 4, 1919

C. Helen Cora Finley born Oct 3, 1920

II. Cynthia Cora Finley born Feby 2, 1893 mar Aug 22, 1917 Romney George Rutan son of Alfred Rutan & his wife Mankey. They were married in Claysville Pa & have a baby boy.

A. Lloyd Finley Rutan born Apr 16, 1923 in Morris Tp, Greene Co Pa

They refer me to Hamilton James Alexander Finley c/o Superior Fire Ins Co corner Beaver Ave & Wester Ave Pittsburgh Pa.

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who is unmarried & is often about Washington Pa (& was in Claysville Pa Saturday 2d inst) where his sister Mary Jane lives. He is abt 69 yrs old. & J. Martin thinks he has the old bible record of their grandfather James Finley. He was born on the farm below this one in East Finley Tp son of James Finley who was the younger brother of John 1810-1908. J. Martin Finley says this James, his Uncle, was buried in Pgh or Allegheny & he thinks he got the bible of his father, James & passed it on to his son H. James A. Finley.

The children of James Finley & his wife Jane Alexander were: 1. John Finley, the oldest, see record above.

2. Margaret Finley married William Brownlee & went to Iowa or Illinois where descendants live.

3. Sarah Finley mar Robert Woods. Descendants in Aledo Ills

4. Mary (or Polly) Finley mar Wm Woods descendants in Aledo Ills

5. __________ mar Robert Sawhill. Mrs John Post says a son of these viz Finley Sawhill went to Kansas she thought to (Hiawatha) where he served several terms in the legislature & has a large family.

6. Eliza Finley mar John Ralston. Wm B. Finley says they had but two children:

I. Mattie married & went to Iowa & Mrs F. thinks she had a couple of children.

II. Eliza Jane married & is dead. They think Mattie is dead also.

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7. Jane Finley, never married

8. James Finley, youngest of the family was 15 yrs younger than his brother John & was born in Donegal Tp too from which J. Martin concludes all the family were born there. He was the father of H.J.A. Finley & Mary Jane of Wash Pa.

James Finley, the father of the above children married Jane Alexander before they came to Donegal Tp so J. Martin thinks. They moved to the farm below this one in East Finley Tp when John was 25 yrs old, say in 1835 & bought that farm ctg 150 A.

John Finley bought this one for 117 A of it about the time he was married. They now own 300 A. James, their grandfather died soon after moved on the farm below & thinks is buried in the old cemetery at Claysville Pa. Doesn't think he was very old. J. Martin don't remember him, but he may not have died until after J. Martin was born. J. Martin says they had an old bible record when down on the farm below. He thinks his grandfather & grandmother Finley both came from Ireland & from Co Down & Co Tyrone, but he does not recall that his father ever said his father was born in Ireland. he says his father knew John B. Finley of Monon City & Pgh but they never made out whether they were any relation or not.

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He says his father had full cousins by the name of Finley by the dozen out on the Dutch Fork in Donegal Tp & many of them went to Malta O & McConnellsville O on the Muskingum River. J. Martin says he was out in Ohio with the Finleys & recalls there among others "Slim Jim", "Long John", Joe etc.

He says Betty Mealy who died a few yrs ago was a "full cousin" "of Paps". Her maiden name was Finley. She had a brother Sam Finley who lived in Donegal Tp but thinks he went to Ohio. Mrs Mealy has a son Robt Mealy now past 80 yrs who lives in Donegal Tp about 5 miles north of Claysville. To get there, go out Wayne Ave & down the Buck Run Road to an Iron Bridge just after turning off to the left & the first house on the left hand side a frame is his. To get the Bucks Run Road turn off the Buck Road to the right abt 2 or 3 miles out.

Left 11 AM

We continued on to Wheeling reaching the McLure House 12:33 PM & Pallini & I got lunch & at 1 Pm I went to the office of Herbert E. Dunlap 7th floor of Natl Ex Bk Bldg & took up with him the perfecting of the Ernest Norteman title, the abstract or which he had made & passed in Nov & Dec

1900. While

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there, A.M. Nichols called up & he & M.A. McGlumply came in & we arranged that he prepare the deed & get it to H.E. Dunlap tomorrow & he said he would get it signed up by the 5 heirs of Norteman's first wife, Augusta. I then went to McLure House & phoned residence of Sam S. Williams, Woodsdale & was told he was in Pgh, so we got started homeward at 2:50 PM in a rain storm & reaching Claysville Pa went out Wayne Ave north & down the Bucks Run Road & were soon at:

Residence of Robert Finley Mealy (they have erroneously called it Maley) Donegal Tp, Wash Co Pa P.O. Claysville Pa RFD 5 June 5, 1923 4:44 PM

Mr Mealy says he was named for his grandfather Robert Finley & was born on this farm (a quarter of a mile up the hill in front of this house where his brother Wm A. lives at the old home) on Dec 25, 1842. he says his grandfather Robert Finley died before his wife Lydia & he thinks before he was born, but don't know whether he died in this county or in Ohio, but I believe it was in Ohio. His widow, Lydia lived one winter with R.F.M's mother at the old home when "he was a kid". She was a small woman & smoked a pipe.

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After that winter here, she went back to Ohio & died there. He spoke of Coshocton Co & thought that was where she lived. His grandfather George Mealy bought this farm of 86 A 115 yrs ago. In dividing it, R.F.M., my informant, got 45 A plus & his brother Wm Anderson Mealy got 40 A plus with the buildings. He says a William Anderson married his father's sister Sarah (or Sallie) Mr Mealy could not give the names of his grandfather's children, but gave part of them viz:

1. Elizabeth Finley mar George Mealy

2. Mary Finley mar Moore & lived in O & visited here with a little son Miles Moore & a daughter. This was in 1870.

3. Samuel Finley, Robt never heard of him.

4. John Finley. He visited here from Ohio abt 1883 with his son-in-law Peyton Powers who was then living in Cincinnati O. Of his parents children, he said his father & mother lived in this house when first married & their first two children were born here & died here. They then moved up to the old home where Wm A. now lives. Children were:

1. James, born & died in this house of scarlet fever

2. Maria born & died in this house of scarlet fever.

3. "Sade" Sarah Elizabeth Mealy married Wm McPherson. Both dead. Had but one child, John Burton McPherson who is clerk for my Trustees in Uniontown & who married a Ramage, a sister

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of the wife of Robt F. Mealy's son George. His house, a white frame on the hillside adjg Robt f. Mealy is on his 115 A farm & is not occupied.

4. Robert Finley Mealy born Dec 25, 1842. He married in Donegal Tp Nov 2, 1865 by Rev A.E. Myers Catharine Ralston McAdoo who was born in Donegal Tp Nov 30, 1845, daughter of John McAdoo, a native of Co Donegal Ireland who came to the U.S. when 6 yrs old & his wife Julia Ann Porter. The Ralston in her name came from her grandmother McAdoo who was a Ralston. Their children all born in this house are:

I. George Finley Mealy born Feby 13, 1867 lives at Claysville out the brick road to Dutch fork that we came out via of Wayne Ave. he married on Oct 29, 1908 Margaret Ramage who was born Aug 25, 1876 daughter of Robert Bruce Ramage & his wife Emma Frances Miller.

No issue.

II. Elizabeth Ellen Mealy born June 30, 1870 mar Mch 17, 1898 Samuel Snodgrass who was born Feby 14, 1867 son of Saml Snodgrass & his wife Matilda Lamborn. They live out the same brick road near her brother George & have three children:

A. Hazel Ellen Snodgrass born Mch 9, 1899

B. Ralph Finley Snodgrass born Mch 14, 1901

C. Katherine Adaline Snodgrass born Sept 4, 1903.

All at home unmarried.

III. Silvia Irene Mealy born Apr 10, 1876. At home unmarried & my good informant giving most of these dates from a small bible she had.

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IV. Birdie Mealy born Aug 20, 1878 & died Oct 11, 1882

V. John Leamon Mealy born Dec 25, 1881 mar June 13, 1907 Stella Montgomery who was born Dec 17, 1884 daughter of Wm Montgomery & his wife Anna McNay [McVay?]. They live up the road in the next house beyond here & have one child viz:

A. Montgomery Kenneth Mealy born Mch 13, 1909

VI. Denny Ralston Mealy born Sept 27, 1884 mar 1 Oct 28, 1908 Florence Ricedorff who was born June 1889? & died Aug 31, 1911 daughter of Jerry Ricedorff of Iowa where they were married. No issue. Mar 2. ________ in Idaho to Wessie Tyree & live at Coon Island or Vienna Pa between Claysville & West Alexander Pa. No issue.

Mr & Mrs Mealy & Silvia were very kind & are nice people.

Leaving 5:37 PM

I then walked up the hill across the field to the old home where R.F. said his brother had their parents bible & was soon:

At residence of Wm A. Mealy Donegal Tp, Wash Co Pa June 5, 192 5:54 PM

Mr & Mrs Mealy could not find his parents bible & say that his youngest sister Caroline got it or possibly their niece Decima Chapman. They completed the record of his brothers & sisters.

5. Mary Mealy married Cornelius Chapman. Both dead. He died first & she then came

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to this house her old home with her daughter Decima to live & died here. She had 4 children as follows:

I. Florence, died unmarried.

II. Nannie mar Wm Bennett & live near Cambridge O. Have 3 girls

III. Rev Andrew Chapman married & lives at Bozeman Montana. No issue.

IV. Decima married Charles Israel, an electrician & live in Chicago Ill. It is possible that she may have gotten her grandparents bible.

6. William Anderson Mealy born Aug 23, 1848 mar Feby 13, 1889 at Wheeling WVA by Rev W.T. Atwood, Jennie Mahan who was born May 20, 1867, daughter of Robert Mahan & his wife Malissa Lewis & have children all born in this house & this record taken from their small family bible:

I. Bertha May Mealy born Oct 17, 1889 mar Oct 17, 1912 at Wheeling by Rev H. Littell to Leone A. Shaler

II. Bessie Pearl Mealy born May 29, 1891 & died Aug 20, 1913 unmarried aged 22 yrs 2 mos 21 days of typhoid fever at home of John Cunningham.

III. Sadie Malissa born Apr 6, 1897 mar June 30, 1917 by Rev Jewell of Washington Hicey O. Graham. Live in Washington Pa.

IV. Samuel Anderson born May 12, 1899 unmarried. Lives with sister Mrs Graham & works at Glassworks in Wash Pa.

V. Florence Ellen born Mch 3, 1903 mar Sept 28, 1918 by Rev Burkhart of Wash Pa to Wm F. Chase who died of heart trouble Mch 31, 1920 aged 31 yrs.

I failed to ask if they had any grandchildren.

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Mr Mealy's mother died in this house when Bertha was a year old & on the night before Halloween say Oct 30, 1890 aged 75 yrs. His father had died here before.

7. George Mealy died young

8. Caroline Mealy, the youngest of the family married Joseph Clemons & lives in Independence Tp near the Farrar school house a mile this side of West Middletown Pa. Her P.O. address would be Taylorstown, her parents bible. Says she was here & her mother told her to take many things & what she wanted. She had six children viz:

I. Roy, mar & lives near Hickory Pa. No issue.

II. John is unmarried. He & his brothers Homer & Archie live together on a farm they have bought & are paying for near to their home & their mother bakes for them. The farm is in Buffalo Blaine or Hopewell Tp.

III. Homer, is unmarried.

IV. Lacey, a girl, married Ray Denning & lives in sight of her father's home. Has 3 boys viz 1. Homer 2. Lloyd & 3. a baby son.

V. Edna, died unm

VI. Archibald (Archie) unmarried. Roy, Homer & Archie were all overseas in the world War & all got back safely.

Left 6:40 PM

We then drove in town to a newly painted yellow frame house on Wayne Ave opposite & 2d below opposite the Presbyterian Church & were:

At residence of Mrs John Post & her son Edgar Martin Post, Wayne Ave Claysville Pa June 5, 1923 7:07 PM

Edgar M. recd me & from a little redback book in which he had the Post record, he told me that

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Jeremiah Post was born in Essex Co NJ Sept 10, 1769 & died June 1, 1848 in his 79th yr. He married Oct 25, 1804 Mary Enlow who was born May 10, 1780 & died Nov 30, 1854. Their daughter, Mary Anne Post was born Aug 23, 1818 & died Dec 8, 1877. See page 589 bottom.

He produced a large "commemorative Biographical Record of Washington Co Pa, published by J.H. Beers & Co Chicago 1893" ctg 1486 pages 11 x 9 inches & 4 inches thick which belongs to his mother & on page 907 is history of Jno A. Finley & of the Finley Family & which says the Finleys are of the earliest pioneers of Wash Co Pa & are of Scotch origin & goes on to say that John Finley (who is great grandfather of J. Martin & J. Alex & Wm B. Finley & Robt F. & Wm A. Mealy who I saw today) was born in Scotland whence he emigrated at an early day coming to America. When I got to here, Edgar M. Post proposed leaving me the book & I brought it along to be returned. His mother is going to make inquiries & try to buy one for me.

Edgar then got in the auto with us & we were soon:

At residence of Wm Buchanan Finley (called "Buck") up Wayne Ave corner of Irwin June 5, 1923 8:08 PM & I have already noted most of what he & his wife told me. He says H.J.A. Finley's sister living in Wash Pa is Miss Mary Jane Finley & says Harry Campsey living opposite Posts can give her address. W.B. Finley says he knows that H.J.A. Finley got his grandfather James Finley's family bible. Mrs Finley says her brother Wm C. Leonard 174 Allison Ave Wash Pa can tell about the Leonard History.

Leaving at 8:30 PM & Mr Finley goes with us to the:

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Residence of Joseph Alvin Archer Birch Ave, Claysville Pa June 5, 1923

8:36 PM

Where we met Mr Archer & his wife & her sister Mrs Cotterrel. Mrs C. said they had no bible or written record, but she gave me her father's family record from memory see pages 590-591.

Leaving 9 PM

We then went around to:

Residence of Harry Campsey just below the Presbyterian parsonage Wayne Ave Claysville Pa June 5, 1923 9:09 PM

Mr Campsey said that Miss Mary Jane Finley, sister of H.J.A. Finley lives on Maple Ave, Wash Pa. He says the Allison Ave Baptist Church is on corner of Allison & Maple Aves & she lives on Maple Av opp the church adjg a vacant lot but he don't know the name of the family she boards with. Both Mr Campsey & W.B. Finley agree with my conclusion that H.J.A. Finley wd likely have left the old bible in her charge. I now have the entire days work written up by writing all night & not going to bed & it is now 7:55 Am June 6th 1923 & I will wash up for breakfast.

JV Thompson

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[Descendant Chart]

George Bowman Markle, son of George Markle of Christian see pages 210 & 211 was born in Luzerne Co Pa Aug 28, 1847 & died in Colorado Nov 14, 1921. Married Sept 1, 1875 at Lincoln Neb to Sarah Elizabeth Landon who was born in Tioga Co Pa July 17, 1852 & died June 13, 1908 the daughter of Daniel Landon & his wife Anne Jane McAvoy & have 5 children. He died at Montrose Colo. Were married at McCook Neb.


Pollie Ann Markle, Born Sept 22, 1876 near Ashland Neb m. Apr 7, 1896 at Ouray Col to Thos H. McCarty who was born at Hamilton O & died at Carthage Ills Apr 11, 1910 or 1911 son of James & Mary McCarty. Lives 501 W. Main St Grand Junction Col.

Mary Etta McCarty, B. Apr 25, 1897 at Montrose Col

Dora Josephine, B Jany 4, 1899 at Parlin Colo

Sarah Alice McCarty b July 8, 1900 at Montrose Colo & m. June 6, 1923 at Grand Junction Colo to Louis Hitchborn.

Russell Wm, B June 18, 1902

Arthur Thomas, B June 29, 1904

Charles Blaine Markle, Born Sept 12, 1879 at Menlo, Iowa. M. Mch 15, 1906 Mrs Effie Marshall at Gunnison Colo widow of Willard Marshall & dau of Newman Elbridge Turner & his wife Addiline Swinton Hawens who was born at Delaware O Oct 20, 1880. Lives 3233 Vallejo St Denver Col. [Portions of this record have been added & amended in another hand besides JVT's]

Addie May Markle, B Mch 2, 1907 at Gunnison Col

Minnie Alvernie Markle, B May 28, 1888 at Littleton Colorado She my informant m. Jany 21, 1918 at Montrose Colo to Walter Emerson Carkhuff who was born Apr 24, 1882 at Solomon Kansas son of James Henry Carkhuff & his wife Harriett Blair. They live RFD No 2 Montrose Col. No issue.

Blanche L. Markle, B Jany 22, 1892 at Littleton Colo m. June 18, 1913 at Montrose Col to Joseph Frank Anderson who was born July 17, 1881 near Prairie City Iowa son of John C. Anderson & wife Mary Elizabeth Rhodes. Children all four born at Montrose Col. Live RFD 2 Montrose Col.

Robert Raymond B Apr 12, 1915

Evelyn Winifred, B Nov 23, 1916

Josephine Charlotte B Dec 17, 1918

Harold Clifford, B Nov 13, 1921

Frank Darrell Markle, B Apr 24, 1895 at Montrose Colo m. Sept 6, 1918 at Oakland Calif to Mildred Ayhnes who was born June 7, 1897 at S. Fran Calif dau of Paul A. Ayhens [sic] & wife Grace Walraith. No issue. Live No 3050 Maine St Oakland Calif.

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[Descendant Chart]


Caroline Markle see page 211 born at Town Hill, Luzerne Co Pa Sept 6, 1844 married July 3, 1865 at Beloit, Wis by Rev Stephen A. Adams to George M. Cosper, who was born Jany 25, 1836 near Elmira NY & died at Canton So Dakota July 31, 191-. he was son of John P. Cosper & his wife Elizabeth Clark & served over 2 yrs in Civil War in Co C 13th Wis Vol. She is living at 220 N. Kimball St Canton So Dak aged 79 with her daughter, Mrs Abbott. Moved fr Pa to Ills when she was a little child.

Annis Cosper, born July 12, 1866 at Blair Illinois M.1. to Stearns who died. M. 2d Sept 13, 1910 to William M. Abbott who was born near Sheboygan Falls Wis 1867 son of Martin Abbot & his wife Sarah Coats & live at NO 220 N. Kimball St Canton So Dak.

George E.

Herbert I.

Fannie Bowman Markle, see page 210 B. Mch 15, 1835 in Huntington Tp Luzerne Co Pa ob Apr 19, 1895 at Stuart Iowa mar Apr 20, 1860 at Beloit Wis to James Bradley Richardson born Oct 8, 1833 in Limestone Tp, Warren Co Pa, son of John Osgood Richardson & his wife Mary. also born Richardson. He is still living at Stuart Iowa. They had 3 children, the first two born in Deerfield Tp, Warren Co Pa. Have lived at Stuart Iowa for 30 yrs. Gave up the newspaper in 1921.

Emma Amanda, B Jany 15, 1861. My informant, unmarried. Ella M., B Apr 21, 1863 m. Nov 3, 1887 in Menlo Iowa then their home to Joel Edward McCarty of Columbus O where they live at 1545 Menlo Place. He was born in MO 1857? son of Alex McCarty & wife Mary Yost.

Helen Mary McCarty, B Oct 21, 1888 at Columbus O m. Oct 15, 1912 at Columbus O to Robert Clay Van Voorhis of Newart O. They live at Newark O.

Samuel Edward Van Voorhis, B July 23, 1918?

Clara Belle, B Mch 5, 1872 in LeRoy Tp Boone Co Illinois. M. Dec 15, 1892 at their Menlo Iowa home to Redden Ellsworth Barton of Stuart, Iowa. They live at Wray Colorado [Ouray?] Have twin sons.

Harry Edward, B Aug 10, 1893

Fredk Armine B Aug 10, 1893

Margaret Ann Markle, born July 15, 1839 near Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Co Pa died Oct 15, 1915 in Berkeley Calif. Mar Mch 15, 1860 in Beloit Wis to Henry Wilson Steele son of John W. Steele & wife Mary Crandell Streeter, who was born at North Bennington Vermont Oct 11, 1838 & died in Berkeley Calif Aug 9, 1909. Had 9 children. See page 210 this book.

William, B near Roscoe Ills Dec 1860 lived a few days

John Charles, B in Blaine Ills Aug 16, 1863

Milton Markle, B at Blaine Ills Jany 9, 1865 m.1. Nov 8, 1887 at Winston Mo Varena L. Johnson of Ohio & who died at Hamilton MO Dec 10, 1899. Had 5 chil 1st 4 born Winston Mo & 5th at Hamilton MO. mar 2d Oct 8, 1911 to Edna Kilbourne, native of Ills.

Erma, B Nov 9, 1859

Edna Celestia, B Aug 27, 1891 M. Oct 1923 at St Joe Mo. [if husband is listed, it's unreadable]

Herbert Newton B Sept 9 1894

Mabel, B July 12, 1896

Aileen Ruth B Jany [unreadable] 1898

Herbert Henry, B at Roscoe Ills May 17, 1867 ob Dec 24, 1890

Jesse, B at Rockton Ills 1871 ob 1873

Mary, b at Rockton Ills Nov 25, 1873 ob 1876

Edmond Ronayne, b at Nevada Iowa Aug 20, 1875 m. 1913 to Effie Ritz of Yreka Calif



Harvey Bowman, B at Nevada Iowa Mch 29, 1878 my good informant for this record. Mar Jany 1, 1900 in Battle Creek Mich Rhoda Paustian. Live at College View Neb where he is mgr & Tr of Southside Coal Co

Marguerite, M. Jany 1, 1921 [husband unreadable]

Minerva Markle, Born Oct 25, 1849, being the 10th child. She lives now at Maxwell Story Co Iowa & in her letter, s env of Feby 20, 1924, gave me the dates of her parents birth, marriage & death entered this June 1, 1924 int his colored ink on page 211. She sd her mother died at her home in Story Col Iowa which leads me to believe that her parents bible would be with her & that the dates she gives are taken from it. She was married Jany 23, 1868 at Beloit Wisconsin to John Jory who was born in Canada Feby 14, 1840 & died at Maxwell Iowa Nov 26, 1915. He was a soldier of the Civil War & was son of Thomas Jory a native of Cornwall Eng & his wife Jean Eliot who was born in Canada of French parents. They had 4 children all born on a farm in Story Co. He served nearly 4 yrs in Civil War orderly for John A. Logan. See pages 211 & 212.

Etta May Jory, B June 17, 1871 m. June 17, 1897 to Charles Robert Richardson who was born Jany 18, 1871 in Story Co Iowa son of Robert Richardson & wife Mary Armstrong. They live in Story Co Iowa on a 500 A farm. No issue.

Orville Norman Jory, B June 14, 1874. M. Oct 29, 1907 at Canton South Dakota to Mabel Elise Neyhart who was born at Janesville Wis, dau of James Clyde Neyhart of Hbg Pa & wife Sarah Lovina. They live on their farm near Maxwell Iowa & have 3 daughters all born in Story Co Iowa.

Eleanor Eugenia, B Sept 15, 1908

Jennie May, B Sept 20, 1909

Norma Leora, B Aug 11, 1911

Arcia Pearl Jory, B Apr 14, 1876 ob Dec 29, 1876

Jennie June Jory, B Aug 19, 1878, ob Sept 6, 1879

Mrs Jory writes July 15, 1924 small env that all of her bros except Benj, too young & all who married her sisters except Jas B. Richardson were in the Civil War.


*Apr 5, 1925. See Book 1 page 210 probably Elizabeth & Rebecka No not Janes' Chil. Are Armstrongs. Aug 27, 1926 See Book 17, Page 107 & 132-136, 102 & 104.

*2 See Book 5 P 266 line 12. JVT 7/17/24 See Book 1 P. 210 she is no doubt dau of James, the only son. JVT Apr 5, 1925.

*1. Mrs Mary M. Bohrer died Mch 15, 1923 sd her son D.S. Bohrer writes July 20, 1923 JVT 7/24/23

*1 Geo W. Lee died Aug 12, 1925 accidentally shot & killed while out hunting.

*1 Norton M. Dodd married 2d Mary E. Wright who was born June 16, 1861 in Allegheny Co Pa daughter of John Wright & his wife Ellen Patton. No issue to this union.

*2 May 3/23 7:50 AM. This is a mistake see page 536. Eliza Jane Keener says James Madison Brown was son of Joshua, the brother of bachelor Jesse.

*3 See Book 10 P 92 bottom


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